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Mt. Eden Cemetery - Burial Records
Hayward, Alameda County, California

mt. eden cemetery
Mt. Eden Cemetery

GPS: 37.638538, -122.110603

2440 Depot Rd
Hayward, CA 94545

Date published: October 17, 2005
Total records: 2,827

Mt. Eden Cemetery is owned and operated by Mt. Eden Cemetery Association, Inc.


Mt. Eden Cemetery was founded in 1860 as a pioneer cemetery for Alameda County. The cemetery, which is still in use, is well maintained and in excellent condition. It has a section for the burial of people of Japanese descent.

To reach this cemetery, take Hesperian Blvd from either I-880 or SR 92 (San Mateo bridge) and turn west onto Depot Road. The cemetery will be on the south side of the road.

Cemetery Records

Contributed by Fred Kemmerle, Oct 17, 2005, last edited November 25, 2017. [fwk12000@yahoo.com].

Records below were compiled from all existing and legible tombstone inscriptions by Fred Kemmerle during the period of September 2004 and completed January 3, 2005. There are several headstones with only Japanese inscriptions and they have not been included in this list.

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