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San Francisco National Cemetery
San Francisco, San Francisco County, California

GPS: 37.801144, -122.462814

1 Lincoln Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94129

Published: July 25, 2016
Total records: 31,995

Surnames Li-Ly

Records of burials published here were acquired from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. They includes dates of death up to March 20, 2016.

Libbing, Anna Maria
, d. 09/03/1935, Section GHT, Site 305-A, Wife of Henry H Libbing, US ARMY, PVT E MARINE REGT
Libbing, Henry H, d. 03/08/1927, Section GHT, Site 305-A, US ARMY, PVT E, CIVIL WAR
Libby, Harry A, d. 07/18/1908, Section NAWS, Site 1286, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST US F A
Libienthal, Louis, d. 02/28/1869, Section WS, Site 428, US ARMY, PVT K 23RD US INF
Lichtner, Louis, d. 05/29/1917, Section ES, Site 647-A, US ARMY, CPL C 8TH US INF
Licklederer, John B, d. 07/30/1917, Section ES, Site 821-A, US ARMY, PVT BTRY A UTAH LT A, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Liddel, Jim, d. 12/31/1917, Section ES, Site 1024-A, US ARMY, PVT L 22ND US INF
Liddle, Eugene, d. 04/17/1935, Section C, Site 1318, US ARMY, PFC SERV 30TH INF
Liddle, John H, d. 06/26/1904, Section NAWS, Site 435, US ARMY, PVT I 1ST CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lidman, John, d. 02/04/1929, Section B, Site 364, US COAST GUARD, CHIEF BOATSWAIN MATE
Lie, Frederick K, d. 05/13/1902, Section NAWS, Site 539, US ARMY, CPL M 5TH US CAV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lieban, Ralph G, b. 08/14/1917, d. 02/05/1955, Section OS, Row 128, Site 18-B, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II
Liebelt, Arnold, b. 08/15/1931, d. 03/27/1960, Section C, Site 273-A, US ARMY, SGT
Liebig, Fritz W Sr, b. 09/21/1909, d. 11/20/1992, Section NAWS, Site 1861, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Liebig, Velda, b. 05/02/1918, d. 07/23/2015, Section NAWS, Site 1861, Wife of Fritz W Liebig Sr, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Liebrecht, Otto, d. 01/19/1940, Section OSD, Site 426, US ARMY, 1ST LT
Lievre, Clara B, b. 10/01/1866, d. 01/20/1952, Section DE, Site 357, Wife of Frank A Lievre, US ARMY, PVT CO A 1ST NEV
Lievre, Frank A, d. 04/09/1936, Section DE, Site 357, US ARMY, PVT TROOP A 1ST NEV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Liffers, Apollo, d. 01/14/1910, Section NAWS, Site 1442, US ARMY, PVT H 5TH US ARTY
Liggett, Harriet Lane, d. 04/28/1939, Section OS, Row 1-A, Site 1, Wife of Hunter Liggett, US ARMY, LT GEN
Liggett, Hunter, d. 12/30/1934, Section OS, Row 1-A, Site 3, US ARMY, LT GEN, WORLD WAR I
Light, Irene E M, b. 04/26/1919, d. 02/22/1987, Section A, Site 700-A, Wife of Leslie K Light, US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Light, Leslie Keith, b. 01/24/1918, d. 10/19/2007, Section A, Site 700-A, US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lightston, Frank, d. 03/11/1938, Section DW, Site 989, US ARMY, PVT B 1ST US INF
Lightstone, Joseph, d. 03/08/1941, Section DS, Site 1142-A, US ARMY, PVT CAS DET 11TH INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lille, Louis, d. 03/01/1900, Section NA, Site 309, US ARMY, CPL G 41ST USV INF
Lilleskov, George Julious, d. 05/05/1938, Section EW, Site 348, US NAVY, FIREMAN 1ST CL, WORLD WAR I
Lillivic, Andrew, d. 01/26/1930, Section B, Site 714, US ARMY, CORPL K 14TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lillock, Adam, d. 08/25/1935, Section C, Site 1460, US ARMY, CORPL 8TH RECRUIT, WORLD WAR I
Lilly, Allen C, d. 11/03/1940, Section EE, Site 612, US ARMY, 1ST SGT REGT HQS 4TH
Lilly, Joseph, d. 10/25/1900, Section PPE, Site 239, CIVILIAN WAKE ISLAND NAS, CIVILIAN Q M D
Limbos, Paul, d. 01/10/1921, Section NAWS, Site 1627-A, US ARMY, PVT M 15 US INF, WORLD WAR I
Liming, Grace, b. 05/27/1928, d. 09/17/2010, Section OSA, Site C-61, Wife of Robert Leroy Liming, US NAVY, PNCA, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Liming, Robert Leroy, b. 07/04/1927, d. 09/24/1985, Section OSA, Site C-61, US NAVY, PNCA, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Limmerman, Elizabeth, d. 03/30/1924, Section WS, Site 1272, Wife of Herman Limmerman, US ARMY, PVT CO A 23RD US INF
Limmerman, Herman, d. 12/12/1913, Section WS, Site 1272, US ARMY, PVT A 23RD US INF
Limnell, John Israel, d. 07/04/1932, Section C, Site 131, US ARMY, PVT S A T C, WORLD WAR I
Linahan, Francis Elgin, d. 06/23/1925, Section A, Site 942, US NAVY, BAKER 1ST CLASS, WORLD WAR I
Linahan, Joseph P, d. 04/29/1940, Section EE, Site 770, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL 8TH RCT CO, WORLD WAR I
Linane, Henry A, d. 05/21/1921, Section OS, Row 109, Site 7, US NAVY, LT JG, WORLD WAR I
Linck, Frank W, d. 10/14/1900, Section ES, Site 1262, US ARMY, PVT H 4TH US CAV
Linck, George F, d. 04/23/1935, Section C, Site 1313, US ARMY, PFC HQ 363RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Linck, Irvine E, b. 02/03/1910, d. 10/09/1982, Section I, Site C-96, US NAVY, RADARMAN 3RD CLASS, WORLD WAR II
Linck, Julius J, d. 06/10/1927, Section A, Site 1455, US ARMY, SGT 11TH SIG CO
Linck, Mildred M, b. 07/07/1911, d. 04/13/1984, Section I, Site C-96, Wife of Irvine E Linck, US NAVY, RADARMAN 3RD CLASS, WORLD WAR II
Lincoln, Bertie C, b. 02/19/1878, d. 07/09/1956, Section OS, Row 82A, Site 10, Wife of Francis H Lincoln, US ARMY, COL
Lincoln, Charles S, d. 05/18/1941, Section OS, Row 32, Site 8, US ARMY, BRIG GEN
Lincoln, Cora T, d. 02/12/1935, Section OS, Row 32, Site 8, Wife of Charles S Lincoln, US ARMY, BRIG GEN
Lincoln, Francis Hicks, b. 08/22/1878, d. 08/16/1960, Section OS, Row 82A, Site 12, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II
Lincoln, George A, d. 01/23/1924, Section A, Site 633, US ARMY, CORPL B 4TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lincoln, George Horace, d. 04/07/1929, Section B, Site 455, US NAVY, ENGINEER 1ST CLASS
Lincoln, Hattie, d. 12/30/1939, Section A, Site 633, Wife of George A Lincoln, US ARMY, CPL B 4TH US INF
Lincoln, Mary Therese, b. 03/14/1929, d. 10/26/1995, Section I, Site 21, Wife of Richard D Lincoln, US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lincoln, Richard D, b. 07/04/1929, d. 09/11/1976, Section I, Site 21, US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lind, C, d. 05/20/1903, Section PPNA, Site 114, CIVILIAN WAKE ISLAND NAS, CIVILIAN
Lind, Carl Oscar, d. 11/14/1925, Section A, Site 1017, US ARMY, CORP, WORLD WAR I
Lind, Dorothy L, b. 07/30/1923, d. 08/23/2011, Section OSD, Site 695-A, Wife of Irvine T Lind, US NAVY, BOATSWAIN, WORLD WAR II
Lind, Elmer Naset, d. 03/22/1941, Section OSD, Site 604, US ARMY, 2D LT CAV RES FORT
Lind, Henry Anstey, b. 11/18/1921, d. 08/10/1950, Section OSA, Row 16, Site 2, US ARMY, 1ST LT, KOREA
Lind, Henry D, b. 12/16/1911, d. 09/01/1991, Section OSD, Site 494-AA, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lind, Holger L C, d. 11/08/1935, Section DE, Site 29, US ARMY, PVT B 143RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Lind, Irvine T, b. 10/19/1917, d. 05/11/1991, Section OSD, Site 695-A, US NAVY, BOATSWAIN, WORLD WAR II
Lind, Joseph, d. 01/12/1930, Section B, Site 724, US ARMY, PVT A S A T C, WORLD WAR I
Lind, Julia M, b. 11/29/1880, d. 06/28/1953, Section A, Site 1517, Wife of Thomas Lind, US ARMY, PVT CO A INF
Lind, Thomas, d. 09/01/1927, Section A, Site 1517, US ARMY, PVT A 1ST CA INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lind, William M, d. 07/30/1931, Section B, Site 1323, US ARMY, PVT 12TH BN 166TH, WORLD WAR I
Lindahl, Gustaf, b. 05/10/1900, d. 07/20/1991, Section OSD, Site 127-AA, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR I
Lindberg, Oscar R, d. 08/26/1919, Section NAWS, Site 466-A, US ARMY, PVT C 31ST US INF, WORLD WAR I
Lindebeck, Leland S, b. 02/14/1901, d. 10/24/1988, Section B, Site 1612-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Lindeblad, Henry, d. 08/22/1936, Section DW, Site 522, US ARMY, SGT E 1ST INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindeblad, Minnie, d. 03/31/1948, Section DW, Site 522, Wife of Henry Lindeblad, US ARMY, SGT CO E 1ST INF
Lindelof, Ethel Mutch, b. 02/25/1896, d. 05/29/1962, Section NAWS, Site 1433-B, Wife of Thorvald Eugene Lindelof, US ARMY, M/SGT
Lindelof, Thorvald Eugene, b. 01/24/1892, d. 01/18/1957, Section NAWS, Site 1433-B, US ARMY, M/SGT, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Linden, Albert, d. 06/02/1902, Section NAWS, Site 290, US ARMY, PVT B 26TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Linden, William R Jr, d. 10/16/1900, Section PPNA, Site 67, CIVILIAN WAKE ISLAND NAS, CIVILIAN EMPL
Lindenman, Frederick, d. 03/12/1915, Section WS, Site 280-A, US ARMY, PVT F 45TH WIS VOL I, CIVIL WAR
Lindenman, Victor J, d. 11/15/1900, Section ES, Site 1091, US ARMY, CLP SOLDIER
Lindenstruth, Arthur William, d. 08/02/1923, Section OSA, Row 5, Site 3, Son (Minor Child) of Julius Lindenstruth, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lindenstruth, Eva May, d. 08/02/1923, Section OSA, Row 5, Site 3, Wife of Julius Lindenstruth, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lindenstruth, Julius, d. 08/01/1900, Section OSA, Row 5, Site 5, US ARMY, MAJOR, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Linderman, A A, Section NAWS, Site 1695, US ARMY, PVT
Linderman, Edward Willard, d. 07/19/1945, Section OS, Row 12A, Site 3-A, US ARMY AIR CORPS, 1ST LT
Lindersmith, Robert E, d. 05/14/1925, Section A, Site 911, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST OHIO VOL C, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindgren, John G, d. 04/21/1940, Section EW, Site 933, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL HQ CO 11TH, WORLD WAR I
Lindholdt, Brian A, b. 06/15/1944, d. 05/27/1984, Section I, Site C-423, US ARMY, CAPT, VIETNAM
Lindholm, Frances, b. 05/12/1888, d. 03/31/1964, Section B, Site 1125, Wife of Viktor Lindholm, US NAVY, SEAMAN
Lindholm, Frank, d. 06/17/1938, Section EW, Site 1796, US ARMY, COOK 52ND CO C A C, WORLD WAR I
Lindholm, Obel, d. 04/25/1931, Section B, Site 1188, US ARMY, PVT I DEV BN CAMP, WORLD WAR I
Lindholm, Viktor, b. 08/11/1870, d. 03/22/1931, Section B, Site 1125, US NAVY, SEAMAN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindley, Frances E, d. 05/02/1936, Section OSA, Row 35, Site 2, Wife of William Purdy Lindley, US NAVY, LT
Lindley, William Purdy, d. 10/13/1930, Section OSA, Row 35, Site 4, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR I
Lindner, Stanley O, d. 05/25/1903, Section NAWS, Site 1046, US ARMY, SGT H 30TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindow, George E, b. 10/23/1887, d. 01/04/1966, Section OS, Row 66, Site 9, US ARMY, COL 40TH GEN, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lindow, Louisa Augusta, b. 04/14/1892, d. 05/16/1956, Section OS, Row 66, Site 9, Wife of George Edward Lindow, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lindquist, Carl Alfred, b. 12/16/1904, d. 02/22/1988, Section H, Site CA-252, US NAVY, SHIPS SVC MAN 1C, WORLD WAR II
Lindrob, John, d. 12/16/1900, Section ES, Site 1027, US ARMY, PVT A 89TH NYV INF, CIVIL WAR
Lindross, Arthur, d. 04/06/1899, Section PPNA, Site 4, US NAVY, SEAMAN USAT TACOMA
Lindsay, Alfred, d. 09/09/1927, Section A, Site 1526, US ARMY, CPL BATTY C 347, WORLD WAR I
Lindsay, Archie D, d. 11/12/1910, Section NAWS, Site 1786, US ARMY, CORP I 3RD US INF
Lindsay, David J, d. 06/07/1930, Section B, Site 864, US ARMY, PVT 1ST CL MED DEPT, WORLD WAR I
Lindsay, Elias, d. 12/03/1938, Section EE, Site 1564, US ARMY, COOK G 49TH US VOL I, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindsay, Eugene F, d. 02/26/1921, Section NAWS, Site 1607-A, US NAVY, MACHINIST MATE 1ST C, WORLD WAR I
Lindsay, Israel, Section WS, Site 1194, US ARMY, PVT H 14TH US INF
Lindsay, John Thomas, b. 02/19/1921, d. 03/21/1976, Section I, Site 118, US ARMY, S/SGT, WORLD WAR II
Lindsey, Charles E, Section PPE, Site 153, Son (Minor Child) of J Lindsey, US ARMY, 32ND US INF
Lindsey, David Michael, b. 02/10/1942, d. 08/05/1982, Section I, Site C-54, US AIR FORCE, AIRMAN 3RD CLASS
Lindsey, Edward I, d. 08/24/1842, Section PPNAW, Site 369, CIVILIAN WAKE ISLAND NAS, CIVILIAN
Lindsey, John David, b. 07/14/1915, d. 08/13/1987, Section A, Site 305-A, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II
Lindsey, Mabel R, b. 12/23/1920, d. 06/28/1994, Section A, Site 305A, Wife of John D Lindsey, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lindsey, Merritt E, d. 07/08/1938, Section DW, Site 976, US ARMY, PFC Q M CORP
Lindsey, Roy C, d. 06/26/1927, Section A, Site 1454, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL SERV CO SIG, WORLD WAR I
Lindskog, Olof P, d. 07/14/1923, Section A, Site 530, US ARMY, COOK TROOP G 6TH
Lindsley, Alexander, d. 10/08/1901, Section NA, Site 572, US NAVY, ORDINARY SEAMAN
Lindsley, G W, Section NAWS, Site 1697, US ARMY, PVT
Lindstrom, Carl, d. 06/19/1917, Section ES, Site 663-A, US ARMY, PVT D 65TH NYV INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lindstrom, Gustavus H, d. 09/23/1910, Section NAWS, Site 1483, US ARMY, CPL H 12TH US INF
Lindstrom, Herman V, d. 07/23/1940, Section EE, Site 528, US ARMY, PVT 872 AERO SQUAD, WORLD WAR I
Lindy, Paul W, b. 02/25/1934, d. 01/17/1989, Section H, Site CA-281, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAM
Linehan, Ann Louise, b. 12/23/1925, d. 07/06/1995, Section OSD, Site 663-AA, Wife of David L Linehan, US NAVY, BM2, WORLD WAR II
Linehan, David L, b. 09/13/1922, d. 09/21/1991, Section OSD, Site 663-AA, US NAVY, BM 2, WORLD WAR II
Linehan, Eugene E, b. 03/06/1914, d. 06/09/1980, Section OSD, Site 629, US NAVY, RM 3C, WORLD WAR II
Linehan, Rowena B, b. 06/20/1913, d. 07/03/2008, Section OSD, Site 629, Wife of Eugene E Linehan, US NAVY, RM 3C, WORLD WAR II
Linforth, Frank J, d. 04/23/1928, Section B, Site 43, US ARMY, SGT K 4TH US VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Ling, Peter Seung-Yuk, b. 09/08/1958, d. 08/05/1985, Section OSA, Site C-15, US ARMY, CAPT
Lingenfield, Edgar Allen, d. 12/14/1933, Section C, Site 728, US NAVY, SEAMAN 1ST CL, WORLD WAR I
Lingler, Walter F, d. 07/03/1920, Section NAWS, Site 1236-A, US ARMY, COOK G 31ST US INF
Lingvall, Nils M, d. 05/06/1907, Section NAWS, Site 1197, US ARMY, SGT MAJOR 13TH US IN
Link, Elmer Samuel, b. 05/06/1920, d. 06/05/2001, Section H, Site CA-87, US COAST GUARD, SK 2, WORLD WAR II
Link, Frank Sutter, b. 04/26/1891, d. 07/31/1961, Section DE, Site 4-A, US NAVY, CDR, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Link, Hazel E, b. 10/02/1920, d. 02/23/1988, Section H, Site CA-87, Wife of Elmer Samuel Link, US COAST GUARD, SK 2, WORLD WAR II
Link, Samuel, d. 03/05/1882, Section ES, Site 1399, US ARMY, PVT B 21ST US INF
Linkhart, Dallas E, d. 06/19/1902, Section NAWS, Site 535, US ARMY, PVT A 2ND US INF
Linkins, Dorothy R, b. 10/01/1896, d. 10/05/1968, Section PPE, Site 245, Wife of James Underhill Linkins, US NAVY, Y 1C, WORLD WAR I
Linkins, James J, b. 05/14/1894, d. 03/10/1986, Section A, Site 1143-A, US NAVY, YEO 1C, WORLD WAR I
Linklater, William R, d. 09/20/1936, Section DW, Site 557, US ARMY, PVT 5TH SER CO SIG C, WORLD WAR I
Linn, Ellsworth P, d. 10/29/1930, Section B, Site 1001, US ARMY, PVT 1ST CL, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Linn, Frederick C, d. 10/17/1935, Section DE, Site 25, US ARMY, PVT 3RD 152ND D B, WORLD WAR I
Linn, James L, b. 02/16/1863, d. 01/07/1958, Section NAWS, Site 866-B, US ARMY, 1ST LT, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Linn, Thomas S, d. 02/14/1882, Section OSA, Row 71, Site 8, US ARMY, 1ST LT 12TH REGT PA
Linn, Vera Irene, b. 05/13/1912, d. 08/17/1979, Section H, Site 163, Wife of Howard M Linn, US ARMY, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Linn, William, d. 12/24/1880, Section ES, Site 1014-B, US ARMY, PVT D 83D PA INF
Linnehan, Arthur, b. 06/03/1919, d. 06/28/1985, Section PPE, Site C-80, US AIR FORCE, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II
Linnehan, Barbara D, b. 02/23/1920, d. 07/10/1991, Section PPE, Site C-80, Wife of Arthur Linnehan, US AIR FORCE, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II
Linskey, Ellen, d. 03/12/1919, Section NAWS, Site 1790, Wife of Patrick Linskey, US ARMY, PVT B 28TH MASS INF
Linskey, Patrick, d. 09/04/1911, Section NAWS, Site 1790, US ARMY, PVT B 28TH MASS VOL, CIVIL WAR
Linton, Charles H, d. 05/30/1933, Section C, Site 511, US ARMY, PVT MIS DET Q M CORP, WORLD WAR I
Linton, Charles Leslie, d. 08/20/1929, Section B, Site 601, US ARMY, PVT 11TH 159TH DEPOT, WORLD WAR I
Linville, Henry H, d. 03/27/1938, Section A, Site 160-B, US ARMY, MR ENGR 117TH ENGRS, WORLD WAR I
Lipaya, Cresenciano, d. 09/11/1935, Section C, Site 1555, US ARMY, PVT I 2ND HAW INF, WORLD WAR I
Lipke, Gus A, b. 08/11/1916, d. 01/06/1961, Section EE, Site 1340-A, US AIR FORCE, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lipovac, Nickolas, d. 12/19/1931, Section B, Site 1494, US ARMY, PFC I 75TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lippert, George L, d. 07/06/1939, Section EW, Site 1323, US ARMY, PFC BTRY B 144TH F A, WORLD WAR I
Lippman, Hubert Montimore, b. 02/04/1878, d. 06/22/1952, Section NAWS, Site 1237-B, US NAVY, MESS ATT 3C, WORLD WAR I
Lippman, Margarett, b. 05/16/1862, d. 10/20/1966, Section NAWS, Site 1237-B, Wife of Hubert Montimore Lippman, US NAVY, MA 3, WORLD WAR I
Lipscome, Joseph M, d. 05/02/1919, Section NA, Site 1143-A, US ARMY, SGT M C RET, WORLD WAR I
Lipsky, Jack, b. 08/27/1919, d. 06/25/1991, Section OSD, Site 797-A, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II
Lipsky, Mildred Georgia, b. 04/04/1925, d. 04/04/2004, Section OSD, Site 797-A, Wife of Jack Lipsky, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II
Lisage, Henry B, d. 04/22/1895, Section NAWS, Site 1692, US ARMY, PVT
Lish, Irvin H, b. 02/02/1925, d. 04/03/1991, Section OSD, Site 480-A, US AIR FORCE, SGT, KOREA
Lish, Nina Louise, b. 07/11/1925, d. 02/12/2001, Section OSD, Site 480-A, Wife of Irvin H Lish, US AIR FORCE, SGT, KOREA
Lisignoli, Joe, d. 03/09/1939, Section EE, Site 191-A, US ARMY, PFC A 363RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Lisle, William James, d. 01/14/1925, Section PPE, Site 235-A, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lissenden, Frank, d. 07/28/1932, Section C, Site 159, US NAVY, BLACKSMITH 2ND CL, WORLD WAR I
Lister, John M, d. 10/31/1918, Section ES, Site 1198-A, US ARMY, CORP K 363 INF
Liston, Gerald G, b. 07/10/1965, d. 10/29/1991, Section OSD, Site 695-AA, US ARMY, SPEC 4
Litchko, Michael, d. 01/01/1993, Section MA, Site 112, US ARMY, SFC
Lithgow, Annie, d. 12/04/1934, Section NAWS, Site 1666, Wife of William E Lithgow, US ARMY, PVT B 17TH I11 VOL I
Lithgow, William E, Section NAWS, Site 1666, US ARMY, PVT CO B 15TH I11 VO
Litsey, Earle Rudolph, d. 03/12/1935, Section C, Site 1285, US NAVY, FIREMAN 1ST CL, WORLD WAR I
Litteral, Christine, b. 03/29/1915, d. 06/28/1986, Section B, Site 54-A, Wife of Emmett B Litteral, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Litteral, Emmett B, b. 10/30/1898, d. 09/08/1983, Section B, Site 54-A, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Litteral, Harriett A, b. 08/15/1900, d. 04/24/1961, Section B, Site 55-A, Wife of Emmett B Litteral, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Litterst, Elsie, d. 09/22/1936, Section A, Site 293, Wife of Frank Litterst, US ARMY, Q M SERGT 3RD CAV
Litterst, Frank, d. 03/15/1922, Section A, Site 293, US ARMY, Q M SGT 3D US CAV
Little, Allen Gordon, b. 11/09/1914, d. 08/01/1982, Section MA, Site 26, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Little, Clyde E, d. 07/21/1921, Section A, Site 98, US ARMY AIR SERVICE, SGT 2D BALLOON, WORLD WAR I
Little, Edward J, d. 08/14/1917, Section ES, Site 829-A, US ARMY, SGT G 12TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Little, Edward W, d. 07/07/1931, Section B, Site 1258, US ARMY, MUSC D 3RD ART
Little, Evelyn Ryall, b. 12/02/1881, d. 08/12/1962, Section OS, Site 134A 5, Wife of William Lawson Little, US ARMY, COL
Little, Frank, d. 08/19/1901, Section ES, Site 1341, US ARMY, SGT I 15TH US INF
Little, Fred Louis, b. 07/21/1905, d. 10/18/1955, Section NAWS, Site 596-B, US ARMY, TEC 5 CO E 361 INF R
Little, Henry Edward, d. 12/21/1938, Section EE, Site 320, US ARMY, PFC DET Q M CORP
Little, James, d. 01/27/1898, Section WS, Site 603, US ARMY, CORP H 3RD MICH
Little, John G, b. 03/17/1880, d. 02/26/1955, Section OSD, Site 42, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR I
Little, Joseph, d. 05/19/1903, Section NAWS, Site 908, US ARMY, PVT K 26TH US INF
Little, Luther L, d. 05/09/1934, Section C, Site 894, US ARMY, CPL 64TH CAC, WORLD WAR I
Little, Maude Bretherton, b. 08/28/1881, d. 07/15/1971, Section OSD, Site 42, Wife of John G Little, US ARMY, MAJOR
Little, Olga, d. 08/21/1935, Section C, Site 894, Wife of Luther L Little, US ARMY, CORPL
Little, Raymond J, d. 10/25/1945, Section OSA, Row 7, Site 3, US ARMY AIR SERVICE, 2ND LT, WORLD WAR I
Little, Richard, d. 05/26/1934, Section C, Site 881, US ARMY, PVT B 1ST N H VOL IN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Little, Samuel, Section OS, Row 16, Site 2, US ARMY, 2ND LT 1ST I11 VOL L
Little, Thankful, d. 01/28/1927, Section WS, Site 603, Wife of James Little, US ARMY, CORP H 3D MICH VOL I
Little, William H, b. 03/18/1933, d. 09/18/1990, Section DW, Site 578-A, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREA
Little, William Lawson, b. 12/26/1876, d. 07/12/1948, Section OS, Site 134A 3, US ARMY, COL, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR, WORLD WAR I
Littlefield, Fred B, d. 03/18/1939, Section DE, Site 151-A, US ARMY, 1ST SGT 3RD OTC, WORLD WAR I
Littlefield, Roderick, d. 04/26/1901, Section NA, Site 558, US ARMY, PVT F 18TH US INF
Littlewood, Henry H, d. 09/07/1938, Section EE, Site 1529, US ARMY, PVT 11TH CON CO A S, WORLD WAR I
Litton, Adrien Louis, b. 04/08/1940, d. 05/12/1985, Section PPE, Site C-49, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAM
Litton, James W, d. 11/22/1932, Section C, Site 329, US ARMY, PVT INF
Littrell, Samuel M, d. 11/07/1899, Section ES, Site 564, US ARMY, CORP I 4TH KY INF
Litza, Edmond Paul, d. 08/30/1936, Section DS, Site 1456, US MARINE CORPS, PFC
Litzinger, William, d. 06/15/1900, Section NA, Site 481, US ARMY, PVT BAND 16TH US INF
Livenspargar, Davenport E, b. 03/02/1910, d. 06/24/1992, Section DW, Site 1045-A, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Livenspargar, Meryle V, b. 06/21/1913, d. 06/12/1987, Section DW, Site 1045-A, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Livesey, Joseph H, d. 05/31/1916, Section WS, Site 854-A, US ARMY, PVT K 1ST CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Livingston, Elfriede Maria, b. 12/07/1921, d. 10/15/2013, Section ES, Site C-63, Wife of William H Livingston, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Livingston, Oscar, d. 08/11/1936, Section DW, Site 550, US ARMY, PVT I 23RD US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Livingston, Walter N, d. 09/28/1939, Section EE, Site 1183, US ARMY, PVT 14TH BALLOON CO, WORLD WAR I
Livingston, William H, b. 07/23/1908, d. 11/24/1984, Section ES, Site C-63, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lizee, Edwin W, d. 10/15/1932, Section ES, Site 1202-B, US ARMY, PVT 4TH CO 20TH ENGR, WORLD WAR I
Llewellyn, Richard, d. 02/20/1939, Section EE, Site 393, US ARMY, PVT Q M DET
Llewellyn, William G, d. 01/10/1900, Section ES, Site 892, US ARMY, PVT H 6TH US INF
Llewelyn, Hannah Mary, b. 05/02/1895, d. 07/23/1964, Section C, Site 794, Wife of Hugh Llewelyn, US ARMY, M/ENGR SR GR, WORLD WAR I
Llewelyn, Hugh, d. 03/14/1934, Section C, Site 794, US ARMY, MR ELECT SR GR HQ CO, WORLD WAR I
Lloyd, Carol I, b. 04/03/1901, d. 04/04/1986, Section DW, Site 437-A, Wife of William W Lloyd, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II
Lloyd, David W, d. 11/24/1940, Section EE, Site 707, US ARMY, PVT H 4TH N J INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lloyd, Erskine H, d. 02/15/1928, Section B, Site 131, US ARMY, PVT E 60TH CO ART
Lloyd, Ford W, d. 12/26/1940, Section F, Site 83, US ARMY, PVT BTRY E 64TH C A
Lloyd, Gus, d. 05/05/1902, Section NAWS, Site 1091, US ARMY, PVT 15TH BTRY F A, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lloyd, John T, d. 06/18/1938, Section DW, Site 950, US ARMY, PVT TROOP 4TH CAV
Lloyd, Kathryn D, b. 04/07/1895, d. 05/28/1983, Section OS, Row 1, Site 26, Wife of Peter J Lloyd, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Lloyd, Peter J, b. 12/15/1893, d. 02/26/1974, Section OS, Row 26, Site 1, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Lloyd, William S, d. 03/16/1938, Section A, Site 963-A, US ARMY, SGT C 147TH ENGRS, WORLD WAR I
Lloyd, William Walrath, b. 09/20/1900, d. 11/29/1965, Section DW, Site 437-A, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II
Lo Bello, Dominick, d. 01/08/1927, Section A, Site 1295, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL A 63D INF, WORLD WAR I
Lo Romer, John B, d. 09/29/1914, Section WS, Site 135-A, US ARMY, QM SGT, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lo Romer, Minnie G, d. 01/18/1933, Section WS, Site 135-A, Wife of John B Lo Romer, US ARMY, Q M SGT
Lober, David, d. 02/14/1901, Section NAWS, Site 269, US ARMY, PVT E 13TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loch, John J, b. 02/01/1924, d. 11/08/1991, Section F, Site 150-A, US ARMY, S/SGT, WORLD WAR II
Locher, Glenola Bell, b. 05/14/1914, d. 03/25/1999, Section OSD, Site 201, Wife of William John Locher, US ARMY, CAPT
Locher, William John, b. 10/29/1902, d. 06/16/1950, Section OSD, Site 201, US ARMY, CAPT
Lock, Donald Brickley, b. 07/05/1918, d. 04/16/1983, Section I, Site C-201, US ARMY, MSGT, WORLD WAR II
Lock, Walter, d. 12/04/1937, Section EE, Site 154, US ARMY, PVT B 404TH SERV BN, WORLD WAR I
Lockard, Elmer E, d. 01/22/1939, Section OSD, Site 233, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR I
Lockard, Laura Blanche, d. 06/26/1940, Section OSD, Site 234, Wife of Elmer E Lockard, US ARMY, MAJOR
Locke, Frank, d. 11/03/1903, Section NAWS, Site 280, US ARMY, PVT L 1ST US CAV
Locke, Norman L, b. 04/28/1938, d. 07/21/1986, Section A, Site 1064-A, US AIR FORCE, T/SGT, VIETNAM
Locke, Thomas Courtenay, d. 02/11/1946, Section OSD, Site 776, US ARMY, LT COL
Locke, William T, d. 09/06/1935, Section EE, Site 1530, US ARMY, COCK SQ A AVIATION S, WORLD WAR I
Lockett, Katherine V N, d. 01/16/1897, Section PPE, Site 201, Daughter (Minor Child) of Unknown Lockett, US ARMY, CAPT
Lockett, Marjorie, d. 12/31/1897, Section PPE, Site 200, Daughter (Minor Child) of Unknown Lockett, US ARMY, CAPT
Lockhardt, Percy R, d. 03/25/1899, Section ES, Site 426, US ARMY, PVT G 1ST MONT VOL I
Lockhart, Gale A Jr, b. 10/12/1920, d. 07/24/1976, Section I, Site 59, US ARMY, 2 LT, WORLD WAR II
Lockhart, Katherine F, b. 10/16/1884, d. 11/12/1978, Section OSD, Site 646, Wife of William Lockhart, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR I
Lockhart, William Edward, d. 05/20/1941, Section OSD, Site 645, US NAVY, LT COMDR, WORLD WAR I
Lockman, Charles H, d. 03/15/1926, Section A, Site 1096, US ARMY, PVT 1CL MED DEPT, WORLD WAR I
Lockwood, Glenn, d. 11/05/1918, Section OS, Row 105, Site 1, US ARMY, 1ST LT 17TH US CAV, WORLD WAR I
Lockwood, John Ober, b. 08/30/1923, d. 05/13/1991, Section OSD, Site 697-A, US NAVY, Y1C, WORLD WAR II
Lockwood, Kirk Charles, b. 02/28/1979, d. 04/02/1979, Section WS, Site 1280-A, Son (Minor Child) of Ronald E Lockwood, US ARMY, SSG
Lockwood, Robert J, d. 01/10/1920, Section NAWS, Site 891-A, US ARMY, PVT D 27TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lockwood, Roy V, d. 10/04/1934, Section C, Site 1039, US ARMY, PFC MED DEPT
Loder, William H, d. 10/17/1919, Section NAWS, Site 452-A, US ARMY, MECH E 25TH US INF, WORLD WAR I
Loeb, Andrew, d. 01/22/1919, Section NA, Site 1006-A, US ARMY, SGT Q M C, WORLD WAR I
Loebel, Julius, d. 10/09/1893, Section WS, Site 492, US ARMY, SGT MAJOR 2ND US ART
Loebel, Mary, d. 03/13/1895, Section WS, Site 492, Wife of Julius Loebel, US ARMY, SGT MAJOR 2ND US ART
Loeffler, Bernice C, b. 07/27/1891, d. 07/30/1965, Section EW, Site 170, Wife of Leroy Loeffler, US ARMY, CPL 149 FLD ARTY 42, WORLD WAR I
Loeffler, Joseph Dewey, b. 07/27/1917, d. 12/09/1958, Section B, Site 311-A, US AIR FORCE, CAPT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Loeffler, Kathleen Brann, b. 08/13/1917, d. 02/03/2003, Section B, Site 312-A, Wife of Joseph Dewey Loeffler, US AIR FORCE, CAPT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Loeffler, Leroy, d. 11/28/1937, Section EW, Site 170, US ARMY, CORPL BATTY B 149TH, WORLD WAR I
Loehr, Earl D, d. 05/09/1932, Section C, Site 105, US ARMY, PFC MED DEPT, WORLD WAR I
Loewenthal, Leon M, b. 04/13/1899, d. 01/31/1978, Section OSA, Row 58, Site 3, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Loewenthal, Mae, b. 11/07/1899, d. 03/15/1984, Section OSA, Row 58, Site 3, Wife of Leon M Loewenthal, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Loewenthal, Myrtile, d. 10/19/1931, Section OSA, Row 58, Site 3, US ARMY, 2ND LT 419TH RES, WORLD WAR I
Loewidt, Max I, d. 06/17/1902, Section NAWS, Site 530, US ARMY, SGT COMSY, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loewy, Louis, d. 05/05/1912, Section WS, Site 375, US ARMY, CPL 10 6, CIVIL WAR
Lofberg, Gus B, d. 10/20/1937, Section OSA, Site 113A 7, US COAST GUARD, LT COMMANDER
Lofberg, Wilma A, b. 12/13/1877, d. 12/20/1965, Section OSA, Site 113A 5, Wife of Gus B Lofberg, US COAST GUARD, LT CDR
Lofflin, James A, d. 06/20/1898, Section WS, Site 630, US ARMY, PVT E 23RD US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lofquist, Caesarine, b. 02/06/1895, d. 06/04/1985, Section NAWS, Site 1916, Wife of Frederick Lofquist, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lofquist, Frederick, b. 11/25/1885, d. 10/21/1958, Section NAWS, Site 1915, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lofthus, Tjaran N, d. 08/10/1929, Section B, Site 529, US ARMY, PVT 1C 344TH US ART, WORLD WAR I
Loftis, Daniel B, d. 04/05/1922, Section A, Site 299, US ARMY, PVT D 2D ALA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lofton, Morris Wilbourne, b. 09/10/1917, d. 02/27/1958, Section NAWS, Site 1422-B, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lofton, William Scott, b. 04/07/1916, d. 01/27/1990, Section DE, Site 228-A, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR II
Loftus, Angeh Vivian, d. 07/14/1946, Section DS, Site 1299, Wife of George Frederick Loftus, US NAVY, APP 3C
Loftus, Edward J, d. 07/13/1936, Section OSD, Site 27, US ARMY, 2ND LT F A, WORLD WAR I
Loftus, George Frederick, d. 02/02/1937, Section DS, Site 1299, US NAVY, APP 3 CL, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loftus, Lester Conrade, d. 06/22/1910, Section EE, Site 1621, US NAVY, SC 4C
Loftus, Matthew T, d. 03/09/1915, Section WS, Site 281-A, US ARMY, PVT L 1ST CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loftus, Victor M, d. 01/11/1939, Section EE, Site 409, US ARMY, PVT TROOP I 1ST TEXA, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loftus, William A, d. 02/12/1935, Section OSA, Row 102, Site 7, US ARMY, CAPT ORD DEPT, WORLD WAR I
Logan, Alice E, b. 11/27/1889, d. 12/22/1969, Section DS, Site 1309, Wife of Thomas J Logan, US ARMY, PFC CO L 161 INF
Logan, Archie Edwin, d. 08/24/1928, Section B, Site 167, US ARMY, PVT M 75TH US INF 13, WORLD WAR I
Logan, Cordelia M, b. 09/23/1890, d. 07/09/1969, Section DE, Site 290, Wife of John A Logan, US ARMY, CPL CO 1 164 DEPOT B, WORLD WAR I
Logan, Edward, d. 01/27/1900, Section NA, Site 663, US ARMY, PVT L 43RD USV INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Logan, Edward A, d. 12/14/1912, Section WS, Site 993, US ARMY, PVT G 24TH US INF
Logan, Frank A, d. 02/12/1939, Section EE, Site 396, US ARMY, SERGT Q M DET, WORLD WAR I
Logan, Frank P, d. 03/30/1873, Section WS, Site 262, US ARMY, PVT 5TH US CAV
Logan, Gertrude E, b. 02/22/1881, d. 08/02/1954, Section DE, Site 323, Wife of William D Logan, US ARMY, PVT BTRY H 2ND ARTY
Logan, John A, d. 10/11/1899, Section WS, Site 793, US ARMY, PVT L 4TH US CAV
Logan, John A, d. 02/26/1936, Section DE, Site 290, US ARMY, CPL 1ST 164TH, WORLD WAR I
Logan, John A, d. 09/16/1916, Section WS, Site 1035-A, US ARMY, SGT MAJOR NCS 9TH US
Logan, Joseph Michael, d. 01/26/1936, Section OSA, Row 120, Site 10, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR I
Logan, Lugarda A, b. 02/23/1901, d. 11/24/1965, Section EE, Site 396, Wife of Frank A Logan, US ARMY, SGT
Logan, Mamie, d. 02/22/1947, Section WS, Site 1035-A, Wife of John A Logan, US ARMY, SGT MAJOR 9TH US CAV
Logan, Mary J, d. 10/03/1946, Section OSA, Row 120, Site 8, Wife of Joseph Michael Logan, US NAVY, LT
Logan, Thomas J, d. 01/21/1937, Section DS, Site 1309, US ARMY, PFC L 161ST INF
Logan, William D, b. 04/02/1879, d. 03/19/1936, Section DE, Site 323, US ARMY, PVT BTRY H 2ND ARTY, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Logan, William Franklin, d. 06/07/1940, Section DE, Site 331-A, US NAVY, MACH MATE 1 C
Logans, Edwin A, d. 12/14/1912, Section WS, Site 993, US ARMY, PVT G 24TH US INF
Logel, Clarence C, b. 05/02/1920, d. 09/01/1991, Section OSD, Site 491-AA, US NAVY, F 1, WORLD WAR II
Logel, Laura B, b. 01/19/1915, d. 10/13/1990, Section OSD, Site 491-AA, Wife of Clarence C Logel, US NAVY, F 1, WORLD WAR II
Loges, William H, d. 05/15/1879, Section WS, Site 1232, US ARMY, PVT E 8TH US INF
Loghry, Robert, d. 01/20/1928, Section OSA, Row 14, Site 8, US ARMY, LT COL SIG CORP, WORLD WAR I
Logue, Arnold C, b. 07/07/1921, d. 04/01/1992, Section PPWS, Site 431-AA, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Logue, Frank R, d. 07/18/1934, Section C, Site 975, US ARMY, PVT G 102ND INF, WORLD WAR I
Logue, Margaret D, b. 03/04/1921, d. 01/18/1993, Section PPWS, Site 431-AA, Wife of Arnold C Logue, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lohman, Charles, d. 09/16/1909, Section NAWS, Site 1415, US ARMY, PVT G 5TH NYV MILITI
Lohman, Joseph S, d. 02/03/1918, Section NA, Site 249-B, US ARMY, 1ST SGT, WORLD WAR I
Lolmaugh, Kenneth C, d. 07/02/1940, Section DS, Site 1628, US ARMY, PVT F 27TH INF
Lomas, Albert E, d. 08/30/1937, Section DW, Site 844, US ARMY, PVT F 30TH US VOL IN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lomas, Grace Mary, d. 06/13/1941, Section DW, Site 844, Wife of Albert Lomas, US ARMY, PVT F 30TH US VOL IN
Lombard, Chester T, b. 07/04/1917, d. 03/26/1992, Section PPWS, Site 430-AA, US NAVY, RMC, WORLD WAR II
Lombardi, Julia Etta, b. 11/21/1935, d. 08/18/1979, Section H, Site 164, US NAVY, YN 3
Lombardo, Sam, d. 07/09/1927, Section A, Site 1489, US ARMY, PVT 14TH CO 162 DEPO, WORLD WAR I
Londrigan, William, d. 05/10/1900, Section ES, Site 920, US ARMY, PVT A 21ST US INF
Londry, Thomas Hibberd, b. 12/03/1928, d. 08/20/1982, Section MA, Site 28, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lonergan, Edward C, d. 05/30/1929, Section B, Site 463, US ARMY, SGT 1C QM CORPS, WORLD WAR I
Long, Annie R, d. 11/23/1902, Section OS, Row 53, Site 7, Wife of Charles H Long, US ARMY, LT
Long, Charles, d. 06/30/1900, Section PPNA, Site 55, CIVILIAN WAKE ISLAND NAS, CIVILIAN TEAMSTER
Long, Charles F, d. 02/24/1927, Section A, Site 1333, US ARMY, SGT H 22ND US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Long, Charles H, d. 02/21/1917, Section OS, Row 53, Site 5, Son (Minor Child) of Charles H Long Sr, US ARMY, 1ST LT I 13TH MD VOL
Long, Charles H, d. 10/26/1895, Section OS, Row 53, Site 5, US ARMY, 1ST LT
Long, Charles William, b. 05/09/1911, d. 07/03/1954, Section OSA, Row 117, Site 2, US ARMY, 1ST LT 102ND CA TNG, WORLD WAR II
Long, Edmond, d. 12/22/1917, Section ES, Site 1016-A, US ARMY, SGT B 14TH US CAV
Long, Edward D, d. 07/14/1914, Section OS, Row 53, Site 5, Son (Minor Child) of Charles H Long, US ARMY, 1ST LT
Long, Edwin C, d. 12/02/1916, Section OS, Row 92, Site 5, US ARMY, CAPT C A C
Long, Florence T, d. 06/28/1924, Section GHT, Site 354, Wife of Samuel K Long, US ARMY, PVT C 186 OHIO VOL I
Long, Frank Egan, b. 08/25/1914, d. 01/06/1990, Section DS, Site 1107-AA, US NAVY, YN 2/C, WORLD WAR II
Long, George, d. 11/29/1918, Section NA, Site 790-B, US NAVY, 1C FIREMAN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Long, George W Sr, b. 04/25/1920, d. 11/14/1989, Section C, Site 1307-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Long, Georgene, d. 08/19/1936, Section OS, Row 92, Site 7, Wife of Edwin C Long, US ARMY, CAPTAIN C A CORP
Long, Henry C, d. 10/11/1913, Section OS, Row 78, Site 7, US ARMY, 1ST LT H 49TH, CIVIL WAR
Long, Howard F, d. 06/19/1933, Section OSA, Row 81, Site 3, US ARMY, CAPT
Long, Jack C, d. 12/14/1939, Section EE, Site 964, US ARMY, PFC BAND 11TH CAV
Long, James E, d. 01/15/1936, Section DE, Site 111, US ARMY, PFC F 109TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Long, James L, d. 02/28/1943, Section OS, Row 53, Site 4, US ARMY, COL
Long, John, d. 06/09/1933, Section ES, Site 826-B, US ARMY, PVT F 24TH N Y CAV, CIVIL WAR
Long, John, d. 04/09/1865, Section WS, Site 108, US ARMY, PVT CO G 2ND US INF
Long, John F, d. 01/21/1917, Section NAWS, Site 1074-A, US NAVY, SEAMAN
Long, John H, d. 03/14/1917, Section ES, Site 494-A, US ARMY, SGT 9TH C A C
Long, Lester, b. 11/08/1914, d. 06/14/1986, Section A, Site 1197-A, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Long, Marjorie A, b. 01/24/1923, d. 11/10/2010, Section A, Site 1197-A, Wife of Lester Long, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Long, Mary, d. 05/12/1927, Section NAWS, Site 901, Wife of Peter Long, US ARMY, CORP A 10 US INF
Long, Maude S, d. 03/13/1944, Section OS, Row 53, Site 4, Wife of James L Long, US ARMY, COL
Long, Michael, Section NAWS, Site 1642, US ARMY, PVT
Long, Peter, d. 05/01/1903, Section NAWS, Site 901, US ARMY, CPL A 10TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Long, Richard, d. 09/28/1901, Section NAWS, Site 234, US ARMY, PVT C 9TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Long, Robert, d. 09/10/1902, Section NA, Site 1187, US ARMY, PVT A 5TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Long, Robert Gust, b. 05/03/1922, d. 04/02/1985, Section PPE, Site C-36, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Long, Rolla H, d. 11/28/1940, Section F, Site 65, US ARMY, CORP MT CO 523, WORLD WAR I
Long, Roy, d. 05/09/1932, Section C, Site 122, US ARMY, SGT MED DEP, WORLD WAR I
Long, Salome, d. 09/11/1920, Section NAWS, Site 1074-A, Wife of John F Long, US NAVY, SEAMAN
Long, Samuel K, d. 02/09/1911, Section GHT, Site 354, US ARMY, PVT C 186TH OHIO VOL, CIVIL WAR
Long, Silas E, Section WS, Site 1187, US ARMY, PVT I 7TH CA VOL INF
Long, William H, d. 01/22/1919, Section NAWS, Site 1400-A, US ARMY, COOK A 314 ENGRINEER, WORLD WAR I
Longacre, Albert C, d. 01/04/1902, Section NA, Site 791, US ARMY, PVT L 11TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Longaker, Mildred Mae, b. 08/21/1923, d. 07/04/2005, Section I, Site 103, Wife of Ralph Kirkland Longaker, US ARMY AIR FORCES, COL, WORLD WAR II
Longaker, Ralph Kirkland, b. 04/16/1925, d. 06/01/1976, Section I, Site 103, US ARMY AIR FORCES, COL, WORLD WAR II
Longmire, Charles J, b. 12/10/1918, d. 09/02/1987, Section C, Site 1631-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Lonning, Charlotte T, b. 12/20/1914, d. 09/11/1975, Section I, Site 126, Wife of Stanley N Lonning, US ARMY, COL
Lonning, Stanley N, b. 07/16/1910, d. 09/26/1990, Section I, Site 126, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Look, Louise Elizabeth, d. 04/20/1933, Section B, Site 1235, Wife of Samuel H Look, US NAVY, LANDSMAN
Look, Samuel H, d. 04/18/1906, Section B, Site 1235, US NAVY, LANDSMAN, CIVIL WAR
Lookadoo, Mathew, d. 09/20/1900, Section ES, Site 1199, US ARMY, PVT B 25TH US INF
Loomer, Charles A, d. 12/16/1931, Section C, Site 55, US ARMY, 1ST SGT
Loomis, Oliver S, d. 04/29/1936, Section DW, Site 601, US ARMY, SGT DEML ROTC
Loosa, August H, d. 08/05/1898, Section WS, Site 671, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST COLO VOL I, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Loosley, Margaret, b. 06/01/1883, d. 01/04/1962, Section NA, Site 761-B, Wife of Milan Adrian Loosley, US ARMY, MAJOR
Loosley, Milan Adrain, b. 04/17/1873, d. 12/30/1957, Section NA, Site 762-B, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR I
Loper, Frank W, d. 09/13/1928, Section B, Site 227, US ARMY, PVT H 44TH US INF, WORLD WAR I
Lopez, Frank G, d. 06/13/1926, Section A, Site 1161, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL BTRY K 6TH
Lopez, John Manuel, b. 09/27/1939, d. 02/28/1988, Section H, Site CA-90, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAM
Lopez, Jose Roberto, b. 03/19/1934, d. 03/31/1986, Section PPNA, Site 48-D, US AIR FORCE, A2C
Lopez, Nestor, d. 06/25/1919, Section NAWS, Site 344-A, US ARMY, PVT A 31ST US INF, WORLD WAR I
Lorance, Gene C, b. 08/09/1917, d. 05/14/1991, Section OSD, Site 686A, US NAVY, SF3
Lorance, Lorraine Ruth, b. 04/14/1920, d. 02/11/1998, Section OSD, Site 686A, Wife of Gene C Lorance, US NAVY, SF3
Lorber, Louis, d. 09/26/1927, Section A, Site 1539, US ARMY, STF SGT HQ CO 24TH I
Lorch, Robert M, Section WS, Site 74
Lord, Charles E, d. 10/21/1922, Section A, Site 399, US ARMY, PVT G 11TH MASS INF, CIVIL WAR
Lord, David Alexander Jr, d. 09/24/1948, Section OSD, Site 480, US NAVY, LT COMDR, WORLD WAR II
Lord, Elizabeth J, b. 07/08/1873, d. 12/31/1953, Section C, Site 519, Wife of Eugene A Lord, US ARMY, PVT CO L 4TH MASS
Lord, Eugene A, d. 05/22/1933, Section C, Site 519, US ARMY, PVT L 4TH MASS H A, CIVIL WAR
Lord, Fannie, d. 02/18/1902, Section OS, Row 64, Site 7, Wife of James H Lord, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lord, Harry, d. 01/22/1940, Section EE, Site 953, US ARMY, PVT G 388TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lord, Jacob S, d. 07/21/1928, Section B, Site 153, US ARMY, MUS BAND 2D MASS INF
Lord, James Henry, d. 02/21/1896, Section OS, Row 64, Site 3, US ARMY, MAJOR
Lord, John W, d. 01/09/1909, Section NAWS, Site 1354, US ARMY, PVT HOSP CPS
Lord, Thomas J, d. 05/11/1939, Section EW, Site 1396, US ARMY, MASTER ENG, WORLD WAR I
Lore, Kenneth A, b. 08/29/1939, d. 10/04/1987, Section C, Site 1626-A, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lorentson, Oscar, d. 03/17/1919, Section NA, Site 1090-A, US ARMY, MECH 363RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Lorentzen, Christian R, d. 07/12/1914, Section A, Site 15, US MARINE CORPS, PVT
Lorenz, Albrecht, d. 12/06/1945, Section A, Site 1506, US ARMY, PVT TROOP A 4TH US C
Lorenz, Amelia B, d. 08/13/1927, Section A, Site 1506, Wife of Albrecht Lorenz, US ARMY, PVT TROOP A 4TH CAV
Lorenz, Paul F, b. 06/20/1927, d. 01/16/1992, Section C, Site 327-A, US ARMY, SPEC 5, KOREA
Lorenzini, Eva, d. 03/24/1939, Section DS, Site 1419, Wife of Lorenzo Lorenzini, US ARMY, PFC D 61ST INF
Lorenzini, Lorenzo, d. 08/09/1936, Section DS, Site 1419, US ARMY, PFC D 61ST INF, WORLD WAR I
Loriano, William F, d. 08/19/1940, Section EE, Site 684, US ARMY, PVT A 21ST ENGR, WORLD WAR I
Lorigan, Frank Bartholomew, b. 08/26/1887, d. 11/26/1952, Section NA, Site 1128-B, US NAVY, ENSIGN, WORLD WAR I
Lorigan, Margareta Boyd, b. 07/25/1884, d. 06/25/1969, Section NA, Site 1128-B, Wife of Frank Bartholomew Lorigan, US NAVY, ENSIGN, WORLD WAR I
Lorillard, Coley A, b. 01/28/1906, d. 09/13/1956, Section NAWS, Site 1627-B, Wife of Edward L Lorillard, US AIR FORCE, M/SGT
Lorillard, Edward L, b. 06/28/1899, d. 01/21/1955, Section NAWS, Site 1627-B, US AIR FORCE, M/SGT, WORLD WAR II
Loring, Edward B, d. 12/17/1886, Section OSA, Row 78, Site 3, US ARMY, CAPT A 2D CA CAV
Loring, Leonard Y, d. 04/01/1903, Section OS, Row 25, Site 6, US ARMY, MAJOR
Loring, Lorna G, b. 02/12/1903, d. 09/19/1973, Section OSD, Site 409, Adult Dependent Daughter of William D Chitty, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Loring, Sophia Chouteau, d. 12/16/1910, Section OS, Row 25, Site 4, Wife of Leonard Y Loring, US ARMY, MAJOR
Losch, Walter E, d. 08/07/1937, Section EE, Site 1543, US ARMY, CORPL B 3RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Lothers, Hayden D, d. 05/01/1938, Section DW, Site 912, US ARMY, SGT 1ST CL 55TH SERV, WORLD WAR I
Lothrop, Alice Cornelia, d. 05/30/1910, Section PPNAW, Site 129, Daughter (Minor Child) of James N Lothrop, US ARMY, SGT 1C
Lothrop, James N Jr, d. 02/17/1917, Section PPNAW, Site 129, Son (Minor Child) of James N Lothrop, US ARMY, SGT 1C MED DEPT
Lothrop, Nellie, d. 03/01/1917, Section PPNAW, Site 129, Wife of James N Lothrop, US ARMY, SGT 1C MED DEPT
Lott, Charles W, d. 07/10/1939, Section EE, Site 1276, US ARMY, PVT HOSP CORPS, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lott, Floyd F, b. 04/02/1920, d. 04/08/1985, Section PPE, Site C-40, US ARMY, 2ND LT, WORLD WAR II
Lott, Frank William, d. 02/14/1931, Section B, Site 1111, US NAVY, PRINTER 1ST CL, WORLD WAR I
Louderback, Hubert William, d. 08/16/1933, Section C, Site 563, US NAVY, CHIEF YEOMAN, WORLD WAR I
Loughrin, James G, d. 01/02/1932, Section B, Site 1516, US ARMY, PVT 1ST CO 166TH D B, WORLD WAR I
Louie, Calvin G, b. 04/12/1914, d. 02/06/1992, Section F, Site 327-AA, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR II
Louie, Dorothy W, b. 01/14/1914, d. 11/07/2003, Section A, Site 714-A, Wife of Stanley Louie, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II
Louie, Stanley, b. 11/23/1908, d. 03/24/1987, Section A, Site 714-A, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II
Louis, Charles Robert, d. 06/06/1930, Section B, Site 852, US NAVY, AVIATION RIGGER 3RD
Louis, Frank, d. 03/10/1905, Section NAWS, Site 684, US ARMY, SGT 14TH U INF
Louis, John, d. 12/26/1913, Section OS, Row 80, Site 4, US ARMY, CAPT G 6TH, CIVIL WAR
Louis, Laurana O, d. 11/27/1928, Section OS, Row 80, Site 2, Wife of John Louis, US ARMY, CAPTAIN G 6TH
Louis, Mathias J, d. 07/14/1932, Section C, Site 158, US ARMY, TRUMPET K 2D CAV
Louis, Nellie G, b. 10/02/1910, d. 11/06/1989, Section C, Site 1323-A, Wife of Vernon J Louis, US NAVY, S 1C, WORLD WAR II
Louis, Vernon J, b. 01/28/1909, d. 11/26/1994, Section C, Site 1323-A, US NAVY, S1C, WORLD WAR II
Loureiro, Felzia, b. 08/16/1920, d. 02/22/2014, Section C, Site 4-A, Wife of Frank Loureiro, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR I
Loureiro, Frank, b. 03/20/1894, d. 11/16/1988, Section C, Site 4-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR I
Loustalot, Albert L, d. 01/19/1956, Section OS, Row 118, Site 5, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Loustalot, Elsa, d. 09/26/1950, Section OS, Row 118, Site 3, Wife of Albert L Loustalot, US ARMY, COL
Louth, Michael, d. 12/07/1903, Section NAWS, Site 297, US ARMY, SGT D 10TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Louton, Clarence Lorenzo, b. 03/09/1933, d. 03/29/2010, Section B, Site 25-A, US NAVY, CWO 2, KOREA, VIETNAM
Louton, David C, b. 08/09/1957, d. 03/16/1961, Section B, Site 24-A, Son (Minor Child) of Clarence L Louton, US NAVY, CWO 2, KOREA, VIETNAM
Love, Blackman, b. 03/23/1923, d. 08/14/1982, Section I, Site 95, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Love, Cleta B, b. 04/12/1912, d. 11/15/2006, Section ES, Site C-90, Wife of John Love, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Love, Cloteal Patrick, b. 08/20/1915, d. 06/11/1976, Section I, Site 95, Wife of Blackman Love, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Love, Frank, d. 10/03/1937, Section EE, Site 55, US ARMY, SGT BATTY F 2ND F A, WORLD WAR I
Love, John, b. 08/29/1901, d. 01/09/1985, Section ES, Site C-90, US ARMY, CAPT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Love, Thomas, d. 12/14/1900, Section NA, Site 829, US ARMY, PVT E 49TH USV INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lovejoy, George Duncan, b. 11/23/1910, d. 04/26/1996, Section H, Site CA-322-A, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lovejoy, Jabez F, d. 03/03/1863, Section WS, Site 397, US ARMY, PVT G 2ND CA VOL CAV
Lovejoy, Jessie Cathern, d. 10/10/1950, Section B, Site 775, US NAVY, YEOMAN 3C
Lovejoy, Joseph W, d. 04/18/1930, Section B, Site 775, US NAVY, YEOMAN 3RD CLASS, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lovejoy, Margaret E, b. 11/12/1913, d. 04/20/2010, Section H, Site CA-322-A, Wife of George Duncan Lovejoy, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lovelace, Eugene, b. 10/25/1930, d. 12/27/1985, Section NA, Site 1384-A, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lovelace, Jennie A, b. 08/28/1931, d. 12/03/1990, Section NA, Site 1384-A, Wife of Eugene T Lovelace, US AIR FORCE, SM /SGT, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lovelady, William H, d. 05/16/1918, Section NA, Site 522-A, US ARMY, CPL 12TH C A C, WORLD WAR I
Loveland, Hesta, b. 12/22/1901, d. 11/05/1977, Section B, Site 1382, Wife of Howard C Loveland, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR I
Loveland, Howard C, d. 09/29/1931, Section B, Site 1382, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR I
Lovell, Anna Marie, d. 04/09/1936, Section DS, Site 1470, Wife of David J Lovell, US ARMY, PVT H 1ST INF
Lovell, Buford Paul, d. 04/06/1929, Section B, Site 479, US NAVY, FARMACIST MATE 3D CL
Lovell, David J, d. 09/09/1936, Section DS, Site 1470, US ARMY, PVT H 1ST INF
Lovell, Harry E, d. 11/16/1936, Section DS, Site 1394, US ARMY, CORPL D 2ND OREGON, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lovell, Joseph, d. 06/07/1900, Section ES, Site 1132, US ARMY, PVT K 39TH USV INF
Lovell, Pembroke E, d. 08/14/1936, Section DW, Site 547, US ARMY, PVT I 4TH MO VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lovell, Robert E, b. 08/12/1921, d. 05/14/1992, Section PPWS, Site 224-B, US NAVY, LCDR, WORLD WAR II
Lovett, Frank Phillip, b. 06/05/1925, d. 08/05/1988, Section H, Site CA-228, US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lovett, Georgia Lillian, b. 02/05/1928, d. 10/17/2000, Section H, Site CA-228, Wife of Frank Philip Lovett, US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lovich, Andrew, b. 11/17/1921, d. 08/11/1958, Section NAWS, Site 1852, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR II
Lovich, Helen Marie, b. 07/19/1923, d. 10/08/2005, Section NAWS, Site 1851, Wife of Andrew Lovich, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR II
Low, Hazel L, b. 08/01/1891, d. 06/10/1979, Section OSD, Site 633, Wife of John C Low, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Low, John Chambers, b. 10/31/1888, d. 07/02/1956, Section OSD, Site 633, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Low, John W, d. 11/19/1900, Section NA, Site 975, US ARMY, PVT G 33RD USV INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Low, Norris Grayson, b. 01/11/1917, d. 06/22/1996, Section H, Site CA-388A, US ARMY, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR II
Low, Vera C, b. 08/12/1917, d. 06/24/1984, Section I, Site C-444, Wife of William Edwin Low, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Low, Werner A, b. 01/31/1923, d. 12/14/1991, Section F, Site 337-A, US ARMY, WO 1, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Low, William Edwin, b. 07/01/1921, d. 09/26/2013, Section I, Site C-444, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Loward, Roswell, Section NAWS, Site 1611, US ARMY, STW
Lowary, Harry T, d. 06/17/1929, Section B, Site 489, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST US CAV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lowden, Thomas J, d. 07/05/1905, Section NAWS, Site 743, US ARMY, PVT I 2ND W VA VOL C, CIVIL WAR
Lowe, Alice Roberta, b. 02/24/1916, d. 01/12/1984, Section I, Site C-115, Wife of Howard Doree Lowe, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lowe, Charles Edmund, d. 02/27/1946, Section OSA, Row 43, Site 6, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR I
Lowe, Earl M, d. 06/11/1933, Section C, Site 531, US NAVY, FIREMAN 2D CLASS, WORLD WAR I
Lowe, Harold J, d. 09/25/1931, Section B, Site 1381, US ARMY, WAGONER HQ DET 82ND, WORLD WAR I
Lowe, Harry Sheldon, d. 12/20/1934, Section C, Site 1153, US NAVY, SEAMAN 1ST CL
Lowe, Harvey J, d. 06/25/1899, Section ES, Site 572, US ARMY, PVT A 14TH US INF
Lowe, Howard Dorse, b. 01/02/1914, d. 11/19/1982, Section I, Site C-115, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lowe, Spencer G, b. 10/04/1913, d. 10/04/1986, Section A, Site 740-A, US ARMY, T/SGT, WORLD WAR II
Lowell, Emily P, b. 05/15/1896, d. 10/16/1990, Section NAWS, Site 1859, Wife of William A Lowell, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II
Lowell, William Albert, b. 02/12/1895, d. 09/22/1958, Section NAWS, Site 1859, US AIR FORCE, LT COL, WORLD WAR II
Lowen, Robert Emmanuel, d. 01/13/1940, Section EE, Site 996, US NAVY, PAINTER 2C, WORLD WAR I
Lowenstein, Caroline K, b. 01/21/1898, d. 07/07/1987, Section EE, Site 880, Wife of Melville E Lowenstein, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR I
Lowenstein, Melville E, d. 07/26/1940, Section EE, Site 880, US ARMY, PVT M G 364TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lowery, Beverly J, b. 07/23/1925, d. 01/07/1991, Section DW, Site 587-A, US AIR FORCE, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lowery, Michael A, b. 03/25/1946, d. 02/05/1967, Section EE, Site 891-A, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAM
Lowes, William G, d. 02/05/1899, Section ES, Site 412, US ARMY, PVT I 1ST SO DAK VOL
Lowman, Glenn H, d. 10/13/1940, Section EE, Site 783, US ARMY, COOK Q M C, WORLD WAR I
Lowman, John Alexander, d. 05/31/1939, Section EE, Site 1359, US NAVY, BOILERMAKER, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lowman, Marian K, d. 12/14/1940, Section EE, Site 1359, Wife of John Alexander Lowman, US NAVY, BOILERMAKER
Lowndes, Constance Grace, d. 06/02/1934, Section OSA, Row 49, Site 6, Wife of Edward R Lowndes, US MARINE CORPS, MAJOR
Lowndes, Edward R, d. 06/27/1932, Section OSA, Row 49, Site 8, US MARINE CORPS, MAJOR
Lowney, Donald Francis, b. 12/24/1913, d. 02/17/1986, Section A, Site 1200-A, US AIR FORCE, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lowrey, John, d. 08/16/1867, Section WS, Site 1110, US ARMY, PVT F 14TH US INF
Lowrie, William H, d. 01/08/1913, Section GHT, Site 292-A, US ARMY, 2ND LT F 165TH NYV, CIVIL WAR
Lowry, Charles E, d. 02/02/1903, Section NAWS, Site 1064, US ARMY, MUS L 5TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lows, William C, d. 02/05/1899, Section GHT, Site 412, US ARMY, PVT
Lowstetter, Bernice, b. 02/05/1917, d. 02/22/2001, Section WS, Site 1398-A, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II
Lowstetter, Howard, b. 07/04/1907, d. 10/31/1985, Section WS, Site 1398-A, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II
Loyd, William E, d. 04/03/1940, Section DS, Site 1670, US ARMY, SGT 1 CL, WORLD WAR I
Lozada, Santiago M, b. 05/21/1931, d. 05/17/1983, Section I, Site C-294, US ARMY, PVT, KOREA
Lubatti, John, d. 04/09/1937, Section DS, Site 1207, US ARMY, PVT F 313TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lubberden, George W, d. 07/11/1894, Section WS, Site 504, US ARMY, PVT L 5TH US ARTY
Lubbert, Annie, d. 06/01/1943, Section WS, Site 393-C, Wife of William W Lubbert, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST COLO
Lubbert, William W, d. 07/10/1915, Section WS, Site 393-C, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST COLO INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lubeck, Henry E, d. 01/20/1865, Section WS, Site 75, US ARMY, PVT CO G 2ND CAL VOL
Lubin, Samuel, d. 06/26/1937, Section DW, Site 795, US ARMY, PVT F 1ST SO DAK VOL, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lucas, Charles Elliott, b. 12/24/1876, d. 09/02/1968, Section PPNA, Site 70-A, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR I
Lucas, Harold B, d. 08/16/1917, Section ES, Site 830-A, US ARMY, PVT 2ND CA CAC NG
Lucas, Infant Daughter, d. 11/03/1943, Section PPNAW, Site 55-A, Daughter (Minor Child) of Elvin R Lucas, US ARMY, PVT 1 CL 980 FI
Lucas, James R, b. 01/13/1939, d. 12/25/1990, Section DW, Site 745-A, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lucas, John, d. 06/08/1935, Section C, Site 1422, US ARMY, COOK D 22ND INF
Lucas, Joseph, d. 01/18/1939, Section EE, Site 435, US ARMY, 1ST SGT E 7TH INF
Lucas, Leslie Warren Jr, b. 09/23/1925, d. 02/23/1987, Section A, Site 681-A, US NAVY, MAILMAN 3, WORLD WAR II
Lucas, Mabel Elizabeth, b. 04/26/1882, d. 04/11/1962, Section PPNA, Site 70-A, Wife of Charles E Lucas, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR I
Lucas, Oliver H, d. 03/03/1924, Section A, Site 663, US ARMY, PVT BTRY D 78 FIELD, WORLD WAR I
Lucas, Orange S, d. 05/29/1937, Section DS, Site 1143, US ARMY, PVT F 1ST BN WYE INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lucas, Phillip, d. 11/19/1905, Section PPNA, Site 156, Son (Minor Child) of Unknown Lucas, US ARMY, POST Q M SGT
Lucas, Robert E, d. 01/01/1988, Section MA, Site 134, US NAVY, YN 2
Lucas, Ruth, b. 06/19/1914, d. 01/09/1916, Section PPNA, Site 70-A, Daughter (Minor Child) of Charles E Lucas, US ARMY, CAPTAIN 38TH US INF
Luce, Edgar H, d. 03/23/1941, Section F, Site 270, US ARMY, HOSP STWD 1ST COLO, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lucero, Lawrence Patrick, b. 05/26/1957, d. 08/08/1990, Section DW, Site 1028-A, US ARMY, 2 LT
Lucero, Vivian, Section WS, Site 882, US ARMY, PVT A 1ST NMV INF
Lucey, Amelia M, d. 11/06/1946, Section EE, Site 1086, Wife of James A Lucey, US ARMY, 1ST SGT CO F 46TH US
Lucey, Daniel F, d. 04/06/1931, Section B, Site 1173, US ARMY, SUP SGT F 78TH F A, WORLD WAR I
Lucey, James A, d. 11/16/1939, Section EE, Site 1086, US ARMY, 1ST SGT F 46TH USV I, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Luchsinger, Florence M, d. 07/03/1906, Section PPNAW, Site 39, Daughter (Minor Child) of Charles Luchsinger, US ARMY, PVT 64TH C A C
Lucier, Edna, d. 08/26/1932, Section PPE, Site 239-A, Sister of William Bridges, US ARMY, 1ST LT
Lucier, Erminia, b. 01/07/1915, d. 03/08/2016, Section I, Site 82, Wife of Frank E Lucier, US NAVY, LT COMDR, WORLD WAR II
Lucier, Frank E, b. 09/01/1909, d. 07/11/1976, Section I, Site 82, US NAVY, LT COMDR, WORLD WAR II
Luckett, Ignatius, d. 03/17/1917, Section ES, Site 667-A, US ARMY, COOK L 25TH US INF
Luckow, Alta Ruth, b. 10/20/1900, d. 12/21/1989, Section C, Site 322-A, Wife of Richard C Luckow Jr, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II
Luckow, Richard Charles Jr, b. 05/24/1901, d. 04/17/1960, Section C, Site 322-A, US ARMY, LT COL, WORLD WAR II
Lucy, Earl M, d. 01/01/1987, Section MA, Site 83, US AIR FORCE, T SGT
Ludemann, Edna C, b. 07/14/1892, d. 10/08/1953, Section EE, Site 1261, Wife of Harry H Ludemann, US ARMY, PVT CO G 8TH CA VOL
Ludemann, Harry H, d. 08/04/1939, Section EE, Site 1261, US ARMY, PVT G 8TH CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Ludlow, Thaddeus W, b. 12/23/1944, d. 03/28/1991, Section OSD, Site 501-A, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAM
Ludwick, Ephriam A, d. 09/27/1887, Section OS, Row 43, Site 1, US ARMY, COL USV
Ludwig, Jack Leroy, b. 05/08/1916, d. 05/25/1987, Section A, Site 373-A, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Ludwig, Jacob, d. 06/28/1938, Section DW, Site 982, US NAVY, SEAMAN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Ludwig, Margaret, d. 11/18/1946, Section DW, Site 982, Wife of Jacob Ludwig, US NAVY, SEAMAN
Ludwig, Nick, d. 03/17/1940, Section DS, Site 1600, US ARMY, PVT F 19TH INF
Lueck, Howard George, d. 03/09/1937, Section DS, Site 1196, US NAVY, SEAMAN, WORLD WAR I
Luer, John E, d. 04/21/1926, Section A, Site 1126, US ARMY, PVT TROOP H 15 US CA, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lufkin, Willard Eldridge, d. 01/21/1924, Section OSA, Row 8, Site 7, US ARMY, 2ND LT, WORLD WAR I
Lughammer, Arthur Lawrence, d. 06/27/1937, Section DW, Site 772, US NAVY, CHIEF ELECTRICIAN, WORLD WAR I
Lugo, Eduardo Jose, b. 08/13/1928, d. 12/11/1982, Section I, Site C-139, US ARMY, PVT, KOREA
Lugo, Victor Manuel, b. 07/03/1923, d. 04/21/1961, Section B, Site 1019-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lugue, Jesus Abella, b. 03/06/1961, d. 03/06/1961, Section EE, Site 1349-A, Son (Minor Child) of Estaban T Lugue, US NAVY, SK 2, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lugue, Joseph, b. 03/06/1961, d. 03/06/1961, Section EE, Site 1349-A, Son (Minor Child) of Estaban T Lugue, US NAVY, SK 2, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Luiz, Richard Allen, b. 03/27/1937, d. 06/09/1957, Section NA, Site 644-B, US AIR FORCE, A2/C
Luka, Andy, b. 09/08/1933, d. 04/11/1986, Section A, Site 1138-A, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAM
Luka, Josephine A, b. 12/22/1931, d. 01/15/2011, Section A, Site 1138-A, Wife of Andy Luka, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAM
Lukarelly, Frank, d. 05/15/1935, Section C, Site 1378, US ARMY, PVT HQ 347TH, WORLD WAR I
Luke, Charles M, d. 07/04/1934, Section C, Site 941, US ARMY, PVT D 2ND WEST VA VO, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Luke, Jacob O, d. 08/26/1909, Section NAWS, Site 1419, US ARMY, PVT HOSP CPS
Luke, Martha Frances, d. 01/22/1937, Section C, Site 941, Wife of Charles M Luke, US ARMY, PVT D 2ND WEST VA VO
Lull, Norman A, Section NAWS, Site 1613, US ARMY, PVT
Lum, Grace M, b. 05/28/1871, d. 01/24/1961, Section OS, Row 100, Site 8, Wife of William T Lum, US ARMY, MED CORPS, WORLD WAR I
Lum, Kathleen Wong, b. 03/20/1923, d. 01/12/2013, Section OSA, Site C-47, Wife of Raymond B S Lum, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR II
Lum, Raymond B S, b. 04/09/1924, d. 10/06/1985, Section OSA, Site C-47, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR II
Lum, William Tappan, b. 08/15/1869, d. 04/07/1943, Section OS, Row 100, Site 8, US ARMY, CAPTAIN MED CORPS, WORLD WAR I
Lumpkin, Burnette Curley, b. 12/12/1921, d. 11/27/1989, Section DE, Site 386-A, US ARMY, TEC 5, WORLD WAR II
Luna, Frank S, d. 01/03/1935, Section NAWS, Site 328, US ARMY, WAGONER SUPPLY 340, WORLD WAR I
Lund, Nancy, b. 03/20/1960, d. 04/02/1960, Section C, Site 315-A, Daughter (Minor Child) of Max V Lund, US AIR FORCE, A1C
Lundberg, John C, d. 03/04/1900, Section NA, Site 434, US ARMY, PVT I 30TH USV INF
Lundberg, Stanislaus William, d. 08/05/1940, Section EE, Site 687, US MARINE CORPS, PVT 1CL, WORLD WAR I
Lundblad, Fred, d. 10/11/1927, Section A, Site 1548, US ARMY, PVT E 15TH MINN INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lunde, Tallef Halverson, d. 02/25/1934, Section C, Site 760, US ARMY, PVT D 3RD MINN VOL I, CIVIL WAR
Lundgren, Carl Gerhardt, b. 06/16/1909, d. 06/23/1951, Section OS, Row 5, Site 136-A, US ARMY, CAPTAIN, WORLD WAR II
Lundheim, Lauritz W, d. 05/31/1925, Section A, Site 928, US ARMY, PVT HQ CO 65 INF BRI, WORLD WAR I
Lundin, Charles, d. 11/30/1931, Section B, Site 1505, US NAVY, SEAMAN
Lundin, Frederick, d. 04/24/1899, Section GHT, Site 401, US ARMY, PVT D 1ST CA VOL INF
Lundstrom, Axel, d. 02/10/1899, Section WS, Site 830, US ARMY, PVT BTRY L 3RD US AR, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lundy, Benjamin W, d. 01/31/1937, Section DS, Site 1293, US ARMY, PVT M 1ST CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lunick, Samuel D, d. 06/13/1933, Section ES, Site 849-B, US ARMY, PVT HOSP CORP
Lunn, William Jr, d. 09/26/1918, Section A, Site 168, US ARMY, CORP A 348 MA GUN BA
Lunsford, Ida Marie, d. 10/21/1929, Section OSA, Row 22, Site 2, Wife of William E Lunsford, US ARMY, WARRANT OFFICER
Lunt, Arnold E, d. 09/08/1936, Section A, Site 1447-A, US ARMY, PVT BATTY A 347TH F
Luplow, Marguerite I, b. 05/11/1895, d. 04/18/1986, Section B, Site 638-A, Wife of Walter D Luplow, US ARMY, BG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Luplow, Walter David, b. 06/14/1896, d. 08/12/1959, Section B, Site 637-A, US ARMY, BRIG GEN, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, WORLD WAR I
Lupton, Charles W, d. 03/09/1931, Section B, Site 1149, US ARMY, PVT D 1ST BN, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lupton, Jewel E, b. 02/16/1904, d. 03/18/1979, Section EE, Site 1365-A, Wife of Oliver K Lupton, US NAVY, LT
Lupton, Oliver K V, b. 06/06/1889, d. 01/25/1961, Section EE, Site 1364-A, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lusich, George M, b. 04/29/1896, d. 01/01/1939, Section DS, Site 1177-A, US ARMY, PVT DIV MED SUP UNIT, WORLD WAR I
Lusich, Julia, b. 09/27/1899, d. 11/17/1958, Section DS, Site 1177-A, Wife of George M Lusich, US ARMY, PVT DIV MED SUPP UNI, WORLD WAR I
Lusk, Alvin, b. 11/03/1881, d. 05/10/1939, Section EE, Site 1468, US ARMY, Q M SGT, WORLD WAR I
Lusk, James, b. 10/06/1916, d. 08/08/1996, Section OS, Row 1, Site 10, US ARMY, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR II
Lusk, Margaret Ann, b. 03/14/1879, d. 04/23/1958, Section OS, Row 1, Site 12, Wife of William V Lusk, US ARMY, COL, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR, WORLD WAR I
Lusk, Mary Mcvey, b. 11/05/1919, d. 07/07/2000, Section OS, Row 1, Site 10, Wife of James Lusk, US ARMY, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR II
Lusk, Mauda F, b. 03/16/1882, d. 09/02/1960, Section EE, Site 1468, Wife of Alvin Lusk, US ARMY, QM SGT
Lusk, William V, b. 11/01/1869, d. 09/27/1947, Section OS, Row 1, Site 10, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR I
Luster, Catherine L, d. 05/14/1947, Section B, Site 1131, Wife of Theodore O Luster, US ARMY, PVT 17TH CO C A C
Luster, Clifford Milton, b. 03/18/1926, d. 04/29/1975, Section B, Site 1131, US ARMY, CPL
Luster, Theodore O, d. 03/01/1931, Section B, Site 1131, US ARMY, PVT 17TH CO CAC, WORLD WAR I
Lustig, Albert, d. 12/03/1939, Section EE, Site 1051, US ARMY, PVT S A T C, WORLD WAR I
Luther, Hezekiah W, d. 06/20/1901, Section NA, Site 380, US ARMY, CPL A 1ST RIV LT ART, CIVIL WAR
Luther, William Cicero, d. 12/11/1925, Section A, Site 1274, US COAST GUARD, CHIEF YEOMAN
Lutticken, Mary E, b. 05/14/1893, d. 06/18/1987, Section DW, Site 1021, Wife of Sylvester H Lutticken, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR I
Luttrell, James C, d. 12/11/1932, Section OSA, Row 72, Site 1, US ARMY AIR CORPS, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR I
Lutz, Caroline, Section PPE, Site 136, Daughter (Minor Child) of Unknown Lutz
Lutz, Christian J, d. 03/17/1934, Section C, Site 808, US ARMY, PVT TROOP L 4TH CAV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lutz, George, Section PPE, Site 137, Son (Minor Child) of Unknown Lutz
Lutz, George John Jr, b. 01/31/1922, d. 12/30/1983, Section I, Site C-363, US ARMY, TSGT, WORLD WAR II
Lutz, Irene F, d. 12/12/1947, Section C, Site 808, Wife of Christian J Lutz, US ARMY, PVT TROOP L 4TH CAV
Lutz, William A, d. 08/26/1921, Section A, Site 133, US ARMY, CORPL 62 CO
Luzzi, Edward P, b. 08/25/1930, d. 04/12/1997, Section EE, Site 1374-A, US ARMY, CPL, KOREA
Luzzi, Therese R, b. 04/09/1931, d. 02/14/2016, Section EE, Site 1374-A, Wife of Edward P Luzzi, US ARMY, CPL, KOREA
Lyden, Estelle, b. 11/04/1912, d. 06/25/2003, Section H, Site CA-302, Wife of John R Lyden, US NAVY, CDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lyden, John R, b. 08/21/1915, d. 12/25/1988, Section H, Site CA-302, US NAVY, CDR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lydick, Cara L, d. 07/22/1932, Section PPNAW, Site 261, Wife of Robert L Lydick, US ARMY, PVT DET MED DEPT
Lydon, James T, d. 01/22/1932, Section B, Site 1563, US ARMY, CORPL E 1ST F A
Lyle, Fred B, b. 04/07/1893, d. 02/07/1961, Section EE, Site 1381-A, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lyle, Ruby F, b. 01/27/1903, d. 03/31/1982, Section EE, Site 1381-A, Wife of Fred B Lyle, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lyman, Cornelius, d. 04/12/1937, Section DS, Site 1180, US ARMY, PVT 7 CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyman, Edith, d. 08/03/1975, Section DS, Site 1180, Wife of Cornelius Lyman, US ARMY, PVT US VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyman, John H, b. 06/01/1911, d. 07/17/1986, Section A, Site 1077-A, US AIR FORCE, S/SGT, WORLD WAR II
Lymburn, Glenn D, d. 01/01/1976, Section MA, Site 46-A, US ARMY, PFC
Lynch, Anita C, d. 03/25/1948, Section EE, Site 1362, Wife of James P Lynch, US ARMY, CPL
Lynch, Arthur J, d. 05/02/1937, Section A, Site 572, US ARMY, PVT MED DEPT, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, Belle Mc Lean, d. 09/05/1904, Section PPNA, Site 93, Wife of J A Lynch, US ARMY, CAPT
Lynch, Bernard Clistus, b. 01/25/1901, d. 05/18/1959, Section C, Site 307-A, US NAVY, GMM 1, WORLD WAR II
Lynch, Catherine M, d. 06/27/1937, Section OSD, Site 120, Wife of Thomas R Lynch, US ARMY AIR CORPS, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR II
Lynch, Charlie Peter, d. 10/02/1923, Section A, Site 572, US NAVY, CHIEF BOATSWAIN MATE
Lynch, Christopher J, d. 08/26/1898, Section WS, Site 681, US ARMY, PVT K 1ST WASH VOL I, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lynch, Daniel, d. 06/18/1900, Section ES, Site 1279, US ARMY, PVT C 22ND US INF
Lynch, Daniel Francis, b. 09/13/1915, d. 09/24/1990, Section DW, Site 877-A, US NAVY, YN 1C, WORLD WAR II
Lynch, Emrie L, b. 10/01/1919, d. 05/31/1986, Section A, Site 1178-A, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR II
Lynch, Erwine B, d. 08/22/1926, Section A, Site 1202, US ARMY, CORP BAND 44 INF, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, James, d. 11/17/1923, Section A, Site 598, US ARMY, 1ST SGT V 15 US INF
Lynch, James A, d. 06/11/1920, Section OS, Row 100, Site 6, US ARMY, CAPT ORD CORP, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, James G, d. 05/29/1900, Section NA, Site 476, US ARMY, PVT A 30TH USV INF
Lynch, James P, d. 06/17/1939, Section EE, Site 1362, US ARMY, CPL A DEV BN 5 CAMP, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, John, d. 03/24/1930, Section B, Site 818, US ARMY, CORPL D 4TH US INF
Lynch, John, d. 06/11/1901, Section NA, Site 1048, US ARMY, PVT M 1ST US CAV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lynch, John F, d. 03/17/1900, Section ES, Site 1170, US ARMY, PVT E 37TH USV INF
Lynch, Maclean, d. 09/14/1902, Section PPNA, Site 93, Son (Minor Child) of J A Lynch, US ARMY, CAPT 28TH US INF
Lynch, Margaret M, d. 12/31/1926, Section NA, Site 280-A, Wife of Michael J Lynch, US NAVY, MASTER AT ARMS
Lynch, Michael J, d. 02/12/1918, Section NA, Site 280-A, US NAVY, CH MASTER AT ARMS, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, Patrick, d. 07/08/1915, Section WS, Site 394-A, US ARMY, PVT M 6TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lynch, Patrick, d. 06/06/1939, Section EW, Site 1328, US ARMY, PVT L 58TH INF, WORLD WAR I
Lynch, Patrick, d. 05/06/1903, Section NA, Site 1302, US ARMY, COMSY SGT
Lynch, Peter, d. 11/20/1925, Section A, Site 1019, US ARMY, ORD SGT
Lynch, Thomas, d. 06/27/1930, Section B, Site 853, US ARMY, PVT I 6TH MASS, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lynch, Thomas M, d. 09/13/1901, Section PPNA, Site 70, US ARMY, PVT D 12TH US INF
Lynch, William, d. 01/15/1911, Section NAWS, Site 1730, US MARINE CORPS, PVT
Lynchard, Jack C, d. 10/11/1983, Section MA, Site 87, US AIR FORCE, T SGT
Lynds, Alvin D, d. 06/01/1937, Section DW, Site 756, US ARMY, PVT M 2ND USV CAV, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lynn, Charles, d. 01/13/1902, Section NA, Site 740, US ARMY, PVT D 5TH US ARTY
Lynn, Charles H, d. 06/28/1939, Section EE, Site 1381, US ARMY, SGT F 319TH ENGRS, WORLD WAR I
Lynn, Mary Ellen, b. 05/07/1892, d. 05/29/1970, Section DS, Site 1665, Wife of Michael Joseph Lynn, US ARMY, PFC CO E 319 ENGR, WORLD WAR I
Lynn, Michael Joseph, d. 04/26/1940, Section DS, Site 1665, US ARMY, PFC E 319TH ENGRS, WORLD WAR I
Lynott, Michael M, d. 09/12/1932, Section C, Site 244, US ARMY, PVT C 38TH F A, WORLD WAR I
Lyon, Charles A, d. 09/30/1913, Section WS, Site 1145, US ARMY, PVT H 1ST US INF
Lyon, Estella H, b. 04/06/1884, d. 08/06/1973, Section OS, Row 117, Site 5, Wife of James W Lyon, US ARMY, COL
Lyon, Ivan S, b. 11/05/1900, d. 12/14/1957, Section WS, Site 484-B, US NAVY, LT, WORLD WAR II
Lyon, James R, d. 12/27/1900, Section NA, Site 1169, US ARMY, PVT F 17TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyon, James Wilbur, b. 10/06/1882, d. 05/28/1957, Section OS, Row 117, Site 7, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR I
Lyon, Robert J, b. 09/19/1929, d. 06/11/1991, Section OSD, Site 785-A, US NAVY, S 1C, KOREA
Lyon, Sallie Ann, d. 06/20/1960, Section WS, Site 485-B, Wife of Ivan S Lyon, US NAVY, LT
Lyons, Abraham, d. 05/04/1902, Section NAWS, Site 776, US ARMY, PVT E 8TH US INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyons, Andy, d. 07/07/1907, Section NAWS, Site 1176, US ARMY, 1C PVT HOSP CPS
Lyons, Daniel, d. 03/11/1900, Section NA, Site 262, US ARMY, CPL H 24TH US INF
Lyons, Edward, d. 06/30/1902, Section NA, Site 1029, US ARMY, PVT US ORD, CIVIL WAR
Lyons, Harvey, d. 02/01/1907, Section NAWS, Site 1145, US ARMY, PVT A 15TH US INF
Lyons, Henry Edward, d. 06/23/1928, Section B, Site 140, US NAVY, CHIEF MACH MATE
Lyons, James W, b. 11/20/1893, d. 02/17/1960, Section WS, Site 638-B, US ARMY, CPL CO B 62 INF 8 DI, WORLD WAR I
Lyons, John, d. 01/06/1915, Section WS, Site 232-A, US ARMY, PVT G 15TH US CAV
Lyons, John C, d. 02/11/1917, Section ES, Site 506-A, US ARMY, PFC H 15TH US INF
Lyons, John F, d. 09/26/1932, Section C, Site 252, US ARMY, CORP M 30TH INF
Lyons, John W, d. 07/29/1931, Section B, Site 1342, US ARMY, PVT G 15TH US CAV
Lyons, Joseph, d. 10/11/1900, Section NA, Site 350, US ARMY, PVT BAND, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyons, Joseph D, d. 06/09/1936, Section DW, Site 443, US ARMY, PFC I 21ST INF, WORLD WAR I
Lyons, Martin R, d. 11/07/1907, Section PPNAW, Site 114, Son (Minor Child) of Martin G Lyons, US ARMY, PVT E 9TH US INF
Lyons, Michael, d. 09/05/1914, Section WS, Site 145-A, US ARMY, 1ST SGT C 12TH US IN
Lyons, Robert, b. 11/19/1919, d. 07/14/1989, Section C, Site 686-A, US NAVY, HMC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lyons, Stephen J, d. 12/12/1914, Section WS, Site 237-A, US ARMY, PVT 20TH RCT CO BAND
Lyons, Thomas, d. 08/23/1909, Section NAWS, Site 1410, US ARMY, PVT I 3RD MICH VOL C, CIVIL WAR
Lyons, Thomas F, d. 10/27/1939, Section EE, Site 1090, US ARMY, SGT A 363RD INF, WORLD WAR I
Lyons, Thomas J, d. 06/07/1904, Section NAWS, Site 423, US ARMY, PVT E 1ST CA VOL INF, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR
Lyons, Zoya, b. 12/14/1920, d. 10/11/2004, Section C, Site 686-A, Wife of Robert Lyons, US NAVY, HMC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA
Lytle, Wesley, d. 07/22/1899, Section ES, Site 679, US ARMY, PVT F 1ST WYO VOL IN
Lyytinen, Ilmari Emil, d. 10/01/1938, Section EW, Site 1607, US COAST GUARD, CHIEF BOATSWAINS MAT

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