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Peter / Barnet Cemetery
Maidencreek Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania

This listing was contributed by Justine Walter [genphotos@geocities.com].  Total records = 13.

Behind Memorial Gardens Cemetery on Rt. 222. Close to the sharp turn on Evansville Rd. Road has a rope across it. Walk the dirt path until you come to a tree struck by lightening. Cemetery walls on the left.

Salomon H. Peter, s/o Joseph C. & Maria
3-22-1865 - 9-17-1865 aged 0-5-25


Daniel Bernet
3-2-1762 - 10-11-1839 aged 79-7-9 Married Maria Elisabeth Lies
Veteran if the Revolutionary War

Marie Elisabeth Bernet, nee Lies w/o Daniel
2-18-1764 - 10-8-1839 aged 75-7-20
1 Daughter, 8 Grandchildren, 3 Great-greatgrandchildren

Abraham Peter
2-23-1779 - 12-8-1824 aged 45-9-15 Married Susanna Bernet - 7 children

Maria Peter, nee Barnet
12-4-1816 - 8-19-1854 aged 37-8-15  Married Joseph 11-16-1839 14-9-3

Daniel Barnet, s/o Joseph E. & Maria
3-1851 - 3-26-1855

Susanna (Barnet) Schmeck widow of Abraham Peter
6-26-1786 - 4-16-1840 aged 53-9-21
8 Children, 5 Grandchildren

Lilly Peter, d/o Joseph E. & Maria
5-16-1866 - 3-31-1867 aged 10 m 15 d

?  d/o Joseph E. & Maria
2-26-1841 died soon after birth

? d/o Joseph E. & Maria
1-20-1858 - 1-16-1865 aged 6-11-26

Ellen Barnet
8-6-1855 aged 1-3-4

On the Monument: Side One

Joseph Peter
9-6-1816 - 11-26-1866 Maria Barnet his wife; Maria (Hoch), his wife; infant
daughter; Daniel; Maria; Salomon; Lilly.

Side Two:

Maria E. Barent; Daniel Barnet; Abraham Peter; Susanna Schmeck

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