Search Idaho Death Records
Idaho Newspapers, Full Search (1863-1969), 135 titles
Idaho Obituary Search, (1893-current)
Idaho Birth Records Database, (1863-1969)
Gamlin Lake Cemetery (Newman Cemetery)
(Broten Cemetery)
Bonner County, Idaho
Lat: 48°13'07"N, Lon: 116°25'10"W
Contributed by Mary Garrison, Mar 11, 2002 [] Total records = 141.
The cemetery is located on Sagle Road nine miles east of US Highway 95 from Sagle, Idaho.
Gamlin Lake cemetery is by "The Church in the Wildwood". There is a metal cattle gate at the entrance. It has some lawn area but most of the area is natural wooded area. This cemetery is well kept and still actively used.
Tombstone transcriptions were completed during August 2000 by Mary and Nellie Garrison. Records were also obtained from local newspapers furnished by the Bonner County Historical Museum. Updated 01-26-2002.
Tombstone Transcriptions were completed during (date) by Mary and Nellie Garrison. Information was also gathered from obituaries and death notification from the local newspapers furnished by the Bonner County Historical Museum. Updated Mar 8, 2002.
* - Obituary in paper stated the person was buried in the Newman Cemetery.
** - Subjects shown in the newspaper as buried in the Broten Cemetery.
b.= birth
d.= death
deed = deed for plot
dau = daughter
dy = day
f/l = family plot
f/p = family plot
f/s = family stone
fhm = funeral home markerhusb = husband
m. = married
mo = month
n/d = no date
s/l = same lot
s/p = same plot
s/s = same stone
WWI = World War I
WWII = World War II
- Mary Garrison
Anderson, Catherine, b. 08-02-1825, d. 8/22/1923, s/s John R
Anderson, Eva H, b. 9/17/1908, d. 2/03/1987, s/s Myron E
Anderson, John P, b. 1852, d. 1921, s/s Catherine
Anderson, John, b. 1890, d. 1959
Anderson, Myron E, b. 2/19/1903, d. 9/14/1975, s/s Eva H
Arthur, Pearl A, b. 1890, d. 1961, s/p Garrison/Byrne
Arthur, Victor, b. 02-26-1882, d. Dec-75, s/p Garrison/Byrne
Barnes, Reuben, b. 08-14-1847, d. 4/11/1931
Beulke, Bonita Nelly, b. 02-12-1896, d. 01-27-1973/6, s/s Walter
Beulke, Walter, b. 1898, d. 12/08/1983, s/s Bonita N
Bevans, Barrett N, b. 6/24/1975, d. 2/20/1997
Brant, Joel, b. 1823, d. 1909
Broberg, Charles, b. 1862, d. 1921
Bunny, Eunice Lucille, b. 1906, d. 05-02-1971/4
Burger, Carlena (Lena), b. 08-31-1866/7, d. 7/15/1942
Byrne, Jessie L, b. 1892, d. 1968, s/p Garrison/Arthur
Byrne, Thomas A, b. 08-21-1882, d. Sep-68, s/p Garrison/Arthur
Casler, Georgia P, b. See Georgia C. Payne, d.
Chittick, Gerald E, b. 4/30/1939, d. 1/02/1998
Cochennette, Leonard Joseph, b. 6/25/1906, d. 8/24/1981
Cochennette, Mary Jane, b. 1917, d. 1917, s/s William
Cochennette, Mary, b. 1883, d. 3/03/1920, s/s William
Cochennette, William F, b. 04-08-1874, d. 12/17/1941, s/s Mary Jane
Cornagey, William Dixon, b. 03-08-1851/2, d. 11/10/1922
Crittenden, Max Dermont, Sr, b. 11-09-1883, d. Nov-63, s/s Ruth H
Crittenden, Max Dermont, b. 1917, d. 1982
Crittenden, Ruth Hanna, b. 1884, d. 1966, s/s Max D
Davis, Helene W, b. 09-08-1885, d. 9/11/1968, s/s Herbert H
Davis, Herbert Henry, b. 04-01-1876, d. 12/30/1965, s/s Helene W
Dillman, Mahala, b. 1847, d. 4/18/1922
Edwards, Helen, b. n/d, d. 1909
Ekins, Alice Brickerton, b. 12/01/1917, d. 3/14/1989
Engle, Don A, b. 1915, d. n/d, s/s Elinor A
Engle, Elinor A, b. 1922, d. n/d, s/s Don A
Evans, Howard Franklin, b. 1920, d. 6/23/1922
Freeman, Leslie Douglas, b. 6/14/1903, d. 12/09/1982, s/s Sarah P
Freeman, Lora May, b. 1870, d. 3/09/1952, s/s Melbourne
Freeman, Melbourne Greenwood, b. 1863/7, d. 07-26-11950, s/s Lora M
Freeman, Sarah Payne Miller, b. 05-08-1894, d. 4/15/1977, s/s Leslie D
Fuller, B M, b. 08-14-1878, d. 2/15/1922, s/p Martha
Fuller, Martha, b. n/d, d. 1908, s/p B M
Garrison, David M, b. 1882, d. 1924, s/p Byrne/Arthur
Garrison, David Marion, b. 7/28/1954, d. 3/22/1924
Garrison, Rachel A, b. 1858, d. 1933, s/p Byrne/Arthur
Genson, Ada, b. n/d, d. 8/19/1955, s/p Benjamin F
Genson, Benjamin Franklin, b. 1876, d. 4/04/1953, s/p Ada
Gibson, Earl Crail, b. 04-06-1894, d. 12/01/1973, s/s Ila S
Gibson, Ila Sewell, b. 1890, d. 4/05/1973, s/s Earl C
Ginter, Ada Mae, b. 02-28-1899, d. 12/15/1968, s/s Ben G
Ginter, Ben G, b. 04-25-1895, d. 6/25/1987, s/s Ada Mae
Goodman, Matthew Jason, b. 11/18/1973, d. 9/30/1983
Gresham, Clint W, b. 09-24-1890, d. 4/10/1981, s/s Oeta
Gresham, Mary P, b. 02-17-1864, d. 4/16/1936, s/s William R **
Gresham, Oeta, b. 10-13-1888, d. 4/13/1978, s/s Clint W
Gresham, William R, b. 1867, d. 3/10/1943, s/p Mary P
Griffin, Clinton Schroeder, b. 7/24/1962, d. 7/06/1965, s/s Georgia Payne
Hanson, Ole, b. 1863, d. 11/15/1922
Harms, August Carl, b. 05-17-1874, d. 2/17/1938, s/p Sarah E
Harms, Emma Frances, b. 11-26-1892, d. 6/21/1936, **
Harms, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 02-04-1877, d. 2/22/1960, s/p August C **
Hartman, Fred, b. 04-05-1840, d. 12/17/1938, *
Hill, Sallie M, b. 1846, d. 1917
Jones, Francis Lloyd, b. 1/01/1922, d. 1/04/1987, s/s Ruby G
Jones, Ruby G, b. 10/26/1921, d. n/d, s/s Francis L
Knight, Elwine S, b. 1877, d. 1957, f/p Schroeder
Kunkel, George J Jr, b. 1976, d. 1977, s/p Lucille
Kunkel, George John, b. 11/24/1921, d. Oct-85
Kunkel, Jason Michael, b. n/d, d. 11/18/1982
Kunkel, Lucille Frances, b. 1926, d. 8/22/1966
Lajoie, Eugene Allen, b. 8/17/1940, d. 9/02/1996
Lassen, (Bob) Robert Allen, b. 7/27/1920, d. 12/06/1982
Lassen, Mim, b. 2/14/1919, d. 12/21/1996
Lichty, Clifford Justice, b. 4/30/1920, d. 10/16/1991
Masterson, Melvin Ray, b. 6/13/1931, d. 6/20/1991
Melvin, Benjamin M, b. 06-1869/71, d. 8/22/1945
Melvin, Ernest Porter, b. 1885, d. 2/05/1957
Melvin, Howard, b. 7/27/1910, d. Jan-81, s/s Lucille
Melvin, Lucille, b. 1914, d. n/d, s/s Howard
Melvin, Ruth Wilson, b. See Ruth M. Wilson, d.
Melvin, Verna E, b. 08-24-1888/9, d. Feb-76
Miller, Laurence Herbert, b. 7/24/1919, d. 5/25/1933, (Laurie)
Mitchell, Louise M, b. 01-06-1875/6, d. May-65, Davis f/p 5
O'Donnell, Archie, b. 1863, d. 12/06/1916, Davis f/p 5
Oldt, Reuben, b. 1836, d. 1917
Oliphant, Russell John, b. 6/17/1904, d. 5/23/1971
Osborn, Orris P Horace, b. 08-07-1877, d. 6/14/1962
Osborn, Rose Grace, b. 1880, d. 5/27/1968
O'Donnell, Datlef Schroeder, b. 2/22/1904, d. 3/06/1990
O'Donnell, Ruth Mary, b. 4/23/1909, d.
O'Toole, Son, b. n/d, d. 12/20/1977
Payne, Beatrice Cole Thibadeau, b. 01-24-1899, d. Nov-85, s/s Leo A
Payne, Charlotta Elbina, b. 12-11-1873, d. 5/27/1965, s/s Heber D
Payne, Georgia Mildred Casler, b. 3/04/1905, d. 5/23/1982, s/p Heber
Payne, Heber Delos, b. 07-13-1865, d. 11/08/1945, s/s Charlotta E
Payne, Heber Schroeder, b. 09-22-1899, d. 8/30/1974, s/s Georgia
Payne, Leo Ambrose, b. 01-11-1893, d. Sep-84, s/s Beatrice C
Payne, Sara Freeman, b. , d. , See Sarah P Freeman
Pierce, Cleo Berniece Pickett, b. 12/10/1913, d. 5/05/2001
Pierce, Max K, b. 8/16/1910, d. 8/12/2001
Pierce, Raymond Franklin, b. 3/05/1935, d. 7/22/1980
Pinkham, Gordon Wescott, b. 3/24/1923, d. 2/08/1992
Raney, Clarence, b. 1892, d. 1934
Rasor, Robert D, b. 6/11/1918, d. 5/28/1992
Ricard, Beatrice Elizabeth, b. 7/12/1909, d. 5/20/1985, s/p Raymond
Ricard, Mary Louise, b. 04-01-1868, d. 04-94-1939, s/s Mary Roberts
Ricard, Raymond, b. 8/13/1909, d. Sep-85, s/p Beatrice
Roberts, Mary E, b. 1839, d. 1923, s/s Mary Richard
Sadler, Amy June, b. 10-18-1874, d. 5/11/1939
Sadler, Harold T, b. 3/02/1905, d. 7/24/1992, s/s Wilma Metcalf
Scanlon, Paul Cullen, b. 5/10/1909, d. Jun-84, Davis f/p 5
Schroeder, Carl Harvy, b. 05-02-1880, d. 5/25/1933
Schroeder, Christina Marie, b. 06-22-1851, d. 10/29/1934
Schroeder, Dite, b. 1852, d. 1934, f/p 4
Schroeder, Infant, b. n/d, d. 1/07/1912, f/p 4
Schroeder, Robert August, b. 04-22-1848, d. 4/03/1939, f/p 4
Schroeder, Ruth Elaine, b. 1877, d. 1915, f/p4
Shaffer, Hugh, b. 1908, d. 1909
Shields, Allen B, b. 1864, d. 6/14/1953, s/p Shields/Lassen
Shields, Fred, b. 2/28/1901, d. 11/27/1969, s/p Shields/Lassen
Shipman, Jessie Dorothy, b. 9/10/1904, d. 7/10/1918
Shute, Mary Louise Payne, b. 4/18/1933, d. n/d, s/s Walter R
Shute, Walter R, b. 7/19/1937, d. 2/28/1987, s/s Mary Louise
Spaargaren, William F, b. 6/13/1931, d. 11-16-23001
Sullivan, Andrew R, b. 07-26-1876, d. 11/02/1962, s/s Timothy
Sullivan, Timothy, b. 07-26-1876, d. 3/12/1960, s/s Andrew
Sutton, Thedore L, b. 06-05-1862, d. 07-01-1934/8
Thomas, William R, b. 2/23/1910, d. 7/24/1939
Van Schravendyk, Cornelius Joannes 1839, b. 1901, d. , s/s Anna K f/p 4
Van Schravendyk, John, b. 1880, d. 1964, s/s Kate f/p 4
Van Schravendyk, Kate, b. 1891, d. 1965, s/s John f/p 4
Van Schravendyk,Anna Kievels, b. 1838, d. 3/14/1913, s/s Cornelius f/p 4
Vess, Adam Dean, b. 6/16/1965, d. 5/17/1985
Vess, Arlowene Maed, b. 2/13/1936, d. n/d, s/s Terry Dean
Vess, Terry Dean, b. 10/02/1934, d. 2/02/1985, s/s Arlowene Mae
Waldon, Dorothy L, b. 11/18/1900, d. 10/18/1993
Warren, Nancy, b. 2/07/1932, d. Jun 1983
Wildfang, Anna Lassen, b. 09-30-1861, d. 12-06-1943/4, s/p J C Wildfang
Wildfang, J C, b. 1829, d. 5/07/1914, s/p Anna
Wilson, Ruth Melvin, b. 11/12/1913, d. Aug-82, s/s T W Melvin
Wilson, T Woodrow, b. 1914, d. n/d, s/s Ruth Melvin
Yaryan, Frederick, b. 01-10-1852, d. 11/29/1913
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