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Blalock Cemetery
Harris County, Texas

Contributed by George Wolf Jr. [gwshistory@webtv.net]. Recorded in 1986. Total records = 4.

Located south at the end of 8th st. on private property in Highlands, Texas. The graves are beside the driveway of the Loyld R. Dunn residence of 111 8th st. Only three stones are still there, two of which are partially covered up. There are said to be 5 graves in this cemetery. It is in very bad condition, and at this time may not be there any more?

- George Wolf Jr.
Robt. Blalock
Born July 14,1824
Died Nov. 24,1909

Emer F. Hare
Wife of Robert Blalock
Born Apr. 11,1829
Died Feb. 12,1892

Robert B. Singleton
Born Nov. 12,1872
Died Jan. 17,1892
19 years, 2 mos., 15 days

Vanilloy Blalock

Unknown grave

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