Search Idaho Death Records
Idaho Newspapers, Full Search (1863-1969), 135 titles
Idaho Obituary Search, (1893-current)
Idaho Birth Records Database, (1863-1969)
Clearwater Cemetery
Clearwater, Idaho County, Idaho
GPS: 46.0149, -115.8957
Old Elk City Wagon Rd
Clearwater, ID 83552
Contributed by: Dana Lohrey []
Published: February 5, 2000
Total records: 270
Cemetery History
Located about one mile south of Clearwater is the final resting place
for many of Clearwater's pioneers, homesteaders and long time citizens.
The Clearwater Cemetery sits upon a hill a short distance northwest
of the homestead of Gilbert (Gip) Lamore. Mr. Lamore came to Clearwater
and took up a homestead in 1884. He had one hundred and fifty-eight
acres. From this acreage he donated two acres for a "free" cemetery.
His intention was that the citizens of Clearwater would not have to
pay for a burial plot in the Clearwater Cemetery. The cemetery is positioned
in a beautful setting. To the south one can clearly see the Clearwater
Mountains through which the famous Elk City Wagon Road passes. To the
west is a beautiful panoramic view of Grangeville and the Camas Prairie.
To the north lies the community of Clearwater and the Battle Ridge area.
East of the cemetery are the Thompson and Gunter homes. The steep, single-lane
road to the cemetery is located off the Elk City Wagon Road directly
across from the Larry Thompson home.
Mr. Lamore's homestead would years later become the home of Clifford
and Gertrude Lynn and their children. Today the home and acreage belongs
to Leslie Lynn, the eldest of the Lynn children. Just behind the home,
"Gip" Lamore built a small dance hall and often invited his friends
and neighbors to Saturday night dances at his home.
The Clearwater Cemetery is divided by a single-lane road running from
north to south and curves from west to east through the cemetery and
then dropping back down to intersect with the road leading up to the
Plots are located west of road entrance just past the cemetery shop.
Cemetery Records
Records below were compiled by Dana Lohrey...
Row 1
1. Veta O. Rape, July 29, 1903 - May 26, 1989
2. Harry B. Rape, October 31, 1897 - November 10, 1985
3. Glenn A. Brotnov, November 29, 1953 - August 29, 1972, (Son of Norman and Naomi Rape Brotnov)
4. Sterling D. Kribs, 1877 - 1932
5. Mary N. (Gunter) Kribs, 1889 - 1937
6. J. Milton Kribs, 1919 - 1943, (Son of Sterling and Mary Kribs)
7. Clara Lena (Kitty) Spears, 1910 - 1977, (First wife of Delbert (Bob) Spears)
8. Bob Spears, Still living as of April 20, 1999
9. Eual Spears, 1905 - 1934, (Brother to Bob Spears)
10. Ronald Spears, 1937 - 1958, (U. S. Air Force)
11. Harvey Spears, 1913 - 1989, (Brother to Bob and Eual Spears)
12. Francena (Waymire) Spears, 1917 - 1997
13. Jerry Ray Spears, April 6-8, 1954, (Ronald and Jerry were the sons of Harvey and Cena Spears)
14. Hattie E. Ramsey, February 13, 1898 - March 27, 1959, (Hattie Gillette Waymire Ramsey was the mother of Francena and Tony Waymire)
15. David Ramsey, June 8, 1885 - no record of death
Row 2 (Behind Kribs plots)
16. Leona Campbell, 1858 - 1929, (Plot inscription "Mother")
17. Donald Cameron, April 18, 1860 - November 28, 1932, (Born Dunvegan Ontario)
18. Katherine M. Cameron, July 4, 1877 - July 9, 1962
19. Thompson (?)
Rows 1-14 located east of cemetery road entrance to road curve and continuing east on north side of road.
Row 1 (Beginning north to south)
20. Marian S. Swayne, November 23, 1882 - February 10, 1978
21. James P. Swayne, 1880 - 1957
22. Bernice Duncan, 1917 - 1922
23. Ada Duncan, 1907 - 1918
24. T. M. Duncan, 1878 - 1918
Row 2 ( North to south)
25. L. R.Fenor
26. Lorton Blewett, 1913 - 1983, (Sgt. U. S. Army, World War II)
27. Nathaniel Wilson, 1867 - 1947, (Father of Verda (Wilson) Ulmer Blewett)
28. Sorland
29. Peter King, February 22, 1832 - April 16, 1907, (75 years, 1 month, 25 days)
30. Blakesley
31. Blakesley
32. Baby son of H. M. LaMore, 1910, (Relative of Nellie May Wright)
Row 3 (North to south)
33. Unknown grave
34. Thomas Rogers, 1862 - 1935
35. Arthur Robbins, November 5, 1877 - July 4, 1906, (2 years, 8 months)
36. V. Keller
37. Francis E. McCarthy, 1916
38. Genevieve E. McCarthy, 1914 - 1991
39. Unknown
Row 4 (North to south)
40. Vance Miles Farris, February 9, 1920 - December 24, 1997
41. Margaret David Farris, June 15, 1922 - still living April 1999
42. Melvin Earl Smith, October 23, 1911 - June 29, 1989
43. Alice (Farris) Smith, March 26, 1915 - still living April 1999, (wife of Melvin Smith)
44. Dale G. Smith, June 29, 1963 - October 30, 1981, (Son of Lyle smith and grandson of Melvin and Alice Smith)
45. Baby Coy
46. Mrs. E. Rowe (grave close to road)
47. Streeter J. Wicks, October 19, 1888 - October 29, 1977
48. Minnie A. Wicks, June 10, 1889 - October 30, 1977, (Streeter and Minnie Wicks were married September 11, 1908)
49. James A. Wicks, July 28, 1918 - September 9, 1997, (Son of Streeter and Minnie Wicks. U. S. Marine W.W. II)
50. Garnet W. Wicks, December 30, 1929 - February 16, 1976, (Son of Streeter and Minnie Wicks)
51. Baby Ruark
52. Arlie Hammons, 1931 - still living
53. Dee Hammons, 1927 - 1975, (Arlie and Dee Hammons were married June 27, 1969
54. Janice F. Hayes Johnson, March 22, 1930 - March 2, 1995
55. L. Richard Johnson, August 10, 1925 - March 17, 1993, (Gravestone behind tree)
56. Adam Nolan
57. Baby Manes (Close to road)
Row 6 (North to south)
58. Bill Caldwell, February 5, 1935 - November 3, 1972
59. Kate L. wife of Robert C. Taylor, April 29, 1873 - March 21, 1906 (33 years)
60. Ludwig H. Konrad, April 10, 1923 - January 21, 1998, (S. Sgt. U. S. Army, awarded Purple Heart, World War II)
Row 7 (North to south)
61. Alderman
62. Mrs. Alderman (Grave close to road by shrub tree and barrel)
63. Lloyd Irving Jones, April 7, 1911 - March 1999, (Son of Ralph and Mila Graham Jones)
64. Allene Edith (Manes) Jones, Died 1996, (Allene was the daughter of Edmond and Edith Manes), (Lloyd and Allene Jones were married 64 years)
Row 7 (continued)
65. Elsie Baldwin, 1897 - 1907 (age 10)
66. J. W. Thompson
67. Son William Ghormley, 1874 - 1898
68. Father Levy H. Ghormley, 1842 - 1906
Row 8 (north to south)
69. Ike Gunter
70. Ernest E. Gunter, January 20, 1889 - November 10, 1918
71. Baby Gunter, (A tree separates the two baby Gunter graves)
72. Baby Gunter
73. Benard Nordstrom, September 17, 1889 - August 30, 1909
74. Jimmy Jay Shuck, 1895 - 1987
75. Julia Maisie Shuck, 1902 - 1987, (wife of Jimmy Jay Shuck)
76. George A. Brodock, 1858 - 1920, (Born in Sandoval, Illinois)
77. Baby Swan
78. Infant son of Allen and Mary Stephens, May 23, 1899 - January 20, 1900
79. Infant daughter of Allen and Mary Stephens, April 15, 1904 (Deceased at birth)
Row 10 (North to south)
80. Rose Marie Lytle, June 16, 1935 - (No death date), (Daughter of Austin and Grace Lytle)
81. William Lytle, 1857 - 1915
82. Wife Lucetta Q. Holbrook, October 17, 1894 - September 2, 1930
83. Lester W. Lytle, 1902 - 1919
84. Jefferson W. Lytle, 1859 - 1911
85. Grace M. Lytle, 1870 - 1962
86. Edgar Riebold, February 19, 1890 - May 19, 1898, (Son of Jake and Fronia Riebold)
87. J. Riebold
88. Esther I. (Riebold) York, September 29, 1917 - May 19, 1997
89. Wayne C. York, February 16, 1914 - December 17, 1998, (Wayne and Esther York were married March 13, 1939), (Grandson of the Rev. Jacob. B. York, founder of Clearwater Baptist Church)
90. Riebold Family stone
Row 11 (North to south)
91. Delbert Gibler, August 17, 1898 - August 19, 1922
92. Betty Ann (Whorrall) McLean, June 19, 1930 - April 17, 1993
93. Glenn W. McLean, 1918 - 1976, (Glenn was married to Betty Ann Whorrall), Children of Samuel and M. J. McLean
94. Henry McLean, January 18, 1899 - February 20, 1899, (Lived one month and two days)
95. Maggie McLean, Died March 14, 1890 (1 year, 3 mo., 2 days)
96. Mary McLean, Died October 6, 1899 (1 year, 1 mo., 4 days)
97. R. Elmer McLean, July 16, 1891 - November 16, 1978
98. Erma Muriel McLean, July 3, 1898 - February 6, 1988, (Elmer was married to Erma Muriel)
99. Ernest J. Lytle, April 11, 1892 - July 5, 1963, (Pvt. Medical Dept. W.W. I)
100. Grace Mintilu L. Gunter Lytle, January 1, 1900 - September 4, 1980, (Wife of Ernest Lytle and sister to Nora Gunter Wilson)
101. Elvin K. Lytle, May 26, 1932 - October 30, 1954
102. Grace Marie Lytle, April 9, 1930 - September 29, 1930
103. Ernest Lee Lytle, April 9, 1930 - September 27, 1930
104. Beulah Mae Lytle, September 8, 1930 - June 13, 1970, (Wife of Clinton Lytle)
105. Clinton J. Lytle, March 19, 1929 - still living April 1999, (Son of Ernest and Grace Lytle)
106. Helen D. McLean, April 27, 1924 - still living April 1999, (Wife of Leslie McLean)
107. Leslie McLean, April 23, 1922 - May 10, 1984, (Son of Elmer and Muriel McLean. Leslie and Helen McLean married October 2, 1946.)
Row 13 (North to south)
108. Albert Bernard Brotnov, 1893 - 1934
109. Mamie E. (Holland) Brotnov Skidmore, March 21, 1895 - December 27, 1972, (First husband, Albert B. Brotnov. Second husband, Fred Skidmore)
110. Norman W. Brotnov, October 29, 1917 - January 14, 1972, (Son of Albert B. and Mamie E. Brotnov) (U. S. Coast Guard W.W. II)
111. Dorthey Davenport (Grave closest to road)
Row 14 Northeast (North to south)
112. Jessica Ann Shira, January 26, 1976 - February 5, 1976
113. Ivan McLean, March 27, 1955 - June 3, 1955
114. Baby McPherson
The following rows of plots are located on the south side of the cemetery road, beginning from the southeast and ending in the southwest corner.
Row 1 (north to south)
115. Carl Brotnov, 1892 -1955
116. Elizabeth Brotnov, 1897 - 1986, (Elizabeth (Smith) Brotnov was the wife of Carl Brotnov)
117. George C. Skidmore, February 25, 1910 - July 24, 1994
118. LaVonne L. (Brotnov) Skidmore, Birth date unknown - still living April 1999, (Daughter of Carl and Elizabeth Brotnov)
119. Father Mikal Brotnov, 1865 - 1915
120. Merle Brotnov, February 1918 - August 1918
121. Wilbur L. Brotnov, June 28 - September 7, 1925, (Son of Ralph and Myrtle Brotnov)
122. Mother Margaret Brotnov, 1866 - 1924, (Approx. 3 vacant plots between these graves)
123. Billy Wiley
124. Bernice M. Smith, 1929 - 1932, (Daughter of Garold and Nellie Smith)
125. Garold Smith, 1906 -1964
126. Nellie (Baldwin) Smith, 1907 - 1993, (First husband was Garold Smith. Second husband was Edward Smolinski)
Row 2 (north to south)
127. Glen Ira Lohrey, 1908 - 1987
128. Pearl (Rideout) Lohrey, 1885 - 1973
129. Henry Earl Lohrey, 1881 - 1957, (Henry was married to Pearl Rideout)
130. Mary Ellen Lohrey, June 16, 1860 - October 30, 1945
131. Lois Turnbull, October 18, 1828 - March 13, 1919
132. Arfurd Lohrey, December 13, 1852 - August 10, 1912
133. Barr Stewart
134. Ira Lee Chenoweth, 1911 - 1934
135. Mother Jessie Chenoweth, June 17, 1885 - September 17, 1912
136. Fleet Stewart, 1877 - 1934
Row 2 (north to south) continued
137. Mother Elizabeth Stewart, April 28, 1886 - September 7, 1928
138. Charles B. Stewart, January 24, 1837 - July 8, 1915
Row 3 (north to south)
139. Unknown grave
140. Man who froze - Pursefield
Row 4 (north to south)
141. Darrell Farris, December 21, 1917 - January 13, 1981, U. S. Navy World War II
142. Robert Farris, 1860 - 1938
143. Alice Farris, 1864 - 1941
144. Flossie Farris, 1892 - 1946
145. Allen Farris, 1888 - 1953
146. Baby Farris (son of Gilbert Farris)
147. Harry Farris, June 9, 1911 - June 23, 1996
148. Hattie Grace (Wicks) Farris, Still living April 1999
149. Marshall Allen Farris, 1940 - 1942, (Son of Harry and Hattie Farris)
150. Buddy Dean Smith, April 1, 1945 - April 3, 1945, (Infant son of Alice and Melvin Smith)
Row 5 (north to south)
151. R. Delmar Farris, July 6, 1910 - April 11, 1911, (Fenced grave behind shrub), (9 months, 5 days)
152. Harry Baker, 1859 - 1933
153. Fada A. Baker, 1862 - 1949, (Fada Baker's funeral was the last funeral to be held in Clearwater Baptist Church before it burned January 10, 1950.)
154. Sam Jensen, October 7, 1891 - May 3, 1973
155. Mildred L. Jensen, October 4, 1909 - still living April 1999, (Sam Jensen and Mildred Gillett were married October 7, 1939)
156. Miner J. McPherson, February 5, 1896 - January 12, 1972
157. Callie McPherson, April 14, 1895 - December 8, 1983
158. Son James Beryl McPherson, March 11, September 9, 1992 (World War II)
Row 6 (north to south)
159. Jones
160. Ted Fairhurst, 1910 - 1985
161. Frankie Fairhurst, 1911 - Still living April 1999
162. Frank Hartman, 1878 - 1958
163. Mary Hartman, 1885 - 1963
164. Frank Fairhurst, 1878 - 1958
165. Mary Ann Fairhurst, October 30, 1936 - March 21, 1937
166. Charlie Hartman, August 18, 1916 - July 6, 1918
167. Baby Laugton
168. Bobby Shane Watts, August 8, 1957 - August 8, 1959, (Son of Robert and Myrna (Jacks) Watts)
169. Freeman Gillett, December 16, 1857 - April 30, 1944
170. Gertrude Gillett, February 20, 1870 - March 5, 1964
171. Hugh C. Gillett, September 14, 1896 - August 5, 1965
172. Stella M. Gillett, August 25, 1906 - Still living April 1999
Row 7 (north to south)
173. Howard Farris, 1913-1973
174. Beulah H. (Laine) Farris, 1913 - 1995
Row 8 (north to south)
175. Jerry Keith Thompson, December 21, 1949 - January 29, 1977
176. Bert F. Thompson, June 13, 1900 - July 21, 1974
177. Vivian A. (Gunter) Thompson, February 21, 1904 - March 27, 1986
178. Baby York
179. Vanda H. York, 1896-1989
180. Zula Curtis, April 19, 1925 - July 2, 1925
181. Marvin L. Curtis, 1918 - 1926
182. Vera Curtis, 1921 - 1927
183. Sylvia L. Curtis, 1927 (lived two weeks)
184. Loretta Curtis, 1929 (lived two weeks)
185. William Edward Curtis, April 2, 1888 - October 5, 1968, (William and Loretta Curtis were married December 6, 1911)
186. L. Loretta Curtis, September 28, 1893 - October 16, 1985
Row 9 (north to south)
187. Baby Gunter, February 25, 1902 - March 5, 1902, (by lilac bush closest to road)
188. Emma Taylor, February 3, 1895 - March 26, 1916
189. John I. Gunter, March 27, 1857 - January 8, 1934
190. Anna R. Gunter, April 12, 1877 - January 25, 1918
191. Charlie Gunter, June 1897 - November 1974, (Charlie was the son of John I. Gunter)
192. Charles Elliott
193. Elnora May Hunter
194. Benjamin Hunter
195. Merlin Hunter
196. Garrett Hunter, 1900 - 1974
197. Lilly (Holland) Hunter, 1898 - 1980 (Closest to south fence)
Row 10 (north to south)
198. Estella M. Ruark
199. Fred M. Brown, 1881 - 1933
200. Jettie Brown, October 4, 1884 - October 2, 1953
201. Irvin L. Brown, September 20, 1905 - January 27, 1970
202. Johnnie ?
203. William E. Gunter, April 22, 1822 - January 18, 1904
204. Martha Anna Holland, November 7, 1892 - November 4, 1920
205. Mollie M. Holland, June 7, 1869 - March 5, 1949
206. William G. Holland, October 30, 1864 - November 11, 1939
207. R. Boyce Burgess, 1946 - 1994
208. Infant Daughter of , Died May 11, 1920, Bertha and Jesse Manes
209. Teresa O. Manes, Died June 7, 1958
210. Baby Rex Manes, Died November 20, 1926, Son of Edith & Edmond Manes
211. Edith A. Manes, July 20, 1892 - November 4, 1953
212. Edmond Manes, March 6, 1886 - August 25, 1973
Row 11 (North to south)
213. John D. Brown, December 22, 1863 - October 26, 1907
Row 12 (North to south)
214. William H. Brown, February 17, 1836 - December 31, 1907
215. Sarah A. Brown, November 2, 1842 - October 26, 1920
216. L. Kribs
217. Baby York
218 . Benjamin C. Cowling, December 28, 1847 - April 18, 1903
219. Minerva J. Cowling, August 19, 1855 - June 4, 1924
220. Frank Cowling, February 18, 1884 - February 24, 1919
221. Della Emmert, 1883 - 1948
222. Frank Emmert, 1880 - 1920
223. Leland Lake Emmert, 1902 - 1929
224. George W. Emmert, April 28, 1872 - October 28, 1943
225. Alva R. Emmert, September 21, 1882 - January 9, 1969
Row 12 (North to south)
226. Baby Hawkins
227. Bryce B. McLean, July 1, 1920 - December 1, 1990
228. Mae Clute, November 18, 1918 - still living
229. Ratlif M. Ruark, February 8, 1841 - April 1, 1909
230. Joanna Heaton Ruark, 1855 - 1930
231. Bertha E. Manes, 1890 - 1982, Married Jesse L. Manes November 24, 1909
232. Jesse L. Manes, 1888 - 1981
233. William H. Manes, August 7, 1853 - June 21, 1931
234. Amanda C. Manes, February 15, 1859 - June 16, 1940
235. Allen D. Manes, 1891 - 1949
236. Merle G. Wilburn, May 24, 1898 - June 2, 1964
237. Zella Mae Wilburn Ross, August 20, 1895 - April 13, 1988
Row 13 (north to south)
238. Stephen , (Close to road across from barrel)
239. Baby
240. M. McPherson
241. Henry J. Howser, July 27, 1868 - November 6, 1942
242. Gertrude Howser, December 12, 1868 - July 27, 1941
243. Emma Lou (Howser) Folden, 1907 - 1986
244. Edward M. Folden, 1907 - 1984
245. Oscar M. Folden, 1902 - 1986
246. Anna F. Folden, 1900 - 1988, (Note Anna Folden was married to Oscar Folden)
247. Julia Folden, February 8, 1909 - June 22, 1909, (4 mos. 14 days)
248. Harold John Skinner, May 8, 1900 - January 7, 1973
249. Thelma Folden, March 29, 1905 -
250. Martin J. Folden, 1868 - 1917
251. Emma M. Folden, 1872 - 1950
252. Uncle Henry Olson, August 26, 1882 - April 11, 1972
Row 14 (north to south)
253. Randy C. Lynn, 1949 - 1994
254. Clifford R. Lynn, November 15, 1914 - October 22, 1953
255. Gertrude Lynn Hunter , August 12, 1921 - November 26, 1976
256. Cecil Leslie Hunter, December 24, 1927 - December 22, 1992
257. Mary E. Calder, May 29, 1843 - September 1, 1908, (Wife of H. R. Calder)
258. Hagar Calder, 1878 - 1908
259. Samuel T. Calder, 1871 - 1959
260. Gabriel Ulmer, 1918 - 1918
261. Wilhelmina Ulmer, October 24, 1872 - April 4, 1959
262. George E. Ulmer, April 13, 1903 - June 19, 1976
263. Verda A. Ulmer Blewett, August 31, 1913 - still living 4/20, 1999, (Verda was married to George Ulmer)
Row 15 (North to south)
264. Ernest H. Milot, April 25, 1897 - July 6, 1910
265. Bransford
Row 16 (North to south)
266. Martha Allen Yingst, 1868 - 1926
267. Winfield Scott Yingst, 1854 - 1927
268. Jabus G. Howington, June 9, 1923 - January 15, 1988, (U. S. Army WWII)
Row 17 (North to south)
269. Baby Howell
270. William Howell
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