Search Death Records (United States)
U.S. Newspapers, 50 State Full Search (1690-present)
U.S. Obituary Database Search, (1696-present)
U.S. Birth Announcements Database, (1700s-present)
Buderim Cemetery
Maroochy Shire, Queensland, Australia
Contributed by Joy Byrne (deceased)
Saal, Maria W, d. 11-8-1987, Age/Birth:7-7-1901
Saba, John Phillip, d. 21-2-1988, Age/Birth:58
Sabina, Luigi Della, d. 11-9-1992, Age/Birth:25-5-1925
Sacre, Graham Wentworth, d. 12-2-1995, Age/Birth:29-10-1917
Sage, John Gerald (Jack), d. 11-5-1995, Age/Birth:29-11-1924
Sage, Robert Arthur, d. 1-10-1989, Age/Birth:18-4-1923
Sainsbury, Annie Laura, d. 29-11-1980, Age/Birth:
Sainsbury, George Marshall, d. 20-9-1984, Age/Birth:91
Sainty, Phoebe Frances, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1909
Saker, Anne Christina, d. 23-12-1989, Age/Birth:89
Sales, Betty Muriel, d. 27-1-1994, Age/Birth:26-12-1919
Salway, Annie Elizabeth, d. 11-7-1968, Age/Birth:81
Salway, Francis William, d. 25-11-1993, Age/Birth:6-1-1911
Salway, William James, d. 21-8-1956, Age/Birth:75
Sambell, Harvey William, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1916
Samios, Baby, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Samios, John Panagiotis, d. 3-12-1998, Age/Birth:72
Samson, Alice L, d. 6-12-1982, Age/Birth:75
Sandegren, Lois Pearl, d. 13-6-1989, Age/Birth:7-5-1931
Sanders, Elizabeth Mary, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1925
Sanderson, Allan John, d. 8-10-1983, Age/Birth:63
Sanderson, Gwendoline D, d. 31-8-1980, Age/Birth:59
Sanderson, Lindsay Ross, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1924
Sanderson, Looloo, d. 22-11-1995, Age/Birth:88
Sandilands, S. J., d. 15-7-1993, Age/Birth:71
Sangster, George, d. 19-1-1987, Age/Birth:27-8-1908
Sanham, Rodney John, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1941
Sargeant, John Henry, d. 4-10-1981, Age/Birth:72
Sargent, Edna Gladys, d. 29-11-1980, Age/Birth:59
Sargood, Harry, d. 21-11-1985, Age/Birth:22-8-1918
Sasse, Nellie Matilda, d. 12-12-1985, Age/Birth:78
Saunders, Aimee Leanne, d. 22-6-1989, Age/Birth:15-5-1986
Saunders, Annie Mary, d. 17-10-1951, Age/Birth:80
Sauverain, Kevin, d. 9-9-1994, Age/Birth:18-1-1933
Savage, Marion Joyce, d. 13-8-1993, Age/Birth:22-11-1921
Savic, Persa, d. 13-11-1992, Age/Birth:18-10-1939
Savimaki, Joel, d. 13-10-1981, Age/Birth:78
Savimaki, Laina Elina, d. 22-12-1991, Age/Birth:1-12-1911
Savimaki, Sylvi Maria, d. 22-6-1990, Age/Birth:4-6-1914
Saw, Alfred George, d. 1-7-1986, Age/Birth:71
Sawyer, Eileen May, d. 17-11-1985, Age/Birth:7-12-1906
Sawyer, Eunice F, d. 5-12-1980, Age/Birth:50
Scanlan, Michael Desmond (Des), d. 21-1-1999, Age/Birth:1932
Scanlan, Thomas Patrick, d. 8-1-1992, Age/Birth:7-11-1934
Scells, Brian Gavin, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1934
Schalk, Sheila May, d. 20-2-1994, Age/Birth:15-5-1923
Schier, Albert Victor, d. 18-1-1992, Age/Birth:14-6-1917
Schiller, Frederick Louis, d. 20-11-1992, Age/Birth:19-5-1914
Schipper, Theodore Adriaan, d. 24-2-1984, Age/Birth:4-4-1929
Schlichtkrall, Gustel Henriette, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1904
Schlichtkrall, Kurt Johann, d. 2-11-1979, Age/Birth:71
Schmidt, Elizabeth (Betty), d. 19-5-1999, Age/Birth:
Schmidt, Leonie, d. 9-3-1990, Age/Birth:8-2-1922
Schmidt, Roy Ernest, d. 29-7-1990, Age/Birth:11-1-1917
Schofield, Ethel Irene Rose, d. 28-3-1988, Age/Birth:22-9-1904
Scholes, Arthur Edward, d. 29-4-1984, Age/Birth:60
Scholes, Mary Brigit, d. 15-4-1982, Age/Birth:
Scholes, Naomi May, d. 29-8-1986, Age/Birth:62
Schott, Charles Lancaster, d. 19-5-1980, Age/Birth:76
Schott, Rose Etta, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1911
Schroder, Dr Andrew Martin, d. 27-2-1989, BSc Dip Ed MBBS, Age/Birth:7-6-1960
Schubert, Dulcie Lillian, d. 14-4-1989, Age/Birth:24-3-1918
Schuller, Englebert Denis John, d. ?, Age/Birth:85
Schuller, Isabel Jean, d. ?, Age/Birth:89
Schulz, Clara Dorothea, d. 16-10-1995, Age/Birth:90
Schulz, Leslie George, d. 4-10-1991, Age/Birth:5-4-1936
Schutz, James Leslie, d. 22-9-1993, Age/Birth:14-1-1938
Scicluna, Margaret, d. 20-11-1998, Age/Birth:25-2-1937
Scorah, Walter James, d. 16-2-1989, Age/Birth:75
Scott, Adam, d. 24-12-1992, Age/Birth:12-4-1910
Scott, Beryl Lily, d. 13-6-1994, Age/Birth:14-9-1919
Scott, Charles Conal, d. 10-2-1979, Age/Birth:87
Scott, Eleanor Forbes, d. 31-7-1961, Age/Birth:10-1-1891
Scott, James Henry, d. 28-12-1985, Age/Birth:68
Scott, Jessie Gertrude, d. 21-7-1977, Age/Birth:71
Scott, Robert , d. 13-7-1994, Age/Birth:17-8-1932
Scott, Ruby Rosina Elizabeth, d. 7-5-1991, Age/Birth:74
Scott, Thomas James, d. 9-9-1999, Age/Birth:79
Scott, W. F., d. ?, Age/Birth:
Scott-Rogers, Edna, d. 30-10-1938, Age/Birth:7-7-1904
Scott-Rogers, Ena, d. 1-6-1992, Age/Birth:17-8-1906
Scott-Rogers, Lauder, d. 28-11-1994, Age/Birth:15-3-1902
Seale, Harold W, d. 26-5-1989, Age/Birth:73
Seaman, Isabella, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1901
Seaman, Leslie Edgar, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1932
Seawright, Brett Andre, d. 23-2-1999, Age/Birth:14-4-1962
Secomb, Wilfred James, d. 10-2-1999, Age/Birth:
Seeley, Laura A R, d. 20-1-1983, Age/Birth:82
Sellens, Ellen Elizabeth, d. 4-1-1996, Age/Birth:80
Sellens, Jack, d. 7-5-1986, Age/Birth:67
Selsby, Billy Joseph, d. 25-10-1976, Age/Birth:8
Semler, Hans Theodore, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1913
Sempf, Edmund Harold, d. 13-4-1981, Age/Birth:68
Semple, Joshua Danniel, d. 26-10-1992, Age/Birth:21-2-1986
Senior, Albert (Bob), d. 21-1-1999, Age/Birth:87
Senior, Janet, d. 27-8-1998, Age/Birth:41
Setterfield, Ernest George, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1907
Seward, Leonard Walter, d. 17-1-1991, Age/Birth:51
Sewell, Brett, d. 19-5-1979, Age/Birth:67
Sexton, Brigid Veronica, d. 31-8-1996, Age/Birth:
Sexton, Nance Dell, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1924
Sgro, Domenico, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1906
Sgro, Ronald W, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1938
Shailer, Sybil J, d. 14-5-1989, Age/Birth:75
Shanks, Glenn, d. 28-11-1989, Age/Birth:20
Shannon, Ambrose, d. 22-9-1992, Age/Birth:28-7-1918
Shannon, Elizabeth D'Arcy, d. 10-7-1984, Age/Birth:
Shannon, Miriam Coomb, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1922
Shannon, Thomas Mark, d. 13-8-1983, Age/Birth:21
Sharpe, James Thomas, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Shaw, Alice Edith, d. 17-8-1984, Age/Birth:86
Shaw, Alma Florence, d. 17-6-1992, Age/Birth:30-12-1905
Shaw, Edith, d. 24-6-1991, Age/Birth:24-4-1899
Shaw, Eileen Edna, d. Nov 1986, Age/Birth:
Shaw, Ethel Dagmar, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1917
Shaw, Gordon, d. 1-9-1993, Age/Birth:88
Shaw, Helen Cicely, d. 26-9-1986, Age/Birth:87
Shaw, Hugh Kirkland, d. 27-12-1963, Age/Birth:72
Shaw, Lewis Hinsbey, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1930
Shaw, William Burnett, d. 11-1-1966, Age/Birth:68
Shea, R.L., d. 11-8-1988, Age/Birth:66
Sheahan, Dennis Claude, d. 14-9-1980, Age/Birth:69
Sheard, Amy T, d. 25-3-1979, Age/Birth:64
Sheard, W A H, d. 22-4-1973, Age/Birth:62
Shearer, Amy J, d. 4-5-1980, Age/Birth:57
Shearer, Arthur, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Shearer, Leonard Lapsley, d. 12-7-1980, Age/Birth:61
Shearer, Lionel K, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1903
Shearer, Sarah, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Shearn, Dorothy May, d. 15-4-1992, Age/Birth:
Shears, Kevin Noel, d. 6-5-1997, Age/Birth:
Sheen, Larna Diane, d. 26-2-1999, Age/Birth:24-9-1949
Sheen, Robert William, d. 16-8-1992, Age/Birth:69
Shelley, Pauline, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1923
Shepard, Joanna Elizabeth, d. 7-12-1992, Age/Birth:4-9-1970
Shepherd, Andrew, d. 22-8-1994, Age/Birth:9-11-1928
Shepherd, Kathleen Ellen, d. 1-12-1997, Age/Birth:77
Shepherd, Stirling James, d. 17-9-1994, Age/Birth:51
Sheppard, Christopher S, d. 9-4-1989, Age/Birth:7-7-1909
Sherlock, Francis Egan, d. 1-10-1989, Age/Birth:10-1-1917
Sherman, Ivy E.S., d. 1994, Age/Birth:1904
Sherman, John Hughes, d. 7-5-1983, Age/Birth:91
Sherman, Josephine Turner, d. 30-8-1985, Age/Birth:91
Sherwell, Margaret Ellen, d. 1-8-1991, Age/Birth:87
Sherwood, Clarice Emma, d. 27-7-1999, Age/Birth:
Sherwood, Ernest Samuel, d. 19-6-1986, Age/Birth:25-4-1912
Sherwood, Leo, d. 21-12-1983, Age/Birth:21-8-1917
Shield, Grace, d. 2-10-1933, Age/Birth:36
Shield, Jessie, d. 15-8-1954, Age/Birth:81
Shield, Leonard, d. 4-8-1943, Age/Birth:82
Shields, Donald Thomas, d. 25-6-1995, Age/Birth:79
Shiels, Elsie May, d. 9-3-1993, Age/Birth:90
Shipton, Edward Arthur, d. 5-11-1994, Age/Birth:24-5-1908
Shirley, Jess, d. 16-6-1992, Age/Birth:13-11-1931
Shmith, Constance Joyce, d. 24-4-1996, Age/Birth:27-8-1920
Shmith, Frederick William Lenford, d. 29-11-1982, Age/Birth:64
Shoemark, M.B., d. 16-8-1987, Age/Birth:65
Short, Arthur Edward, d. 4-9-1989, Age/Birth:4-2-1911
Short, Eileen May, d. 14-5-1995, Age/Birth:18-8-1912
Short, Leslie Raymond, d. 24-5-1986, Age/Birth:19-9-1938
Short, Olive Edith, d. 25-5-1991, Age/Birth:27-2-1921
Shorter, Claude Ashton, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1907
Shorter, Florence Ethel, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1912
Shuttleworth, Albert Wallis (Nugget), d. 20-9-1996, Age/Birth:11-7-1930
Silva, Pearl C, d. 23-8-1985, Age/Birth:85
Silver, Reginald David, d. 10-5-1974, Age/Birth:80
Silvester, Roy Watson, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1905
Silvestri, Giovanni Battiste, d. 19-5-1996, Age/Birth:4-11-1922
Simcic, Helena (Rina), d. 27-3-1998, Age/Birth:1932
Simcic, Helena, d. 1998, Age/Birth:1932
Simcoe, Arthur J.A, d. 22-10-1982, Age/Birth:86
Simcoe, Gladys E, d. 28-4-1993, Age/Birth:91
Simmonds, Christina, d. 9-1-1992, Age/Birth:88
Simmons, Brett Allan, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1969
Simmons, Dennis Robert, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1930
Simmons, Kathleen Mary, d. 13-12-1999, Age/Birth:
Simmons, Wallace Ralph, d. 26-9-1994, Age/Birth:27-12-1918
Simper, Thomas James, d. 7-6-1982, Age/Birth:64
Simpson, Alfred Flood, d. 1961, Age/Birth:1898
Simpson, Alfred John Vatas, d. 8-7-1982, Age/Birth:2-8-1884
Simpson, C.A, d. 5-6-1982, Age/Birth:67
Simpson, Christina, d. 1962, Age/Birth:1891
Simpson, Edwin Henry, d. 18-1-1950, Age/Birth:23
Simpson, Gwendolen, d. 17-5-1988, Age/Birth:13-12-1897
Simpson, Meta May, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1921
Simpson, Milford (Bill), d. 2-11-1998, Age/Birth:80
Simpson, Philip John, d. 25-11-1978, Age/Birth:18-10-1955
Simpson, Ruby Dorothy, d. 26-7-1976, Age/Birth:48
Simpson, Violet A, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1893
Sinclair, Anne Easton, d. 11-2-1985, Age/Birth:
Sinclair, Hector Montrose, d. 14-8-1994, Age/Birth:
Sinclair, Holly Garner, d. 20-12-1995, Age/Birth:21-9-1909
Sinteur, Adriaan, d. 1-4-1993, Age/Birth:2-1-1919
Skerman, Andrew Wigton, d. 11-3-1989, Age/Birth:73
Skerman, Leila Beaujolais Imrie, d. 19-11-1997, Age/Birth:90
Skerman, Russell Wigton, d. 24-2-1983, Age/Birth:24-9-1903
Skilton, Josephine Clare, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1904
Skinner, Bette, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1913
Skinner, Lloyd Neale, d. 18-10-1991, Age/Birth:14-9-1916
Skinner, Studley William James, d. 1976, Age/Birth:1914
Skipper, Ernest Harold, d. 12-2-1977, Age/Birth:24-9-1900
Skipper, Patience, d. 4-12-1995, nee Edwards, Age/Birth:19-3-1904
Skormia, Katharina, d. 25-7-1982, Age/Birth:9-10-1913
Slack, William Herbert, d. 4-10-1990, Age/Birth:26-10-1913
Slater, Charles A H (A.I.F.), d. 12-11-1948, Age/Birth:60
Slater, Emma, d. 11-7-1987, Age/Birth:12-1-1897
Slater, Mavis Jessie, d. 30-3-1958, Age/Birth:
Slattery, Patrick John Richard, d. 29-8-1989, Age/Birth:4-4-1914
Sleath, Howard Fortnam, d. 24-5-1984, Age/Birth:84
Sligo, Jessie Ellen, d. 19-12-1993, Age/Birth:22-11-1914
Sly, John Lyall, d. 7-9-1992, Age/Birth:7-8-1940
Small, Jean Margaret, d. 27-7-1995, Age/Birth:75
Small, William Athol, d. 29-3-1982, Age/Birth:63
Smallcombe, Gary Victor, d. 29-1-1995, Age/Birth:15-8-1945
Smallwood, Robert Arthur, d. 12-9-1987, Age/Birth:13-11-1905
Smerdon, Charles Forry, d. 1-9-1999, Age/Birth:81
Smietana, Anna, d. 11-9-1998, Age/Birth:
Smith, Allan Ross, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1920
Smith, Annie Gertrude, d. 18-4-1990, Age/Birth:25-4-1917
Smith, Annie, d. 25-8-1999, Age/Birth:76
Smith, Annie, d. 9-12-1980, Age/Birth:
Smith, Arnold Frederick Ross, d. 26-12-1991, Age/Birth:40
Smith, Clarence Edward, d. 24-2-1987, Age/Birth:8-6-1902
Smith, Clark, d. 26-10-1978, Age/Birth:
Smith, Claude Arthur, d. 3-4-1987, Age/Birth:82
Smith, Cliff, d. 1983, Age/Birth:
Smith, Colin Philip, d. ?, Age/Birth:75
Smith, Cyril Edward, d. 29-6-1988, Age/Birth:76
Smith, Daisy Maud, d. 30-6-1994, Age/Birth:1-10-1925
Smith, David E.W., d. 28-8-1987, Age/Birth:71
Smith, Donald Charles, d. 18-1-1983, Age/Birth:39
Smith, Edna Winifred, d. 21-11-1976, Age/Birth:68
Smith, Elfreda Jean (Sildey), d. 11-9-1987, Age/Birth:16-12-1921
Smith, Esther E, d. 18-3-1988, Age/Birth:67
Smith, Ethel, d. 6-6-1999, Age/Birth:79
Smith, Eva, d. 17-12-1979, Age/Birth:79
Smith, Francis T, d. 9-3-1986, Age/Birth:64
Smith, Francis William, d. 24-12-1991, Age/Birth:23-7-1909
Smith, Frank Edward, d. 19-11-1997, Age/Birth:19-2-1926
Smith, Gary Richard, d. 29-8-1987, Age/Birth:29-1-1956
Smith, Gilbert Brian, d. 22-12-1988, Age/Birth:30-1-1930
Smith, Gladys Castle, d. 5-7-1996, Age/Birth:15-2-1907
Smith, Gladys V, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1902
Smith, Iris, d. 1982, Age/Birth:
Smith, James Gerald, d. 20-9-1976, Age/Birth:78
Smith, John Edward, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1910
Smith, John Richard, d. 25-4-1995, Age/Birth:14-7-1925
Smith, John Robert Acklom, d. 7-12-1987, Age/Birth:75
Smith, John Stewart, d. 28-4-1990, Age/Birth:11-7-1908
Smith, John, d. 25-6-1981, Age/Birth:66
Smith, Kathleen Edith Kelverton, d. 10-8-1981, Age/Birth:76
Smith, Kazimiera, d. 27-1-1998, Age/Birth:
Smith, Lawrie, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Smith, Leonard Arthur, d. 6-5-1985, Age/Birth:79
Smith, Lindsay Cedric, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1923
Smith, Louisa Desiree Purdue, d. 25-9-1980, Age/Birth:19-9-1980
Smith, Mabel, d. 9-6-1988, Age/Birth:
Smith, Margaret Beatrice Dugdall, d. 27-2-1987, Age/Birth:13-2-1913
Smith, Margaret Nancy, d. 29-7-1991, Age/Birth:74
Smith, Mark S.A., d. 8-5-1990, Age/Birth:26-12-1924
Smith, Martin Edward John, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1921
Smith, Mary Ann (May), d. 24-12-1998, Age/Birth:
Smith, Monica Aloysius, d. 12-5-1975, Age/Birth:77
Smith, Murray Glanville, d. 7-1-1979, Age/Birth:72
Smith, Omilla Alice, d. 11-6-1993, Age/Birth:77
Smith, Ralph Arnot, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1909
Smith, Raymond John, d. 14-8-1976, Age/Birth:39
Smith, Raymond Lance, d. 12-5-1980, Age/Birth:56
Smith, Reginald H, d. 20-9-1984, Age/Birth:71
Smith, Rexie Keith, d. 5-6-1987, Age/Birth:70
Smith, Roy, d. 22-4-1983, Age/Birth:89
Smith, Susan Harding, d. 26-3-1974, Age/Birth:81
Smith, Sydney G, d. 30-5-1981, Age/Birth:79
Smith, Thomas Wilkin, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1910
Smith, W.F.H., d. 16-8-1955, Age/Birth:67
Smith, Walter V, d. 1981, Age/Birth:1904
Smith, William Charles, d. 17-12-1990, Age/Birth:7-7-1931
Smith, William Edward, d. 20-6-1984, Age/Birth:87
Smith, William Francis, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1912
Smith, William T, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1927
Smith, Yvonne Iris, d. 9-8-1994, Age/Birth:10-8-1927
Smithies, Harold George, d. 13-9-1982, Age/Birth:27-2-1907
Smolders, Paul Francois Marie, d. 5-5-1987, Age/Birth:67
Smyth, Declan Sean, d. 18-1-2000, Age/Birth:6yr11m
Smyth, Jean, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1914
Sneddon, Cody, d. 27-9-1993, Age/Birth:26-9-1983
Snell, Fred, d. 31-7-1982, Age/Birth:66
Snider, Gloria Lucy, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1923
Snook, Cyrill, d. 2-10-1979, Age/Birth:71
Snook, John, d. 1891, Age/Birth:1857
Sobey, Colin George, d. 12-5-1995, Age/Birth:81
Soden, Clair, d. 30-9-1988, Age/Birth:3-10-1906
Sollars, Herbert (John), d. 1987, Age/Birth:1899
Somer, Ellen May (Williams), d. 7-8-1995, Age/Birth:14-8-1925
Somerville, Eric L, d. 22-3-1993, Age/Birth:68
Somerville, Margaret Mary, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1924
Soper, Rosamund E.L, d. 25-8-1982, Age/Birth:79
Soppa, Doris E, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1918
Soppa, Horace Leslie, d. 6-7-1983, Age/Birth:28-11-1909
Sorensen, Charles David, d. 8-10-1975, Age/Birth:65
Sorensen, Charles Loward, d. 23-7-1965, Age/Birth:80
Sorensen, Sarah Elizabeth, d. 24-2-1962, Age/Birth:77
South, Agnes Idella 'Meg', d. 20-4-1994, Age/Birth:13-5-1905
Soutter, Garry D, d. 2-8-1970, Age/Birth:21
Soutter, L.D, d. 16-8-1988, Age/Birth:65
Spackman, Pearl Eliza, d. 1-8-1983, Age/Birth:72
Spain, Madge Geraldine, d. 8-7-1962, Age/Birth:27-1-1895
Spencer, Dewayne I, d. 1-8-1988, Age/Birth:12-12-1955
Spencer, Lambert Charles Patrick, d. 8-11-1967, Age/Birth:53
Spieritz, Raymond, d. 18-9-1993, Age/Birth:12-7-1934
Spinaze, Desmond, d. 11-8-1977, Age/Birth:37
Spinaze, Dominick, d. 22-4-1971, Age/Birth:'69
Spinaze, Mary Ellen, d. 5-8-1973, Age/Birth:67
Spinaze, Roy Dominic, d. 23-12-1984, Age/Birth:57
Spring, Reginald T, d. 22-9-1980, Age/Birth:65
Sprogis, Ila Patty, d. 26-9-1993, Age/Birth:8-4-1918
Spry, Mary Jane, d. 1959, Age/Birth:1871
Spry, Richard, d. 1952, Age/Birth:1868
Squire, Gwendoline F, d. 11-1-1980, Age/Birth:69
Squire, Jim, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1907
Squire, Mona, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1911
St Clair, Pamela Joy, d. 11-5-1992, Age/Birth:43
Staal, Elvera Constance, d. 24-1-1993, Age/Birth:19-8-1914
Staal, Lauritz William, d. 7-12-1986, Age/Birth:1-11-1911
Staal, Robert Graham, d. 13-12-1999, Age/Birth:49
Staatz, Patricia Joy, d. 3-7-1992, Age/Birth:13-9-1937
Stacey, Robert Kenneth, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1911
Stafford, Agnes Patricia, d. 21-2-1980, Age/Birth:
Stafford, Cliffe Johnston, d. 14-6-1972, Age/Birth:
Stafford, John (E.W.), d. 14-2-1985, Age/Birth:71
Stainton, Harold, d. 13-10-1992, Age/Birth:25-12-1929
Stainton, Violet F, d. 8-9-1989, Age/Birth:18-11-1932
Stallard, Etty E, d. 24-11-1971, Age/Birth:95
Stallard, Frederick W, d. 17-11-1964, Age/Birth:94
Stangl, Franz Stefan, d. 28-11-1994, Age/Birth:2-10-1932
Stangl, Heidi Elisabeth Maria, d. 28-11-1994, Age/Birth:17-1-1932
Stanley, James William, d. 28-9-1995, Age/Birth:5-2-1909
Stanton, Valma Jean, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1924
Stark, Lynette , d. 8-8-1980, Age/Birth:34
Stark, Suzanne Kathleen, d. 11-8-1997, Age/Birth:53
Steel, James Davidson, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1914
Steel, Jean, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1917
Steele, Cyril Lipscombe, d. 12-8-1988, Age/Birth:
Steele, Edna, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1907
Steele, Gwenneth, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Steele, Olive , d. 1984, Age/Birth:1899
Stegeman, Frank A.W., d. 1990, Age/Birth:1922
Stegemann, Eric E D, d. 14-1-1988, Age/Birth:5-8-1915
Stegemann, Nella Jean, d. 14-7-1985, Age/Birth:8-5-1915
Stehr, Ira, d. 9-6-1997, Age/Birth:79
Stemp, Gilbert Max, d. 4-8-1999, Age/Birth:86
Stephen, Alexander, d. 8-6-1990, Age/Birth:12-12-1910
Stephens, Blake B, d. 19-4-1993, Age/Birth:17-4-1993
Stephens, Flora Tesse, d. 18-12-1988, Age/Birth:
Stephens, John Ivan, d. 10-2-1995, Age/Birth:10-7-1912
Stephenson, Gwendolyn Claire, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1907
Steven, Donald Thomas, d. 8-5-1996, Age/Birth:22-1-1919
Steven, Vera Jean, d. 17-5-1988, Age/Birth:8-7-1920
Stevens, Cyril George, d. 10-6-1981, Age/Birth:71
Stevens, Doris Maud, d. 18-5-1994, Age/Birth:3-1-1920
Stevens, Edna, d. 25-3-1991, Age/Birth:77
Stevens, Eric Arthur, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1907
Stevens, Heather Nell, d. 28-12-1986, Age/Birth:6-6-1926
Stevens, Helen May, d. 1996, Age/Birth:1908
Stevens, Horace Edward, d. 7-8-1994, Age/Birth:1-11-1912
Stevenson, Elwyn Simpson (June), d. 1990, Age/Birth:1917
Stevenson, Ronald , d. 9-1-1994, Age/Birth:68
Stewart, Douglas H, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1917
Stewart, Joyce May, d. 16-5-1995, Age/Birth:68
Stirling, James William, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1958
Stoker, Edward A J (Ned), d. 17-4-1967, Age/Birth:70
Stoker, June, d. 1-6-1973, Age/Birth:45
Stoker, Margaret (Pat), d. 10-11-1983, Age/Birth:87
Stone, Clarice Eilean, d. 13-6-1994, Age/Birth:6-4-1919
Stone, Collin, d. 9-7-1992, Age/Birth:26-12-1914
Stone, Etta V, d. 31-5-1995, Age/Birth:8-2-1910
Stone, Ian Graham, d. 18-11-1993, Age/Birth:14-6-1936
Stone, John Alexander, d. 30-6-1970, Age/Birth:
Stone, Margaret Elizabeth, d. 29-8-1976, Age/Birth:
Storey, Bernard Alfred, d. 21-2-1983, Age/Birth:3-8-1926
Storrs, P.P, d. 6-8-1985, Age/Birth:28-3-1900
Storrs, William Townsend, d. 21-11-1983, Age/Birth:21-12-1896
Stower, Renie Nancy, d. 20-11-1983, Age/Birth:27-1-1919
Strachan, Doris E, d. ?, Age/Birth:83
Strachan, Harry G, d. ?, Age/Birth:83
Strang, Herbert Joseph, d. 4-12-1981, Age/Birth:69
Stratford, Nancy, d. 24-3-1983, Age/Birth:63
Strathearn, James H, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1912
Strathearn, Mavis Mary, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1915
Strehse, Carl-Heinz, d. 2-2-1993, Age/Birth:7-12-1928
Strickland, Charles Edwin, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1909
Strickland, Keith Alexander, d. 24-6-1994, Age/Birth:21-6-1942
Stringer, S.A., d. 29-7-1995, Age/Birth:76
Stuart, H.T., d. 4-11-1986, Age/Birth:63
Stuart, Marjorie, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1918
Stubbs-Brown, Thomas V, d. 17-9-1985, Age/Birth:14-7-1907
Such, Barbara, d. 1981, Age/Birth:
Such, William Thomas, d. 1951, Age/Birth:
Sullivan, Hazel M, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1926
Sullivan, John Thomas, d. 2-2-1991, Age/Birth:1-4-1923
Sullivan, Owen J, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1926
Sullivan, S.J., d. 9-7-1990, Age/Birth:69
Sully, Vera Nancy, d. 26-3-1975, Age/Birth:56
Summers, Eric Bartholomew, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1926
Summers, Miriam, d. 5-2-1985, Age/Birth:23-7-1909
Suosaari, Victor, d. 28-5-1990, Age/Birth:12-3-1904
Sutherland, Raymond C, d. 9-9-1982, Age/Birth:57
Sutton, Charles John, d. ?, Age/Birth:
Sutton, Jill Adelle, d. 3-5-1985, Age/Birth:27-11-1927
Sutton, Josephine Jean, d. 8-3-2000, Age/Birth:
Sutton, Leslie, d. 1981, Age/Birth:1904
Sutton, Neville Leslie, d. 1986, Age/Birth:1938
Svenson, Robert, d. 12-2-1998, Age/Birth:28-5-1959
Swaffield, Jack, d. 26-9-1984, Age/Birth:
Swain, Charles Frederick, d. 19-7-1986, Age/Birth:1-5-1918
Swallow, Stanley, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1914
Swan, Donald G, d. 21-4-1985, Age/Birth:73
Swan, John Douglas, d. 7-4-1977, Age/Birth:70
Swan, Louisa M, d. 26-9-1994, Age/Birth:90
Swan, Maida J, d. 16-2-1986, Age/Birth:61
Swan, Maurice Roy, d. 26-5-1989, Age/Birth:67
Swanson, Angus Yorke, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1914
Swanson, Jennifer Anne, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1952
Sweatman, Colin James, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1918
Swobode, Bernie, d. 17-12-1981, Age/Birth:35
Symes, Maurice H, d. 3-10-1980, Age/Birth:73

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