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Flushing Cemetery
Flushing, Queens County, New York

GPS: 40.751979, -73.801749

16306 46th Ave
Flushing, NY 11358-3241

Last edited: Oct 24, 2012
Total records: 25

Flushing Cemetery is operated by the Flushing Cemetery Association.


Flushing Cemetery was founded in May 5, 1853. The cemetery was originally 20 acres in size, purchased from the John Purchase Farm. In 1875, the Whitehead Duryea farm was purchased, adding 50 acres to the cemetery. To date, more than 41,000 persons are interred at Flushing Cemetery.

Cemetery Records

This is not a complete listing of all of the burials in this cemetery. The records below were provided by visitors to Interment.net. Submit your records using the form, "Post a Note / Submit Records" at the bottom of this page.

Contributor's Index:

Dockendorf, Everet, b. 1906, d. 1910, s/o Henry and Grace Dockendorf, [MT]
Dockendorf, Grace (Seitz), b. 1882, d. 1963, w/o Henry Dockendorf, [MT]
Dockendorf, Henry, b. 1879, d. 1942, [MT]
Dockendorff, Catherine (Roth) b. 1819, d. 1901, w/o Matthias Dockendorf, [MT]
Dockendorff, Elisabeth (Boller), b. 1842, d. 1930, w/o Franz Joseph Dockendorff, [MT]
Dockendorff, Franz Joseph, b. 1844, d. 1911, [MT]
Dockendorff, Matthias, b. 1816, d. 1872, [MT]
Fisher, Edward F., b. Feb 04, 1923 d. 7 Jul 23, 1999, h/o Ruth, s/o Steffie and John, [PF]
Hinsch, Dorathea Lindhorst, b. 27 Aug 1874, d. 29 May 1951, Sec KPC Gr-5748, [EL]
Hinsch, Elly Lander, d. 13 Sep 1904, d. 26 Sep 1954, Sec KPC Gr-5748, [EL]
Leppert, Sophia, b. 1890, d. 1900, d/o Catherine Leppert (Dockendorff)and Charles Rausch, [MT]
Lick, Adele Spiera (Dorp), b. 22 Jan 1867, Elberfeld, Germany, d. 18 Mar 1953 Astoria Queens, NY, w/o John Lick. Grave 5189, [JK]
Lick, John, b. 27 Dec 1864 Hartenfels, Germany, d. 25 Apr 1945, Astoria NY. Grave 5189, [JK]
Pulise, A. Edward, b. 26 Jul 1903 NY, d, 6 Apr 1976, h/o Laura Walther, [GO]
Scott, Archibald Joseph, d. 19 Jan 1956 age: 50yr, s/o Archibald & Elizabeth Scott, [HD]
Scott, Archibald, d. 2 Nov 1949, age: 77yr, h/o Elizabeth Scott (Lawler), [HD]
Scott, Elizabeth (Lawler), d. 22 Mar 1954, age: 76yr, w/o Archibald Scott, [HD]
Seiter, Elizabeth (Miller), b. 1905, d. 1991, s/w Henry Seiter (husband), Plot K5, Div C, Sec 11, [ES]
Seiter, Elizabeth, b. 1880, d. 1965, s/w Henry Seiter and Elizabeth Seiter (husband and daughter), sec KPC, mark 3863, [ES]
Seiter, Elizabeth, b. 1923, d. 1941, s/w Henry Seiter and Elizabeth Seiter (parents), sec KPC, mark 3863, [ES]
Seiter, Henry, b. 1883, d. 1959, s/w Elizabeth Seiter and Elizabeth Seiter (Second wife and their daughter), sec KPC, mark 3863, [ES]
Seiter, Henry, b. 1904, d. 1979, s/w Elizabeth Miller Seiter (wife), Plot K5, Div C, Sec 11, [ES]
Turnier, Mary K., b. 1863, d. 1927, w/o Robert Turnier, [ER]
Walther, Florence Moritz, b. 26 Oct 1882 NY, d. 22 Oct 1969, St James NY, w/o Oscar, [GO]
Walther, Oscar, b. 28 May 1877 NY, NY, d. 9 Jul 1945, Jackson Hgts NY, [GO]

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