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Northwood Cemetery
Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

15th & Haynes, Philadelphia PA, 19126

Lat: 40° 03' 42"N, Lon: 075° 08' 40"W

This cemetery was established in 1878.

This is not a complete listing of all burials in this cemetery. The records below were provided by contributors to Interment.net. Last edited May 16, 2011. Total records = 144.

Letters appearing in brackets [ ] at the end of each record refer to the person who submitted the record to this website. Please visit the Submitter's Index Page to view the submitter details.

Akeroyd, Alfred, d. Dec 1951, age: 86yr, [FD]
Akeroyd, Lillian, d. Mar 1937, age: 65yr, [FD]
Atz, Lydia, d. Oct 5, 1918, w/o William J. Atz, Sr. Lot 'Forest-707', [LB]
Beck, Anna, b. 1862, d. 1935, w/o Robert F, Circle Sec, Lot #50 Pos #5, [RB]
Beck, Robert F., b. 1865, d. 1927, h/o Anna, Circle Sec, Lot #50 Pos #5, [RB]
Berninger, Geo., bur. 29 Apr 1905, Lot #258, [ML]
Betts, Dolores K Kulp, b. 1944, d. 1979, d/o Harry West and Eliz. Tholey, w/o Harold G. Kulp and Clyde Betts, [RC]
Bishop, Harriet, b. 1895, d. 1 May 1917, [PB]
Boon, Annetta C, b. 1869, d. 30 Dec 1942, w/o Joseph Boon, [PB]
Boon, Joseph, b. 1863, d. 22 Mar 1913, h/o Annetta C. Yheaulon Boon, [PB]
Boon, William R, b. 1891, d. 5 Jul 1897, [PB]
Bosler, Edna G., d. 6/19/1891, d/o Charles C. and Eliza (Hendricks) Bosler, aged 8 yrs, Lot 'Fairmount-9', [LB]
Bosler, George W. H., d. 11/12/1935, h/o Susan Rebecca Bosler, s/o Charles C. and Elizabeth Bosler, [LB]
Briley, Blanche, b. May 1894, d. 19 July 1950, d/o William Neumann and Blanche Wilkinson, Linden Sec #3, [DD]
Brook, Mary, b. 1835 England, d. 14 Jun 1898, age: 62yr, [FD]
Brook, William, b. Mar. 1834 England, d. 14 Jun 1900, age: 66yr, [FD]
Clayton, Richard H., b. 05 Feb 1869 England, d. 17Jun 1937, age: 68yr, [FD]
Clayton, Sarah J., b. 08 Oct 1847 England, d. 13 Mar 1913, age: 64� yr, [FD]
Clowrey, Anna May, b. 3 Dec 1896, d. 10 Oct 1918, w/o John Clowrey, d/o Geo. R. and Anna May Lawrence Holly 78, [JL]
Dieterle, Andrew, b. 25 Jul 1867, d. 20 Jun 1939, s/w Turns, Dieterle plot, pos 1, [JM]
Dieterle, Christine (Pfau), b. 24 Nov 1871, d. 1 Jun 1928, s/w Hannah, Dieterle plot, pos 2, [JM]
Dieterle, Jacob, b. 2 Feb 1872, d. 20 Feb 1910, Dieterle plot, pos 6, [JM]
Doam, Frieda Hartner, b. 14 Nov 1884, d. 5 Feb 1961, Mother, [NR]
Doam, Harry G., b. 1910, d. 8 Mar 1977, Son, [NR]
Doam, Harry, b. 1878, d. 9 Feb 1931, Father, [NR]
Elwood, Levi M. R., d. ? May 1935, age: 34yr, s/w Louise, Dieterle plot, pos 3, [JM]
Elwood, Louise M.(Dieterle), b. 2 Aug 1897, d. ? Apr 1935, s/w Levi, Dieterle plot, pos 3, [JM]
Evans, Alice, d. 26 Jul 1904, d/o Sarah and Robert Evans, [RZ]
Fincher, Julia D. (Dieterle), b. 7 Jul 1905, d. 30 Jun 1969, Dieterle plot, pos 1&2, [JM]
Gallagher, Harry (Hillary) J. b. 186?, d. 7 Feb 1955, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Gallagher, Katherine, b. Apr 1865, d. 8 Nov 1941, w/o Harry Gallagher, d/o George and Josephine Lawrence, [JL]
Gardner, Horace V, b. Mar 1897, d. 8 Dec 1955, age: 58yr, s/o Thomas and Mary Ann Gardner, [RZ]
Gardner, Mary Ann, b. Feb 1857 Walsall, Eng, d. 6 Jul 1940, age: 81yr, w/o Thomas Gardner Dau/Sarah & Robert Evans, [RZ]
Gardner, Thomas, b. Oct 1857 Great Barr, Eng, d. 17 Oct 1913, age: 56yr, h/o Mary ann Gardner s/Mary & Sam. Gardner, [RZ]
Gatsch, Bertha, bur. 21 Jul 1905, age: 2m, Maple Grove L928-1F-6, [DG]
Gessner, Adolph L., bur. 17 Oct 1952, age: 65y, Maple Grove L926-2-6, [DG]
Gessner, Amelia, bur. 30 Jan 1900, age: SB, Maple Grove L928-4R-6, [DG]
Gessner, Arthur, bur. 30 Jul 1893, age: 6m, Maple Grove L926-1R-8, [DG]
Gessner, Baby, bur. 27 Apr 1936, age: SB, Maple Grove L928-4F-6, [DG]
Gessner, Dorothy E., bur. 30 Aug 1913, age: 15da, Maple Grove L928-1F-8, [DG]
Gessner, Edith, bur. 12 Jul 1988, age: 90yr, Maple Grove L926-4-6, [DG]
Gessner, Edward, bur. 13 Apr 1948, age: 53yr, Maple Grove L926-4-8, [DG]
Gessner, Emil, bur. 06 Mar 1893, age: 10mo, Maple Grove L928-4R-8, [DG]
Gessner, Emily, bur. 21 Aug 1911, age: 47yr, Maple Grove L928-3-8, [DG]
Gessner, Frank C., bur. 6 Aug 1957, age: 67yr, Maple Grove L926-3-6, [DG]
Gessner, Frederick, bur. 18 Jan 1907, age: 55�yr, Maple Grove L926-3-8, [DG]
Gessner, Johanna, bur. 23 Mar 1922, age: 60yr, Maple Grove L926-2-8, [DG]
Gessner, Julia, bur. 21 Jul 1905, age: 5mo, Maple Grove L928-1R -6, [DG]
Gessner, Otilge, bur. 27 Jan 1911, age: 68yr, Maple Grove L928-2-8, [DG]
Gessner, Otto Ludwig, bur. 18 Jun 1923, age: 65yr, Maple Grove L928-3-6, [DG]
Gessner, Otto, bur. 22 Jun 1922, age: 59yr, Maple Grove L926-1-6, [DG]
Gessner, Wanden, bur. 28 Jan 1894, age: 9mo, Maple Grove L928-4F-8, [DG]
Gessner, William, bur. 19 Dec 1901, age: 3mo, Maple Grove L928-1R-8, [DG]
Glasstetter, Ferdinand, b. 27 Apr 1889, d. 5 Mar 1978 Warminster, PA, age: 88yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Glasstetter, Gertrude, b. 25 Aug 1889, d. Mar 1985 Warminster, PA, age: 95yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Graham, Charles, b. Scotland, d. Aug 1941, age: 68yr, [FD]
Graham, Jane Elizabeth, b. 31 Mar 1875 England, d. 18 May 1950, age: 79yr, [FD]
Graham, Mary, b. 1895, d. Apr 0l, 1895, age: 3mo, [DG
Hartner, Gottlieb, b. 24 Oct 1881, d. 3 May 1960, [NR]
Hartner, Margaret, b. 9 Feb 1885, d. 25 Feb 1954, [NR
Hawthorne, Beatrice , b. Sep 1889, d. 8 Mar 1952, age: 63yr, w/o William Hawthorne, d/o Thomas &Mary Ann Gardner, [RZ]
Herb, John, bur. 20 Mar 1907, age 43yr, Lot #258, [ML]
Herb, Lena, bur. 22 Sep 1910, age 51 Lot# 206, (transferred from Lot# 258 on 6 Oct 1926), [ML]
Herb, Michael, bur. 6 Oct. 1926, age 59yr, Lot #206, [ML]
Hertzog, Helen Josephine, b. 7 Oct 1897, d. 18 Mar 1980, w/o Irvin Hertzog, d/o Harry and Katherine Gallagher, [JL]
Hertzog, Irvin M., b. 9 Jan 1895, d. 14 Jan 1975, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Holland, Norwood, b. 1870, d. 1920, h/o Jean Anne, [JH]
Kiefferreuter, William, b. 13 Nov 1877, d. 31 Oct 1954, h/o Alma Baack, [LS]
Kluge, Alexander Bruno, b. 27 Nov 1881 Germany, d. Jun 30,1932, h/o Mabel Conley Kluge, Sec Ivy 1087-1, ns, [JS]
Koebert, Donald John, b. May 1948, d. May 1948, age: 5 days, Holly Sec, [RM]
Kulp, Gladys G., b. 1905, d. 1905, [RC]
Kulp, Harold G., b. 1912, d. 1998, [RC]
Kulp, Harold I., b. 1942, d. 1973, s/o Harold G. and Kathryn S. Kulp, h/o Dolores West Kulp Betts, [RC]
Kulp, Irvin D, b. 1876, d. 1934, [RC]
Kulp, Irvin G., b. 1906, d. 1956, [RC]
Kulp, Kathryn S., b. 1910, d. 1970, [RC]
Kulp, Kenneth G., b. 1908, d. 1909, [RC]
Kulp, Laura E., b. 1880, d. 1955, [RC]
Lawrence, Albert Lafayette, b. Sep 1872, d. 17 Jan 1940, s/o George and Josephine Lawrence, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Lawrence, Anna May, b. 12 Jun 1870, d. 18 Jun 1942, w/o Geo. Robbin, d/o Philipp and Francesca Moehrle, [JL]
Lawrence, Cora May, b. 30 Apr 1891, d. 14 Dec 1893, d/o Geo. R. and Anna, [JL]
Lawrence, George Robbin, b. 1 May 1860, d. 24 Nov 1938, s/o Edward and Mary Ann Lawrence, Lot Holly 78, [JL]
Lawrence, George, Jr., b. 18 Mar 1867, d. 14 Oct 1952, s/o George and Josephine Lawrence, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Lawrence, George, b. Sep 1837, d. 1 Jan 1913, s/o (Johann) Michael and Catharine (Sweitzer) Lawrence (Lorentz, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Lawrence, Howard N., b. 1 Mar 1889, d. 12 Apr 1889, s/o William Michael and Anna A. (Carroll) Lawrence, Lot Highland 17, [JL]
Lawrence, Josephine, b. 7 Mar 1845, d. 28 Dec 1912, w/o George Lawrence, d/o William and Mary (Cubbler) Etley, [JL]
Letzerich, Charles Conrad, b. Jun 18, 1889, d. Mar 03, 1954, Oak Sec, Lot 2 #91, [WM]
Marx, Frieda, bur. 20 Sep 1962, age: 64yr, Maple Grove L928-1-6, [DG]
Moffitt, Arthur, b. Dec 1887, d. Mar 1948 Phoenixville, PA, age: 57yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Moffitt, Frank E., b. 1894, d. Apr 1898, age: 4yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Moffitt, George P, b. 15 May 1891 Catasaqua, PA, d. ? Nov 1957, age: 66yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Moffitt, George, b. 19 Dec 1850,England, d. 1 Aug 1906, age: 52yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Muffitt, Ada, b. 24 May 1852 England, d. 1 Jun 1927, age: 75yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Muffitt, Katherine, b. 1887, d. Jul 1978, age: 91yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Muffitt, William, b. 13 Dec 1885 Phila., PA, d. 20 Nov 1984, age: 98yr, Holly Sec, [RM]
Neuffer, Hannah (Dieterle), b. 8 Apr 1899, d. 5 Nov 1972, s/w Christine, Dieterle plot, pos 2, [JM]
Pickles, Albert Nervell, d. Mar. 1974, age: 71yr, [FD]
Pickles, Alice, b. 26 Jan 1869 England, d. 25Mar 1951, age: 52yr, [FD]
Pickles, Beatrice, d. Sep 1979, age: 77yr, [FD]
Pickles, Charles, b. 1908, d. Aug 1924, age: 16yr, [FD]
Pickles, Charles, d. Sep 1982, age: 55yr, [FD]
Pickles, Edna, b. Jan 1889, d. Sep 1946, age: 57yr, [FD]
Pickles, Elsie R., b. 13 Jul 1897, d. Feb 1985, age: 87yr, [FD]
Pickles, Mary A., b. Jan 1900, d. May 1975, age: 75yr, [FD]
Pickles, Sydney, b. Jul 1891, d. 18 Oct 1918, age: 27yr, [FD]
Pickles, Sylvester, b. Jun 1867, d. 13 Oct 1934, age: 69yr, [FD]
Robinson, Isaac, b. 05/26/1850, d. 10/25/1903, s/o Elvery, [MK]
Robinson,Emma Horne, b. 06/23/1992, d. 08/12/1904, [MK]
Sadofshe, Alex, bur. 15 Mar 1913, age: 61yr, Maple Grove L928-2-6, [DG]
Sands, Elvery Y R, b. 09/21/1856, d. 01/04/1926, w/o Isaac, [MK]
Scarlata, Marie (Schweizer), b. Oct 29, 1911, d. Nov 1, 1986, age: 75yr, d/o George, H. and Agnes, [DD]
Scarlata, Ralph, b. Apr 22, 1909, d. May 15, 1980, age: 70yr, h/o Marie, [DD]
Schadewald, Amelia, b. c.1880, d. Ápr 1945, age: 65yr, [DD]
Schiech, John B, b. 1932, d. ? Aug 1974, Dieterle plot, pos 5, [JM]
Schmetzer, John, Jr., b. 1866, d. Dec 1982, age: 26yr, s/o John Sr. and Susanna, [DD]
Schmetzer, John, Sr., b. 1823, d. May 1904, age: 80yr, h/o Susanna, [DD]
Schmetzer, Susanna, b. 1826, d. Dec 1886, age: 60yr, nee Schweizer (?), [DD]
Schoenly, Marcus Latshaw, b. Mar 4, 1861, d. Nov 27, 1919, s/o Jacon B. Schoenly & Maria Latshaw, [WS]
Schultz, Charles, b. 1814, Braunschweig Germany, d. Mar 1891, h/o Dorethea, [NK]
Schultz, Dorethea, b. 1826 Braunschweig Germany, d. Jul 1896, w/o Charles, [NK]
Schultz, Henry, b. 3 Nov 1854 PA, d. 18 Nov 1917, s/o Charles & Dorethea, [NK]
Schultz, Mary Sophia, b. 4 Apr 1862 Phila. PA, w/o Henry Schultz, d/o Adam Rosenberger & Gertrude Hausfuss [NK]
Schweizer, Agnes Sylvania (Thomas), b. 1884, d. Jul 04, 1971, age: 86yr, w/o George, H, [DD]
Schweizer, Anton, b. 1853, d. Jan 1921, age: 63yr, h/o Lena, [DD]
Schweizer, Frank J., b. 1886, d. May 1917, age: 30yr, s/o Anton and Lena, [DD]
Schweizer, George, H., b. 1882, d. Jan 1957, age: 74yr, h/o Agnes (Thomas), [DD]
Schweizer, Ida, b. 1913, d. Nov 1914, age: 1 2/3yr, d/o George, H. and Agnes, [DD]
Schweizer, Lena, b. 1856, d. Dec 1910, age: 54yr, w/o Anton, [DD]
Sleeter, Geo. Lester, b/d May 1943, Baby, s/o William A S Sleeter Jr., Linden Sec Lot 477, #1, [DD]
Stinger, William B, b. 2 Feb 1851, d. 20 Dec 1912, bur. 23 Dec 1912, [MC]
Sutcliffe, Sarah, b. Mar 1850, d. 17 May 1907, age: 57yr, [FD]
Turns, Emma (Dieterle), d. 25 Nov 1974, age: 83yr, s/w Andrew, Dieterle plot, pos 1, [JM]
Visick, Gertrude, b. 20 Sep 1880 Walsall, Eng, d. 26 Jul 1921, age: 43yr, w/o Will. Jas.Visick Dau/Mary Ann &Thomas Gardner, [RZ]
Visick, Jacob , b. 17 Oct 1907, d. 17 Oct 1907, s/o Gertrude & Will Jas. Visick, [RZ]
Weber, Mary Katherine, b. Sep 24, 1885, d. Oct 17, 1918, w/o John J. Weber, d/o Wilhelm Atz, [LB]
Weidele, Clara, b. 1884, d. 21 Nov 1936 sec. locust lot 102, 2nd w/o Jacob, [NR]
Weidele, Emma, b. 25 Apr 1875, d. 14 Aug 1918, w/o Jacob, [NR]
Weidele, Jacob, b. 4 Aug 1874, d. 27 Feb 1947, [NR]
Weisel, Edith (Robinson), b. 11/12/1898, d. 06/15/1956, w/o Joseph R Weisel, [MK]
Weisel, Joseph R, b. 1897, d. 04/09/1947, [MK]
Wieland, Anna, b. 22 Mar 1899, d. 30 Jun 1899, age 23yr, w/o Frederick C. Wieland, Lot #258, [ML]
Wilkinson, John B., b. May 1894, d. Jun 1894, s/o John L. Wilkinson, Linden Sec Lot 477, 1 right, [DD]
Wilkinson, Lydia B., b. Oct 1890, d. Mar 1891, d/o John L. Wilkinson, Linden Sec Lot 477, 1 right, [DD]
Wilkinson, Randall M., b. 1867, d. 1933, age 66, s/o John B. and Lydia Wilkinson, Linden Sec Lot 477, #4, [DD]

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