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Crossett Hill Cemetery
Duxbury, Washington County, Vermont
Contributed. by Randy Lilley, Sep 07, 2000 []. Total records = 14.
Transcribed May, 1998 by Robert & Alan Morse
For lookups of cemeteries and. death dates: Copies of the book titled. Duxbury & Moretown Cemetery Inscriptions, Washington County, VT can be viewed. at the
VOCA--VT Old. Cemetery Association
GSV-- Genealogical Society. Of VT
VHS- Vt. Historical SocietyCopies of the cemetery book may also be purchased. from Robert Morse ( ). Address: 550 Coburn Rd., Plainfield, Vt. 05667, phone (802) 454-8526 or from Randy Lilley ( The book contains 19 cemeteries and. the cost is $25 for the book, the price includes shipping.
The Crossett Hill Cemetery is an abandoned. cemetery at the upper reaches of the Crossett Hill road, it is located. behind. a home nestled. among some large pine trees, near the intersection of the Crossett Hill road. and. the Hayes road. It may be accessed. through the driveway of a neighboring home and. up a steep bank, it may be accessed. from the Devlin Road, then go North across the old. field. to the large pines.
Crossett, Ann Maria, dau of E. & H.L., d. ----, age 16 mo
Crossett, Burton C., d. Nov 3, 1865, age 43
Crossett, Byron, d. Mar 6, 1868, age 27
Crossett, Edna, dau of L.&O. Crossett, d. Jul 9, 1854, age 2 mo
Crossett, John C., d. Jul 17, 1866, age 39
Crossett, Lysander, d. Jun 18, 1865, age 34 yr
Crossett, Phebe, w/o Wm W., d. Jun 30, 1875, age 38
Crossett, Rosewell, d. Nov 27, 1859, age 65 y
Crossett, William W., d. Jan 27, 1863, age 30
Eunice, w/o Roswell Crossett, d. May 20, 1869, age 71
Hazen, Hiram, d. Mar 26, 1863 age 18 yr, Co E 13 Reg V V
Meaker, Eliza P., w/o C. Meaker, d. May 21, 1878
Turner, Rebecca Calista, w/o Lyman V. Turner, d. Aug 15, 1856, age 33
Turner, infant, dau., d. Aug 3, 1856, age 11 weeks
There are several plain markers and probably some old stones under the ground and could not be found. Family legend tells that one of the plain markers was for: A Thompson infant.
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