Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1845-1923), 68 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Oklahoma Funeral Notices
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Submitted by Arlen Gregory [rosehillmemorialpark@cox.net].
Waas, Lula May, bur. 1/16/2003, Sec. Graceland (6) L-555 #8
Wack, Flora Mae, bur. 1/18/1996, Sec. Abbey 3rd
Wack, Peter C., bur. 1/9/1970, Sec. Abbey 3rd
Waddel, Glenna G., bur. 9/26/1997, Sec. Fairview (8) L-115 #5
Waddell, Duane, bur. 4/10/1991, Sec., Moore (28) L-18 #1
Waddell, Hattie M., bur. 12/15/1962, Sec. Devotion (25) L-78 #1
Waddell, Thelma L., bur. 6/15/1990, Sec., Moore (28) L-18 #2
Waddle, Frank, bur. 9/14/1974, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1769.5 Row K
Waddle, Mable, bur. 3/9/1993, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1769 Row K
Wade, Bess, bur. 8/27/1980, Sec. Devotion (25) L-120 #2
Wade, Dorathy, bur. 8/23/1922, Sec. Greenland (4) L-225
Wade, infant of Jim K., bur. 10/20/1954, Sec. Crestview (22) L-84 #26
Wade, James E., bur. 5/24/1938, Sec. Greenland (4) L-225
Wade, Jeffrey Archer, bur. 7/31/1952, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-237 #3
Wade, Letah, bur. 6/28/1955, Sec. Graceland (6) L-175 #6
Wade, Nettie C., bur. 12/9/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) L-225/226
Wade, Ray, bur. 4/27/1934, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-112
Wade, Sudie Adair, bur. 7/31/1965, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-112 #10
Wade, Thomas O., bur. 3/1/1951, Sec. Devotion (25) L-120 #1
Wade, Verma W., bur. 3/19/1941, Sec. Greenland (4) L-225
Wadley, Betty K., bur. 7/30/2002, Sec. Roselawn (5) L-149 #3
Wadlow, Norval E., bur. 9/16/1952, Sec. Devotion (25) L-134 #4
Wadlow, Ricky Terrell, bur. 5/9/2003, Sec. Sunset (19) L-18 #8
Wadsworth, Claude Raymond, bur. 11/27/1943, Sec. Fairview (8) L-114
Wadsworth, Ollie Morton, bur. 2/15/1954, Sec. Pineview (21) L-22 #6
Waful, Maude Goff, bur. 2/17/1976, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-942 Row M
Wager, John L., bur. 5/6/1946, Sec. Sunset (19) L-24 #1
Wager, Lillie Mae, bur. 12/7/1960, Sec. Sunset (19) L-24 #2
Waggoner, infant of Alvin, bur. 12/15/1941, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #49
Waggoner, infant of Frank, bur. 11/2/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-88 #34
Waggoner, John A., bur. 5/8/1936, Sec. Pineview (21) L-124 #3
Waggoner, Margaret R., bur. 1/26/1954, Sec. Highland (14) L-174 #1
Waggoner, Pearl, bur. 7/23/1979, Sec. Memories (16) L-512 #4
Waggoner, Ray Eddie, bur. 12/6/1948, Sec. Memories (16) L-512 #5
Waggoner, William Henry, bur. 8/11/1937, Sec. Crestview (22) L-55 #60
Wagner, Carl D., bur. 6/19/1999, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-225 Row E
Wagner, Cecile, bur. 10/12/1995, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1734 Row B
Wagner, Clara Bell, bur. 2/24/1958, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-324 #4
Wagner, Clara Mae, bur. 1/25/1969, Sec. Love (26) L-361 #2
Wagner, Clyde L., bur. 6/21/1977, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1735 Row B
Wagner, Dale Roy, bur. 10/26/1984, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1306 Row K
Wagner, Dan S., bur. 5/31/1946, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-80
Wagner, Daryl Eugene, bur. 7/20/1942, Sec. Abbey L-421 Row E
Wagner, Earl Roscoe, bur. 7/2/1963, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-36.5 #6
Wagner, Elizabeth C., bur. 4/3/1969, Sec. Crestview (22) L-53 #4
Wagner, Emma, bur. 5/12/1920, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-80
Wagner, Estill K., bur. 11/25/1991, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-80 #4
Wagner, Ethel Mack, bur. 1/19/1965, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-36.5 #5
Wagner, Florence, bur. 8/18/1927, Sec. Abbey L-620 Row H
Wagner, Frances B., bur. 5/19/1999, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-226 Row E
Wagner, Frank Brooks, bur. 6/12/1939, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-80 #8
Wagner, Grace, bur. 11/5/1976, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-80 #7
Wagner, H. Lamonte, bur. 11/17/1937, Sec. Crestview (22) L-57 #52
Wagner, J. W., bur. 10/16/1939, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-396 #3
Wagner, Jesse Raymond, bur. 10/4/1949, Sec. Crestview (22) L-170 #4
Wagner, Lawrence, bur. 12/23/1980, Sec. Love (26) L-361 #1
Wagner, Mary Ann, bur. 6/10/1983, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1743 Row A1
Wagner, Mary Elizabeth, bur. 2/15/1946, Sec. Abbey L-422 Row B
Wagner, Mattie Sorrels, bur. 6/14/1962, Sec. Abbey L-303 Row I
Wagner, Maureen, bur. 6/30/1975, Sec. Crestview (22) L-53 #3
Wagner, Myron Edmon, bur. 9/16/1966, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-628 Row C
Wagner, Nannie, bur. 11/27/1936, Sec. Pineview (21) L-199 #5 or 6
Wagner, Noah K., bur. 1/21/1972, Sec. Abbey L-303 Row H
Wagner, Richard Amis, bur. 10/14/1997, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1743 Row A
Wagner, Richard Leon, bur. 8/9/1976, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1771.5 Row C
Wagner, Robert M., bur. 1/2/1980, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1305 Row K
Wagner, Robert Ned, bur. 8/3/1942, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #59
Wagner, Selma E., bur. 8/15/1980, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1771 Row C
Wagoner, Bertha Elizabeth, bur. 12/29/1960, Sec. Greenland (4) L-180 #6
Wagoner, Grace B., bur. 10/9/1958, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1639 Row E
Wagoner, Herbert Henry, bur. 7/14/1975, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1639 Row E
Wagoner, John Weaver, bur. 9/6/1967, Sec. Greenland (4) L-180 #3
Wagoner, William Henry, bur. 6/8/1945, Sec. Pineview (21) L-199
Waid, Jewell L., bur. 2/13/2001, Sec. Peace (24) L-134 #2
Waite, Anna L., bur. 1/13/2001, Sec. Pineview (21) L-143 #2
Waits, John R., bur. 2/16/1972, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-330 #1
Waits, Nancy Kellie, bur. 11/4/1959, Sec. Devotion (25) L-260 #8
Waits, Patty Sue, bur. 6/25/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-330 #6
Waits, Samuel Lee, bur. 6/22/1934, Sec. Meditation (15) L-42 #88
Wake, Edward William, bur. 12/28/1965, Sec. Westlawn L-70 #1
Wake, Leatha, bur. 5/31/1926, Sec. Westlawn L-70
Wake, Mary Catherine, bur. 10/2/1926, Sec. Westlawn L-70
Wake, Mollie Kate, bur. 2/6/1968, Sec. Westlawn L-70 #2
Wake, Stella Sue, bur. 12/31/1928, Sec. Westlawn L-70
Wakefield, Baby Boy (Stenhouse), bur. 2/20/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-69 #18
Wakefield, Clara Mae, bur. 3/12/1984, Sec. Memories (16) L-276 #3
Wakefield, Elton, bur. 12/4/1945, Sec. Abbey L-418 Row D
Wakefield, Emily Jane, bur. 12/15/1925, Sec. Graceland (6) L-168
Wakefield, Harold A., bur. 4/11/1928, Sec. Abbey L-722 Row G
Wakefield, Harry Reid, bur. 3/8/1946, Sec. Memories (16) L-276
Wakefield, infant of H. A., bur. 4/25/1922, Sec. Graceland (6) L-168
Wakefield, Mae, bur. 1/21/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-168
Wakeland, Fern F., bur. 5/30/1996, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #37A
Wakeland, James M., bur. 7/14/1987, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #37
Walbridge, Frank, bur. 6/16/1928, Sec. Graceland (6) L-206
Walcutt, Jack, bur. 3/11/1932, Sec. Pineview (21) L-46 #3
Waldeck, Mary M., bur. 12/12/1952, Sec. Crestview (22) L-81 #3
Waldeck, Ralph H., bur. 8/8/1956, Sec. Crestview (22) L-81 #2
Walden, Brian K., bur. 6/30/1970, Sec. Crestview (22) L-89 #51
Walden, Gordon Rowan, bur. 2/23/1988, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-201 #5
Walden, infant of Glenn, bur. 10/19/1981, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-23A
Walden, James Joseph, bur. 7/8/1958, Sec. Crestview (22) L-165 #7
Walden, Marcella, bur. 1/9/1967, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-201 #4
Walden, Sidney H., bur. 8/16/2002, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-329 #1
Walden, Sidney Johnson, bur. 4/13/1962, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-202 #2
Waldman, Alfred, bur. no date, Sec. Jewish L-46 #1
Waldon, Rita, bur. 11/22/1999, Sec. Jewish L-46 #2
Waldon, Theophilus`, bur. 3/18/2000, Sec. Patriots (29) L-4 #2
Waldren, Archie Lee, bur. 12/8/1982, Sec. Love (26) L-7 #4
Waldrep, Bessie, bur. 1/22/1922, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72
Waldrep, Edith C., bur. 3/9/1971, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72 #4
Waldrep, infant of J. A., bur. 4/5/1926, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-55
Waldrep, James A., bur. 10/21/1948, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72 #8
Waldrep, John A., bur. 9/30/1935, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72
Waldrep, John W., bur. 6/24/1966, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72 #3
Waldrep, Minnie F., bur. 1/30/1973, Sec. Memories (16) L-384 #4
Waldrep, Nancy E., bur. 7/2/1942, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-72
Waldrep, Rev. Alfred Broadus, bur. 9/8/1962, Sec. Memories (16) L-384 #3
Waldrep, Sarah Texana, bur. 2/17/1964, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-55 #4
Waldrep, Walter Beasley, bur. 9/26/1953, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-55 #2
Waldrep, William Penn, bur. 11/7/1945, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-55
Waldron, Lelah D., bur. 6/6/1970, Sec. Greenland (4) L-252 #3
Waldron, Mortimer P., bur. 3/9/1942, Sec. Abbey L-211 Row F
Waldroop, Emma, bur. 11/7/1936, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-55
Waldroop, William Taylor, bur. 1/31/1938, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-55
Waldrop, Angel Dust Kay, bur. 2/27/1981, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-106
Waldrop, Bessie E., bur. 12/7/1939, Sec. Abbey L-859 Row M
Waldrop, Elsie Harris, bur. 5/17/1947, Sec. Pineview (21) L-30 #5
Waldrop, infant of J. W., bur. 8/14/1947, Sec. Crestview (22 W) L-Row 56 #95
Waldrop, John Calvin, bur. 10/9/1957, Sec. Abbey L-860 Row M
Waldrup, Calvin G., bur. 8/17/1970, Sec. Peace (24) L-178 #2
Waldrup, Marion Leroy, bur. 5/15/1965, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-169 #1
Walker, Adam L., bur. 4/24/2001, Sec. Greenland (4) L-89 #5
Walker, Alberta F., bur. 7/22/1958, (cremains) Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #39
Walker, Allie R., bur. 1/18/1983, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1641.5 Row E
Walker, Anna T., bur. 7/21/1978, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1409 Row K
Walker, Arthur G., bur. 11/5/1964, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-151 #1
Walker, Barney William, bur. 11/24/1958, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-208 #5
Walker, Belle, bur. 6/30/1964, Sec. Peace (24) L-339 #1
Walker, Bessie M., bur. 8/7/1989, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-111 #3
Walker, Betty O., bur. 7/30/1996, Sec. Private Estates West L-14 #19
Walker, Bonnie Lee, bur. 2/23/1978, Sec. Pineview (21) L-206 #4
Walker, Burt, bur. 5/20/1946, Sec. Crestview (22) L-73 #16
Walker, Charles William, bur. 4/3/1952, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-206 #2
Walker, Christeen, bur. 11/19/1986, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-151 #2
Walker, Clarice Billie, bur. 2/18/1967, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1500 Row E
Walker, Claude H., bur. 8/8/1983, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-41 #11
Walker, Claudia Hazel, bur. 3/16/1931, Sec. Meditation (15) L-44 #44
Walker, Clifton F., bur. 2/12/1944, Sec. Abbey L-619 Row F
Walker, Clyde A., bur. 11/2/2000, Sec. Pineview (21) L-247 #1A
Walker, David P., bur. 3/7/1975, Sec. Love (26) L-299 #8
Walker, Dr. William Archibald, bur. 1/4/1960, Sec. Memories (16) L-126 #1
Walker, Earl Joseph, bur. 1/9/1950, Sec. Peace (24) L-339 #2
Walker, Eben Leroy, bur. 11/29/1952, Sec. Peace (24) L-362 #3
Walker, Elpha Louise, bur. 9/30/1987, Sec. Peace (24) L-100 #2
Walker, Fannie P., bur. 10/15/1955, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1606 Row K
Walker, Frances Elizabeth, bur. 1/17/1950, Sec. Crestview (22) L-178 #7
Walker, Frances V., bur. 9/8/1976, Sec. Crestview (22) L-87 #2
Walker, Frankie, bur. 11/18/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-T #23
Walker, Fred F., bur. 2/28/1981, Sec. Private Estates West L-14 #20
Walker, Georgia M., bur. 2/8/1983, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-200 #3
Walker, Gertrude H., bur. 2/7/1975, Sec. Peace (24) L-362 #4
Walker, Grace Viola, bur. 1/3/1967, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-208 #4
Walker, Harold D., bur. 6/13/1995, Sec. Devotion (25) L-355 #3
Walker, Harold Harris, bur. 11/20/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-514
Walker, Harry A., bur. 8/26/1937, Sec. Greenland (4) L-224
Walker, Hazel, bur. 2/8/1993, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-41 #10
Walker, Henrietta Cochrane, bur. 4/29/1957, Sec. Peace (24) L-321 #4
Walker, henry Francis, bur. 3/20/1951, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302 #1
Walker, Ida Lee, bur. 10/31/1977, Sec. Memories (16) L-598 #2
Walker, infant of Lynda, bur. 10/2/1968, Sec. Crestview (22) L-89 #42
Walker, infant of Paul J., bur. 5/31/1944, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-11 #71
Walker, infant of Paul, bur. 5/15/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #26
Walker, infant of R. E., bur. 9/15/1947, Sec. Devotion (25) L-76 #1
Walker, infant of Raymond E., bur. 8/26/1950, Sec. Crestview (22) L-78 #27
Walker, infant of Robert C., bur. 8/26/1927, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-172
Walker, James Eugene, bur. 4/1/1991, Sec. Crestview (22) L-132 #5
Walker, James Lore, bur. 1/29/1923, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-151
Walker, Jay P. Jr., bur. 9/28/1970, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1701 Row C
Walker, Jay Poiser, bur. 2/18/1966, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1500 Row D
Walker, Jess Eugene, bur. 8/29/1989, Sec. Crestview (22) L-1 #8
Walker, Jimmy Joe Lee, bur. 1/15/1998, Sec. Devotion (25) L-367 #6
Walker, John Bethel, bur. 9/28/1959, Sec. Crestview (22) L-178 #8
Walker, John Lee, bur. 7/11/1932, Sec. Memories (16) L-126
Walker, John T., bur. 4/13/1946, Sec. Crestview (22) L-73 #10
Walker, John W., bur. 4/11/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302
Walker, Lillian, bur. 9/12/1972, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-243 Row B
Walker, Lillie Mae, bur. 4/30/2001, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1641 Row E
Walker, Lola Irien, bur. 8/27/1991, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1429 Row J
Walker, LouElla (carden), bur. 3/16/2005, Sec. Pineview (21) L-247 #1B, Moore Eastlawn FH
Walker, Lucy Mae, bur. 1/15/1983, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1772.5 Row E
Walker, Martha, bur. 1/22/1940, Sec. Pineview (21) L-71 #1
Walker, Mary E., bur. 1/18/1995, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1722 Row M
Walker, Mary Eliza, bur. 4/14/1976, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-206 #1
Walker, Melvin C., bur. 12/15/1955, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1409.5 Row K
Walker, Mildred Draughon, bur. 8/28/1945, Sec. Abbey L-861 Row M
Walker, Mildred Eileen, bur. 8/11/1942, Sec. Fairview (8) L-129
Walker, Mildred, bur. 3/16/1988, Sec. Crestview (22) L-1 #7
Walker, Olga Vogel, bur. 12/4/1963, Sec. Graceland (6) L-259 #2
Walker, Ora Elizabeth, bur. 1/24/1978, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1412 Row E
Walker, Pansy Boyd, bur. 4/21/1972, Sec. Graceland (6) L-224 #3
Walker, Pleasant G., bur. 7/17/1984, Sec. Crestview (22) L-87 #3
Walker, R. Marvin, bur. 2/25/1972, Sec. Memories (16) L-598 #3
Walker, Raymond B., bur. 8/2/1985, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1772 Row E
Walker, Reba M., bur. 5/28/1963, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-57 #2
Walker, Shirley Ann, bur. 4/18/2005, Sec. Highland (14) L-5 #2 Mobley-Dodson
Walker, Susanne J., bur. 9/2/1927, Sec. Fairview (8) L-61
Walker, Vivian E., bur. 5/19/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1412.5 Row E
Walker, W. Frank, bur. 9/10/1971, Sec. Graceland (6) L-259 #1
Walker, Walter Eugene, bur. 1/2/1953, Sec. Crestview (22) L-68 #26
Walker, Walter F., bur. 7/20/1960, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1430 Row J
Walker, Warren H., bur. 11/6/1946, Sec. Memories (16) L-260 #7
Walker, Wilfore J., bur. 6/29/1926, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-151
Walker, William Andrew, bur. 10/31/1960, Sec. Highland (14) L-96 #1
Walker, William Bascom, bur. 12/2/1947, Sec. Peace (24) L-321 #3
Walker, William Frank, bur. 3/30/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-259
Walker, William Henry, bur. 4/11/1945, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302
Walker, William L., bur. 11/19/1946, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-244 Row B
Walker, William S., bur. 9/30/1969, Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #89
Walker, William W., bur. 1/7/1937, Sec. Pineview (21) L-60 #1
Walker, William, bur. 7/19/1985, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-200 #4
Walker, Zelpha L., bur. 6/29/1951, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-302 #2
Walkley, Hubert Simpson, bur. 5/23/1936, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-191
Walkley, Omus Deely, bur. 6/29/1926, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-191
Walkley, Ormuz Muriel, bur. 6/9/1976, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-191 #2
Walkley, William Spencer, bur. 6/26/1940, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-191
Walkup, Myrtle L., bur. 3/2/2004, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-29 #2, Butler-Stumpff FH
Wall, Arvol Oscar, bur. 6/4/1957, Sec. Memories (16) L-276 #8
Wall, Dorothy Olinda Starch, bur. 11/18/2003, Sec. Crestview (22) L-106 #4, Moore Eastlawn FH
Wall, Ella May Perkins, bur. 7/18/2001, Sec. Memories (16) L-614 #1
Wall, Esther M., bur. 2/6/1965, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-145 #2
Wall, George W., bur. 10/21/1949, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-145 #1
Wall, Gregory A., bur. 2/19/1952, Sec. Abbey L-214 Row F
Wall, infant of H. W., bur. 11/9/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #43
Wall, infant of Kathleen, bur. 3/10/1975, Sec. Crestview (22) L-93 #57
Wall, Jean C., bur. 9/24/1998, Sec. Memories (16) L-459 #7
Wall, Mildred, bur. 12/22/2003, Sec. Memories (16) L-264 #4, Rose Hill FH
Wall, Nora Blanche, bur. 2/19/1971, Sec. Memories (16) L-276 #7
Wall, Sallie G., bur. 10/31/1951, Sec. Abbey L-214 Row F
Wall, Warren Wilson, bur. 12/3/1993, Sec. Memories (16) L-614 #2
Wall, Warren, bur. 8/13/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-591
Wallace, Clara May, bur. 2/16/1991, Sec. Memories (16) L-379 #6
Wallace, Clara Ola, bur. 12/27/1996, Sec. Memories (16) L-377 #1
Wallace, Donald J., bur. 11/7/1944, Sec. Abbey L-229 Row D
Wallace, Dorothy Jean, bur. 6/4/1952, Sec. Peace (24) L-26 #3
Wallace, E. N., bur. 4/1/1940, Sec. Memories (16) L-377 #2
Wallace, Eleanor, bur. 7/26/1974, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-344A Row A/1
Wallace, G. T., bur. 2/17/1987, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #17
Wallace, Gary, bur. 10/7/1981, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-21A
Wallace, Helene, bur. 12/31/1987, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-332 Row D
Wallace, Hugh A., bur. 10/23/1958, Sec. Memories (16) L-379 #7
Wallace, Inf. Twins of James, bur. 6/7/1945, Sec. Crestview (22) L-72 #55
Wallace, infant of James M., bur. 4/11/1955, Sec. Crestview (22) L-84 #8
Wallace, infant of James M., bur. 5/25/1953, Sec. Crestview (22) L-69 #40
Wallace, infant of M. J., bur. 7/2/1957, Sec. Crestview (22) L-80 #47
Wallace, Ishmell Newell, bur. 5/3/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-378
Wallace, L. H., bur. 5/8/1948, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-361 #4
Wallace, Le Roy, bur. 3/11/1941, Sec. Peace (24) L-54 #3
Wallace, Louise, bur. 11/7/1923, Sec. Lyndale (12) L-58
Wallace, Lula Jane, bur. 10/31/1966, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1418 Row L
Wallace, Mae, bur. 11/6/1933, Sec. Graceland (6) L-134
Wallace, Margaret Crawford, bur. 1/4/1936, Sec. Abbey L-404 Row H
Wallace, Margaret, bur. 12/22/1930, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-413
Wallace, Mary Hughes, bur. 5/14/1949, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-124 Row B
Wallace, Mary Lasiter, bur. 11/26/1960, Sec. Pineview (21) L-197 #6
Wallace, Mary, bur. 10/15/1952, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-343A Row A/1
Wallace, Mary, bur. 10/15/1952, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1678 Row K
Wallace, Maxine, bur. 1/5/1942, Sec. Pineview (21) L-251
Wallace, Mazie C., bur. 6/10/1948, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-230 Row D
Wallace, Mollie Harris, bur. 10/18/1956, Sec. Graceland (6) L-50 #2
Wallace, Myrtle, bur. 3/13/1963, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-361
Wallace, R. M., bur. 9/29/1938, Sec. Pineview (21) L-208 #6
Wallace, Royal R., bur. 2/11/1963, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1419 Row L
Wallace, Samuel Percy, bur. 5/24/1966, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-343B Row A
Wallace, Thomas L., bur. 2/13/1947, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-123 Row B
Wallace, Unnamed, bur. 5/9/1927, Sec. Abbey L-405 Row H
Wallace, William C., bur. 2/4/1929, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-396 #4
Wallace, William Thomas, bur. 3/14/1946, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-378
Wallace, William, bur. 9/9/1916, Sec. Abbey L-405 Row H
Wallach, Abe, bur. 4/15/1954, Sec. Jewish L-16 #1
Wallach, David, bur. 12/27/1918, Sec. Jewish L-16 #10
Wallach, Jano, bur. 7/17/1944, Sec. Jewish L-26 #5
Wallach, Oscar, bur. 2/8/1933, Sec. Jewish L-16 #5
Wallach, Susie, bur. 5/10/1954, Sec. Jewish L-26 #6
Waller, James O., bur. 8/25/1972, Sec. Highland (14) L-109 #2
Waller, Joseph Earl, bur. 6/10/1954, Sec. Graceland (6) L-596 #5
Waller, Nellie Blanche, bur. 4/12/1969, Sec. Highland (14) L-109 #1
Waller, Thelma B., bur. 4/23/1993, Sec. Graceland (6) L-596 #6
Wallice, C. V., bur. 8/17/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-33 #12
Walling, Dolly Marie, bur. no date, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-65 #5
Walling, Frank G., bur. 10/9/1951, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-231 Row B
Walling, Jesse Edward, bur. 9/20/1995, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-65 #6
Walling, Katherine A., bur. 5/24/1972, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-232 Row B
Wallins, Malcolm, bur. 3/23/1919, Sec. Jewish L-15 #11
Wallis, George Washington, bur. 10/31/1944, Sec. Pineview (21) L-255
Wallis, Jewel Ethel, bur. 9/7/2000, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #127A
Wallis, John Clelland, bur. 9/15/1984, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-L/C #127
Wallis, Rebecca Karen, bur. 3/12/1991, Sec. Garden Patio Maus. L-38 D West, Wall
Wallis, William F., bur. 5/9/1934, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-326
Walls, infant of Jack H., bur. 7/5/1950, Sec. Devotion (25) L-76 #78
Walls, Rachel E., bur. 1/29/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-31 #19
Walsh, Joseph W. M., bur. 7/15/1985, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-141 #2
Walsh, Patrick E., bur. 2/12/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-77 #24
Walsh, Richard Joseph, bur. 1/11/2002, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-141 #1
Walsh, Wallace, bur. 2/22/1927, Sec. Greenland (4) L-178
Walsted, Harold, bur. 2/21/1989, (cremains) Sec. Abbey Columbarium, Wall B, Niche #2A
Walter, Anna, bur. 2/11/1947, Sec. Abbey L-101 Row I
Walter, Clyde R., bur. 4/27/1935, Sec. Abbey L-102 Row I
Walter, Dorothy, bur. 5/20/1986, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1744 Row J
Walter, Elizabeth Ora, bur. 4/23/1964, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1407 Row M
Walter, Frank C., bur. 1/17/1953, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-908 Row L
Walter, Harry S., bur. 10/8/1968, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1507 Row M
Walter, Henry, bur. 10/20/1956, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1407.5 Row M
Walter, Katherine, bur. 2/5/1946, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-907 Row L
Walters, Alice Myrtle, bur. 12/21/1953, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-245 Row D
Walters, Charles, bur. 1/9/1991, Sec., Moore (28) L-42 #3
Walters, Dr. Arthur Leonard, bur. 10/31/1966, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-246 Row D
Walters, Eunice P., bur. 11/25/1994, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-724 Row D
Walters, Fred, bur. 2/6/1975, Sec. Crestview (22) L-92 #28
Walters, George, bur. 5/16/1946, Sec. Moved out of Cemetery
Walters, Hermine, bur. 3/5/1993, Sec., Moore (28) L-32 #2
Walters, infant of hubert, bur. no date, Sec. Greenland (4) L-68
Walters, Kate Montgomery, bur. 9/13/1943, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-71 #128
Walters, Marie, bur. 6/16/1941, Sec. Graceland (6) L-276
Walters, Maynard Scott, bur. 8/6/1982, Sec. Oaklawn (23) L-445 #3
Walters, Mildred C., bur. 8/24/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) L-68
Walton, Alma Joan, bur. 5/4/1998, Sec. Highland (14) L-133 #2
Walton, Curtis Franklin, bur. 3/10/1956, Sec. Graceland (6) L-135 #3
Walton, Grace S., bur. 10/26/1928, Sec. Memories (16) L-585 #1
Walton, John, bur. 12/5/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-147
Walton, Linna, bur. 5/17/1952, Sec. Graceland (6) L-135 #7
Walton, Tommie L., bur. 5/18/1970, Sec. Highland (14) L-133 #1
Walton, Warren David, bur. 10/26/1919, Sec. Graceland (6) L-135
Waltrip, Dr. Price W., bur. 10/12/1966, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1677 Row D
Waltrip, Mastin Hargrove, bur. 4/27/1963, Sec. Love (26) L-193 #2
Waltrip, Mattie B., bur. 6/7/1952, Sec. Love (26) L-193 #1
Waltrip, Virginia Osborne, bur. 2/16/1959, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1676 Row D
Walworth, David Hoyt, bur. 1/18/2003, Sec. Everlasting Life (27) L-86 #2
Wamsley, Bert, bur. 3/19/1927, Sec. Meditation (15) L-41 #44
Wann, James Chesley, bur. 11/16/1949, Sec. Crestview (22) L-77 #6
Wanrow, infant of C. L., bur. 9/20/1921, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-Q #27
Want, Peter Andrew, bur. 6/8/1982, Sec. Garden of Little Angels L-50A
Wantland, Francis E., bur. 12/22/1918, Sec. Graceland (6) L-571
Wantland, Lena, bur. 4/21/2003, Sec. Graceland (6) L-571 #2
Wantland, Lewis Charles, bur. 9/15/1967, Sec. Graceland (6) L-571 #3
Wantsett, Peter Elliett, bur. 9/26/1944, Sec. Crestview (22) L-74 #49
Ward, Amy Kristen, bur. 11/3/1981, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-17 #6
Ward, Arthur F., bur. 3/2/1943, Sec. Fairview (8) L-157
Ward, Audley, bur. 4/9/1934, Sec. Highland (14) L-220
Ward, Bertrand, bur. 8/25/1988, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-233 #5
Ward, Clara Margaret, bur. 5/7/1941, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-233
Ward, Clora V., bur. 11/10/1969, Sec. Graceland (6) L-435 #7
Ward, Daniel, bur. 1/20/1936, Sec. Graceland (6) L-44
Ward, Donald Arndt, bur. 11/19/1976, Sec. Crestview (22) L-92 #5
Ward, Dorothy Mize, bur. 3/20/1957, Sec. Memories (16) L-356 #6
Ward, Ellen, bur. 8/11/1926, Sec. Graceland (6) L-44
Ward, Esther Jane Johnson, bur. 8/31/1988, Sec. Abbey 3rd L-1618 Row K
Ward, Ethel Murray, bur. 12/16/1985, Sec. Pineview (21) L-182 #3
Ward, Eugene, bur. 12/13/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-38 #3
Ward, Flavelle, bur. 12/1/1979, Sec. Elmwood (3) L-65 #4
Ward, Francis Kelly, bur. 11/13/1987, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-135 #3
Ward, Frank, bur. 5/13/1920, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-N #13
Ward, Frederick C., bur. 7/29/1954, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-233 #1
Ward, Howard E., bur. 8/30/1974, Sec. Fairview (8) L-22 #19
Ward, Irene Gunter, bur. 3/23/1966, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-945 Row L
Ward, Jack D., bur. 3/26/1920, Sec. Graceland (6) L-44
Ward, Jack, bur. 12/31/1926, Sec. Greenland (4) L-61
Ward, Jess, bur. 5/7/1999, Sec. Patriots (29) L-32 #2
Ward, Jessie Viola Farnsworth, bur. 2/8/1965, Sec. Fairview (8) L-157 #4
Ward, Joe Davis (J.D.), bur. 2/10/1986, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-226 #4
Ward, John Malcolm, bur. 11/29/1921, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-17
Ward, John Murry, bur. 6/28/1917, Sec. Graceland (6) L-20
Ward, Joseph H., bur. 9/9/1988, Sec. Abbey 4th L-1738 Row F
Ward, Kelly Sheridan, bur. 6/13/1997, Sec. Devotion (25) L-206 #2
Ward, Lon J., bur. 3/13/1950, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-945.5 Row L
Ward, Mary Ann, bur. 3/23/1951, Sec. Crestview (22) L-79 #5
Ward, Mary B., bur. no date, Sec. Abbey L-1666 Row E
Ward, Mary Frances Ebebhack, bur. 6/21/2002, Sec., Moore (28) L-4 #4
Ward, May E.P., bur. 11/30/1934, Sec. Graceland (6) L-20
Ward, Mellie I., bur. 8/30/1927, Sec. Highland (14) L-220
Ward, Perry W. Sr., bur. 3/14/1947, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-906 Row L
Ward, Perry W., bur. 1/20/1978, Sec. Hillcrest (10) L-17 #5
Ward, Ruby D., bur. 12/11/1964, Sec. Abbey 2nd L-905 Row L
Ward, Ruby W., bur. 12/14/1990, Sec. Eastlawn (11) L-233 #6
Ward, Theodore William, bur. 3/4/1989, Sec. Patriots (29) L-L/C #117B
Ward, William D., bur. 12/11/1925, Sec. Greenland (4) Single Rows L-34 #12
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