Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1845-1923), 68 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Oklahoma Funeral Notices
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Submitted by Arlen Gregory [rosehillmemorialpark@cox.net].
Coley, Charles Adlow, bur. 4/24/1962, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-72 #3
Coley, Clarence, bur. 11/29/1971, Sec. Love (26) L-382 #9
Coley, Claude C., bur. 9/5/1978, Sec. Love (26) L-382 #2
Coley, Edna, bur. 7/13/1970, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-355 #1
Coley, Mary F., bur. no date, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-252 #1
Coley, Violet D., bur. 3/12/1971, Sec. Love (26) L-382 #1
Colgan, James Emmett, bur. 4/14/1958, Sec. Crestview (22) L-87 #7
Collard, Sidney A., bur. 2/14/1947, Sec. Pineview (21) L-304 #4
Colley, Benjamin F., bur. 5/11/1936, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-161 #2
Colley, Frank Charlotte, bur. 10/9/1944, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-161 #1
Colley, Golden E., bur. 1/14/1984, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-431 Row C
Colley, Mary Ella, bur. 7/9/1927, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-161 #3
Colley, Richard Price, bur. 4/18/1968, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-431.5 Row C
Collier, Eugene W., bur. 9/5/1950, Sec. Devotion (25) L-3 #7
Collier, Ione H., bur. 1/8/1959, Sec. Devotion (25) L-3 #8
Collin, Sharon Lou, bur. 3/24/1947, Sec. Pineview (21) L-249 #1
Collins, Anita, bur. 2/2/1924, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-231 (E.Portion) #3
Collins, Arthur James, bur. 8/15/1991, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-48 #2
Collins, Beatrice Ovalla, bur. 5/14/1945, Sec. Peace (24) L-263 #4
Collins, Belva, bur. 11/13/1986, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-69 #4
Collins, Benjamin, bur. 6/18/1983, Sec. Pineview (21) L-161 #3
Collins, Charlotte Denney, bur. 3/22/2001, Sec. Love (26) L-61 #4
Collins, Dow Otto, bur. 2/24/1966, Sec. Love (26) L-387 #5
Collins, Earl, bur. 2/20/1935, Sec. Graceland (6) L-307 #4
Collins, Ethel Edna, bur. 8/5/1952, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #7
Collins, Fern B., bur. 11/6/1981, Sec. Love (26) L-183 #1
Collins, Floyd Ernest, bur. 2/8/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) L-96 #1
Collins, Frank P., bur. 4/7/1988, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1605 Row L
Collins, Gail D., bur. 3/24/1982, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-242 #1
Collins, George F. Jr., bur. 10/22/1980, Sec. Abbey L-320 Row C
Collins, George Fulton, bur. 9/25/1939, Sec. Abbey L-320 Row B
Collins, Gerald, bur. 5/24/1947, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-231 #2
Collins, Inez L., bur. 1/18/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-49 #31
Collins, Infant of Paul J., bur. 11/23/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-84 #21
Collins, Infant of W.T., bur. 6/7/1939, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-58 #61
Collins, James Thomas, bur. 2/2/1953, Sec. Pineview (21) L-131 #3
Collins, Jennie W., bur. 4/1/1929, Sec. Abbey L-321 Row B
Collins, John W., bur. 9/1/1971, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #5
Collins, Jonathan, bur. 7/13/1918, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-E #13
Collins, Joseph G. Sr., bur. 4/14/1976, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1623 Row M
Collins, Joseph Joe G. Jr, bur. 3/7/2003, Sec. Abbey L-858 Row J
Collins, Katherine E., bur. 7/26/1977, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1604 Row L
Collins, Kathleen Bernice, bur. 6/17/1969, Sec. Memories (16) L-182 #2
Collins, Lillie Leon, bur. 4/8/1967, Sec. Love (26) L-244 #1
Collins, Lula Payne, bur. 1/5/1952, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #4
Collins, Mabel T., bur. 4/13/1997, Sec. Devotion (25) L-335 #3
Collins, Mamie, bur. 11/14/1956, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-312 #4
Collins, Marvin C., bur. 4/17/1975, Sec. Love (26) L-244 #2
Collins, Mary J., bur. 1/10/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-96 #3
Collins, Milton, bur. 8/27/1948, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-416 #1
Collins, Mrs. Alice, bur. 3/9/1932, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-416 W1/2 #2
Collins, Myrtle Hester, bur. 2/25/1981, Sec. Love (26) L-381 #9
Collins, Nora Lucille, bur. 2/19/1997, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-48 #1
Collins, Ora Betty, bur. 2/6/1970, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1705 Row K
Collins, Ora Ethel, bur. 6/19/1973, Sec. Peace (24) L-60 #2
Collins, Pearl L., bur. 4/5/1989, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #3
Collins, Peggy Ruth, bur. 11/11/1927, Sec. Highland (14) L-211 N1/2 #3
Collins, Rollie Bruce, bur. 5/17/1943, Sec. Highland (14) L-211 N1/2 #1
Collins, Rosanna, bur. 12/19/1941, Sec. Pineview (21) L-131 #2
Collins, Roy W., bur. 1/25/1955, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #1
Collins, Roy W., bur. 11/21/1979, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #2
Collins, Ruby L., bur. 3/26/1956, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1442 Row A1
Collins, Samuel G., bur. 3/22/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-312 #3
Collins, Vega B., bur. 1/15/1945, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-1622 Row M
Collins, Venton S., bur. 4/27/1955, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-231 #1
Collins, Walter Paul, bur. 3/24/1980, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-280 #3
Collins, Weaver, bur. 5/25/1930, Sec. Abbey L-322 Row B
Collins, William Elsworth, bur. 2/25/1935, Sec. Greenland (4) L-96 #4
Collins, William Henry, bur. 2/29/1924, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-58 #4
Collins, William J., bur. 3/12/1971, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1705 J (Ground Fl.) Row J
Collins, Willie W., bur. 1/5/1948, Sec. Peace (24) L-342 #2
Coloitt, Charles Hubert, bur. 12/10/2003, Sec. Graceland (6) L-38 #4, Stanley FH
Colpitt, Infant of Charles H., bur. 2/25/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #7
Colpitt, Jerry S., bur. 12/23/1978, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1729 Row B
Colpitt, Ruth Erma Eyler, bur. 7/21/1982, Sec. Abbey L-869 Row L
Colston, Elrena, bur. 5/18/2004, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-11C # Jack's Memory Chapel
Colston, Mattie Lahoma, bur. 9/10/2004, Sec. Peace (24) L-363 #2, Ninde's Garden Chapel
Colton, Edna Rebecca Bear, bur. 5/11/1965, Sec. Crestview (22) L-50 #8
Colton, Infant of E.D., bur. 8/4/1971, Sec. Crestview (22) L-90 #54
Colvin, Ralph H., bur. 1/3/1951, Sec. Sunset (19) L-7 #5
Colvin, William Rapier, bur. 6/22/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-50 #7
Colwell, William Jos M., bur. 11/12/1929, Sec. Memories (16) L-619 W1/2 #1
Combs, Howard Burton, bur. 4/13/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-108 E1/2 #5
Combs, Mrs. G. B., bur. 6/27/1925, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-91 #3
Combs, Pat, bur. 7/21/1971, Sec. Abbey L-1718 Row E
Combs, Patrick G., bur. 7/22/1958, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-625 Row B
Comet, Anastasia, bur. 2/18/2004, Sec. Greek (20) L-53 #2, Ninde's Garden Chapel
Comet, John P., bur. 11/26/1971, Sec. Greek (20) L-53 #1
Compton, Clyde E., bur. 10/24/1964, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-31 #4
Compton, Edna Grace, bur. 2/3/1970, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-31 #3
Compton, Infant of W.G., bur. 3/28/1955, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 84 #9
Compton, Ories S., bur. 1/19/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-175 #4
Comstock, Chas F., bur. 4/30/1935, Sec. Abbey L-704 Row I
Comstock, Mrs. Bertha, bur. 10/3/1935, Sec. Abbey L-705 Row I
Conant, Mrs. Ida, bur. 9/10/1942, Sec. Fairview (8) L-73 #5
Conarro, Beatrice, bur. 10/6/1995, Sec. Devotion (25) L-151 #3
Conaway, E. Louise, bur. 3/4/1996, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-320 #4
Conaway, Elbert P., bur. 7/1/1968, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-319 #6
Conaway, Lawrence B., bur. 11/6/1961, Sec. Fairview (8) L-155 #8
Conaway, Simon, bur. 4/2/1936, Sec. Fairview (8) L-155 #6
Condley, Infant of Orba, bur. 7/20/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-80 #17
Condon, Eula Youngblood, bur. 3/9/1965, Sec. Graceland (6) L-293 #3
Condon, Glenn, bur. 8/27/1968, Sec. Graceland (6) L-293 #1
Condon, Jane, bur. 8/1/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-293 #2
Condos, Gus, bur. 1/17/1955, Sec. Greek (20) L-41 #3
Condos, Mary, bur. 1/16/1978, Sec. Greek (20) L-41 #2
Condry, Mrs Dora F. C., bur. 12/28/1926, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-221 #4
Cone, Ethel Lillian, bur. 4/13/1949, Sec. Abbey L-1630 Row B
Cone, Leo H., bur. 5/18/1979, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-134 #4
Cone, Ollie Mae, bur. 3/17/1984, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-134 #3
Cone, Rozelle Rae, bur. 11/9/1957, Sec. Devotion (25) L-259 #2
Congdon, Joseph, bur. 11/3/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-29 #5
Conine, Maxine M., bur. 5/3/1969, Sec. Devotion (25) L-195 #3
Conine, William LeRoy, bur. 4/13/1978, Sec. Devotion (25) L-195 #4
Conklin, Earl, bur. 2/8/1923, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-244 E1/2 #3
Conklin, Infant of Thomas P., bur. 11/23/1974, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 93 #61
Conklin, Ora M., bur. 1/17/1956, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-244 #2
Conklin, William David, bur. 12/11/1999, (cremains) Sec. Elmwood (3) L-198 #5
Conklin, William F., bur. 8/23/1930, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-244 E1/2 #1
Conley, Allen J., bur. 7/24/1948, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #3
Conley, Carl Allen, bur. 9/16/1954, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #9
Conley, G. A., bur. 8/1/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-313 #1
Conley, Jack, bur. 1/26/1998, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #7
Conley, John Porter, bur. 3/20/1936, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-54 #7
Conley, Judith Irene, bur. 1/12/1942, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #1B
Conley, L. Glen, bur. 1/30/1987, Sec. Graceland (6) L-60 #4
Conley, Margaret B., bur. 1/21/1997, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #6
Conley, Margaret B., bur. 6/26/1939, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-455 #3
Conley, Mattie, bur. 6/15/1979, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-370 #1
Conley, Michael D., bur. 2/13/1941, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #1A
Conley, Nadine Bess, bur. 5/17/1985, Sec. Highland (14) L-206 #5
Conley, Nellie Maude, bur. 8/3/1990, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #8
Conley, Roland Mike, bur. 11/2/1926, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #4
Conley, Roy C., bur. 6/7/1961, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-370 #2
Conley, Ruth L., bur. 6/5/1979, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-309 #2
Conlisk, Bessie, bur. 3/10/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-126 #2
Conlisk, Glen Erwin, bur. 7/19/1948, Sec. Devotion (25) L-126 #3
Conn, Adell, bur. 1/29/1975, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-289 #2
Conn, Archibald E., bur. 4/15/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-70 #62
Conn, Archie, bur. 11/13/1999, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-289 #1
Conn, Billie Elson, bur. 3/31/1954, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-289 #4
Conn, Clayton, bur. 11/22/1946, Sec. Crestview (22) L-73 #44
Conn, Eddie Lee, bur. 2/18/1938, Sec. Pineview (21) L-154 #4
Conn, Harold, bur. 6/22/1936, Sec. Pineview (21) L-195 #6
Connell, Thomas, bur. 3/10/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-27 #17
Connell, William Owen, bur. 11/7/1960, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-905 Row J
Connelly, Corinne Bailey, bur. 1/19/1979, Sec. Abbey L-1443 Row D
Connelly, Ernest L., bur. 9/29/1973, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1444 Row D
Connelly, Florence R., bur. 10/16/1952, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-113 #7
Connelly, Grace Erwin, bur. 8/4/1960, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-349 #1
Connelly, H. Walter, bur. 7/23/1948, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-349 #2
Connelly, Jamie, bur. 7/22/1983, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-344 Row A
Connelly, Joe Charlene, bur. 8/9/1924, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-113 #4
Connelly, Kent, bur. 8/3/1988, Sec. Peace (24) L-99 #2
Connelly, Willis C., bur. 3/13/1944, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-113 #8
Conner, Don Charles, bur. 1/15/1954, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-146 #6
Conner, Earl P., bur. 8/6/1969, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1615 Row A1
Conner, G. R., bur. 4/2/1928, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #6
Conner, Gladys M., bur. 10/12/1971, Sec. Abbey L-1615 Row A
Conner, Herbert Deleno, bur. 3/3/2001, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-CD #9
Conner, John M., bur. 1/9/1941, Sec. Abbey L-418 Row H
Conner, Juanita, bur. 10/9/1976, Sec. Devotion (25) L-93 #4
Conner, L. J., bur. 6/15/1937, Sec. Memories (16) L-578 #3
Conner, Lewis Roy, bur. 6/14/1947, Sec. Memories (16) L-578 #7
Conner, Marcus Dave, bur. 2/7/1949, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #2
Conner, Michael, bur. 6/1/1970, Sec. Devotion (25) L-140 #6
Conner, Minnie Bell, bur. 2/8/1952, Sec. Memories (16) L-578 #4
Conner, Minnie F., bur. 11/24/1953, Sec. Abbey L-417 Row H
Conner, Nathan, bur. 3/22/1940, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #4
Conner, Nora F., bur. 5/23/1990, Sec. Memories (16) L-578 #8
Conner, William Alva, bur. 3/6/1956, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #1
Connor, Harold W., bur. 9/17/1927, Sec. Highland (14) L-266 #4
Connor, Janet D., bur. 12/30/1972, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-203 #7
Connor, John E., bur. 8/2/1934, Sec. Memories (16) L-372 #4
Connor, John M., bur. 12/11/1973, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-203 #5
Connor, Kelly Ford, bur. 8/12/1946, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-878 Row L
Connor, Morton Oliver, bur. 4/19/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-466 #1
Connor, Pvt. Wade G., bur. 11/21/1920, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #3
Connor, Rachael I., bur. 12/5/1923, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-125 #5
Connor, Richard Lynn, bur. 1/10/1992, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall ?, Niche #49A
Connor, Robert, bur. 2/2/1927, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-138 #1
Connor, Ronald Dean, bur. 6/10/1991, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #89B
Connor, Thomas J., bur. 9/14/1956, Sec. Love (26) L-398 #3
Conoway, Ida C., bur. 3/5/1937, Sec. Moved out of Cemetery
Conrad, Della Perry, bur. 4/17/1972, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1636.5 Row C
Conrad, Edward T., bur. 5/19/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-152 NW1/2 #4
Conrad, Helen S., bur. 2/17/1964, Sec. Memories (16) L-462 #1
Conrad, Marie, bur. 4/26/1972, Sec. Crestview (22) L-91 #28
Conrad, Mary, bur. 1/27/1944, Sec. Graceland (6) L-152 NW1/2 #5
Conrad, Oscar Carl, bur. 4/26/1944, Sec. Memories (16) L-463 #3
Conslisk, Bessie H., bur. 3/10/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-126 #2
Constantine, Bradley James, bur. 7/14/1989, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-303 #3
Constantine, Geo. T., bur. 2/5/1940, Sec. Greek (20) L-42 #6
Constantine, George James, bur. 11/11/1983, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-303 #2
Constantine, James, bur. 2/28/1950, Sec. Abbey L-828 Row K
Constantine, Olive I., bur. 1/10/1961, Sec. Abbey L-827 Row K
Contos, Peter J., bur. 10/26/1963, Sec. Greek (20) L-7 #3
Conway, Alice, bur. 4/30/1942, Sec. Fairview (8) L-155 #5
Conway, Anne Elizabeth, bur. 10/26/1962, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #1
Conway, Arthur, bur. 12/11/1944, Sec. Abbey L-949.5 Row K
Conway, Dora, bur. 8/23/1982, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #6
Conway, Ernest J., bur. 4/26/1997, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-69 #1
Conway, Infant of Lester J., bur. 11/4/1958, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1652 Row E
Conway, John J., bur. 6/26/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-490 #1
Conway, Karen Kaye, bur. 8/13/1957, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1652 Row E
Conway, LeRoy, bur. 4/19/1921, Sec. Fairview (8) L-155 #7
Conway, Lester, bur. no date, Sec. Abbey L-1641.5 Row B
Conway, Lexina T., bur. 10/21/1977, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #5
Conway, M. W., bur. 8/29/1924, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #2
Conway, Mable E., bur. 5/17/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-490 #2
Conway, Mary Q., bur. 9/18/1972, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-949 Row K
Conway, Mathew, bur. 4/3/1945, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #4
Conway, Mrs. Lexina, bur. 8/23/1924, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-149 #3
Conway, Nancy, bur. 7/27/1938, Sec. Pineview (21) L-193 #4
Conway, Robert McJunkin, bur. 4/21/1921, Sec. Fairview (8) L-162 #4
Conwell, Arthur W., bur. 8/16/1993, Sec. Abbey L-1764 Row D
Conwell, Bess, bur. 7/27/1995, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-34 Row B
Conwell, Charles R., bur. 7/23/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1627 Row B
Conwell, Clarence A., bur. 4/6/1982, Sec. Pineview (21) L-296 #5
Conwell, John William, bur. 7/15/1982, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #34
Conwell, Kathryn Mary, bur. 6/14/1968, Sec. Abbey L-Room 2 Row D
Conwell, Mary Louise, bur. no date, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1764.5 Row D
Conwell, Robert Thomas, bur. 4/6/1963, Sec. Abbey L-Siegfried RM.2 Row E
Conwell, Tessa Blanche, bur. 7/5/1960, Sec. Pineview (21) L-296 #6
Conwell, Walter G., bur. 9/19/1941, Sec. Pineview (21) L-296 N7'x20' #2
Coody, Infant of A.M., bur. 7/31/1941, Sec. Oaklawn (23) Single L-71 #33
Cook, A. F., bur. 10/18/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-127 #4
Cook, Anna Dell, bur. 1/27/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-529 #1
Cook, Anna Olivia, bur. 12/15/1943, Sec. Greenland (4) L-189 #2
Cook, Beatrice Emma, bur. 12/9/1981, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-240 #5
Cook, Bessie Grace, bur. 2/6/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Q #6
Cook, Billy King, bur. 10/23/1990, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-140 #6
Cook, Carolyn Lomax, bur. 4/19/1990, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-362 #2
Cook, Celia Hall, bur. 1/24/1985, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-129 #8
Cook, Charles King, bur. 2/6/1958, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-140 #8
Cook, Charles, bur. 11/12/1952, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-76 #6
Cook, Chester C., bur. 8/6/1968, Sec. Love (26) L-303 #6
Cook, Clifton Lee, bur. 9/10/1973, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-196 #1
Cook, Clyde L., bur. 11/1/1958, Sec. Memories (16) L-529 #6
Cook, Cora Maude, bur. 3/15/1966, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-918 Row J
Cook, Cora, bur. 11/27/1950, Sec. Devotion (25) L-75 #53
Cook, Della F., bur. 11/28/1984, Sec. Greenland (4) L-99 #6
Cook, Dorothy Helen, bur. 8/3/1984, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1438 Row J
Cook, Floe D., bur. 7/21/1971, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-371 #1
Cook, Frances Harriett, bur. 6/1/1968, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-166 #5
Cook, Frank Pierce, bur. 3/17/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) L-132 #1
Cook, Fred S., bur. 10/31/1958, Sec. Abbey L-826 Row L
Cook, George B., bur. 12/26/1944, Sec. Memories (16) L-529 #2
Cook, Gertraud H., bur. 5/18/1992, Sec. Jewish (18) L-113 #1
Cook, Gladys Mabelle, bur. 3/16/2005, Sec. Devotion (25) L-382 #2, Moore Memory FH
Cook, Grace, bur. 12/15/1954, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1408 Row E
Cook, H. Roddie, bur. 9/18/1952, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1663 Row K
Cook, Harry Dorland, bur. 10/23/1971, Sec. Abbey L-1711 Row A1
Cook, Harry Floyd, bur. 6/20/1953, Sec. Memories (16) L-529 #5
Cook, Harry, bur. 11/22/1960, Sec. Greenland (4) L-179 #3
Cook, Hazel Frances, bur. 8/11/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-39 #1
Cook, Hugh Barcley, bur. 5/15/1980, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-371 #2
Cook, Ina D., bur. 2/25/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-132 #2
Cook, Infant of C. H., bur. 12/31/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Z #28
Cook, Infant of Donnie, bur. 5/10/1963, Sec. Peace (24) L-395 #1B (East End)
Cook, Infant of F. L., bur. 10/10/1941, Sec. Crestview (22) L-62 #16
Cook, Infant of T. H., bur. 9/10/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #79
Cook, J. T., bur. 2/23/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-314 N1/2
Cook, J. T., bur. 8/6/1928, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-76 #2
Cook, James Brown, bur. 12/21/1961, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1667 Row J
Cook, James H., bur. 7/1/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-74 #40
Cook, James, bur. 1/14/1991, Sec. Private Estates West L-27 #5
Cook, Jennie Bell, bur. 8/2/1967, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-195 #4
Cook, Joe Hugh Allen, bur. 4/16/1968, Sec. Pineview (21) L-329 #1
Cook, Julia Myrtle, bur. 5/7/1976, Sec. Greenland (4) L-179 #2
Cook, Kathleen B., bur. 1/11/1975, Sec. Pineview (21) L-14 #3
Cook, Laura Alice, bur. 1/19/1932, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-46 #21
Cook, Laura Bell, bur. 7/28/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-70 #20
Cook, Laura June, bur. 9/1/1917, Sec. Greenland (4) L-91 #5
Cook, Lizzie, bur. 6/14/1948, Sec. Greenland (4) L-60 #4
Cook, Lottie Whitehead, bur. 5/9/1969, Sec. Memories (16) L-597 #2
Cook, Madora, bur. 2/28/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-91 #6
Cook, Margaret, bur. 2/2/1929, Sec. Graceland (6) L-309 #8
Cook, Marie, bur. 4/6/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-127 #3
Cook, Mary Myrtle, bur. 5/9/1966, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-76 #5
Cook, Mose Henry, bur. 11/5/1973, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-68 #1
Cook, Mrs. Flora Noel, bur. 9/1/1936, Sec. Abbey L-825 Row L
Cook, Mrs. Nellie, bur. 12/7/1922, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-195 #5
Cook, Nanna, bur. 8/26/1952, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-68 #2
Cook, Neal Albert, bur. 3/8/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-60 #1
Cook, Nellie Frances, bur. 3/3/1962, Sec. Love (26) L-26 #1
Cook, Preston L., bur. 11/15/1969, Sec. Crestview (22) L-65 #2
Cook, Rebecca J., bur. 4/1/1927, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-76 #3
Cook, Reva L. McArthur, bur. 12/4/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-60 #2
Cook, Robert D., bur. 5/6/1955, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-2 #5
Cook, Robert L., bur. 3/23/1953, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1408.5 Row E
Cook, Rose Blanche, bur. 12/27/1951, Sec. Love (26) L-303 #5
Cook, Rosetta Lillie, bur. 7/10/1962, Sec. Greenland (4) L-319 #5
Cook, Sally, bur. 11/5/1993, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-140 #7
Cook, Shirley, bur. 9/24/1984, Sec. Love (26) L-215 #4
Cook, Stewart Wesley, bur. 1/30/1939, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-58 #70
Cook, Talmadge, bur. 7/24/1995, Sec. Peace (24) L-57 #7
Cook, Teddy Rowe, bur. 6/22/1949, Sec. Peace (24) L-57 #5
Cook, Thomas A., bur. 1/2/1947, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-919 Row J
Cook, Tillie Amanda, bur. 6/28/1933, Sec. Abbey L-920 Row J
Cook, Treava B., bur. 5/28/1975, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1666 Row J
Cook, William M., bur. 1/13/1936, Sec. Greenland (4) L-60 #3
Cook, William Robert, bur. 7/27/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-32 #18
Cook, William W., bur. 12/5/1990, Sec. Love (26) L-215 #8
Cook,, Wallace E., bur. 11/19/1958, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-166 #4
Cooke, Calvin Cole, bur. 10/28/1922, Sec. Fairview (8) L-173 #3
Cooke, Dorothy A., bur. 5/18/1987, Sec. Love (26) L-142 #5
Cooke, Marion C., bur. 10/25/1993, Sec. Love (26) L-142 #6
Cooke, Mrs. Helen Lewis, bur. 5/28/1927, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-190 #3
Cooke, Stella May Bates, bur. 2/7/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-728 Row C
Cookerly, Elizabeth, bur. 7/6/1999, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-925 Row M
Cookerly, Franklin Ray, bur. 1/30/1981, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-926 Row M
Cookerly, George Ray, bur. 6/1/1976, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-924 Row M
Cooles, Berthabel, bur. 1/29/1994, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1503 Row J
Cooley, C. Sterling, bur. 11/27/1965, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1652 Row K
Cooley, Charles William, bur. 12/22/1949, Sec. Peace (24) L-167 #4
Cooley, Edith D., bur. 12/20/1988, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1764 Row L
Cooley, Ervine, bur. 2/5/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-48 #29
Cooley, Eula Mae, bur. 2/22/1960, Sec. Peace (24) L-167 #3
Cooley, Infant of John R., bur. 12/4/1958, Sec. Crestview (22) L-82 #50
Cooley, James Albert, bur. 3/25/1944, Sec. Abbey L-412 Row A
Cooley, Martin L. Jr., bur. 6/21/1979, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1764.5 Row L
Cooley, Martin L., bur. 5/19/1970, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1617 Row D
Cooley, Mary Wolf, bur. 8/8/1958, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1616 Row D
Cooley, Nettie V., bur. 12/10/1973, Sec. Abbey L-411 Row A
Coomes, Basil R., bur. 12/16/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-166 W1/2 #2
Coon, Charles B., bur. 5/26/1941, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-138 #3
Coon, Chas. F., bur. 3/11/1925, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-138 #4
Coon, Georgia Ann, bur. 11/11/2000, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-138 #7
Coon, Opal F., bur. 1/22/1983, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-138 #2
Coon, Robert Pitts, bur. 6/19/1993, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-138 #8
Cooper, Allen, bur. 9/6/1995, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-236 #1
Cooper, Ann, bur. 4/19/1949, Sec. Jewish (18) L-37 #3
Cooper, Annie May, bur. 3/10/1960, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-149 #5
Cooper, argaret M., bur. 12/21/1948, Sec. Abbey L-701 Row G
Cooper, Bernard, bur. 8/24/1976, Sec. Jewish (18) L-51 #3
Cooper, Bessie R., bur. 4/6/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-553 #6
Cooper, Bettie W., bur. 1/4/1972, Sec. Pineview (21) L-264 #2
Cooper, Bill, bur. 6/25/1990, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-198 #2
Cooper, Carl D., bur. 5/17/1949, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-430.5 Row D
Cooper, Catherine M., bur. 6/5/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-110 N1/2 #2
Cooper, Cecil Edwin, bur. 2/25/1974, Sec. Greenland (4) L-25 #2
Cooper, Charles Albert, bur. 11/20/1963, Sec. Fairview (8) L-145 #11
Cooper, Deborah LeeAnn, bur. 5/26/2004, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-511 #10, Rose Hill FH
Cooper, Elias Frederick, bur. 1/22/1947, Sec. Greenland (4) L-11 #4
Cooper, Eula May, bur. 12/2/1957, Sec. Peace (24) L-229 #2
Cooper, Eva Lena, bur. 5/11/1973, Sec. Greenland (4) L-154 #5
Cooper, Ezra Ellsworth, bur. 9/18/1951, Sec. Greenland (4) L-154 #6
Cooper, Ezra Jackson, bur. 3/16/1970, Sec. Love (26) L-303 #4
Cooper, Fern G. Sr., bur. 5/4/1946, Sec. Peace (24) L-261 #2
Cooper, Fern Graham, bur. 10/17/1992, Sec. Crestview (22) L-26 #5
Cooper, Florence Faye, bur. 8/29/1963, Sec. Graceland (6) L-214 #2
Cooper, Francis H., bur. 3/12/1977, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-29 #7
Cooper, Francis, bur. 5/19/1944, Sec. Greenland (4) L-11 W1/2 #3
Cooper, George D., bur. 1/4/1985, Sec. Love (26) L-85 #7
Cooper, Helen, bur. 9/19/1923, Sec. Graceland (6) L-505 W1/2 #5
Cooper, Homer G., bur. 7/20/1957, Sec. Graceland (6) L-214 #1
Cooper, Homer P., bur. 3/6/1950, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-397 #4
Cooper, Infant of E. E., bur. 10/16/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-154 #4
Cooper, Infant of Joe M., bur. 2/7/1967, Sec. Crestview (22) L-89 #27
Cooper, Infant of Robert W., bur. 1/5/1954, Sec. Graceland (6) L-214 #7
Cooper, J. H., bur. 2/5/1938, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-149 #4
Cooper, Jack, bur. 7/16/1929, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-44 #55
Cooper, James Joe, bur. 11/6/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-156 #2
Cooper, John B., bur. 2/2/1939, Sec. Jewish (18) L-51 S1/2 #4
Cooper, John Forrest, bur. 1/18/1963, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-149 #6
Cooper, John W., bur. 5/4/1974, Sec. Greenland (4) L-204 #4
Cooper, Levona Edith, bur. 6/1/1932, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-397 W1/2 #3
Cooper, Lura, bur. 1/22/1966, Sec. Love (26) L-303 #3
Cooper, M. B., bur. 1/22/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) L-7 W1/2 #3
Cooper, Maude S., bur. 5/24/1976, Sec. Sunset (19) L-36 #6
Cooper, Meriam Louise, bur. 1/5/2002, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-198 #1
Cooper, Michael, bur. 3/3/1948, Sec. Crestview (22) L-26 #6
Cooper, Mildred W., bur. 7/19/1985, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-236 #2
Cooper, Millard J., bur. 7/15/1968, Sec. Sunset (19) L-36 #5
Cooper, Mrs. Abbie, bur. 11/1/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-156 #1
Cooper, Myrtle I., bur. 12/4/1992, Sec. Love (26) L-85 #6
Cooper, Nancy L., bur. 7/17/1954, Sec. Moved out of Cemetery
Cooper, Ole Chas., bur. 8/15/1942, Sec. Pineview (21) L-264 #1
Cooper, Ora M., bur. 1/12/1977, Sec. Fairview (8) L-145 #12
Cooper, T. S., bur. 8/30/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-333 #2
Cooper, Ted R., bur. 6/17/1977, Sec. Peace (24) L-229 #1
Cooper, Thelma, bur. 2/14/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-214 #5
Cooper, Thomas Garfield, bur. 8/21/1950, Sec. Graceland (6) L-214 #6
Cooper, Vesta Marshall, bur. 2/8/1947, Sec. Greenland (4) L-11 #1
Coopman, Henry E., bur. 6/9/1965, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1437 Row C
Coopman, Lena T., bur. 4/4/1985, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1436 Row C
Copass, Jack M., bur. 12/26/1963, Sec. Peace (24) L-73 #2
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