Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1845-1923), 68 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Oklahoma Funeral Notices
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Submitted by Arlen Gregory [rosehillmemorialpark@cox.net].
Hand, Eva Jane, bur. 9/13/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-628 #4
Hand, Henry M., bur. 2/2/1956, Sec. Graceland (6) L-202
Hand, Hobart Lee, bur. 11/6/1942, Sec. Highland (14) L-202 #3 & 4
Hand, Maude A., bur. 6/3/1957, Sec. Graceland (6) L-202 #2
Handley, Salmon, bur. 10/2/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) L-50 #8
Handlin, George W., bur. 12/30/1942, Sec. Crestview (22) L-61 #8
Handlin, Mary Lucille Brawner, bur. 4/21/1988, Sec. Love (26) L-71 #1
Handly, Cora E., bur. 8/22/1978, Sec. Memories (16) L-589 #5
Handly, Lambert, bur. 11/28/1962, Sec. Memories (16) L-589 #6
Handverker, Everett, bur. 5/22/1961, Sec. Jewish (18) L-26 #4
Handverker, Morris, bur. 2/23/1959, Sec. Jewish (18) L-26 #1
Handverker, Vivian, bur. 9/10/1996, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-4 #F
Handy, Leslie Mary Strait, bur. 1/9/1984, (cremains) Sec. Abbey 2nd L-324 Row D
Hanes, Ben, bur. 1/27/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-109
Hanes, Davis Monroe, bur. 1/14/1930, Sec. Memories (16) L-313 #3
Hanes, Juanita, bur. 7/31/1941, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-142 #3
Hanes, Lillian Cornett McKenzie, bur. 9/15/1993, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-26 #8
Hanes, Lillie G. Orwig, bur. 9/27/1969, Sec. Pineview (21) L-89 #2
Hanes, Madge Pool, bur. 3/22/1971, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-62 #7
Hanes, Riley D., bur. 4/24/1970, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-62 #3
Hanesworth, Hazel, bur. 4/17/1991, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1744 Row M
Haney, Bertha, bur. 6/19/1941, Sec. Highland (14) L-227
Haney, Claude O., bur. 11/25/1972, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #4
Haney, Edna E., bur. 1/21/1955, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #2
Haney, Gladys P., bur. 11/18/1987, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1400 Row L
Haney, infant of Roger, bur. 8/30/1944, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #15
Haney, Joel H., bur. 10/11/1971, Sec. Highland (14) L-227 #6
Haney, John A. L., bur. 3/10/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1400.5 Row L
Haney, Joseph Ballard, bur. 5/13/1937, Sec. Highland (14) L-228
Haney, Nancie Lou, bur. 7/20/1961, Sec. Highland (14) L-227 #4
Haney, Nellie Frances, bur. 1/8/1986, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #5
Haney, Paul, bur. 10/28/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1425 Row B
Haney, Sarah Edith, bur. 4/29/1964, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #6
Haney, Thomas E., bur. 1/18/1951, Sec. Abbey L-306 Row G
Haney, William C. Jr., bur. 7/17/1969, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #3
Haney, William C., bur. 6/27/1957, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-21 #1
Haning, John M., bur. 8/22/1987, Sec. Love (26) L-55 #3
Hankins, Horace L., bur. 1/24/1950, Sec. Graceland (6) L-187 #9
Hankins, Leah Iva, bur. 10/14/1967, Sec. Memories (16) L-308 #4
Hankins, Malda, bur. 4/12/1969, Sec. Graceland (6) L-187 #8
Hankins, Woodrow, bur. 2/23/1987, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-81 #3
Hanks, Dorothy Savage, bur. 12/7/1957, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1658 Row D
Hanks, Felix Dixon, bur. 1/5/1987, Sec. Pineview (21) L-228 #6
Hanks, Frank Robert, bur. 10/10/1967, Sec. Greenland (4) L-245 #2
Hanks, Grace Lea, bur. 12/22/1958, Sec. Greenland (4) L-245 #1
Hanks, Howard Harvey, bur. 3/20/1976, Sec. Fairview (8) L-22 #5
Hanks, James Pittman, bur. 7/24/1964, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1657 Row D
Hanks, John W., bur. 5/29/1996, Sec. Devotion (25) L-210 #2
Hanks, John Walter, bur. 7/23/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #19
Hanks, Lida B., bur. 2/17/1987, Sec. Pineview (21) L-228 #5
Hanks, Mary Emma, bur. 8/21/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-245
Hanks, Olive A., bur. 3/21/1977, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-291 #6
Hanks, Veda Lucille, bur. 11/9/1976, Sec. Greenland (4) L-245 #6
Hanks, William S., bur. 12/2/1946, Sec. Pineview (21) L-313 #4
Hanks, Zanita, bur. 9/11/1965, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #18
Hanlen, M. P., bur. 8/26/1930, Sec. Meditation (15) L-44 #28
Hanlin, Charles C., bur. 7/21/1936, Sec. Graceland (6) L-139
Hanlin, J. T., bur. 10/31/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-139
Hanlon, Fannie, bur. 11/21/1988, Sec. Graceland (6) L-514 #2
Hanna, Alice, bur. 9/28/1931, Sec. Abbey L-302 Row G
Hanna, Alta Loraine, bur. 2/28/1928, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #70
Hanna, Howard Earl, bur. 6/26/1964, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-127 #1
Hanna, Howard Stephen, bur. 9/21/1927, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-127
Hanna, infant of Harold, bur. 4/17/1961, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-127 #8
Hanna, Lenore S., bur. 7/14/1981, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-127 #2
Hanna, Lillie Jessie, bur. 7/25/1960, Sec. Crestview (22) L-87 #46
Hanna, Minnie Ollie, bur. 12/28/1937, Sec. Memories (16) L-594 #7
Hanna, William H., bur. 6/7/1950, Sec. Crestview (22) L-77 #12
Hanna, William, bur. 3/13/1939, Sec. Abbey L-301 Row G
Hannah, Ann H., bur. 9/25/1998, Sec. Love (26) L-323 #2
Hannah, Arthur F., bur. 6/27/1955, Sec. Love (26) L-118 #7
Hannah, D. L., bur. 5/11/1942, Sec. Pineview (21) L-410 #4 & 5
Hannah, Earl D., bur. 4/8/1974, Sec. Love (26) L-323 #1
Hannah, Ethel C., bur. 5/8/1969, Sec. Love (26) L-118 #8
Hannah, infant of P. H., bur. 6/1/1946, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 72 #92
Hannah, John G., bur. 4/8/1946, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 73 #9
Hannah, Mary Allifara, bur. 3/18/1963, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-109 #6
Hannah, Roy Edwin Jr., bur. 5/15/1968, Sec. Pineview (21) L-409 #3
Hannah, Roy Edwin, bur. 4/1/1941, Sec. Pineview (21) L-409 #2
Hanner, Albert M., bur. 3/28/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-414 #6
Hanner, Charles K., bur. 3/29/1993, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-342 #3
Hanner, Clara, bur. 3/22/1956, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-342 #2
Hanner, Earl D., bur. 5/25/1983, Sec. Peace (24) L-313 #1
Hanner, infant of James L., bur. 7/17/1956, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-428 #3
Hanner, Iva Louise, bur. 2/4/1999, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-342 #4
Hanner, King Preston, bur. 6/13/1947, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-342 #1
Hanner, Mearl, bur. 10/20/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-V #31
Hannis, Dr. Charles Irwin, bur. 4/28/1961, cremains, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-10 #1
Hannis, Emma Anderson, bur. 6/5/1987, cremains, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-10 #1
Hannock, Albert, bur. 7/19/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-111
Hannon, Alma E., bur. 4/18/1960, Sec. Pineview (21) L-17 #1
Hannum, Dorothy, bur. 11/25/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-359
Hanoch, Albert Henry, bur. 9/3/1941, Sec. Greenland (4) L-111
Hanoch, Arthur L., bur. 2/24/1973, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-110 #3
Hanoch, Bertha A., bur. 11/30/1987, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-110 #2
Hanoch, Bertha Ann, bur. 4/17/1978, Sec. Greenland (4) L-129 #3
Hanoch, Bertha, bur. 10/4/1958, Sec. Greenland (4) L-111 #2
Hanoch, John Edward, bur. 4/11/1949, Sec. Greenland (4) L-129 #4
Hanoch, John William, bur. 8/21/1996, Sec. Apostles (31) L-12 #4
Hanratty, Bernard J., bur. 5/14/1938, Sec. Moved Out of Cemetery
Hansel, John, bur. 4/27/1927, Sec. Abbey L-722 Row I
Hanselman, Harry W., bur. 3/30/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-68 #15
Hansen, Alenza E., bur. 10/18/1938, Sec. Fairview (8) L-103
Hansen, Alonzo, bur. 1/13/1968, Sec. Love (26) L-344 #4
Hansen, Anna Lou, bur. 2/23/1981, Sec. Love (26) L-300 #6
Hansen, Carrie V., bur. 1/29/1985, Sec. Fairview (8) L-103 #4
Hansen, Edith, bur. 9/3/1986, Sec. Greenland (4) L-174 #5
Hansen, Elizabeth Harrington, bur. 4/24/1972, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-131 #8
Hansen, Eva, bur. 10/26/1963, Sec. Graceland (6) L-411 #7
Hansen, Frankie Lee, bur. 1/16/1978, Sec. Love (26) L-344 #6
Hansen, Fred E., bur. 3/7/1970, Sec. Love (26) L-344 #5
Hansen, Harry C., bur. 2/3/1949, Sec. Devotion (25) L-75 #35
Hansen, Howard Phines, bur. 12/20/1986, Sec. Love (26) L-300 #3
Hansen, Inf., bur. 5/23/1928, Sec. Fairview (8) L-103
Hansen, James W., bur. 2/24/1961, Sec. Graceland (6) L-411 #8
Hansen, Maxine M, bur. 2/3/2003, Sec. Devotion (25) L-213 #3
Hansen, Melvin A., bur. 3/5/1963, Sec. Love (26) L-345 #4
Hansen, Michael Wayne, bur. 6/3/1989, Sec. Love (26) L-253 #3
Hansen, Naomi, bur. 3/29/1985, Sec. Love (26) L-344 #1
Hansen, Wayne R., bur. 3/19/1969, Sec. Greenland (4) L-174 #6
Hansler, Frederick P., bur. 12/17/1966, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-139 #6
Hansler, Harry G., bur. 2/27/1940, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-98
Hansler, Nellie A., bur. 12/4/1953, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-139 #5
Hanson, infant of Clarence P., bur. 8/9/1948, Sec. Devotion (25) L-76 #34
Hanson, Lloyd, bur. 3/4/1940, Sec. Crestview (22) L-59 #18
Hanson, O. W., bur. 5/20/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-N #5
Hanson, Oluf Eleseus, bur. 7/20/1949, Sec. Memories (16) L-211 #8
Hanson, Sarah Jane, bur. 4/15/1950, Sec. Pineview (21) L-218 #2
Hanson, Thomas P., bur. 8/18/1951, Sec. Pineview (21) L-218 #1
Hanson, Thomas R., bur. 3/11/1950, Sec. Pineview (21) L-218 #3
Hanthorn, Fred Earl, bur. 1/15/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-480
Hanthorn, Louzetta, bur. 10/7/1955, Sec. Graceland (6) L-480 #2
Haralabakos, James, bur. 8/26/1954, Sec. Greek (20) L-47 #2
Haralson, Dr. Charles H., bur. 10/30/1952, Sec. Fairview (8) L-131 #3
Haralson, Gretchen Prescott, bur. 12/22/1958, Sec. Fairview (8) L-131 #4
Haralson, Nora Vickers, bur. 1/8/1938, Sec. Fairview (8) L-131
Haralson, W. L., bur. 3/9/1922, Sec. Fairview (8) L-131
Harbert, Scott, bur. 5/2/1934, Sec. Fairview (8) L-176/177 #34
Harbour, Joel William, bur. 1/3/1989, Sec. Crestview (22) L-123 #2
Harcrow, James E., bur. 12/20/1993, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-178 #2
Hardcastle, Robert Payne, bur. 12/26/1919, Sec. Greenland (4) L-56
Hardcastle, Sallie, bur. 2/21/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-56
Harden, J. H., bur. 4/26/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-298
Hardenburg, Cecil Merle, bur. 2/17/1962, Sec. Highland (14) L-219 #3
Hardenburg, Jean H., bur. 10/9/1971, Sec. Highland (14) L-219 #2
Hardesty, Thomas R., bur. 8/22/1995, Sec. Private Estates West L-16 #1
Hardie, Willard, bur. 2/3/1927, Sec. Abbey L-122 #Common Cremorial Crypt G
Hardin, Andrew S., bur. 12/19/1946, Sec. Peace (24) L-192 #2
Hardin, Anna Lee, bur. 10/27/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-260
Hardin, Annie, bur. 5/13/1963, Sec. Graceland (6) L-52 #5
Hardin, Avis Jean, bur. 2/15/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) L-317
Hardin, Charles Earnest, bur. 3/9/1959, Sec. Graceland (6) L-52 #4
Hardin, Darla, bur. 10/13/1998, Sec. Devotion (25) L-330 #3
Hardin, Dartha C., bur. 8/1/1963, Sec. Love (26) L-316 #5
Hardin, Doris May, bur. 10/26/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) L-317
Hardin, Earl Thomapson, bur. 7/17/1980, Sec. Pineview (21) L-252 #1
Hardin, Effie E., bur. 2/8/1956, Sec. Peace (24) L-192 #1
Hardin, Ernie A., bur. 4/25/1963, Sec. Peace (24) L-89 #1
Hardin, Glea Laura, bur. 6/1/1964, Sec. Pineview (21) L-249 #2
Hardin, infant of James, bur. 11/15/1952, Sec. Crestview (22) L-82 #7
Hardin, infant of John D., bur. 4/9/1956, Sec. Pineview (21) L-249 #1
Hardin, Jennie M., bur. 9/16/1969, Sec. Peace (24) L-89 #3
Hardin, John Alpha, bur. 2/5/1966, Sec. Pineview (21) L-249 #3
Hardin, Joseph W., bur. 9/20/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-388 #1
Hardin, Mattie Belle, bur. 12/8/1958, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-388 #2
Hardin, Minnie Lee, bur. 6/20/1969, Sec. Pineview (21) L-252 #2
Hardin, Ruth May, bur. 7/29/1976, Sec. Pineview (21) L-253 #3
Hardin, Ted Sherman, bur. 11/8/1961, Sec. Love (26) L-316 #4
Hardin, Thomas Hendrick, bur. 7/22/1946, Sec. Pineview (21) L-252 #3
Harding, Charles B., bur. 8/17/1957, Sec. Greenland (4) L-282 #2
Harding, Clyde, bur. 4/24/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-252
Harding, Gaile, bur. 4/20/1976, Sec. Greenland (4) L-252 #1
Harding, George, bur. 12/12/1953, Sec. Graceland (6) L-252 #5
Harding, James Lucky, bur. 10/15/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-252
Harding, James Lucky, bur. 6/8/1927, Sec. Graceland (6) L-252
Harding, Paul Earl, bur. 6/30/1980, Sec. Graceland (6) L-S 1/2 #6
Harding, Russell Harold, bur. 12/16/1965, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-123 #8
Harding, Sarah J., bur. 12/30/1932, Sec. Graceland (6) L-252
Hardison, Albert D., bur. 10/29/1981, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #119
Hardison, Edmund H., bur. 10/19/1948, Sec. Memories (16) L-343 #5
Hardison, Mae Ella, bur. 12/3/2004, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #119A, Rose Hill FH
Hardisty, Nettie, bur. 5/17/1923, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-325
Hardman, Dr. Thomas J., bur. 7/26/1980, Sec. Abbey L-1402 Row D
Hardman, infant of Glenn, bur. 4/14/1947, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #71
Hardman, Margaret A., bur. 7/19/1963, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1401 Row D
Hardman, Tommy, bur. 12/14/1953, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1400 Row D
Hardwick, William H., bur. 11/1/2002, Sec. Peace (24) L-323 #2
Hardy, Beulah, bur. 8/20/1937, Sec. Memories (16) L-527 #5B
Hardy, David, bur. 8/20/1937, Sec. Memories (16) L-527 #5A
Hardy, Dorothy S., bur. 6/21/1935, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-320
Hardy, Jayne Raye, bur. 2/7/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-38 #6
Hardy, Katherine W., bur. 7/2/1986, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1775.5 Row L
Hardy, Marshal O., bur. 10/16/1986, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1775 Row L
Hare, Frederick P., bur. 7/21/1967, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1654 Row E
Hare, Sophia Neville, bur. 11/30/1961, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1653 Row E
Hargis, Elizabeth Ann, bur. 9/6/1957, Sec. Pineview (21) L-206 #3
Hargis, Elmer E., bur. 6/28/1954, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1405.5 Row J
Hargis, Josephine E., bur. 3/8/1955, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1405 Row J
Hargraves, Katherine, bur. 6/21/1974, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1778.5 Row J
Hargraves, Rex E., bur. 6/9/1986, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1778 Row J
Hargrove, Daniel Logan, bur. 4/1/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-74 #29
Hargrove, Goldie Lee, bur. 10/8/1993, Sec. Highland (14) L-79 #1
Hargrove, Guila Irene, bur. 6/12/1996, Sec. Abbey L-853 Row K
Hargrove, infant of Gary, bur. 4/25/1981, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-3A
Hargrove, Lele M., bur. 4/17/1985, Sec. Love (26) L-285 #3
Hargrove, Ralph V., bur. 7/24/1992, Sec. Love (26) L-285 #4
Hargrove, Swepson Lee, bur. 5/3/1978, Sec. Abbey L-854 Row K
Hargrove, Tilman, bur. 4/1/1998, Sec. Highland (14) L-79 #2
Harjo, Edna Mae, bur. 2/18/1965, Sec. Highland (14) L-271 #1
Harkavy, Harriett L., bur. 9/6/1995, Sec. Jewish (7) L-132 #2
Harkavy, Hyman Joseph, bur. 10/26/2000, Sec. Jewish (7) L-132 #1
Harkavy, Ida, bur. 7/30/1973, Sec. Jewish (7) L-132 #3
Harkey, Eva M., bur. 2/15/1978, Sec. Memories (16) L-491 #5
Harkey, Gordon, bur. 6/15/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-491
Harkey, Oliver H., bur. 8/13/1980, Sec. Memories (16) L-491 #6
Harkins, Annie, bur. 9/20/1949, Sec. Fairview (8) L-175 #15
Harkins, Lee F., bur. no date, Sec. Fairview (8) L-175 #16
Harkleroad, Fannie Rhea, bur. 1/5/1967, Sec. Peace (24) L-245 #4
Harkness, Ella R., bur. 12/31/1974, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-160 #2
Harkness, Jno Robert, bur. 4/2/1940, Sec. Graceland (6) L-486 #37905
Harkness, Johnnie E., bur. 7/25/1952, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-160 #1
Harkness, L. M., bur. 9/8/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-387
Harkness, Les Hall, bur. 7/13/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-387
Harlan, Dorothy J. (Pratt), bur. 9/29/1977, Sec. Peace (24) L-104 #2
Harlan, Marion W., bur. 6/24/1994, Sec. Prophets (30) L-11 #2
Harlas, Bill, bur. 1/8/1951, Sec. Greek (20) L-12.5 #3
Harlas, John, bur. 2/26/1973, Sec. Greek (20) L-12.5 #2
Harlas, Nicholas John, bur. 10/20/2001, Sec. Greek (20) L-12.5 #5B
Harless, Gloria B., bur. 1/18/1985, Sec. Love (26) L-110 #2
Harlow, Alice Adaline, bur. 6/1/1928, Sec. Highland (14) L-250
Harlow, Charles C. Jr., bur. 3/20/1992, cremains, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #7
Harlow, Charles C. Sr., bur. 11/30/1973, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #5
Harlow, Charley Thomas, bur. 12/27/1921, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #3
Harlow, Frances C., bur. 6/7/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #25
Harlow, Geraldine, bur. 12/30/1922, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #2
Harlow, infant of A. M., bur. 3/6/1929, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #13
Harlow, J. V., bur. 8/27/1929, Sec. Highland (14) L-250
Harlow, Jay G., bur. 7/3/1974, Sec. Pineview (21) L-204 #1
Harlow, Jay P., bur. 6/25/1986, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #11
Harlow, Joseph E., bur. 8/1/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-264
Harlow, LuCeil, bur. 2/11/2002, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #8
Harlow, Lucy Ethel, bur. 5/11/1996, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #6
Harlow, Mildred, bur. 3/9/1982, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #12
Harlow, Pearl E., bur. 5/16/1957, Sec. Pineview (21) L-204 #2
Harlow, Roberta Kelly, bur. 1/14/1965, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-221 #5
Harlow, Susan, bur. 8/2/1940, Sec. Fairview (8) L-136 #4
Harlow, Warren Samuel, bur. 5/7/1981, Sec. Pineview (21) L-204 #5
Harlow, William S., bur. 4/9/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-G #4
Harmer, Infants of Frankin, bur. 6/27/1968, Sec. Crestview (22) L-89 #39
Harmon, Cassie Isora, bur. 2/12/1970, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-243 #3
Harmon, Charles, Wallace, bur. 12/2/1967, Sec. Devotion (25) L-324 #2
Harmon, Claude, bur. 3/14/1925, Sec. Graceland (6) L-333
Harmon, David M., bur. 8/9/1963, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-243 #2
Harmon, Eleanor A., bur. 1/2/1999, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-8 Row C
Harmon, Harry C., bur. 8/15/1938, Sec. Graceland (6) L-480
Harmon, infant of W. J., bur. 2/10/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-L #13
Harmon, James, bur. 6/24/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-333
Harmon, Jeanette, bur. 5/25/1978, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-28 #3
Harmon, Mildred M., bur. 3/27/1986, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1422 Row K
Harmon, Missouri Ann, bur. 2/1/1952, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-200 #1
Harmon, Orlan Lewis, bur. 5/6/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-125 #2 center
Harmon, Rose, bur. 9/27/1934, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-243
Harmon, Sylvester, bur. no date, Sec. Graceland (6) L-480
Harmon, Veda Ruth, bur. 4/24/1976, Sec. Devotion (25) L-324 #1
Harmon, Virgil H., bur. 9/26/1924, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-243
Harmon, Virgil Wilson, bur. 4/19/1974, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-28 #4
Harmon, Zola Carol Frost, bur. 2/21/1961, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-50 #2
Harn, Nancy, bur. 4/14/1945, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-303 #5
Harner, Elmer Ellsworth, bur. 1/11/1956, Sec. Memories (16) L-341 #2
Harner, Lillie Maude, bur. 6/17/1960, Sec. Memories (16) L-341 #3
Harness, Avis L., bur. 8/22/1979, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-940 Row J
Harness, Elijah E., bur. 11/13/1945, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-941.5 Row J
Harness, Elva, bur. 8/24/1963, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-941 Row J
Harness, Henry G., bur. 9/21/1976, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-940.5 Row J
Harness, Jessie, bur. 9/19/1955, Sec. Fairview (8) L-1 #1
Harnett, James F., bur. 5/9/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-27/28 #12
Harnett, Verlie, bur. 1/21/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-27/28 #11
Harney, J. A., bur. 8/5/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-279
Harney, Stella, bur. 9/2/1971, Sec. Graceland (6) L-279 #3
Harney, W. A., bur. 11/3/1925, Sec. Graceland (6) L-279
Harney, Walter Q., bur. 3/17/1951, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-399 #1
Harp, infant of David C., bur. 6/9/1960, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #20
Harper, Ada, bur. 3/9/1974, Sec. Love (26) L-359 #6
Harper, Charles E., bur. 11/26/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-335
Harper, Clara M., bur. 4/20/1995, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #287A
Harper, Dee M., bur. 12/20/1955, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-53 #3
Harper, Donald R., bur. 10/8/1999, Sec. Love (26) L-296 #2
Harper, Ella R., bur. 2/24/1962, Sec. Highland (14) L-68 #5
Harper, Everett R., bur. 11/20/1990, Sec. Devotion (25) L-237 #5
Harper, Frances, bur. 11/20/1942, Sec. Memories (16) L-246
Harper, infant of Everett R., bur. 5/6/1948, Sec. Devotion (25) L-237 #6
Harper, infant of James K., bur. 3/23/1963, Sec. Crestview (22) L-86 #6
Harper, James C., bur. 3/28/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-74 #64
Harper, Jane, bur. 7/6/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-37 #11
Harper, Jessie Wilson, bur. 5/29/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-53 #4
Harper, John Ross, bur. 9/25/1928, Sec. Memories (16) L-246
Harper, Julia, bur. 2/11/1975, Sec. Memories (16) L-356 #2
Harper, Margaret E., bur. 1/20/1986, Sec. Memories (16) L-246 #5
Harper, Marjorie J., bur. 9/8/1989, Sec. Highland (14) L-64 #8
Harper, Nolan F., bur. 4/24/1951, Sec. Love (26) L-359 #5
Harper, Nurney Cornelius, bur. no date, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #287B
Harper, Pearl, bur. 8/13/1977, Sec. Graceland (6) L-335 #2 center
Harper, Ralph T., bur. 1/3/1953, Sec. Highland (14) L-68 #6
Harper, Robert G., bur. 10/11/1945, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-879 Row J
Harper, Robert, bur. 3/17/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-W #15
Harper, Roscoe E., bur. 7/6/1942, Sec. Memories (16) L-246
Harper, Roy Everett, bur. 5/11/1939, Sec. Memories (16) L-246
Harper, Ruby Lee, bur. 11/23/1992, Sec. Devotion (25) L-237 #4
Harper, Unnamed Harper, bur. 2/8/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Q #7
Harrell, Eugene, bur. 8/19/1957, Sec. Devotion (25) L-132 #4
Harrell, infant of Russell, bur. 8/13/1947, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-28 #26
Harrell, J. M., bur. 2/17/1925, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-291 #4
Harrell, James, bur. 3/26/1920, Sec. Fairview (8) L-84
Harrell, Lilah Wade, bur. 3/17/1977, Sec. Fairview (8) L-84 #2
Harrell, Marvin Anderson, bur. 4/19/1960, Sec. Devotion (25) L-132 #5
Harrigan, Michael Joseph, bur. 3/28/1972, Sec. Love (26) L-382 #8
Harrigan, William J., bur. 1/20/1973, Sec. Love (26) L-382 #7
Harrington, Bessie D., bur. 1/18/1958, Sec. Abbey L-Room 3 Row D
Harrington, Emma Margueritta, bur. 11/21/1945, Sec. Peace (24) L-326
Harrington, Leland P., bur. 2/22/1945, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-131
Harrington, Leland Perry Jr., bur. 1/8/1951, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-131 #7
Harrington, Mabelle W., bur. 2/14/1953, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-131 #3
Harrington, Ruth, bur. 4/15/1982, Sec. Peace (24) L-326 #1
Harrington, Sinn Belle, bur. 10/18/1938, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-233
Harrington, Wilbur Porter, bur. 2/16/1959, Sec. Peace (24) L-326 #3
Harrington, Will. I., bur. 7/1/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-29 #22
Harris, Abe James, bur. 6/9/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-36 #74
Harris, Ada May, bur. 11/19/1984, Sec. Highland (14) L-263 #1
Harris, Allen, bur. 12/31/1928, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #8
Harris, Andrew Haskell, bur. 2/7/1968, Sec. Devotion (25) L-155 #4
Harris, Arthur L., bur. 1/15/2001, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-PC #20
Harris, Arthur M., bur. 3/19/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-199
Harris, Barbara S., bur. 12/8/1998, Sec. Devotion (25) L-310 #3
Harris, Barney, bur. 4/11/1950, Sec. Graceland (6) L-50 #4
Harris, Betty M., bur. 3/23/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #30
Harris, Bonnie Bee, bur. 5/5/1923, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-A #24
Harris, Bunn, bur. 7/7/1955, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-302 #8
Harris, Charles Bernie, bur. 6/4/1966, Sec. Pineview (21) L-389 #4
Harris, Charles Martin, bur. 3/21/1951, Sec. Greenland (4) L-191 #1
Harris, Chas. Henry, bur. 5/19/1930, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105
Harris, Chester Franklin, bur. 5/31/1989, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-279 #1
Harris, Christina, bur. 10/5/1973, Sec. Devotion (25) L-254 #8
Harris, Clarence Earl, bur. 6/13/1995, Sec. Devotion (25) L-247 #1
Harris, Claud Desoto, bur. 1/28/1982, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #7
Harris, Dale J., bur. 6/21/2002, Sec. Crestview (22) L-133 #3
Harris, Darrel Dean Sr., bur. 11/18/2003, Sec. Devotion (25) L-237 #1 Mark Griffith Westwood Chapel
Harris, Delos, bur. 5/8/1947, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-362 #2
Harris, Dick Jr, bur. 1/20/2002, Sec. Love (26) L-36 #2
Harris, Donald C., bur. 9/2/1947, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #5
Harris, Elviris Gene, bur. 2/1/1927, Sec. Meditation (15) L-41 #39
Harris, Eva Belle, bur. 8/20/1949, Sec. Greenland (4) L-191 #2
Harris, Evelyn, bur. 12/10/1992, Sec. Love (26) L-36 #1
Harris, Fannie, bur. 8/16/1926, Sec. Westlawn L-51
Harris, Florence Raye, bur. 6/17/1981, Sec. Abbey L-1606 Row A1
Harris, Florence, bur. 6/16/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-226
Harris, Frances, bur. 12/16/1939, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105
Harris, Frederick C., bur. 12/30/1952, Sec. Devotion (25) L-254 #7
Harris, Gary Michael, bur. 9/21/1987, Sec. Love (26) L-20 #1
Harris, George M., bur. 9/4/1956, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1626 Row A1
Harris, George William, bur. 11/17/1977, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-242 #5
Harris, George, bur. 1/29/1916, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-A #7
Harris, Gerald Walter, bur. 5/6/1970, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302 #4
Harris, Geraldine, bur. 2/26/1942, Sec. Pineview (21) L-340
Harris, Guy Irwin, bur. 4/15/1941, Sec. Pineview (21) L-30 #37716
Harris, Guy W., bur. 5/29/1925, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-276
Harris, Harold H., bur. 10/4/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-199 #7
Harris, Hazel E., bur. 2/17/1982, Sec. Love (26) L-54 #2
Harris, Homer Vergil, bur. 12/27/1974, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 92 #31
Harris, Hyman Harvey, bur. 5/2/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1607 Row B
Harris, Idella F. Schroyer, bur. 12/24/1962, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1626 Row A
Harris, Infant #1 of Lloyd A., bur. 11/3/1936, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #61
Harris, Infant #2 of Lloyd A., bur. 11/3/1936, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #61
Harris, infant of A. M., bur. 7/18/1933, Sec. Graceland (6) L-199
Harris, infant of Anna, bur. 4/3/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #57
Harris, infant of Arthur L., bur. 4/8/1946, Sec. Graceland (6) L-184
Harris, infant of Elgin W., bur. 3/2/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #45
Harris, infant of Elgin W., bur. 5/23/1960, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #21
Harris, infant of Robert E. Lee, bur. 6/10/1953, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105 #13
Harris, infant of Robert E. Lee, bur. 9/26/1955, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-405 #12
Harris, Irene, bur. 9/2/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-247 #2
Harris, Isla Lynch, bur. 2/24/1970, Sec. Graceland (6) L-22 #4
Harris, Jack James, bur. 3/14/1986, Sec. Peace (24) L-322 #2
Harris, James frederick, bur. 11/24/1967, Sec. Fairview (8) L-69 #6
Harris, James M., bur. 11/29/1946, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105 #4
Harris, James T., bur. 4/28/1983, Sec. Fairview (8) L-100 #2
Harris, James W., bur. 11/27/2000, Sec. Abbey L-814 Row I
Harris, Jas. C., bur. 1/24/1945, Sec. Peace (24) L-185 #6
Harris, Jeffrey Allen Jr., bur. 5/7/1980, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-75
Harris, Jesse Clyde, bur. 5/18/1981, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1730 Row A1
Harris, John Chesney, bur. 7/8/1932, Sec. Westlawn L-51
Harris, John Dwayne, bur. 4/21/1962, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #8
Harris, John P., bur. 2/12/1973, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #3
Harris, John W., bur. 5/13/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-J #2
Harris, Julian Willard, bur. 3/24/1987, Sec. Abbey L-1606 Row A
Harris, Kathryn, bur. 9/13/1995, Sec. Abbey L-609 Row A
Harris, Kristen Jean, bur. 3/25/1985, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-104 A
Harris, Lavena I., bur. 8/30/2003, Sec. Chapel of Peace L-PC #21
Harris, Lela Maxine, bur. 10/24/1975, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 92 #14
Harris, Lois M., bur. 6/28/2000, Sec. Abbey L-813 Row I
Harris, Madeline M., bur. 4/24/1976, Sec. Fairview (8) L-100 #1
Harris, Mamie M., bur. 3/13/1979, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #6
Harris, Marcine, bur. 12/6/1996, Sec. Love (26) L-29 #1
Harris, Margaret M., bur. 8/17/1934, Sec. Memories (16) L-572 #37716
Harris, Marguerite, bur. 3/17/1947, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302 #5
Harris, Martha Elizabeth, bur. 5/23/1927, Sec. Meditation (15) L-45 #42
Harris, Mary Carolyn, bur. 12/6/2004, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-302n #7 Mobley-Dodson
Harris, Mattie Bea, bur. 4/5/1961, Sec. Pineview (21) L-389 #5
Harris, Mattie W., bur. 4/9/1962, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1606 Row B
Harris, Mrs. E. A., bur. 7/31/1931, Sec. Pineview (21) L-47
Harris, Nettie Clyne, bur. 3/24/1988, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1730 Row A
Harris, O., bur. 9/23/1925, Sec. Graceland (6) L-177
Harris, Paul, bur. 5/17/1940, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #27
Harris, Pearl J., bur. 3/24/1955, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-302 #9
Harris, Porter, bur. 12/15/1942, Sec. Graceland (6) L-50
Harris, Raymond E. Sr., bur. 12/23/1983, cremains, Sec. Love (26) L-54 #1
Harris, Ricky Joe, bur. 12/2/1963, Sec. Crestview (22) L-172 #4
Harris, Robert Allen, bur. 10/17/1989, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105 #14
Harris, Robert Cecil, bur. 11/26/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #158
Harris, Robert Mathew, bur. 1/4/1945, Sec. Pineview (21) L-24 #3
Harris, Ronald Lee, bur. 11/4/1947, Sec. Crestview (22) L-62 #3
Harris, Ruby, bur. 4/28/2003, Sec. Pineview (21) L-47 #1
Harris, Russell, bur. 12/7/1948, Sec. Pineview (21) L-47 #4
Harris, Ruth, bur. 10/1/1935, Sec. Fairview (8) L-69
Harris, Ruth, bur. 3/14/1994, Sec. Devotion (25) L-156 #2
Harris, Setta B., bur. 11/23/1959, Sec. Love (26) L-362 #2
Harris, Ulice Aaron, bur. 6/2/1988, Sec. Pineview (21) L-47 #2
Harris, Unnamed, bur. 6/21/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-S #18
Harris, Vera L., bur. 12/24/1980, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-105 #3
Harris, Virginia E., bur. 2/25/1983, Sec. Abbey L-1680 Row D
Harris, W. Norton, bur. 8/17/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1681 Row D
Harris, William C., bur. 3/25/1954, Sec. Love (26) L-362 #1 center
Harris, William Ervin, bur. 1/3/1968, Sec. Peace (24) L-334 #5
Harris, Yvonne E., bur. 3/16/1923, Sec. Jewish (7) L-16 #11
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