Search Arkansas Death Records
Arkansas Newspapers, Full Search (1819-2002), 236 titles
Arkansas Obituary Search, (1824-current)
Arkansas Birth Records Database, (1819-1999)
Peters Cemetery Records
Mountainburg, Crawford County, Arkansas
Lat: 35° 34' 23"N, Lon: 94° 11' 29"W
Contributed by Carpet, Sep 30, 2000 []. Total records = 336.
Direction: From Alma at I-40 go 6.2 miles north on US 71 turn right on Graphic Road, go 0.30 mile to Peters Road turn right, go 0.20 mile to cemetery on right.
Started numbering rows from the back of cemetery. Compiled by Cornelious Peters & Karen Dickerson in Sep 2000 Alcorn, G.W., b. 21/12/1866, d. 15/07/1906, Crawford co., AR., h/o Malinda Gregory, row-2
Anton, George, b. 1868, d. 1954, s/w Maudie M., row-1
Anton, Maudie, M.(Gregory), b. 09/03/1887, Crawford co. AR., d. 1/3/50, Crawford co., AR., s/w George, row-1
Bain, Cleo C., b. 22/12/1902, d. 22/01/1948, Ok.City, OK., h/o Ora E. Gregory, row-3
Bain, Wanda Mae, b. 22/03/1929, d. 24/11/1931, d/o Cleo & Ora, row-3
Barker, Thersa, b. 01/01/1867, d. 30/11/1884, w/o J.A., row-8 1/2
Barwick, John A., b. 4/12/03, d. 5/9/75, s/w Katherine, row-1
Barwick, Katherine J., b. 28/06/1909, d. 15/01/1979, s/w John A., row-1
Baxter, Anderson, b. 22/10/1887, d. no date, Children of Cynthia & Lewis, s/w Lydia, row-3
Baxter, Lydia, b. 05/01/1889, d. no date, s/w Anderson, row-3
Bell, Gladys, b. 17/08/1924, d. 29/11/1984, row-11
Berna, J.W., b. 03/01/1840, Mountainburg,AR., d. 6/10/1919, Crawford co., AR., h/o Lucinda, row-5
Berna, Lucinda (Peters), b. 1841, Jackson Co., AL., d. 16/01/1880, Mountainburg, AR., w/o J.W., row-5
Biehne, Elisabeth, b. 15/08/1902, d. no date, s/w Hermann, row-10
Biehne, Hermann F.W., b. 27/01/1883, d. 12/5/53, Ruhe Sanft, s/w Elisabeth, row-10
Borum, Charlie, b. 8/12/08, d. 5/4/67, s/w Ezma, row-8
Borum, Ezma, b. 23/12/1910, d. 28/01/1987, s/w Charlie, row-8
Brewer, Bell, b. 05/02/1871, d. 11/10/43, s/w Ed, row-11
Brewer, Ed, b. 09/12/1867, d. 23/01/1953, At Rest, s/w Bell, row-11
Brewer, Grace (Bell), b. 1905, d. 1992, s/w Newton, row-11
Brewer, James Albert, b. 11/12/1892, d. 7/19/18, Co.G IL Infantry USA, row-11
Brewer, Newton, b. 1901, d. 1973, s/w Grace, row-11
Brewer, Roy Layton, b. 1932, d. 1936, s/o Newt & Grace, row-11
Brooks, Carl Edward, b. 18/02/1972, d. 18/02/1972, Infant son - Lord Hold My Hand, row-7
Brown, Annie (Brewer), b. 17/05/1903, d. 9/6/81, Eastern Star symbol, s/w Floyd, row-12
Brown, Charlie, b. 8/12/02, d. 5/4/67, h/o Emma, row-?
Brown, Dearl, b. 20/02/1940, d. 17/06/1941, Our Darling, row-1
Brown, Emma, b. 23/12/1910, d. 28/01/1987, w/o Charlie, row-?
Brown, Floyd, b. 12/11/03, d. 28/12/1984, Mason symbol, s/w Annie, row-12
Brown, George Thomas, b. 25/03/1905, d. 5/1/69, Crawford co., AR., Father - wed 07/12/1930, s/w Lena, row-3
Brown, Lena Marie (Gregory), b. 9/2/15, Crawford co. AR., d. 22/06/1996, Crawford co., AR., Mother, s/w George, row-3
Brown, Oral Cluster, b. 30/04/1914, d. 15/03/1995, AR., In Loving Memory, s/w Reva B., row-1
Brown, Reva B.(Dean), b. 23/04/1915, Alma, AR., d. not yet, s/w Oral, row-1
Brown, Terry Wesley, b. 10/6/60, d. 22/08/1992, s/o Jerry, row-12
Burkett, James, b. no date, d. no date, Gone But Not Forgotten, row-1
Burres, August A., b. 27/03/1896, d. 18/11/1965, 69 Years, AR. Pfc US Army WW I, row-2
Burress, Albert, b. 5/9/44, Van Buren, AR., d. 8/9/44, Fort Smith, AR., s/o August & Veta, row-2
Burress, Ethel, b. 10/5/43, Kibler, AR., d. 10/5/43, Kibler, AR., d/o August & Veta, row-2
Campbell, Oma Lee, b. 03/08/1888, d. 21/07/1889, Daughter of M.&M James, row-9 1/2
Carson, Birdie L.P., b. 30/01/1907, d. no date, s/w Robert N., row-12
Carson, Robert N. Sr., b. 31/08/1890, d. 13/06/1959, s/w Birdie, row-12
Caughman, Lillie, b. 10/03/1874, d. 20/02/1961, Dear One, row-6
Collins, Elizabeth J. (Gregory), b. 21/11/1902, Delaney, AR., d. 20/12/1987, AR., s/w James B., row-6
Collins, James B., b. 18/03/1900, Combs, AR., d. 3/11/79, OK., s/w Elizabeth J., row-6
Connelly, Diane, b. 9/1/64, d. 13/02/1977, Our Loving Daughter, row-12
Cooper, Donald Wayne, b. 18/07/1952, d. 23/03/1994, Beloved Son & Brother, row-13
Corder, John L., b. 30/08/1884, d. 22/08/1971, s/w Mallissa, row-12
Corder, Mallissa, b. 03/08/1883, d. 23/01/1969, s/w John L., row-12
Cragg, Leta (Roberts), b. 7/8/11, Asher, OK., d. 16/11/1996, AR., In Loving Memory, row-13
Craig, Lillian O., b. 1889, d. 1934, row-?
Creekmore, Susie, b. no date, d. 23/02/1965, 81 Years, row-?
Cross, Mrs. Mary, b. 1884, d. 1958, row-?
Cummins, James W., b. 8/1/03, d. 18/07/1970, wed 12/12/1936, s/w Myrtle, row-4
Cummins, Lester Chuck, b. 6/3/38, d. 19/03/1996, bro: Trudy,Nippy, Linda, Lonnie, h/o Barbary, row-4
Cummins, Myrtle K., b. 1/2/07, d. 4/1/68, s/w James W., row-4
Dean, Bruce M., b. 14/02/1931, Alma, AR., d. 30/03/1965, Van Buren, AR., 34 years, s/o OT & Dollie, row-1
Dean, Dollie M. (Gregory), b. 11/02/1899, AR., d. 3/3/83, Van Buren, AR., s/w O.T., row-1
Dean, Harold L., b. 3/3/25, Van Buren, AR., d. 22/04/1992, Crawford co., AR., wed 03/08/1949 - Children: Gary,Gail, s/w Julie, row-13
Dean, Julie J. (Stafford), b. 16/02/1929, Bakersfield, CA., d. no date, Jack, Dorene, Gloria, s/w Harold, row-13
Dean, O.T., b. 28/08/1895, Stephensville TX., d. 3/7/69, Van Buren, AR., Pvt Co.C.162 DepotBrig.WW I, s/w Dollie, row-1
Dean, Raymond "Bob", b. 17/06/1934, d. 29/06/1981, Dad's singing will always live in our hearts, Loving Son and Family, row-1
Drush, Eddie, b. 1887, d. 1988, s/w Grace K., row-1
Drush, Grace K., b. 1896, d. 1962, s/w Eddie, row-1
Dunbar, Harry, b. 6/1/06, d. 5/12/89, P/O Howard, Larry, Lois, Lee, s/w Helen, row-12
Dunbar, Helen, b. 18/07/1916, d. 22/06/1997, Stephen, Gary, Blake, Bonnie, Barbara, s/w Harry, row-12
Dyer, Gordon Luther, b. 11/3/39, d. 3/12/93, Van Buren, AR., row-12
Dyer, Lester D., b. 18/08/1899, Mountainburg,AR., d. 22/04/1966, Crawford co., AR., s/w M. Elizabeth, row-12
Dyer, M.Elizabeth "Peter" (Carson), b. 1916, d. 19/10/1992, Fort Smith, AR., s/w Lester, row-12
Elam, Mary Hilda (Godsey), b. 20/12/1909, d. 15/07/1979, row-1
Fine, Alice Sue (Stokes), b. 7/6/12, d. 8/9/99, s/w Hal, row-12
Fine, Hal "Dick" Foster, b. 9/11/13, Rudy, AR., d. no date, s/w Alice, row-12
Frazier, Iva (Gregory), b. 07/06/1909, AR., d. 02/02/1951, Crawford co., AR., stone is hard to read, w/o George, row-3
Garner, Martha A.E., b. 02/02/1859, d. 29/09/1888, w/o W.S., row-8
Garrett, Lois E., b. 5/7/19, d. 3/5/98, row-13
Garrett, Palmer H., b. 28/04/1907, d. 18/05/1977, Sgt.US Army WW II, row-13
Gatewood, Clara Ruth, b. 27/12/1935, d. no date, Mom, parents of Harold, Marilyn, Beverly, Sharon, s/w Richard, row-13
Gatewood, Richard Harold, b. 3/7/30, d. 24/11/1996, Dad, wed 22/05/1955, s/w Clara, row-13
Gregory, Archie "G", b. 17/04/1921, Crawford co. AR., d. 28/02/1992, Bakerfield, CA., Father - S1 Navy WWII, s/w Gladys, row-3
Gregory, Bessie (Miller), b. 6/1/00, Newton Co., AR., d. 10/7/71, AR., s/w T.J., row-5
Gregory, Doil E., b. 28/09/1902, Crawford co. AR., d. 16/01/1904, Crawford co., AR., s/o John and Nancy A., row-3
Gregory, Eva Elizabeth (Thomas), b. 15/02/1928, AR., d. 28/01/1993, Crawford co. AR., Forever in our Hearts, s/w Nola, row-4
Gregory, Francis M., b. 10/12/1876, Alma, AR., d. 30/01/1965, AR., Father, row-2
Gregory, Gladys (Bascue), b. 19/09/1922, d. 23/09/1994, Bakerfield, CA., Mother - wed 08/09/1941, s/w Archie G, row-3
Gregory, Infant, b. 1911, d. 1911, Beside Porter E., row-3
Gregory, Inus Ova (Brown), b. 12/8/06, Winslow, AR., d. 26/07/1955, Mountainburg, AR., Mother, w/o Major, row-4
Gregory, James Archie, b. 25/05/1945, d. 23/09/1980, Crawford co., AR., Son Husband and Father, s/o Archie G.& Gladys, row-4
Gregory, James Major, b. 11/9/08, AR., d. 18/05/1978, Crawford co. AR., Gone But Not Forgotten, h/o Neva, row-4
Gregory, Jimmy, b. 1919, d. 1920, Our Little Jimmy, row-3
Gregory, John, b. 06/05/1861, Van Buren, AR., d. 11/4/48, Alma, AR., Father, s/w Nancy A., row-3
Gregory, Josie Ann (Doss), b. 1880, St.Paul, AR., d. ?July1977, AR., s/w Samuel E., row-5
Gregory, Leon G., b. 26/05/1925, Alma, AR., d. 6/7/92, AR., RD 3 Navy WW II, Korea, s/o TJ & Bessie, row-5
Gregory, Leonard, b. 15/12/1899, Alma, AR., d. 12/3/82, Crawford co. AR., wed 24/04/1921, s/w Sarah A., row-1
Gregory, Malisa (Sanders), b. 6/8/02, Atwood, OK., d. 2/12/91, Crawford co., AR., In Loving Memory, w/o Porter E., row-3
Gregory, Mildred P.(Peters), b. 3/7/12, Lancaster, AR., d. 4/8/37, Crawford co., AR., Mother, w/o Lesley, row-6
Gregory, Nancey A. (Berna), b. 23/03/1868, Mountainburg,AR., d. 31/12/1957, Van Buren, AR., Mother, s/w John, row-3
Gregory, Neva (Gregory), b. 5/9/14, Alma, AR., d. 15/05/1991, Crawford co. AR., Loving Wife and Mother, wd/o James Major, row-4
Gregory, Nola "Short", b. 18/06/1923, Crawford co. AR., d. 8/2/92, Crawford co., AR., wed 27/07/1946, s/w Eva, row-4
Gregory, Porter E., b. 30/03/1893, Alma, AR., d. 19/06/1937, Fort Smith, AR., The Family Circle has been broken, h/o Malisa, row-3
Gregory, Samuel E., b. 11/03/1881, Alma, AR., d. 1918, AR., s/w Josie Ann, row-5
Gregory, Sarah A. (Campbell), b. 25/04/1903, Crawford co. AR., d. not yet ?, s/w Leonard, row-1
Gregory, Sylvester, b. 4/10/05, Alma, AR., d. 3/3/28, Crawford co., AR., Gone But Not Forgotten, row-3
Gregory, T.J. (Thomas Jacob), b. 11/03/1881, Alma, AR., d. 21/08/1949, AR., s/w Bessie, row-5
Gregory, T.J. Jr., b. 15/06/1935, d. 24/08/1969, row-5
Gregory, Verna, b. 13/02/1908, Crawford co. AR., d. 28/02/1908, Crawford co., AR., row-3
Gregory, William Jesse, b. 8/7/01, Alma, AR., d. 10/3/73, Fort Smith, AR., In Loving Memory, row-3
Groves, Joe Ed, b. 17/03/1931, d. 30/10/1951, Gone But Not Forgotten, row-4
Hadley, Betty Todd, b. 28/11/1939, d. Not yet?, row-8
Hammack, Ruth A. (Jones), b. 14/09/1935, d. only dates, row-9 1/2
Hanson, Jack, b. 13/01/1922, d. 26/01/1997, Fort Smith, AR., s/w Orene, row-2
Hanson, Orene (Dean), b. 1/6/21, Alma, AR., d. not yet, s/w Jack, row-2
Harre, J.A., b. 16/07/1875, d. 31/12/1932, row-12
Harris, Earnest F., b. 25/06/1886, d. 9/3/55, s/w Linda, row-7
Harris, Jim, b. 5/4/20, d. 27/10/1920, s/o E F & L, row-7
Harris, Linda, b. 11/10/1893, d. 2/7/74, s/w Earnest F., row-7
Hatley, James M., b. 01/04/1877, d. 15/10/1971, Van Buren, AR., s/o Mark & Nancy (Satterfield) Hatley, s/w Molly & Raymond, row-12
Hatley, Mark T., b. 15/04/1888, Mountainburg,AR., d. 20/09/1953, Little Rock, AR., s/o Mark & Nancy (Satterfield) Hatley, f/o Carmel (William) & J.R., row-10
Hatley, Molly P.(Walker), b. 21/04/1892, d. 22/01/1953, s/w James & Raymond, row-12
Hatley, Raymond V., b. 4/9/10, d. 6/11/61, s/w James & Molly, row-12
Hatley, Rosy, b. 18/09/1892, d. 17/03/1948, w/o Mark, row-10
Hatley, Sarah Frances, b. no date, d. 14/01/1960, 92 Years, w/o Mark, row-?
Headlee, Elisabeth, b. 15/08/1902, d. 21/05/1977, s/w Jack, row-9 1/2
Headlee, Jack Sr., b. 26/04/1900, d. 13/03/1982, In Loving Memory, s/w Elisabeth, row-9 1/2
Hendrix, Curtis L., b. 6/4/20, d. not yet, wed 21/05/1938, s/w Sylvia G., row-1
Hendrix, Sylvia G. (Gregory), b. 7/2/22, Crawford co. AR., d. not yet, In Loving Memory, s/w Curtis L., row-1
Henry, Olen "Doc", b. 8/4/32, d. 23/05/1985, row-7
Henry, Wrennia, b. 7/9/01, d. 21/12/1938, Mother Is Gone To Heaven, row-7
Hill, Albert C., b. 1902, d. 1992, b/o Walter S., s/w Bertha, row-9
Hill, Bertha G., b. 07/12/1905, d. 08/04/1925, s/w Albert, row-9
Hill, Edna Mae, b. 10/4/00, d. no date, Mother of Russell, Harold, row-9
Hill, Grace E., b. 05/10/1894, d. 27/02/1988, Graduate St.Edwards School of Nursing 1919, wd/ Walter, row-8 1/2
Hill, Grace Evelyn, b. 23/10/1924, d. 25/02/1925, d/o Walter & Grace, row-8 1/2
Hill, Infant son, b. 28/05/1921, d. 28/05/1921, s/o Fred & Edna, row-9
Hill, Infant son, b. 9/5/22, d. 9/5/22, s/o Fred & Edna, row-9
Hill, Walter S., b. 27/09/1882, d. 9/7/77, 84 years, Pvt Army WW I, h/o Grace, row-8 1/2
Hinds, Carrie Mae, b. 05/05/1894, d. 6/8/51, Sister, row-1
Holly, Nancy Gregory (Berna), b. 03/03/1868, d. 31/12/1957, w/o Will Holly, d/o Wesly & Lucinda Berna, row-?
Horn, Anna L., b. 1/3/21, d. 3/3/93, Mother, s/w Edmond, row-10
Horn, Edmond A., b. 11/11/15, d. 21/12/1987, Father, s/w Anna, row-10
Horn, Joe Edward, b. 3/6/39, d. 16/11/1982, Our Beloved Son, row-10
Howell, Christy Ann, b. 5/9/82, d. 25/09/1982, row-7
Jones, Arrena, b. 22/07/1875, d. 15/06/1936, w/o R.E., 2nd w/o R.E., row-10
Jones, Infant son, b. 18/11/1902, d. 13/12/1902, Son of R.E. & Rosy, row-10
Jones, Infant son, b. 20/11/1893, d. 25/11/1893, Son of R.E. & Rosy, row-10
Jones, Jack, b. 1901, d. 1973, s/w Thelma, row-9 1/2
Jones, Richard E., b. 30/06/1872, d. 3/3/47, h/o Rosy & Arrena, row-10
Jones, Rosy, b. 18/07/1909, d. 6/8/09, Daughter of R.E. & Rosy, row-10
Jones, Rosy, b. 20/10/1873, d. 18/07/1909, w/o R.E., 1st w/o R.E., row-10
Jones, Thelma, b. 1909, d. 1996, s/w Jack, row-9 1/2
Jones, Thomas C., b. 11/02/1869, d. 22/05/1935, row-12
Jones, W.E., b. 21/10/1895, d. 18/10/1997, Son of R.E. & Rosy, row-10
Jordan, Holden Holmes, b. 5/8/23, d. 3/6/00, Grandpa - wed 26/08/1952, s/w Shirley, row-13
Jordan, Shirley A., b. 26/11/1931, d. no date, Granny - Loving parents of Mitzi, Duane, Robin, Cheryl, s/w Holden, row-13
Keifer, Michael Kenneth, b. 17/11/1946, d. 21/01/1975, row-9
Keithly, Mrs. Darlene, b. 1933, d. 1962, row-8
Keller, Ruby L. (Dean), b. 23/04/1923, d. 12/7/87, Van Buren, AR., In Memory of our Beloved Wife and Mother, d/o O.T. & Dollie, row-1
Kinnick, Grethel (Peters), b. 9/2/06, Piney, AR., d. 8/9/78, AR., Peace at Last, row-5
Lacey, Mary Alice, b. 30/01/1897, d. 9/1/84, row-10
Lane, Jesse "Ray" Franklin, b. 13/03/1973, d. 21/05/1994, Father of two, row-12
Lively, Dorothy Aileen, b. 21/01/1921, d. no date, Eastern Star symbol, s/w Rowland, row-13
Lively, Rowland Gray, b. 25/02/1920, d. 10/1/87, Mason symbol Sgt US Army WW II, s/w Dorothy, row-13
Mathews, Lydie, b. 22/04/1875, d. 4/2/06, w/o G.R., row-9 1/2
Mathis, Mary Ellen, b. no date, d. 28/02/1953, Her Mother Mary Thomas, row-10
Mauel, Gustav, b. 1904, d. 1962, s/w Mary, row-8
Mauel, Mary, b. 1906, d. 1970, s/w Gustav, row-8
McCabe, Margie, b. 19/11/1932, d. 20/11/1932, d/o Dexter& Eunice, row-7
Meadors, Bitha, b. 1884, d. 1972, row-6
Meadors, John H., b. 29/11/1882, d. 26/01/1884, s/oRGW & JF, row-4
Meadors, Sarah E.(Peters), b. 28/03/1849, Crawford co. AR., d. 03/06/1880, Crawford co. AR., w/o RGW, row-5
Meadows, George, b. ?/11/1886, d. ?/08/1891, 5 years, s/oRGW & JF, hard to read, row-4
Meadows, John Mobley, b. 02/06/1892, Alma, AR., d. 19/10/1967, Derby, KS., Pvt 38 Co.162 Dep.Brig.WW I, s/w Lillie A., row-2
Meadows, Lillie A. (Gregory), b. 7/3/01, Alma, AR., d. 22/10/1972, Derby, KS., Mother, s/w John M., row-2
Meadows, Rasho, b. 28/05/1920, Alma, AR., d. 10/12/94, Van Buren, AR., Father, s/w Virginia, row-12
Meadows, Virginia L. (Harrison), b. 6/7/22, Chester, AR., d. 10/5/77, AR., Mother, s/w Rasho, row-12
Miller, Charles Hardin, b. 17/02/1858, d. 13/06/1927, h/o Martha, row-3
Miller, M.E., b. 14/07/1852, d. 04/01/1888, w/o J.E., row-9 1/2
Miller, Martha (Edgman), b. 20/10/1878, d. 26/02/1954, wd/Charles H., row-3
Miller, Mary S., b. 20/01/1925, d. 13/04/1975, row-1
Morgan, Bruce, b. 5/7/42, Longview, TX., d. 29/04/1953, Longview, TX., Beloved Son of Virgil & Connie, row-10
Morgan, Connie (Taylor), b. 28/07/1924, Webb City, OK., d. no date, s/w Virgil, row-10
Morgan, Virgil R., b. 18/04/1922, Mountainburg,AR., d. 8/12/96, Only God Knows, s/w Connie, row-10
Morton, Frank, b. 27/07/1886, d. 29/06/1888, s/o SC & MB, row-6
Osburn, Dellia, b. 1894, d. 1930, w/o Arb, row-11
Osburn, Ralph A., b. 1912, d. 1940, row-11
Overstreet, Hattie, b. 26/06/1864, d. 14/03/1894, w/o J.A., row-9
Overstreet, Katie, b. 03/02/1869, d. 11/10/11, w/o J.A., row-9
Overstreet, Lennie O., b. 21/09/1885, d. 25/08/1887, Daughter of J.A. & H.A.M., row-9
Peters, Alpha Omega, b. 12/7/03, Rudy, AR., d. 31/01/1966, Rudy, AR., s/w Edna Rena, row-6
Peters, Archie B., b. 09/01/1884, Crawford co. AR., d. 26/03/1892, Crawford co., AR., 8y2m17d, s/o W.H & Mary, row-4
Peters, Arena (Hatfield), b. 28/02/1869, Mountainburg,AR., d. 8/1/41, Tulsa, OK., Mother, s/w Willard R., row-4
Peters, Buler, b. 20/05/1885, Crawford co. AR., d. 12/08/1887, Crawford co. AR., d/o W.H. & M.C., row-4
Peters, Caroline (Wynn), b. ?/02/1845, d. 19/01/1910, Crawford co. AR., abt 68 yr, Those who knew her best loved her most, w/o Hiram, row-4
Peters, Cly C., b. 25/02/1907, Crawford co. AR., d. 4/7/59, Crawford co. AR., Pvt 468 QM Dep.WWII, s/o GW & Sarah, row-3
Peters, Col. George, b. abt 1798, VA., d. aft June 1875, Crawford co. AR., Erected In Memory of Our Ancestors, s/w Malinda, row-3
Peters, Edna Rena (Dillon), b. 12/10/06, Rudy, AR., d. 10/6/94, Van Buren, AR., s/w Alpha O., row-6
Peters, Electa, b. 05/10/1882, Crawford co. AR., d. 02/02/1886, Crawford co. AR., d/o WH & MC, row-4
Peters, Emily (Dyer), b. ?/13/1860, AR., d. 21/01/1881, Crawford co., AR., w/o William H., row-4
Peters, Ethel Taylor (Peters), b. 21/03/1908, Graphic, AR., d. no date, row-10
Peters, Etta, b. 17/04/1890, Crawford co. AR., d. 28/11/1895, Crawford co. AR., infant d/o WH & MC, row-4
Peters, Eva F.(Totman), b. 2/9/31, d. not yet, Wife, s/w Leibert L., row-3
Peters, George H., b. 05/01/1894, Crawford co. AR., d. 26/01/1978, Pvt Army WW I - wed 04/12/1926, s/w Lillian, row-4
Peters, George W., b. 29/09/1872, Crawford co. AR., d. 2/12/33, Sebastian co. AR., Our Loved One, h/o Sarah, row-5
Peters, Gratis, b. 1914, AR., d. 22/02/1979, CM2 Navy WW II, row-5
Peters, Helen, b. 22/06/1929, Crawford co. AR., d. 6/3/32, Crawford co. AR., d/o Alpha & Edna, row-5
Peters, Hiram, b. 18/03/1836, Jackson co. AL., d. 18/04/1905, Lancaster, AR., Those who knew him best loved him most, h/o Caroline, row-4
Peters, Infant son, b. 03/03/1886, d. 03/03/1886, s/o JA & J, hard to read, row-6
Peters, Infant, b. 18/02/1880, Crawford co. AR., d. 18/02/1880, Crawford co. AR., infant s/o W.H & Emily, row-4
Peters, Infant, b. 22/06/1870, Crawford co. AR., d. 22/03/1870, Crawford co. AR., infant s/o W.H. & Emily, row-4
Peters, J.W. "Buddy", b. 4/7/28, Mansfield, AR., d. 10/11/81, Meridian, TX., Sgt AF WW II, Korea, Vietnam, s/o WH. & Josie, row-4
Peters, James S., b. 1/2/12, Mountainburg, AR., d. 5/1/97, AR., wed 04/02/1938, s/w Josie, row-6
Peters, Joe H., b. 12/10/1908, Mountainburg, AR., d. 13/09/1976, s/o JH & Sadie, row-6
Peters, John L., b. ?/? /1801, TN., d. ?/02/1870, Crawford co. AR., 69 years, h/o Mary, row-5
Peters, Josie (Spencer), b. 18/10/1911, d. not yet, Children: James Jr., Neva, Sue, s/w James S., row-6
Peters, Leibert L., b. 16/06/1919, Rudy, AR., d. 29/10/1977, Rudy, AR., Husband -Tec 5 Army WW II, s/w Eva F., row-3
Peters, Leon, b. 3/12/24, Crawford co., AR., d. 20/09/1975, Crawford co., AR., Father, s/o Sterling &Nancy, row-5
Peters, Lillian Aleta (Teague), b. 24/03/1900, d. 21/04/1995, Children: Geraldine and Aleta, s/w George H., row-4
Peters, Lottie, b. no date, d. 31/01/1923, w/o C.W., row-?
Peters, Malinda (Lawrence), b. abt 1807, AL., d. aft 1860, Crawford co. AR., s/w Col.George, row-3
Peters, Mary (Satterfield), b. 1810, Lincoln co. TN., d. 26/12/1885, Crawford co. AR., 75 years, w/o John L., row-5
Peters, Mary C.(Wells), b. 09/09/1860, Crawford co. AR., d. 30/03/1944, w/o W.H., row-?
Peters, Michael D., b. 1/8/53, d. no date, row-10
Peters, Mikel S., b. ?/01/?, d. 17/12/1885, s/o JM & FS, row-5
Peters, Nancy (Brooks), b. 13/03/1856, AR., d. 1/8/03, Mountainburg, AR., w /o P.S., row-6
Peters, Nancy Jane (Rogers), b. 25/11/1881, Uniontown, AR., d. 26/12/1958, Gladewater, TX., Mother, row-5
Peters, P.S., b. 05/03/1855, Crawford co. AR., d. 20/09/1937, Crawford co. AR., h/o Nancy, row-6
Peters, Philip H., b. 22/09/1920, Mountainburg,AR., d. 14/06/1938, Crawford co. AR., s/o J H & Sadie, row-6
Peters, Robert Anderson, b. 10/08/1884, Mountainburg, AR., d. 25/02/1950, Crawford co., AR., Father, h/o Susie, row-10
Peters, Sadie (Harris), b. 19/12/1890, Mountainburg, AR., d. 12/10/1979, Crawford co. AR., child:Joe,Geneva,Phil,Jim,Jack, w/o J.H., row-6
Peters, Sarah E. (Douglas), b. 05/08/1881, AR., d. 2/7/55, AR., Our Loved One, w/o George W., row-5
Peters, Susie (Parker), b. 03/04/1883, d. 23/02/1965, Mother, w/o Robert, row-10
Peters, Willard R., b. 20/04/1859, Crawford co. AR., d. 2/12/36, Crawford co. AR., Father, s/w Arena, row-4
Peters, William H., b. 24/05/1877, Lancaster, AR., d. 13/02/1970, Fort Smith, AR., h/o Josie Gregory, row-4
Pollock, Charles William, b. 1868, d. 1953, h/o Ollie, row-1
Pollock, Ollie B., b. 1878, d. 1950, w/o Charles W., row-1
Pope, Baby, b. no date, d. no date, beside Bertha, row-2
Pope, Bertha Ellen (Hill), b. 25/12/1896, Hindsville, AR., d. 15/01/1945, Crawford co. AR., Mother Our Loved One, w/o William A., row-2
Pope, David Eugene, b. 29/12/1951, d. 24/02/1953, row-10
Pope, William Arthur, b. 24/01/1891, Crawford co. AR., d. 25/12/1971, Arkansas Pvt Army WW I, h/o Bertha E., row-2
Ritchie, Willie Edward, b. 29/08/1967, d. 3/3/68, row-2
Rockhold, Julius J., b. 1890, d. 1962, s/w Mintia, row-10
Rockhold, Mintia, b. 1890, d. 1949, s/w Julius, row-10
Rumbo, Charlie W., b. 9/1/26, d. 2/10/83, Son, row-4
Rye, Della, b. 6/9/15, d. 29/03/1998, Wed 15/11/1929, s/w J.C., row-11
Rye, Faye Martel, b. 16/10/1945, d. 25/01/1993, In Loving Memory, row-11
Rye, J.C., b. 27/09/1909, d. 7/1/81, Pvt. US Army WW II, s/w Della, row-11
Rye, James David, b. 17/10/1930, d. 27/09/1950, AR.HN US Navy Korea, row-11
Rye, Jasper L. "Jap", b. 30/04/1903, d. 1/7/68, row-2
Satterfield, Charles Edward, b. 1888, d. 1938, Daddy, h/o Mary, row-8
Satterfield, Effie (Barker), b. 6/9/14, d. not yet, Mother, s/w Olen, row-5
Satterfield, Francis Marion, b. 20/01/1858, AR., d. 1/4/30, Crawford co., AR., Children: Alice, Anderson,, s/w Nancy Ann, row-7
Satterfield, Hiram Bartley, b. 1857, AR., d. 06/05/1943, row-9
Satterfield, Mabel, b. 19/06/1889, Mountainburg, AR., d. 3/6/53, Beloved Wife and Mother, w/o Andrew, row-5
Satterfield, Mary (Peters), b. ?/10/1823, Jackson Co.AL., d. ?/01/1889, Crawford co. AR., w/o Landers, row-?
Satterfield, Mary, b. 20/10/1828, d. 06/08/1899, (Hard to read stone), wd/o Charles, row-7
Satterfield, Nancy Ann, b. 1861, d. 1944, row-9
Satterfield, Nancyann Elizabeth(Simmons), b. 04/10/1859, Shreveport, LA., d. 14/12/1961, Graphic, AR., Isaac, Leecy, Cora, s/w F.M., row-7
Satterfield, Olen, b. 7/5/10, d. 28/02/1983, Father - wed 08/02/1931, s/w Effie, row-5
Satterfield, Troy Boyd, b. 14/10/1934, d. Not Yet ?, Walking The Hills of Glory, row-5
Satterfield, William Anderson, b. 02/09/1887, d. 22/06/1971, Van Buren, AR., Beloved Father, h/o Pearl, row-5
Sharpe, James Leland, b. 14/04/1895, d. 23/07/1979, Crawford co. AR., Mason, s/w Ora Elsie, row-3
Sharpe, Ora Elsie "G.B." (Gregory), b. 25/03/1909, Crawford co. AR., d. 16/08/1980, Crawford co. AR., s/w James L., row-3
Simmons, Alpha, b. 21/02/1903, d. 10/11/03, s/o J.H. & Cora, row-11
Simmons, Alvis J., b. 1904, d. 1975, Crawford co., AR., row-12
Simmons, Ancel Wade, b. 20/10/1910, d. 1910, row-7
Simmons, Brenda Rae, b. no date, d. no date, infant d/o Raymond & Wilma, row-?
Simmons, Christean, b. 16/06/1940, d. no date, Daren,Dewana, Jean wed 15/04/1960, s/w James, row-13
Simmons, Cora, b. 22/06/1875, d. 19/12/1959, Mother, s/w Jimmy, row-11
Simmons, D.L., b. 18/02/1898, d. 24/08/1900, s/o P.F. & S.E., row-8 1/2
Simmons, Dewana Jean, b. 5/1/61, d. no date, Daughter, row-13
Simmons, Dewey H., b. 12/1/10, d. 6/3/83, wed 20/06/1931, s/w Ruth, row-12
Simmons, Dora, b. 1888, d. 20/12/1978, Van Buren, AR., 90 years, Mother At Rest, s/w Frank, row-8
Simmons, Eliza, b. 04/05/1887, d. 16/03/1965, s/w John F., row-7
Simmons, Essie H. (Hill), b. 20/02/1901, Alma, AR., d. 23/03/1986, Hot Springs, AR., d/o William E. & Annie (Corder), s/w James J., row-10
Simmons, Faye G., b. 24/02/1917, d. 5/9/00, s/w Garland, row-13
Simmons, Frank, b. 1892, d. 1965, Father, s/w Dora, row-8
Simmons, Garland J., b. 28/04/1913, d. 14/02/1999, wed 13/06/1936, s/w Faye, row-13
Simmons, Henry E., b. 21/04/1890, d. 25/07/1903, s/o P.F. & S.E., row-8 1/2
Simmons, Henry, b. 09/09/1858, Homer, LA., d. 11/11/41, Mountainburg, AR., s/w Sarah, row-6
Simmons, Hiram, b. 18/09/1853, d. 12/10/41, Father, s/w Kansas, row-7
Simmons, Infant Son, b. 25/04/1922, d. only date, s/o J.J. & Essie H., row-10
Simmons, Infant, b. 26/10/1915, d. 27/10/1915, d/o Frank & Dora, row-8
Simmons, J.W., b. 16/11/1887, d. 15/02/1888, s/o Hiram & Ark, next to Hiram, row-7
Simmons, James H., b. ?/03/1830, d. 1/5/08, s/w Susan, row-7
Simmons, James J., b. 1896, d. 1965, God is our Refuge, s/w Essie, row-10
Simmons, James K., b. 18/05/1940, d. 18/02/1999, Our children:Jimmy, Kenny, Brian,, s/w Christean, row-13
Simmons, James Louie, b. 15/09/1907, d. 25/10/1925, s/o John & Eliza, row-7
Simmons, Jessie Faye, b. 21/03/1914, d. 1914, row-7
Simmons, Jimmy H., b. 19/12/1875, d. 13/10/1954, Father, s/w Cora, row-11
Simmons, John F., b. 13/02/1883, d. 11/5/70, s/w Eliza, row-7
Simmons, Johnie May, b. 1/4/12, d. 1912, row-7
Simmons, Kansas (Creekmore), b. 14/09/1857, KY., d. 31/07/1947, Mother, s/w Hiram, row-7
Simmons, Liller A., b. 27/03/1879, d. 3/3/38, w/o P.F., 2nd w/o P.F., row-8 1/2
Simmons, Peter F., b. 13/04/1865, d. 7/3/56, Father, s/w Sabe, row-8 1/2
Simmons, Roy, b. 12/12/00, d. 6/10/84, In Loving Memory, s/w Wilma, row-12
Simmons, Ruth, b. 13/01/1912, d. no date, s/w Dewey, row-12
Simmons, Sabe E., b. 30/09/1865, d. 19/06/1920, Mother, s/w Peter F., row-8 1/2
Simmons, Sarah Malinda(Killingsworth), b. 18/03/1861, Crawford co.AR., d. 14/12/1948, Graphic, AR., s/w Henry, row-6
Simmons, Susan, b. 01/01/1833, d. 13/08/1919, s/w James H., row-7
Simmons, William Virgil, b. 14/09/1906, d. 1906, row-7
Simmons, Wilma, b. 15/03/1920, d. no date, s/w Roy, row-12
Smith, Annie, b. ?, d. 5/3/05, bad stone, row-2
Smith, Bob, b. no date, d. 1956, 85 Years, row-?
Smith, Infant daughter, b. no date, d. no date, Daughter of I.A. & Susan, row-8
Smith, Joseph R., b. 12/11/1872, d. 2/3/56, Father, row-2
Smith, Susie A., b. 10/06/1885, d. 28/08/1886, d/o J.W. & M.O., row-7
Teague, b. 08/12/187?, d. 11/10/1880, Daughter of T.N. & H.E., row-9 1/2
Terry, Infant daughter, b. 10/03/1882, d. 11/03/1882, Infant d/o John & Jane, row-7
Terry, Jane, b. 20/01/1855, d. 10/03/1882, row-7
Thomas, Lucy (Nelson), b. 13/02/1896, d. 19/03/1992, Fort Smith, AR., w/o Oliver, row-?
Thomas, Oliver, b. 11/09/1894, d. 11/11/57, Dyer, AR., h/o Lucy, row-?
Todd, Billy G., b. 11/6/34, d. 4/5/78, row-8
Totman, David H., b. 15/11/1895, d. 15/01/1972, row-3
Vaught, Rosa E.(Peters), b. 09/05/1880, Mountainburg,AR., d. 18/02/1901, Crawford co., AR., w/o Rufus, row-5
Walker, Ada V., b. 1866, d. 1930, row-9
Walker, Alice, b. 11/10/06, d. 3/11/93, s/w Virgle, row-9
Walker, Charlene, b. 17/12/1931, d. no date, s/w Raymond, row-9
Walker, Herbert M., b. 1887, d. 1937, Father, s/w M.Catherine, row-9
Walker, Herbert Mosley, b. 25/06/1921, d. 23/05/1948, AR. CMOMM US Navy WW II, row-9
Walker, John Edgar, b. 15/07/1929, d. 29/12/1929, row-9
Walker, John W., b. 1849, d. 1926, row-9
Walker, Lela, b. 1897, d. 1993, Mother, s/w Marvin, row-9
Walker, M. Catherine, b. 1885, d. 1936, Mother, s/w Herbert M., row-9
Walker, Marvin, b. 1895, d. 1940, Father, s/w Lela, row-9
Walker, Raymond C., b. 17/01/1927, d. no date, wed 17/02/1951, s/w Charlene, row-9
Walker, Virgle, b. 3/1/07, d. 10/12/81, wed 17/04/1926, s/w Alice, row-9
Wallace, Herman Leon, b. 8/9/33, d. 23/06/1950, row-2
Watkins, Omer, b. 24/11/1914, d. 31/03/1981, row-3
Watkins, Sarah, b. 1884, d. 1971, Mother, row-11
Watkins, Theda (Philbrick)(Peters), b. 24/02/1913, d. 19/07/1987, Mom, row-3
Watkins, W. E., b. 1874, d. 1945, Father, row-11
Watson, Rickey Gene, b. 1960, d. 1962, row-8
Watson, William Virgil, b. 26/03/1908, d. 14/11/1968, row-8
Williams, Carmel Mae, b. 16/12/1913, d. 24/09/1999, In Memory of Our Beloved Mother, row-9
Williams, William W., b. 1907, d. 1972, row-9
Wright, Sarah "Sally" Katherine, b. 1875, d. 1956, row-10
Wynn, Caroline Eliazabeth, b. ?/10/1813, KY., d. 22/04/1905, Crawford co. AR., 96 Years, w/o J.S., s/w Harmon, row-9
Wynn, Harmon, b. ?/01/1848, Crawford co., AR., d. 23/03/1912, Crawford co., AR., 63 Years, .g?, s/o of J.S. & C.E., s/w C.E., row-9
Unknown, 102
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