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Alabama Birth Records Database, (1813-1999)
Fort Family Cemetery Records
Cotton Valley, Macon County Alabama
Contributed by Mary Ann Bell, February 29, 2000 []. Total records = 103.
Location: Macon County, AL, 9 miles south of Tuskagee on US Highway 29, at the intersection of Macon County road 45. Data collected February 25, 1981 by Robert C. Horn and Henry Brown, Auburn, AL. Revisited and compared with data collected by Florida Segrest of Tuskagee, Al. Resurveyed November 9, 1983. Updated Feb. 26, 1999.
Brown, Ella J., b.5/11/1858, d.3/10/1861 (only daughter of S.M. & E.V. Brown)
Brown, J.G., b.12/08/1805, d.8/25/1859
Brown, J.J., b.2/24/1844, d.9/06/1857 (member of the Methodist Church) (grave without epitaph)
Carmichael, R.D., b.12/11/1826, d.5/27/1853 (born in Abbeville Dist SC, Married to John L. Carmichael 8/07/1847)
Chernault, Abram Fielder, b.8/16/1825, d.5/22/1847 (son of John N. & Eleanor W. Chernault)
Cofield, Eliza Frances, b.9/30/1852 -8/23/1876
Cofield, Thomas, b.1/16/1809, d.10/28/1865 (age 56 Yrs 9 Mos 12 Days)
Conley, Lutie H., b.10/13/1890, d.11/30/1954 (Sgt. 251 PW Escort Co ASC, WWI)
Crawford, Wm. G., b.12/31/1866, d.8/30/1869 (son of S.J. & M. Crawford)
Davis, (Ashland) infant, b.7/14/1896, d.1/15/1897 (son of F.M. & Ola E. Davis)
Davis, D.P.J., b.10/13/1831, d.9/6/1848
Davis, Emily, b.11/4/1805, d.4/3/1857
Davis, Fort M., b.1/12/1862, d.6/29/1939
Davis, Hubert T., b.3/09/1864, d.5/06/1934
Davis, Ivanhoe, b.1/09/1868, d.11/23/1881 (Youngest child of R.T. & M.C. Davis)
Davis, Jewell Walker, b.11/2/1914, d.9/9/1977 ( wife of Madison Davis)
Davis, Joseph Landrum, b.5/17/1907, d.4/11/1980
Davis, Laura F., b.2/1/1839, d.5/22/1857
Davis, Lidie, b.5/01/1866, d.10/02/1884 (only Daughter of R.T. & M.C Davis) (Graduated at ACF College, Tuskegee, AL, June 18, 1884)
Davis, Lucy Reynolds, b.12/21/1908, date
Davis, Madison, b.3/22/1808, d.11/20/1847
Davis, Mary Emma Davenport, b.7/17/1897, d.9/23/1967 (wife of Hubert T. Davis)(Eastern star symbol)
Davis, Mary G. Fort, b.4/09/1831, d.10/11/1918 (wife of R. Tatum Davis)
Davis, Richard Tatum, b.5/09/1834, d.2/01/1891
Davis, Sarah C., b.10/10/1836, d.7/24/1847
Fort, Camillus H., b.5/18/1899, d.7/28/1977
Fort, Carey Mae Simmons, b.2/18/1877, d.11/12/1950 (wife of Dow Perry Fort)
Fort, Dow Perry, b.3/28/1855, d.12/13/1934
Fort, Dr. W.K., b.9/20/1833, d.1/04/1909 (Son of J.J. & Eliza D. Fort) (Surgeon in the Confederate Army)
Fort, Eliza, b.6/07/1809, d.9/17/1863 (daughter of David & Elizabeth Kelly, born in Darlington Dist SC) (Member of the Missionary Baptist Church)
Fort, Elizabeth W., b.11/15/1842, d.11/20/1916 (Mother)
Fort, Frank H., b.10/23/1872, d.7/11,1874 (son of W.W. & E.W. Fort)
Fort, J.J., b.1/16/1836, d.10/20/1886 (Confederate Star)
Fort, James L., b.4/17/1868, d.8/24/1874 (son of W.W. & E.W. Fort)
Fort, John Edward, b.8/21/1854, d.4/28/1903
Fort, Joseph J., b.8/19/1797, d.7/04/1872 (son of Micajah & Ann Hart Fort, born in Halifax, NC) (Member of the ME Church South)
Fort, Palma H., b.12/02/1882, d.10/08/1921
Fort, Willie Ross, b.10/03/1878, d.11/01/1892
Fort, Wm. W., b.11/08/1837, d.7/24/1910 (Father)
Hall, Fannie E., b.12/06/1856, d.6/30/1898
Hardy, Alfred, b.12/06/1809, d.5/26/1850 (son of John & Elizabeth Hardy born in Lincoln Co., GA, died in Cotton Valley AL)
Herrick, Henry J., d.Dec. 20, 1854, (Born in Dutchess Co.,NY, Educated at the University of VT, Died in Macon Co, AL., Age 30 Years, Erected by his wife, CRH)
Jackson, Nancy D., d.April 7, 1851(Daughter of H.R. & L.G. Jackson, Age 18 Years)
Johnston, Eliza Davis, b.1841, d.1914 (wife of Iradell Johnston)
Jolley, J.H., b.11/04/1844, d.12/11/1922
Jolley, Katherine Lois, b.1/10/1852, d.4/23/1898 (Broken Stone, Catherine)
Jolley, Thomas Leonidas, b.11/16/1877, d.4/30/1898 (son of J.H. & C.L. Jolley)
Leach, Morgan Looney, b.7/18/1871, d.4/21/1873
Lockhart, Joel D.P., b.9/11/1832, d.9/01/1852 (son of D. & F. Lockhart)
Lockwood, Elizabeth Ann, b.10/08/1828, d.12/17/1852 (daughter of John & Timney P. Phillips)
Lowe, Infant, b.10/04/1872, d.10 /05/1872
Martin, Rosa B., b.3/01/1825, d.10/17/1860 (wife of W.C. Martin, daughter of Col James Wimberly of Muscogee Co., GA)
McBryde, Angus, b.12/25/1814, d.2/26/1886
McBryde, Infant, b.4/11/1876, d.4/12/1876 (son of J.A. & O.A. McBryde
McBryde, John A., b.9/23/1842, d.7/03/1915 (Shriner), Co C 3rd Ala Regt, Quartermaster of His Brigade
McBryde, Obelia A. Perry, b.2/21/1937, d.2/28/1886 (daughter of E.N. & R. Perry, wife of J.A. McBryde, born in Marion Co., GA)
McBryde, Siddy A. Adams, b.5/13/1825, d.11/03/1884 (wife of Angus McBryde)
McDowell, Marion, b.7/09/1886, d.8/12/1887 (daughter of R. & P.B. McDowell)
McGilvray, Beulah Stanford, b.4/05/1862, d.1/23/1898
McGilvray, James F. b.1852, d.1924
Menefee, Willie M., b.9/15/1870, d.10/29/1870 (son of W.S. & L.C. Menefee)
Mounce, Mary, b.5/07/1797, d.8/08/1867
Mounce, Sarah E., d.1/08/1862 (age I Yr 5 Mos) (Daughter of V.A. & M.M. Mounce)
Mounce, Wm. N., b.6/10/1792, d.4/07/1857 (age 64 Yrs 9 Mos 27 Days)(Born in Edgefield District SC)
Noble, Mary Dobbs McBryde, b.5/04/1866, d.7/16/1935 "Aunt Mamie"
Pace, Eliza J., b.12/05/1846 -12/27/1869 (age 23 Yrs 22 Days) (wife of Elkanah Pace)
Perry, Edward N. b.2/23/1806, d.11/27/1858 (age 52 Yrs 9 Mos 4 Days)
Perry, Joseph R., b.10/24/1848, d.12/10/1869 (son of E.N. & R. Perry)
Perry, Lilla O., b.12/20/1852, d.9/20/1853 (age 9 Months)
Perry, Mrs. Rebecca, b.4/23/1813, d.8/31/1870 (wife of E.N. Perry)
Perry, Reddick H., b.1/06/1840, d.3/29/1871 (son of E.N. & R. Perry)
Perry, Thomas J., b.7/27/1838, d.11/21/1858 (son of E.N. & R. Perry) stone broken
Peters, Mathew, b.5/14/1800, d.12/25/1879
Philips, Frederick, b.7/16/1820, d.5/18/1855
Phillips, Columbia A., b.1/14/1841, d.12/13/1850 (daughter of John & Timney P. Phillips)
Phillips, Infant, Child of T. & M. Phillips-no other information.
Phillips, Jere, b.3/16/1854, d.9/11/1854 (son of T.H. & L.A. Phillips)
Phillips, John C., d.Feb. 1, 1863, (son of John and T.P. Phillips, "Just in the morning of his day. In youth and love he died.")
Phillips, John, b.2/28/1792, d.3/22/1857 (son of Hillery & Nancy Phillips)
Phillips, Josiah A., b.9/14/1850, d.10/06/1860 (son of T.H. & L.A. Phillips)
Phillips, Josiah B., b.7/27/1854, d.8/03/1854
Phillips, Lillius Bell, b.7/21/1855, d.12/24/1856 (daughter of Thaddeus & Mary Phillips)
Phillips, Simeon, b.5/10/1850, d.6/11/1851
Phillips, Tabbitha R., b.4/14/1830, d.12/13/1852 (daughter of John & Timney P. Phillips)
Phillips, Thaddeus, b.9/21/1823, d.6/29/1857 (son of John & Nancy Phillips, Mason)
Phillips. Timney P., d.9/5/1863 (wife of John Phillips)
Reynolds, Genie Mae, b.2/16/1898, d.3/04/1976
Reynolds, Henry Hunter Jr., b.7//16/1926, d.7/24/1979 (Sgt. US Army, WWII)
Reynolds, Henry Hunter, b.12/30/1892, d.1/13/1944
Robertson, Mrs. Amy, d. October 11, 1857 (Who departed this Life, Age 66 Years)
Rush, Benjamin Andrew, b.3/14/1897, d.6/24/1897 (son of W.E. & Ida J. Rush)
Rush, Claud Ellen, b.11/30/1892, d.4/18/1893 (daughter of W.E. & Ida J. Rush)
Russell, W.H., b.2/22/1836, d.3/30/1905
Stanford, Ernest, no dates (Age 2 Yrs, d.5 mos) (Son of R. & B.B. Stanford)
Stanford, Eva Belle, d.11/07/1885 (Age 8 Yrs 3 Days) (Daughter of R. & M.S. Stanford)
Story, Anne, b.3/26/1820, d.4/29/1851 (wife of the Rev. Elias W. Story, born in SC, died in AL) This inscription was in the data furnished by Mrs. Segrest.
Tatum, Mary A., b.11/12/1832, d.3/22/1857 (wife of Menafee Tatum, daughter of Simon & Matilda Peteet-born in Meriwether Co., GA)
Warren, Alfred Hardy, b.9/18/1850, d.8/08/1852 (son of Jessie T.S. & Martha Warren)
Williams, Arcadia E., b.11/9/1892, d.9/18/1893 (daughter of J.L. & J.A Williams)
Wilson, James H., b.6/22/1843, d.8/05/1858 (age 15 Yrs 1 Mo 13 Days)
Wilson, Sicily C., b.1/26/1836 -3/31/1867
Wimberly, Mary Elizabeth, b.8/29/1842, d.10/10/1855 (daughter of M. & R. Wimberly-born in Talbot Co., GA-age 13 Yrs 1 Mos 11 Days)
Wimberly, Zachariah, d.6/02/1854, Son of Mack & Rocela Wimberly, age 14 Yrs 5 Mos 21 Days
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