Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1845-1923), 68 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Oklahoma Funeral Notices
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Submitted by Arlen Gregory [rosehillmemorialpark@cox.net].
Laswell, Frank, bur. 5/4/1936, Sec. Memories (16) L-97
Latimer, Anna L., bur. 2/20/1959, Sec. Peace (24) L-311 #4
Latimer, Catherine M., bur. 7/27/1970, Sec. Memories (16) L-205 #1
Latimer, E. Milton, bur. 10/23/1933, Sec. Graceland (6) L-208 #5
Latimer, Forrest, bur. 10/20/1939, Sec. Memories (16) L-205 #2
Latshaw, Edward Clark, bur. 9/20/1948, Sec. Abbey L-201 Row H
Latshaw, Elta, bur. 8/2/1971, Sec. Abbey L-108 Row I
Latshaw, Julia, bur. 2/27/1952, Sec. Crestview (22) L-163 #6
Latshaw, Mamie, bur. 6/29/1931, Sec. Abbey L-202 Row H
Latshaw, Manuel L., bur. 9/18/1925, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-23
Latshaw, Mary Esther, bur. 3/21/1941, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-23
Latshaw, Pauline Winnefred, bur. 11/18/1925, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-23
Latshaw, Roy H., bur. 10/13/1951, Sec. Abbey L-109 Row I
Latta, Chester Ashby, bur. 4/13/1993, Sec. Peace (24) L-6 #5
Latta, Ethel Irene, bur. 3/28/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Q #25
Latta, Gussye, bur. 5/25/1940, Sec. Abbey L-419 Row F
Latta, Louise, bur. 10/21/1980, Sec. Peace (24) L-6
Lauer, Arnold W., bur. 6/11/1958, (cremains) Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #16
Lauer, Bertha B., bur. 4/11/1969, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #16
Laufman, Keefer Laverne, bur. 10/11/1946, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-94 #3
Laufman, Ruth Ione, bur. 5/16/1927, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-94
Laughery, Benjamin F., bur. 5/7/1958, Sec. Graceland (6) L-334 #1
Laughery, Bernice Imogene, bur. 3/31/1921, Sec. Graceland (6) L-334
Laughery, Delbert Clinton, bur. 1/4/1949, Sec. Memories (16) L-467 #1
Laughery, infant of J. M., bur. 3/31/1924, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-179
Laughery, Ivaloe, bur. 11/2/1979, Sec. Graceland (6) L-334 #4
Laughery, Libby Jane, bur. 5/31/1979, Sec. Graceland (6) L-334 #2
Laughery, Mary Megdeline, bur. 8/7/1929, Sec. Memories (16) L-467
Laughery, Onfant of O. f., bur. 6/26/1944, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #22
Laughery, Twilla L., bur. 6/20/1916, Sec. Graceland (6) L-334
Laughlin, Alva Lonzo, bur. 7/29/1975, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-99 #2
Laughlin, Charles M., bur. 9/22/1938, Sec. Greenland (4) L-319
Laughlin, Dessie L., bur. 12/15/1971, Sec. Memories (16) L-637 #4
Laughlin, Ethel, bur. 4/29/1977, Sec. Memories (16) L-636 #3
Laughlin, George Warren, bur. 8/10/1966, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-236 #3
Laughlin, infant of Carl, bur. 8/29/1950, Sec. Crestview (22) L-78 #28
Laughlin, infant of Vernon, bur. 8/8/1945, Sec. Greenland (4) L-321
Laughlin, James E., bur. 7/19/1977, Sec. Memories (16) L-636 #2
Laughlin, Kenneth W., bur. 8/12/1983, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-99 #3
Laughlin, Ora, bur. 7/15/2000, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-236 #4
Laughlin, Patricia Ann, bur. 5/22/1942, Sec. Greenland (4) L-321 #2
Laughlin, Sarah Isabelle, bur. 2/1/1972, Sec. Greenland (4) L-321 #1
Laughlin, Thomas C., bur. 3/4/1955, Sec. Memories (16) L-637 #3
Laughlin, Tilman w., bur. 1/5/1957, Sec. Greenland (4) L-321 #2
Laughlin, William S., bur. 3/27/1939, Sec. Graceland (6) L-420
Laughran, Emma, bur. 4/20/1945, Sec. Memories (16) L-544
Launier, Evelyn Lynn, bur. 6/9/2001, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-247 #2
Laurie, Gertrude, bur. 3/2/1978, Sec. Devotion (25) L-155 #2
Laurrell, Clemens C., bur. 12/9/1980, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-13 #6
Laurrell, Essie Violet, bur. 8/8/1968, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-9 #6
Laurrell, John Clemens, bur. 3/11/1974, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-9 #5
Lausen, Christ, bur. 4/11/1947, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-131 #3
Lausen, Dora M., bur. 8/21/1956, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-131 #2
Lausen, Ernest, bur. 1/3/1948, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-132 #4
Lausen, Fred W., bur. 11/23/1994, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-131 #7
Lausen, Rachel Jane, bur. 7/1/1987, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-131 #6
Lauteret, Herman, bur. 6/25/1916, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-A #17
Lavender, Dorothy, bur. 3/13/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-592
Lavender, Martha Ruth, bur. 4/1/1943, Sec. Memories (16) L-592
Lavengood, infant of L. W., bur. 5/25/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-L #34
Lavery, Susie Palmer, bur. 1/29/1941, Sec. Graceland (6) L-170 #2
Law, Genevieve Hodge, bur. 3/24/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1672 Row B
Law, John A., bur. 3/23/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-100
Law, Luce E., bur. 12/4/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) L-100
Lawler, Ralph, bur. 6/20/2002, Sec., Moore (28) L-5 #4
Lawrence, Ada Rush, bur. 11/22/1965, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-81 #10
Lawrence, Addie M., bur. 7/19/1943, Sec. Abbey L-217 Row E
Lawrence, Andrew Franklin, bur. 10/9/1957, Sec. Peace (24) L-140 #4
Lawrence, Donald L., bur. 7/26/1984, Sec. Crestview (22) L-14 #4
Lawrence, Dora Jane, bur. 5/14/1947, Sec. Devotion (25) L-121 #8
Lawrence, Dorothy Jean, bur. 3/24/2003, Sec. Devotion (25) L-334 #4
Lawrence, Erving Jackson, bur. 12/30/1967, Sec. Devotion (25) L-112 #6
Lawrence, Frank, bur. 2/28/1953, Sec. Memories (16) L-504 #3
Lawrence, Glenda L., bur. 7/5/1990, Sec. Devotion (25) L-111 #6
Lawrence, Inez W., bur. 9/11/1973, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1614 Row C
Lawrence, Irma, bur. 5/11/1935, Sec. Memories (16) L-504
Lawrence, James F. Jr., bur. 4/19/1977, Sec. Devotion (25) L-334 #6
Lawrence, James Floyd, bur. 11/15/1966, Sec. Devotion (25) L-334 #5
Lawrence, Johnnie Franklin, bur. 10/28/2003, Sec. Devotion (25) L-111 #5, Rose Hill FH
Lawrence, Joseph Bailey, bur. 11/18/1972, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-346/526/527 #11
Lawrence, Myrtle P., bur. 7/17/1973, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-350 #1
Lawrence, Oscar A., bur. 3/11/1937, Sec. Pineview (21) L-191 #6
Lawrence, Rolland Rex, bur. 5/4/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1615 Row C
Lawrence, Sadie, bur. 10/26/1972, Sec. Pineview (21) L-191 #5
Lawrence, Thomas W., bur. 6/11/1980, Sec. Love (26) L-300 #2
Lawrence, William Thomas, bur. 7/25/1958, Sec. Devotion (25) L-121 #7
Lawry, Eva, bur. 1/19/1971, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1768.5 Row M
Lawry, John J., bur. 4/15/1986, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1768 A Row M
Laws, Daisy G., bur. 8/11/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-555
Laws, Frank Marion, bur. 8/13/1949, Sec. Graceland (6) L-555 #1
Laws, Fred, bur. 5/30/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-555 #6
Laws, Pauline, bur. 2/13/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-555 #7
Lawson, Alfred, bur. 6/12/1985, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-15 #1
Lawson, Anna B., bur. 5/19/1953, Sec. Memories (16) L-467 #5
Lawson, Bert B., bur. 6/23/1951, Sec. Peace (24) L-109 #2
Lawson, Carrie C., bur. 6/22/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-274
Lawson, David Harvey, bur. 12/8/1958, Sec. Memories (16) L-467 #4
Lawson, Esther, bur. 10/26/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) L-274
Lawson, Flossie Leona, bur. 3/22/1968, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1639 Row K
Lawson, Inf. twins of William L., bur. 5/5/1952, Sec. Crestview (22) L-69 #29
Lawson, infant of J. B., bur. 3/8/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #21
Lawson, infant of William L., bur. 7/20/1953, Sec. Crestview (22) L-69 #42
Lawson, infant of William l., bur. 9/6/1956, Sec. Crestview (22) L-86 #55
Lawson, John C., bur. 2/19/1955, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-108 #5
Lawson, John T., bur. 5/18/1978, Sec. Crestview (22) L-82 #2
Lawson, Joseph Eugene, bur. 2/3/1989, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1760 Row A
Lawson, Josephine, bur. 7/11/1949, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-108 #4
Lawson, Louise, bur. 4/14/2000, Sec. Crestview (22) L-102 #4
Lawson, Mable Eliza, bur. 7/31/1961, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-107 #10
Lawson, Martha S., bur. 5/21/1975, Sec. Love (26) L-103 #3
Lawson, Nancy Sue, bur. 5/5/1999, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1760.5 Row A/A1
Lawson, Owen L., bur. 1/16/1969, Sec. Peace (24) L-108 #1
Lawson, Pearl, bur. 2/4/1944, Sec. Highland (14) L-74
Lawson, Pearl, bur. 4/23/1985, Sec. Peace (24) L-109 #1
Lawson, Raymond A., bur. 6/30/1951, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-352 Row D
Lawson, Richard L., bur. 12/17/1970, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-439 #1
Lawson, Ruth E., bur. 11/27/1950, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-414 #3
Lawson, Samuel Clinton, bur. 2/17/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1639.5 Row K
Lawson, Velma, bur. 6/21/1990, Sec. Crestview (22) L-100 #2
Lawson, Virgil B., bur. 8/20/1970, Sec. Crestview (22) L-100 #1
Lawson, William Bill, bur. 8/9/2000, Sec. Crestview (22) L-102 #3
Lawson, William Murton, bur. 2/1/1946, Sec. Highland (14) L-74
Lawson, William, bur. 11/15/1968, Sec. Love (26) L-103 #4
Lawson, Willie L., bur. 12/30/1958, Sec. Crestview (22) L-83 #4
Lawton, Wanda Lee, bur. 10/17/1989, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #306
Lawton, William J., bur. 11/11/1993, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #306A
Lawwill, Carl K., bur. 6/2/1962, Sec. Abbey L-831 Row E
Lawwill, Carl Kenneth, bur. 8/18/1988, Sec. Prophets (30) L-29 #2
Lax, A. J., bur. 12/23/1933, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-118
Lax, Claire Conley, bur. 11/10/1964, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1307 Row L
Lax, Earnest Haddin, bur. 8/4/1929, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-118
Lax, Fern V., bur. 12/20/1997, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-338 #1
Lax, Laura, bur. 8/29/1930, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-118
Lax, Leroy, bur. 12/8/1978, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-338 #3
Laxton, Neffeva Mohr, bur. 4/1/1988, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1411 Row B
Lay, Arthur R., bur. 7/23/1942, Sec. Pineview (21) L-304 #2
Lay, Evelyn, bur. 5/9/1990, Sec. Peace (24) L-185 #5
Lay, infant of Maynord, bur. 2/23/1928, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #72
Lay, Mary M., bur. 5/25/1954, Sec. Pineview (21) L-304 #1
Lay, Paul Ray, bur. 4/21/1937, Sec. Crestview (22) L-56 #43
Lay, Preston T., bur. 10/19/1989, Sec. Peace (24) L-185 #4
Layland, Ida Bourque, bur. 8/27/1949, Sec. Pineview (21) L-230 #5
Layman, Chester C., bur. 4/16/1936, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-95 #2
Layman, Donald E., bur. 3/25/2002, Sec. Peace (24) L-31 #2
Layman, Donald Melvin, bur. 4/3/1943, Sec. Peace (24) L-31
Layman, Ida Cadda, bur. 6/3/1925, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-95
Layman, James H., bur. 9/21/1959, Sec. Love (26) L-395 #2
Layman, James M., bur. 6/12/1936, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-95
Layman, Rose Etta, bur. 12/18/1968, Sec. Devotion (25) L-41 #6
Layman, William Jacob, bur. 7/28/1953, Sec. Devotion (25) L-41 #5
Laymon, Rachel, bur. 4/22/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-27 #10
Layne, Aylene Mushrush, bur. 1/15/1982, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-6 #AA
Layne, George Elliott, bur. 12/14/1982, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-6A
Layton, Arthur, bur. 12/2/1935, Sec. Pineview (21) L-245 #3
Layton, Arthur, bur. 6/12/1999, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-63 #3
Layton, Charles E., bur. 5/29/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) L-41 #73
Layton, Johnnie Lee, bur. 12/14/1940, Sec. Crestview (22) L-58 #23
Layton, Timothy W., bur. 7/5/2001, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-45 #3
Layton, William James, bur. 7/8/1943, Sec. Pineview (21) L-245 #21
Lazarus, Agnes L., bur. 4/15/2004, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-435 #A1, Fitzgerald's Ivy Chapel
Lazarus, Sidney Lewis, bur. 10/12/1962, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-435.5 Row A1
Lea, Charles David, bur. 11/7/1957, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1511 Row M
Lea, Mary M., bur. 5/25/1951, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1511.5 Row M
Leabo, Louise, bur. 4/3/1928, Sec. Highland (14) L-249
Leach, Frances, bur. 4/8/1966, Sec. Love (26) L-363 #2
Leach, Lola R., bur. 10/26/2001, Sec. Devotion (25) L-154 #5
Leachman, Ernest, bur. 5/20/1946, Sec. Abbey L-416 Row G
Leachman, Frances, bur. 4/26/1954, Sec. Abbey L-415 Row G
Leachman, Lena, bur. 1/3/1946, Sec. Fairview (8) L-103
League, Edmond, bur. 4/22/1976, Sec. Devotion (25) L-325 #8
League, James Riley, bur. 5/8/1928, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-352
League, Mary E., bur. 1/20/1947, Sec. Memories (16) L-644 #2
League, Mina, bur. 10/13/1975, Sec. Devotion (25) L-325 #7
Leahan, Matthew A., bur. 4/4/1951, Sec. Peace (24) L-268 #2
Leahan, Ora, bur. 8/18/1961, Sec. Peace (24) L-268 #1
Leak, Willadean, bur. 11/28/1952, Sec. Peace (24) L-364 #1
Leake, Frank, bur. 5/10/1955, Sec. Pineview (21) L-31 #6
Leake, Harley C., bur. 11/22/1982, Sec. Crestview (22) L-145 #4
Leake, Jessie, bur. 5/13/1976, Sec. Crestview (22) L-145 #3
Leake, Lloyd Meryle, bur. 1/26/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-30 #9
Leal, infant of Jose A. (Ramon), bur. 9/3/1980, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-85
Leal, Jesus Gerardo, bur. 2/21/1983, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-69A
Lear, J. A., bur. 11/7/1924, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-29 #4
Lear, John William, bur. 6/14/1920, Sec. Graceland (6) L-556
Lear, Mary E., bur. 10/12/1929, Sec. Graceland (6) L-556
Learn, John F., bur. 4/3/2000, Sec. Patriots (29) L-24 #3
Leas, William Jacob, bur. 2/15/1963, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-530 #3
Leavitt, Guy Brown, bur. 4/3/1980, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1638 Row L
Leavitt, Ida Mae, bur. 6/1/1956, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-952 Row M
Leavitt, infant of G. B., bur. 8/16/1932, Sec. Meditation (15) L-45 #13
Leavitt, Virginia D., bur. 5/16/1979, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1638.5 Row L
Leavitt, William Bradbury, bur. 6/28/1948, Sec. Highland (14) L-72 #1
Lebasquet, John E., bur. 4/5/1924, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-241
Leber, Gladys, bur. 6/19/2000, Sec., Moore (28) L-55A #3
Lebold, Bruce N., bur. 2/17/1954, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-528 Row B
Lebold, Leola, bur. 7/18/2002, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1761B Row D
Lebosquet, Henry, bur. 4/17/1930, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-241
Lebosquet, Mary E., bur. 11/18/1931, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-241
Lebow, Charles, bur. 9/30/1992, Sec. Jewish L-8 #17
Lebow, Libby, bur. 1/23/1973, Sec. Jewish L-8 #16
Lebow, Simon, bur. 6/9/1966, Sec. Jewish L-8 #15
Lebow, Unnamed, bur. 1/25/1923, Sec. Jewish L-15 #16
Ledbetter, Asa Prince, bur. 1/12/1944, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-31
Ledbetter, Cecil Dennis, bur. 3/6/1975, Sec. Graceland (6) L-54 #7
Ledbetter, Dale M., bur. 8/1/1996, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-16 #C
Ledbetter, Dora, bur. 2/15/1966, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-31 #2
Ledbetter, Elwood Blake Jr., bur. 7/9/1946, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 72 #87
Ledbetter, infant of E. B., bur. 12/8/1947, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 56 #97
Ledbetter, infant of Elwood, bur. 9/7/1960, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #58
Ledbetter, Infants of Janet (twins), bur. 3/11/1974, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 93 #67
Ledbetter, Ira, bur. 3/15/1978, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-31 #3
Ledbetter, Joetta A., bur. 2/25/1952, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-222 #5
Ledbetter, Lele Belle, bur. 9/18/1972, Sec. Graceland (6) L-54 #6
Ledbetter, Reba, bur. 5/21/1991, Sec. Graceland (6) L-54 #8
Ledbetter, Stuart S., bur. 7/11/1969, Sec. Graceland (6) L-54 #5
Lederman, Louis, bur. 3/13/2003, Sec. Jewish (9 B) L-58 #8
Lederman, Nettie, bur. 5/14/1993, Sec. Jewish (9 B) L-58 #7
Ledford, Dasey G., bur. 9/19/1964, Sec. Graceland (6) L-557 #5
Ledford, Eliza, bur. 7/8/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560
Ledford, Frank, bur. 1/10/1939, Sec. Graceland (6) L-360 #4
Ledford, Fred Lee, bur. 10/16/1961, Sec. Graceland (6) L-419 #5
Ledford, Hazel Lucille, bur. 4/8/1967, Sec. Devotion (25) L-10 #5
Ledford, Lena M., bur. 11/27/1937, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560
Ledford, Marguerite Williams, bur. 10/24/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560 #8
Ledford, Mary Elizabeth, bur. 9/1/1924, Sec. Graceland (6) L-360
Ledford, Mary Ellen, bur. 12/19/1960, Sec. Graceland (6) L-360 #5
Ledford, Minnie H., bur. 1/7/1994, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-61 #3
Ledford, Mit P., bur. 5/9/1975, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-31 #4
Ledford, O. P., bur. 3/12/1923, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560
Ledford, Oliver Perry, bur. 8/12/1966, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560 #7
Ledford, Pauline L., bur. 9/17/1973, Sec. Graceland (6) L-419 #6
Ledford, Roy James, bur. 6/21/1998, Sec. Graceland (6) L-360 #6
Ledford, Ruby, bur. 5/5/1924, Sec. Graceland (6) L-560
Ledford, Sally, bur. 2/8/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-360
Ledford, Tanzy Floyd, bur. 8/5/1994, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-137 #7
Ledford, Troy Lee, bur. 4/30/1970, Sec. Graceland (6) L-557 #4
Ledford, William David, bur. 11/9/1946, Sec. Crestview (22) L-73 #49
Lee, Abe, bur. 10/16/1957, Sec. Jewish L-131 #3
Lee, Alice Laverne, bur. 6/22/1982, Sec. Crestview (22) L-187 #2
Lee, Alta L., bur. 5/10/1995, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1406 Row E
Lee, Amelia Ann, bur. 12/11/1951, Sec. Memories (16) L-360 #1
Lee, Amelia D., bur. 11/5/1951, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-100 #10
Lee, Anna M., bur. 11/24/1970, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-216 #1
Lee, Anna, bur. 7/7/1952, Sec. Jewish L-131 #2
Lee, Arthur James, bur. 6/4/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #106
Lee, Arthur O., bur. 6/18/1990, Sec. Crestview (22) L-52 #6
Lee, Berthe Margolin, bur. 2/4/1958, Sec. Jewish (18) L-49 #3
Lee, Billy Joe, bur. 8/14/1995, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1733 Row F
Lee, Birtie E., bur. 11/28/1988, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-944 Row J
Lee, Carl, bur. 12/11/1939, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-64
Lee, Cheryl Ann, bur. 4/18/1961, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1427 Row J
Lee, Chester Arthur, bur. 4/1/1948, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-944.5 Row J
Lee, Della, bur. 9/27/1927, Sec. Meditation (15) Single Rows L-41 #20
Lee, Donna A., bur. 7/21/1919, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-J #6
Lee, Dr. Jno., bur. 7/9/1941, Sec. Crestview (22) L-60 #6
Lee, Dr. Judah, bur. 2/20/1979, Sec. Jewish L-49 #4
Lee, Frank, bur. 6/7/1940, Sec. Memories (16) L-394 #1 or 2
Lee, Gentry, bur. 6/18/1965, Sec. Pineview (21) L-74 #6
Lee, Glenda Sue, bur. 2/23/1994, Sec., Moore (28) L-1 #4
Lee, Harley M., bur. 9/15/1960, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-60 #1
Lee, Harry, bur. 6/2/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-136
Lee, Haskell Bates, bur. 2/11/1989, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1406.5 Row E
Lee, Hily W., bur. 11/23/1955, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1448 Row A1
Lee, Ida Mae, bur. 1/4/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-88
Lee, Ilene, bur. 1/15/1996, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #182A
Lee, James Floyd, bur. 4/17/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-363 #5
Lee, Jeanette Lee, bur. 7/25/1927, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-48
Lee, Jennie May, bur. 3/1/1938, Sec. Abbey L-718 Row G
Lee, Jess Wee, bur. 5/22/1928, Sec. Graceland (6) L-61 #8
Lee, Joe, bur. 2/7/1962, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-88 #1
Lee, John R., bur. 10/18/1990, Sec. Patriots (29) L-46 #4
Lee, John T., bur. 10/6/1937, Sec. Crestview (22) L-57 #20
Lee, John W., bur. 5/4/1928, Sec. Abbey L-715 Row G
Lee, Joseph, bur. 8/15/1947, Sec. Jewish L-131 #1
Lee, Josephine, bur. 12/7/1955, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-327 Row B
Lee, L. S., bur. 2/4/1929, Sec. Memories (16) L-360
Lee, Lena, bur. 5/29/1924, Sec. Moved out of Cemetery
Lee, Loss Lawrence, bur. 1/4/1929, Sec. Memories (16) L-360
Lee, Lowanna Jean, bur. 10/29/1973, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1719 Row J
Lee, Mabel Klein, bur. 8/10/1984, Sec. Crestview (22) L-52 #7
Lee, Maggie, bur. 5/4/1973, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-48 #3
Lee, Marjorie W., bur. 2/26/1999, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-237 #2
Lee, Mary Elizabeth (Betty), bur. 7/2/1981, Sec. Graceland (6) L-447 #5
Lee, Maude M., bur. 1/23/1981, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #182B
Lee, Nettie E., bur. 4/21/1945, Sec. Memories (16) L-394
Lee, Ora E., bur. 3/4/1965, Sec. Peace (24) L-9 #1
Lee, Otha Robert, bur. 3/17/1978, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-237 #1
Lee, Ouida Beckley, bur. 7/14/1941, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-64
Lee, Pearl A., bur. 10/31/1960, Sec. Graceland (6) L-518 #2
Lee, R. F., bur. 4/18/1935, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-217
Lee, Raymond Eugene, bur. 3/8/1966, Sec. Crestview (22) L-187 #3
Lee, Robert E., bur. 1/26/2001, Sec. Devotion (25) L-25 #4
Lee, Robert Louis, bur. 10/4/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-447 #4
Lee, Roberta Bell, bur. 3/9/1973, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1448 Row A
Lee, Shelly W., bur. 9/18/1947, Sec. Peace (24) L-9 #2
Lee, Stanley Blair, bur. 11/4/1970, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-379 #3
Lee, Tom A., bur. 12/10/1928, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-328 Row B
Lee, Valjean M., bur. 1/28/1963, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall A, Niche #23
Lee, W. H., bur. 12/14/1925, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-48
Lee, Wanda, bur. 9/24/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-38 #30
Lee, William Oliver, bur. 3/3/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-92
Lee, Wilma Elliott, bur. 4/20/1978, Sec. Pineview (21) L-74 #5
Leech, Thomas B., bur. 1/10/1997, Sec. Moved out of Cemetery
Leedahl, Edwin M., bur. 3/10/1958, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-28 #10
Leedahl, Thelma M., bur. 4/19/1980, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-28 #9
Leedon, Alice Louise, bur. 9/3/1928, Sec. Greenland (4) L-243
Leeds, Erma Mae, bur. 9/29/1969, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1435 Row L
Leeds, George C., bur. 11/13/1971, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-234 #6
Leek, Alice V., bur. 9/23/1955, Sec. Pineview (21) L-31 #5
Leek, Mattie Theodosia, bur. 7/30/1923, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-157
Leek, Robert A., bur. 7/9/1960, Sec. Pineview (21) L-31 #4
Leek, William Hamilton, bur. 8/26/1940, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-157
Leeper, John L., bur. 4/29/1953, Sec. Devotion (25) L-27 #5
Lees, John Robert, bur. 4/16/1980, Sec. Fairview (8) L-15 #4
Leet, Lena Mae, bur. 5/24/1976, Sec. Greenland (4) L-318 #6
Lefholtz, Leonard H., bur. 2/8/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1406.5 Row M
Lefholtz, Ruth L., bur. 3/3/1975, (cremains) Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1406 Row M
Lefton, Mayme, bur. 11/25/1996, Sec. Jewish (7) L-30 #11
LeFurjah, Della, bur. 12/6/1944, Sec. Graceland (6) L-266
LeFurjah, Geo. Cowen, bur. 4/6/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-266
LeFurjah, infant of Geo., bur. 8/20/1924, Sec. Graceland (6) L-266
Legan, Elizabeth M., bur. 9/18/1970, Sec. Sunset (19) L-35 #2
Legan, Louis, bur. 2/27/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-231
Legan, Roby Wagg, bur. 2/22/1943, Sec. Sunset (19) L-35
Legate, Lula Bell, bur. 1/4/1960, Sec. Crestview (22) L-96 #2
Legate, Samuel H., bur. 8/25/1961, Sec. Crestview (22) L-96 #3
Legatski, Cora E. Hall, bur. 1/19/1959, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-203 #3
Leggett, Daniel C., bur. 7/30/1930, Sec. Highland (14) L-201 #2
Leggett, James Hamilton, bur. 7/28/1943, Sec. Highland (14) L-201 #6
Leggett, Maggie May, bur. 5/27/1950, Sec. Highland (14) L-201 #1
Legoullon, Jas. Henry, bur. 11/13/1928, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-32 #5
Legoullon, Margaret Andrews, bur. 10/13/1967, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-32 #4
Lehman, Chas., bur. 3/1/1929, Sec. Highland (14) L-250 #4
Lehman, Howard J., bur. 10/6/1987, Sec. Memories (16) L-681 #3
Lehr, Frances L., bur. 1/9/2001, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #216B
Lehr, Harley, bur. 10/1/2001, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #216A
Lehr, John, bur. 6/26/1984, Sec. Jewish (18) L-111 #4
Lehr, Louise M., bur. 2/12/1994, Sec. Love (26) L-219 #8
Lehr, Rev. Calvin, bur. 11/25/1987, Sec. Love (26) L-219 #7
Lehrman, Bertha, bur. 5/7/1954, Sec. Jewish L-125 #1
Lehrman, George H., bur. 12/12/1958, Sec. Jewish L-125 #3
Lehrman, Helen, bur. 11/6/1986, Sec. Jewish L-125 #4
Leibrock, BerthaLee, bur. 2/18/1987, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-230 #4
Leibrock, Paul Raymond, bur. 6/4/1985, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-230 #3
Leightner, Nathaniel, bur. 1/11/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-39 #10
Leinaar, infant of Kenneth, bur. 12/3/1974, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 93 #60
Leiter, David, bur. 3/11/1997, Sec. Jewish L-47 #8
Leiter, Frances Miller, bur. 2/11/1998, Sec. Jewish L-47 #7
Leiter, Lillian, bur. 3/23/1998, Sec. Jewish (18) L-105 #3
Leland, Edward R., bur. 1/17/2001, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-276 #3
Lem, Emily, bur. 1/27/1939, Sec. Highland (14) L-243
LeMahieu, infant of Richard, bur. 11/21/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #32
LeMahieu, Steven Wayne, bur. 4/20/1956, Sec. Crestview (22) L-86 #51
LeMaster, Anderson, bur. 10/3/1929, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-221
LeMaster, Donald Cope, bur. 11/8/2001, Sec. Highland (14) L-10 #5
LeMaster, Ed, bur. 3/12/1947, Sec. Memories (16) L-261 #1
LeMaster, Elizabeth, bur. 7/3/1933, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-221
LeMaster, Ernest Martin, bur. 4/14/2001, Sec. Graceland (6) L-100 #2
LeMay, Katherine K., bur. 11/14/1996, Sec., Moore (28) L-2 #4
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