Search Colorado Death Records
Colorado Newspapers, Full Search (1859-1978), 288 titles
Colorado Obituary Search, (1859-current)
Colorado Birth Records Database, (1859-1978)
Evergreen Cemetery
Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado
![]() |
Evergreen Cemetery |
GPS: 38.817205, -104.798765
1005 S Hancock Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Published: October 25, 2016
Total records: 67,598
Evergreen Cemetery is owned and operated by the City of Colorado Springs.
Evergreen Cemetery was established in 1871, shortly after the town was founded, however records show that burials have taken place here decades before that. The cemetery was deeded to the City of Colorado Springs in 1875 by city founder, General William Jackson Palmer. Now at 220-acres in size, Evergreen Cemetery has a unique historical tie to the City of Colorado Springs. In 1993, Evergreen Cemetery was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from the City of Colorado Springs on October 23, 2016. They range from dates of burial 1817 to 2016.
Surname Index:
- Surnames Aa-Al
- Surnames Am-Ar
- Surnames As-Az
- Surnames Baa-Bap
- Surnames Bar-Baz
- Surnames Bea-Ben
- Surnames Ber-Bez
- Surnames Bh-Bl
- Surnames Boa-Boz
- Surnames Bra-Brz
- Surnames Bu-Bz
- Surnames Caa-Cap
- Surnames Car-Caz
- Surnames Ce-Ci
- Surnames Cla-Cly
- Surnames Coa-Con
- Surnames Coo-Coz
- Surnames Cr-Cz
- Surnames Daa-Daz
- Surnames De-Dh
- Surnames Di-Do
- Surnames Dr-Dz
- Surnames Ea-El
- Surnames Em-Ez
- Surnames Fa-Fi
- Surnames Fl-Fo
- Surnames Fr-Fy
- Surnames Ga-Ge
- Surnames Gh-Gn
- Surnames Goa-Goz
- Surnames Gra-Gry
- Surnames Gu-Gy
- Surnames Ha-Ham
- Surnames Han-Har
- Surnames Has-Haz
- Surnames Hea-Hez
- Surnames Hi-Hl
- Surnames Hoa-Hoz
- Surnames Hr-Hy
- Surnames I
- Surnames Ja-Ji
- Surnames Jo-Ju
- Surnames Ka-Kh
- Surnames Ki-Kl
- Surnames Kn-Ky
- Surnames Laa-Laz
- Surnames Lea-Lez
- Surnames Li-Ll
- Surnames Lo-Ly
- Surnames Maa-Maq
- Surnames Mara-Marz
- Surnames Mas-Maz
- Surnames McA-McE
- Surnames McF-McW
- Surnames Mea-Mez
- Surnames Mi-Ml
- Surnames Moa-Moz
- Surnames Mr-My
- Surnames Na-Ng
- Surnames Ni-Ny
- Surnames O
- Surnames Paa-Paz
- Surnames Pe-Pf
- Surnames Ph-Po
- Surnames Pr-Py
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Raa-Raz
- Surnames Re-Rh
- Surnames Ria-Riz
- Surnames Roa-Roe
- Surnames Rof-Roz
- Surnames Ru-Ry
- Surnames Sa-Sb
- Surnames Sca-Scz
- Surnames Sea-Sez
- Surnames Sha-Shy
- Surnames Si-Sl
- Surnames Sma-Smy
- Surnames Sn-Sr
- Surnames St.-Ste
- Surnames Sti-Sty
- Surnames Su-Sz
- Surnames Ta-Te
- Surnames Th-Tk
- Surnames To-Ty
- Surnames U
- Surnames V
- Surnames Waa-Wal
- Surnames Wam-Way
- Surnames Wd-We
- Surnames Wha-Why
- Surnames Wia-Wiz
- Surnames Wo-Wy
- Surnames Y
- Surnames Z
- Unidentified Burials
- Evergreen Cemetery Map
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