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Dawson-Lunnon Cemetery
Harris County, Texas

Contributed by George Wolf Jr. [gwshistory@webtv.net]. Recorded in 1986. Total records = 4.

Located at 5737 Kemp
Houston, Texas.

About 0.2 acres, ca. 1915-1950. Did have 10 graves, only 4 visiable. Bad condition, trash and erosion from bayou. Scraped, pioneer cemeteries were traditionally cleared to bare earth. Cemetery was adjacent to Mt. Gilead Missionary Bapist Church in-which has been defunct and has fallen down and now is in ruins. Black cemetery.

- George Wolf Jr.

David Edwards
Texas Pvt. 24 Engr. Service Co. WWl
Born May 29,1896
Died July 3,1950

Lottie Simpson
Born June 6,1885
Died Apr. 5,1919
Age 35

Cecilia Thresa Yates
Born 1918
Died 1927

Maroarette Lunnan
Died May 15,1915
Age 80

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