Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery,
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
4001 West Cheltenham Ave
Contact: PO Box 27544
Philadelphia, PA 19118-0452
(215) 247-0691
Lat: 40° 05' 10"N, Lon: 075° 10' 17"W
Cemetery was established in 1895 and is owned by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Last updated January 2, 2022. Total records = 1,837
Contributor's Index:
- [DD] Donna Di Giacomo []
- [DW] Dennis Wales []
- [EB] Eleanor Brown []
- [GK] Gail Kelly []
- [HD] Hugh Dugan, III []
- [IB] Irene Browne []
- [JB] John Byrne []
- [JF] Jack Felici []
- [JH] Joseph Hopp []
- [JL] James Lawless []
- [Jw] Joanne Ward []
- [LL] Larry Lake []
- [LN] Linda Long []
- [MA] Megan Akright []
- [MK] mary kelly []
- [NH] Nancy Reeb []
- [NR] Norman Ruf []
- [PH] Patricia Hand []
- [RC] Robin Cucinotta []
- [RH] Rhonda Henry []
- [SR] Susan Doyle Reif []
- [TC] Terry Callen []
* = already deceased
?? = date unknown
? = letter in name is unknownRecords Index:
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