Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Montefiore Cemetery
Jenkintown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.077753, -75.091513
600 Church Road
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Published: January 28, 2017
Total records: 56,684
Surnames I
Records published here were acquired from Montefiore Cemetery was January 28, 2017. Dates of death range from 1890 to 2016.
IANNI, Clara P., Death: Apr 16 1971, Organization: Congregation Ahavath Israel, Section: 13, Lot: 75, Grave: 3
IDELCHIK, Lyubov, Death: Nov 13 2006, Organization: Private, Section: 22, Lot: 57, Grave: 4
IDELCHIK, Roman, Death: Dec 24 2003, Organization: Private, Section: 22, Lot: 57, Grave: 3
IDELSON, Myer, Death: Oct 27 1994, Organization: Private, Section: N, Lot: 377, Grave: 3
IGNATIN, Fannie, Death: Dec 4 1912, Organization: Abraham Sacks Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
IGNATIN, Iggi, Death: Oct 24 1982, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 158, Grave: 2
IGNATIN, Jacob, Death: Jan 14 1958, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: 5, Lot: 12, Grave: 48
IGNATIN, Mary, Death: 11/16/2015, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 158, Grave: 1
IGNATIN, Mollie, Death: Jul 7 1976, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: 5, Lot: 12, Grave: 47
IGNATINSKY, Nathan, Death: Dec 14 1950, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: 5, Lot: 12, Grave: 49
IGNATINSKY, Zelda, Death: Oct 9 1943, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: 5, Lot: 12, Grave: 50
IGNATOV, Celia, Death: Feb 9 1960, Organization: Ahavas Achim Belzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 694, Grave: 1
IGNATOV, Jacob, Death: Mar 10 1964, Organization: Ahavas Achim Belzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 694, Grave: 2
ILGOWSKY, Eda, Death: May 8 1944, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: C, Lot: 12, Grave: 30
ILGOWSKY, Solomon, Death: Dec 14 1968, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: F, Lot: 9, Grave: 14
ILIESCU, Abraham, Death: Nov 3 1941, Organization: American Brotherhood Of Israel, Section: M, Lot: 427, Grave: 2
ILIESCU, Esther, Death: Oct 15 1997, Organization: Boslover Ahavas Achim Belzer Association, Section: O, Lot: 1155, Grave: 4
ILIESCU, Myer B., Death: Feb 20 1982, Organization: Boslover Ahavas Achim Belzer Association, Section: O, Lot: 1155, Grave: 3
ILIESCU, Rachel, Death: Jan 4 1924, Organization: American Brotherhood Of Israel, Section: M, Lot: 427, Grave: 3
IMONDI, Ann, Death: May 1 2007, Organization: Austrian Galician Congregation, Section: 15, Lot: 417, Grave: 3
IMOVITZ, Alexander, Death: Aug 2 1956, Organization: Fisher Memorial Park, Section: 11, Lot: 9, Grave: 10
INBINDER, Albert, Death: May 6 1933, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: C, Lot: 8, Grave: 22
INBINDER, Jennie, Death: Aug 21 1966, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: F, Lot: 3, Grave: 23
INBINDER, Louis, Death: Apr 20 1965, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: F, Lot: 3, Grave: 22
INDENBOM, Marion, Death: Feb 10 1977, Organization: Private, Section: 7, Lot: 130, Grave: 1
INDENBOM, Morris, Death: Feb 16 1957, Organization: Private, Section: 7, Lot: 59, Grave: 2
INDICTOR, Casel Charles, Death: Nov 29 1950, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 767, Grave: 2
INDICTOR, Fannie, Death: Oct 18 1935, Organization: Anshe Sode Loven Beneficial Association, Section: 18B, Lot: 2, Grave: 3
INDICTOR, Fay, Death: Sep 15 2003, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 771A, Grave: 4
INDICTOR, Frances, Death: Jul 3 2004, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 786, Grave: 4
INDICTOR, Irwin G., Death: Dec 22 1985, Organization: Weiss Family Circle, Section: 21, Lot: 546, Grave: 1
INDICTOR, Lillian, Death: May 16 1953, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 767, Grave: 3
INDICTOR, Louis, Death: Nov 4 1993, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 771A, Grave: 3
INDICTOR, Matilda, Death: Apr 17 1996, Organization: Weiss Family Circle, Section: 21, Lot: 546, Grave: 2
INDICTOR, Ralph, Death: Apr 30 1975, Organization: Rosenfeld Family, Section: J, Lot: 786, Grave: 3
INGBER, Albert J., Death: Oct 12 1965, Organization: Private, Section: 3, Lot: 219, Grave: 2
INGBER, Anna, Death: Jun 8 1951, Organization: Private, Section: Y2, Lot: 34, Grave: 4
INGBER, Bessie, Death: May 24 1933, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: E, Lot: 132, Grave: 2
INGBER, Frances, Death: Aug 16 1956, Organization: Private, Section: 3, Lot: 219, Grave: 1
INGBER, Katherine, Death: Jul 5 1976, Organization: Private, Section: 3, Lot: 219, Grave: 3
INGBER, Nathan, Death: Apr 29 1953, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: B, Lot: 124, Grave: 4
INGBER, Rosie, Death: Oct 31 1926, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: E, Lot: 132, Grave: 1
INGRISELLI, Jean G., Death: Jan 21 1953, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 1183, Grave: 3
INKER, Jennie, Death: Oct 29 1925, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: A, Lot: 11, Grave: 21
INSELMAN, Jack L., Death: Dec 21 1985, Organization: Private, Section: I, Lot: 476, Grave: 1
INSELMAN, Jennie, Death: Apr 3 1934, Organization: Austrian Galician Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 215, Grave: 1
INSELMAN, Michael, Death: Jun 26 1936, Organization: Austrian Galician Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 197, Grave: 1
INSELMAN, Sadye N., Death: Apr 14 1976, Organization: Private, Section: I, Lot: 475, Grave: 4
INTRO, Jack, Death: Nov 13 1983, Organization: Geulas Israel Congregation, Section: 5, Lot: 189, Grave: 2
INTRO, Janine, Death: Aug 30 1979, Organization: Geulas Israel Congregation, Section: 5, Lot: 189, Grave: 1
INVER, Charles, Death: Jan 19 1990, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: D, Lot: 95, Grave: 4
IOCCO, Rochelle Appel, Death: Feb 18 2006, Organization: Private, Section: 19, Lot: 87, Grave: 2
IOFEE, Isaak, Death: Sep 14 1984, Organization: Fisher Memorial Park, Section: 11, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
IOFFE, Bertha, Death: Jun 1 2010, Organization: Private, Section: 19, Lot: 334, Grave: 4
IOFFE, Boris, Death: Jul 21 1990, Organization: Private, Section: 19, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
IRMA, Samlin, Death: 1/25/2015, Organization: Private, Section: 19, Lot: 292, Grave: 1
ISAAC, Abraham, Death: Apr 24 1979, Organization: Pannonia Beneficial Association, Section: 9, Lot: 173, Grave: 4
ISAAC, Anna, Death: Nov 11 1984, Organization: Pannonia Beneficial Association, Section: 9, Lot: 173, Grave: 3
ISAACMAN, Edith, Death: Nov 8 1967, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: 5, Lot: 11, Grave: 34
ISAACS, Abraham, Death: Mar 25 1951, Organization: Pannonia Beneficial Association, Section: 6F, Lot: 1, Grave: 43
ISAACS, Bruce Lewis, Death: Nov 25 2006, Organization: Private, Section: 19, Lot: 373, Grave: 4
ISAACS, Charles, Death: Feb 7 1927, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
ISAACS, Elizabeth, Death: Mar 1 1941, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 44, Grave: 3
ISAACS, Harry, Death: Jan 27 1942, Organization: Private, Section: 10, Lot: 341, Grave: 4
ISAACS, Herbert, Death: Mar 18 1992, Organization: Private, Section: 10, Lot: 394, Grave: 1
ISAACS, Jennie, Death: Sep 28 1947, Organization: Joseph Levine & Son, Inc., Section: 8, Lot: 303, Grave: 3
ISAACS, Joseph, Death: May 5 1931, Organization: Maurer, Section: N, Lot: 347, Grave: 1
ISAACS, Julius, Death: Dec 1 1987, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 43, Grave: 2
ISAACS, Matilda, Death: Nov 23 1955, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 42, Grave: 4
ISAACS, Milton, Death: Apr 11 1991, Organization: Geulas Israel Congregation, Section: 5, Lot: 236, Grave: 2
ISAACS, Morris, Death: Aug 22 1947, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 44, Grave: 4
ISAACS, Nancy B., Death: Mar 30 1927, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 42, Grave: 2
ISAACS, Philip, Death: Dec 11 1943, Organization: Friendship Lodge, Section: M, Lot: 42, Grave: 3
ISAACS, Rita, Death: Jun 23 1993, Organization: Private, Section: 10, Lot: 394, Grave: 2
ISAACS, Ruth, Death: Apr 5 1995, Organization: Geulas Israel Congregation, Section: 5, Lot: 236, Grave: 3
ISAACS, Sarah, Death: May 25 1941, Organization: Private, Section: 10, Lot: 89, Grave: 1
ISAACS, Walter, Death: May 22 1930, Organization: New Liberty, Section: I, Lot: 260, Grave: 2
ISAACS, William, Death: Jul 20 1946, Organization: Private, Section: 10, Lot: 89, Grave: 2
ISAACS, William, Death: Jun 1 1952, Organization: New Liberty, Section: I, Lot: 260, Grave: 3
ISAACS, William, Death: Oct 18 1928, Organization: New Liberty, Section: I, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ISAACSON, Anna, Death: May 18 1902, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 527, Grave: 5
ISAACSON, Bertha, Death: Apr 3 1935, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: O, Lot: 759, Grave: 3
ISAACSON, Dorothy, Death: Dec 5 2008, Organization: Chevrath Tikvoh Chadoshoh, Section: 19, Lot: 40, Grave: 2
ISAACSON, Elizabeth, Death: Aug 31 1963, Organization: Private, Section: H, Lot: 330, Grave: 1
ISAACSON, Gertrude, Death: Sep 10 1978, Organization: Chevrath Tikvoh Chadoshoh, Section: 19, Lot: 40, Grave: 1
ISAACSON, Herman Ralph, Death: Dec 22 1987, Organization: Memorial Park, Section: A, Lot: 286, Grave: 4
ISAACSON, Herman, Death: Jan 22 1962, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 511, Grave: 1
ISAACSON, Joseph, Death: Jan 2 1918, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 667, Grave: 5
ISAACSON, Louis, Death: Aug 6 1949, Organization: Berschler, Section: H, Lot: 350, Grave: 3
ISAACSON, Max, Death: Dec 4 1962, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 511, Grave: 3
ISAACSON, Morris, Death: Aug 13 1926, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: O, Lot: 811, Grave: 2
ISAACSON, Philip, Death: Nov 9 2009, Organization: Private, Section: 2, Lot: 317, Grave: 3
ISAACSON, Rebecca, Death: Sep 16 1923, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 647, Grave: 5
ISAACSON, Rose, Death: Dec 11 1958, Organization: Private, Section: H, Lot: 330, Grave: 5
ISAACSON, Rose, Death: Sep 22 1964, Organization: Northern Chevra Kadisha, Section: O, Lot: 941, Grave: 2
ISAACSON, Rose, Death: Oct 21 1971, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 511, Grave: 2
ISAACSON, Saul S., Death: Aug 15 1988, Organization: Memorial Park, Section: A, Lot: 297, Grave: 3
ISADOR, Alice, Death: Feb 1 1996, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 421, Grave: 2
ISADOR, Charles, Death: Feb 22 1987, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 421, Grave: 4
ISADOR, Morris, Death: Dec 19 1935, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
ISADOR, Sonia, Death: Jan 9 1954, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 424, Grave: 4
ISADORE, Bernard, Death: Nov 29 2008, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 427, Grave: 2
ISADORE, Louis, Death: Dec 30 1965, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 426, Grave: 1
ISADORE, Michael Scott, Death: Mar 27 1969, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 406, Grave: 4
ISADORE, Samuel, Death: Jan 29 1992, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 427, Grave: 3
ISADORE, Sarah, Death: Feb 7 1975, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 426, Grave: 2
ISARD, Anne, Death: Feb 10 1998, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 221, Grave: 3
ISARD, Max, Death: Sep 8 1994, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 221, Grave: 4
ISARD, Minnie, Death: Jul 5 1952, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 220, Grave: 2
ISARD, Reba, Death: Nov 1 1956, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 172, Grave: 4
ISARD, William, Death: Oct 16 1983, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
ISDANER, Frances, Death: Apr 13 1983, Organization: Private, Section: J, Lot: 67, Grave: 2
ISDANER, Hannah, Death: Dec 1 1951, Organization: Anshei Shavel Congregation, Section: I, Lot: 510, Grave: 3
ISDANER, Harry, Death: Aug 26 1974, Organization: Rawitz Lodge - Stillman, Section: O, Lot: 531, Grave: 1
ISDANER, Irving, Death: Nov 13 1978, Organization: Private, Section: J, Lot: 67, Grave: 1
ISDANER, Mendel, Death: Mar 31 1937, Organization: Anshei Shavel Congregation, Section: I, Lot: 510, Grave: 4
ISDANER, Molly, Death: May 9 2012, Organization: Rawitz Lodge - Stillman, Section: O, Lot: 531, Grave: 2
ISDANER, Rudy, Death: Nov 6 1982, Organization: Stillman, Section: O, Lot: 557, Grave: 4
ISDANER, Samuel, Death: Dec 4 1984, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 566, Grave: 1
ISECOVITZ, Fannie, Death: Nov 25 1929, Organization: Berschler, Section: N, Lot: 482A, Grave: 2
ISEN, Abraham, Death: Aug 30 1988, Organization: Bertha Rawitz Lodge, Section: O, Lot: 530, Grave: 3
ISEN, Carol, Death: 04/18/2014, Organization: Mausoleum (Cemetery-owned), Section: ABR, Lot: NB, Grave: 3
ISEN, Charlotte, Death: 05/04/2016, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: G, Lot: 229, Grave: 4
ISEN, Edis D., Death: May 16 1973, Organization: Austrian Galician Congregation, Section: 15, Lot: 434, Grave: 4
ISEN, Harold, Death: 12/08/2014, Organization: Mausoleum (Cemetery-owned), Section: ABR, Lot: NB, Grave: 2
ISEN, Irvin, Death: Mar 2 2012, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M H, Lot: 251, Grave: 3
ISEN, Mollie, Death: Mar 18 1987, Organization: Bertha Rawitz Lodge, Section: O, Lot: 530, Grave: 4
ISEN, Nathan D., Death: Jul 26 1945, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M A, Lot: 57, Grave: 2
ISEN, Sophia, Death: Jun 29 1976, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M A, Lot: 57, Grave: 3
ISEN, Theodore, Death: 08/19/2013, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M G, Lot: 229, Grave: 3
ISENBERG, Fannie, Death: Mar 30 1984, Organization: Bukier Beneficial Association Of Philadelphia, Section: M, Lot: 163, Grave: 3
ISENBERG, Jennie, Death: Nov 17 1954, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge - Goldstein, Section: F, Lot: 55, Grave: 1
ISENBERG, Morris, Death: Sep 23 1972, Organization: Bukier Beneficial Association Of Philadelphia, Section: M, Lot: 163, Grave: 2
ISENBERG, Reuben, Death: Apr 2 1981, Organization: Fisher Memorial Park, Section: 11, Lot: 33, Grave: 3
ISENBERG, Samuel D., Death: May 2 1987, Organization: Bukier Beneficial Association Of Philadelphia, Section: 8, Lot: 51, Grave: 1
ISENBERG, Sidney, Death: Aug 1 2012, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: B, Lot: 78, Grave: 1
ISHAL, Viktor, Death: Feb 29 2004, Organization: Private, Section: 22, Lot: 23, Grave: 5
ISKIN, Florence, Death: Oct 21 2012, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 1215, Grave: 2
ISKIN, Herman, Death: Sep 26 1963, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 1287, Grave: 3
ISKIN, Julian, Death: May 14 1995, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 1215, Grave: 1
ISKIN, Robert, Death: Aug 31 1964, Organization: Private, Section: O, Lot: 1214, Grave: 4
ISKOVITZ, Frank, Death: Mar 13 1967, Organization: Bertha Rawitz Lodge, Section: O, Lot: 559, Grave: 4
ISOKOWITZ, Asher, Death: Jul 26 1926, Organization: Zickney Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 85, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Ansell, Death: Nov 5 1940, Organization: Abraham Raphael, Section: H, Lot: 402, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Baby Boy, Death: Dec 10 1947, Organization: Brith Sholom Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 408, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Benjamin, Death: Nov 20 1953, Organization: Fisher Memorial Park, Section: 11, Lot: 8, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Benjamin, Death: Mar 17 1918, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M E, Lot: 148, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Bertha, Death: May 6 2005, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M H, Lot: 215, Grave: 5
ISRAEL, Elinor L., Death: Jun 10 1999, Organization: Memorial Park, Section: A, Lot: 294, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Fannie, Death: Oct 14 1959, Organization: Brith Sholom Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 389, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Florence, Death: Apr 30 2011, Organization: Congregation Ahavath Israel, Section: 13, Lot: 80, Grave: 4
ISRAEL, Fred, Death: May 24 1980, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 113, Grave: 4
ISRAEL, Herman, Death: Mar 5 1981, Organization: Congregation Ahavath Israel, Section: 13, Lot: 80, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Herman, Death: Dec 19 1934, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M E, Lot: 271, Grave: 1
ISRAEL, Isadore, Death: Jun 23 1964, Organization: Brith Sholom Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 388, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Jane, Death: Sep 7 1933, Organization: Abraham Raphael, Section: H, Lot: 408, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Jennie, Death: Oct 17 1971, Organization: Brith Sholom Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 388, Grave: 1
ISRAEL, Lenora, Death: Mar 30 1988, Organization: Chevra Mishnaeas Anshe Sfard, Section: 5, Lot: 330, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Leslie Mark, Death: Apr 18 1992, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 261, Grave: 3
ISRAEL, Martin, Death: Apr 8 1952, Organization: Brith Sholom Congregation, Section: M, Lot: 389, Grave: 1
ISRAEL, Meyer A., Death: Sep 29 1978, Organization: Private, Section: H, Lot: 286, Grave: 1
ISRAEL, Morris S., Death: Jan 14 1969, Organization: Private, Section: H, Lot: 286, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Muriel, Death: Jul 13 1937, Organization: Asher, Section: 5, Lot: 411, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Norma, Death: Feb 2 1999, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 261, Grave: 4
ISRAEL, Rebecca, Death: Nov 22 1925, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M E, Lot: 238, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Rose, Death: Jan 31 1991, Organization: Private, Section: 4, Lot: 309, Grave: 4
ISRAEL, Samuel, Death: Mar 5 1989, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M H, Lot: 215, Grave: 4
ISRAEL, Sarah, Death: May 30 1937, Organization: Chevra Mishkan Israel Society, Section: 5, Lot: 330, Grave: 2
ISRAEL, Spencer Louis, Death: Oct 21 1918, Organization: Hyman Lodge, Section: M E, Lot: 148, Grave: 4
ISRAELI, Annie S., Death: Dec 23 1966, Organization: Private, Section: 3, Lot: 346, Grave: 3
ISRAELI, Clara Dr., Death: Jan 14 1953, Organization: Asher, Section: 13, Lot: 367, Grave: 2
ISRAELI, Easias, Death: Apr 13 1959, Organization: Private, Section: 13, Lot: 367, Grave: 1
ISRAELI, Samuel M., Death: Feb 6 1936, Organization: Private, Section: 3, Lot: 346, Grave: 4
ISRAELITAN, Abraham, Death: Jun 30 1914, Organization: Widrewitz Lodge - Goldstein, Section: M, Lot: 32, Grave: 4
ISRAELITAN, Elias, Death: Nov 18 1930, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 521, Grave: 4
ISRAELITAN, Isaac, Death: Apr 15 1928, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 521, Grave: 3
ISRAELITAN, Lena, Death: Jul 28 1943, Organization: Kesher Israel Congregation, Section: N, Lot: 527, Grave: 1
ISRAELSKY, Alex, Death: Aug 31 1948, Organization: Chevra Mishkan Israel Society, Section: 5, Lot: 330, Grave: 1
ISSADORE, Harry Louis, Death: Mar 21 1966, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 429, Grave: 2
ISSADORE, Hyman, Death: Aug 23 1962, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 429, Grave: 3
ISSADORE, Ida, Death: Feb 6 1976, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 429, Grave: 4
ISSADORE, Irving, Death: Jul 1 1998, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 430, Grave: 1
ISSADORE, Pauline, Death: Jan 7 2013, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 429, Grave: 1
ISSADORE, Samuel, Death: Aug 9 1994, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 430, Grave: 4
ISSADORE, Sylvia, Death: Apr 15 2010, Organization: Isador Family Circle, Section: 8, Lot: 430, Grave: 3
ISSOD, Abraham, Death: Sep 13 1956, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: B, Lot: 87, Grave: 1
ISSOD, Jean, Death: Jun 5 1955, Organization: Pennsylvania Lodge, Section: B, Lot: 87, Grave: 2
ITKOWITZ, Dora Dorothy, Death: Jun 12 1968, Organization: Independent Kishineff Unterstuetzungs Verein, Section: 17, Lot: 174, Grave: 3
ITZENSON, Leah, Death: Jun 11 1957, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: G, Lot: 4, Grave: 30
ITZENSON, Meyer, Death: Nov 14 1964, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: G, Lot: 4, Grave: 31
ITZENSON, Shirley, Death: 10/13/2014, Organization: Private, Section: B, Lot: 43, Grave: 2
ITZKOWITZ, Morris, Death: May 8 1935, Organization: Tiferes Israel Congregation Of Parkside, Section: 5, Lot: 499, Grave: 4
IVINS, C. Max, Death: Dec 29 1979, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 326, Grave: 4
IVINS, Clara, Death: Sep 13 1972, Organization: Dr. Theodore Herzel, Section: I, Lot: 309, Grave: 2
IVINS, Edith Ann, Death: Sep 2 2006, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 326, Grave: 3
IVINS, Edythe, Death: Mar 29 2003, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 303, Grave: 2
IVINS, George, Death: Aug 19 2000, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 326, Grave: 2
IVINS, Louis, Death: Jan 30 1959, Organization: Dr. Theodore Herzel, Section: I, Lot: 309, Grave: 3
IVINS, Rebecca, Death: Aug 7 1967, Organization: Philadelphia Workmen's Circle Cemetery Committee, Section: C, Lot: 7, Grave: 34
IVINS, Sidney, Death: Apr 29 2013, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 303, Grave: 1
IVINS, Sylvia, Death: Oct 16 2003, Organization: Private, Section: 1, Lot: 326, Grave: 1
IVRY, Eva, Death: Dec 5 1948, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 264, Grave: 4
IVRY, Herman, Death: Sep 6 1971, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 246, Grave: 2
IVRY, Isaac, Death: Dec 23 1948, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 264, Grave: 2
IVRY, Milton, Death: Oct 21 1961, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 294, Grave: 4
IVRY, Samuel, Death: Jun 5 1939, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
IVRY, Winnie, Death: Jun 30 1987, Organization: Independent Stepenitzer Beneficial Association, Section: Y, Lot: 295, Grave: 1
IZES, Bernard, Death: Feb 25 2012, Organization: Agudas Achim - Goldstein, Section: 16, Lot: 217, Grave: 3
IZES, David, Death: Aug 24 1977, Organization: Chevra Thillim B'nai Israel - Goldstein, Section: 15, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
IZES, Fannie, Death: Feb 19 1987, Organization: Chevra Thillim B'nai Israel - Goldstein, Section: 15, Lot: 384, Grave: 2
IZES, Janice, Death: Aug 21 1991, Organization: Private, Section: I, Lot: 653, Grave: 4
IZIKOFF, Samuel, Death: Oct 2 1966, Organization: Fisher Memorial Park, Section: 11, Lot: 17, Grave: 12
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Conshohocken, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2001-2009)
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Jenkintown, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2008-2008)
King of Prussia, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2004-2018)
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Plymouth Meeting, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2007-2009)
Pottstown, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2000-current)
Roslyn, Abington, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2008-2008)
Sanatoga, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2008-current)
Schwenksville, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2020-current)
Souderton, PA, Newspaper Obituaries (2000-current)
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