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Zion Hill Cemetery
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut
Zion Street at Ward, Hartford CT
Park Services, 860-722-6511
Lat: 41° 45' 18"N, Lon: 72° 41' 30"W
This is not a complete listing of all of the burials in this cemetery.
The records below were provided by contributors to
Last edited Jul 23, 2008. Total records = 91.
Contributor's Index:
- [CF] Chris Fielding []
- [LD] Lynn Desy []
- [LH] Linda Hagedorn []
MP = Mount Pleasant SectionAllen, Amory L., b. Jan 31, 1841, d. Feb. 6, 1864, age: 28yr, Color Sergt. 14, C. V., KIA at Mortons Ford, VA., He carried the colors of the reg't. in the Battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristol Station, Mine Run, and Mortons Ford, Monument was erected by the Officers and Men of his Reg't, Gone but not forgotten, MP, [LD]
Balfour, Grace Gray, b. 1860, d. 1917, w/o James Balfour, "Born in Scotland", MP, [LD]
Balfour, James G., b. 1879, d. 1914, "their son", MP, [LD]
Balfour, James, b. 1857, d. 1931, "Born in Scotland", MP, [LD]
Barnard, ? Henry, b. 24 Jan 1798, d. 4 Jun 1861, MP, [LD]
Barnard, Dorus C., b. 25 Jul ????, d. 19 Jul 1907, s/o Dorus C. & E. Barnard, MP, [LD]
Barnard, Dorus C., b. 30 Jun ???3, d. 11 Feb ????, MP, [LD]
Barnard, Eunice, b. 23 Feb 1739, d. 14 Dec ?, w/o Henry Barnard, MP, [LD]
Barnard, Henry D., b. ? Apr ????, d. 14 Dec 1857, s/o, d. C. & E. Barnard, MP, [LD]
Barnard, Maria T., b. 25 ? ????, d. 14 Dec 1857, d/o, d. C. & E. Barnard, MP, [LD]
Barton, Anna A. Harris, b. 1873, d. 1947, w/o Charles E. Barton, MP, [LD]
Barton, Charles E., b. 1869, d. 1939, MP, [LD]
Bayer, Emma, b. 1860, d. 1911, w/o Rudolf Hurter, MP, [LD]
Boughton, Deborah Knapp, b. 10 Feb 1790, d. 6 Oct 1864, , w/o David Hamilton, [LH]
Buck, Francis G., b. 1888, d. 1916, MP, [LD]
Buck, Frederick F. E., b. 1859, d. 1940, MP, [LD]
Buckley, Henry, b., d. 15 Apr 1872, age: 82yr, War of 1812, Capt Goodman's Co., [LH]
Buckley, William O.,, d. 14 Dec 1920, Civil War Sgt., Co. E. 22 C.V.I., MP, [LD]
Bulkley, Betsey Dodd, b. 1791, d. 1882, w/o Harry Bulkley, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Bulkley, Harry, b. 1789, d. 1872, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Bulkley, Mary L, b. 1831, d. 1903, Dau. Of Harry Bulkley and Betsey Dodd, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Champlin, P. B., b., d. 8 Mar 1839, age: 17yr, [LH]
Champlin, Ruth C, b., d. 1 Oct 1851, age: 58yr, [LH]
Collins, Edward,, d. 17 Dec 1907, age: 72, Co. K. 25 Inf. Conn. Vols., MP, [LD]
Denske, Adolf, b. 21 May 1868, d. 9 Jan 1930, MP, [LD]
Denske, Marie L. Halm, b. 16 Aug 1874, d. 21 Jan 1960, w/o Adolf Denske, MP, [LD]
Descy, Anne N., b. 1910, d. 1990, MP, [LD]
Descy, Gustave A., b. 1911, d. 1971, MP, [LD]
Dewey, Lieut., d. P., b., d. 14 Apr 1863, age: 20y 10m, Killed in the Battle of Irish Bend, LA, [LH]
Dodd, Freeman, b. 1800, d. 1865, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Dodd, George, b. 1778, d. 1834, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Dodd, Sarah W, b. 1821, d. 1852, Daughter of George Dodd, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Dodd, Susanna Gross, b. 1757, d. 1841, w/o Timothy Dodd, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Dodd, Timothy, b. 1753, d. 7 Jul 1828, age: 75yr, Revolutionary War Capt. Prior's Co., Separate grave for Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Eden, John, b., d. 8 Jul 1866, age: 69yr, Born at Whitehall near Bristol England, [LH]
Fielding, Helen M., b. Dec 31, 1902, d. Sep 17, 1930, plot #1210, [CF]
Fielding, Jane, b. 1880, d. Dec 12, 1939, plot #1210, [CF]
Fielding, Lewis, b. Dec 28, 1871, d. Sep 24, 1940, plot #1210, [CF]
Frazier, Grace A., b. 1868, d. 1911, s/w Constance French, MP, [LD]
French, Charles E. D., b. 1870, d. 1923, MP, [LD]
French, Constance, b. 1882, d. 1959, s/w Grace A Frazier, MP, [LD]
French, Emma M., b. 1841, d. 1878, MP, [LD]
Goodrich, Charles E., b. 1846, d. 1914, MP, [LD]
Goodrich, Edith B., b. 1869, d. 1872, MP, [LD]
Goodrich, Gurdon, b. 1821, d. 1868, MP, [LD]
Goodrich, Harriet Nott, b. 1829, d. 1893, MP, [LD]
Goodrich, Hattie M., b. 1847, d. 1916, MP, [LD]
Hoskins, Annie Jane, b. 2 Dec 1838, d. 21 May 1934, MP, [LD]
Hoskins, Edith W. C., b. 16 Nov 1881, d. 15 Apr 1973, MP, [LD]
Hoskins, Ernest James, b. 30 Jul 1870, d. 22 Sep 1962, h/o Frances May Thompson, MP, [LD]
Hoskins, Frances May Thompson, b. 28 May 1873, d. 18 Apr 1933, w/o Ernest James Hoskins, MP, [LD]
Hoskins, William Alva, b. 28 Mar 1899, d. 24 Dec 1902, s/o Ernest James & Frances May Thompson Hoskins?), MP, [LD]
Hurter, Rudolf, b. 1856, d. 1922, "Born in Switzerland", MP, [LD]
Illic, Caroline, b. 1853, d. 1900, w/o Rudolf Hurter, MP, [LD]
Kellogg, Emerson,, d. 11 Mar 1866, Co. B. 16 Regt. Conn. Vols., MP, [LD]
Lord, George D., b. 18 Jan 1865, d. 22 Jul 1873, Son of George F. Lord and Mary Dodd, s/w George F. Lord, [LH]
Lord, George F., b. 16 Mar 1822, d. 29 Mar 1899, [LH]
Lord, Mary Dodd, b. 10 Mar 1826, d. 7 Nov 1915, w/o George F. Lord, s/w George F. Lord, [LH]
Murawsky, Anastasia, b. 31 Dec 1905, d. 24 Mar 1939, MP, [LD]
Plaisted, B. Theresa Whalen, b. 13 Dec 1857, d. 4 Aug 1946, w/o Charles Plaisted, s/w Charles Plaisted, [LH]
Plaisted, Charles C, b. 20 Jul 1825, d. 19 Jan 1917, [LH]
Plaisted, Helen E, b. 29 Dec 1828, d. 29 Jun 1883, w/o Charles Plaisted, s/w Charles Plaisted, [LH]
Skinner, Abigal D., b. 1788, d. 1882, w/o & s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, Adeline H, b. 1835, d. 1919, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, Ann E, b. 1821, d. 1885, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, Clarence W, b. 1866, d. 1891, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, George W.,, d. 9 Aug 1856 at Williamsburg, NY, age: 44, MP, [LD]
Skinner, John E, b. 1861, d. 1862, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, Jonathan, b. 1789, d. 1839, s/w other Skinners, [LH]
Skinner, Nellie E, b. 1865, d. 1865, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, William D, b. 1819, d. 1869, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Skinner, William H, b. 1863, d. 1864, s/w Jonathan Skinner, [LH]
Starkie, Harry, b. 6 Nov 1847, d. 14 Oct 1875, Native Lancashire England, s/w Sarah & Mary Ann Starkie and James Waterman, MP, [LD]
Starkie, Mary Ann, b. 6 Apr 1826, d. 30 Dec 1898, Native Lancashire England, s/w James Waterman, Sarah and Harry Starkie, MP, [LD]
Starkie, Sarah Jane Veevers, b. 5 Apr 1848, d. 23 Jan 1888, w/o Harry Starkie, Native Lancashire England, s/w Harry & Sarah Starkie and James Waterman, MP, [LD]
Starkie?, Ruth, b. 1893, d. 1901, MP, [LD]
Thomas, Peter, b., d. 11 Dec 1877, age: 59yr, Civil War. Co. H 22d Q.V.1., [LH]
Thompson, Helen Hoskins, b. 3 Oct 1867, d. 12 Jun 1943, MP, [LD]
Thompson, Lewis W., b. 20 Jun 1862, d. 2 Jun 1946, MP, [LD]
Waterman, James N., b. 1875, d. 1940, Native Lancashire England, s/w Mary Ann, Sarah and Harry Starkie, MP, [LD]
Webster, Fanny, b. 24 Mar 1791, d. 20 Sep 18??, w/o William Webster, MP, [LD]
Webster, Joseph, b. 24 Jul 1787, d. 11 Jan 1852, MP, [LD]
Webster, Martha B., b. 17 Mar 1791, d. 1 Jun 1849, w/o Joseph Webster, MP, [LD]
Webster, William Daniel, b. 2 Nov 1830, d. 19 Jun 1868?, s/o William & Fanny Webster, MP, [LD]
Webster, William, b. 28 Oct 1791, d. 15 Mar 1860, MP, [LD]
Widun, Stanislaw, b. 8 Jul 1872, d. 27 Aug 1940, father, MP, [LD]
Widun?, Michalina Szostakowska, b. 18 Sep 1874, d. 18 Jun 1957, mother, MP, [LD]
Wildman, Clara Hamilton, b. 16 Jul 1843, d. 8 Jul 1893, [LH]
Wildman, Clarissa Mariett Hamilton, b. 19 Feb 1815, d. 21 May 1889, w/o Hiram Wildman, [LH]
Williams, Catherine Dodd, b. 1782, d. 1859, s/w Timothy Dodd, [LH]
Wright, George,, d. 14 Jan 1848, s/o G. W. & N. W. Skinner, MP, [LD]
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