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Newberry Cemetery Records
Alma, Crawford County, Arkansas
Lat: 35° 31' 13"N, Lon: 94° 14' 52"W
T10N R31W Sec 25
Contributed by Karen Peters, Mar 17, 2006 [] Total records = 951.
To reach cemetery from Alma AR., take US 71 north about 2 1/2 miles turn left onto Newberry Rd go to where the road T's turn left cemetery on right/west side of road and west of the church.
This cemetery was named after James Albert & Lousia Newberry, who donated the land for the cemetery and the Methodist Church. Mr. Newberry was born in Tennessee and an early settler of Crawford County.
Also checked names with 'History In Headstones' (Crawford Co.) Some headstones have been replaced since this book was written. Headstones now have either complete dates or only the years, in which case "()" is used to show complete dates or names. Some information in '()' was checked from family records or census records, and not to lose any data.
This complete list of this cemetery was logged by Cornelious Peters and myself in January 2006, from a survey of the cemetery.
- Karen PetersLegend:
b/o =brother of
f/o = father of
h/o = husband of
m/o = mother of
p/o = parents of
s/o sister of
s/w = stone with
w/o = wife of
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