Home > United States > Ohio > Madison > Pleasant Cemetery

Search Ohio Death Records


Pleasant Cemetery
Mount Sterling, Madison County, Ohio

14220 Era Road
Mount Sterling, OH 43143
(740) 869-3739

Lat: 39°44'22"N, Lon: 83°15'04"W

Published on Interment.net, Apr 10, 2002. Total records = 8,253.

Ohio I-71 Exit 84 East (Mount Sterling) 2.8 miles to Cemetery Road. Left on Cemetery road Approx 1.2 miles - on left. Sexton's house is on the right across from the entrance.

Sexton records - burials, deeds. Several Civil war listings are tombstone readings. This is part of an ongoing project to document this and several smaller area cemeteries.

These are records from beginning to around 1990.

c/d = cause of death
L= lot
sp = space
FH = funeral home


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