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Gate of Heaven Cemetery
Hawthorne, Westchester County, New York

10 West Stevens Ave
Hawthorne NY 10532
Wm Lane, Asst. Sup.

Lat: 41° 05' 27"N, Lon: 073° 47' 49"W

This is not a complete listing of all of the burials in this cemetery. The records below were provided by contributors to Interment.net. Last edited May 20, 2008. Total records = 26.

Contributor's Index:

Cipriano, Jennie, b. 25 Jun 1918, d. 2 Oct 1957, w/o Lorenzo Cipriano, d/o Carmine and Palmina Cipriano, [DC]
Cipriano, Lorenzo, b. 18 Nov 1909, d. 28 Jun 1997, h/o Jennie Cipriano, s/o Donato and Carmela Morra Cipriano, [DC]
Clancy, Michael, b. 27 Nov 1927, d. 2 Apr 1970, h/o Dolores Morrissey Clancy, [EM]
Coghlan, Alice, d. 1980s, 2nd w/o Joseph (Patrick) Coghlan, [IC]
Coghlan, Joseph, b. 1871, d. 1982?, (May be under Patrick) s/o John Bennet and Kathleen Coghlan, [IC]
Coghlan, Kathleen, b. 1898?, d. 1980, d/o Joseph (Patrick) and Mary Bowes Coghlan, [IC]
Coghlan, Mary Bowes, no dates, 1st w/o Joseph (Patrick), [IC]
Dacek, Mildred McIntyre, b. 12 Aug 1922, d. 7 Mar 2005 Milledgeville GA, d/o George Michael and Viola Clara Rustin Williams, w/o 1) James M. McIntyre, 2) Michael George Dacek, bur. with mother, [GO]
DiLiberto, Ralph J., b. 1 May 1933, d. 27 May 1957, [DK]
DiNorcio, Emilio, b. 1901, d. 1987, h/o Maria Carmela, s/o Angelo and Elena DiNorcio, [AD]
DiNorcio, Maria Carmela, b. 1908, d. 1975, w/o Emilio DiNorcio, d/o Joseph and Theresa Anile, [AD]
DiNorcio, Matteo DiNorcia, no dates, h/o Victoria DiNorcia, [AD]
Fortune, Mary, d. 29 Oct 1938, age 43 yrs, w/o William Fortune Ireland, Grave #5, [AS]
Guadiosi, Caroline, b. 23 Nov 1914 Tivoli, NY, d. 23 Mar 1996 Congers NY, w/o Vito V. Gaudiosi, d/o Charles H. and Mary A.Lown, [JC]
Kennard, Sylvia, b. 26 Nov 1918 Tivoli, NY, d. Mar 1985, d/o Charles H. and Mary A Lown, [JC]
Longworth, Loretta A 'Laura', b. Aug 06, 1931, d. Feb 01, 1999, bur. 5 Feb 1999, [JC]
Lown, Hugh E., b. Nov 1899 Annandale NY, d. Oct 1950, s/o Charles H and Mary A Lown, [JC]
Lown, Mary A., b. c.1878 NYC, d. May 1957, m. 17 Sep 1878, w/o Charles H Lown, d/o Hugh Costello and Margaret Barry, [JC]
Lown, Mary C, b. 19 Jan 1911 Annandale NY, d. 17 Jun 2007 Pomona NY, d/o Charles H and Mary Costello Lown, [JC]
Reilly, Bernard, d. 1979, h/o Bridget, s/o Hugh and Mary, [KR]
Reilly, Hugh, d. 1995, h/o Mary, [KR]
Reilly, Kathleen, d. 1995, d/o Hugh and Mary, [KR]
Reilly, Mary, no dates, w/o Hugh, [KR]
Sullivan, Nancy A., b. 14 Apr 1912 Annandale NY, d. 10 Apr 2001, w/o Thomas Sullivan, d/o Charles H. and Mary A Lown, [JC]
Sullivan, Thomas F., b. 01 Jan 1901, d. 01 Apr 1971, h/o Nancy A. Lown, [JC]
Williams, Viola Clara, b. 1 Apr 1901, d. 15 Jul 1937, d/o Allan and Frances Peany Rustin, w/o George Michael Williams, [GO]

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