Search Indiana Death Records
Indiana Newspapers, Full Search (1804-1992), 150 titles
Indiana Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Indiana Funeral Notices
Pisgah Cemetery
Hillsboro, Vermillion County, Indiana
Lat: 39° 45' 55"N, Lon: 87° 26' 21"W
Believe to have originated in 1817. The land was donated by the James' family decendants of the Rev. William James. It is speculated that since the cemetery is located on a hill they thought it unfit for farming, and it was then dedicated.
This is not a complete listing of burials in this cemetery! The records below were provided by contributors to Last edited Jul 04, 2007. Total records = 66.
Contributor's Index:
- [CM] Cindy Matuse []
- [GA] Gene A Ave []
Ambrose, I. L., d. 02/14/1908, Gone But Not Forgotten, s/w Mary, [CM]
Ambrose, Mary, d. 09/05/1916, His Wife, s/w IL, [CM]
Ave, Michelle A, b. Nov 10, 1953, d. Jan 02, 2007, [GA]
Bonebrake, Henry, no dates, 67Y, I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith", [CM]
Bonebrake, Mary, no dates, 17Y 3M 22D, d/o H.S. Bonebrake, [CM]
Brock, George E., b. 1861, d. 1943, s/w Mary A., [CM]
Brock, Mary A., b. 1866, d. 1942, s/w George E., [CM]
Cummins, George, b. 1834, d. 1862, s/w Sarah, [CM]
Cummins, Sarah, b. 1837, d. 1902, His Wife, s/w George, [CM]
Davis, Mary M., d. 08/10/1915, w/o Silas Davis, [CM]
Davis, Maud B., no dates, 10M 24D, d/o S&M Davis, [CM]
Finn, Arminda, b. 1853, d. 1940, [CM]
Hammond, Marcus, no dates, 26Y 4M, [CM]
Harrington, Claude M., no dates, s/o J &M, [CM]
Harrington, Malinda, d. 03/28/1906, [CM]
Harrington, Phila Maud, no dates, 5Y 1M 21D, Our Little Maud, d/o J & M, [CM]
Harrington, S. H., no dates, [CM]
Helt, Calvin H., no dates, s/o Harry & Lola, [CM]
Hood, Louisa, no dates, w/o G O Hood, "Our Father and Mother are ??? They lie beneath the sod. Dear parents though we miss you much, we know you rest with God.", [CM]
Houchin, Daniel V., no dates, 21Y 10M 7D, [CM]
Houchin, Elizabeth, d. 1/20/1908, His Wife, s/w Jesse, [CM]
Houchin, Eudora, b. 1848, d. 1928, His Wife, [CM]
Houchin, Jesse, d. 09/17/1905, s/w Elizabeth, [CM]
Houchin, John S., b. 1848, d. 1931, [CM]
Houchin, Johnnie, d. 10/18/18??, s/o LB & PM Houchin, 3Y 11M 7D, [CM]
Houchin, Orva D., d. 01/10/1918, d/o DV & A Houchin, [CM]
Houchin, William E., no dates, 20Y M 15D, [CM]
Howard, H. J., no dates, s/w ME & JM, [CM]
Howard, J. M., no dates, s/w HJ & ME, [CM]
Howard, M. E., d. 06/23/1902, s/w HJ & JM, [CM]
Jackson, Andrew, no dates, 74Y 2M 21D, [CM]
Jackson, Cuba, no dates, s/o JE & AB, [CM]
Jackson, John E., d. 10/17/1907, "He was a kind and affectionate husband, a fond father, and a friend to all", [CM]
Kaufman, Tabitha, no dates, 39Y 3M 18D, w/o S.R. Kaufman, [CM]
Knight, Claude R., b. 03/07/1905, d. 03/31/1905, [CM]
Malone, Martha S., d. 9/ /1891, 47Y 5M 2D, w/o William Malone, [CM]
Malone, William, b. 1842, d. 1915, [CM]
McDowell, John D., d. 08/09/1909, 73Y 3M 29D, [CM]
McDowell, Phebe, no dates, w/o J.D., [CM]
Morgan, James M., no dates, 30 F H Ind Gav, [CM]
Morgan, Jessie E., no dates, 41Y 6D, w/o James M. Morgan, [CM]
Pawley, Agnes, no dates, 6M 7D, Daugher of WB & ME Pawley, [CM]
Payton, Florence E., b. 1874, d. 1931, [CM]
Payton, Ida Belle, b. 1899, d. 1906, [CM]
Payton, Ralph C., b. 1875, d. 1911, [CM]
Payton, Rebecca, b. 1840, d. 1892, [CM]
Payton, Violet, b. 1909, d. 1911, [CM]
Pearman, Adda A., no dates, 4Y 1M 7D, d/o W &, [CM]
Pearman, George, no dates, 19Y 5M 20D, s/o SD & L, [CM]
Pearman, L. S., no dates, 21Y, d/o SD & L Pearman, [CM]
Pearman, Mary C., no dates, 18Y 1M 5D, d/o SD & L, [CM]
Pearman, Samuel D., no dates, Can't Read, [CM]
Pearman, Sarah E., no dates, 20Y 7M d/o SD & L, [CM]
Pearman, Sarah, d. 6/2/??, 50Y 3M, s/w Sebert, [CM]
Pearman, Sebert, no dates, 60Y 3D, Gone But Not Forgotten, s/w Sarah, [CM]
Pearman, William, no dates, 25Y 6M 6D, s/o SD & L, [CM]
Richards, Sarah J., no dates, w/o Charles Richards, [CM]
Spurgeon, Elizabeth J., b. 01/01/1905, d. 03/30/1905, s/w John T., [CM]
Spurgeon, John T., b. 12/24/1904, d. 03/13/1900, 2 Markers, s/w Elizabeth J., [CM]
Staats, Malinda, no dates, 62Y 10M 16D, w/o John H., [CM]
Taylor, Leroy, no dates, 28Y 4M 2D, Sergeant, [CM]
Taylor, Nathaniel, no dates, s/o Theodore, [CM]
Underwood, Jacob, b. 12/22/1904, d. 03/14/1905, [CM]
Underwood, Joseph, no dates, [CM]
Underwood, Mary Lizzie, d. 06/19/1903, d/o J & L, [CM]
Underwood, Rosa, b. 01/08/1905, d. 03/26/1905, [CM]
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