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Wunsche Family Cemetery
Harris County, Texas

Contributed by George Wolf Jr. [gwshistory@webtv.net]. Total records = 12.

The mid-1840's brought German immigrant Carl Wunsche from Saxony to Spring, Texas which started around 1838. Farmer's brought their cotton to Charles Wunsche's gin near town. Charles and Dell Wunsche built the WUNSCHE BRO'S SALOON and HOTEL in 1902, with lumber from their own sawmill. Their brother William Wunsche, Sr., Ralph Hanks and Voress Bonin constructed it. Two stories high it stands today as the Spring Cafe. Spring's legacy from the Wunsche family include Wunsche Middle School, built on land donated by the family. A less conspicuous landmark, a very special plot of ground on a tiny knoll in front of the Spring High School and beside I-45 is the Wunsche Family Cemetery.

- George Wolf Jr.
Wunsche, Ernest W., Geb Feb 12, 1863, Gest Sept 15, 1886
Wunsche, Friedrich August, Geb July 20, 1837, Gest May 3, 1897
Wunsche, Anna M. W, Born May 23, 1838, Died May 16, 1923
Wunsche, Augustine W. W, Born Dec 9, 1861, Died July 8, 1947
Wunsche, Otto H. W, Born Sept 4, 1874, Died Sept 21, 1937
Wunsche, Juliane O. W, Born 1876, Died 1959

Four above ground false crypts, broken in pieces, unreadable.

Wunsche, Emma, Born Nov 18, 1871, Died Feb 24, 1920
Wunsche, Olena A., Born July 16, 1908, Died May 6, 1929
Wunsche, Frank O., Born Oct 4, 1866, Died June 14, 1934
Wunsche, Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Wunsche, Aug 28, 1941
Kuhnle, Jacob, Born Feb 16, 1861, Died Feb 4, 1949
Kuhnle, Margarethe Sophie, Born Sept 15, 1864, Died Apr 14, 1936

(Notes) Compiled July 7, 1985

Different spellings of Wunsche/Wuensche on stones. Geb-Born, Gest-Died. GEW Jr.

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