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Shamrock Cemetery
Shamrock, Wheeler County, Texas
Lat: 35° 12' 48"N, Lon: 100° 13' 36"W
Robertson Funeral Directors
311 N Wall Street
Shamrock, TX 79079
Contributed by Kay Martindale, Dec 15, 2001, last edited Oct 10, 2012 []. Total records = 4,816.
To reach this cemetery turn east from the base of the water tower, in downtown Shamrock, and the cemetery is two miles east on the north side of the road.
The records of this cemetery were not kept in a proper order until our taking this responsibility on in 1997. We have done a complete physically survey of the entire cemetery, documenting all graves which are marked...Mark Wright 2001
Mark Wright submitted the original list on Dec 15, 2001. Then in 2011 he sold the Mortuary. It has changed hands twice, but at present is owned by the Robertson group. This group still maintains the records for the city of Shamrock. In the future whoever is maintaining the records of this cemetery for the mortuary, will be the one who submits corrections or adds new names and would be the person to contact about the records.
This cemetery is owned and maintained by the city of Shamrock. The city issues the deeds but we sell the lots and hold the records and keep up with this information. Should anyone need information for this cemetery see the contact information above. To contact the city, write to 116 W. 2nd. St. Shamrock, 79079, or ph. 806-256-3281.
* = Veteran- Kay Martindale
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