Search Indiana Death Records
Indiana Newspapers, Full Search (1804-1992), 150 titles
Indiana Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Indiana Funeral Notices
Center Cemetery
Lebanon, Boone County, Indiana
Lat: 40° 02' 25"N, Lon: 86° 25' 09"W
Center Twp, Sec 33
Contributed by Julie Townsend, Jun 19, 1999 []. Total records = 167.
To reach cemetery take Hwy #32 east out of Lebanon for about 2 miles. The cemetery will be on the right or south side of the highway. It is just before 136th St.
I read this cemetery in the spring of 1999. This includes all existing burials found at the outer rim of the cemetery at that time.
- Julie TownsendAdair, Bertha, b. 1883, d. 1962, same stone as Edward Adair, Stone #118
Adair, Edward, b. 1879, d. 1949, same stone as Bertha Adair, Stone #118
Agee, Charles T. Jr., b. 10 Oct 1955, d. 07 Sep 1988, Tommy, Stone #6
Agee, Charles T. Sr., b. 21 Feb 1932, d. 06 Jul 1991, Dad, Stone #5
Allen, Harold L., b. 1948, d. 1976, Peewee, Stone #10
Arthur, Charles, b. 13 May 1883, d. 23 Mar 1908, At rest, same stone as Clara Arthur, Stone #25
Arthur, Clara, b. 26 Nov 1883, d. no date, same stone as Charles Arthur, Stone #25
Ball, Beulah B., b. 1913, d. 1993, same stone as Franklin Ball, Stone #3
Ball, Franklin T., b. 1907, d. 1991, Married May 17, 1930, same stone as Beulah Ball, Stone #3
Bartlett, Ferdinand, b. 1854, d. 1938, same stone as Nina Cavin Bartlett, Stone #104
Bartlett, Nina Cavin, b. 1873, d. 1929, same stone as Ferdinand Bartlett, Stone #104
Beasley, William, b. 43 ___ Inf, Stone #29
Boger, Louis C., b. 08 Mar 1875, d. 30 May 1944, Stone #15
Bohannon, Dorothy, b. 1905, d. 1918, Stone #38
Bohannon, Pheby F., b. 11 Apr 1849, d. 04 Nov 1891, Mother, same stone as Wiley Bohannon, Stone #39
Bohannon, Wiley H., b. 30 Sep 1814, d. 01 Dec 1904, Father, same stone as Pheby Bohannon, Stone #39
Boone, Emma E., b. no date, d. 05 Nov 1895, Wife of J.M. Boone, Aged 38y & 10m, Stone #86
Bradley, Mary, b. 1860, d. 1936, Stone #72.1
Bray, Charles, b. 1927, d. 1986, Pvt. US Army, WWII, Stone #21
Bray, John C., b. 11 Feb ????, d. 28 May 1949, Our son, Stone #22
Brock, Charles Richard, b. 18 Jul 1924, d. 13 Mar 1979, Cpl US Army, WWII, Stone #24
Brock, Mary H., b. 1897, d. 1963, Stone #18
Bush, Alice R., b. 1858, d. 1934, Stone #97
Bush, Clara A., b. 1876, d. 1950, Stone #102
Bush, Clarice, b. 1888, d. 1891, Stone #99
Bush, Edith, b. 1890, d. 1891, Stone #98
Bush, Josiah, b. 1866, d. 1951, Stone #103
Bush, Luther, b. 1856, d. 1920, Stone #96
Bush, Mildred Ann, b. 04 Nov 1837, d. 09 May 1923, Aged 85y 6 m5, same stone as William Bush, Stone #101
Bush, William, b. 05 Oct 1824, d. 22 Mar 1898, Aged 73y 5m 17d, same stone as Mildred Bush, Stone #101
Byers, W. M., b. 1820, d. 1913, Stone #65
Byfield, Carrie B., b. 30 Jun 1882, d. 25 Nov 1901, dau of SH & ME Byfield, Stone #75.1
Copeland, Grace, b. 19 Aug 1890, d. 31 Oct 1918, dau of TS & ME, Base Hospital No. 68 ANC-A.E.F., Died in Service, Stone #40
Copeland, Harry W., b. 1875, d. 1936, same stone as Maude Isenhower, Stone #73
Copeland, Helen, b. 1897, d. 1952, Stone #74
Copeland, Martha E., b. 22 Sep 1854, d. 22 Jul 1914, same stone as Taylor Copeland, Stone #42
Copeland, Mary E., b. no date, d. 31 ??? 1892, _____ TS & ME Copeland, aged 10y, ______, Stone #45
Copeland, Maude M., b. 1876, d. 1940, same stone as Harry Copeland, Stone #73
Copeland, Taylor S. Sr., b. 19 Mar 1849, d. 16 May 1923, same stone as Martha Copeland, Stone #42
Corbett, Austin, b. 19 Nov 1897, d. 22 Feb 1898, Son of W.H. & M.L. Hine, Stone #94
Demott, Earnest, Baby, no other information, Stone #110
Denger, Earnest A., b. 26 Jun 1905, d. 16 Jul 1905, Stone #26
Dicket, John G., b. 1833, d. 1921, Co. H. 13th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inf., same stone as Mary Dicket, Stone #119
Dicket, Mary A., b. 1843, d. 1929, His wife, same stone as John Dicket, Stone #119
Dixon, Wm. P., Pvt. Co. L. Ind. Cav., stone is sunken, all other unreadable, Stone #125
Dodson, Clarence C., b. 1885, d. 1952, Father, Stone #12
Dodson, Ernest E., b. 1913, d. 1980, same stone as Kathryn Dodson, Stone #8
Dodson, Kathryn F., b. 1919, d. 1996, same stone as Ernest Dodson, Stone #8
Doles, Sarah A., b. 27 Nov 1818, d. 22 Mar 1907, Stone #120
Doty, Eliza E., b. no date, d. 27 Nov 1898, Wife of J.C. Doty, Aged 57y 8m 21d, Stone #75
Duncan, (unreadable), b. no date, d. 20 Jun 1890, Aged 1mo. & 15ds., Stone #28
Good, Rebecca E., b. 1874, d. 1940, Stone #92
Harrison, Della M., b. 27 Aug 1864, d. 26 Apr 1901, Stone #60
Hickson, Catherine M., b. 1891, d. 1971, Stone #105
Hine, Adlah (?), b. 12 Dec 1892, d. 19 Jan 1893, Son of Charles E. & Fannie E. Hine, Stone #93
Hine, Charles E., b. 1863, d. 1940, Father, same stone as Fannie Hine, Stone #112
Hine, Fannie E., b. 1866, d. 1938, Mother, same stone as Charles Hine, Stone #112
Hine, Martha L., b. 1855, d. 1936, Stone #96
Hine, Solomon J., b. 1860, d. 1948, Stone #113
Hine, William H., b. 1854, d. 1898, Stone #96
Hoover, Susan M., b. 1883, d. 1902, Stone #134
Hopkins, Catherine, b. 03 Feb 1902, Wife of Wm. E. Hopkins, dau of Isaac & Ann Wynkoop, Aged 65 y7 m8, Stone #124
Hopkins, William E., b. Co. G. 4 Pa. Cav., Stone #123
Huckleberry, Edward, b. 1893, d. 1957, US American Legion, same stone as Ruby Huckleberry, Stone #17
Huckleberry, Manlove B., b. 1851, d. 1938, same stone as Margaret Huckleberry, Stone #30
Huckleberry, Margaret R., b. 1851, d. 1931, same stone as Manlove Huckleberry, Stone #30
Huckleberry, Ruby O., b. 1893, d. 1970, same stone as Edward Huckleberry, Stone #17
Hunt, Clarice E., b. 1900, d. 1900, Stone #100
Iddings, Ethel E., b. 1894, d. 1972, same stone as Neva & Clarence Shephard, Stone #19
Isenhower, Charley, b. 1875, d. 1926, Stone #56
Isenhower, Chester L., b. 1925, d. no date, Married 4-29-1945, same stone as Ruth Isenhower, Stone #132
Isenhower, Clara L., b. 22 Sep 1886, d. 23 Mar 1908, same stone as Harry Isenhower, Stone #48
Isenhower, David, b. 1858, d. 1928, same stone as Fannie Isenhower, Stone #85
Isenhower, Fannie A., b. 1861, d. 1931, same stone as David Isenhower, Stone #85
Isenhower, Florence E., b. 1888, d. 1955, same stone as Frederick Isenhower, Stone #84
Isenhower, Frederick, b. 1884, d. 1970, same stone as Florence Isenhower, Stone #84
Isenhower, George M., b. 1849, d. 1932, same stone as Nancy Isenhower, Stone #50
Isenhower, Harry M., b. 19 May 1881, d. 26 Dec 1965, same stone as Clara Isenhower, Stone #48
Isenhower, Hazel A., b. 1890, d. 1990, same stone as Rosker Isenhower, Stone #64
Isenhower, Infant, b. 1918, d. 1918, same stone as Wesley Isenhower, Stone #68
Isenhower, James, b. 15 Apr 1917, d. 02 Apr 1991, Our dad the fisherman, We'll miss you always, and parting is sad, but please remember, We love you dad., Stone #49
Isenhower, Nancy Ann, b. 1856, d. 1940, same stone as George Isenhower, Stone #50
Isenhower, Raymond Harold, b. 03 Dec 1947, d. 23 Feb 1948, Stone #133
Isenhower, Rosker, b. 1882, d. 1955, same stone as Hazel Isenhower, Stone #64
Isenhower, Ruth N., b. 1924, d. 1993, same stone as Chester Isenhower, Stone #132
Isenhower, Virginia C., b. 10 Aug 1844, d. 06 Mar 1918, same stone as William Isenhower, Stone #55
Isenhower, Wesley W., b. 1919, d. 1920, same stone as Infant Isenhower, Stone #68
Isenhower, William, b. 25 Feb 1844, d. 19 Nov 1897, same stone as Virginia Isenhower, Stone #55
Johnson, Mary, b. 1871, d. 1931, Morris Renner, same stone as William Morris, Stone #135
Lapham, Brunettie, b. 1851, d. 1918, same stone as David Lapham, Stone #129
Lapham, David W., b. b. 1849, d. 1897, same stone as Brunettie Lapham, Stone #129
Loren, Guy, b. no date, d. 24 Dec 1889, Son of Alcetus & Nora Ottinger, Aged 2y 10m 28d, Stone #61
Maish, (unreadable), b. 06 Ma? 1897, d. 12 Nov 1900, Stone #107
Maish, John W., b. 1859, d. 1924, same stone as Mary Maish, Stone #106
Maish, Mary E., b. 1865, d. 1942, same stone as John Maish, Stone #106
Mantooth, George, b. 1861, d. 1900, Father, same stone as Martha Mantooth, Stone #121
Mantooth, Martha, b. 1833, d. 1896, Mother and son, same stone as George Mantooth, Stone #121
Martin, Amber, b. 20 Jan 1867, d. 14 Jul 1903, Wife of WL Martin, Stone #58
Martin, Jesse E., b. 1891, d. 1954, Jack, Stone #54
McClain, Jachob H., b. 1859, d. 1909, same stone as Violetha McClain, Stone #130
McClain, Violetha A., b. 1862, d. 1945, same stone as Jachob McClain, Stone #130
McCord, Annie, b. no date, d. 11 Jul 1896?, dau of W.J. & Lydia A. McCord, Aged 27y _m 15d, Stone #89
Merrill, Pearl, b. no date, d. 31 Mar 1884?, Aged 12 y. ______, Daughter of Laron ______, Stone #32
Miner, Mary B., b. 1862, d. 1926, Mother, Stone #116
Moore, Wilson F., b. 05 Oct 1855, d. 07 Apr 1896, Stone #83
Moorhous, Thomas, 16 Mar 1837, stone too sunken to read, Stone #122
Morgan, Jos Paul, b. 01 May 1921, d. 27 Sep 1996, US Army, WWII, Stone #1
Morris, Cloa May, b. 1900, d. 1909, Stone #136
Morris, William G., b. 28 Aug 1869, d. 16 Aug 1901, same stone as Mary Johnson, Stone #135
Morrison, Mary E., b. 21 Mar 1930, d. 16 Aug 1982, Stone #20
Neal, D. D., b. 05 Feb 1843, d. 06 Oct 1920, same stone as Virginia Neal, Stone #62
Neal, Virginia, b. 22 Nov 1844, d. 22 Dec 1912, same stone as D.D. Neal, Stone #62
Neese, (unreadable), b. 05 Jul 1905, d. 20 May 1911, Stone #53
Neese, (unreadable), b. 1868, d. 1894, Stone #52
Neese, David J., b. 23 Oct 1839, d. 14 Mar 1910, same stone as Lucretia Neese, Stone #108
Neese, Della M., b. 08 Oct 1868, d. 23 Jan 1923, same stone as Phillo Neese, Stone #41
Neese, Ira N., b. 08 Jan 1868, d. 17 Aug 1911, Stone #51
Neese, Lucretia, b. 03 May 1845, d. 31 Oct 1924, His wife, same stone as David Neese, Stone #108
Neese, Phillo G., b. 18 Sep 1865, d. no date, same stone as Della Neese, Stone #41
O'Neal, Dorothy, b. 04 Jun 1924, d. 18 Oct 1972, Mother, Stone #11
O'Neal, James, b. 07 Dec 1924, d. 30 Jun 1981, PFC US Army, WWII, Stone #9
Perry, Arthur Wm., b. 05 Apr 1910, d. 18 May 1996, CPL US Army, WWII, Stone #2
Petrie, Nellie B., b. no date, d. 01 Dec 1898?, Wife of William H. Petrie and dau of DH & Jennie Ne___, Aged 19 y 2 m 19 d, Stone #63
Pyles, Jessie, b. 1866, d. 1915, same stone as Lowell Pyles, Stone #78
Pyles, Lowell, b. 1908, d. 1916, same stone as Jessie Pyles, Stone #78
Radley, Joseph E., all unreadable, Stone #72
Radley?, Martha, all unreadable, Stone #72
Reagan, Ethel H., b. 1893, d. 1962, Mother, Stone #13
Reagan, Everett L., b. 25 Aug 1936, d. 16 Sep 1977, (Tootie) Husband & Father, Stone #16
Reagan, Jeffie O., b. 1931, d. 1996, Myers Mortuary, Stone #7
Reagan, W. Oscar, b. 1892, d. 1951, Father, Stone #14
Robbins, Anna, b. 1870, d. 1942, Stone #115
Robbins, Marmaduke L., b. 15 Jul 1837, d. 20 Sep 1906, Father, same stone as Mary Robbins, Stone #117
Robbins, Mary C., b. 27 Feb 1843, d. 04 Mar 1911, Mother, same stone as Marmaduke Robbins, Stone #117
Sanford, Frank, b. 1864, d. 1915, Stone #137
Shepherd, (unreadable), b. no date, d. 06 May 1898, (name) of LM & LE Shepherd, Aged 19 ds, only 1/2 stone remaining, Stone #37
Shepherd, Boyd H., b. 1834, d. 1893, same stone as Emily Shepherd, Stone #36
Shepherd, Boyd, b. 1892, d. 1893, same stone as Edith, Maggie, Lillie Shepherd, Stone #34
Shepherd, Clarence B., b. 1896, d. 1982, same stone as Neva Shephard and Ethel Iddings, Stone #19
Shepherd, Delmer, b. 1875, d. 1925, Reverend, Stone #35
Shepherd, Edith, b. 1899, d. 1899, same stone as Boyd, Maggie, Lillie Shepherd, Stone #34
Shepherd, Emily E., b. 1839, d. 1909, same stone as Boyd H. Shepherd, Stone #36
Shepherd, Flossie, b. 1903, d. 1913, Stone #33
Shepherd, Lida, b. 1874, d. 1898, Stone #88
Shepherd, Lillie, b. 1889, d. 1891, same stone as Edith, Boyd, Maggie Shepherd, Stone #34
Shepherd, Maggie, b. 1891, d. 1891, same stone as Edith, Boyd, Lillie Shepherd, Stone #34
Shepherd, Nannie L., b. 1869, d. 1968, same stone as Seibert Shepherd, Stone #76
Shepherd, Neva M., b. 1892, d. 1966, same stone as Clarence Shephard and Ethel Iddings, Stone #19
Shepherd, Seibert D., b. 16 May 1868, d. 10 May 1900, same stone as Nannie Shepherd, Stone #76
Sonday, Estella M., b. 1882, d. 1929, Stone #95
Stroup, Rose, b. 1881, d. 1954, Stone #82
Underwood, Eliza A., b. 1833, d. 1900, same stone as Gideon Underwood, Stone #87
Underwood, Gideon, b. 04 Oct 1839, d. 25 Feb 1915, same stone as Eliza Underwood, Stone #87
Utley, John L., b. 1868, d. 1955, same stone as Laura Utley, Stone #57
Utley, Laura, b. b. 1885, d. 1957, same stone as John Utley, Stone #57
Walton, Charles, b. b. 1866, d. 1925, Stone #91
Walton, Emma J., b. b. 1868, d. 1944, Stone #90
Williams, Chester Pearl, b. b. 11 Apr 1930, d. 05 Jul 1979, Sgt. US Army, Korea, Stone #23
Williams, Cyntha J., b. b. 15 Dec 1858, d. 21 Jul 1930, Stone #81
Williams, Elizah H., b. b. 31 Aug 1854, d. 29 Sep 1906, Stone #80
Williams, John W., b. Co F, 9 KY Cav, no other information, Stone #69
Williams, John, b. b. 1835, d. 1929, Stone #66
Williams, Roseanne, b. b. 1837, d. 1917, Stone #67
Wood, Jennifer D., b. b. 20 Aug 1964, d. 04 Sep 1994, Stone #4
Wynkoop, Henry C., b. b. 1832, d. 1897, same stone as Margaret Wynkoop, Stone #126
Wynkoop, Margaret E., b. b. 1838, d. 1924, same stone as Henry Wynkoop, Stone #126
Yingst, Peter V., b. no date, d. 23 Feb 1893, Aged 33y. 5m. 17d., Stone #31
??, Fern, b. 22 Mar 1891, d. 05 May 1894, Stone #46
??, Husband, b. all other unreadable, Stone #131
??, Infant son, d. 06 Feb 1897, W.I. & Annie J____, Stone #70
??, Jacob, Infant, no other information, Stone #77
??, Minnie, b. 17 Oct 1892, d. 05 Aug 1909, Stone #43
??, only 1/2 marker, no inscription, Stone #27
??, Roy, b. Jun 1889, d. 09 Aug 1890, Stone #47
??, unreadable, Stone #127
??, unreadable, Stone #59
??, unreadable, Stone #71
Cline, At rest, all other unreadable, Stone #128
Hine, , all other unreadable, Stone #114
Moorhous,, Gone but not forgotten, no other information, Stone #111
Neese, , all other unreadable, Stone #109
Williams, , all other unreadable, Stone #79
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