Search Minnesota Death Records
Minnesota Newspapers, Full Search (1849-1923), 113 titles
Minnesota Obituary Search, (1986-current)
Minnesota Funeral Notices
Harrington Homestead (Lemay Twp) Cemetery
Aitkin County, Minnesota
Contributed by Stacy Vellas, May 28, 2001 []. Total records = 3.
Cemetery is located west of Swatara seven miles. One mile north along Pole line road. At Pole #5439 walk directly northwest from pole for 100 yards in to an open field with an early 1900's cemetery.
Three graves inside a fence. SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 27 Range 51 Township 27 Aitkin County, Minnesota
Harrington, Cora Louisa, b. 3/11/1871, d. 7/4/1925, 54yrs, Leakage of the heart
Harrington, Cora Lucille, b. 7/14/1914, d. 3/3/1920, 6 yrs, Pneumonia
Harrington, Walter Leon, b. 2/10/1905, d. 2/6/1910, 5 yrs, Diptheria
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