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Georgia Newspapers, Full Search (1763-2003), 221 titles
Georgia Obituary Search, (1824-current)
Georgia Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
Laurel Grove South Cemetery
Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
![]() |
Laurel Grove South Cemetery |
GPS: 32.061497, -81.112765
2101 Kollock St.
Savannah, GA 31415
Published: Jun 25, 2016
Total records: 54,328
Laurel Grove South Cemetery is owned and operated by the City of Savannah, GA.
Laurel Grove North Cemetery is located on the west side of Savannah on a portion of the former Springfield Plantation. Named after the native laurel oak trees which once inhabited the site, the cemetery was developed in 1850 when the Old Cemetery (Colonial Park Cemetery), the Old Jewish Cemetery, Potter's Field, and the Old Negro Cemetery approached capacity.
Although there are dozens of African American cemeteries in Chatham County, Georgia, Laurel Grove South is the most signficant final resting place for African Americans who died in the 19th and 20th Centuries. While slavery was still legal, there were more free African Americans interred in Laurel Grove South than any other cemetery in the Southeast. The cemetery serves as a culturally and historically significant site for African American religion, education, civil rights and business.
Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from the City of Savannah on Jun 25, 2016, and covers dates of burial 1838 through June 2016.
Surname Index:
- Surnames A
- Surnames Ba
- Surnames Be-Bi
- Surnames Bl-Bo
- Surnames Br
- Surnames Bu-By
- Surnames Ca-Ce
- Surnames Ci-Co
- Surnames Cr-Cy
- Surnames Da-De
- Surnames Di-Dy
- Surnames E
- Surnames Fa-Fi
- Surnames Fl-Fy
- Surnames Ga-Gi
- Surnames Gl-Gp
- Surnames Gr-Gy
- Surnames Ha
- Surnames He-Hi
- Surnames Ho-Hy
- Surnames I
- Surnames Ja
- Surnames Je-Jn
- Surnames Jo-Ju
- Surnames K
- Surnames La-Le
- Surnames Li-Ly
- Surnames Ma
- Surnames Mc-Me
- Surnames Mi
- Surnames Mo-My
- Surnames N-O
- Surnames Pa-Pi
- Surnames Pl-Py
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Ra-Ri
- Surnames Ro-Ry
- Surnames Sa-Se
- Surnames Sh-Si
- Surnames Sk-Sn
- Surnames So-Sy
- Surnames T
- Surnames U-V
- Surnames Wa
- Surnames We-Wh
- Surnames Wi
- Surnames Wl-Wy
- Surnames X-Z
- Unknown Burials
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