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Schenevus War Memorial
Maryland, Otsego County, New York

Contributed by Brittany Kostiha [Celes9865@aol.com].  Total records = 379.

Front of Memorial: Dedicated to those in the town of Maryland who served their country in the Spanish-American and World Wars.

Please note, all names following World War 1917-1919 were not recorded in person but from a photograph. Some letters are impossible to see due to reflection or angle. There is likely to be error in some of these names,.. for instance, I'm thinking Chauncy Soddard is really Goddard But,.. it looks like an S and not a G on the photograph. Any that I couldn't make out at all, in regard to individual letters of a name is given one dash per missing letter. Perhaps this latter part of the list can still be of help for whoever you are looking for. When we go back to NY, we will record this last frame of the monument in person.


Simeon Barnes Amos Spencer
Samuel Ketchum Ithamir Spencer
Joel Norton Stephen Slingerland
Peter Peterson Jesse Utter
John Bush Jonas Houghton
Jonas T. Bush Simeon Houghton
Levi Chase Martin Hayner
Samuel Chase Daniel Hallock
Willard Chase Harry Knapp
Philip Crippen Norman Risely
Elisha Chamberlain Amos Spencer
Heman Chamberlain William Spencer
Silas Cass Henry Spencer
William Conover Peter Sperry
Ephraim Dunham Stephen Scudder
Jesse Dunham William Sides
Luther Follett Capt. John Tallmadge
Wickam Griswold Jehemiah Tompkins
Capt. Daniel Houghton John Wilcox
King Aylesworth Thadeus Brown
Clark W. Applebee Seward Bliven
Fenimore G. Bennett Jacob M. Butts
Ephraim Burnside Nathan Brockway
Harvey W. Brown Charles Brownell
Hamilton Brown Ingraham Houghton
Ziba H. Brown Peter C. Brown
Warren Bennett George Brown
George Bennett Delos Burk
Jerry P. Barnes Amos H. Bennett
Dennison R. Barnes Chester Burnside
David B.Bostwick? William Bronson
Loren R. Boyce Thadeus Campbell
Edward Boardman Ovid Chesebro
John Bush Smith Critcheson
Augustus C. Bush Edgar Chamberlain
Sylvester Bostwick Henry Chamberlain
Riva Bostwick Lorenzo Chamberlain
Abram V. Bloodgood Myron L. Chamberlain
J. Ellery Barnes Carlos Chamberlain
Martin Banker William Chamberlain
Jesse M. Banker William H. Chamberlain
Bennett Banker James Cyphers
Henry Banker Lewellin Cyphers
Thorn Banker Jary Chase
Irving F. Banker Robert Chase
Truman S. Banker Miles Chase
Isaac M. Brooks Edward Chase
L. Sander Brooks Daniel Chase
Ashley Chase Peter M. Hummel
Reuben C. Chase Manzer Hummel
Alfonzo D. Chase Edward Hazwell
Ezra Crippen Seward Houghton
Adriel Clark Robert B. Hull
C.C.B. Conover Reuben W. Hoose
Milton Conover Nelson Hoose
William Cass Charles D. Hoose
George L. Cass Daniel Herron
Brazilla Chase James R. Hathaway
Amos H. Crippen George W. Hayner
John M. Cady John Hayner
Rufus L. Chase William S. Hotchkin
Anthony Cilliskee Russel Holdridge
John Costello John Hubbard
Levi Chandler Truman Irish
Stewart Champion James J. Jones
Erastus G. Chase George Knapp
Jeremiah M. Davis John S. Kenyon
Lawerence W. Davis Michael Keefe
Ephraim B. Dunham Almond L. Kelley
Warren Dunham S.Burdett Kelley
Horace P. Dunham James Kildee
William Dunham Michael Keegan
Ephraim Dunham Milo Kelley
David Dykeman Wm. Watson Kelley
John Dykeman Lawerence R. Kelley
Lawrence Dolan Job C. Ketchum
John Darby James Logan
Gibson W. Delong Nelson Lewis
Benonia Deming James Lewis
Edward Dingman Orson Lamphere
Oscar Every Orrin Lampher
Ransom M. Evans Arnold S. Lamphere
Edward P. Eldridge William G. Lobdell
Randolph Fields George W. Lobdell
Julian Ferry Thomas McCowell
Edward R. Fellows Daniel McDonald
J. Henry Follet Ira S. Morrison
Ashley C. Follet William H. Mallory
Austin M. Fellows George Moore
Wm. Ansel Fellows Ansor Moore
Warren Fellows Peter Marble
David Fox Miram Morrison
John O'Graney Norman Nellis
John J. Gurney David Nellis
Sardis W. Grassfield Walter C. Osborn
Don D. Green Orville Osborn
Danford R. Green Chester Osborn
Darius Olmstead William Tenbrook
Stephen Olmstead Flavius J. Tenbrook
Roswell P. Olds Lyman Tiffany
Frederick Olds Charles M. Townsend
Albert Olds Augustus G. Thompson
William Peebles John Thompson
Horace Peaslee Beckwith Thompson
John Peaslee John M. Tallmadge
Thomas N. Peaslee Carlton Tallmadge
Henry Palmer Samuel Tompkins
Horatio L. Perry Austin Tompkins
Jeremiah Parish Franklin Tompkins
Daniel S. Pratt John Tompkins
George Pendal David H. Tiel
Peter Pechtel John D. Tripp
John W. Petchel Frank Uttman
James Peterson Charles Utter
Silas Quakenboss Joseph H. Vanzandt
Silas Rider George H. Vanloon
Patrick Rorac Orlando Vandeboe
Dwight Robinson James H. Wiber
Ephraim Rathbone Harvey Wilber
Irving Stevenson Jacob Wilber
Elkanah O. Sperry Abram Wilber
Jabez Sperry George L. Wilber
Robert E. Sperry Willson Walling
Alvin Sperry Daniel P. Walling
David E. Smith Stephen Wilcox
Joseph H. Smith John L. Weaver
John H. Shepherd Waldo Warriner
Joseph Swartout Simon P. Wilson
William Sornborger George Woodcock
John Sornborger Samuel Woodcock
John U. Spencer Seymour Woodcock
Irving J. Spencer George Woodcock Jr.
Frank Smallin Gilbert Woodcock
John T. Smallin Delos H. Woodcock
Delos Swart Truman Wager
John Seeley Oliver P. Wager
Manuel Sides Cyrus Wightman
Stephen G. Swift Phileman Winchell
Jerome Swift Hubert Wade
John Stanton Dow M. Webster
Henry M. Shutts Armstrong Wright
Charles H. Seward Lemuel Wicknam
Nelson F. Shutts John L. Wilber
Adelbert E. Tallmadge Ross Williams
Edgar Tipple William E. Wright
Valder H. Tipple Albert T. Weisgarver
  Joseph Youmans
Spanish-American War 1898-1899
Lewis J. Preston Merritt Lake
Stewart J. Turp Noah Cummings
Matthew J. Galvin Foster Herron
John Howley Richard C. Chase
W.Jay Swackhamer Hiram Bostwick
Ezra M. Hayner Fred Rexford
World War 1917-1919
Herschel Hathaway Percy Smallin
Ralph W. Bennett Harold M. Toom_s
Glenn R. De_l Peter O. Vir----* (Virtell?)
Charles _. Nei- -s Dydell D. Woodcock
Leon E. O'Dell Russell Swift
L. Clarence Pier Clair Robinson
Charles W. -oxon William Van De-sen
James E. Smith Fred G. Smith
James R. McDoff Charles E. Vandermark
Frederick P. - -ed-ie (Liedkie?) Herbert Stare
Anthony J. Pedrone Austin Bi-by
Jay D. Shaut* Sawyer T. Chase
Abie Burdick Harold J. Friery
M- - - -rd L. Cady (Millard?) De Forest E. Fox
Neil J. Esm-y (Esmay?) Harold Coons
Charles B. Graham Walter M. Houghton
Perry H. Boardman Benjamin Lete
Carl L. Chamberlain Clyde E. Manzer
Elbert N. Patten* Willis A. Houghton
Claude Newcomb Nicholas - -nister (Linister?)
Lewis J. Preston Grover Bostwick
Paul J. Smith Charles R. -eagles (Feagles?)
A. Yale Boardman Claude B. Gurney
Charles W. Hubbard Benjamin VanWie
Robert E. Lee Leroy Van Deusen
Joseph P. Brady Claude Witlock
Lewis Fink Lawrence Swift
Fredie Minster Charles H. Wilson
Edwin A. Hubbard Leroy R. Sterling
William G. Boardman Harley M. Houghton
Elmer D. Cady Chauncy Soddard
Matthew J. Brady Millard T. Hazen
Carl T. Cornish Walter Frear
Elmer Hilsinger William Davis
Earl S. Davis John W. Georgie
Samuel Bruxholm* Olaf Neilson
John Keith Claude VanWie

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