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Chetwynd Cemetery
Parry Sound District, Ontario, Canada
Chetwynd Cemetery, Armour Township,
Parry Sound District, Ontario, Canada
Contributed by Gloria Pare, Nov 23, 2000, last edited Jun 22, 2006 []. Total records = 233.
I walked this cemetery Aug 31, 2000 and recorded all of the stones. The Township of Armour kindly allowed me to have a copy a map of burials in the cemetery which shows many unmarked burials up to 1998.
- Gloria PareAppleyard, Garnet Percy, h/o Helena Hadden, (unmarked-plot F-11-3)
Appleyard, Helena (Hadden), w/o Garnet Percy Appleyard, (unmarked-plot F-11-2)
Arnold, Tommy, b. Jan. 22, 1945, d. Feb. 27, 1946, s/w Richard Harris,(plot K-13-2)
Bailey, Fred, C., b. 1931, d. 1994, s/o Margaret Ann Van Duzen, (plot B-2-2)
Bailey, William, (funeral home marker-unreadable-plot B-2-1)
Beachum, George Sydney, b. 1891, d. 1963, h/o Rena, (plot H-14-1)
Beachum, Rena, b. 1886, d. 1950, w/o George Sydney Beachum, (plot H-14-3)
Brant, Edward, b. 1900, d. 1994, h/o Mary Evelyn Jordan, (plot I-5-2)
Brant, Mary Evelyn (Jordan), b. 1908, d. 1978, w/o Edward Brant, (plot I-5-1)
Brown, A. Sherman, b. 1887, d. 1940, h/o Cicely E. Kelsall, (plot E-5-2)
Brown, Albert, b. 1909, (no death date), s/o A. Sherman & Cicely Brown, (plot E-5-3)
Brown, Cicely E. (Kelsall), b. 1881, d. 1972, w/o A. Sherman Brown, (plot E-5-1)
Brown, E. Maude (Goulding), b. Nov. 24, 1882, d. Apr 30, 1969, w/o Elmer E. Brown, (plot D-10-2)
Brown, Edwin Donald, d. Nov. 1, 1916, aged 2ys, s/o Elmer & Emily Brown, (plot E-9-1)
Brown, Ella, (unmarked-plot E-9-3)
Brown, Elmer "Roy", b. 1919, d. 1997, s/o Elmer & E. Maude Brown, (plot D-10-3)
Brown, Elmer E., b. Aug. 9, 1883, d. Mar 12, 1964, h/o E. Maude Goulding, (plot D-10-1)
Brown, Ernest, (unmarked-plot E-9-2)
Brown, Mary E., d. May 16, 1885, aged 5ms, d/o Henry & Mary Brown, (plot F-6-2)
Brown, Phoebe C. (Ferguson), d. Jan. 7, 1902, aged 35y 7ms, w/o Henry Brown, (there is no plot # recorded on the map for Phoebe)
Brown, William, d. May 27, 1886, aged 32ys, (plot F-6-1)
Cain, Charlie, b. 1872, d. 1886, (plot A-6-2)
Chambers, Eva (Bell), b. Jun 1, 1888, d. Nov. 30, 1949, w/o Thomas Chambers, (plot D-12-2)
Chambers, Evelyn Jean, b. 1927, d. 1997, youngest d/o Tom and Eva Chambers, (plot D-12-3, under Evelyn Johnston)
Chambers, Thomas, b. Dec. 25, 1884, d. Dec. 7, 1954, h/o Eva Bell, (plot D-12-1)
Davis, Jessie A. H. (Lane), b. 1865, d. 1956, w/o Samuel Davis, (plot I-14-2)
Davis, Randy Scott, b. May 19, 1975, d. Jan. 13, 1985, (plot K-14-3)
Davis, Samuel, b. 1865, d. 1947, h/o Jessie H. A. Lane, (plot I-14-1)
Davis, Stewart William, b. 1900, d. 1966, h/o Marjory Tucker, (plot J-14-2)
DeVries, Henry, Rev., (unmarked-plot A. 4-1)
Ferguson, Daniel, h/o Margaret Jane Hulston, (unmarked-plot F-4-3)
Ferguson, Elsie Mabel, d. May 15, 1898, aged 1y 7ms, d/o Daniel & Maggie Ferguson, (plot G-4-2)
Ferguson, George, (unmarked-plot E-8-1)
Ferguson, Ivy Irene, b. Jun 11, 1917, d. Nov. 23, 1918, d/o Lou & Jennie Ferguson, (plot D-9-1)
Ferguson, Jestus, b. 1856, d. 1917, (plot E-10-3)
Ferguson, Margaret Ann, b. Feb. 12, 1907, d. Feb. 14, 1907, d/o Lou & Jennie Ferguson, (plot D-9-2)
Ferguson, Margaret Jane (Hulston), d. Jan. 13, 1930, in her 56th yr, w/o Daniel Ferguson, (plot G-4-3)
Ferguson, infant, baby of Lou & Jennie Ferguson (buried with sisters)
Gerow, Orpha Dot (Stickland), b. Aug. 7, 1912, d. Jun 18, 1985, w/o Robert E. Gerow, (plot I-13-1)
Gerow, Robert E., b. Dec. 3, 1912, d. May 25, 1972, h/o Orpha Dot Stickland, (plot I-13-2)
Grant, Annie A. (Holloway), b. Mar 21, 1884, d. Aug. 19, 1958, w/o Robert M. Grant, (plot H-11-3)
Grant, Robert M., (dates not cut), h/o Annie A. Holloway, (plot H-11-2)
Green, Vera B. (Ferguson), b. May 11, 1901, d. Aug. 23, 1930, w/o Gordon A. Green, (plot G-4-1)
Hadden, Art, (unmarked-plot G-12-3)
Hadden, Mary Ellen, b. 1875, d. 1969, w/o William d. Hadden, (plot G-12-2)
Hadden, Mary, (unmarked-plot G-12-3)
Hadden, William J., b. Aug. 27, 1879, d. Mar 29, 1950, h/o Mary Ellen, (plot G-12-1)
Hardy, Charles Edwin, b. 1933, d. 1997, h/o Dorothy Kirkwood, (plot G-7-3)
Hardy, Dorothy (Kirkwood), b. 1930, d. 1997, w/o Charles Edwin Hardy, (plot G-7-3)
Harris, Richard, b. Oct. 3, 1949, d. Oct. 3, 1949, s/w Tommy Arnold, (plot K-13-1)
Henry, James, d. Nov. 5, 1910, aged 68y 7m 19ds, (plot E-3-1)
Hewitt, Ester Fern (Stickland), b. 1907, d. 1985, w/o John A. Hewitt, (plot L-15-1)
Hewitt, John A., b. 1902, d. 1977, h/o Esther Fern Stickland, (plot L-15-2)
Holloway, Hannah M. (Hill), d. Apr 24, 1932, aged 74ys, w/o William A. Holloway, (plot G-11-2)
Holloway, Iris (Appleyard), (unmarked-plot G-11-3)
Holloway, William A., d. Mar 19, 1933, aged 79ys, h/o Hannah M. Hill, (plot G-11-2)
Jordan, Caroline Elizabeth, d. May 15, 1878, aged 35y 8m, 1st wife of Samuel Jordan, (plot I-6-3)
Jordan, David, infant (no dates), (plot I-11-3)
Jordan, Edward, b. 1906, d. 1958 (not recorded on cemetery map)
Jordan, Florence, b. 1892, d. 1972, (plot K-11-1)
Jordan, Fred, b. 1903, d. 1981, (plot I-11-2)
Jordan, George "Father", b. 1860, d. 1927, h/o Sarah Wright, (plot J-11-3)
Jordan, George W., (unmarked-plot H-6-3)
Jordan, George, b. 1894, d. 1970, (plot K-11-3)
Jordan, George, d. Mar 14, 1890, aged 71ys, (plot H-6-1)
Jordan, Hilda Ruth B. (Soutar), b. May 31, 1910, d. Dec. 25, 1973, w/o Samuel Edward Jordan, (plot I-6-2)
Jordan, Jean (Stroud), (unmarked-plot K-7-2)
Jordan, John (Jack), (unmarked-plot K-&-1)
Jordan, Margaret (Walker), b. 1879, d. 1963, w/o Samuel Jordan, (plot I-6-2)
Jordan, Sam, (unmarked-plot K-11-3)
Jordan, Samuel Edward, b. Jun 2, 1906, d. Feb. 7, 1958, h/o Hilda Ruth B. Soutar, (plot J-6-3)
Jordan, Samuel, b. 1855, d. 1941, h/o Margaret Walker, (plot I-6-1)
Jordan, Sarah (Wright) "Mother", b. 1876, d. 1911, w/o George Jordan Sr., (plot J-11-2)
Jordan, William Albert, d. Oct. 18, 1909, aged 15y 10m, s/o Samuel & Elizabeth Jordan, s/w Caroline Elizabeth Jordan, (plot I-6-2)
Jordan, William John, d. Oct. 15, 1890, aged 35y 3m 28ds, (plot H-6-2)
Kelsall, Ellen Elina, b. 1893, d. 1941, s/w James Picton Kelsall, (plot C-9-1)
Kelsall, James Picton, b. 1877, d. 1935, s/w Ellen Elina Kelsall, (plot C-9-1)
Kelsall, Samuel Frederick, b. Aug. 20, 1915, d. Sept. 28, 1916, (plot C-9-3)
Kernick, ??, (burial no name listed: H-4-2)
Kernick, ??, (burial no name listed: H-4-3)
Kernick, James, (unmarked-plot H-4-1)
Lane, (Marie) Eliza (Overholt), b. May 14, 1872, d. Mar 10, 1947, w/o William Lane, (plot A-7-3)
Lane, ??, (unmarked, no first name on map-plot I-7-1)
Lane, Eva A. (White), b. 1908, (no death date), w/o Leslie O. Lane, (plot E-13-3)
Lane, Henry, (unmarked-plot H-7-2)
Lane, Henry, d. Feb. 23, 1894, aged 67y 7m, (plot H-7-1)
Lane, Jane Louise (Norrington), b. 1875, d. 1930, w/o Milward E. E. Lane, (plot J-7-2)
Lane, Julia (Geneva), d. Mar 13, 1897, aged 25y 5m 3ds, w/o Charles Lane, (no plot listed)
Lane, Leslie O., b. 1902, (no death date), h/o Eva A. White, (plot E-13-20
Lane, Lorne M., b. 1896, d. 1980, brother of Leslie O. Lane, (plot E-13-1)
Lane, Margaret Roseanne (Stuber), (unmarked-plot H-7-3)
Lane, Milward E. E., b. 1875, d. 1970, h/o Jane Louise Norrington, (plot J-7-1)
Lane, Oscar, s/o William & Marie Eliza, (unmarked-plot A-7-1)
Lane, William, b. Aug. 16, 1863, d. Sept. 12, 1940, h/w Eliza Overholt, (plot A-7-2)
Leggett, Aileen, (unmarked-plot C-11-2)
Leggett, Albert, (unmarked-plot F-9-1)
Leggett, Allan C., b. 1925, d. 1970, (plot F-9-3)
Leggett, Calvin "Kelly", b. 1936, d. 1996, h/o Myrna Ann McNevan, (plot G-6-3)
Leggett, Delbert John, b. Aug. 3, 1928, d. Oct. 13, 1931, s/o John & Effie Leggett, (plot J-9-1)
Leggett, Effie I. (Brown), b. 1909, d. 1995, w/o John J. Leggett, (plot J-9-3)
Leggett, Elmer R., b. 1921, d. 1995, h/o Olive R., (plot F-4-2)
Leggett, George Herbert, b. Feb. 5, 1891, d. Dec. 28, 1891, s/o Robert & Jane Leggett, (not recorded on map)
Leggett, Gertrude Jacqueline M., b. Sept. 1, 1927, d. Sept. 25, 1927, d/o John & Effie Leggett, (plot J-9-1)
Leggett, Gordon, b. Jun 13, 1905, d. Jul 2, 1986, (plot C-11-1)
Leggett, John J. "Jack", b. 1899, d. 1958, h/o Effie I. Brown, (plot J-9-2)
Leggett, Lillian (Ferguson), (unmarked-plot F-9-2)
Leggett, Lillian B. (Fisher), b. 1934, (no death date), w/o Stanley V. Leggett, (plot F-12-1)
Leggett, Lillian B., b. 1899, d. 1979, w/o Thomas A. Leggett, (no record on map)
Leggett, Olive R., b. 1923, (no death date), w/o Elmer R. Leggett, (plot F-4-1)
Leggett, Robert "Bob", (unmarked-plot I-9-1)
Leggett, Robert James "Roy", b. 1891, d. 1968, h/o Vera Irene Jordan, (plot E-11-1)
Leggett, Robert, b. Apr 17, 1848, d. Nov. 23, 1900, h/o Sarah Jane Rumford, (plot F-8-2)
Leggett, Sarah Jane (Rumford), b. Feb. 11, 1863, d. Nov. 2, 1940, w/o Robert Leggett, (plot F-8-1)
Leggett, Stanley V., b. 1926, d. 1976, h/o Lillian B. Fisher, (plot F-12-1)
Leggett, Thomas A., b. 1893, d. 1958, h/o Lillian B., (no record on map)
Leggett, Vera Irene (Jordan), b. 1900, d. 1967, w/o Robert James Legget, (plot E-12-1)
Leggett, William George, b. Jul 29, 1895, d. Apr 7, 1897, s/o Robert & Jane Leggett, (not recorded on map)
Lemon, Ann (McCallum), (unmarked-plot-I-3-3)
Lemon, Daniel McCallum, (unmarked-plot J-3-1)
Lemon, Robert H., d. Jun 6, 1906, aged 35y 3ms, (not recorded on map)
Lemon, Robert, (unmarked-plot I-3-2)
Lemon, Robert, d. Apr 27, 1902 / aged 72 yrs, (not recorded on map)
Leslie, Wilfred, d. Dec. 9, 1967, (not recorded on map)
Levesque, Ashley Louise, b. Jul 4, 1984, d. Dec. 18, 1984, s/w James Wilfred Van Duzen, (plot L- 8-3)
Matthews, Raymond, (son of Mary, stepson of Stan Stickland), (plot C-7-3)
McLaughlin, ?,(plot D-6-2)
McLaughlin, Albert, d. Apr 1, 1889, aged 1y 22ds, s/o Francis & Mary McLaughlin, (plot D-6-1)
McLaughlin, C., (unmarked-plot F-10-2)
McLaughlin, Catherine, d. Dec. 3, 1896, aged 72ys, w/o Duncan McLaughline, (plot A-3-2)
McLaughlin, Duncan, (unmarked-plot A-3-1)
McLaughlin, Edith (Mills), b. 1892, (no death date), w/o Thomas McLaughlin, (plot E-7-1)
McLaughlin, Francis M., b. 1920, d. 1997, brother of Margaret E. McLaughlin, (plot F-5-3)
McLaughlin, Francis, d. Feb. 18, 1886, aged 3y 24ds, s/o Francis & Mary
McLaughlin, Francis, d. Sept. 10, 1903, aged 64y 4ms, (not recorded on map)
McLaughlin, Glenny, 1971, infant of Thomas & Edith McLaughlin, (plot E-7-1)
McLaughlin, Harland (Hardy), b. 1925, d. 1957, s/o Thomas & Edith McLaughlin, (plot D-7-3)
McLaughlin, Margaret E, b. 1918, (no death date), sister of Francis M. McLaughlin, (plot F-5-1)
McLaughlin, Peter, d. Jul 3, 1881, aged 20y 3m 13ds, s/o Duncan & Catherine McLaughlin, (plot A-3-3)
McLaughlin, Robert, "infant son", 1923, aged 3 weeks, s/o Thomas & Edith McLaughlin, (plot D-7-2)
McLaughlin, Thomas, b. 1874, d. 1928, h/o Edith Mills, (plot D-7-1)
McLaughlin, Thomas, d. Feb. 4, 1918, aged 75y 1m 11ds, (plot F-10-1)
McLaughlin, unnamed, unmarked burial D-6-3
McLaughlin, unnamed, unmarked burial E-6-1
McLaughlin, unnamed, unmarked burial E-6-2
McLaughlin, unnamed, unmarked burial E-6-3
McLean, burial, unnamed & unmarked in plot F-5-2
McNay, Gladys (Rumford), b. 1918, (no death date), w/o Robert P. McNay, (plot H-8-2)
McNay, Robert P., b. 1899, d. 1982, h/o Gladys Rumford, (plot H-8-1)
Murphy, Albert E., b. Nov. 19, 1912, d. Jan. 17, 1995, h/o Frieda J. Schiffler, (plot F-14-3)
Neal, Percy G., b. 1916, d. 1989, (plot E-1 -1)
Nesbitt, ??, burial unnamed, unmarked-plot E-2-2
Nesbitt, George E, Private, 3106933, Cent. Ont. Reg. CEF / d. Apr 19, 1918, (not recorded on map)
Patterson, Leonard J., b. 1910, d. 1982, (plot J-10-2)
Reed, George Jan, 1951, (plot D-5-3)
Reed, George W., b. 1909, d. 1976, h/o Hinderieka Reta DeVries, (plot C-5-2)
Reed, Grant W., b. 1954, d. 1974, s/o George W. & Hinderieka Reed, (plot C-5-1)
Reed, Hinderieka Edna, b. 1947, (no death date), d/o George W. & Hinderieka Reed, (plot D-5-1)
Reed, Hinderieka Reta (DeVries), b. 1913, d. 1997, w/o George William Reed, (plot C-5-3)
Ritchie, David, d. Apr 15, 1879, aged 55ys, (plot E-4-2) Ruff, Brenda May, also 3 cremated children, (unmarked-plot H-9-3)
Rumford, Alonzo James, d. Feb. 11, 1904, aged 1y 2m 30ds, s/o G.H. & Ida Rumford, (plot A-8-3)
Rumford, Eli Fred, b. Mar 26, 1877, d. Aug. 17, 1862, s/o Jas. & Elizabeth Rumford, (plot E-7-2)
Rumford, Fannie (Bennett), b. 1880, d. 1959, w/o Percy Bamlet Rumford, (plot I-8-2)
Rumford, George Herbert, d. Jan. 13, 1951, in his 80th yr, h/o Ida Martin, (plot A-9-2)
Rumford, Harold, b. Feb. 12, 1905, d. May 25, 1966, s/o Bamlet & Fannie Rumford, (plot I-8-3)
Rumford, Ida (Martin), d. Oct. 2, 1936, in her 64th yr, w/o George Herbert Rumford, (plot A-9-1)
Rumford, James, b. Nov. 14, 1833, d. Oct. 18, 1911, Native of Yorkshire, England, h/o Margaret E. Birch, (plot G-8-1)
Rumford, Margaret E.(lizabeth) (Birch), b. Aug. 25, 1841, d. Jan. 10, 1926, w/o James Rumford, (plot G-8-2)
Rumford, Mary Lila, b. Mar 18, 1874, d. Oct. 17, 1883, d/o Jas. & Elizabeth Rumford, (plot E-7-3)
Rumford, P.(ercy) Bamblet, b. 1879, d. 1960, h/o Fannie Bennett, (plot H-8-1)
Rumhor, ??, (burial, no name, unmarked-plot: F-3-1
Rumhor, ??, (burial, no name, unmarked-plot: F-3-2
Rumhor, Eileen (Truil), d. Jul 30, 1910, in her 21st yr, w/o Victor L. Rumhor, (not recorded on map)
Rumhor, James Anson, b. Apr 19, 1840, d. Jun 30, 1894, (plot E-3-3)
Ryman, Henry J. B., b. Sept. 6, 1877, d. May 27, 1918, h/o Nettie Gertrude Leggett, (plot G-9-1)
Ryman, Nettie Gertrude (Leggett), b. Feb. 10, 1885, d. Nov. 21, 1963, w/o Henry J. B. Ryman, (plot G-9-2)
Shorney, Colin A., b. 1917, d. 1995, h/o Isobel M., (not recorded on map)
Shorney, David H., b. 1942, d. 1988, s/o Colin & Isobel Shorney, (plot J-7-3)
Shorney, Isobel M., b. 1917, (no death date), (no plot recorded on map)
Sloan, Rhoda Lillian, b. Feb. 26, 1886, d. Sept. 24, 1886, (plot G-6-1, listed as Armada Lillian)
Starks, James, d. Nov. 4, 1895, aged 47ys, (plot G-7-2)
Starks, John William, b. 1873, d. 1899, (plot G-7-1)
Starks, Mother, b. 1852, d. 1939, (this stone is for Mary Elizabeth Nolan Starks, plot G-7-2)
Steele, Edward, (unmarked-plot F-10-3)
Steele, Mary (Courney), d. Feb. 5, 1918, aged 59y 6ms, w/o Edward Steele, (plot F-10-3, listed as Mrs. Marjory)
Steengaard, Rosine (Schotsch), b. Sept. 7, 1914, d. Jan. 14, 1990, (plot D-9-3)
Stevenson, Baby, (unmarked-plot J-10-3)
Stickland, Arnold, (unmarked b. Mar 16, 1929, d. Jan. 25, 1930, s/o Josiah & Lucy Stickland-plot C-8-2)
Stickland, Eleanor Lillian May, b. May 3, 1884, d. Feb. 17, 1888, d/o George & Elizabeth Stickland, (plot B-6-2) s/w Elizabeth, Mary, George & Richard
Stickland, Elizabeth Copeland (Graves), d. Jun 29, 1888, w/o George Stickland, (plot B-6-1) s/w George, Mary, Eleanor & Richard
Stickland, G. Bruce, b. Jun 13, 1911, d. May 22, 1975, h/o Dorothy Harwood, (plot A-10-2)
Stickland, George, b. Dec. 1843, Iwerne Minster, Dorset, England, d. May 19, 1891, h/o Elizabeth Copeland Graves, (plot A-6-3) s/w Elizabeth, Mary, Eleanor & Richard
Stickland, James A., b. 1875, d. 1959, h/o Nettie Elizabeth Rumford, (plot I-12-2)
Stickland, Kenneth N. B., b. Oct. 30, 1908, d. Sept. 7, 1983, h/o Marion M. Kent, (plot H-12-3)
Stickland, Lucy E. (Leggett), b. 1883, d. 1958, w/o Josiah Stickland, (plot C-8-1)**the dates for Josiah are also recorded on this stone, b. 1872, d. 1942, but Josiah is actually buried in Bethesda United Church Cemetery, Ancaster, Wentworth Co., Ontario
Stickland, Marion M. (Kent), b. Dec. 24, 1922, (no death date), w/o Kenneth N. B. Stickland, (plot H-12-2)
Stickland, Mary Elizabeth Lavina, b. Feb. 1, 1879, d. Apr 19, 1894, d/o George & Elizabeth Stickland, (plot B-6-2) s/w Elizabeth, George, Eleanor & Richard
Stickland, Nettie Elizabeth (Rumford), b. 1869, d. 1942, w/o James A. Stickland, (plot I-12-3)
Stickland, Richard Baxter, b. Aug. 5, 1877, d. Sept. 9, 1911, s/o George & Elizabeth Stickland, (plot B-6-3) s/w Elizabeth, Mary, George & Eleanor
Stickland, Stanley J., b. 1903, d. 1973, h/o Mary Matthews, (plot C-7-2)
Stickland, Vera, (unmarked, b. Oct. 16, 1925, d. Jul 12, 1926, d/o Josiah & Lucy Stickland-plot C-8-3)
Symons, Elizabeth (Winter), b. 1910, d. 1972, w/o Herbert Symons, (plot G-14-3)
Symons, Herbert, b. 1908, d. 1992, h/o Elizabeth Winter, (plot G-14-2)
Thorne, Baby, (unmarked-plot L-10-3)
Thorne, Roy John, (unmarked-plot L-10-3)
Van Duzen, Andrew, b. 1892, d. 1975, s/o Archibald & Mary Ann Van Duzen, (plot A-2-1)
Van Duzen, Archibald, aged 106 years, b. 1834, d. 1940, h/o Mary Ann Campbell, (plot A-2-3)
Van Duzen, Charles Foster, d. May 21, 1919, aged 19ys, (plot A-2-1)
Van Duzen, Charles, (unmarked-plot L-9-1)
Van Duzen, Henry, (unmarked-plot L-7-1)
Van Duzen, Isabel, (unmarked-plot L-9-2)
Van Duzen, James Isaac, b. Mar 21, 1923, d. Nov. 17, 1997, h/o Annie,(plot K-8-2)
Van Duzen, James Wilfred, b. Oct. 9, 1956, d. Aug. 6, 1963, s/w Ashley Louise Levesque, (plot L-8-3)
Van Duzen, James, (unmarked-plot I-8-2)
Van Duzen, Marg, (unmarked-plot L-7-3)
Van Duzen, Mary Ann (Campbell), b. 1856, d. 1935, w/o Archibald Van Duzen, (plot A-2-2)
Van Duzen, Mary, (unmarked-plot I-8-1)
Van Duzen, Norman, (unmarked-plot I-8-3)
Van Duzen, Norman, (unmarked-plot K-8-3)
Van Duzen, Wilfred, (unmarked-plot K-8-1)
Ward, Ruby, (b. 1893, d. Feb. 5, 1974, d/o George & Nettie (Rumford) Ward, step-daughter of James Stickland, (plot I-12-1)
Watters, Alice, (unmarked-plot I-10-3)
Watters, Emma Isabelle (Beattie), (no dates cut), w/o James Arthur Watters, (plot G-10-2)
Watters, Hilda Joan Sylvia, b. 1935, d. 1969, (plot H-10-2)
Watters, James Arthur, d. Oct. 21, 1926, aged 35y 9m 4ds, (plot G-10-1)
Watters, Patricia Bell, b. 17 Oct 1943, d. 11 Sep 1944, (unmarked-plot G-10-3)
Watters, Virginia, d. 20 Dec 1994, (unmarked-plot H-10-1, burial Apr 1995)
Way, Gordon Frederick, b. Jul 14, 1912, d. Mar 11, 1992, h/o Ruth Alice Beatrice, (not recorded on map)
Way, Ruth Alice Beatrice, b. Jul 15, 1920, d. Jan. 6, 1994, w/o Gordon Frederick Way, (not recorded on map)
Whales, Margaret Martha (Peggy), b. 1900, d. 1979, (plot K-15-1)
White, David, (unmarked-Plot J-12-2)
White, Nellie, (unmarked-plot J-12-1)
White, child, (unmarked-plot J-12-3)
Wilson, Walter F., Private, 657523, 4th Battn. CEF, d. Oct. 9, 1949, (plot A-1-1)
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