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St. Joseph Cemetery
Utica, Oneida County, New York

st. joseph cemetery
St. Joseph Cemetery
st. joseph cemetery
St. Joseph Cemetery

GPS: 43.102975, -75.271042

1427 Champlin Ave
Utica, NY 13502
315 733-1196

by Karen Dwyer [karensdwyer@yahoo.com]
submitted: Aug 30, 2002
Total records = 7,581.

Exit RT 12 at the French Road exit. Turn right and continue thru the first intersection. French Road then turns in to Champlin Ave. The cemetery will be about 3/4 mile on the right on Champlin Ave.

There is a monument dedicated in 1915 and it says: "788 deceased parishioners of St. Joseph Church were moved from the original St. Joseph Cemetery on St. Joseph Street, Utica, NY to the new cemetery."

To my knowledge there is no longer a listing of these people.

The St. Jude section was designated for people of lesser means. The stones are in disrepair and in many cases, overturned and very difficult if not impossible to read. I tried to read and record each of these stones, but it was not always able to be done. I believe there are many other people buried in this area with no markers. My reason for this thought is that there is a lot of space that is not marked.

I walked this cemetery starting in Sep of 2001 and ended in August 2002.

-Karen Dwyer

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