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Oklahoma Death Records


Avant Cemetery
Avant, Osage County, Oklahoma

Lat: 36° 29' 55"N, Lon: 96° 04' 05"W
Bigheart Twp, R1E Sec 1

Submitted by Charlotte Keen, Apr 19, 2004 [jkeen14660@aol.com]. Total records = 145.

From Skiatook, OK go north on Hwy 11 (Cincinnati Ave) about 10 miles. When you get to Avant, OK make a left at the Avant sign. Follow Old Hwy 11 to the right. Follow this road to the cemetery sign, about 1 mile. Turn right and follow the road to the cemetery.

The cemetery is fenced but not maintained. A lady in the cemetery said they burn it off in the spring each year. The oldest marked graves are 23 Dec 1910. Two buried the same day.

There are several very old and beautiful iron fences in the cemetery. There are several pipe fences around the graves.

I walked and recorded this cemetery, Apr 17, 2004.

- Charlotte Keen
w/o = Wife Of
h/o = Husband Of
s/o = Son Of
d/o = Daughter Of
l/s = Like Stone
n/t = Next To
c/t = Close To
s/s = Share Stone
c/b = Concrete Block
c/s = Concrete Square
a/h = At Head
a/f = At Foot
w/ = With
b. = Born
d. = Died
+ = May not be buried here
FLT = Friendship-Love-Truth (Odd Fellows)
MFHM = Metal Funeral Home Marker

Adkins, Georgia Shafer, b. 22 1921, d. 12 Dec 1966, n/t Majorie Hildebrand, l/s, n/t George Shafer
Ankrom, Luther T, b. 17 Aug 1911, d. 25 Mar 1980, n/t 2 sandstones & 1 c/b no names
Appir??, L P, b. 4 Feb 1921, d. 23 Nov 1921, Infant, broken stone, n/t mound of dirt
Avant, Juanita O, b. 24 Feb 1918, d. 13 Jul 1918, Baby
Brock, Leo, b. 27 Mar 1922, d. 4 Feb 2001, c/t several rocks, indentions, MFHM, all no names
Brooks, Maud B, b. 1884, d. 1939, inside iron fence 5 marked graves, n/t Marion Petty, l/s
Brown, Louis M, b. 4 Jan 1895, d. 15 Feb 1973, n/t Jessie James
Brown, Mary Jane, b. 16 Jan 1866, d. 25 Feb 1918, w/o G M Brown, footstone w/ M J B, n/t Jessie James
Brown, Naoma, b. 18 Sep 1911, d. 28 Feb 1918, d/o M/M Louis Brown
Brunk, Bodie B, b. 17 Sep 1914, d. 13 Sep 1979, PVT US Army, WW II
Bullock, Sarah Henderson, b. 18 Dec 1891, d. 20 Jan 1919, n/t 3 rocks no names
Chambers, Clarence, b. 24 Jan 1906, d. 16 Sep 1932, n/t c/b & Levi Chambers
Chambers, George E, b. 5 Dec 1912, d. 30 Oct 1918, Child, n/t 1 indention, 1 concrete slab no name
Chambers, Levi, b. 15 Sep 1854, d. 29 Nov 1918, n/t Lona Chambers, n/t c/b no name, n/t Clarence Chambers
Chambers, Lona C, b. 13 Jan 1855, d. 2 Mar 1921, w/o & n/t Levi Chambers
Christensen, Mina Frickholm, b. 1847, d. 1917, Mother, s/s Gust & Robert Frickholm
Clingan, Ira, Jr, b. no date, d. 20 May 1922, n/t rock square & 2 indentions
Cowgill, Cristabell F, b. 5 Sep 1911, d. 21 Sep 1911, Baby, n/t Orda Green, Jr, l/s, n/t Ruth Green
Cummings, Eva, b. 1900, d. 1918, n/t 3 MFHM & 1 broken stone no names
Davis, Dick, b. 2 Mar 1865, d. 10 Nov 1941, Father, n/t Quiz & Lorean Davis
Davis, Florence Shafer, b. 20 Mar 1881, d. 8 May 1912, c/t Florence Williams, c/t 1 rock & 1 c/b no names
Davis, George Nelson, b. 1852, d. 1922, Our Dad, n/t 2 rocks & 1 sandstone no names
Davis, Leslie P, b. 11 Dec 1906, d. 21 May 1970, Okla PVT 336 Depot Rep SQ AAF, WW II, n/t Mary Davis
Davis, Lorean, b. 22 Feb 1904, d. 21 Aug 1916, Child, s/s Sonny Davis, n/t Dick Davis
Davis, Mary Ann, b. 1861, d. 1927, c/s, c/t rocks, and concrete no names
Davis, Mary Irene, b. 1 Jul 1916, d. 29 Mar 1972, n/t Leslie Davis, a/h Sonny Davis
Davis, Quiz Bethel, b. 5 Sep 1880, d. 2 May 1971, Mother, n/t Dick Davis
Davis, Sonny, b. 3 Mar 1924, d. 27 Dec 1924, Baby, s/s Lorean Davis, a/f Mary Davis
Deyerle, A Georgia, b. 18 Jun 1866, d. 24 Apr 1927, n/t William Deyerle
Deyerle, William A, b. 9 Nov 1848, d. 18 Aug 1919, n/t A Georgia Deyerle, c/s w/ 2 marked graves, room for about 3-4
Elnoe, Roy Franklin, b. 22 May 1912, d. 28 Dec 1918, a/f Frances Enloe, n/t Annie Enloe, n/t c/b no name
Enloe, Annie, b. 1902, d. 1915, n/t Roy Enloe
Enloe, Frances M (X), b. 1885, d. 1921, a/h Roy Enloe
Frickholm, Gust V, b. 1883, d. 1912, Son, s/s Mina Christensen & Robert Frickholm
Frickholm, Robert T, b. 1875, d. 1935, Son, FLT, s/s Mina Christensen & Gust Frickholm
Green, Ila Frances, b. 9 Feb 1918, d. 17 Oct 1920, Our Darling, n/t John Park, c/t Orda Green, Jr
Green, Orda C, Jr, b. 26 Nov 1912, d. 26 Nov 1912, Baby, n/t Cristabell Cowgillc/t Ila Green
Green, Ruth Cowgill, b. 20 Oct 1892, d. 21 Feb 1912, n/t John Osborn & Cristabell Cowgill, on stone In Memoriam Woodmen Circle
Hamption, Ollie B, b. 6 Feb 1917, d. 10 Mar 1994, n/t Estel Hampton, c/t 1 indention, 1 metal stakes, 1 rock
Hampton, Estel, b. 3 Oct 1913, d. 25 Jan 1982, PFC US Army, WW II, n/t Ollie Hampton, n/t 4 indentions
Hargrove, Ruby T, b. 6 Mar 1912, d. 12 Apr 1918, Child, footstone w/ R T H, c/t 3 indentions
Harrah, Jesse C, b. 10 Mar 1886, d. 14 Apr 1918, n/t Majorie Hildebrand & Lloyd Shafer
Harris, Mary McCoy, b. 1888, d. 1971, n/t W E McCoy
Hastings Marvin Dale, Sr, b. 8 Mar 1946, d. 20 Sep 1986, Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Grandfather, n/t 2 c/b no names, c/t Marvin Hastings, Jr, n/t 3 c/b no names, c/t Gene Hastings, Sr
Hastings, Adam C, b. 28 Mar 1906, d. 5 Jul 1995, Father, s/s Josephine Hastings, n/t Cecil Hastings, c/t John Hastings
Hastings, Cecil Raymond, b. 31 Dec 1937, d. 26 Jul 1991, n/t Adam Hastings, n/t 3 c/b no names
Hastings, Everett Daniel, b. 15 May 1949, d. 28 Mar 2000, MFHM, age 50, n/t Herbert Hastings, c/t Marvin Hastings, Jr
Hastings, Gene A, Sr, b. 4 Oct 1951, d. 19 May 1997, Father, s/s Marsha Hastings, c/t John & Marvin Hastings
Hastings, Herbert Ray, b. 4 Jan 1932, d. 28 Jul 1997, SGT US Air Force, n/t Everett Hastings
Hastings, John H, b. 1860,d, 1948, s/s Mary Hastings, c/t Gene & Adam Hastings
Hastings, Josephine C, b. 13 Apr 1922, d. 25 Nov 1987, Mother, "Dod", s/s Adam Hastings, n/t sandstone unreadable
Hastings, Marsha A, b. 16 Oct 1953, d. no date, Mother, +, s/s Gene Hastings, n/t 7 c/b no names
Hastings, Marvin Dale, Jr, b. 8 Aug 1967, d. 15 Nov 1967, n/t c/b no name, c/t Everett Hastings & Marvin Hastings, Sr
Hastings, Mary E, b. 1874, d. 1949, s/s John Hastings, n/t sand stone unreadable
Henderson, Twig, b. 1882, d. 1919, n/t Lee & Laura Petty, l/s
Hildebrand, Majorie M, b. 29 Sep 1923, d. 5 Apr 1980, "Peggy", n/t Georgia Adkins, l/s, n/t Jesse Harrah, c/t Lloyd Shafer, l/s
Hoag, Otto A, b. 27 Mar 1878, d. 12 Sep 1913, FLT
Hobbs, L R, b. 18 Oct 1888, d. 29 Sep 1938, c/t Wm Hobbs, l/s, n/t Stillborn Hobbs
Hobbs, Stillborn, b. 1932, d. 1932, Sister, n/t Wm & L R Hobbs
Hobbs, Wm E, b. 16 Jan 1916, d. 23 Nov 1927, Inside fence, n/t Sister Stillborn, c/t L R Hobbs, l/s
Howell, Boy, b. 25 Jul 1916, d. 22 Sep 1917, s/o M/M M E Howell, n/t Emma Howell
Howell, Emma Maxine, b. 15 May 1927, d. 15 Nov 1928, Baby, s/s Lee Howell, n/t Boy Howell
Howell, Lee Bruce, b. 12 Aug 1921, d. 17 Aug 1921, Baby, s/s Emma Howell
Hubble, Bertha, b. 1917, d. 1918, Baby, n/t Lilliam Hubble
Hubble, Lillian B, b. 12 Mar 1888, d. 11 Nov 1943, n/t Bertha Hubble, n/t 4 indentions
Hurley, William, b. 9 Aug 1912, d. 30 Oct 1912, Baby, n/t several c/b, sandstones, no names, c/s w/ 9 Oct 1922 no name
James, Jessie, b. 1888, d. 1928, w/o Gertrude James, n/t Louis & Mary Brown
James, Mildred, b. 21 Jan 1916, d. 19 Jul 1916, Baby, d/o R E & Ida James
Klutts, Jeff, b. 1966, d. 1990, n/t Patrick Klutts, n/t 4 indentions
Klutts, Patrick, b. no date, d. no date, n/t Jeff Klutts, n/t 4 indentions
Leeson, Alberta, b. 6 Oct 1920, d. no date, s/s Roy Leeson, +
Leeson, Roy Grant, b. 26 Feb 1916, d. 7 Jul 1975, s/s Alberta Leeson
Lycette, Arthur Earl, b. 3 Feb 1900, d. 18 Feb 1963, n/t John Lycette
Lycette, Carl A, b. 1913, d. 1940, n/t Glagys & Ida Lycette
Lycette, Gladys, b. 24 Apr 1896, d. 22 Nov 1912, n/t Nita & Carl Lycette
Lycette, Ida M, b. 22 Mar 1876, d. 22 May 1945, n/t Carl & John Lycette
Lycette, John J, b. 8 Jul 1874, d. 23 Feb 1957, n/t Ida & Arthur Lycette
Lycette, Nita, b. 27 Feb 1908, d. 12 Jun 1919, n/t Gladys Lycette
Maloy, Isaac Finley, b. 22 Nov 1862, d. 12 Feb 1922, c/s, s/s Willeen Maloy, n/t unmarked grave w/ flowers
Maloy, Willeen Edna, b. 10 May 1871, d. 1 May 1940, s/s Isaac Maloy
McCoy, Charley, b. 22 Oct 1874, d. 20 Jan 1925, n/t 4 rocks no names, c/t Raymond McCoy
McCoy, Frank, b. 12 Dec 1879, d. 27 Jul 1929, Husband, n/t Maggie McCoy
McCoy, Harvey F, b. 31 Jul 1910, d. 9 May 1958, n/t Lacretta McCoy
McCoy, Lacretta May, b. 27 Sep 1933, d. 7 Jan 1935, n/t Harvey McCoy
McCoy, Maggie, b. 22 May 1907, d. 23 Dec 1910, Baby, Daughter, s/s Raymond McCoy, n/t Frank McCoy
McCoy, Raymond, b. 5 Dec 1908, d. 23 Dec 1910, Baby, Son, s/s Maggie McCoy
McCoy, Russell Don, b. 1917, d. 1929, n/t Fern Wright
McCoy, W E, b. 1884, d. 1938, Father, n/t Mary Harris
McCuistion, Florence W, b. 2 Nov 1880, d. 29 Nov 1918, w/o J H McCuistion, footstone, no stone In Memoriam Woodmen Circle, n/t c/b no name
McGrew, Isaac W, b. 5 Sep 1869, d. 5 Sep 1921, Father, d. Avant, OK, s/s Leona McGrew
McGrew, Leona V, b. 5 Apr 1875, d. 3 Sep 1932, Mother, d. Webb City, OK, w/o & s/s Isaac McGrew, c/s w/ 2 marked graves, room for about 8
Menkhoff, Emma Jane, b. 24 Sep 1881, d. 8 Dec 1918, w/o Willian Menkhoff, c/s w/ 4 spaces, 2 marked, n/t Mary Teter
Miller, Floyd W, b. 7 Jan 1915, d. 22 Feb 1919, Child, n/t 1 c/b & 1 concrete no names
Noble, Leola B, b. 3 Dec 1884, d. 23 May 1918, w/o J O Noble, inside iron fence w/ 1 marked grave, room for about 4
Oates, Ben F, b. 1872, d. 1918, s/s Fannie Oates
Oates, Fannie L, b. 1878, d. 1919, s/s Ben Oates, n/t 2 indentions 1 rock, 1 broken stone, 1 rock inside pipe fence
Okerson, Arman G, b. 1900, d. 1937, a/h indention, n/t indention, c/t John Okerson
Okerson, Cordelia A, b. 9 Dec 1859, d. 5 May 1935, Mother, s/s John Okerson
Okerson, John R, b. 13 Jul 1860, d. 31 May 1933, Father, s/s Cordelia Okerson, n/t indention, c/t Arman Okerson
Osborn, John W, b. 27 Oct 1883, d. 27 Apr 1912, inside iron fence 4 marked graves, n/t Ruth Green
Park, John Clinton, b. 1870, d. 1919, c/s w/ 2 marked graves, room for about 4, n/t Ila Green
Patrick, Mamie Belle, b. 29 Aug 1879, d. 26 Nov 1921, age 42 yrs 2 mos 27 dys, w/o S J Patrick, c/c w/ pipe fence
Patton, W J, b. 18 Jul 1867, d. 25 Nov 1923, n/t M E Walker
Patton, Wm Kenneth, b. 30 Mar 1914, d. 11 Jan 1921, s/o M/M W G Patton, n/t M E Walker & Clara Simkins
Petty, Laura E, b. 1859, d. 1932, n/t Twig Henderson, l/s
Petty, Lee F, b. 1893, d. 1929, n/t Marion Petty & Twig Henderson, l/s
Petty, Marion E, b. 1859, d. 1937, n/t Maud Brooks & Lee Petty, l/s
Phillips, Clifford, b. 25 Aug 1925, d. 21 Nov 1927, Baby, s/s Helen Phillips, s/o Leonard & Ida Phillips
Phillips, Geneta Leora, b. 3 Noc 1915, d. 9 Nov 1917, Baby, d/o M/M J L Phillips, s/s Walter Phillips
Phillips, Helen M, b. 2 Aug 1919, d. 3 Aug 1919, Infant, s/s Clifford Phillips, d/o Leonard & Ida Phillips, n/t Walter Phillips
Phillips, Walter Columbus, b. 18 Sep 1906, d. 11 Nov 1917, Child, s/o M/M J L Phillips, s/s Geneta Phillips, n/t Helen Phillips
Powers, Alice Faye, b. 28 Aug 1947, d. 5 May 2001
Reed, Amanda Kay, b. 1983, d. 1989, Our Little Angel
Robinson, Leamer, b. 15 Apr 1888, d. 27 Jul 1922, n/t Noah Robinson & 2 indentions
Robinson, Noah, b. 15 Aug 1868, d. 4 Aug 1936, n/t Leamer Robinson & 4 indentions, 2 rock
Ruland, Effie B, b. 6 Jan 1891, d. 23 Oct 1918, on stone In Memoriam Woodmen Circle
Say, Mattie E, b. 16 Mar 1853, d. 7 Nov 1918
Shafer, Edith M, b. 1 Jan 1893, d. 20 Apr 1979, s/s George Shafer, n/t Louis Shafer
Shafer, George B, b. 15 Sep 1883, d. 22 Nov 1962, s/s Edith Shafer, n/t Georgia Adkins
Shafer, Kennith Leroy, b. 10 Oct 1917, d. 29 Mar 1918, Baby, s/o G B & E M Shafer, n/t Louis Shafer
Shafer, Lloyd Dean, b. 26 Oct 1926, d. 5 Jan 1968, TSgt US Army, WW II, n/t Jesse Harrah, c/t Majorie Hildebrand, l/s
Shafer, Louis Donald, b. 2 Dec 1918, d. 29 Jun 1920, Baby, s/o M/M Geo B Shafer, footstone, n/t Kennith & Edith Shafer
Shannon, Juanita, b. 10 Sep 1917, d. 18 Sep 1917, Infant, d/o M/M C M Shannon
Shelden, R Ray, b. 1884, d. 1921, FLT, n/t 2 mounds of dirt w/ rocks
Shepherd, Lenerd Ray, b. no date, d. 11 Nov 1945, Infant, c/s, n/t rock & c/s no names
Simkins, Clara, b. 10 Oct 1898, d. 27 Mar 1922, n/t Wm Patton, n/t c/s for about 2 graves no names
Smith, Sidney J, b. 30 Mar 1897, d. 20 Dec 1917
Snider, James D, b. 18 Jul 1876, d. 13 Feb 1921, footstone w/ J D S, n/t mound of dirt
Street, Clifford, b. 1894, d. 1972, s/s Dulcie Street
Street, Dulcie, b. 1893, d. 1987, s/s Clifford Street, n/t Richard Street
Street, Richard Harold, b. 10 Jul 1931, d. 4 Nov 1988, PFC US Army, Korea, n/t Dulcie Street
Tarwater, Roy B, b. 1907, d. 1975, Dad, n/t Nadine & Earl Wood
Teter, Mary E, b. no date, d. 28 Jun 1912, age 46 yrs 1 mo, w/o J Z Teter, n/t Emma Menkhoff
Walker, M E Patton, b. 17 Mar 1893, d. 1 Mar 1920, n/t W J & Wm Patton
West, Sherman, b. 1914, d. 1919, Baby, c/s w/ pipe fence
White, Annette, b. 17 Sep 1928, d. 17 Sep 1928, Infant, n/t Lucille, l/s, n/t Josiah White
White, Josiah A, b. 1876, d. 1940, FLT, n/t Annette White
White, Lucille, b. 12 Jan 1922, d. 6 May 1922, n/t Annette White, l/s
Williams, Florence Shafer, b. 17 Feb 1914, d. 14 Feb 2003, s/s Harry Williams, c/t Florence Davis
Williams, Harry Hagner, b. 30 Sep 1913, d. 24 Mar 1996, TEC US Army, WW II, "Punch", s/s Florence Williams
Wood, Earl Vernon, b. 31 Aug 1935, d. 28 Mar 1988, TSGT US Air Force, Vietnam, n/t Roy Tarwater, c/t 1 broken stone, 1 c/b no name, 1 indention
Wood, Nadine Tarwater, b. 5 Jan 1926, d. 16 Nov 1979, Mother, n/t Roy Tarwater, n/t c/b no name
Wright, Fern McCoy, b. 1912, d. 1935, n/t Russell McCoy
Wright, Jerry Don, b. 27 Feb 1940, d. 19 Jun 1996, n/t c/b no name
Yoko, Jock C, b. 9 Mar 1920, d. 10 May 1953, Okla GM 2 USNR, WW II

6 - Sandstones
27 - Concrete Blocks, 10 maybe Hastings
31 - Indentions
4 - Concrete Slabs
23 - Rocks
1 - Mound of Dirt
1 - Unmarked grave w/ flowers
2 - Concrete Squares
1 - Concrete Slab w/ Red Bricks around a Baby grave
3 - Broken Stones
1 - Rock inside pipe fence
2 - Mounds of Dirt w/ Rocks
4 - MFHM
1 - Metal Stakes
1 - Concrete Square w/ 9 Oct 1922
1 - Broken stone w/ footstone w/ R. E. R.
1 - Rock Square
1 - Stone w. Earl Br??, sandstone unreadable
2 - Base of stones
1 - Concrete Slab w/ Eva S H
1 - Concrete Slab w/ Henry S H
1 - Concrete Slab w/ Ivy S H

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