Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1845-1923), 68 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Oklahoma Funeral Notices
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Submitted by Arlen Gregory, [rosehillmemorialpark@cox.net].
Dicus, Eddie Robert, bur. 9/22/1955, Sec. Highland (14) L-111 #8
Dicus, Jessie, bur. 3/29/1947, Sec. Memories (16) L-228 #6
Dicus, Nora E., bur. 7/21/1933, Sec. Meditation (15) L-49 #6
Dicus, Norma Henry, bur. 2/7/1936, Sec. Meditation (15) L-53 #1
Dicus, Pvt. James R., bur. 11/2/1944, Sec. Highland (14) L-111
Dicus, Theadoshia, bur. 12/14/1951, Sec. Highland (14) L-111 #4
Dicus, Tommie, bur. 12/30/1940, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #16
Dicus, Wesley Gene, bur. 9/9/1929, Sec. Memories (16) L-248 #4
Diefenbaker, Otis, bur. 11/7/1922, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-162
Diem, Edith R., bur. 9/23/1989, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-232 Row A
Diem, Harvey S., bur. 8/27/1983, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-231 Row A
Dienst, Ernest R., bur. 9/28/1972, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1509 Row L
Dienst, Mattie, bur. 9/15/1970, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1509.5 Row L
Dier, Estella Justice, bur. 6/3/1949, Sec. Row 68 L-Grave 9
Dietrich, Ira J., bur. 6/15/1976, Sec. Abbey L-320 Row A
Dietrich, Loreine, bur. 4/25/1995, Sec. Abbey L-321 Row A
Dietz, Ella M., bur. 11/19/1951, Sec. Graceland (6) L-554 #2
Dietz, Glen T., bur. 6/28/1952, Sec. Graceland (6) L-554 #4
Dietz, James F., bur. 5/8/1920, Sec. Graceland (6) L-554
Dietz, Ralph James, bur. 9/26/1932, Sec. Graceland (6) L-554
Dietz, Shirley Mae Carlson, bur. 7/2/2001, Sec. Graceland (6) L-554 #5
Diggs, Francis C., bur. 1/5/1942, Sec. Crestview (22) L-60 #8
Dignan, Vera R. Martindale, bur. 1/21/2000, Sec. Devotion (25) L-76 #3
Dikes, Ruby, bur. 3/22/1999, Sec. Love (26) L-337 #3
Dikes, William B., bur. 6/3/1963, Sec. Love (26) L-337 #4
Dill, David J., bur. 2/23/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-K #9
Dill, Elsie E., bur. 11/6/1967, Sec. Pineview (21) L-180 #1
Dillahunty, Bertha Mae, bur. 6/9/1966, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-390 #3
Dillahunty, Infant Twins of Ruth Helen, bur. 12/29/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #29
Dillahunty, Will, bur. 4/24/1979, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-390 #2
Dillard, Anna L., bur. 8/7/1967, Sec. Love (26) L-45 #2
Dillard, Birdie E., bur. 2/17/1984, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-944 Row M
Dillard, Gerald Murdale, bur. 3/26/2005, Sec. Love (26) L-18 #6, Rose Hill FH
Dillard, Irma Louise, bur. 7/15/1995, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-18 #4
Dillard, John Clarence Ellis, bur. 7/12/2000, Sec. Abbey Common Cremorial L-530 #12
Dillard, John Edward, bur. 7/11/1994, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-243 #2
Dillard, John William, bur. 3/2/1964, Sec. Love (26) L-45 #6
Dillard, Leo Alton, bur. 5/3/1988, Sec. Private Estates West L-18 #3
Dillard, Sallie Rose, bur. no date, Sec. Abbey L-732 Row A
Dillard, Veta Mae, bur. 6/11/1946, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-944.5 Row M
Dillard, William C., bur. 9/1/1971, Sec. Love (26) L-45 #3
Dillenbeck, Ralph, bur. 3/5/1951, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A, Niche #87
Dilley, Infant of Becky, bur. 3/5/1979, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-22
Dilliione, Jack, bur. 11/4/1931, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-31
Dillman, Cora Belle, bur. 1/4/1960, Sec. Love (26) L-257 #4
Dillman, J. E., bur. 8/18/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-418 S 1/2
Dillman, Thomas A., bur. 11/7/1979, Sec. Love (26) L-257 #5
Dillon, Clare E., bur. 1/21/1994, Sec. Highland (14) L-276 #1
Dillon, G. A., bur. 12/20/1926, Sec. Westlawn L-16
Dillon, Glen A., bur. 8/19/1950, Sec. Westlawn L-16 #1
Dillon, Kelsey Marie, bur. 5/23/1997, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-8
Dillon, Lena Giesler, bur. 8/1/1968, Sec. Memories (16) L-375 N 1/2 #5
Dillon, Nettie, bur. 11/10/1951, Sec. Westlawn L-16 #2
Dillon, William J., bur. 2/24/1988, Sec. Love (26) L-120 #1
Dimit, Catherine, bur. 6/21/1933, Sec. Memories (16) L-325 S 1/2
Dimitroff, Nick, bur. 3/5/1938, Sec. Crestview (22) L-57 #41
Ding, Yingquan, bur. 11/3/2001, Sec. Fairview (8) L-33 #4
Dinger, Fannie Ethel, bur. 3/12/1997, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-1014 Row E
Dinger, Robert A., bur. 9/6/1943, Sec. Abbey L-218 Row E
Dinger, Walter, bur. 10/26/1988, Sec. Garden Patio Maus.
Dingle, Don R., bur. 3/12/1958, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-377 #4
Dingle, Pansy Ann, bur. 8/2/1965, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-377 #3
Dingus, Darlene Donna, bur. 8/12/1991, Sec. Memories (16) L-197.5 #5
Dinnelly, Rubert A., bur. 2/28/1922, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33
Dirickson, Robert Blake, bur. 2/27/1979, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1742 Row C
Dirickson, Taylor Blake, bur. 10/6/1958, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-527.5 Row D
Dirickson, Virginia Cheatum, bur. no date, Sec. Abbey L-527 Row D
Dirion, Pauline, bur. 2/1/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-201 #6
Dirst, F. Howard, bur. 9/7/1971, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-144 Row E
Dirst, Helen T., bur. 4/21/1982, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-143 Row E
Dishroon, Russell, bur. 1/9/1978, Sec. Love (26) L-105 #4
Dismang, Harvey, bur. 6/18/1935, Sec. Meditation (15) L-50 #21
Dismang, Lawrence Elgin, bur. 6/22/1936, Sec. Meditation (15) L-54 #12
Dismang, Lewis Edmond, bur. 3/16/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-F #27
Dismang, Polly, bur. 11/11/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-35 #17
Dismukes, S. D., bur. 8/7/1940, Sec. Pineview (21) L-307 #4 & 5
Disney, A. B., bur. 10/9/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-70 #81
Disney, Joshua A., bur. 10/4/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-140
Disney, Robert W., bur. 7/23/1934, Sec. Greenland (4) L-3
Diss, Infant of E. W., bur. 4/1/1929, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #54
Diss, John A., bur. 3/22/1952, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-356 #4
Diss, Mae, bur. 4/7/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-356 #3
Ditmore, Infant of W. L., bur. 11/14/1932, Sec. Meditation (15) L-45 #8
Dittman, Charles Adam, bur. 2/1/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-243 #4
Dittman, M. Ray, bur. 5/3/1951, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1613 Row M
Ditzenberger, Adam, bur. 4/23/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-353 #8
Divelbiss, Bessie, bur. 11/26/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-41 #54
Diven, Etta Maye, bur. 7/10/1992, Sec. Love (26) L-171 #6
Diven, Thomas Hill Jr., bur. 6/25/1964, Sec. Love (26) L-171 #7
Diven, Thomas Hill, bur. 8/20/1993, Sec. Love (26) L-171 #5
Divine, Duke Girdner M.D., bur. 6/28/1963, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-154 Row A1
Divine, Hal G., bur. 8/9/1994, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1762.5 Row E
Divine, Ida, bur. 12/16/1994, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1762 Row E
Divine, Susan, bur. 8/1/1985, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-154 Row A
Dix, Cecil Ezra, bur. 10/25/1927, Sec. Highland (14) L-212
Dix, Eli Elwood, bur. 7/1/1939, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-194 #5 & 6
Dix, Eula Lee, bur. 7/16/1965, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-194 #5
Dix, Leion H., bur. 5/26/1998, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #17B
Dixon, Allie, bur. 9/29/1928, Sec. Memories (16) L-273 W 1/2
Dixon, Cora, bur. 10/7/1954, Sec. Graceland (6) L-139 S 1/2 #5
Dixon, Derward A., bur. 4/22/1927, Sec. Meditation (15) L-41 #11
Dixon, Dora, bur. 2/22/1988, Sec. Highland (14) L-223 #2
Dixon, Fannie Carolyn, bur. 4/23/1949, Sec. Crestview (22) L-67 #25
Dixon, George A., bur. 5/14/1949, Sec. Sunset (19) L-7 #4
Dixon, George Clark, bur. 7/6/1942, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-167 #2 & 3
Dixon, James Frank, bur. 4/29/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-74 #31
Dixon, Myrta, bur. 8/3/1940, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-167
Dixon, Noel Bryon, bur. 6/28/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-433
Dixon, Patricia Sue, bur. 10/26/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #85
Dixon, Richard Eric, bur. 5/16/1997, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1778 Row A
Dixon, Robert Allen, bur. 12/1/1954, Sec. Graceland (6) L-139 S 1/2 #6
Dixon, Robert James, bur. 12/23/1950, Sec. Graceland (6) L-139 S 1/2 #4
Dixon, Sarah E., bur. 9/8/1930, Sec. Abbey L-113 Row I
Doan, Florence, bur. 2/27/1945, Sec. Abbey L-Room 3 Row C
Doan, Letitia Ann, bur. 7/13/1933, Sec. Birmingham Maus. L-North side Center Crypt
Doan, Mabel, bur. 2/5/1982, Sec. Abbey L-Room 3 Row C
Doan, Murray M., bur. 11/7/1939, Sec. Abbey L-Room 3 Crypt B
Dobbins, Ed, bur. 4/10/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-336 #1
Dobbins, Janet Elizabeth, bur. 12/7/1992, Sec. Fairview (8) L-39 #5A
Dobbins, John D., bur. 7/13/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-544
Dobbins, John, bur. 9/30/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-544
Dobbins, vannie, bur. 5/15/2004, Sec. Graceland (6) L-336 #2, Rose Hill FH
Dobbins, Virgil, bur. 3/29/1935, Sec. Graceland (6) L-544
Dobbs, Alice, bur. 6/22/1956, Sec. Greenland (4) L-257 #2
Dobbs, Allen, bur. 4/3/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) L-257
Dobbs, Cecil, bur. 10/10/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-257
Dobbs, Frankie Dean III, bur. 8/3/1983, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #199A
Dobbs, Infant of Bonnie, bur. 2/13/1979, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-15
Dobbs, L. E., bur. 3/2/1928, Sec. Greenland (4) L-257
Dobie, David L., bur. 6/28/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Y #7
Dobie, Unnamed, bur. 4/22/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-F #30
Dobson, Howard, bur. 2/27/2001, Sec. Devotion (25) L-328 #6
Dobson, Ida Mae, bur. 5/19/1986, Sec. Love (26) L-392 #2
Dobson, Johnny R., bur. 1/20/1995, Sec. Devotion (25) L-328 #4
Dobson, Walter Bert, bur. 5/29/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-110 N 1/2
Dockery, Francis Odessa, bur. 9/1/1930, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-399
Dodd, John W., bur. 3/6/1921, Sec. Fairview (8) L-146
Dodd, Maggie, bur. 3/28/1946, Sec. Crestview (22) L-73 #8
Dodd, Roxie B., bur. 7/24/1998, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-PB #15A
Dodge, Agnes L., bur. 7/10/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-149
Dodge, Elliott, bur. 12/29/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-402
Dodge, Fitzhugh Lee, bur. 5/14/1955, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-239 #6
Dodge, John Ralph, bur. 1/26/1940, Sec. Graceland (6) L-402
Dodge, Lloyd A., bur. 10/22/1985, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1755B Row A1
Dodge, Lorene McIntire, bur. 11/2/1996, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1755A Row A
Dodge, Paul E., bur. 11/6/1933, Sec. Graceland (6) L-402
Dodge, Percy V., bur. 12/9/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-402
Dodge, Susie, bur. 10/16/1930, Sec. Graceland (6) L-402
Dodgion, Maude, bur. 1/29/1935, Sec. Memories (16) L-572 #5 & 6
Dodson, Earl Van, bur. 9/4/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-135 #1
Dodson, Eva Mae, bur. 7/5/1991, Sec. Crestview (22) L-135 w 1/2 #2
Dodson, Nathan, bur. 6/18/1969, Sec. Peace (24) L-329 #4
Dodson, Olive Irene, bur. 8/2/1965, Sec. Peace (24) L-329 #3
Dodson, St. Elmo Carlyle, bur. 12/18/1933, Sec. Graceland (6) L-320
Doebler, Lena Pearl, bur. 11/18/1998, Sec. Memories (16) L-405 #5
Doebler, Thomas Kenneth, bur. 6/22/1989, Sec. Memories (16) L-405 #4
Doerr, Carl O., bur. 10/16/1990, Sec. Greenland (4) L-273 #4
Doerr, Jacob P., bur. 1/2/1942, Sec. Greenland (4) L-273
Doerr, Laura Ellen, bur. 11/30/1936, Sec. Greenland (4) L-273
Doerr, Susie Francis, bur. 10/28/1987, Sec. Greenland (4) L-273 #5
Doerr, Wayne Carl, bur. 11/15/1994, Sec. Greenland (4) L-273 #6
Doggett, Elizabeth J., bur. 12/3/1988, Sec., Moore (28) L-19 #1
Doles, Frank L., bur. 8/30/1950, Sec. Crestview (22) L-77 #16
Dollard, Alba Bernard, bur. 10/6/1925, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-5
Dollard, Alva B., bur. 8/18/1942, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-5
Domin, Ruth Stark, bur. 3/1/1989, (cremains) Sec. Crestview (22) L-54 #6
Donahey, Infant of Edward L., bur. 9/17/1946, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 72 #86
Donahoe, Leo Carroll, bur. 9/1/1949, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-347 Row B
Donahou, Infant of George W., bur. 1/17/1955, Sec. Crestview (22) L-84 #17
Donahou, Morgan Edward, bur. 8/1/1953, Sec. Crestview (22) L-81 #20
Donahue, Howard, bur. 5/24/1939, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-210
Donahue, Infant of J. D., bur. 4/8/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-344 #4.5
Donahue, Infant of J. Francis, bur. 7/15/1937, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #36
Donahue, Robert B., bur. 2/22/1943, Sec. Pineview (21) L-57 #2 & 3
Donahue, Roxie (Ida), bur. 12/2/1980, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-210 #4
Donald, Edgar, bur. 11/7/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-33 #4
Donald, Fidelis, bur. 1/6/1995, Sec., Moore (28) L-44 #3
Donaldson, A. J., bur. 6/4/1938, Sec. Memories (16) L-353 #4
Donaldson, Anna Lee, bur. 2/5/1969, Sec. Memories (16) L-353 #6
Donaldson, George W., bur. 9/20/1990, Sec. Pineview (21) L-348 #1
Donaldson, John N., bur. 8/14/1968, Sec. Highland (14) L-124 #6
Donaldson, Luther L., bur. 7/25/1944, Sec. Memories (16) L-353
Donaldson, Sybil, bur. 8/30/1980, Sec. Pineview (21) L-348 #2
Donaldson, Thelma Mildred, bur. 9/24/1998, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-249 #6
Donaldson, W. E., bur. 7/20/1920, Sec. Graceland (6) L-236
Donaldson, Wilma P., bur. 7/16/2001, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #163B
Donelson, Gloria D., bur. 12/27/1999, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-198 #4
Donelson, James A. III, bur. 5/6/1983, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-198
Donelson,Sr., Joe E, bur. 9/8/2004, Sec. Private Estates West L-26 #5, Bixby FH
Donley, Helen Manning, bur. 5/18/1959, Sec. Devotion (25) L-256 #6
Donley, Joseph E., bur. 2/21/1957, Sec. Devotion (25) L-256 #5
Donnell, Betty J., bur. 3/30/1931, Sec. Memories (16) L-592
Donnell, James A., bur. 11/30/1919, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-J #11
Donnelly, Alexander Scott, bur. 6/1/1948, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #4
Donnelly, Alice Katherine, bur. 3/10/1995, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #6
Donnelly, Donald Stanley, bur. 12/13/1969, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1708 Row A1
Donnelly, Elva Jane, bur. 1/28/1950, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #3
Donnelly, John Edward, bur. 5/25/1990, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A #67 & 68 H
Donnelly, Mary Myrtle, bur. 11/24/1973, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1708 Row A
Donnelly, Richard G., bur. 2/6/1954, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #2
Donnelly, Richard, bur. 7/27/1998, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #8
Donnelly, Rubert A., bur. 2/28/1922, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33
Donnelly, Vera Maude, bur. 4/12/1966, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-33 #1
Donnelly, William A., bur. 5/25/1936, Sec. Abbey L-317 Row C
Dons, Anna, bur. 10/25/1947, Sec. Pineview (21) L-108 #5
Dons, Ethel Elizabeth Susan, bur. 2/7/1966, Sec. Pineview (21) L-108 #6
Dons, Jno. Madsen, bur. 4/9/1931, Sec. Pineview (21) L-108
Dooks, Infant of Frank, bur. 4/6/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-A #23
Doolas, William, bur. 8/31/1934, Sec. Greek (20) L-2
Dooley, ADA P., bur. 6/1/1979, Sec. Memories (16) L-549 #4
Dooley, Eliza, bur. 4/6/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-70 #53
Dooley, Imogene, bur. 9/1/1981, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-183 #4
Dooley, James Wilburn, bur. 5/6/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-549 East 1/2
Doolin, John William, bur. 3/1/1963, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-409 #1
Doolin, Otis, bur. 11/9/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-245 S 1/2
Doolittle, Ethel H., bur. 7/25/1955, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1640.5 Row B
Doolittle, Mrs. Jessie Lee, bur. 4/5/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-147
Doolittle, Norman Anthony, bur. 1/5/1965, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1640 Row B
Dooty, Winnifred Alene, bur. 4/10/1974, Sec. Love (26) L-132 #4
Dopp, Herman C., bur. 2/23/1953, Sec. Love (26) L-252 #7
Doran, Susan, bur. 7/16/1936, Sec. Pineview (21) L-96 #4
Dorman, Bert Eugene, bur. 10/12/1957, Sec. Devotion (25) L-203 #8
Dorman, Jessa, bur. 5/18/1957, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-117 #8
Dorman, John W., bur. 12/9/1978, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-117 #7
Dorman, Lenora, bur. 4/28/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-203 #7
Dorn, Eula Mae, bur. 11/24/1999, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A, Niche #74A
Dorn, Kenneth C., bur. 1/16/1930, Sec. Abbey L-322 Row H
Dorn, Kenneth C., bur. 8/5/1952, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #7
Dorn, Laura Mae, bur. 1/5/1987, (cremains) Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #7
Dorn, Richard D., bur. 5/2/2001, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #11
Dorn, Stacy Bryan, bur. 1/7/1969, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A, Niche #74
Dorrell, Dr. G. B., bur. 9/6/1945, Sec. Highland (14) L-83
Dorrell, Kathryn C., bur. 12/8/1958, Sec. Highland (14) L-83 #3
Dorris, Fred Markham, bur. 4/25/1958, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A, Niche #24
Dorris, John Rushing, bur. 12/24/1945, Sec. Highland (14) L-136
Dorris, Mary Taylor, bur. 7/7/1944, Sec. Highland (14) L-136 #4
Dorris, Mrs. Willie C., bur. 8/11/1942, Sec. Highland (14) L-136
Dorris, Ray Pierce, bur. 9/24/1945, Sec. Highland (14) L-136
Dorsey, Infant of William C., bur. 8/15/1955, Sec. Crestview (22) L-86 #44
Dorsey, Infant of William Clark, bur. 8/28/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-84 #29
Dorsey, Owen L., bur. 7/5/1957, Sec. Highland (14) L-208 #4
Dorsey, Phrona Louisa, bur. 7/25/1962, Sec. Highland (14) L-208 #5
Doss, Samantha Nicole (Infant), bur. 8/6/1990, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-2B
Dossas, Tom, bur. 12/22/1950, Sec. Greek (20) L-41 #6
Dossett, Infant of Tommy M., bur. 3/22/1975, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-179 #3 (West end)
Dossey, John C., bur. 3/26/1983, Sec. Greenland (4) L-314 #2
Dossey, Lucy Earle, bur. 9/22/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) L-314
Dossey, Margaret (Ethel), bur. 1/8/1981, Sec. Greenland (4) L-314 #1
Dotson, Arthur, bur. 6/21/1938, Sec. Memories (16) L-449 South 1/2
Dotson, Ben, bur. 10/5/2002, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-82 #1
Dotson, Beulah K., bur. 3/20/1970, Sec. Memories (16) L-449 #3
Dotson, J. T., bur. 6/19/1940, Sec. Memories (16) L-449 South 1/2
Dotson, Janie Marie, bur. 1/12/2001, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-PC #57
Dotson, Minnie, bur. 12/7/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-T #22
Dotson, Missie, bur. 9/24/1934, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-260
Dotson, Samuel L., bur. 4/22/1939, Sec. Pineview (21) L-71 #6
Dotson, Sarah M., bur. 10/26/1956, Sec. Pineview (21) L-69 #6
Dotson, Thelma D., bur. 8/27/1997, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-82 #2
Dott, Esther, bur. 8/30/1982, (cremains) Sec. Pineview (21) L-95 #Between 1&2
Dott, Robert Henry, bur. 3/14/1988, Sec. Pineview (21) L-95 #3
Dotts, Charles S., bur. 4/17/1941, Sec. Highland (14) L-191 #5
Dotts, Lydia H., bur. 4/1/1935, Sec. Memories (16) L-280 #"1,2,3"
Dotts, Marjorie M., bur. 2/5/1952, Sec. Memories (16) L-280 #3
Doty, Eva Ann, bur. 6/11/1965, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-18 #5
Doty, Gene Wayne, bur. 10/25/1995, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-207 #2
Doty, Hattie Kneale, bur. 8/2/1955, Sec. Graceland (6) L-452 #7
Doty, James H., bur. 10/22/1953, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-18 #4
Doty, Otis (Tye), bur. 12/13/1982, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1720 Row D
Doty, Virginia M., bur. 10/12/1984, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1721 Row D
Double, Bessie Lee, bur. 12/27/1963, Sec. Highland (14) L-188 #3
Double, Corbett, bur. 11/26/1929, Sec. Highland (14) L-188
Double, Tom, bur. 4/19/1934, Sec. Highland (14) L-188
Dougherty, Charles R., bur. 9/20/1988, Sec. Love (26) L-10 #2
Dougherty, Chris H., bur. 9/30/1992, Sec. Love (26) L-87 #6
Dougherty, Col. Ben M., bur. 5/4/1939, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-86 #1&2
Dougherty, Edna, bur. 10/18/1983, Sec. Love (26) L-87 #5
Dougherty, Leone, bur. 5/14/1983, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-26 #3
Dougherty, Lucy Willie, bur. 12/18/1975, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-86 #1
Dougherty, Marjorie F., bur. 10/1/1992, (cremains) Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall D, Niche #16
Douglas, Donald W., bur. 12/22/1976, Sec. Abbey 4th
Douglas, Emile M., bur. 5/23/2003, Sec. Love (26) L-157 #4
Douglas, Flora, bur. 6/17/1983, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-296 #3
Douglas, Francis Pauline, bur. 1/22/2001, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1629 Row L
Douglas, Georgina Smith, bur. 11/24/1950, Sec. Memories (16) L-95 #1
Douglas, Herbert Cyrus, bur. 7/12/1957, Sec. Fairview (8) L-36 #9
Douglas, Ida, bur. 5/13/1939, Sec. Highland (14) L-119
Douglas, John, bur. 7/10/1940, Sec. Memories (16) L-321
Douglas, Knight P., bur. 10/26/1972, (cremains) Sec. Graceland (6) L-112 #3
Douglas, Leander D., bur. 9/6/1949, Sec. Highland (14) L-119 #4
Douglas, Lois Francis, bur. 10/18/1956, Sec. Memories (16) L-664 #6
Douglas, Lura, bur. 11/6/1984, (cremains) Sec. Graceland (6) L-112 #3 Under Marker
Douglas, Mary Louise, bur. 12/31/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-314
Douglas, Mattie M., bur. 9/4/1956, Sec. Abbey L-1631 Row K
Douglas, Minnie Bell, bur. 7/7/1948, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-320 #1
Douglas, Nannie, bur. 11/7/1929, Sec. Fairview (8) L-36 #9.5
Douglas, Ralph, bur. 3/7/1930, Sec. Fairview (8) L-36
Douglas, Reese V., bur. 10/2/1942, Sec. Memories (16) L-321
Douglas, Rex R., bur. 9/9/1968, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-296 #4
Douglas, Rose Marian, bur. 3/10/2004, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1736 #C, Rose Hill FH
Douglas, Shaelyn, bur. 11/7/1984, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-?
Douglass, Jessie, bur. 1/11/1936, Sec. Greenland (4) L-235
Dougless, Dora Frances, bur. 9/9/1982, Sec. Love (26) L-266 #6
Dougless, Edward B., bur. 3/13/1956, Sec. Love (26) L-266 #5
Dougless, Edward Lee, bur. 11/8/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #140
Dove, Infant of Phillip Paul, bur. 6/29/1980, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-78
Dover, Darlene, bur. 1/28/2004, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-529A #8, Rose Hill FH
Dover, Rose, bur. 6/3/1969, Sec. Highland (14) L-167 #2
Dover, Verleen, bur. 5/15/1940, Sec. Highland (14) L-167
Dover, William Edward, bur. 12/12/1953, Sec. Highland (14) L-167 #1
Dow, Alfred L., bur. 1/12/1995, Sec. Greenland (4) L-327 #4
Dow, Barbara Lang, bur. 3/2/1998, Sec. Graceland (6) L-327 #6
Dow, Burnett Eugene, bur. 5/31/1928, Sec. Highland (14) L-168
Dow, Etta Lytle, bur. 12/14/1943, Sec. Highland (14) L-168
Dow, Robert, bur. 12/31/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-S #26
Dowd, Harry Edward, bur. 9/4/1933, Sec. Memories (16) L-103
Dowell, Ben H., bur. 1/29/1945, Sec. Peace (24) L-114
Dowell, Betty L., bur. 3/18/1993, Sec. Peace (24) L-112 #1
Dowell, Frank, bur. 12/1/1935, Sec. Abbey L-Room 10 Row B
Dowell, George R., bur. 11/13/1986, (cremains) Sec. Peace (24) L-113 #2
Dowell, Grace R., bur. 6/2/1955, Sec. Love (26) L-165 #6
Dowell, Harold L., bur. 10/18/1968, Sec. Love (26) L-165 #5
Dowell, J. Houston, bur. 7/13/1988, Sec. Peace (24) L-112 #2
Dowell, Jessie J., bur. 4/20/1956, Sec. Abbey L-121 Row H
Dowell, Jessie Pearl, bur. 2/21/1966, Sec. Memories (16) L-607 #5
Dowell, Lula Jane, bur. 12/26/1979, Sec. Fairview (8) L-23 #26
Dowell, Mallie H., bur. 4/27/1962, Sec. Peace (24) L-114 #2
Dowell, Martin, bur. 4/3/1929, Sec. Abbey L-120 Row H
Dowell, Mary, bur. 4/5/1969, Sec. Abbey L-Room 10 Row C
Dowell, Robert F., bur. 4/25/1949, Sec. Peace (24) L-114 #3
Dowell, Walter J., bur. 4/25/1951, Sec. Fairview (8) L-23 #27
Dowell, Wyeth R., bur. 9/26/1975, Sec. Peace (24) L-113 #1
Dowle, ELIJAH, bur. 12/29/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) L-47 #5
Dowler, F. L., bur. 2/10/1937, Sec. Highland (14) L-153 #1&2
Dowler, Hattie M., bur. 4/28/1948, Sec. Highland (14) L-153 #2
Dowler, Merwin Lang, bur. 2/28/1939, Sec. Highland (14) L-153 #5
Dowling, Cora M., bur. 12/24/1948, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-449 #2
Dowling, Opal Nora, bur. 1/20/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-486
Dowling, Raymond C., bur. 6/22/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-288 #8
Dowling, Willis W., bur. 3/4/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-449
Down, Cecil, bur. 12/1/1932, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-47 #14
Downer, Avery E., bur. 7/17/1968, Sec. Pineview (21) L-260 #4
Downey, Dee H., bur. 5/18/1957, Sec. Devotion (25) L-256 #7
Downey, Gladys Pauline, bur. 1/7/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-256 #8
Downey, Infant of Olen, bur. 4/30/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #103
Downing, Alonzo Edgar, bur. 8/8/1949, Sec. Highland (14) L-177 #5
Downing, Alpha O., bur. 2/16/1978, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1640 Row K
Downing, Bertha F., bur. 11/28/1931, Sec. Highland (14) L-171
Downing, Cassius Marcellus, bur. 3/23/1957, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1640.5 Row K
Downing, Cecil R., bur. 9/24/1970, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1407 Row D
Downing, Charlotte W., bur. 4/16/1993, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1413 Row C
Downing, Dorothy E., bur. 7/26/1997, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-203 #6
Downing, E. Katherine, bur. 9/26/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1407.5 Row D
Downing, Elizabeth H., bur. 6/16/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-259
Downing, Louise, bur. 3/9/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-203
Downing, Paul, bur. 12/15/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-38 #4
Downing, Raymond C., bur. 6/8/1944, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-259
Downing, Robert Barrett, bur. 8/19/1953, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1401 Row B
Downing, Robert C. (Bob), bur. 8/16/1976, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1413 Row A1
Downing, Ruth Jewell, bur. 5/21/2001, Sec. Apostles (31) L-3 #1
Downing, Samuel H., bur. 9/21/1948, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-259 #4
Downing, Sylvia, bur. 3/21/1936, Sec. Pineview (21) L-210 #4&5
Downing, Ursula Pinkerton, bur. 2/23/1962, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-203 #4
Downs, Amy E., bur. 6/27/1940, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-70 #10
Downs, Catherine, bur. 6/5/1924, Sec. Graceland (6) L-539
Downs, Chas., bur. 5/23/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) L-214
Downs, Frances C., bur. 12/14/1971, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1610 Row C
Downs, Fred Carlyle, bur. 3/16/1963, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1611 Row C
Downs, Goldie L., bur. 7/29/1968, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-419 #1
Downs, Harry L., bur. 7/19/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-214
Downs, Helen M., bur. 10/20/1952, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-419 #2
Downs, Louise, bur. 1/3/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) L-214
Downs, Maude Louise, bur. 12/26/1951, Sec. Greenland (4) L-214 #4
Downs, Roy C., bur. 6/24/1969, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-419 #4
Doyle, Edward Ward, bur. 10/15/1965, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-4 #4
Doyle, James, bur. 10/2/1928, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-373
Doyle, Jeanne E., bur. 12/28/1999, Sec. Greenland (4) L-169 #6
Doyle, Josephine V., bur. 2/20/1973, Sec. Graceland (6) L-150 #2
Doyle, Leslie L., bur. 12/29/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-150
Doyle, Tommy, bur. 6/15/1971, Sec. Greenland (4) L-169 #7
Doyle, Tyler, bur. 1/31/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Y #5
Doyle, Walter W., bur. 6/5/1922, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-4
Dozhkey, Otto, bur. 8/26/1916, Sec. Single Space
Draayer, Stanley D., bur. 2/1/1992, Sec. Pineview (21) L-64 #3
Drain, Amos, bur. 2/23/1944, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drain, Amy, bur. 2/1/1935, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drain, Bert, bur. 2/14/1925, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drain, Clarence, bur. 6/20/1980, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1769.5 Row A1
Drain, Cora, bur. 11/18/1938, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drain, Grace May, bur. 1/22/1990, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1769.5 Row A
Drain, Joseph D., bur. 6/29/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-39 #74
Drain, Laura Blanche, bur. 10/20/1927, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drain, Lon, bur. 2/14/1938, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-318
Drake, Audrey Marion, bur. 10/22/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-273 S 1/2
Drake, Charles E., bur. 2/5/1948, Sec. Pineview (21) L-120 #1
Drake, Edward E., bur. 1/5/1998, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-PA #31D
Drake, Edward E., bur. 4/26/1944, Sec. Memories (16) L-546 #1&2
Drake, Esta Bell, bur. 2/4/1975, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-133 Row D
Drake, Frank L., bur. 11/29/1955, Sec. Crestview (22) L-96 #4
Drake, Gertrude E., bur. 1/13/1989, Sec. Memories (16) L-546 #2
Drake, H. K. Jr., bur. 7/5/1991, Sec. Graceland (6) L-593 #6
Drake, Hasel Kirk, bur. 2/13/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-593 #4
Drake, Infant of Richard H., bur. 5/13/1946, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 72 #95
Drake, James Robert, bur. 1/13/1962, Sec. Graceland (6) L-593 #2
Drake, John H., bur. 3/26/1974, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-134 Row D
Drake, Lillian Harriett, bur. 10/12/1979, Sec. Graceland (6) L-593 #5
Drake, Mary Gladys, bur. 8/27/1988, Sec. Love (26) L-169 #5
Drake, Maude Marjorie, bur. 10/5/1925, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-213
Drake, Miss Maud, bur. 6/6/1932, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-213
Drake, Mrs. Dema, bur. 3/10/1936, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-57
Drake, Oscar Edward, bur. 6/15/1945, Sec. Graceland (6) L-273
Drake, Pamela Jane, bur. 9/29/1998, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-Wall B #101
Drake, Richard Garland, bur. 10/30/1996, Sec. Memories (16) L-507 #2
Drake, Richard Leon, bur. 11/29/1960, Sec. Memories (16) L-507 #3
Drake, Ruth, bur. 6/19/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-593 #3
Drake, Steven, bur. 2/5/1982, Sec. Greek (20) L-16 #5
Drakos, Bill G., bur. 11/15/1978, Sec. Greek (20) L-16 #4
Drakos, Sue, bur. 12/3/1986, Sec. Greek (20) L-16 #3
Drakos, Theodore G., bur. 7/31/1975, Sec. Greek (20) L-16 #2
Drane, Gary Paul, bur. 8/9/1989, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1769 Row A1
Draper, Adelia, bur. 7/2/1946, Sec. Fairview (8) L-62 #6
Draper, Elva, bur. 12/3/1986, Sec. Highland (14) L-98 #2
Draper, Elvie, bur. 5/8/1979, Sec. Highland (14) L-98 #1
Draper, Jack E., bur. 9/6/1927, Sec. Highland (14) L-98
Draper, Tess Viola, bur. 9/17/1971, Sec. Love (26) L-349 #3
Draper, William, bur. 1/16/1921, Sec. Fairview (8) L-62
Dreher, Charles, bur. 3/4/1963, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-360 #4
Dreher, Elizabeth, bur. 12/26/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-360 #3
Dreher, Lutwich C., bur. 1/29/1962, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-450 #6
Dremissi, Steve K., bur. 5/18/1957, Sec. Greek (20) L-27 #1
Dressler, Earl E., bur. 3/15/1991, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall D, Niche #7
Drew, Charles Lee, bur. 6/27/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-48 #5
Drew, Ella Thompson, bur. 5/13/1961, Sec. Graceland (6) L-48 #4
Drew, William Colby, bur. 5/23/1936, Sec. Meditation (15) L-53 #3
Drew, Zetah A., bur. 3/26/1947, Sec. Peace (24) L-38 #4
Dreyer, Essie Cerise, bur. 7/2/1960, Sec. Devotion (25) L-226 #1
Dreyer, Oren B., bur. 11/11/1952, Sec. Devotion (25) L-226 #2
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