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Hawaii Newspapers, Full Search (1836-1991), 69 titles
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Hawaii Birth Records Database, (1836-1991)
Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Surnames Q-R
GPS: 21.313701, -157.847564
2177 Puowaina Drive
Honolulu, HI 96813
Published: Jun 5, 2016
Names and records published here were acquired from the American Battle Monuments Commission on June 5, 2016.
Quack, Richard E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 9-Apr-1945
Quackenbush, Richard H., Staff Sergeant, 21st Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 12-Jan-1946
Quady, Frank B., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 11-May-1945
Quagan, Donald A., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-May-1945
Quandee, Harry B., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 29-Apr-1945
Quarto, Mike Joseph, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 7-Dec-1941
Quather, Joseph R., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 17-Sep-1945
Quatier, Robert Daune, Private First Class, A CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Quattlebaum, Brooks C., Private, 392nd Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 19-Jun-1942
Queen, Billy M., Ship's Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Dec-1945
Queen, Frederick K., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Dec-1945
Queen, James C., Captain, 13th Airdrome Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 16-Nov-1946
Quenett, Clayton F., Torpedoman's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 15-Jul-1946
Quider, Chester Darwin, Technical Sergeant, 8 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1953
Quiel, Lawrence Laverne, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 153 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 25-Apr-1953
Quigg, John F., Sergeant, MED CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Quillman, Robert H., Private First Class, B CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Quinley, William Malcolm, Ensign, 152 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 5-May-1953
Quinn, David Harvey, First Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 20-Nov-1943
Quinn, George W., Shipfitter First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 28-Apr-1945
Quinn, James E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 25-Nov-1944
Quinn, James P., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 6-Apr-1945
Quinn, John B., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 29-Jul-1945
Quinn, Michael Edward, Commander, Attack Squadron 196, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 22-Nov-1969
Quinn, Robert G., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 15-Dec-1945
Quinn, Thomas James, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 9-Jun-1943
Quinones, Pedro Angel, Sergeant, K CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Sep-1952
Quint, Maurice, Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-May-1945
Quintana, Juan, Private First Class, C CO 27 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Jul-1950
Quintana, Manuel M., Private First Class, K CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Quintero, Albert E., Corporal, D BTRY 15 AAA AW BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Quirindongo, Marino, Private First Class, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Dec-1951
Quisenberry, Ernest E., Private, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 16-May-1945
Quong, James Lee, Master Sergeant, D CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rabon, John T., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 26-Mar-1945
Raboye, Ronald, Private First Class, K CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Jan-1951
Raburn, Cleon, Master Sergeant, L CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Dec-1950
Raby, Edward Wesley, Mess Attendant First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 6-Jun-1942
Racer, Robert R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 1-Apr-1946
Rach, Harold W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 4-May-1945
Rach, William A., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 18-Apr-1945
Rackley, Earnest E., Sergeant, G CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Rackley, Inzar William, Lieutenant Colonel, 37th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 18-Oct-1966
Rada, Edward R., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Jul-1944
Radank, Myron Fred Edgar, Private First Class, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Radanovich, Harry J., Corporal, I CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Nov-1950
Radcliffe, David V., Second Lieutenant, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Feb-1952
Radcliffe, Keith W., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 6-Aug-1946
Radell, Thomas W., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-May-1945
Rademacher, William P., Staff Sergeant, 823th Bomber Squadron, 38th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 26-Jul-1945
Rader, Benjamin Neale, Captain, 8 TAC RCN SQ 543 TAC SPT GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 20-Oct-1950
Rader, George H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Jun-1945
Rader, Harold D., Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 29-May-1946
Radford, Harry Morton, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 5-Jun-1943
Radford, Johnnie E., Corporal, C CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Radford, Neal Jason, Musician Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 7-Dec-1941
Radi, Donald Edward, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 23-Jul-1944
Radice, Michael W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 29-May-1945
Radik, Frank J., Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 5-May-1946
Radley, John Walton, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 15-Jun-1944
Radmall, Vernon R., Sergeant, 4th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Utah, d. 13-Aug-1945
Rae, William H., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Apr-1946
Raeburn, Earl L., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 23-Jan-1942
Raess, Robert Paul, Corporal, C CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Raeymacker, Gerald B., Sergeant, B BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Rafferty, Cleo T., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rafferty, Edward A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 29-Apr-1945
Raftrey, James M., Second Lieutenant, 333rd Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 9-Jul-1943
Rager, Melvin M., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Aug-1946
Ragin, Carl Watson, Private First Class, A BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Ragland, Dayton William, Colonel, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Missouri, d. 31-May-1966
Ragland, Robert L., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 9-Nov-1944
Ragle, William Arthur, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 22-Jul-1944
Raglin, Erwin Doyle, Aviation Electronics Technician First Class, 6 PATRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 6-Nov-1951
Rago, James, Staff Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 26-Mar-1944
Ragsdale, William R., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 28-Jun-1944
Ragucci, Emil Fanses, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 20-Nov-1943
Ragusa, James V., Private First Class, E CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Aug-1951
Rahn, Russell L., Private First Class, K CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Jul-1950
Railey, Joseph W., Sergeant, C CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Railling, Thomas Earl, Sergeant, HQ BTRY 63 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jan-1951
Raimond, Paul Smith, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rainalter, William John, Captain, 312 MAR ATK SQ 12 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 22-Apr-1951
Raines, James O., Yeoman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rainey, George Y., Second Lieutenant, 883rd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rainey, William Joseph, Corporal, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-Jun-1951
Rainey, Woodrow L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 26-Mar-1945
Rainier, James C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rainovic, William, Corporal, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 7-Aug-1942
Rainwaters, James O., Private First Class, 165th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 21-Apr-1944
Raithel, Stanley O., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 26-Aug-1944
Raitt, Frank, Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 2-Sep-1943
Rakoci, Peter J., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 26-Mar-1945
Rakoff, David E., First Lieutenant, 402nd Bomber Squadron, 502nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 9-Jul-1945
Rakovicky, Joseph S., Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 26-Mar-1945
Rakowski, Edward C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Jun-1945
Raley, Charles H., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 15-Jul-1946
Rall, James, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Washington, d. 31-Aug-1943
Ralph, Joyce A., Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 17-Aug-1943
Ralston, Craig, Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 5-May-1946
Ralston, Frank Delzell, Major, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Colorado, d. 14-May-1966
Ralston, Jesse F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Ralston, Wilbur L., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 12-Jan-1946
Ramaekers, John Henry, Corporal, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Mar-1953
Ramaker, Ralph R., Second Lieutenant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 27-Dec-1944
Rambo, William Edward, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Nov-1943
Ramey, Dudley P., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 25-Nov-1944
Ramey, Howard J., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 21-Feb-1945
Ramey, Roland W., Second Lieutenant, 21st Fighter Squadron, 413th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 26-Aug-1946
Ramirez, Alberto S., Corporal, B CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Ramirez, Armando, Specialist 5, 155th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Arizona, d. 23-May-1969
Ramirez, Arthur C., Corporal, B BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Ramirez, Reynaldo S., Private First Class, K CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Oct-1952
Ramirez, Santos, Private First Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1952
Ramirez, Thomas J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 4-Sep-1945
Ramirez-Ramos, Reinaldo, Corporal, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Feb-1952
Ramos, Fred M., First Lieutenant, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Nov-1950
Ramos, Israel, Sergeant First Class, D CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Aug-1950
Ramos, Rainier Sylvester, Chief Warrant Officer Third Class, 7th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Washington, d. 9-Jan-1968
Ramos-Rivera, Francisco, Corporal, H CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Ramsay, Charles James, Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 21-Jan-1968
Ramsden, Gerald Lee, Lieutenant Commander, Attack Squadron 165, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 23-Jan-1968
Ramsey, Coleman D., Staff Sergeant, 70th Bomber Squadron, 38th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 13-Oct-1942
Ramsey, Glenn R., Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 27-Mar-1945
Ramsey, James Henery, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Jul-1944
Ramsey, Kenneth H., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 18-Oct-1944
Ramsey, Max Dean, Sergeant, F CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Sep-1950
Ramsey, Nolan R., Master Sergeant, 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ramsey, Philip C., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 4-May-1945
Ramsey, Robert Douglas, Captain, 39 FTR INTCP SQ 18 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Dec-1951
Ramsey, Robert James, First Lieutenant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 31-May-1952
Ramsey, Troy Odus, Corporal, L CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Sep-1951
Ramsower, Irving Burns, Lieutenant Colonel, 16th Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 29-Mar-1972
Randall, Burton Wayne, First Lieutenant, HQ BTRY 11 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 6-Aug-1952
Randall, Daniel Carter, Private, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Aug-1951
Randall, Dwight Wade, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Nov-1943
Randall, Earlan V., Private, C CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Randall, Elgin Vogala, Sergeant, HQ CO 3 BN 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Jul-1951
Randall, Frank J., Technician Fourth Grade, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 11-Nov-1943
Randall, Gardner D., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Apr-1942
Randall, Otis E., Second Lieutenant, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-May-1945
Randall, William H., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 2-Aug-1943
Randle, Fred, Master Sergeant, M CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Randolph, Curtis M., Sergeant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 23-Dec-1945
Randolph, Philip Sprague, Ensign, 23 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 5-Jun-1951
Randolph, Ralph Alton, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-May-1944
Randolph, Robert Lee, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 5-Jun-1943
Ranes, William Henry, Staff Sergeant, 729 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 24-Mar-1951
Ranger, Frederick W., Private First Class, E CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Ranger, John R., First Lieutenant, 463rd Fighter Squadron, 507th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Jul-1945
Ranieri, Christ R., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 22-Sep-1943
Ranieri, Paul Julio, Private First Class, 2nd Signal Company, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Rank, John W., First Lieutenant, 819th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 25-Feb-1946
Rankin, Galen Belmont, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 5-Jun-1943
Rankin, William R., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 24-Mar-1946
Rankin, Zane M., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Jun-1945
Rannels, Robert V., Staff Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 1-Apr-1945
Rano, James D., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 12-Apr-1945
Ransbottom, Frederick Joel, Captain, 1st Infantry Regiment, 23rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Oklahoma, d. 12-May-1968
Ransom, Louis A., Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 28-Jan-1946
Ransom, William H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 19-Jun-1944
Rapee, John B., Master Sergeant, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Raper, William F., Corporal, 52nd Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 11-May-1945
Rapkuski, John Ernest, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 4-May-1944
Raplee, Clinton D., Corporal, M CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rappold, Donald S., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 17-Feb-1945
Rarick, Melvin J., Private First Class, Weather Testing Detachment, Air Transport Command, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 18-Feb-1944
Rarick, Rolan Deane, Sergeant First Class, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rarick, Warren Jackson, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 24-Apr-1951
Rase, Albert Edward, First Lieutenant, 8 FTR BOMB SQ 49 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 26-Dec-1952
Rash, Melvin Douglas, Senior Master Sergeant, 41st Tactical Airlift Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Virginia, d. 22-May-1968
Raskin, Alfred Jay, First Lieutenant, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Rasmussen, Albert Lee, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Utah, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rasmussen, Arthur S., Carpenter's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rasmussen, Carl H., Private, 807th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 30-Aug-1942
Rasmussen, Marshall E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Montana, d. 11-May-1945
Rasmussen, Robert C., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 6-Dec-1945
Rasmussen, Robert J., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 12-Apr-1945
Rasmussen, Robert S., Second Lieutenant, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 22-Aug-1943
Rasmussen, Svend J., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 10-Aug-1945
Rasmussen, Warren D., Sergeant, 251st Coast Artillery Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rasmusson, George V., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rast, James W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 11-May-1945
Ratay, Joseph John, Private, E CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1953
Ratcliffe, Edward R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 12-May-1945
Ratcliffe, Griffith John, Sergeant, G CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Oct-1950
Rathbone, Henry Brownell, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 114 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 4-Aug-1951
Rathman, Paul E., Staff Sergeant, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Aug-1945
Ratliff, Harold, Corporal, HQ CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Aug-1950
Ratter, Leonard, Private First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-May-1951
Ratti, Joseph Clement, Corporal, 1 PSYCH WAR CO, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Rattigan, John G., Second Lieutenant, 46th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Dec-1943
Rattin, Dennis Michael, Staff Sergeant, 131st Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 16-Oct-1969
Ratzel, Richard E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Mar-1945
Ratzel, Wesley Dallas, Captain, 421st Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-May-1972
Rauber, Vincent M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 12-Jan-1946
Rauch, Eugene M., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 15-Dec-1945
Rauch, Russell H., First Lieutenant, Headquarters, XI Fighter Command, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 19-Oct-1942
Raught, Ray Robert, Master Sergeant, D CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Raulston, Max E., Private, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Jul-1944
Rausch, Charles L., Sergeant, HQ CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rausch, Robert Ernest, Major, 12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 16-Apr-1970
Rauzi, John A., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wyoming, d. 16-Apr-1945
Raven, Daniel J., Private First Class, A CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Jan-1951
Raven, Julius A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Aug-1943
Ravenna, Harry M., Major, 138th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 15-Nov-1966
Ravitz, Kenneth E., Private First Class, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Apr-1951
Rawhouser, Glen D., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rawlings, Vernon C., Aviation Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 11-May-1945
Rawlins, Joe Horriss, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rawlins, John B., Mineman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 3-May-1945
Rawls, Holman Calvin, Captain, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1952
Rawrynkiewicz, Chester, Private First Class, B BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Feb-1951
Rawson, George H., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 30-Jan-1943
Rawsthorne, Edgar Arthur, Commander, Fighter Squadron 92, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 29-Dec-1965
Ray, Clition A., Technician Fifth Grade, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Texas, d. 23-Feb-1944
Ray, Corl, Private, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 11-Nov-1943
Ray, Duaard Lee, Sergeant First Class, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Dec-1951
Ray, Durward Allen, Private First Class, E CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 27-Dec-1952
Ray, Eldon Casper, Storekeeper Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ray, Fred Robert, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 16-Jun-1944
Ray, Glen Edward, Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 5-Jun-1943
Ray, Harold Clifton, Sergeant First Class, C CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jun-1951
Ray, Harry E., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 19-Mar-1945
Ray, Harry Joseph, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ray, James Michael, Staff Sergeant, 525th Military Intelligence Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Rhode Island, d. 18-Mar-1968
Ray, Joseph E., Private First Class, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 1-May-1945
Ray, Martin H., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Jun-1943
Ray, Max H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 5-May-1946
Ray, Pryor Y., Fire Controlman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 27-May-1945
Ray, Ronald Earl, Staff Sergeant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 13-Nov-1969
Ray, Roscoe C., Signalman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 15-Jul-1946
Ray, Sherry B., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 10-Aug-1945
Ray, William E., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 17-Sep-1945
Raycraft, Frederick A., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 5-May-1946
Raye, Leroy J., Corporal, E CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rayford, Kenneth M., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Nov-1943
Raymond, Albert W., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 11-May-1945
Raymond, Calvin R., Corporal, 458th Bomber Squadron, 330th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 26-May-1945
Raymond, Edson M., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 11-May-1945
Raymond, Elza Lester, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 5-Jun-1943
Raymond, Gerald Westley, Staff Sergeant, 729 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-May-1951
Raymond, Nathaniel, Corporal, G CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Sep-1951
Raymond, Paul Darwin, Captain, 557th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 5-Sep-1967
Raymond, Reginald M., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 30-Apr-1943
Raymond, Richard J., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 9-Aug-1945
Raymond, Robert Frederick, Corporal, H CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Raymond, Robert Lovejoy, Sergeant, WPNS CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 13-Jun-1952
Raynes, James A., Electrician's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 15-Jul-1946
Rayot, Charles Harold, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Dec-1944
Rea, Fred M., Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Rea, James C., Sergeant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rea, Saverio John, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 9-Jun-1943
Read, Charles Harold W., Colonel, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Florida, d. 24-Aug-1968
Read, Harold A., Yeoman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 29-Apr-1945
Reade, Eugene Bernard, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 28-Jun-1945
Reade, Lawrence Kevin, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 19-Mar-1945
Reader, Charles G., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Mar-1945
Ready, Robert F., Second Lieutenant, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 10-Feb-1945
Reagan, Billy J., Second Lieutenant, 333rd Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 27-Jun-1945
Reagan, Dan Edward, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reagan, Flavel E., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 25-Nov-1944
Reagan, Glenn W., Second Lieutenant, 72nd Fighter Squadron, 21st Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 16-Apr-1945
Reagan, Thomas Walter, Corporal, A CO 14 ENGR CMBT BN, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Aug-1950
Reager, Robert, Sergeant First Class, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reaid, Rollie Keith, Technical Sergeant, 16th Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 21-Dec-1972
Reale, Ernest J., Private First Class, B CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Reale, Thomas D., First Lieutenant, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Sep-1944
Reames, Bruce L., Private First Class, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Reams, Clyde F., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 3-Jun-1944
Reardon, Richard John, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Helicopter Attack Squadron 3, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 28-Apr-1969
Reardon, Robert J., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 9-Jan-1946
Reasor, Charles E., Captain, 3rd Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 18-Jul-1946
Reasor, Kyle, Private First Class, F CO 2 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 15-Mar-1951
Reaves, Casbie, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reaves, Charlie E., Sergeant, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reaves, Henry W., Captain, 105th Field Artillery Battalion, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 22-May-1945
Reavis, Edward B., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 29-Sep-1944
Reb, Frank M., Staff Sergeant, 27th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-Dec-1943
Reber, John Jacob, Private, M CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Sep-1951
Rebeske, Charles Louis, Private First Class, I CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rebo, Michael Gordon, First Lieutenant, 9 FTR BOMB SQ 49 FTR BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Nov-1951
Reboli, Joseph A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rebracca, William, Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rebustes, Gedeon F., Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rechkemmer, John B., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 4-May-1945
Reck, Eugene C., Sergeant, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 29-May-1945
Recka, Edward John, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Jun-1944
Recke, Charles W., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 5-Jun-1943
Reckhouse, William H., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 4-Jun-1942
Recob, Carlyle B., Chief Water Tender, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rector, Clay Cooper, Storekeeper Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rector, Earl E., Sergeant, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 22-Aug-1943
Redd, Billy J., Corporal, B CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Redd, William D., Staff Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 26-Mar-1944
Reddeman, William F., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 12-Jan-1943
Reddick, Douglas G., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 25-Nov-1944
Reddick, Frank Turner, Sergeant First Class, A BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Feb-1951
Reddington, Thomas F., Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-May-1945
Redgate, Thomas J., First Lieutenant, A BTRY 48 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Dec-1950
Redinger, Eugene J., First Lieutenant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 26-May-1945
Redman, Jack Marvin, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 23-Nov-1943
Redman, John L., Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 9-Jan-1946
Redman, Winifred E., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 20-Jun-1944
Redmerski, Raymond F., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Apr-1945
Redmond, Eugene Daniel, Lieutenant, 783 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 3-Jun-1951
Redmond, James E., Aviation Radio Technician Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Mar-1945
Redmond, William H., Staff Sergeant, 29th Chemical Decontamination Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 21-May-1944
Redus, Leon C., Sergeant, I CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Aug-1950
Redus, William W., First Lieutenant, 45th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 26-Apr-1945
Redwind, Ardell L., Private First Class, 131st Field Artillery Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Texas, d. 24-Jun-1944
Reece, Charles L., Corporal, B CO 15 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Nov-1950
Reece, Criss, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 21-Nov-1943
Reece, John Jeffris, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reed, Alvin O., Staff Sergeant, 3rd Photographic Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Feb-1946
Reed, Billy E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Feb-1945
Reed, Cecil, Corporal, D CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reed, Donald, Second Lieutenant, 1st Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 25-Mar-1945
Reed, Edward K., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 8-Mar-1946
Reed, Francis, Corporal, G CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Reed, Frank Edward, Shipfitter Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reed, G. Russell, Torpedoman's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 4-Jan-1946
Reed, George E., Sergeant, F CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Reed, George Edward, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 4-Jun-1942
Reed, Harold F., Sergeant, 531st Bomber Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 21-Dec-1943
Reed, Harold Wilbert, Corporal, WPNS CO 2 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Reed, Holeis R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Reed, Hubert C., Corporal, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reed, James A., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 21-Apr-1946
Reed, James B., Storekeeper First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reed, James E., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Feb-1945
Reed, James William, Captain, 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 24-Jul-1970
Reed, Jerrold W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 13-Dec-1945
Reed, John D., Private, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 11-Nov-1943
Reed, Kenneth Joe, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Oct-1943
Reed, Lee Bright, Corporal, K CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Reed, Max M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 21-Feb-1945
Reed, Melvin, Private First Class, C CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Reed, Ray Ellison, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reed, Ray W., Private First Class, B CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Reed, Richard Ethan, Corporal, I CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Reed, Robert A., Sergeant, A CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Sep-1950
Reed, Robert Dugger, Corporal, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Mar-1951
Reed, Roy Lee, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-May-1944
Reed, Samuel A., Second Lieutenant, 823th Bomber Squadron, 38th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 27-Jul-1945
Reed, Stanley B., Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 27-Feb-1945
Reed, Terry Michael, First Lieutenant, 773rd Tactical Airlift Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 23-Jun-1969
Reed, Thad Deane, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 23-Nov-1943
Reed, Thomas B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Apr-1944
Reed, Thomas C., Corporal, G CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Reed, Thomas C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 16-Sep-1943
Reed, Willard E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 19-Mar-1945
Reed, William A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Nov-1944
Reed, Wilmer L., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 19-Mar-1945
Reeder, Martin Luther, Sergeant, F CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Nov-1950
Reeder, Otto, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 22-Nov-1943
Reeder, Stanley Gilbert, Sergeant, I CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Reedman, Bernard S., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 29-May-1945
Reedy, Claude Edward, Sergeant, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Jan-1951
Reedy, Henry C., Chief Quartermaster, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 18-May-1945
Reedy, William Henry, Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63), U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 16-Jan-1968
Reek, Paul Henry, Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 8-Dec-1943
Rees, Robert V., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 12-Dec-1943
Rees, William H., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 28-May-1945
Reese, David, Corporal, B BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Reese, Gomer David, Captain, 56th Special Operations Wing, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 24-Apr-1970
Reese, Jodie Silas, Private First Class, C BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Oct-1950
Reese, Kenneth F., Corporal, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Reese, Milton B., Flight Officer, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Jan-1946
Reese, Robert G. B., Technical Sergeant, 431st Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 2-Jan-1944
Reese, Robert J., Ship's Cook Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 29-Apr-1945
Reeser, George R., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 22-Nov-1943
Reeve, Harry J.ames, Corporal, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Nov-1950
Reeve, James W., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 23-May-1944
Reeveley, Thomas R., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 12-Jan-1944
Reeves, Charles M., Corporal, M CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reeves, Clifford M., Sergeant First Class, C CO 3 ENGR CMBT BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Reeves, Don G., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 25-Aug-1943
Reeves, Donald E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 19-Jan-1946
Reeves, George R., Corporal, D CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Reeves, James O., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 5-Jun-1943
Reeves, John A., Staff Sergeant, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Jan-1943
Reeves, John Howard, Lance Corporal, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Canada, d. 23-Dec-1966
Reeves, John R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Reeves, Thiel M., First Lieutenant, 25 FTR INTCP SQ 51 FRT INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 14-Jan-1952
Reeves, William M., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 15-Jun-1944
Reffner, Melville Eugene, First Lieutenant, 728 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1952
Regalado, Humberto, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Regan, James J., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 29-Dec-1944
Regan, Leo Basil, Water Tender First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Regan, Paul E., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 11-May-1945
Reganold, Robert W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 16-Sep-1943
Regas, James, Staff Sergeant, 678th Bomber Squadron, 444th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Jun-1945
Reger, Frank, Boatswain's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 9-Aug-1945
Register, Alton R., Corporal, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Register, Paul J., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Regmund, Joe A., Sergeant, B BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Regnier, Calvin W., First Lieutenant, 881st Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 10-Feb-1945
Rehbein, Charles L., Private First Class, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Apr-1945
Rehe, Richard Raymond, Staff Sergeant, 21st Infantry Regiment, 196th Infantry Brigade, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 9-Jan-1968
Rehm, Harry Marshall, First Lieutenant, 28 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 30-Dec-1952
Rehn, Gary Lee, Corporal, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 9-Nov-1967
Reich, George Lee, Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Reich, William O., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 10-Jun-1942
Reiche, Paul Richard, First Lieutenant, 372 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1952
Reichelt, Robert C., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 18-Jan-1946
Reichert, Charles E., Second Lieutenant, 875th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 5-May-1945
Reichert, Harold G., Painter Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 2-Nov-1943
Reichert, John Robert, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 21-Jan-1946
Reichstetter, Steve, Private First Class, 306th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 13-May-1945
Reick, Edward Leroy, Private, MED CO 224 INF 40 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Jun-1952
Reid, Alexander, Sergeant, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1951
Reid, Clifford E., Second Lieutenant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 18-Dec-1944
Reid, Earl Hilton, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 5-Jan-1942
Reid, Elbert Josephus, Staff Sergeant, 28 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Jun-1952
Reid, Harold Erich, Staff Sergeant, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Utah, d. 13-Sep-1967
Reid, Jack A., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Jul-1946
Reid, Jon Eric, Chief Warrant Officer Second Class, 48th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Arizona, d. 20-Feb-1971
Reid, Norman Lawrence, Sergeant, D CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Reid, Stewart J., Corporal, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 16-Apr-1945
Reif, Arnold W., Ship's Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 22-Apr-1945
Reifers, Raymond Nicholas, Sergeant, 25 RCN CO 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Reigh, Carl B., Staff Sergeant, 21st Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Jan-1943
Reigle, Robert Windfield, Corporal, M CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Reiley, Thomas P., Master Sergeant, HQ BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-Dec-1950
Reilly, Charles P., Corporal, C CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Oct-1951
Reilly, Edward Daniel, Sergeant First Class, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 26-Apr-1966
Reilly, James Patrick, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 20-Nov-1943
Reilly, John J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Jul-1946
Reilly, Lavern George, Colonel, 4th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 15-May-1966
Reilly, Thomas A., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 28-May-1945
Reilly, Thomas F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-May-1945
Reimer, Francis John, Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Reimer, Walter F., Sergeant, C CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Reimers, Frederick F., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 1-Apr-1946
Reimers, Paul H., Sergeant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 3-Feb-1944
Rein, Charles M., First Lieutenant, 728 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 26-Aug-1951
Reinburg, Jeremiah J., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 12-Jan-1943
Reinecke, Wayne Conrad, Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Technician Third Class, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 8, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Oregon, d. 12-Jan-1967
Reinert, Donald S., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-May-1945
Reinert, Earl C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 19-Jan-1946
Reinhard, Edward C., Sergeant, 878th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 14-Jan-1945
Reinhard, Vinson E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 21-Feb-1945
Reinhardt, Marvin N., Second Lieutenant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 19-Jul-1945
Reinhart, Jack F., Sergeant, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Aug-1942
Reinhart, James A., Second Lieutenant, 5th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 26-May-1945
Reinhart, Raymond R., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 9-Aug-1946
Reinhold, Charles F., Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 16-Jun-1944
Reinhold, Rudolph H., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Utah, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reininger, Lee Walter, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 5-Jun-1943
Reinschmidt, Theodore, Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 23-Jul-1944
Reinthaler, Joseph, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 25-Jul-1944
Reiser, Charles R., Private First Class, 708th Amphibious Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 15-Jun-1944
Reisert, Jacob M., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Mar-1945
Reising, Henry Leon, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 9-Jun-1944
Reisinger, Walter L., Private First Class, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Jan-1951
Reiss, Julius, Sergeant, 370th Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 17-Oct-1942
Reiter, Dean Wesley, First Lieutenant, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 161, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Missouri, d. 25-Sep-1966
Reiter, Edward John, Private First Class, K CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Jul-1950
Reiter, William W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Jan-1946
Reith, William A., First Lieutenant, 62nd Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 24-May-1945
Reitmann, Thomas Edward, Major, 344th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 1-Dec-1965
Reitmeyer, George Joseph, Private First Class, I CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Reitsma, Donald Ray, First Lieutenant, 335 FTR INTCP SQ 4 FTR INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 22-Dec-1952
Relker, Clayton L., Private, 48th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-May-1943
Relyea, Charles D., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 1-Mar-1945
Remaley, William D., Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Jan-1946
Remmetter, Paul E., First Lieutenant, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 16-Apr-1945
Rempel, Willard J., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 11-May-1945
Remsnyder, Don Ray, Captain, 69 FTR BOMB SQ 58 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 21-Mar-1953
Rench, Bernice N., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 6-Jun-1942
Rendall, Thomas E., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 10-Sep-1942
Rene, Robert H., Ship's Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 16-Aug-1945
Renelt, Walter A., Colonel, 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: South Dakota, d. 20-Nov-1969
Reney, Edward S., Corporal, C CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Renfrow, Norman E., Private, I CO 187 ABN INF REGT, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Oct-1950
Renker, Calvin J., Staff Sergeant, 47th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 22-Jan-1944
Renn, Clinton T., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 12-Apr-1945
Renneberg, Anthony William, Private First Class, K CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Rennels, Juano L., Ship's Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Jan-1946
Renner, Albert, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Renner, Aughst O., Sergeant, 883rd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 13-Dec-1944
Renner, Thomas R., Master Sergeant, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Renno, Henry, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 7-Jan-1946
Reno, Ralph Joseph, Master Sergeant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: North Carolina, d. 3-Jul-1966
Renstrom, Donald Gale, Sergeant First Class, 2 RCN CO 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Feb-1951
Renstrom, Gerhard N., Technical Sergeant, 54th Troop Carrier Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 9-Sep-1944
Rentsch, Max W., Second Lieutenant, 346th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 28-Mar-1943
Renwick, Wade A., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Renz, Leo A., Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 22-Apr-1945
Renzi, John Joseph, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 25-Feb-1945
Repar, Edward G., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 25-Sep-1943
Repass, Bobby L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 11-May-1945
Repass, James W., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 22-Mar-1945
Repp, Conrad W., Staff Sergeant, 396th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 8-Feb-1946
Resch, William T., Yeoman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 16-Dec-1943
Resner, Wilmer V., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 25-May-1945
Restall, Arthur R., Chief Water Tender, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 11-May-1945
Restel, Gerard Leroy, Sergeant First Class, G CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Restivo, Jack Martin, Yeoman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 7-Dec-1941
Retchless, George R., Private First Class, 48th Materiel Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 14-Aug-1945
Retherford, Robert L., Corporal, HQ CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rettinger, William H., Corporal, 2 RCN CO 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Feb-1951
Reuck, Roy Alden, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 14-Mar-1945
Reuter, Harlan Raphael, Corporal, D CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Nov-1951
Revel, Nathan D., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 1-Apr-1945
Revotskie, Peter, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rewis, Dewey E., Corporal, D BTRY 15 AAA AW BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Mar-1951
Rex, Robert Alan, Captain, 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Utah, d. 8-Dec-1968
Rex, Robert F., Captain, 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 9-Mar-1969
Rexroad, Ronald Revel, Major, 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 3-Apr-1968
Reyes, John T., Sergeant First Class, A BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Reyes, Tony P., Private, 382nd Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: California, d. 10-Apr-1945
Reyes, William, Private First Class, E CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Jun-1951
Reyes-Rodriguez, Marcos, Private First Class, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Oct-1952
Reynolds, Albert C., First Lieutenant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 10-Feb-1945
Reynolds, Bernard Clayton, Corporal, D CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-May-1951
Reynolds, David Richard, Private First Class, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 21-Nov-1967
Reynolds, Dornie Byrd, Platoon Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 22-Nov-1943
Reynolds, Earl Arthur, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reynolds, Elwood Doran, Private First Class, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Reynolds, Eugene B., First Lieutenant, 883rd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 29-Nov-1944
Reynolds, Gilbert A., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 18-Feb-1945
Reynolds, Jack F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Reynolds, John Dorsey, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Nov-1943
Reynolds, Marvin T., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 21-Nov-1943
Reynolds, Oscar F., Private First Class, US Infantry, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 30-Nov-1945
Reynolds, Paul Ray, Corporal, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Reynolds, Ralph L., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 2-Jan-1946
Reynolds, Robert L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Sep-1943
Reynolds, Roland L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Reynolds, Theodore Allen, Corporal, B CO 2 CML MORTAR BN, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-May-1951
Reynolds, Theodore C., Second Lieutenant, 770th Bomber Squadron, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 26-May-1945
Reynolds, Thomas C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 16-Dec-1941
Reynolds, William G., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Feb-1946
Reynolds, William L., Corporal, MED CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Jan-1951
Reynolds, Winferd L., Private, MED CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Apr-1951
Reys, James J., Second Lieutenant, 54th Fighter Squadron, 343rd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 29-Dec-1944
Rezek, William J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Apr-1945
Rezza, John J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 3-Aug-1945
Rhanor, Charles J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 15-Jul-1946
Rhea, John E., Private First Class, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 9-Sep-1944
Rhine, Vernon Ray, Corporal, B CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Apr-1951
Rhinehart, Charles Walter, First Lieutenant, 16 FTR INTCP SQ 51 FTR INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 29-Jan-1952
Rhoades, Novel E., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rhoadman, George M., Sergeant First Class, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Jan-1951
Rhoads, John Kyler, Captain, 45 TAC RCN SQ 67 TAC RCN WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1953
Rhoads, Milton Merle, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 2-Mar-1945
Rhoads, Vivan Wallace, Corporal, G CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jun-1951
Rhodes, Birb Richard, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rhodes, Charles Miller, Master Sergeant, B BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Rhodes, Ferris Ansel, Major, 223rd Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: South Carolina, d. 3-Jan-1971
Rhodes, George D., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 11-May-1945
Rhodes, James F., Staff Sergeant, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 7-Jul-1944
Rhodes, John E., Master Sergeant, 482nd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 14-May-1945
Rhodes, Roy Daniel, Corporal, F CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Jul-1950
Rhodes, Stanley Q., Private First Class, D CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Jan-1951
Rhodes, William C., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 17-Feb-1946
Rholetter, Clifton Mackie, Sergeant, C CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Jul-1952
Rhyner, Eugene Evan, Private First Class, F CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Dec-1950
Ribeiro, Arthur E., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Nov-1943
Rice, Charles Irwin, Major, 212 MAR ATK SQ 12 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 22-Apr-1951
Rice, Chester, Corporal, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Rice, Clifton Louis, Sergeant, M CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rice, Donald R., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Apr-1945
Rice, Donald Ray, Sergeant, L CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Oct-1951
Rice, Edgar Dale, Captain, 154 FTR BOMB SQ 136 FTR BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 3-Mar-1952
Rice, Ernest, Technician Fifth Grade, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 11-Nov-1943
Rice, Gene R., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 2-Jan-1946
Rice, Harold Eugene, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 20-Jan-1945
Rice, Irvin Franklin, Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rice, Jerome R., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 15-Jan-1946
Rice, Jimmy M., Sergeant, H CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Rice, John Andrew, Staff Sergeant, 345 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-May-1951
Rice, Robert Edward, Corporal, B CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Rice, Robert L., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rice, Robert M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 15-Jul-1946
Rice, Ronald, Private First Class, I CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 19-Jul-1953
Rice, Thomas, Specialist 4, 7th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: South Carolina, d. 28-Dec-1965
Rice, Walter H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 26-Mar-1945
Rice, Wilson Albert, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rich, Claude Edward, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rich, Francis W., Second Lieutenant, 435th Bomber Squadron, 333rd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 7-Oct-1945
Rich, Melvin H., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rich, Merlin Jack, Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Aug-1943
Rich, Porter Leigh, Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rich, Ralph M., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 18-Jun-1942
Rich, Richard, Captain, Fighter Squadron 96, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Connecticut, d. 19-May-1967
Richar, Raymond Lyle, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Richard, Andrew B., Staff Sergeant, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 23-Nov-1943
Richard, Elmer Gene, Private First Class, A BTRY 48 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Sep-1951
Richard, Elmer Powers, Corporal, D BTRY 15 AAA AW BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1950
Richard, Leo Roger, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 18-Jan-1946
Richards, Flint B., Sergeant First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Richards, Francis A., Gunner's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 1-Apr-1946
Richards, Francis E., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Apr-1945
Richards, Isiac E., Sergeant, L CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Sep-1951
Richards, Jack L., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 22-Jul-1944
Richards, Leo H., Corporal, 459th Bomber Squadron, 330th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 12-Apr-1945
Richards, Milford (Jake) Dean, Corporal, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Richards, Richard G., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 16-Sep-1943
Richards, Robert W., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Jul-1946
Richardson, Amos Edward, Corporal, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Richardson, Arthur, Private First Class, A CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Jan-1951
Richardson, Dale Wane, Major, 34th Armored Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Wisconsin, d. 2-May-1970
Richardson, Floyd Whitley, Colonel, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Alaska, d. 3-Mar-1967
Richardson, George S., Second Lieutenant, 647th Squadron, 403rd Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Nov-1943
Richardson, Glen C., Sergeant, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Feb-1951
Richardson, Jack, Sergeant, G CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Nov-1952
Richardson, James Albert, Corporal, I CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 19-Jul-1953
Richardson, James W., Chief Torpedoman's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 14-Jan-1946
Richardson, John William, Corporal, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Richardson, Joseph, Private, 84th Signal Construction Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 8-Oct-1945
Richardson, Leslie K., Sergeant, B CO 70 TANK BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Richardson, Lute A., First Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 25-Apr-1946
Richardson, Malcolm T., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 16-Jun-1944
Richardson, Marlin Leslie, First Lieutenant, F CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Richardson, Peter Bowen, First Lieutenant, 7 FTR BOMB SQ 49 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Jun-1953
Richardson, Prater H., Private First Class, HQ CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Richardson, Richard R., Ensign, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 5-Jul-1944
Richardson, Robert C., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 6-Jun-1942
Richardson, Stephen Gould, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Fighter Squadron 53, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Washington, d. 30-Nov-1965
Richardson, Warren J., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Dec-1941
Richardson, Warren J., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Jun-1943
Richardson, Willie, Steward First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 18-Jun-1944
Richetta, John, Corporal, I CO 187 ABN INF REGT, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Oct-1950
Richey, Aggie Lavern, Private First Class, I CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Richey, Joseph L., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Richey, Leland Ralph, Lieutenant, 152 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 6-May-1953
Richie, Michael, Sergeant, 70th Coast Artillery Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 31-Mar-1942
Richison, Fred Louis, Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Richmond, Clair, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 17-Sep-1945
Richmond, James W., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 17-Sep-1945
Richmond, Raymond C., Technical Sergeant, 881st Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 26-May-1945
Richner, Alfred D., Sergeant, F CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Nov-1950
Richotte, Joseph A. A., Sergeant, 820th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Feb-1944
Richter, Albert W., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Richter, Joseph J., Technical Sergeant, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Dec-1945
Richters, George G., Sergeant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 15-Jan-1946
Rickard, James R. O., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rickard, Mikey S., Staff Sergeant, 708th Amphibious Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 17-Jun-1944
Ricke, Eugene Theodore, Private First Class, A CO 180 INF 45 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 9-Jan-1952
Rickel, David J., Major, 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Florida, d. 16-May-1968
Rickel, James W., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 5-Jun-1943
Rickenbach, Adam Lincoln, Corporal, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Nov-1950
Ricker, Harry A., Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ricker, William Ernest, Commander, Military Assistance Group 13, Vietnam, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Oregon, d. 28-Oct-1968
Rickert, Cornelius Lawrence, Corporal, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Ricketson, Jacob E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 8-Apr-1946
Ricketts, Clinton A., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 17-Feb-1944
Rickey, Robert Daniel, Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 10-May-1943
Rickman, Dwight Gray, Captain, 1st Air-Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Missouri, d. 25-Dec-1972
Rickman, Vincent R., Master Sergeant, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Jan-1951
Ricks, Clifford A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rico, Guadalupe A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Riddell, Cecil J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 16-Apr-1945
Riddell, Eugene E., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Dec-1941
Riddell, James F., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Florida, d. 22-Jul-1944
Riddle, Eugene D., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 6-Dec-1945
Riddle, Gene S., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 5-Dec-1944
Riddle, Hoyle Trenton, Sergeant First Class, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1951
Riddle, James A., Corporal, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Riddle, James Weldon, Sergeant, B CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Apr-1951
Riddle, Lloyd R., Second Lieutenant, 482nd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 10-Feb-1945
Riddle, Robert J., Second Lieutenant, 21st Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 12-Jan-1946
Ridenhower, Donald B., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 25-Nov-1944
Ridenour, Clyde, Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rider, Alexander David, Staff Sergeant, 4.2 MORTAR CO 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Rider, Clarence T., Hospital Apprentice First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 28-Feb-1945
Rider, Melford W., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 14-Feb-1945
Rider, Richard Glenn, Lieutenant, 114 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 1-Nov-1952
Ridgaway, Eugene S., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 17-Jun-1944
Ridge, Billy Jack, Private First Class, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ridge, Duncan A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 4-May-1945
Ridge, Kenneth Lee, Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ridgers, Pershing W., First Lieutenant, 70th Bomber Squadron, 42nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 20-Mar-1944
Ridgeway, Kenneth J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-May-1945
Ridgeway, Kenneth R., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-May-1945
Ridley, Archie C., First Lieutenant, 462nd Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Jun-1945
Rieb, Henry, Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 17-Sep-1945
Riedel, James J., Ship's Cook Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 3-May-1945
Riedel, Milton C., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rieff, Thomas G., Sergeant, 17th Air Base Squadron, 118th Air Service Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 24-Feb-1944
Riefner, Warren L., Electrician's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 18-May-1945
Rieger, John C., Aviation Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rieger, Robert E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Aug-1945
Riegert, Robert N., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Apr-1945
Riehl, George M., Private, 33rd Bomber Squadron, 22nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 25-Mar-1943
Riels, Oliver P., Sergeant First Class, A CO 10 ENGR CMBT BN 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rieman, John J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Apr-1945
Riemer, Vincent J., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 24-Jan-1945
Riemke, Harold F., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 16-Apr-1945
Riepl, Edward W., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 7-Aug-1943
Rierson, Thomas O., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 11-Oct-1945
Ries, Dale Richard, First Lieutenant, 343 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Sep-1951
Riess, Paul Ernest, Master Sergeant, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Riganti, Fred, Shipfitter Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rigaud, Lionel W., Corporal, HQ CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Sep-1952
Riggin, James Malcolm, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 21-Nov-1943
Riggins, Gerald H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 7-Dec-1941
Riggins, Robert Paul, Major, 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 22-Apr-1968
Riggs, Herschel Mearl, Private First Class, HQ CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Riggs, John M., Chief Pharmacist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 3-May-1945
Riggs, Leland L., Ensign, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 16-Sep-1943
Riggs, Russell B., Aviation Pilot Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 27-Nov-1943
Riggs, Thomas Frederick, Chief Warrant Officer Third Class, 227th Aviation Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 11-Jun-1967
Riggs, William Russel, Corporal, WPNS CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Rights, George Letell, Private First Class, B BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-May-1951
Rigley, Frank, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 13-Sep-1944
Rigney, Roger Bradley, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Dec-1952
Riles, George Collins, Corporal, B CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Riley, Arthur C., Technician Fifth Grade, 302nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 8-Oct-1944
Riley, Charles David, Corporal, B CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Riley, Charles E., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 17-Jan-1946
Riley, David Joseph, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 7-Dec-1941
Riley, Donald Louis, Corporal, 343 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Sep-1951
Riley, Eugene W., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 29-Apr-1945
Riley, Everett C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 21-Feb-1945
Riley, Francis A., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 13-Dec-1945
Riley, Glenn Alton, Ensign, 713 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 19-Dec-1951
Riley, Jack B., Lieutenant Colonel, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 24-Mar-1945
Riley, John F., Sergeant, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Riley, John Lee, Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 10-Aug-1943
Riley, John Mc Lean, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 5-Mar-1945
Riley, Joseph F., Sergeant, I CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Riley, Lawrence T., Private First Class, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Riley, Lewis Orville, Gunnery Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 31-Jan-1944
Riley, Nathaniel H., Radio Technician First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 16-Apr-1945
Riley, Paul J., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 5-Jun-1943
Riley, Robert F., Second Lieutenant, 483rd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 5-Jan-1945
Rimer, Paul, Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-May-1945
Rimmer, Hugh Raynor, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 13-Dec-1945
Rinehart, Lawrence S., Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 4-Feb-1946
Riner, Claude L., Corporal, E CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Riner, Luther C., Sergeant, A BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Feb-1951
Rines, Raymond S., Private First Class, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Mar-1951
Riness, Kenneth C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 29-Apr-1945
Ring, Conyard Leon, Private, K CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Dec-1950
Ring, Emmett Weaver, Private First Class, MED CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1953
Ring, Gerald C., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 22-Feb-1945
Ringham, Wallace P. B., First Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 21-Jul-1946
Ringo, Leonard S., Captain, Headquarters, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 25-May-1946
Rinick, Daniel L., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Aug-1944
Rinkes, Kenneth M., Corporal, F CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Riordan, John Michael, Aviation Structural Mechanic Second Class, Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 21, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Washington, d. 10-Nov-1966
Rios, Noel Luis, Staff Sergeant, 15th Aerial Port Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 6-Mar-1968
Rios, Pascual R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Feb-1945
Rioux, Normand Desire, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 23-Nov-1943
Ripatranzone, Gordon Nichol, Corporal, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Ripczinski, Gaylord F., Second Lieutenant, Headquarters, VII Fighter Command, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 17-Oct-1945
Ripley, Bradford W., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 12-Apr-1943
Ripple, Howard L., Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 4-Dec-1945
Riser, Merton Raymond, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rishel, Thomas B., Flight Officer, 769th Bomber Squadron, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-May-1946
Riskus, Albert E., Quartermaster Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rissi, Donald Louis, Lieutenant Colonel, 340th Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 18-Dec-1972
Ristine, Franklin D., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Jul-1944
Ritchey, Doyle Leon, Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 10-Aug-1943
Ritchey, Luther Edmond, Lance Corporal, Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 361, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 8-Oct-1963
Ritchie, Donald E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 19-Feb-1945
Ritchie, Harold E., Staff Sergeant, 421st Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Jun-1945
Ritchie, Joseph G., First Sergeant, Headquarters Company, 55th Port Command, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 8-Aug-1946
Ritchie, Julius, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Jun-1943
Ritchie, Paul J., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 23-Jun-1944
Rito, Harry E., Private First Class, 184th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 2-May-1945
Rittel, Raymond W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 25-Nov-1944
Ritter, Clarence F., Aviation Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 19-Mar-1945
Ritter, Edward B., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 20-Nov-1943
Ritter, Herbert Edward, Captain, 111 FTR BOMB SQ 136 FTR BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 1-Oct-1951
Ritter, Leonard B., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 19-Jun-1944
Ritter, Robert Milton, Sergeant, 3rd Signal Company, 3rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Ritter, Thomas Warren, Staff Sergeant, 93 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 18-Dec-1952
Ritter, Wallace F., Corporal, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Jan-1951
Rittichier, Jack Columbus, Lieutenant, 37th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron, U.S. Coast Guard, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 9-Jun-1968
Ritz, Frank G., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 25-Jul-1946
Ritzenhein, Vincent P., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rivallier, Wallace E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 29-Jul-1945
Rivalsky, Steve, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 18-May-1945
Rivara, Aldo John, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 28-Jul-1944
Rivenburgh, Richard William, Private First Class, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 15-May-1975
Rivera, Fernando, Private First Class, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rivera, Floyd, Private, L CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Oct-1950
Rivera, Jorge Legarreta, Private First Class, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Sep-1951
Rivera, Luis Pastor, Corporal, I CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Sep-1952
Rivera, Ruben, Private First Class, L CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Sep-1952
Rivera, Vincente U., Steward Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 12-Jan-1946
Rivera, William Pina, Private First Class, I CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 19-Jul-1953
Rivera-Carrillo, Juan, Corporal, F CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Oct-1952
Rivera-Claudio, Roberto, Private First Class, F CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Oct-1952
Rivera-Cruz, Gilberto, Corporal, B CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Sep-1952
Rivera-Galarza, Israel, Corporal, B CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Sep-1952
Rivera-Gonzalez, Reyes, Private First Class, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Oct-1952
Rivera-Rodriguez, Raul, Corporal, B CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Sep-1952
Rivera-Tapia, Roberto, Corporal, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Oct-1952
Rivers, Howard M., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Jun-1945
Rivers, J. L., Private First Class, F CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 20-Sep-1952
Rivers, John Ezekiel, Corporal, B CO 2 CML MORTAR BN, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Feb-1951
Rives, Joel Orlander, First Lieutenant, 67 FTR BOMB SQ 18 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 27-Apr-1952
Rivet, Ray Anthony, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rix, Gilmore V., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rix, James C., Corporal, E CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Rixstine, Herman E., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 20-Nov-1943
Roach, Billy J., Fire Controlman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 12-Apr-1945
Roach, Charles C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Roach, Donald George, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 24-Jul-1944
Roach, Fred R., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 11-May-1945
Roach, Melvin C., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 12-Jun-1944
Roach, Robert Beirne, Aviation Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 11-May-1945
Roach, Russell Clyde, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roak, James B., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 9-Jan-1946
Roark, Anund Charles, Sergeant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 16-May-1968
Roark, James David, Shipfitter Master Second Class, USS WILLIAM V. PRATT (DLG-13), U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Virginia, d. 12-Nov-1967
Roark, James L., Second Lieutenant, 8th Photographic Squadron, 6th Reconnaissance Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Nov-1945
Roarty, William E., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 8-Mar-1946
Robanke, Michael, Sergeant First Class, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Robards, Michael, Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 27-Nov-1943
Robare, Norman Joseph, Sergeant, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Jan-1951
Robarge, Paul N., Major, 8202 ARMY UNIT KMAG, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Robb, Arthur F., Torpedoman's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 9-Jan-1946
Robb, Floyd James, Corporal, A CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Robb, John L., Second Lieutenant, 38th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Sep-1944
Robben, Severine J., Ensign, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Robbins, Donald L., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 17-Jan-1946
Robbins, Fred B., Technical Sergeant, 39th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 12-Feb-1945
Robbins, Gerald C., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 15-May-1944
Robbins, Gerald Thomas, First Lieutenant, A BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Robbins, James W., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 24-Jan-1946
Robbins, John William, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 11-May-1945
Robbins, Keith H., Second Lieutenant, 396th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 5-Jan-1945
Robbins, Paul F., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 29-Jun-1945
Robbins, Richard Joseph, Captain, 602nd Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 19-Apr-1966
Robbins, Roy E., Sergeant, 881st Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 10-Feb-1945
Robellaz, Charles C., Machinist, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 2-Jan-1946
Roberge, Joseph R., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Vermont, d. 20-Jun-1944
Roberge, Robert J., Sergeant, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Roberson, Carl C., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Mar-1945
Roberson, Cleandres, Private First Class, 466th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 12-Dec-1943
Roberson, Edward Lee, Corporal, MED CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Jul-1953
Roberson, Eugene, Sergeant, I CO 15 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Dec-1950
Roberson, John Henry, Private First Class, I CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 19-Jul-1953
Roberson, John Will, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 199 Infantry Brigade, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 22-Jun-1969
Roberta, Frank Joseph, Captain, A BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Roberton, Donald R. A., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 19-Aug-1943
Roberts, A. B., Chief Quartermaster, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 13-Dec-1945
Roberts, Albert D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 21-Feb-1944
Roberts, Charles C., Private First Class, B CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Roberts, Clarence T., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 11-Jan-1946
Roberts, Clayton J., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 21-Apr-1946
Roberts, David N., Staff Sergeant, Headquarters Company, 33rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 26-Jan-1944
Roberts, Donald, First Lieutenant, 73rd Fighter Squadron, 18th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 26-Jul-1942
Roberts, Dwight Fisk, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, Edmund H., Second Lieutenant, 27th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 27-Dec-1943
Roberts, Edward J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Mar-1946
Roberts, Eugene, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Nov-1943
Roberts, Frank A., Major, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 23-Jan-1945
Roberts, George C., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Mar-1944
Roberts, Gerald Ray, Lieutenant Commander, Attack Squadron 196, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 2-Dec-1965
Roberts, Gilbert E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 11-May-1945
Roberts, Gordon Albert, Master Sergeant, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-May-1951
Roberts, Harold James, Master Sergeant, 441st Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Oregon, d. 18-Jun-1965
Roberts, Harry A., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 30-Nov-1944
Roberts, Harry Melvin, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 7-Feb-1943
Roberts, Ivan, Private First Class, A CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Nov-1951
Roberts, James Joseph, Private First Class, A CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Sep-1950
Roberts, James M., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 17-Apr-1946
Roberts, James P., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Roberts, James Richard, First Lieutenant, 80 FTR BOMB SQ 8 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 22-Nov-1952
Roberts, John Edward, Major, 90 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 1-Jul-1953
Roberts, John Q., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 5-Jun-1943
Roberts, John W., Quartermaster First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 29-Apr-1945
Roberts, Joseph Aime, Corporal, I CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Roberts, Kenneth F., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, Larry Ronald, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 25-Nov-1943
Roberts, Marion O., Sergeant First Class, 57 ORD RECOVERY CO, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Nov-1950
Roberts, Martin Robert, First Lieutenant, 8 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Dec-1951
Roberts, Maxwell H., Yeoman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 9-Jan-1946
Roberts, Mcclellan T., Chief Pharmacist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, Michael Land, Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, Observation Squadron 67, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Mississippi, d. 11-Jan-1968
Roberts, Norman T., Staff Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 1-Apr-1945
Roberts, Omer, Corporal, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Oct-1952
Roberts, Owen C., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 25-Nov-1944
Roberts, Rayger Glenn, Sergeant, M CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Roberts, Raymond F., Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 1-Mar-1945
Roberts, Richard Dean, Staff Sergeant, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 25-Mar-1969
Roberts, Richard Fred, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 19-Mar-1945
Roberts, Robert Earl, Corporal, B CO 15 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Jun-1951
Roberts, Robert Lee, Private First Class, M CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Sep-1951
Roberts, Russell Hubert, Corporal, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Roberts, Thomas F., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 25-Nov-1944
Roberts, Thomas H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 27-Oct-1944
Roberts, Walter S., Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, Waring, Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 27-Oct-1944
Roberts, Wilburn C., Baker Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, Willard W., Staff Sergeant, 869th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 14-Jan-1945
Roberts, William F., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-May-1945
Roberts, William F., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roberts, William Jennings, Private, MED CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Oct-1951
Roberts, Willmore, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Robertson, Alexander B., Storekeeper Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 19-Mar-1945
Robertson, Allan Reid, Sergeant First Class, D BTRY 15 AAA AW BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Robertson, Charles L., Steward Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Feb-1945
Robertson, Dewey E., Sergeant, A CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Robertson, Donald R., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Robertson, Earnest R., Sergeant, B BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Robertson, Edgar, Mess Attendant Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 7-Dec-1941
Robertson, Edward H., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 12-Apr-1945
Robertson, Ernest Clifford, Private First Class, M CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-May-1951
Robertson, Harden W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 19-Aug-1944
Robertson, Harry S., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 31-Jul-1944
Robertson, Howard L., Private First Class, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Robertson, James M., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
Robertson, John Hartley, Master Sergeant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 20-May-1968
Robertson, John L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-May-1945
Robertson, John Leighton, Colonel, 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Washington, d. 16-Sep-1966
Robertson, Joseph M., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Dec-1941
Robertson, Kenneth W., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 2-Nov-1944
Robertson, Leonard, Captain, Marine All Weather Attack Squadron 533, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 7-Jul-1972
Robertson, Lloyd H., Chief Machinist, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 16-Apr-1945
Robertson, Mark John, Warrant Officer First Class, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 10-Feb-1971
Robertson, Mark Roy, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Washington, d. 22-Nov-1943
Robertson, Merville, Second Lieutenant, US Infantry, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 30-Jan-1945
Robertson, Paul Eugene, Private First Class, I CO 180 INF 45 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Jun-1952
Robertson, Thomas R., Private First Class, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Robertson, Woodrow, Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 25-Nov-1944
Robetson, Cecil C., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 21-Apr-1946
Robichaud, Arthur C., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 14-Jan-1944
Robidoux, Armand J., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 19-Feb-1946
Robidoux, Lawrence J., Sergeant, B CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-May-1951
Robie, James L., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Jun-1944
Robillard, Armand Joseph, Private First Class, SERV BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Robin, Donald R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 27-May-1945
Robinette, Frank O., Corporal, HQ CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Apr-1951
Robinette, Ralph T., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 5-Feb-1946
Robinette, Shufford J., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 6-Apr-1945
Robinies, Fred J., Sergeant, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 2-Sep-1942
Robins, Charles E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 20-Nov-1943
Robins, Edward W., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Montana, d. 21-Sep-1945
Robinson, Alfred Gene, Corporal, 2 MAR TAC AIR CON SQ 2 MAR AIR CON GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Robinson, Cephas C., Staff Sergeant, 676th Bomber Squadron, 444th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 1-Jun-1945
Robinson, Charles S., Private First Class, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Robinson, Clark P., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 5-May-1946
Robinson, Claude R., Aviation Metalsmith Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 21-Apr-1943
Robinson, Clifton L., Storekeeper Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 23-Jan-1942
Robinson, Earl E., Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 12-Apr-1945
Robinson, Edmon S., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 28-May-1945
Robinson, Edward, Specialist 6, 175th Army Security Agency Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Colorado, d. 9-Mar-1970
Robinson, Ernest, Sergeant, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Robinson, Floyd Henry, Staff Sergeant, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Kansas, d. 12-Mar-1969
Robinson, Francis C., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 20-Feb-1946
Robinson, Francis E., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 18-Jun-1944
Robinson, George Alexander, Private, I CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Oct-1952
Robinson, George H., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Mar-1945
Robinson, George, Private First Class, HQ BTRY 63 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Sep-1950
Robinson, Harold T., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Robinson, Harry N., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 30-Jan-1946
Robinson, James D., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 15-Jul-1946
Robinson, James Hubert, Corporal, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jan-1951
Robinson, James W., Corporal, C BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Robinson, James, Sergeant First Class, A CO 64 TANK BN 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Robinson, Jasper, Sergeant, C BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Robinson, Jesse H., Aviation Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 15-Jul-1943
Robinson, Jimmie, Corporal, H CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Robinson, John James, Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 7-Dec-1941
Robinson, John L., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 2-Aug-1944
Robinson, John M., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 9-Jan-1946
Robinson, John R., Technical Sergeant, 52nd Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 11-May-1945
Robinson, John W., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 26-Jul-1944
Robinson, Johnnie, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 28-May-1945
Robinson, Joseph Charles, Corporal, C CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Robinson, Joseph J., Ship's Serviceman Laundry Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 16-Jun-1945
Robinson, Joseph W., Corporal, A BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Robinson, Kenneth Dale, Lieutenant Colonel, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 30-Aug-1966
Robinson, Larry Warren, Major, Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron 11, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Nebraska, d. 5-Jan-1970
Robinson, Lewis Merritt, Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Air Commando Squadron, Pleiku, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 4-Jun-1967
Robinson, Richard J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 21-May-1944
Robinson, Robert R., Private First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-May-1951
Robinson, Roy, First Lieutenant, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 23-Nov-1943
Robinson, Theodore, Second Lieutenant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 10-Feb-1945
Robinson, Thomas C., Master Sergeant, 30th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 10-Jun-1945
Robinson, Thomas V., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 19-Aug-1944
Robinson, William T., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 28-Oct-1944
Robinson, William, Sergeant First Class, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Robison, Malcolm A., First Lieutenant, L CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Oct-1952
Robison, Robert Lee, Sergeant, C CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Robitaille, Robert E., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 21-Jun-1945
Robles, Joe A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 15-Jun-1944
Robnett, John, Corporal, HQ BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Roby, Charles Donald, Colonel, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 3-Mar-1967
Roby, Raymond Arthur, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rocha, Raul P., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rochat, Robert A., First Lieutenant, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 5-Jun-1945
Roche, David J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 5-Jun-1943
Roche, Thomas W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rochelle, James C., Corporal, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Rochester, Edgar D., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 15-Sep-1943
Rochon Sonny, Francis Joseph, Corporal, C CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Rock, Albert A., Staff Sergeant, 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 17-Oct-1945
Rock, Shelton L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Apr-1945
Rocke, James G., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 28-Apr-1945
Rockett, Alton Craig, Lieutenant Colonel, 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 2-Jun-1967
Rocklage, Harry William, Captain, 343 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Sep-1951
Rockwell, Clyde Thomas, Corporal, M CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Nov-1950
Rockwell, Emerson E., Electrician's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 17-Jan-1946
Rockwell, Lewis N., Private First Class, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Jul-1944
Rockwood, Arthur J., Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 18-Jan-1946
Roclawski, Richard, Private First Class, G CO 160 INF 40 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Jun-1952
Rodarte, Daniel V., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 11-May-1945
Rodeback, Lorenzo C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 11-Apr-1944
Rodebaugh, James M., Private First Class, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 6-May-1945
Rodeheaver, Hoye Lee, Sergeant, G CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Rodeischak, Billie J., Private First Class, A CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Sep-1951
Rodeitcher, Gerald A., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 31-Jul-1944
Roden, Tracy R., Corporal, C BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Aug-1950
Roder, Donald J., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Mar-1945
Rodgers, Arthur D., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 4-Jan-1946
Rodgers, Billy V., Sergeant, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rodgers, James I., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Feb-1945
Rodgers, John Dayton, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rodgers, Nevel, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rodgers, Robert J., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rodgers, Robert L., Flight Officer, 482nd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 8-Aug-1945
Rodgers, Russell G., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Dec-1945
Rodgers, Walter A., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rodin, Lloyd J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 15-Dec-1945
Rodman, James E., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 18-Feb-1945
Rodman, Marvin Lee, Sergeant First Class, K CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Oct-1952
Rodney, Daryl Erwin, Airman First Class, 28 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 30-Dec-1952
Rodrigue, Calvin L., Private First Class, MORTAR CO 27 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Rodrigue, Peter R., Captain, 6th Night Fighter Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Jun-1943
Rodrigues, Francisco, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 28-Feb-1945
Rodrigues, John S., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Hawaii, d. 28-Jan-1942
Rodriguez, Albert Eduardo, Captain, 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 11-Mar-1968
Rodriguez, Alva W., Second Lieutenant, 344th Fighter Squadron, 343rd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Nov-1943
Rodriguez, Arthur W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rodriguez, Arthur, Sergeant, HQ CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rodriguez, Carmen, Private, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 12-Sep-1944
Rodriguez, Emillio C., Corporal, B CO 140 TANK BN 40 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Jun-1953
Rodriguez, Enrique, Private First Class, E CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1953
Rodriguez, Frank W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 6-Dec-1945
Rodriguez, Jorge Ivan, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rodriguez, Joseph Rowland, Private First Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1952
Rodriguez, Martin B., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Oct-1943
Rodriguez, Pedro A., Corporal, C CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Jan-1952
Rodriguez, Pedro, Private First Class, E CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Feb-1953
Rodriguez, Theodore F., Private First Class, B CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Rodriguez-Lopez, Samuel, Sergeant, F CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Jul-1950
Rodriguez-Lozada, Alberto, Master Sergeant, G CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Jun-1951
Rodway, James B., Corporal, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Roe, George W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Roe, Jerry Lee, Captain, 50th Medical Detachment, 44 Medical Brigade, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 12-Feb-1968
Roe, Milford, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 20-Nov-1943
Roebuck, Frank C., Sergeant, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Aug-1944
Roebuck, Leon, Private First Class, HQ CO 1 SERV BN 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 12-Mar-1951
Roed, Chris Louis, Corporal, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Roeder, Allen W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Feb-1945
Roeder, Arron C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Feb-1945
Roeder, Delbert W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 4-May-1945
Roehm, Harry Turner, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roehr, Robert A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 5-May-1946
Roehrich, George Elmer, Sergeant, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Roehrich, Ronald L., Lieutenant Junior Grade, Fighter Squadron 114, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Arkansas, d. 18-Jan-1968
Roehrich, William L., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 6-Apr-1945
Roehs, Melvin A., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 24-Aug-1945
Roering, Eugene Harold, Private First Class, C CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Jul-1952
Roesch, Harold W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Roesch, Herman William, Captain, 8668 ARMY UNIT KMAG, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Oct-1950
Roeschlein, Herschel W., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 25-Nov-1944
Roessel, John Jennings, First Lieutenant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-Aug-1952
Roffe, Adolphus W., Captain, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Jan-1951
Rogan, James, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 29-May-1945
Rogers, Benny Don, Sergeant First Class, I CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rogers, Billy H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rogers, Billy Lee, Seaman, USS RANGER (CV-61), U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 1-Dec-1969
Rogers, Cecil A., Sergeant, 431st Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 7-Dec-1945
Rogers, Charles Edward, Major, 1st Air Commando Squadron, Pleiku, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 4-May-1967
Rogers, Charles H., First Lieutenant, 54th Troop Carrier Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maine, d. 9-Sep-1944
Rogers, Cleveland Green, Soundman Second Class, USS MAGPIE, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 2-Oct-1951
Rogers, Crit H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 9-Apr-1945
Rogers, Edgar L., Corporal, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 4-Jun-1942
Rogers, Edward Francis, Private First Class, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Mar-1968
Rogers, Elden D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rogers, Frederick C., Second Lieutenant, 499th Bomber Squadron, 345th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 12-Aug-1945
Rogers, George E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 24-Nov-1944
Rogers, George Socertia, Corporal, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Rogers, Graydon G., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 15-Jul-1944
Rogers, Ivan L., Hospital Apprentice Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 22-Nov-1943
Rogers, James Donald, Private First Class, C CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Apr-1951
Rogers, James E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 4-May-1946
Rogers, John D., Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 2-Jan-1946
Rogers, John Francis, Major, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 26-Jan-1945
Rogers, Jone, Sergeant, B CO 15 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Nov-1950
Rogers, Lloyd Greenlee, Private First Class, 2nd Signal Company, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Rogers, Marshall J., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rogers, Melbern G., First Lieutenant, 70th Bomber Squadron, 42nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 20-Mar-1944
Rogers, Merle M., Sergeant, Medical Department, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 29-Apr-1946
Rogers, Paul Junior, Technical Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Aug-1945
Rogers, Raymond C., Sergeant First Class, HQ CO 3 BN 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Rogers, Raymond, Corporal, M CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Oct-1950
Rogers, Richard H., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 15-May-1944
Rogers, Robert L., Second Lieutenant, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 13-Dec-1944
Rogers, Thomas S., Chief Water Tender, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rogers, Vincent J., Staff Sergeant, 38th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Jan-1944
Rogers, Walter Boone, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rogers, William H., Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 4-Jan-1946
Roggow, Norman Lee, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Carrier Early Warning Squadron 11, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 8-Oct-1967
Roggow, Walter William, Corporal, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Rogosky, Theodore, Corporal, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rogowski, Joseph, Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 16-Apr-1945
Rohan, John Joseph, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rohde, Joseph H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 16-Jul-1945
Rohr, Paul Leander, Sergeant, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Mar-1951
Rohr, William, Private First Class, A CO 14 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Oct-1952
Rohrbouck, John J., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 12-Apr-1945
Rohrer, Enos H., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-May-1945
Rohricht, Edward Hugo, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 18-Feb-1946
Rohwer, Richard J., Storekeeper Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 29-Jul-1945
Rojas, Anthony P., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Mar-1945
Rojas-Reyes, Juan, Corporal, E CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Sep-1952
Rokosz, Stanley F., Baker Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 4-Jan-1946
Roks, John N., Sergeant, 372nd Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 20-Mar-1944
Rolette, Allen Eugene, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 25-Jul-1945
Rolfe, Richard H., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 28-Mar-1946
Rolfe, Wendell, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 30-Jan-1944
Rolfes, Robert Paul, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 2-Feb-1944
Rolka, Chester, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 5-Apr-1944
Roll, Robert F., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 21-Feb-1945
Roller, Samuel M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 4-May-1945
Rollins, Horton H., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 22-Feb-1945
Rollins, K. Warren, First Lieutenant, 16th Bomber Squadron, 16th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 12-Jul-1945
Rollins, Samuel, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 25-Nov-1944
Romancik, Raymond J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 20-Nov-1943
Romandetti, Frank Patrick, Private First Class, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Aug-1951
Romanek, John V., Master Sergeant, HQ CO 1 BN 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jan-1951
Romano, Alvin J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 17-Apr-1945
Romano, Frank M., Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Nov-1944
Romano, Gerald Michael, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 13, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 2-Jun-1965
Romano, Raymond Joseph, Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Romano, Simon, Chief Carpenter's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Romary, James B., Private, 250th Coast Artillery Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Sep-1941
Rombach, Severin L., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 5-Jun-1943
Rombalski, Donald R., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Romeo, Peter Richard, Sergeant First Class, I CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Jul-1953
Romeo, Vincenzo Dominick, Sergeant, K CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1950
Romer, Harris R., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 2-Jul-1945
Romero, Adam Matthew, Sergeant First Class, TANK CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Romero, Frank W., Private First Class, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Dec-1944
Romero, Manuel Torrio, Private First Class, K CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Jul-1953
Romero, Newman, Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 24-May-1943
Romero, Victor, Senior Master Sergeant, 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 19-Mar-1968
Romero, Vladimir M., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Romig, Edward Leon, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Air Transport Evacuation Squadron 7, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 17-Jun-1966
Romine, Albert Wayne, Sergeant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Kansas, d. 16-May-1968
Romine, James E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Jan-1946
Romines, Ralph S., Sergeant, 483rd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 20-Jun-1945
Romo, Angel Peter, Private First Class, I CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Nov-1950
Romo, Cristobal, Corporal, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ronczkowski, Richard, Hospital Corpsman Second Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1952
Rondeau, Normand N., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 21-Apr-1946
Rondeau, Raymond J., Technician Fifth Grade, 92nd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 18-Apr-1945
Ronnquist, Nils O., Sergeant First Class, A CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rood, Robert V., First Lieutenant, C BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Roof, Kenneth S., Radarman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 18-May-1945
Rooks, Daniel Francis, Major, 8202 ARMY UNIT KMAG, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Apr-1951
Rooks, Robert Lee, Private, F CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Rooney, Frank R., Chief Torpedoman's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Apr-1945
Rooney, Roderick S., Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 9-Jan-1946
Roop, Gordon Leroy, Musician First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 5-Jun-1943
Roos, Henry Olaf, Corporal, A BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Roos, Richard James, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 15-Jun-1944
Root, Leo R., Corporal, HQ CO 1 BN 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Root, Melvin Lenord, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Root, Voorhees S., Staff Sergeant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 21-Feb-1951
Roper, Chester John, Corporal, A BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Feb-1951
Roper, Earl Gene, Private First Class, A BTRY 77 FA BN 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Oct-1951
Roque-Pena, Ramon, Corporal, E CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Oct-1952
Roques, William E., Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 3-Apr-1945
Roques, William L., Sergeant, E CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Oct-1952
Roraback, Kenneth Mills, Master Sergeant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 24-Nov-1963
Rorie, James Edward, Sergeant, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rorrison, Thomas M., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rosa-Rivera, Guillermo, Private First Class, L CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jul-1950
Rosado-Bravo, Jose Vincente, Corporal, B CO 65 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Sep-1952
Rosales, Frank Lopes, Private, K CO 27 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Rosato, Joseph Frank, Captain, 558th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 2-Jun-1966
Rose, Albert Eugene, Corporal, K CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Dec-1950
Rose, Chester Clay, Boatswain's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rose, Damon Lee, Corporal, HQ CO 1 BN 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rose, Edward McDonald, Sergeant First Class, A CO 89 TANK BN 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Rose, Gilbert G., Corporal, K CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-May-1951
Rose, Herman, Private First Class, G CO 27 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Rose, Julius, Gunner's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 18-Jan-1946
Rose, Luther Lee, Command Master Sergeant, 4th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 3-Jun-1966
Rose, Nokomis J., Private First Class, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Rose, Paul E., Corporal, G CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Rose, Paul Raymond, Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 7-Jun-1943
Rose, Robert Woodman, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rose, Russell A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Jul-1946
Rose, William Wilbur, Airman First Class, 93 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 14-Nov-1950
Rosebrough, James E., First Lieutenant, 462nd Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 9-Jul-1945
Rosecrans, Robert E., Sergeant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 15-Jan-1946
Rosecrants, George Frederick, Sergeant First Class, MED CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Rosell, Hershel Herbert, Sergeant, I CO 179 INF 45 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Jun-1952
Rosemary, James, Private First Class, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 9-Aug-1944
Rosen, Gloyd Elwood, Private First Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1952
Rosenbach, Robert Page, Major, 306th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 5-Mar-1970
Rosenberg, Bernard, Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Apr-1945
Rosenberg, Carl B., Seaman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 16-Sep-1943
Rosenberg, Harry, Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Dec-1945
Rosenberg, Jacob J., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 9-Jan-1945
Rosenberg, Joseph, Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 2-May-1944
Rosenberger, Warren Sheldon, Private First Class, B CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Rosenberry, Orval A., Shipfitter Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rosenblum, Harry, Storekeeper Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rosenblum, Seymour H., Second Lieutenant, 370th Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 28-Jul-1943
Rosenfeld, Robert E., Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 28-May-1945
Rosenfeld, Samuel, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 6 PATRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 7-Nov-1952
Rosenthal, Alvin Stanford, Captain, 6148 TAC CONTROL SQ, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 15-Sep-1951
Rosenthal, Morris D., Second Lieutenant, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 13-Dec-1944
Rosenvall, Richard Blaine, First Lieutenant, 9 FTR BOMB SQ 49 FTR BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 6-Oct-1952
Rosevink, Donald Lavern, Private First Class, I CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Sep-1950
Ross, Albert, Private First Class, 29th Chemical Decontamination Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-May-1944
Ross, Charley Calvin, Private First Class, G CO 14 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Mar-1952
Ross, Deane Lundy, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ross, Delmer Wilson, Private First Class, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Aug-1951
Ross, Donald Ray, Corporal, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Aug-1951
Ross, Douglas Alan, Sergeant, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 22-Jan-1969
Ross, Edward F., Sergeant, H CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Apr-1951
Ross, Gordon G., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 7-Mar-1945
Ross, Harold Eugene, Sergeant First Class, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ross, Harold Leslie, Private First Class, HQ BTRY 2 BN 11 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 11-Dec-1950
Ross, Harrison S., Corporal, A CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Ross, Howard G., Staff Sergeant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 18-Dec-1944
Ross, Jack Hailey, Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 29-Mar-1943
Ross, James, Corporal, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-May-1951
Ross, Jlynn, Staff Sergeant, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 17-Mar-1968
Ross, John Harold, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-May-1944
Ross, Joseph Shaw, Captain, 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Kentucky, d. 1-Aug-1968
Ross, Lewis Epley, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Nov-1943
Ross, Norman M., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 31-Jul-1944
Ross, Ralph, Second Lieutenant, 482nd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 16-Aug-1945
Ross, Raymond Howard, Chief Water Tender, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 4-Aug-1943
Ross, Richard Chaney, Staff Sergeant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 6-Jan-1952
Ross, Robert Lewis, Staff Sergeant, 28 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Jun-1952
Ross, Roy C., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Ross, Stephen L., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-May-1945
Ross, Thomas E., Sergeant, 31st Bomber Squadron, 5th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Jun-1942
Ross, Tommy Eugene, Corporal, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
Ross, Ulysses, Master Sergeant, M CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Ross, Walter Archie, Sergeant First Class, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Apr-1951
Ross, William F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 13-Jul-1945
Ross, William Fraser, Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rossano, Richard Joseph, Corporal, 1st Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 25-Mar-1971
Rosselot, Leo C., Second Lieutenant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 3-Feb-1944
Rossi, Armand Gabriel, Sergeant, E CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rossi, Charles B., Aviation Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 21-Feb-1945
Rossi, Patsy A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Apr-1945
Rossignol, Normand Sylvio, Sergeant, B CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Mar-1951
Rossiter, Gerald Vincent, Private First Class, 16 RCN SQ 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Jul-1950
Rossiter, Shannon L., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rosta, John, Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 9-Jan-1946
Rostine, Dominick Barney, Corporal, A BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Roten, Teddy Eugene, Corporal, I CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Jul-1950
Roth, Alvin C., Second Lieutenant, 431st Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Jun-1945
Roth, Bernard Ferdinand, First Lieutenant, B BTRY 11 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Oct-1951
Roth, Billie Leroy, Staff Sergeant, 37th Consolidated Air Maintenance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 27-Jun-1965
Roth, Charles, Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 25-Nov-1944
Roth, Daniel M., Second Lieutenant, 392nd Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 21-Dec-1943
Roth, George, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Feb-1945
Roth, Joseph H., Corporal, MED CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Roth, Raymond E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 26-Mar-1945
Roth, Robert Allen, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 22-Jul-1944
Rothballer, Robert J., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rothenberger, George John, Second Lieutenant, 987 ARMD FA BN 40 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Jun-1953
Rother, Edward N., Corporal, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Jan-1946
Rothgeb, James T., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 16-Apr-1945
Rothlauf, Donald George, Sergeant, K CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Jan-1951
Rothman, Howard, Sergeant, 819th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 21-Jan-1944
Rotondella, Frank, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 21-Feb-1945
Roud, Lawrence Harold, Technical Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Jun-1943
Rouleau, Ernest Regis, Private First Class, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Roumiguiere, John Henry, First Lieutenant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 22-Nov-1951
Roundy, Nathan James, Gunnery Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Utah, d. 3-Mar-1945
Rountree, Fred Brinson, Captain, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 14-Jan-1951
Rousar, William, Flight Officer, 18thFighter Squadron, 343rd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 27-Oct-1945
Rouse, John Thomas, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 22-Feb-1945
Rouse, Joseph C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rouse, Joseph R., Staff Sergeant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 3-Dec-1944
Rouse, Maurice A., Telegrapher First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 26-Mar-1945
Roush, Clyde M., First Lieutenant, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 5-May-1945
Roush, Donald A., Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 6-Jan-1945
Roussel, Hubert, Corporal, 878th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 13-Dec-1944
Rout, Albert Melvin, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Nov-1943
Routh, Edward U., Private First Class, K CO 180 INF 45 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Jul-1953
Routson, Albert L., Chief Torpedoman's Mate, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 19-Mar-1945
Routt, Howard David, Private First Class, C BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Routt, James E., Technician Fifth Grade, Transportation Corps, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-May-1946
Roux, Eugene B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 10-May-1945
Rovin, George J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 28-May-1946
Row, William E., First Lieutenant, 99th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 23-May-1945
Rowan, Ladd R., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 14-Jan-1946
Rowan, Ogden W., Water Tender First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 28-May-1945
Rowan, Paul F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 19-Aug-1944
Rowden, Charles W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 29-Jul-1945
Rowe, Elmer A., Corporal, F CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Aug-1950
Rowe, Eugene Joseph, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rowe, Frederick S., Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 3-Jun-1945
Rowe, James E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 13-Dec-1945
Rowe, Richard Carl, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 65 ATKRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 18-Jun-1952
Rowe, Roy J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 28-May-1945
Rowe, William P., Second Lieutenant, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 24-Jan-1946
Rowe, Willie, Sergeant, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jan-1951
Rowell, Frank M., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rowland, Ernest James, Private First Class, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jun-1951
Rowland, Jimmy, Private First Class, MORTAR CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Rowland, Omer, Radarman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 17-Feb-1945
Rowland, Reed L., Private First Class, 31st Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 3-Dec-1943
Rowland, Wallace R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 20-Mar-1945
Rowlands, Thomas C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-May-1946
Rowley, Charles Stoddard, Colonel, 16th Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Connecticut, d. 22-Apr-1970
Roy, Charles Anthony, Sergeant First Class, A BTRY 61 FA BN 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Roy, Floyd Alexander, Sergeant First Class, B CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jul-1951
Roy, Jack J., Sergeant, 40th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Utah, d. 15-Aug-1945
Roy, Robert Snyder, Corporal, B CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Apr-1951
Roy, William C., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 12-Jan-1946
Roy, William Edward, First Lieutenant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 2-Sep-1951
Roy, William Francis, Private First Class, E CO 180 INF 45 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Jan-1952
Roy, William G., Second Lieutenant, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 20-Jan-1946
Royal, Leff Vaughn, Sergeant First Class, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Royal, Marvin, Sergeant, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Sep-1951
Royals, William N., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 7-Dec-1941
Royer, Charles Berney, Sergeant, HQ CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Aug-1950
Royer, Howard Dale, Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Royer, Ted Grover, Captain, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 13-Sep-1952
Royster, Thomas B., Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 22-Nov-1943
Royston, Conrad Lee, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 19-Mar-1945
Rozanski, Edward E., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Washington, d. 20-Nov-1943
Rozar, John Frank, Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rozear, John M., Corporal, I CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Jul-1950
Rozman, Joseph M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 4-Apr-1945
Rozman, Rudolph J., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 22-Oct-1944
Rozmus, Joseph S., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rozo, James Milan, Staff Sergeant, 595th Signal Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 23-Jun-1970
Rubatino, Fred A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 5-Jun-1945
Rubel, Charles Daniel, Corporal, MED CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Mar-1951
Rubenstein, Morton D., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 23-Sep-1943
Rubicus, Thomas, Boatswain's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 3-May-1945
Rubideaux, Donald J., Sergeant, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Rubincam, Vernon G., Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Nov-1943
Rubino, Phillip P., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 28-May-1945
Rubio, Juan Charles, Staff Sergeant, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 27-Oct-1952
Rubits, John V., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Dec-1945
Rublee, Charles Avery, Sergeant, B CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Dec-1950
Rubscha, Joseph, Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Jan-1946
Ruby, Daniel Gregory, Airman Second Class, 1 SHORAN BEACON SQ, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Oct-1952
Ruby, David George, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Feb-1945
Ruby, Gene Robert, Private First Class, HQ BTRY 3 BN 11 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Rucker, Carmon B., First Lieutenant, 883rd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 10-Jan-1946
Rucker, Emmett, Lieutenant Colonel, 12th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 24-May-1968
Rucker, Ernest L., Private First Class, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 11-Nov-1943
Ruckert, Gustave, Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 11-May-1945
Rudat, Fred Otto, Captain, 93 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 12-Apr-1951
Ruddell, Adler Earl, Aviation Electrician's Mate Third Class, 35 COMPRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 8-Jun-1952
Ruddell, Cyril D. E., Captain, 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 18-Jun-1943
Ruddell, James Cornelius, Captain, HQ CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Jan-1951
Rudden, Edward C., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 17-Jun-1944
Ruddock, Cecil Roy, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ruddy, Harry L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 12-Apr-1945
Ruder, Jacob E., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 14-Jan-1946
Rudolph, Allan Keith, First Lieutenant, 39 FTR INTCP SQ 35 FTR INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Jun-1953
Rudolph, Robert David, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Light Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron 63, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 8-Sep-1965
Rudolph, Shipley, Second Lieutenant, 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Jan-1945
Rudrud, Paul H., Hospital Apprentice First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Feb-1944
Rueger, Robert W., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 16-Sep-1943
Rufener, John F., Corporal, B CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Nov-1950
Ruffin, James Thomas, Lieutenant Commander, Fighter Squadron 92, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 18-Feb-1966
Ruffing, Lawrence H., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Mar-1945
Ruffle, Joseph N., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 26-Mar-1945
Ruggerio, William, Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ruggero, Ciro Jerry, Corporal, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Aug-1951
Ruggieri, Robert C., Sergeant, 482nd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 8-Aug-1945
Ruggles, Allen Ward, Captain, 161 MAR HELI TRANS SQ, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1953
Rugolsky, Joseph J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 29-May-1945
Ruhlin, Earl Oswald, Captain, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1952
Ruhlman, George J., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 3-May-1945
Ruiz, Eugene Louis, First Lieutenant, 45 TAC RCN SQ 67 TAC RCN WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 2-Jul-1951
Ruiz, John G., Private First Class, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Ruiz, Leopoldo L., Sergeant, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Ruiz, Luther, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rule, Charles C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 6-Jun-1945
Rule, Robert E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 25-Nov-1944
Rule, Willard Alton, Sergeant First Class, A CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Rulik, Lester Rudolph, Captain, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Rulon, Louis Henry, Corporal, A CO 13 ENGR CMBT BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Jan-1952
Rumbaugh, Elwod Eugene, Staff Sergeant, 21st Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-May-1975
Rumble, Granville L., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 7-Apr-1945
Rumley, Edward Paul, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 29-Jan-1946
Rumpilla, George W., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-Feb-1945
Rumsey, Williston F., Private, 431st Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Feb-1946
Runberg, La Verne J., First Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 29-Apr-1946
Runckel, Robert G., Bugler First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rundle, Eric E., Staff Sergeant, 21st Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 18-Jan-1943
Rundquist, Vincent A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 4-May-1945
Runge, Herman W., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 15-Jul-1942
Runnels, Ardian, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 18-Feb-1945
Runnels, George R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 4-Jul-1944
Runnels, Glyn Linal, Corporal, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 30-Jun-1967
Runnels, John V., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 7-May-1945
Rupert, Walter D., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 28-May-1945
Rupinski, Bernard Francis, Lieutenant, Fighter Squadron 102, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Jun-1968
Rupp, Waldemar Frederick, Corporal, A CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 5-Dec-1950
Ruppenthal, Richard Marshall, Ensign, 192 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 21-Apr-1951
Rusch, Stephen Arthur, Captain, 4th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 7-Mar-1972
Ruscoe, John W., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 2-Jan-1946
Rush, Dennis Robert, Corporal, B CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Rush, Jerome M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Apr-1945
Rush, John Earl, Corporal, I CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Rush, Richard Perry, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rush, Thomas R. A., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 24-Dec-1944
Rusher, Orville L., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rushing, C. B., Staff Sergeant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 23-Dec-1945
Rushing, Charles V., Corporal, A CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Sep-1950
Rushing, Harry Eugene, Second Lieutenant, 39 FTR INTCP SQ 18 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 3-Mar-1952
Rushing, Joseph T., Aviation Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 21-Sep-1944
Rushmore, Donald James, Private First Class, E CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 9-Feb-1951
Rushton, Lowell G., Storekeeper Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 16-Sep-1943
Rusin, Walter M., Corporal, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 16-Apr-1945
Rusk, Richard George Leroy, First Lieutenant, 608 AC&TW SQ 502 TRP CARR GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Oct-1952
Ruska, James, Master Sergeant, 372 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1952
Rusling, Victor K., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 13-Apr-1945
Russ, Earl M., Private First Class, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Nov-1950
Russ, John Mathew, Private First Class, E CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Oct-1952
Russ, Norman Paul, Corporal, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-May-1951
Russavage, Leo P., Master Sergeant, HQ CO 1 BN 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Russell, Beverly E., Corporal, M CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Russell, Carlton W., Sergeant, 61st Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 3-Oct-1945
Russell, Charles P., Private First Class, C CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Mar-1951
Russell, Cyril F., Second Lieutenant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Feb-1945
Russell, Donald Myrick, Colonel, 33rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Maine, d. 5-Dec-1967
Russell, Earl, Sergeant, 31st Infantry Regiment 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, State: Arizona, d. 1-Dec-1950
Russell, Elmer H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 10-Aug-1945
Russell, Emmitt, Sergeant First Class, B CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Apr-1951
Russell, Ernest F., Sergeant First Class, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Russell, Fernand J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Maine, d. 20-Nov-1943
Russell, Gordon C., Sergeant First Class, HQ BTRY 63 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Dec-1950
Russell, Jack Lowell, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 15-Jun-1944
Russell, James E., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 1-Dec-1946
Russell, John J., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Russell, John W., Master Sergeant, A CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Oct-1950
Russell, Joseph I., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 29-May-1945
Russell, Kenneth D., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 9-Jan-1945
Russell, Michel Baines, Captain, 729 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 26-Feb-1951
Russell, Othel L., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 16-Jun-1944
Russell, Peter John, Captain, 240th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 1-Aug-1968
Russell, Ralph Alton, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 20-Mar-1946
Russell, Reuben R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 12-Apr-1945
Russell, Richard Lee, First Lieutenant, 345th Tactical Airlift Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 26-Apr-1972
Russell, Richard W., Staff Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 1-Apr-1945
Russell, Robert D., Captain, 768th Bomber Squadron, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 5-Sep-1945
Russell, Robert G., Sergeant, F CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Apr-1951
Russell, Thomas O., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 19-Mar-1945
Russell, William E., Chief Quartermaster, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 30-Jan-1946
Russler, Ralph E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 16-Jun-1945
Russo, Richard J., Sergeant First Class, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 9-Oct-1945
Russon, Dell H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Dec-1944
Ruszel, Edward Frank, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-Mar-1944
Rutan, Howard E., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-Mar-1946
Ruth, Larsen G., Ensign, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 22-Jun-1945
Rutherford, Richard L., Private First Class, 306th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 13-May-1945
Rutherford, William H., Corporal, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 13-Nov-1943
Ruthstrom, Carroll Odell, Private, F CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Oct-1950
Rutkowski, John P., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rutland, Joseph G., Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 21-Jun-1945
Rutledge, James A., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 5-Aug-1943
Rutledge, Walter Kenneth, Airman Third Class, 1 SHORAN BEACON SQ, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Oct-1952
Rutshaw, Leonard H., Corporal, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 16-Apr-1946
Ruttan, Dale Andrew, Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 7-Dec-1941
Rutter, Allan W., Second Lieutenant, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-May-1946
Rutter, Charles E., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 5-Nov-1944
Ruud, Wayne Curtis, Corporal, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Ruzon, Frank, Corporal, 7 RCN CO 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Ryan, Clifford L., Master Sergeant, B CO 70 TANK BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Nov-1950
Ryan, Donald E., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 17-Jan-1946
Ryan, Edmund Thomas, Yeoman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 7-Dec-1941
Ryan, Edward M., Private, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Jul-1944
Ryan, James J., Private, 321st Infantry Regiment, 81st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 19-Feb-1945
Ryan, Joseph L., Electrician's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Nov-1944
Ryan, Kenneth John, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Arizona, d. 21-Nov-1944
Ryan, Loyal, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 2-Aug-1943
Ryan, Patrick J., Staff Sergeant, 38th Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Jan-1946
Ryan, Patrick W., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 18-Jun-1944
Ryan, Robert J., Second Lieutenant, 40th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Jul-1945
Ryan, Thomas F., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 24-Feb-1945
Ryan, Thomas G., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 4-May-1945
Ryan, Vincent Martin, Corporal, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Ryan, William Cornelius, First Lieutenant, Marine Attack Fighter Squadron 115, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 11-May-1969
Rybolt, Jule Carl, First Lieutenant, HQ CO 3 BN 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Ryder, Earl M., Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 9-Jan-1946
Ryder, John Leslie, Captain, 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 9-Jun-1970
Rydin, Roy Gilbert, Second Lieutenant, 35 FTR BOMB SQ 8 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Jan-1953
Rydzeski, Eugene, Corporal, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-May-1945
Rydzewski, Linus A., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 11-May-1945
Ryer, Austin D., Staff Sergeant, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 26-Jun-1945
Ryhter, John P., Sergeant, A BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Rykoskey, Edward Jay, Lance Corporal, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Aug-1966
Rymal, James G., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Jan-1946
Ryman, William Harvey, Private First Class, HQ CO 13 ENGR CMBT BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Dec-1950
Rynearson, Robert M., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Utah, d. 11-May-1945
Ryther, Lavere M., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 1-Apr-1944
Rzehak, Horace F., Staff Sergeant, 392nd Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 21-Oct-1944
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