Search Illinois Death Records
Illinois Newspapers, Full Search (1818-2018), 623 titles
Illinois Obituary Search, (1840-current)
Illinois Birth Records Database, (1818-1999)
Quincy National Cemetery
Quincy, Adams County, Illinois
* Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit "The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions.
Lahrman, Ralph E, b. 05/19/1906, d. 11/12/1953, SGT 735 RAILWAY OPERATIONS BATT, Plot: 351, bur. 11/23/1953, *
Laird, Lloyd E, b. 06/04/1923, d. 10/30/1982, SGT U S A A C, Plot: A 489-B, bur. 10/14/1994, *
Lammers, George C, d. 05/20/1862, PVT 1ST INDP BTY MINN LA, Plot: 70, *
Landis, Donald D, b. 10/22/1919, d. 06/16/1944, PVT 165 INF REGT 27 INF BN INF, Plot: 358, bur. 12/22/1948, *
Langdorf, Conrad, CO H 49TH I11 INF, Plot: B 74, *
Langsdorf, Conrad, d. 05/06/1862, PVT H 49 ILL INF, Plot: 74, *
Leahey, Thomas, d. 04/27/1886, PVT CO G, 16TH REGT, ILL CAV, *
Leary, Phillip, 11TH NY BATTY, Inf Tkn From Old Card 2-5-51, *
Lee, Wm, d. 02/01/1865, PVT M 1 OHIN, Plot: 48, *
Legard, David M, d. 09/12/1914, PVT 2ND LT G 5 ILL CAV/H 6 ILL INF, Plot: 312, *
Legrand, Daniel Wesley, b. 02/21/1909, d. 05/25/1969, PVT USAAF, Plot: A 405, bur. 05/29/1969, *
Lein, Jno, d. 12/14/1864, PVT C 30 WISC INF, Plot: 62, *
Lepper, Lorenzo, d. 12/31/1888, PVT CO H 43RD REGT ILL INF, Info From Old Card 5/1/51, *
Lewis, Jonathan, d. 01/07/1865, PVT C 119 ILL INF, Plot: 115, *
Lillemann, Henry, d. 01/15/1884, SHIP DOBSON U S N, Jan 15 1884, *
Little, E Leroy, b. 01/05/1924, d. 12/11/1966, LT COL US MARINE CORPS, Plot: A 415, bur. 12/14/1966, *
Littrell, Moriel L, b. 07/26/1920, d. 08/27/1993, Plot: A 504, bur. 08/31/1993, *
Long, George H, b. 12/24/1916, d. 01/14/1944, SSGT WWII, Plot: 377, bur. 06/04/1949, *
Long, Primus, PVT CO F, 29TH REGT, USCT, *
Lovell, James M, d. 06/19/1863, PVT K 2 IND CAV, Plot: 186, *
Luebker, William, d. 08/21/1874, PVT CO A 27TH REGT I11S INF, Aug 21 1874, *
Lutz, Marion C, b. 09/03/1903, d. 03/02/1942, SGT, Plot: 352 A, bur. 09/27/1948, *
Lyons, Thomas D, d. 01/01/1906, CO K, 10TH US CAV, *
Lyons, Thomas D, d. 12/11/1906, CPL K 10 US CAV, Plot: 302, *
Macalroy, George, PVT 29 USC INF, Plot: 207, *
Mair, Lee Charles, b. 07/11/1903, d. 03/16/1994, PVT/USMC, Plot: A 500, bur. 03/21/1994, *
Manley, Wayne J, b. 01/27/1925, d. 07/07/1945, PFC QMC, Plot: 329, bur. 10/28/1947, *
Maranville, Irving, d. 01/26/1862, PVT CO C 52 ILL INF, Plot: 13, *
Martin, Calvin, d. 05/29/1862, CPL E 9 ILL INF, Plot: B 92, *
Master, Alfred Allen, b. 07/09/1907, d. 10/09/1963, PVT US ARMY, Plot: B # 389, bur. 10/11/1963, *
Maute, Ludwig, PVT CO B 12 I11 CAV, Plot: SOLDIERS, *
Mayes, Daniel M, b. 12/31/1916, d. 02/19/1945, PFC COC 161 2 F REGT, Plot: 139B, bur. 10/21/1949, *
McBride, David E, b. 07/03/1925, d. 06/01/1990, PVT USA, Plot: A 14, bur. 06/06/1990, *
McCarthy, William, b. 01/19/1919, d. 02/01/1993, S1C USN, Plot: A 493, bur. 02/05/1993, *
McClanahan, John, d. 12/08/1899, 2D LT CO D 9TH REGT MO SM CAVY, *
McCloud, Austin H, SGT QM SGT 18 KY INF C 19 KEN INF, Plot: 273, *
McConnahaye, John W, PVT CO B 85 ILL INF, Plot: 242, *
McCullough, Thomas, b. 08/11/1890, d. 03/23/1957, SGT UTIL DET CP GRANT ILL, Plot: B 368, bur. 03/26/1957, *
McDonald, John, d. 11/04/1915, PVT D B ILL INF VOL, 313, *
McDonald, John, d. 11/14/1915, PVT CO D B 43 ILL INF VOL, Plot: 313, bur. 11/16/1915, *
McDowell, Isaac, d. 05/13/1893, PVT G 15 OHIO INF, Plot: 255, *
McKay, T F, PVT USCT, *
McNeely, Louis Jr, b. 09/05/1884, d. 04/27/1951, S/SGT WWII, Plot: B 348, bur. 05/03/1951, *
McNell, Finley, d. 04/19/1862, PVT B 17 I11 INF, Apr 19 1862, Plot: 33, *
McNiel, Finley, d. 04/28/1862, PVT CO B 17 ILL INF, Plot: B 33, *
McNulty, John, CO F 53RD I11S INF, *
McSweeney, James J, b. 11/07/1917, d. 07/04/1994, LT COL/ US ARMY, Plot: A 503, bur. 07/08/1994, *
Meek, Richard C, d. 10/25/1901, PVT US ARMY, Plot: M 44 R16, bur. 10/25/1901, *
Melter, Fredk, d. 03/22/1862, PVT D 12 WISC INF, Plot: 29, *
Melton, Frederick, CO D, 12 WIR INF, *
Meltor, Fred R, d. 03/24/1862, PVT CO D REGT 12 INF, Plot: B 29, *
Meredith, Henry C, d. 02/09/1886, PVT CO G, 208 REGT PA INF, *
Metcalf, Porter Lamar, b. 10/09/1920, d. 08/12/1987, S1/C USN, Plot: 35 A 685, bur. 08/17/1987, *
Metsker, D G, CO E 35 ILL INF, Where Orig Bur Removed From Quincy Ill Nat Cem, *
Metsker, Isaac C, d. 12/31/1863, PVT CO E, 35 IL INF, Plot: 148, *
Metsker, Issac C, d. 12/31/1863, PVT E 35 ILL INF, Plot: 148, *
Meyers, George, d. 10/13/1864, PVT CO E, 41 ILL INF, Plot: 45, *
Meyers, Harry, PVT USC INF, Plot: 275, *
Meyers, Harry, PVT USCT, *
Middleton, Gilbert, PVT CO E, 15TH REGT IOWA INF, Dod 1/1901, *
Milhollia, Saml M, Removed From Quincy Ill National Cemetery, *
Milhollin, Saul M, d. 12/16/1862, PVT K 4 MINN INF CW, Plot: 168, *
Miller, William D, b. 09/22/1925, d. 11/24/1943, PFC US MARINE CORP WWII, Plot: 330, bur. 11/02/1947, *
Mitchell, Jas, d. 11/17/1861, PVT E 3 IOWA INF, Plot: 103, *
Monette, Ludwig, PVT D 23 ILL INF, Plot: 256, *
Monette, Ludwig, d. 09/25/1895, PVT D 12 ILL CAV, Plot: 263, *
Money, Marion D, b. 02/23/1926, d. 01/27/1985, PFC USA, Plot: A 447, bur. 01/29/1985, *
Moon, Charles G, b. 04/14/1915, d. 11/01/1944, PVT INF, Plot: 112B, bur. 08/11/1948, *
Moore, Beverly, PVT CO E 52ND US INF, *
Moore, H, PVT US VOL, Plot: 227, *
Moore, Thomas E, b. 09/28/1921, d. 07/20/1944, 1ST LT AAF, Plot: 342, bur. 09/25/1950, *
Morales, Rafael R, b. 12/27/1913, d. 09/03/1993, E3 USCGMM, Plot: A 503, bur. 09/08/1993, *
Morrow, Floyd E, b. 01/01/1917, S/SGT, Plot: 346, bur. 07/21/1948, *
Moss, Peter, d. 04/26/1864, PVT H 29 USC INF, Plot: B 221, *
Mudd, James, d. 04/16/1906, PVT CO G 68TH USC INF, Plot: 301, *
Mullery, Lawrence F, SGT C 37 ILL INF, Plot: 282, *
Mumma, Emmett E., b. 07/01/1916, d. 06/14/1987, PVT USMC, Plot: A 456, bur. 06/18/1987, *
Murphree, James Patrick, b. 04/12/1931, d. 02/21/1987, ADJ 3 U.S.NAVY, Plot: A 459, bur. 02/24/1987, *
Myers, Geo M, d. 10/12/1864, PVT E 41 ILL INF, Plot: 45, *
Myers, Roy Austin, b. 06/07/1915, d. 01/27/1964, T/5 CO C 692 ENGR BN CE, Plot: B 390, bur. 01/31/1964, *
Nash, Coleman, d. 01/08/1865, PVT D 58 ILL INF, Plot: 114, *
Nash, Coleman, d. 01/09/1865, PVT CO D 58TH REGT, Plot: B 114, *
Nason, Anna Marie, b. 12/06/1928, d. 04/01/1991, Baton Rouge(East Baton Rouge)La, Plot: F 352K, bur. 04/04/1991, *
Neal, Charles Raymond, b. 10/02/1930, d. 02/27/1991, PVT USAF, Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri, Plot: A 480, bur. 03/04/1991, *
Neal, Charles Raymond, b. 10/02/1930, d. 02/27/1991, PVT USAF, Columbia;Boone Co.;Missouri, Plot: A 480, bur. 03/04/1991, *
Nelson, C W, CO C 43D ILL INF, Sec Us Soldiers Lot, Removed From Quincey Ill Nat Cem, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: B 137, *
Nelson, Gustaf W, d. 06/30/1862, PVT C 43 ILL INF, Plot: 137, *
Newby, Edward W, d. 03/20/1879, MAJ RETIRED USA, *
Newby, Harry K, PVT D 137 USC INF, Plot: 286, *
Nichols, Moses, d. 11/09/1861, PVT C 50 ILL INF, Plot: B 102, *
Nicholson, Theophilus, d. 02/28/1898, PVT CO B 1ST REGT MO INF, *
Noonan, John, d. 05/20/1909, FIREMAN 2CL US DETROIT, Plot: 303, *
Norris, Oliver, d. 02/13/1862, CO A 61TH REGT I11 INF, Feb 131862, *
Norris, Oliver, d. 02/13/1862, PVT A 64 ILL INF, Plot: 10, *
Norton, Herbert, b. 11/25/1889, d. 03/11/1959, PVT CO F 56 ENGR CE, Plot: B 371, bur. 03/16/1959, *
Norton, Jno, d. 01/22/1865, PVT B 119 ILL INF, Plot: 113, *
Norwood, Fred, b. 07/03/1910, d. 07/11/1945, PVT, Plot: 360, bur. 01/15/1949, *
Oaks, Lafayette, d. 05/17/1862, PVT K 57 ILL INF, Plot: 66, *
Ohrel, James J, b. 01/21/1918, d. 01/24/1988, CPL US ARMY, Plot: A 449, bur. 01/28/1988, *
Orange, Wilbert S, b. 05/02/1924, d. 04/30/1993, PVT USA, Plot: A 495, bur. 05/04/1993, *
Orr, James E, PVT F 29 USC INF, Plot: 235, *
Overton, Stephen, d. 07/18/1862, PVT G 15 IOWA INF CW, Plot: 142, *
Padelford, John M, GARRIER K 15 I11 CAV, Plot: 238, *
Parker, Edgar, d. 09/07/1863, PVT D 72 ILL INF, Plot: B 165, *
Parker, Jasper, d. 10/18/1861, PVT, *
Parkman, August, d. 07/12/1865, PVT K 1 WISC CAV CW, Plot: 97, *
Parks, Jasper H, d. 10/18/1861, PVT E 3 IND, Plot: 183, *
Pascal, Chas H, d. 04/01/1863, HOSPL STEWARD, *
Pascal, Chas N, d. 04/01/1863, HOS STEWARD U S ARMY, Apr 1 1863, Plot: 185, *
Patch, Charles, d. 06/26/1913, PVT CO I 19TH WIS INF CO G 77TH ILL INF, Plot: 307, *
Patch, Chas, Plot: 307, *
Patterson, John, d. 01/20/1892, PVT CO G 25 IOWA INF, *
Peichnik, Victor, b. 03/08/1915, d. 05/06/1945, PFC, Plot: 354, *
Perdew, Jas W, d. 08/08/1864, PVT I 31 ILL INF, Plot: 40, *
Perkins, Geo W, PVT US C INF, Plot: 272, *
Petri, Chas, d. 11/11/1887, MAJOR 16 IL INF, Plot: 252, *
Petrie, Charles, d. 11/11/1887, MAJOR 16 REGT, ILLS INFY, *
Phelps, Bertram J, b. 06/07/1921, d. 06/16/1993, PVT USA, Plot: A 463, bur. 06/18/1993, *
Phelps, Wanda L, b. 01/17/1918, d. 12/06/1984, Plot: A 463, bur. 12/10/1984, *
Phillips, Wm H, d. 05/16/1862, CO F, 57TH ILL INF, Soldiers Lot, Removed From Quincy, Ill Nat Cem, *
Phillips, Wm H, d. 05/17/1862, PVT F 57 ILL INF CW, Plot: 82, *
Picard, Richard, d. 05/02/1862, PVT E 20 OHIO INF, CIVIL WAR, Plot: 84, *
Pierceall, Evelyn, b. 11/09/1922, d. 10/16/1989, Plot: A 430, bur. 10/19/1989, *
Pierceall, Joseph A., b. 01/07/1916, d. 02/23/1987, SGT ARMY, Plot: A 430, bur. 02/27/1987, *
Pinkerton, John G, d. 06/28/1862, PVT I 2 IOWA INF, Plot: 136, *
Platt, Kenneth A, b. 11/26/1919, d. 04/06/1993, PFC USA, Plot: A 452, bur. 04/09/1993, *
Pleasant, Samuel J., b. 08/30/1935, d. 04/26/1982, SP-3, U.S. ARMY, Plot: A 535, bur. 05/04/1982, *
Porter, Rosemary E, b. 06/10/1963, d. 06/10/1963, Plot: B 388, bur. 06/27/1963, *
Porter, Sanford, PVT B 60 USC INF, Plot: 232, *
Porter, Sanford, PVT CO B 60TH USC INF, Plot: B 232, *
Porter, Thomas, d. 08/11/1863, PVT CO D 63RD ILL INF, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: 166, *
Porter, Thos, d. 08/11/1863, VPT D 63 ILL INF, Plot: 166, *
Porthast, Henry, d. 04/18/1862, PVT I 15 ILL INF, Plot: 32, *
Pounders, Ezekiel, d. 02/08/1865, PVT CO E 64TH ILL INF, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: SOLDI50, *
Powell, Earl P., b. 01/13/1918, d. 08/25/1981, CPL U.S. ARMY, Plot: B 395, bur. 08/28/1981, *
Powers, Lewis R, b. 09/28/1915, d. 08/29/1971, PFC CO. B 738 AMPH TRACTOR BN, Plot: B 404, bur. 09/03/1971, *
Price, Barbara A, b. 08/23/1893, d. 06/07/1985, Plot: B 2-23, bur. 06/11/1985, *
Pritchard, Wm H, PVT E 78 USC INF, Plot: 285, *
Pruski, Dennis W, b. 10/09/1924, d. 02/27/1945, CPL USMC, Plot: 339, bur. 04/22/1948, *
Quick, J W, d. 04/29/1862, PVT CO H REGT 46 ILL INF, Plot: 77, *
Quick, Joseph W, d. 04/28/1862, PVT H 46 ILL INF, Plot: B 77, *
Quieg, J W, CO H 46TH I11 INF, *
Rainbold, Ora D., b. 09/26/1895, d. 05/20/1984, MMOM2, US NAVY, Plot: B 364, bur. 05/23/1984, *
Rainbold, Ora Dale, b. 09/26/1895, d. 05/20/1984, MMOM2 USN, Plot: B 364, bur. 05/23/1984, *
Rainbolt, Mary Elizabeth, b. 09/24/1902, d. 05/18/1988, MMOM2 USN, Plot: B 364, bur. 05/23/1988, *
Rainwater, Jacob, d. 04/19/1904, PVT L 2 I11 CAV, Plot: 296, *
Reddick, Leroy H, b. 07/19/1930, d. 09/15/1959, PFC, Plot: B 349, bur. 07/23/1957, *
Reed, William S, d. 04/03/1916, PVT CO C 66TH ILL INF, Plot: 316, *
Reed, Wm S, d. 04/06/1916, PVT 32 ILL INF, Plot: 316, *
Reister, Philip, d. 04/20/1861, CO H 10TH ILL INF, *
Reister, Philip, d. 04/20/1864, PVT B 10 ILL INF, Plot: 195, *
Relerford, Wm A, PVT I 8 ILL INF SAW, Plot: 293, *
Retmayer, Charles, d. 06/22/1878, CPL CO A 27TH REGT ILL INF, *
Richter, Peter H, d. 05/25/1889, PVT CO F, 5TH USRC MO INF, *
Ridge, Birney Edwin, b. 12/17/1908, d. 10/10/1961, CPL 32ND SVC SQDN ARMY AIR CORP, Plot: B 376, bur. 10/12/1961, *
Ridge, Margaret, b. 04/25/1911, d. 06/28/1965, Plot: B 402, bur. 07/01/1965, *
Riley, James, d. 10/02/1901, PVT CO B, 3RD MO CAV, *
Rines, John W, d. 02/19/1901, Plot: 290, *
Risto, Herman H, d. 11/06/1870, PVT CO H, 16TH IL INF, *
Roberts, Charles C, b. 11/07/1894, d. 01/26/1950, PVT, Plot: 165A, bur. 01/28/1950, *
Roberts, Floyd Gene, b. 09/07/1955, d. 07/29/1985, FR, US NAVY, Plot: A 438, bur. 08/01/1985, *
Roberts, George, PVT CO C, 29TH USC INF, Orig Bur Quincy, Ill, Nat Cem, *
Roberts, George, d. 04/25/1864, PVT C 29 USC INF, Plot: 219, *
Roberts, Leander V, PVT A USCT INF, Plot: 281, *
Roberts, Leaua V, PVT CO A, USCT, *
Robertson, George B, b. 09/18/1902, d. 12/27/1952, M/SGT WWI WWII, Plot: 352, bur. 12/30/1952, *
Robertson, Thornton, PVT D 62 USC INF, Plot: 284, *
Robinson, Andrew, d. 05/03/1932, PVT G 2ND MISS INF VOL, Plot: 320, bur. 05/06/1932, *
Robinson, Thornton, PVT CO D, 62D USC INF, Plot: SOLDIERS, *
Root, C D, CO C 57TH ILL INF, Quincy Ill Nat Cem, Plot: 88, *
Root, Clinton D, d. 05/22/1862, PVT CO C 57TH ILL INF, Plot: 88, *
Rosenkoetter, F W, d. 05/29/1883, PVT CO H 43RD I11S INF, *
Rossini, Roy R, b. 01/05/1925, d. 04/16/1945, FIC USN WWII, Plot: 370, bur. 04/02/1949, *
Rowell, Winspon E, b. 09/19/1928, d. 11/05/1986, PFC US ARMY AIR CORP, Plot: 35 1552, bur. 11/10/1986, *
Russell, William G, d. 01/01/1936, CORP MACHINE GUN TROOP 4TH CAV, Plot: 323, bur. 11/14/1936, *
Sabins, James A, d. 06/20/1862, PVT CO D REGT 20 OHIO INF, Hd Supp By D Whitney Contr Nov 29/79, Plot: 93, *
Sabins, James A, d. 06/20/1862, PVT D 20 OHIO INF, Plot: B 93, *
Saff, Louis, d. 06/01/1862, PVT CO G REGT 58 ILL INF, Plot: B 134, *
Salisbury, Samuel, d. 07/04/1865, PVT I 13 WISC INF, Plot: 54, *
Salrus, J A, CO D 20TH OHIO INF, Soldiers Lot, Info Fr Old Card, *
Sapp, Lewis, d. 06/01/1862, PVT G 58 ILL INF, Plot: 134, *
Sargeant, William J, d. 08/03/1862, PVT I 7 I11 INF, 8 3 1862, Plot: 146, *
Sargent, Wm J, d. 08/03/1862, PVT CO I REGT 7 I11 INF, 8 3 1862, Plot: 146, *
Schmidt, Albert W, d. 05/20/1936, SGT 15TH INF, IL, Plot: 322, bur. 06/24/1936, *
Schweder, Chas, PVT C 22 IL INF, Plot: 248, *
Schwerin, Lewis Edward Jr, b. 07/25/1917, d. 01/04/1970, GM3 USNR, Plot: A 420, bur. 01/08/1970, *
Scott, Wm, d. 12/23/1864, PVT D 2 MO L ART, *
Scruette, Fred, PVT CO C 10TH REGT ILL INF, *
Scudder, Ora James, b. 12/22/1897, d. 11/03/1932, PVT 634 CLEARING CO MED WWII, Plot: B 351-B, bur. 11/07/1952, *
Settles, William Henry, b. 09/14/1903, d. 06/11/1967, SGT ARMY, Plot: A 416, bur. 06/15/1967, *
Shapiro, Mayer B, b. 07/13/1910, d. 11/27/1944, T/4 INF WWII, Plot: 332, bur. 11/14/1947, *
Sharp, William R, PFC WW II, Plot: 375, bur. 05/17/1949, *
Shelton, C M, d. 05/28/1862, PVT CO E 18TH REGT MO INF, Plot: B 130, *
Shelton, Gilbert M, d. 05/27/1862, PVT E 18 MO INF, Plot: 130, *
Shoemaker, Rogers, d. 03/10/1902, PVT G 86 ILL INF, Plot: 291, *
Shull, Ronnie B, b. 02/02/1893, d. 06/09/1959, PVT 22 BALLOON CO AIR SVC, Plot: B 372, bur. 06/16/1959, *
Sidback, Dorothy, b. 12/09/1905, d. 03/08/1971, Plot: B 403, bur. 03/16/1971, *
Sidback, Edward David, b. 12/16/1919, d. 04/06/1972, T/SGT USAF, Plot: B 403, bur. 04/10/1972, *
Siders, Carolyn Joyce, b. 04/22/1929, d. 02/19/1965, Plot: A 407, bur. 03/05/1965, *
Siemast, Alvin D, b. 08/08/1926, d. 11/28/1945, FIREMAN F/C USCR, Plot: 338, bur. 03/19/1948, *
Sievert, Marcella Heinrich, b. 04/16/1907, d. 07/09/1992, PVT US ARMY, Quincy Adams Illinois, Plot: A 464C, bur. 08/20/1992, *
Sleiman, Jno, CPL CO D 97TH I11 INF, *
Slothouber, Blanche Margaret, b. 04/17/1927, d. 05/03/1998, US Navy, CSSN, Res: Quincy, IL, Plot: A 0 413, bur. 05/08/1998
Slothouber, John, b. 11/21/1921, d. 02/08/1974, MCMM2 USN, Plot: A 413, bur. 02/12/1974, *
Slothouber, John, b. 11/21/1921, d. 02/08/1974, US Navy, MOMM2, Res: Quincy, IL, Plot: A 0 413, bur. 02/12/1974
Sluman, Jno, d. 02/18/1863, CPL D 96 ILL INF, Plot: 179, *
Sluman, John, d. 02/19/1863, CPL CO D 97TH ILL INF, Plot: SOL L179, *
Smith, Anson N, d. 06/01/1862, CPL A 77 OHIO INF, Plot: 128, *
Smith, Benjamin F, d. 12/26/1864, PVT E 86 ILL INF, Plot: B 60, *
Smith, D H, PVT CO E 33D I11 INF, Plot: R 146, *
Smith, David H, d. 08/05/1864, PVT E 33 IL INF, Plot: 116, *
Smith, Edward, d. 03/01/1862, CPL A 18 MO INF, Plot: 8, *
Smith, Edwin J, b. 02/22/1920, T/4, Plot: 348, bur. 08/06/1948, *
Smith, George, b. 10/12/1895, d. 10/12/1974, PVT USA, Plot: A 369A, bur. 10/17/1974, *
Smith, James A, b. 07/15/1925, d. 03/04/1945, PFC, Plot: 112A, bur. 07/12/1949, *
Smith, Pearl Mae, b. 06/14/1899, d. 06/21/1975, Plot: A 369 A, bur. 06/24/1975, *
Smith, Peter, d. 05/16/1862, PVT B 7 IOWA INF, Plot: 83, *
Smith, Robert, d. 03/06/1862, PVT C 50 ILL INF, Plot: 7, *
Smith, Robert, d. 03/10/1862, PVT CO G, 50 IL INF, Plot: 7, *
Spicer, Elmer Bernard, b. 06/11/1917, d. 10/24/1984, MM3 US NAVY, Plot: A 445, bur. 10/30/1984, *
Stanberry, Myron L, b. 09/09/1926, d. 04/17/1994, PVT US ARMY, Plot: A 513, bur. 04/20/1994, *
Stanfill, Winfred, b. 11/30/1925, d. 11/21/1990, S1C USN, Plot: A 481, bur. 11/29/1990, *
Stanford, Jno, MUSN H 60 U S C INF, Plot: 268, *
Stapp, Charles William, b. 12/03/1923, d. 02/07/1986, CPL US ARMY Y, Plot: A 431, bur. 02/12/1986, *
Stapp, Charles William, b. 12/23/1928, d. 02/07/1986, US Army, CPL, Res: Quincy, IL, Plot: A 0 431, bur. 02/12/1986
Stapp, Dorothy I, b. 09/26/1935, d. 06/17/1999, US Marine Corps, COL, Res: Quincy, IL, Plot: A 0 431, bur. 06/22/1999
Steel, Wm, PVT C 65 MO INF, Plot: 241, *
Sterlin, Jno, d. 03/16/1897, SGT A 27 ILL INF, Plot: 280, *
Stice, Mabel Harriett, b. 01/02/1915, d. 06/16/1985, Plot: I 424, bur. 06/19/1985, *
Stierlin, John, d. 03/16/1897, SGT CO A 27TH REGT I11 INF, 3 16 1897, *
Still, Geo, d. 10/03/1864, PVT C 1 ILL ARTY, Plot: 44, *
Stroud, Wwilliam Thomas, b. 01/27/1918, d. 01/07/1982, SSGT - USA, Plot: 3 218, bur. 01/11/1982, *
Suff, Louis, CO G, 58TH ILL INF, *
Swain, John, d. 05/16/1862, PVT CO L REGT 10 I11 CAV, May 16 1862, Plot: 67, *
Sweeney, Margaret E, b. 05/24/1912, d. 01/26/1993, Plot: A 494, bur. 01/29/1993, *
Swiedler, Albert J, b. 02/19/1916, d. 05/04/1943, USNR, Plot: 342A, bur. 05/11/1948, *
Swim, Jno, d. 05/15/1862, PVT L 10 ILL CAV, Plot: 67, *
Taborn, Lafayette, Plot: 306, *
Tawney, Chas, d. 10/25/1865, PVT A 66 I11 INF, Oct 25 1865, Plot: 47, *
Taylor, James, CO A 29TH USC INF, Info Fr Old Card, *
Taylor, Jas, PVT 29 CO A USC INF, Plot: 229, *
Teeters, Jno W, d. 12/08/1861, PVT L 7 MO CAV / B 16 MO INF, Plot: 78, *
Teeters, John, d. 12/08/1861, PVT CO B, 13TH MO INF, Plot: B 78, *
Thale, Henry, Plot: 289, *
Tharpe, Abner, d. 05/06/1862, PVT I 12 WISC INF, Plot: 75, *
Thompson, M, PVT C 29 USC INF, Plot: 218, *
Thompson, Margrethe V, b. 03/06/1964, d. 03/06/1964, Plot: A 401, bur. 03/13/1964, *
Thompson, William, d. 04/20/1864, PVT CO C 29TH USC INF, Plot: 218, *
Thorn, Wm, d. 09/03/1864, PVT C 38 ILL INF, Plot: 41, *
Thornton, Jno, d. 04/01/1864, PVT E 16 IA INF, Plot: 194, *
Thorpe, Abner, d. 05/06/1862, PVT CO I, 12TH WIS INF, Plot: B 75, *
Thrash, Ulysses T, b. 11/01/1919, d. 02/23/1945, CPL QMC, WWII, Plot: 340, bur. 04/29/1948, *
Tierney, Mack, d. 09/27/1862, PVT H 84 ILL INF, Plot: 175, *
Titsner, B, PVT A 29 USC INF, Plot: 208, *
Tobin, Walter C, b. 11/08/1927, d. 10/21/1985, GY/SGT USMC, Plot: A 434, bur. 10/24/1985, *
Townsend, Geo, d. 10/21/1861, PVT F 3 IOWA INF, Plot: B 101, *
Travis, Absalom, d. 01/23/1866, PVT I ENGR REGT OF THE WEST MO VOLS, Jan 23 1866, Plot: B 157, *
Trinka, Martin, PVT H 20 NY INF, Plot: 226, *
Tripp, Meredith S, b. 05/18/1921, d. 04/25/1983, SFC US ARMY, Plot: A 374-B, bur. 04/29/1983, *
Troutner, Milburn E, b. 11/21/1916, d. 02/18/1942, MACH MM 2C U S NAVAL RES WW II, Plot: 333, *
Tully, Powell James, b. 11/05/1892, d. 08/05/1962, MAJOR MAJOR RETIRED US ARMY, Plot: B 384, bur. 08/09/1962, *
Unger, Peter L, d. 11/24/1943, AS/PFC INDEPENDENCE USN/USA BTRY D, 10TH FA, Plot: 326, bur. 11/28/1943, *
Van Alstine, Mamie C, d. 10/06/1916, Plot: 317, *
Van Alstine, William A, d. 04/16/1916, PVT CO I 32D WISC INF, Plot: 317, *
Van Alstyne, Wm A, d. 04/20/1916, PVT I 32 WISC INF, Plot: 317, *
Vondam, F William, d. 02/20/1889, PVT CO H 43D ILL INF, Info Fr Old Card, *
Voris, James G, d. 07/12/1933, LNDSMN USS YALE, USN SAW, Plot: 321, bur. 07/15/1933, *
Walker, Harrison, PVT D 29 U S C INF, Plot: 209, *
Walker, Jno, d. 02/01/1885, PVT F 53 ILL INF, Plot: E 49, *
Walker, John, d. 02/02/1865, PVT CO F 53 ILL INF, Cem Soldiers Lot, Plot: 49, *
Walton, Russell L, b. 06/18/1925, d. 11/28/1983, PVT USA, Plot: A 426, bur. 12/02/1983, *
Ward, Oliver, d. 04/26/1864, CPL A 29 USC INF, Plot: 220, *
Watson, James T, b. 10/30/1913, d. 08/23/1964, PFC 627 FORT CO TC, Plot: A 403, bur. 08/31/1964, *
Watts, James M, PVT CO A 56TH REG USCI, Hs Supplied By Vermont Marble Co Proctor Vt, Contract 3/8/01, Info Fr Old Card, *
Watts, Jas M, PVT A 56 U S C INF, Plot: 257, *
Weaver, Harvey, d. 05/03/1895, SGT D 156 ILL INF, Plot: 270, *
Weaver, Henry, PVT D 116 ILL INF, Plot: 264, *
Weeks, James L, b. 12/20/1891, d. 11/27/1950, SGT CO F 46 9 DIV, Plot: 346, bur. 12/02/1950, *
Weidner, Hieronimus, b. 10/22/1814, d. 09/22/1863, Confederate States Army, PVT, Res: Chesterfield, MO, Plot: A 0 510, bur. 09/22/1863
Weld, Wm H, d. 05/21/1862, PVT CO C 57TH REGT I11 INF, 5 21 1862, Plot: 87, *
Welte, Bert A, b. 10/19/1898, d. 11/10/1955, SGT CO D, 19TH INF, 18 DIV, Plot: B 366, bur. 11/14/1955, *
West, James S, d. 08/01/1862, CO D 16 ILL INF, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: SOL LOT, *
West, James S, d. 08/01/1862, PVT D 16 ILL INF CW, Plot: 177, *
Whaley, Preston, PVT A 29 USC INF, Plot: 199, *
Wheeler, Lous, PVT US VOL, Plot: 224, *
Wheeler, Sidney I, d. 12/26/1864, PVT CO I REGT 58TH IL INF, Plot: 58, *
Wheeler, Sidney L, d. 12/24/1864, PVT I 58TH ILLINF, Plot: 58, *
White, Wilbert C, PVT CO B 11 ME INF, Info Taken From Old Card 4/23/54, *
Whitfield, Lillian P, b. 07/02/1904, d. 09/30/1994, Plot: A 424, bur. 10/03/1994, *
Whitfield, Robert Lee Jr, b. 02/01/1905, d. 07/30/1983, COL USA, Plot: A 424, bur. 08/02/1983, *
Whitney, Daniel Paul, b. 07/01/1920, d. 06/05/1966, PVT MEDICAL CORP US ARMY, Plot: A 410, bur. 06/08/1966, *
Wich, Fred, b. 05/29/1917, d. 04/25/1986, SGT A F ., Plot: A 439, bur. 04/29/1986, *
Wild, Fred, b. 05/25/1943, d. 11/18/1972, SP4 US ARMY, Plot: 406, bur. 11/22/1972, *
Willem, Robert William, b. 05/22/1943, d. 10/22/1992, PFC US ARMY, St. Louis St. Louis Missouri, Plot: A 448-A, bur. 10/22/1992, *
Willis, Henry, d. 07/09/1882, PVT E 45 ILL INF, Plot: 140, *
Wills, Henry, d. 07/10/1862, PVT CO E REGT 45TH, Soldiers Lot, Plot: B 140, *
Wilson, Robert, SGT H 38 MO INF, Plot: 223, *
Winiecki, Gene Leroy, b. 03/13/1932, d. 08/11/1950, CPL HQ HQ CO 34TH INF REGT INF 24 INF DIV, Plot: B 363, bur. 07/09/1954, *
Womelsdorf, Ludwig, PVT D 118 ILL INF, Plot: 277, *
Womelsdorf, Ludwig, PVT D 118TH ILL INF, *
Wood, Theodore F, d. 03/07/1863, PVT D 121 OHIO INF, Plot: 147, *
Wood, Theodore P, d. 03/07/1863, PVT CO D 121ST INF USA OHIO, Plot: B 147, *
Woodel, Clarence C, b. 09/30/1925, d. 09/18/1944, PFC USMC WW II, Plot: 355, bur. 11/10/1948, *
Wright, Lewis, d. 09/10/1861, CO C 4TH VOL R C, Originally Buried In Quincy, Ill Nat Cem Info Taken From Old Card 7/6/54 Ehb, Plot: SOLD LOT, *
Wright, Lewis, d. 09/10/1864, PVT C 4 REG VET R C CW, Plot: 42, *
Wurl, Ludwig, d. 07/04/1865, PVT CO F 1ST REGT WIS CAV, *
Wurl, Ludwig, d. 07/04/1865, PVT F 1 WISC CAV, Plot: 53, *
Yakle, Barbara M, b. 08/31/1918, d. 12/30/1989, Plot: A 488, bur. 01/04/1990, *
Yakle, Fred J, b. 05/09/1926, d. 02/25/1993, S1C USN, Plot: A 486, bur. 03/01/1993, *
Young, Ruben, d. 05/12/1862, PVT CO C 20TH REGT ILL INF, Plot: B 38, *
Zein, Hubert, d. 03/14/1862, PVT CO F 39 REGT OHIO INF, 3 141862, Plot: 24, *
Zein, Hubert, d. 03/14/1862, PVT F 39 OHIO INF, Plot: B 24, *
Zielinski, Andrew, b. 04/07/1923, d. 09/15/1944, Plot: A 0 362, bur. 02/04/1949
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