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Mechanicsville-Windsor Road Cemetery
Ashtabula County, Ohio

Lat: 41° 42' 02"N, Lon: 80° 54' 17"W

Contributed by Karen Anderson, Oct 25, 2003 [karengotl44041@yahoo.com].  Total records = 31.

Directions: From Geneva, Ohio, take I-90 exit 223 (Rt 45) go South on Rt 45 about 4 miles to Cork Cold Springs Rd. Go Right (west) on Cork Cold Springs Rd. About 2 1/2 miles to Windsor Mechanicsville Rd, go right (north) on Windsor Mechanicsville Rd. about 1/4 mile, cemetery is on the right.

This cemetery is owned and maintained by the Austinburg Township. It is well kept and does not appear to be actively used.

I have transcribed from all existing tombstones in Oct 2003.

- Karen Anderson
Affeldt, Myrtle L., b. 1897, d. 1965
Affeldt, Paul S., b. 1896, d. 1974
Andrews, Howard E., d. 13 Apr 186?, children of S. & M. Andrews, s/w Lavet & Mary Andrews
Andrews, Lavet S., d. 13 Apr 1861, age: 8 yrs, children of S. & M. Andrews, s/w Howard & Mary Andrews
Andrews, Mary L., d. 1? Apr 1861, children of S. & M. Andrews, s/w Lavet & Howard Andrews
Bates, Johnathon A., d. 11 May 1867, age: 8? yrs
Bates, Lydia, d. 11 Apr 1851, age: 71 yrs, w/o Johnathon A. Bates
Buck, Samuel, d. 21 July 1864, age: ?8 yrs
Corbelia, Mary, no data
Cutler, Riley, d. 1? Jun 1835
Czayka, Anna A., b. 1909, d. 1973, s/w Joseph Czayka
Czayka, Helen M., b. 1917, d. no date, s/w Stephen Czayka
Czayka, Joseph, b. 1910, d. 1986, s/w Anna A. Czayka
Czayka, Richard J., b. 9 Jun 1936, d. 20 Jul 2002
Czayka, Stephen, b. 1911, d. 1975, s/w Helen M. Czayka
Henry, Isreal J., d. 12 Nov 1862, age: 25 yrs, Civil War Vet
Henry, Nina, no dates, w/o ? Henry
Hernando, C., no data
Hubbard, Mary A., b. 1837, d. 1920, Mother
Hubbard, Orlando, b. 1834, d. 1912, Father
Rowen, Emma C., b. 30 Sep 1913, d. no date
Rowen, Ralph E., b. 18 Dec 1913, d. 21 Feb 1983
Schubert, Alice, d. Oct 1957, Mom
Schwentker, Ernest, b. 1871, d. 1937
Schwentker, Fred H., b. 1868, d. 1954
Schwentker, John, b. 1900, d. 1917
Schwentker, Mary, b. 1872, d. 1919
Stevens, John, no data
Warden, Mary, d. 18 Dec 1812
Wheeler, Samuel, d. 11 Oct 18??, Veteran
Winchell, Sybbel M., d. 6 Mar 18??

??, Celia, A., no data
??, Charley, could be surname
??hly, Alexander, d. 25 Oct 18?0, age: 62 yrs
Henry, no data
L. A. A, no data
M'C., J., no data

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