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Taldora Station Cemetery
McKinlay Shire, Queensland, Australia
Contributed by Anonymous, Feb 17, 2003. Total records = 2.
Taldora Station is a 'Ranch' with no address. You can write to it c/o Post Office, Julia Creek Q 4823. It is on private property and permission must be granted to enter and you will need to be escorted to visit.
To write to the Council, the address is Chief Executive Officer, McKinlay Shire Council, PO Box 177, Julia Creek Q 4823.
These cemetery inscriptions were read in 2001.
Cemetery Records
Curr, John, d. 8th May 1986, age: 68y Adult, religion, C of E
Kerr, David, d. 7th Oct 2000, Adult, c/d Heart attack, suffered from diabetes
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