Search Washington Death Records
Washington Newspapers, Full Search (1853-1984), 204 titles
Washington Obituary Search - (1895-current)
Washington Birth Records Database, (1853-1984)
Issaquah Hillside Cemetery
Issaquah, King County, Washington
GPS: 47.529672, -122.045883
555 W Sunset Way
Issaquah, WA 98027
Date published: September 2, 2017
Total records: 3,603
Surnames I-N
Records published here were compiled by Suzanne Livingstone [] based on inscriptions of all visible tombstones during visits in July 2012 and again in July 2017. It is possible there may be other stones, some of which are no longer visible, either under grass or very weathered to where they are non-legible
ICKES, Mary Lorraine, birth: 1920, death: 1984IDA, Moriye, birth: 1918, death: 1981ISMAIL, Sadruddin, birth: 1934, death: 2001ISOTALO, Eino E, birth: 3-Nov-1903, death: 29-Mar-1983ISOTALO, Elias, birth: 1877, death: 1957ISOTALO, John E, birth: 6-Aug-1905, death: 1-May-1931ISOTALO, Sophia, birth: 1873, death: 1951IWERKS, Ernest L, birth: 1890, death: 1961JACKSON, Dorothy Jayne, no datesJACOBSON, David B, birth: 1952, death: 1985JACOBSON, J. Clyde, birth: 1922, death: 2008JACOBSON, Lois A, birth: 1922, death: 2011JACQUES, Robert Earl, birth: 1961, death: 1982JAEKEL, Jean M, birth: 1920, death: 2013JAEKEL, John H, birth: 1923, death: 1992JAHNS, Diane Marie, birth: 1967, death: 2002JAMES, Daniel, birth: 1924, death: 2014JAMES, Theresa Ann, birth: 1968, death: 1979JAMISON, Margaret, birth: 1911, death: 1978JANES, Karen C, birth: 12-Dec-1957, death: 28-Jan-2009JANES, Marcella N, birth: 1929, death: 2004JANUS, Clem D, birth: 1904, death: 1990JANUS, Emma D, birth: 1907, death: 1979JANUS, Richard J, birth: 1936, death: 1964JAQUES, Raymond LeRoy, birth: 1935, death: 2017JARVELA, Esther, birth: 1899, death: 1993JARVELA, John W, birth: 1894, death: 1957JARVI, Aliina, birth: 1877, death: 1955JARVI, John G, birth: 1877, death: 1946JARVINEN, Edwin, birth: 14-Sep-1914, death: 5-Apr-1993JARVINEN, George T, birth: 1907, death: 1925JARVINEN, Hilda Mary, birth: 1879, death: 1934JARVINEN, Louise A, birth: 28-Aug-1926, death: 31-Jul-1992JARVINEN, Walter F, birth: 14-Jan-1913, death: 23-Mar-1968, WA Tec 4 Btry B 226 AAA Slt Bn WWIIJARVINEN, William D, birth: 15-Sep-1909, death: 25-Feb-1977JARVINEN, Winifred M, birth: 13-Apr-1921, death: 30-Apr-2008JAUHOLA, Hans A, birth: 11-Oct-1895, death: 31-Dec-1968, WA F3 US Navy WWIJEAN, Mr, no dates or first nameJEAN, Mrs, no dates or first nameJENKINS, David Robert, birth: 25-Aug-1938, death: 25-May-2011JENKINS, Mary Ann, birth: 22-Nov-1935, death: 9-Dec-2012JENNINGS, Dorothy K, birth: 1917, death: 1993JENSEN, Albert W, birth: 1888, death: 1966JENSEN, Augusta M, birth: 1896, death: 1987JENSEN, Hans C, birth: 9-Nov-1888, Denmark, death: 24-Jun-1957, Issaquah, WAJEREMICA, Emelia Mariah, death: 10-Jun-2015JEREMICA, Nicholas A, birth: 1977, death: 2006JESSA, Zahra S, birth: 29-Sep-1985, death: 10-Jan-1996JETHA, Abdulrasul Kassam, birth: 25-Nov-1919, death: 22-Jul-1999JETT, Carl O Jr., birth: 22-Oct-1937, death: 1971JOHNSEN, Alta A, birth: 1904, death: 1987JOHNSEN, Karl W, birth: 1898, death: 1978JOHNSON, Andrew A, death: 24-Oct-1926, age 55 yearsJOHNSON, Andrew O, birth: 1-Mar-1883, death: 8-Jul-1968, masonic symbolJOHNSON, Ann G, birth: 9-Nov-1913, death: 15-Jul-2003JOHNSON, Anna, birth: 15-May-1840, death: 22-May-1903JOHNSON, Anna, birth: 1877, death: 1951JOHNSON, Anna, birth: 16-nov-1851, death: 21-May-1917JOHNSON, Anna B, birth: 1872, death: 1962JOHNSON, Anne E, birth: 1912, death: 2015JOHNSON, Bertha, death: 6-Nov-1918, age 68 yearsJOHNSON, Charles A, birth: 1872, death: 1931JOHNSON, Charles E, birth: 1903, death: 1977JOHNSON, Clara A, birth: 1880, death: 1919JOHNSON, Dean A, birth: 1943, death: 1977JOHNSON, Dorothy B, birth: 27-Jan-1920, death: 30-May-2001JOHNSON, Dorothy M, birth: 7-Jul-1929, death: 27-Aug-2010JOHNSON, Forrest S, birth: 1923, death: 2010, h/o Gunvor; married November 21, 1943JOHNSON, Frank D, birth: 1870, death: 1945JOHNSON, Gisli, birth: 23-Mar-1912, death: 10-Oct-1990, US Navy WWIIJOHNSON, Gladys, birth: 1915, death: 1997JOHNSON, Gordon W, birth: 16-Oct-1939, death: 1-Nov-1990, US NavyJOHNSON, Gunvor E, birth: 1924, death: 2000, w/o Forrest; married November 21, 1943JOHNSON, Hannah S, birth: 1867, death: 19xx, year of death incompleteJOHNSON, Hans A, birth: 1898, death: 1955JOHNSON, Harry W, birth: 1898, death: 1974JOHNSON, Henry M, birth: 1878, death: 1966JOHNSON, Hugo G, birth: 1892, death: 1963JOHNSON, Ingi, birth: 5-Oct-1917, death: 2-Nov-1979JOHNSON, James E Sr., birth: 29-Jan-1926, death: 31-Jan-1986, Col US Army WWII VietnamJOHNSON, John Cornilius, birth: 1-Dec-1830, death: 23-Oct-1909JOHNSON, Katherine, birth: 24-Feb-1871, death: 3-Dec-1950JOHNSON, Kenneth, birth: 1924, death: 1949JOHNSON, Leo E Jr., birth: 1918, death: 2004JOHNSON, Leo Edwin, birth: 1892, death: 1981, masonic symbolJOHNSON, Lina K, birth: 1888, death: 1991JOHNSON, Lola Mae, birth: 1938, death: 1943JOHNSON, Lorraine, birth: 1902, death: 1951JOHNSON, Lura H, birth: 1910, death: 1977JOHNSON, Marianna, birth: 5-Oct-1921, death: 10-May-1962JOHNSON, Martha J, birth: 1900, death: 1976JOHNSON, Mathilda, birth: 1875, death: 1931JOHNSON, Matt, birth: 1865, death: 1959JOHNSON, Nels J, death: 27-Jun-1924, age 73 yearsJOHNSON, Ole, birth: 1913, death: 1991JOHNSON, Olga A, birth: 1890, death: 1986JOHNSON, Orvald, birth: 1921, death: 1983JOHNSON, Otto C, birth: 1874, death: 1922JOHNSON, peter L, birth: 1890, death: 1967JOHNSON, Selma B, birth: 1903, death: 1987JOHNSON, Swan M, birth: 25-Feb-1852, death: 11-Nov-1925JOHNSON, Thelma S, birth: 1901, death: 1985JOHNSON, Victor, birth: 1886, death: 1969JOHNSON, Violet S, birth: 1-Aug-1891, death: 14-Jan-1975JOHNSON, Walter F, birth: 1914, death: 1964JOHNSON, Walter V, birth: 13-Jun-1914, death: 9-Sep-1996, US Navy WWIIJOHNSON, William V, birth: 1901, death: 1986, US NavyJOKINEN, Lauri S, birth: 1888, death: 1978JOKINEN, Senja M, birth: 1889, death: 1974JOKINEN, Tyyne, birth: 1892, death: 1969JONES, Audrey, birth: 18-Apr-1928, death: 26-Jan-2015JONES, Baby Boy, death: 4-Sep-1966JONES, Carol Jean, birth: 1943, death: 1999JONES, Clifford M, birth: 1911, death: 1976JONES, Donald E, birth: 1946, death: 2001JONES, Ernest Lester, birth: 29-Apr-1913, death: 15-Jun-1947, VA SK 1C USNR WWIIJONES, Howell Thomas, birth: 13-Dec-1846, death: 9-Apr-1920JONES, Iva B, birth: 1889, death: 1988JONES, Jacob, birth: 1825, death: 1905JONES, Jacob, birth: 1881, death: 1959JONES, Jean Rae, birth: 16-Jun-1964, death: 16-Jun-1964JONES, John, birth: 1901, death: 1982JONES, Joseph, birth: 1901, death: 1981JONES, Leda, birth: 1887, death: 1959JONES, Margaret, birth: 1902, death: 1973JONES, Margaret M, birth: 1902, death: 1973JONES, Marlyn , birth: 23-Jul-1926, death: 16-Mar-2008JONES, Mary, birth: 1851, death: 1933JONES, Matthew Evan, birth: 16-Jun-1964, death: 7-Apr-2009JONES, Michael R, birth: 9-Sep-1962, death: 10-Sep-1962JONES, Miriam L, birth: 20-Oct-1912, death: 10-Oct-2004JONES, Nell G, birth: 1911, death: 1992JONES, Robert H, birth: 14-Aug-1892, death: 9-Nov-1970, WA Pfc 815 Pioneer Inf WWIJONES, Robert Leroy, birth: 1921, death: 2016JONES, Samuel, birth: 1883, death: 1952JONES, Sarah E, birth: 1-Jan-1845, death: 5-Dec-1911JONES, Sylvia, birth: 1900, death: 1985JONES, Thomas L, birth: 1909, death: 1967JONES, Thomas Michael, birth: 13-Jan-1935, death: 24-Jul-2011JONES, yvonne, birth: 1920, death: 1985JORDAN, Carole Ann, birth: 29-Jan-1947, death: 13-Jan-1998JUDGE, Jack L, birth: 4-Aug-1919, death: 20-Apr-1954, WA Pvt 363 Engineers WWIIJUDGE, John S, birth: 1-Oct-1895, death: 4-Apr-1965JUDGE, Zoe, birth: 14-Nov-1899, death: 16-Jun-1970JUNE, Orton E, birth: 1914, death: 1938JUNE, Orton e, birth: 1890, death: 1958JUNE, Pauline, birth: 1896, death: 1981JUNGSTRUM, Hilda A, birth: 1881, death: 1966JURICK, Nicholas, birth: 1868, death: 1962JUSSILA, Martha Maria, birth: 15-Mar-1908, death: 25-Apr-1909JUSTICE, Herbert H, birth: 30-Jun-1929, death: 20-Mar-1962, WA Sgt 6902 Area Svc UnitKAHNE, Frank, birth: 1883, death: 1950KAMM, Nancy Joan, birth: 29-Aug-1946, death: 25-Jun-1998KAMP, Donald E, birth: 18-Nov-1931, death: 10-Jan-2001, US Army Korean ConflictKAMP, Doris M, birth: 12-Aug-1933, death: 4-Dec-1984KANANEN, Ida J, birth: 1885, death: 1975KANANEN, Oliver, birth: 1919, death: 1935KANANEN, Oscar, birth: 1879, death: 1932KARMAN, Jean B, birth: 1876, death: 1959KARMAN, Josephine, birth: 1879, death: 1939KARVIA, Albert, birth: 1910, death: 1981KARVIA, Elsie, birth: 1914, death: 1982KARVIA, Frank G, birth: 7-Oct-1943, death: 3-Jan-1971, WA ATN 2 US Navy VietnamKARVIA, Gertrude W, birth: 1908, death: 1925KARVIA, Joan, birth: 9-Jul-1914, death: 6-Mar-2001KARVIA, Maria, birth: 1877, death: 1959KARVIA, Nickolai, birth: 1871, death: 1935KARVIA, Walter E, birth: 21-Jan-1912, death: 6-Aug-1993, US Navy WWIIKASIK, Peggy Lynn, birth: 8-Jul-1949, death: 14-Nov-2006KASZUBA, Anton F, birth: 1879, death: 1962KASZUBA, Wladzia, birth: 1889, death: 1988KEATING, Rita Mae, birth: 7-Mar-1956, death: 21-Apr-2007KELDERMAN, Nicholas, birth: 5-Sep-1934, death: 9-Apr-2013KELLEY, Joseph, birth: 9-Mar-1946, death: 9-Jul-2010KELLOGG, Robert R, birth: 30-Apr-1926, death: 31-Dec-1985, US Navy WWIIKELLY, Grace M, birth: 1912, death: 1957KELSO, Frank, birth: 16-Dec-1901, death: 18-Apr-1986KENNEDY, Charles, birth: 1893, death: 1961KENNEDY, Frances, birth: 1906, death: 1992KENNEDY, Hugh William, birth: 17-May-1915, death: 14-Sep-1998KENNEDY, Miriam M, birth: 1941, death: 1985KEOGH, Alfred H, birth: 7-Jul-1918, death: 10-Apr-1987, US Army WWIIKEOGH, Alfred M, birth: 1894, death: 1968, masonic symbolKEOGH, Donald W, birth: 13-Aug-1919, death: 3-Apr-1993, US Army WWIIKEOGH, Jean, birth: 20-May-1927, death: 24-Jul-1995KEOGH, John J, birth: 1898, death: 1921KEOGH, M. J., birth: 1866, death: 1928KEOGH, Mary Ann, birth: 1870, death: 1932KEOGH, Nellie, birth: 1895, death: 1973KEPHART, Emaline Campbell, birth: 1916, death: 1996KERAWALA, Abdul Aziz, birth: 28-Dec-1930, death: 11-May-1998KERN, Marylu, birth: 3-Aug-1937, death: 11-Oct-2012KEROLA, Agnes M, birth: 1914, death: 1996KEROLA, Alfred A, birth: 1874, death: 1923KEROLA, Alvin A, birth: 1910, death: 1950KERR, Archabald R, birth: 24-Nov-1897, death: 19-Sep-1972, WA Pfc 535 QM Salv Rep Co WWIIKHABANI, Bahadrundin P, birth: 1941, death: 1994KHLEBOPROS, Joseph, birth: 12-Nov-1935, death: 16-Jan-2012KIDNEY, Anna B, birth: 1876, death: 1944KIDNEY, John P, birth: 1866, death: 1946KIEBERT, William M, birth: 1899, death: 1949KIISKI, Liisa, birth: 1875, death: 1956KIISKI, Matt, birth: 1876, death: 1935KILDALL, Roger, birth: 1947, death: 1988KILLORAM, Betty E, birth: 28-Feb-1931, death: 28-Aug-2014KILLORAN, Alan R, birth: 1-Jul-1958, death: 13-Jul-1998KILLORAN, Francis J, birth: 8-Feb-1920, death: 26-Nov-2000KING, Arnold M, birth: 1904, death: 1981KING, Bertha J, birth: 1882, death: 1952KING, Donald R, birth: 1935, death: 1987KING, Harry E. F., birth: 1870, death: 1949KING, Mamie E, birth: 1906, death: 1969KING, Phyllis A, birth: 1935, death: 1999KINNUNE, Charles E, death: 13-Jan-1936, WA Sgt 20 EngrsKINNUNE, Charles H, birth: 1861, death: 1943KINNUNE, Charles H, birth: 30-Apr-1933, death: 16-Sep-2004KINNUNE, Constance, birth: 1907, death: 1995KINNUNE, Edith, birth: 19-Dec-1915, death: 8-Mar-1927KINNUNE, Henry, birth: 1905, death: 1956KINNUNE, Maria E, birth: 1868, death: 1954KIRCHAN, Aaron Glenn, birth: 5-Sep-1969, death: 8-Oct-1969KIRKMAN, Floyd, birth: 1902, death: 1985KIRKMAN, Renate, birth: Apr 1940, death: Nov 1981KIRTLAND, Ethel N, birth: 1886, death: 1966KISKE, Jean, birth: 1904, death: 2003KISKE, William, birth: 1898, death: 1977KISTER, Ervin, birth: 1884, death: 1965KITTLE, J curt, birth: 1942, death: 2004KJELMYHR, Orrel, birth: 1917, death: 1984KLEIN, Edward, birth: 1872, death: 1957KLEIN, Frank, birth: 1881, death: 1950KLEIN, Joshua Ryan, birth: 1975, death: 1991KLEPACZYK, Frances, birth: 1913, death: 1993KLEPACZYK, Raymond, birth: 1919, death: 2002KLINEFELTER, Edna, birth: 1904, death: 2006KLINEFELTER, Sam, birth: 1905, death: 1991, masonic symbolKLOCK, Gertrude A, birth: 1908, death: 1990KLOCK, John L, birth: 1903, death: 1973KNOERNSCHILD, Alfred Harold, birth: 1909, death: 1910KNOERNSCHILD, Hannah, birth: 1890, death: 1972KNOERNSCHILD, Paul W, birth: 17-Aug-1915, death: 15-May-1966, WA MM1 US Navy WWIIKNOERNSCHILD, Paul W, birth: 1881, death: 1930KNUDTSON, Orvall K, birth: 11-Jul-1915, death: 5-May-1992, US Army WWIIKNUDTSON, Vivian G, birth: 1-Jul-1922, death: 13-Mar-2001KOCHEVAR, Jack, birth: 24-Jul-1906, death: 25-Jul-1943, ID MC5 Inf WWIIKOKKO, Isaac, birth: 1887, death: 1945KOKKO, Jennie, birth: 1884, death: 1967KOLAR, Carrie L, birth: 8-Jan-1940, death: 10-Jul-1998KOLLENBORN, Frances L, birth: 24-Jul-1943, death: 5-Apr-1993KOOHEVAR, Jacob, birth: 1877, death: 1951KOONTZ, tony, birth: 23-Jul-1981, death: 25-Nov-1996KOSKI, Hilma, birth: 1887, death: 1958KOSKI, Hilna, birth: 1889, death: 1937KOSKI, Joonas, birth: 27-Aug-1881, death: 18-Aug-1934KOSKI, Oscar, birth: 1886, death: 1958KOSS, Frank, birth: 1901, death: 1916KOUKAL, Khan, birth: 29-Jul-1968, death: 3-May-1969KOVACEVICH, George C, birth: 1902, death: 1979KOVACEVICH, Violet L, birth: 1902, death: 1983KRAFT, Mary T, birth: 1914, death: 1987KRAFT, Raymond M, birth: 1900, death: 1976KRAJEWSKI, Gerald R, birth: 11-Feb-1943, death: 27-Aug-1987, US Army VietnamKRAMER, Eleanor, birth: 1911, death: 1991KRAMER, Frances, birth: 1891, death: 1973KRAMER, Frank, birth: 1909, death: 1992KRAMER, John, birth: 1875, death: 1967KRAMER, John, birth: 1908, death: 1977KRAMER, Walcie, birth: 1910, death: 1980KRANICK, Annie, birth: 1863, death: 1947KRANICK, George, birth: 1865, death: 1908KRANICK, George, birth: 1887, death: 1945KRANICK, John, birth: 20-Sep-1895, death: 6-Nov-1948, WA Pvt 13 Inf 8 Div WWIKRANICK, Katie, birth: 1902, death: 1932KRIKEN, Ivor John, birth: 21-Mar-1919, death: 13-Mar-1983, US ArmyKRIKEN, Kathryn, birth: 1918, death: ?KRONHOLM, Elizabeth, birth: 1839, death: 1914KRUGER, Frances, birth: 5-Jul-1897, death: 6-Jul-1980KRUGER, John F, birth: 21-Aug-1892, death: 13-Mar-1973, WA Pvt US Army WWIKUEHL, Ella Vivian, birth: 1878, death: 1974KUEHL, Peter, birth: 1876, death: 1966KUHN, Annie, birth: 1882, death: 1943KUHN, Fred, birth: 27_Jul-1890, death: 7-Oct-1954, WA Pvt Co D 305 Inf 77 Div WWIKUKASZUK, Dariusz, birth: 1964, death: 1995KULBEL, Merlyn d, birth: 10-Dec-1922, death: 25-Oct-1997, US Navy WWIIKURE, Rhadames Edward, birth: 3-Oct-1941, death: 1-Sep-2005KUZEE, Charles M, birth: 12-Jul-1910, death: 4-May-1975, Cpl US Army WWIILABUDA, Elizabeth A, birth: 1941, death: 1997LACKEY, Norma, birth: 1932, death: 1968LACKLAND, Louisa, birth: 1899, death: 1964LAGGE-MUDD, Joan, birth: 1942, death: 2009LAHTI, Einar, birth: 1901, death: 1954LAHTINEN, John, birth: 1875, death: 1947LAINE, Amanda K, birth: 22-Dec-1884, death: 5-May-1958LAINE, Tolvo John, birth: 7-Apr-1884, death: 12-Feb-1949LAITALA, Doreen M, birth: 1926, death: 1984LAITALA, Harold M, birth: 1924, death: 2013LALANI, Sakar Khanu, birth: 1924, death: 1999LALANNE, Donald L, birth: 1911, death: 1972LALANNE, Gladys M, birth: 1912, death: 1997LALANNE, Richard V, birth: 1946, death: 2001LAMARCHE, Elizabet, birth: 1882, death: 1974LAMARCHE, George A, birth: 1881, death: 1966LAMARCHE, Raymond J, birth: 1906, death: 1996LAMARCHE, Zora A, birth: 1908, death: 2000LAMB, Vera E, birth: 27-Apr-1948, death: 22-Jan-1981LAMBE, John Joseph, birth: 1926, death: 2017LAMBE, Patricia Ann (nee Job), birth: 26-Dec-1927, death: 12-Jun-2013LANDDECK, Arthur Ellis, birth: 25-Apr-1921, death: 9-Mar-2003, h/o Beulah, married June 30, 1947LANDDECK, Beulah Melvina, birth: 23-Sep-1924, death: 31-Oct-1997, w/o Arthur, married June 30, 1947LANDON, Harvey D, birth: 14-Jan-1931, death: 10-Jun-1991, Sgt US Air Force KoreaLANE, Betty Jane, birth: 1926, death: 2002LANE, Cooper Mathias, birth: 7-Dec-2007, death: 9-Dec-2007LANE, Doris L, birth: 1928, death: 1997LANE, Isaac B, birth: 1888, death: 1940LANE, Robert L, birth: 31-May-1932, death: 7-Jun-1988, US Navy KoreaLANGLEY, Amy Marie, birth: 18-Jul-1984, death: 10-Aug-1984LANTOW, ?, birth: 4-Sep-1905, death: 7-Jan-1992LAPANSKY, Joseph, birth: 1877, death: 1921LAPANSKY, Mother, birth: 1884, death: 1937LAPSANSKY, Cleta T, birth: 1924, death: 2012LAPSANSKY, Frank J, birth: 4-May-1919, death: 24-Jan-1992, US Army WWIILAPSANSKY, John E, birth: 1917, death: 1985LAPSANSKY, Terry A, birth: 1947, death: 1984LAPSANSKY, Thomas J, birth: 24-Dec-1917, death: 16-Jan-1997, US Army WWIILARSEN, Carl E, birth: 1910, death: 1982LARSEN, Marjorie Gardner, birth: 1909, death: 1989LARSEN, Selma T, birth: 1869, death: 1972LARSON, Charles, birth: 1852, death: 1918LARSON, Mary, birth: 1907, death: 1996LARSON, O Al, birth: 1903, death: 1978LARSON, Thelma, birth: 1910, death: 1974LAW, Charles, birth: 1897, death: 1986LAW, Ella, birth: 1904, death: 1985LAWRENCE, Georgie M, birth: 1870, death: 1913LAWRENCE, Tyyne M, birth: 1903, death: 1953LAWS, Benjamin, death: 21-Aug-1900LAX, Jacob, birth: 1852, death: 1945LAYNE, Ethel V, birth: 1918, death: 1996LAYNE, Walter L, birth: 1916, death: 1989, masonic symbolLEAF, Arthur William, birth: 1915, death: 1941LEAF, Charles August, birth: 1879, death: 1950LEAF, Hilda Emelia, birth: 1881, death: 1938LEAF, Vera Caroline, birth: 1919, death: 1938LEE, Alting R, birth: 1913, death: 1992, US Navy WWIILEE, Chul, birth: 15-Jun-1946, death: 20-Jul-1985LEE, Lois S, birth: 1922, death: 1992LEMIEUX, James A, birth: 21-Mar-1917, death: 11-Nov-1993LEMIEUX, Joan G, birth: 27-May-1924, death: 3-Jan-1989, Y1 US Navy WWIILESHER, Elsie C, birth: 1913, death: 1994LESLIE, Claire F, birth: 1905, death: 1982LESLIE, Edward E, birth: 1906, death: 1960LETOURNEAU, Catherine E, birth: 1899, death: 1957LEVIN, Irving, birth: 10-Mar-1924, death: 13-Feb-2015, Lt Col USAF WWII Korea Vietnam Purple HeartLEVINE, Max, birth: 3-Sep-1918, death: 12-Jan-2007, US Army WWIILEVINE, Rosena Ptitjean, birth: 19-Mar-1923, death: 10-Nov-2012LEVY, Barbara, birth: 1933, death: 2005LEVY, Daniel Robinson, birth: 4-Feb-1990, death: 13-Jun-1990LEVY, Evon, birth: 1927, death: 2014LEVY, Kenneth, birth: 1953, death: 1980LEWIS, Andrew W, birth: 1911, death: 1971LEWIS, Ann, death: 6-may-1890, w/o Thomas; 49 yearsLEWIS, David A, birth: 1883, death: 1964LEWIS, Donna Beverly, birth: 25-Sep-1925, death: 22-Apr-2008LEWIS, Henrietta, birth: 3-Nov-1889, death: 10-Jan-1979LEWIS, Jennie Carey, birth: 6-May-1896, death: 20-Sep-1957LEWIS, Joseph J, birth: 1880, death: 1968LEWIS, Lena F, birth: 1889, death: 1972LEWIS, Louise A, birth: 1885, death: 1969LEWIS, Margaret H, birth: 1890, death: 1962LEWIS, Reada R, birth: 10-Mar-1952, death: 1991LEWIS, Tom, birth: 1905, death: 1979LEWIS, William, birth: 1891, death: 1974LEWIS, William O, birth: 22-Nov-1891, death: 26-Dec-1966LI, Pui Chun, birth: 24-Aug-1920, death: 8-Dec-2015LI, Stila, death: 4-Sep-2009LICHTY, Hallie, birth: 1927, death: 2011LICHTY, Ray, birth: 1925, death: 1988LIDMAN, John Emil, birth: 29-Jul-1881, death: 27-Mar-1909LIN, Yi, birth: 7-Aug-1958, death: 15-Dec-2009LIND, John F, birth: 28_Jul-1871, death: 21-Aug-1900LINDMAN, Ernest, birth: 1881, death: 1958LINDMAN, Ruby, birth: 1894, death: 1946LINDO, Julie Ardila, birth: 1907, death: 1993LINDQUIST, Chester R, birth: 1923, death: 2004, WWIILINDQUIST, Elaine M, birth: 1925, death: 2007LINDSAY, Earl W, birth: 30-Jan-1917, death: 24-Nov-1996, US Army WWIILINDSAY, Elsie I, birth: 2-May-1917, death: 8-May-2003LINDSAY, Mary L, birth: 1917, death: 1997LINDSAY, Maude A, birth: 1887, death: 1945LINDSAY, Myles w, birth: 7-Feb-1914, death: 13-Sep-1988, US Army WWIILINDSAY, Robert W, birth: 1912, death: 1986, US Army WWIILINDSAY, William D, birth: 1885, death: 1959LING, Baoming, birth: 10-Nov-1937, death: 15-Mar-2014LINVILLE, Baby Boy, death: 26-Dec-1965LIS-SETTE, Ann, birth: 29-Aug-1898, death: 30-Sep-1979LIS-SETTE, Anthony A, birth: 23-Apr-1915, death: 28-Jul-1979, Capt US Army WWII KoreaLIS-SETTE, Mary L, birth: 25-Sep-1922, death: 6-Dec-1989LITTLE, Jack W, birth: 5-Mar-1912, death: 4-Mar-1968LITTLE, Janice Denise, birth: 25-Jan-1916, death: 28-Mar-1977LITTLE, Johnny McCuen, birth: 5-May-1945, death: 16-Jul-1950LITTLE, R Courtland, birth: 12-Feb-1947, death: 25-Jul-1970LITTLE, Raymond, birth: 1898, death: 1986LITTLE, Thelma, birth: 1903, death: 1983LIVINGSTONE, Alexander E, birth: 1864, death: 1949LIVINGSTONE, Bertha J, birth: 1869, death: 1945LIVINGSTONE, Leslie Stewart, birth: 17-Jan-1963, death: 2-Sep-1967LOEFFLER, Donald Ray, birth: 17-Jul-1932, death: 26-Aug-2010, h/o Joyce, married December 10, 1952, masonic symbolLOEFFLER, Joyce Raye, birth: 18-Nov-1936, death: 29-Nov-2000, w/o Donald, married December 10, 1952LOFSVOLD, Louise, birth: 1881, death: 1957LOFSVOLD, Oscar, birth: 1880, death: 1958LOKOSH, Stephen Michael, birth: 28-Mar-1970, death: 12-Jul-1993LONG, Kathryn Mae, birth: 14-Sep-1919, death: 29-Apr-2012LONG, William M, birth: 13-Apr-1944, death: 23-Apr-1983LONNING, Karol K, birth: 1937, death: 2004LOO, Lee D, birth: 2-Feb-1896, death: 1-Apr-1963LOOFBOUROW, John, death: 17-Jun-1903LOPEZ, Julia I, birth: 1885, death: 1983LORD, Beth, birth: 1893, death: 1973LORD, Earl, birth: 1891, death: 1961LORTIE, Ellen J, birth: 1895, death: 1986LORTIE, Laurence L, birth: 1892, death: 1958LOTT, Jake, birth: 1888, death: 1971LOTT, Mary A, birth: 1903, death: 1975LOTT, Milton Patrick, birth: 1957, death: 1975LOTT, Milton S, birth: 5-Sep-1931, death: 21-Sep-1987, US Navy KoreaLOTTO, Andrew, birth: 1872, death: 1916LOTTO, Andrew, birth: 1903, death: 1967LOTTO, Ann L, birth: 1905, death: 1998LOTTO, Anna, birth: 1877, death: 1957LOUVIERE, James Ronald Jr., birth: 5-Jan-1968, death: 5-Mar-1996LOVE, Christopher, birth: 1969, death: 1992LOVE, Flora R, birth: 1912, death: 1996LOVICK, Inez Marie, birth: 7-Feb-1902, death: 16-Jun-1969LOVICK, Iver, birth: 6-May-1887, death: 28-Dec-1956, MT cook Sup Co 345 Fld arty WWILOVINGER, Arthur C, birth: 22-Sep-1914, death: 8-Jun-1953, MT T Sgt 242 Inf 42 Inf Div WWII BSM-PHLOVINGER, Mary E, birth: 1887, death: 1947LOVINGER, Mazie R, birth: 1906, death: 1982LOW, Hope J, birth: 1919, death: 1979LOW, James T, birth: 1917, death: 1985LOWRY, John Vernon, birth: 14-Dec-1887, death: 27-Mar-1958, WA F1 USNRF WWILOWRY, Olive G, birth: 1893, death: 1987LUCIER, Arthur J, birth: 1902, death: 1977LUCIER, Dorothy A, birth: 1914, death: 1976LUOMA, Irma, birth: 1913, death: 1934LUOMA, Jacob W, birth: 1872, death: 1935LUOMA, Maria, birth: 1874, death: 1950LUOMA, Mary, birth: 1908, death: 1924LUOMA, Ruth, birth: 1910, death: 1930LUOMA, William, birth: 1903, death: 1980MACARTHUR, James, birth: 1871, death: 1948MACKE, Julie Watson, birth: 1961, death: 1996MACKEY, John, birth: 1891, death: 1954MACKEY, Matilda, birth: 1891, death: 1951MACKINTOSH, William C, birth: 1927, death: 1984MACNAIR, A. Kennedy, birth: 1961, death: 2007MADIGAN, James S, birth: 1922, death: 1985MADISON, Allen L, birth: 1890, death: 1974, h/o Laura; married December 7, 1912MADISON, Dale L, birth: 1927, death: 2009MADISON, Jeanne, birth: 1928, death: 1991MADISON, Laura H, birth: 1887, death: 1974, w/o Allen; married December 7, 1912MAERTINS, Carl F, birth: 18-Apr-1904, death: 24-Nov-1990, h/o Vera; married October 8, 1933MAERTINS, Harold C, birth: 2-Apr-1938, death: 16-Jul-2003, h/o Llora; married May 21, 1977MAERTINS, Vera M, birth: 9-Oct-1907, death: 12-Jan-2002, w/o Carl; married October 8, 1933MAES, Vicente, death: 1975MAGNUSSEN, Margaret P, birth: 1899, death: 1966MAHONEY, Thomas Patrick, birth: 1-Sep-1952, death: 17-Sep-1979MAIN, Anna E, birth: 2-Oct-1888, death: 10-Feb-1978MAIN, theodore, birth: 26-Aug-1890, death: 12-Jan-1973MAKY, Gust B, birth: 1878, death: 1954MAKY, John R, birth: 1908, death: 1944MAKY, Kristina, birth: 1880, death: 1950MAKY, Marla Luoma, birth: 1874, death: 1950MALLEIS, John H, birth: 1854, death: 1899MALLONEE, Hester Caffey (BFA), birth: 7-Jul-1926, death: 9-Feb-1994MALLONEE, Richard Carvel II (Ph D), birth: 15-Jun-1923, death: 7-Feb-2006, Lt Col US ArmyMALMASSARI, Ledo J, birth: 21-Nov-1929, death: 25-Oct-1998, US Army KoreaMANNING, Marguerite Winfred, birth: 1915, death: 2012MANNING, Vince, birth: ?, death: 1989MARCHETTE, Allie M, birth: 1903, death: 1927MARCHETTE, Angela L, birth: 1871, death: 1942MARCHETTE, thomas P, birth: 1862, death: 1935MARGULIS, Svetlana, birth: 30-Sep-1947, death: 9-Aug-2015MARQUES, Scott, birth: 1982, death: 1987MARR, Mary A, birth: 25-Jun-1881, death: 27-Apr-1914MARTIN, Gertrude, birth: 1916, death: 2006MARTIN, Harold, birth: 1903, death: 1944MARTIN, Harold J, birth: 1913, death: 1986MARTIN, John W, birth: 28-Aug-1938, death: 16-Jul-1990, US ArmyMARTIN, Kevin E, birth: 10-Feb-1966, death: 21-Dec-1988MARTIN, Madeline Malena, birth: 13-Mar-1989, death: 5-Nov-1990MARTIN, Ruth, birth: 1909, death: 1959MARTIN, Steve D, birth: 1903, death: 1968MARTIN, William W, birth: 1919, death: 2007MARTINEZ, Mario E, birth: ?, death: 11-Jul-2002MASSETT, Felix, birth: 1902, death: 1984MASSETT, Janet, birth: 1913, death: 1993MATHENY, Donald Pete, birth: 1966, death: 2014MATHENY, Donna J, birth: 1929, death: 1990MATHENY, Floyd, birth: 1919, death: 2000MATHEWS, Lillian C, birth: 1906, death: 1990MATHEWS, Manuel, birth: 1905, death: 1957MATHIESEN, Egil A, birth: 1927, death: 1993MATSON, Clarence E, birth: 13-Apr-1912, death: 30-Mar-1969, WA Tec 5 US Army WWIIMATTHEWS, Frances E, birth: 22-Aug-1913, death: 8-May-2009MATTILA, August E, birth: 1867, death: 1919MATTILA, Einer J, birth: 1901, death: 1972MATTILA, Hulda H, birth: 1873, death: 1951MATTILA, Kreeta J, birth: 1867, death: 1941MATTILA, Margaret L, birth: 1904, death: 1993MATTILA, Matt, birth: 1897, death: 1919MATTILA, William, birth: 1883, death: 1957MAUNUS, Hilma, birth: 1884, death: 1976MAUNUS, Irja S, birth: 1912, death: 1999MAUNUS, William, birth: 1884, death: 1974MAUPIN, Peter B, birth: 1937, death: 2003MAVES, Eva, birth: 1916, death: 1983MAVES, Orville W, birth: 1918, death: 1991MAY, Norman S, birth: 1922, death: 1967MAY, Robina A, birth: 1924, death: 1967MAYNARD, Kenneth Sr., birth: 1926, death: 1975MCALEER, Charles J, birth: 27-Oct-1925, death: 17-Oct-2013MCALEER, Ellen J, birth: 29-Aug-1930, death: 7-Jul-2015MCCALLUM, Joyce A, birth: 6-Feb-1952, death: 30-Sep-1999MCCAULEY, William F, birth: 1915, death: 1973MCCLELLAND, Baby Girl, birth: 12-Dec-1969, death: 12-Dec-1969MCCLOSKEY, Elizabeth, birth: 1884, death: 1917MCCLOSKEY, Elizabeth, birth: 1878, death: 1955MCCLOSKEY, Marvin E, birth: 26-Apr-1913, death: 14-May-1935MCCLOSKEY, Pearl Tibbetts, birth: 15-Apr-1884, death: 24-Jul-1969MCCLOSKEY, Peter, birth: 1829, death: 1915MCCLOSKEY, Peter J, birth: 2-Dec-1883, death: 21-Dec-1935MCCLOSKEY, Tom, birth: 1876, death: 1908MCCOMB, Burt, birth: 1881, death: 1965MCCOMB, Lola, birth: 1886, death: 1949MCCRERY, Martha Bland, birth: 21-May-1953, death: 3-Feb-1995MCCRERY, Sharrel Cllinton Jr., birth: 25-Dec-1946, death: 9-Feb-2007MCCUEN, Johnny, birth: 5-May-1945, death: 16-Jul-1950MCCULLOCH, Pauline, birth: 27-Nov-1905, death: 10-Mar-1985MCDONALD, Emmett R, birth: 25-Jul-1939, death: 11-Feb-1975, Maj US Air ForceMCDOWELL, Velda Ruth, birth: 1937, death: 1996MCEACHEN, A. Christine, birth: 1898, death: 1981MCEACHEN, James A, birth: 1898, death: 1979MCEACHERN, John C, birth: 7-Jan-1905, death: 10-Jan-1947, WA Pfc 3830 service command unit WWIIMCEACHERN, Lida, death: 26-Sep-1896MCEAGHERN, Alice, birth: 1873, death: 1941MCEAGHERN, J.A., birth: 1861, death: 1961MCGARVEY, Gertrude, birth: 1879, death: 1946MCGARVEY, Howard L, birth: 1917, death: 1943MCGARVEY, John E, birth: 1874, death: 1960MCGARVEY, Manson, birth: 1889, death: 1958MCGILL, Elizabeth, birth: 18-Mar-1926, death: 8-Nov-2011MCGINN, Norris J, birth: 1909, death: 1972MCGURY, William R, birth: 22-Mar-1932, death: 19-Mar-1986, US Air Force KoreaMCINTYRE, Willie E, birth: 4-Jan-1937, death: 19-Oct-1993MCKIBBEN, Edward, birth: 1909, death: 1989MCKIBBEN, Genevieve, birth: 1903, death: 1990MCKIBBEN, Nellie J, birth: 1883, death: 1976MCKINNEY, Douglas Lee, birth: 27-Nov-1963, death: 9-Dec-1989MCKIVOR, Alice, death: 21-Jun-1899MCLANE, Maye, birth: 1899, death: 1965MCLANE, Robert, birth: 1891, death: 1954MCLEAN, Alex, birth: 1898, death: 1983, masonic symbolMCLEAN, Charlotte, birth: 1913, death: 1933MCLEAN, Isabella, birth: 1902, death: 1975MCLEAN, Lena, birth: 10-Sep-1895, death: 10-Apr-1913MCLEAN, Norman W, birth: 5-May-1925, death: 21-Nov-1996, US Coast Guard WWIIMCLEAN, Thomas, birth: 1891, death: 1936, HQ Co 75th InfMCLEOD, Philip Wright, birth: 1848, death: 1902MCLOUGHLIN, Agnes E, birth: 7-May-1891, death: 8-Oct-1891MCLOUGHLIN, Ellen J.A, birth: 15-Aug-1857, death: 24-Dec-1895MCLOUGHLIN, Maria j, birth: 4-Jan-1882, death: 7-Sep-1898MCLOUGHLIN, Thomas, birth: Dec 1836, death: 19-Jan-1902MCMANN, Bessie, birth: 1883, death: 1931MCMANUS, Eleanor S, birth: 1918, death: 2007MCMANUS, Richard O, birth: 1919, death: 2005MCMILLAN, Jessie, birth: 1874, death: 1946MCMULLEN, Thomas Edgar, birth: 8-May-1903, death: 22-Aug-1903MCNAIR, A Kennedy, birth: 1961, death: 17-Aug-2007MCNAMAR, Blanche D, birth: 1930, death: 1974MCNEAL, Robert, death: 1953MCNEIL, Charles Hanton, birth: 29-Nov-1907, death: 19-Jan-2001MCNEIL, Edelweiss Wilson, birth: 24-Mar-1906, death: 6-Oct-2007MCPHERSON, Katie, death: 17-Sep-1903MCQUADE, Charles T, birth: 23-Jul-1894, death: 19-Jul-1971, WA F1 US Navy WWIMCQUADE, Dolores, birth: 1929, death: 2011MCQUADE, Howard, birth: 1924, death: 2005MCQUADE, John L, birth: 28-Nov-1920, death: 18-Apr-1945, WA Pvt 481 AAF Air Service Sq WWIIMCQUADE, Myrtle S, birth: 25-Jul-1902, death: 31-Dec-1983MCSWEENEY, Krystal Erin, birth: 28-May-1962, death: 28-Jun-1998MEDALEN, Arthur M, birth: 1903, death: 1975MEDALEN, Margaret M, birth: 1912, death: 2004MEDINA, Jesus Raquel, birth: 1974, death: 2010MELLON, David, birth: 1934, death: 2001MELLON, Dolly D, birth: 1937, death: 1983MELMS, Gregory E Sullivan, birth: 1954, death: 1967MEMAN, Dessie, birth: 1888, death: 1931MENK, Sophie L, birth: 28-Dec-1926, death: 27-May-2016MERRILL, F William, birth: 4-Oct-1913, death: 6-Apr-2002MERRILL, Genevieve Bondo, birth: 13-Jun-1915, death: 5-Jun-2007MERRITT, Ed, birth: 1906, death: 1992MERRITT, Isabelle, birth: 1908, death: 1993MESSMORE, Aileen, birth: 1904, death: 1964MESTROVICH, Joseph, birth: 1917, death: 1974, MMB US Coast GuardMEULI, Albert L, birth: 31-Jul-1929, death: 19-Jul-1986MEULI, Barbara A, birth: 13-Aug-1932, death: 1-May-2014MEULI, Bessie M, birth: 1905, death: 1965MEULI, Charles A, birth: 1911, death: 1966MEYER, Fred R, birth: 10-Sep-1919, death: 30-Oct-1991, Cpl US Army WWIIMEYER, Irma D, birth: 22-Apr-1916, death: 27-May-2008MICHALAK, Deborah A, birth: 1953, death: 2000MICHALAK, John, birth: 1949, death: 2015MIDDLETON, Bertha, birth: 1908, death: 1972MILES, James H, birth: 1901, death: 1977MILES, Leonard, birth: 16-Dec-1920, death: 2-Oct-2005, masonic symbolMILES, Leonard, birth: 1891, death: 1943MILES, Mabel M, birth: 1903, death: 1985MILES, Mary E, birth: 1894, death: 1955MILES, Richard Gene, birth: 1951, death: 1959MILES, thomas H, birth: 1859, death: 1939MILLARD, Anna E, birth: 1892, death: 1977MILLARD, Glen W, birth: 1891, death: 1973MILLER, Bryant Mark, birth: 1947, death: 1997MILLER, Catherine L, birth: 18-Mar-1913, death: 7-Nov-1991MILLER, Edna, birth: 1881, death: 1961MILLER, Gerald Edwin Andrew (Dr), birth: 1940, death: 2004MILLER, Jacqueline, birth: 1942, death: 2015MILLER, James F, birth: 27-Oct-1960, death: 26-Apr-1980MILLER, John, birth: 1932, death: 2000MILLER, Julie Ann, birth: 1975, death: 1990MILLER, Oliver, birth: 21-Jan-1891, death: 18-May-1949, WA GM1 US Navy WWIMILLER, Paul K, birth: 2-Jun-1917, death: 15-Nov-1984, US Army WWIIMILLER, William, birth: 1871, death: 1951, masonic symbolMILLPOINTER, David D, birth: 1952, death: 2013MILLPOINTER, Elaine L, birth: 1929, death: 2001MILLPOINTER, Robert F, birth: 1924, death: 2008MILLS, Grace Kathleen, birth: 1921, death: 1981MILRE, Frances, birth: 1911, death: 1966MINAS, Edward C III, birth: 1929, death: 2012MINER, Diane, death: 1946MITCHELL, Alva, birth: 1912, death: 1953MITCHELL, Cresson C, birth: 1905, death: 1968, US Navy WWIIMITCHELL, Forrest Preston, birth: 3-Sep-1917, death: 5-Nov-1972MITCHELL, Genevieve C, birth: 1912, death: 2003MITCHELL, George L, birth: 1910, death: 1985MITCHELL, Gregory Ellis, birth: 12-Jul-1977, death: 2-May-1999MITCHELL, Guylund Elmo, birth: 7-Aug-1987, death: 12-Aug-1987MITCHELL, Lavera Pearl, birth: 4-May-1919, death: 11-Jun-2005MITCHELL, Linda Lee, birth: 1952, death: 2017MITCHELL, Lucile E, birth: 1912, death: 1992MITCHELL, Meredith C, birth: 1928, death: 1980MITCHELL, Myrna, birth: 7-Jan-1937, death: 28-Sep-1968MITCHELL, Patrick G, birth: 14-Sep-1940, death: 17-Dec-1989, Capt US Marine Corps VietnamMITCHELL, Theodore F, birth: 1903, death: 1958, masonic symbolMITCHELL, Willis, birth: 1912, death: 1953MIZEN, John A, birth: 5-Oct-1949, death: 6-Jan-1992, US Air ForceMOCK, William George, birth: 1883, death: 1952MOE, Bradley Leonard, birth: 29-Mar-1953, death: 22-Oct-1993MOFFITT, Genevieve M, birth: 1919, death: 1995MOFFITT, Thomas O, birth: 1916, death: 1994MOFFITT, Thomas O, birth: 1952, death: 1995MOHAMMAD, Shirin, birth: 1929, death: 1994MOIR, Nancy, birth: 1927, death: 1992MOIR, Roland, birth: 1926, death: 2012MONROE, John D, birth: 1910, death: 1996MONROE, Julia B, birth: 1912, death: 2010MONSON, Kenneth A, birth: 24-Jun-1948, death: 23-Sep-1999MONSON, Otto, birth: 1903, death: 1968MONSON, Raymond L, birth: 1-Feb-1952, death: 9-Aug-1990MONTGOMERY, Allie J, birth: 1900, death: 1977MONTGOMERY, Mary, birth: 1904, death: 1970MONTI, Albina, birth: 1885, death: 1966MONTI, Elna S, birth: 1910, death: 1962MONTI, Louis, birth: 1876, death: 1937MONTI, Silvio C, birth: 1908, death: 1988MONTLER, Russell R, birth: 29-Nov-1919, death: 23-Jan-1986, US Army WWIIMONTREUIL, Pauline M, birth: 1911, death: 2002MONTREUIL, theodore O, birth: 1897, death: 1969MOON, Claudia Jane, birth: 27-May-1952, death: 11-Jul-2000MOORE, Alvamarie, birth: 29-Aug-1909, death: 6-Nov-2002MOORE, George Robert, birth: 4-Jan-1926, death: 11-Nov-1998MOORE, Jack P, birth: 26-Jul-1929, death: 15-Jul-1990MOORE, Jeanette Thomasina, birth: 1-Jul-1922, death: 19-Oct-2016MOORK, Miriam Ladell, birth: 20-Oct-1912, death: 10-Oct-2004MORCK, Frances Hamby, birth: 2-Jun-1922, death: 6-Apr-2014MORGAN, Adeline M, birth: 24-Aug-1921, death: 19-Mar-2010MORGAN, Anna, birth: 1894, death: 1980MORGAN, David, birth: 1890, death: 1974MORGAN, Esther, birth: 1872, death: 1945MORGAN, Glayds Wait, birth: 1-Feb-1905, death: 24-Sep-1970, WA S Sgt US Army WWIIMORGAN, John C, birth: 1923, death: 2002, US Navy WWIIMORGAN, Joseph, birth: 1867, death: 1946MORIARTY, John M, birth: 1854, death: 1919MORRIS, Linda P, birth: 1941, death: 1993MORRISON, Edna Ida, birth: 1908, death: 2006MORRISON, J. Archie, birth: 1904, death: 1971MORRISON, James Kenneth, birth: 15-May-1937, death: 28-Sep-2010MORRISON, John Kenneth, birth: 13-Apr-1928, death: 27-Jun-2006, US Navy WWIIMORRISON, William Archie, birth: 30-Dec-1959, death: 23-Feb-1960MORRISON, Yvonne Marie, birth: 2-Jun-1935, death: 6-Nov-1994, w/o William; married April 9, 1955MORVEE, Edna E, birth: 1891, death: 1965MORVEE, John H, birth: 1881, death: 1966MORVEE, Paul W, birth: 18-Oct-1924, death: 4-Jun-1989, US Army US Air Force WWII KoreaMORVEE, Ruby M, birth: 12-Jul-1924, death: 7-Dec-1999MOSER, Alex, birth: 1884, death: 1965MOSER, Cecil I, birth: 31-Mar-1923, death: 21-Nov-1994, PFC Us Army WWIIMOSER, Elva B, birth: 13-Jun-1897, death: 23-Mar-1971MOSER, Harold A, birth: 7-Apr-1920, death: 29-Nov-1989, US Army WWIIMOSHER, Elsie M, birth: 1893, death: 1990MOSHER, Horton A, birth: 1890, death: 1961MOSS, Alice A, birth: 1902, death: 1965MOSS, Bobbie, birth: 1928, death: 1983MOSS, Larry L, birth: 1955, death: 1974MOUNTAIN, Lyall M, birth: 1912, death: 1972MUELLER, Laura R, birth: 1931, death: 1990MUHRBECK, Johanna, birth: 1855, death: 1923MUHRBECK, Julius, birth: 1866, death: 1950MUI, Wong Kwai, birth: 27-Aug-1896, death: 2-Apr-1970MULLIGAN, John, birth: 1938, death: 2016MULLIGAN, Judy, birth: 1941, death: 2010MUNGER, Dorothy D, birth: 1919, death: 1994MUNGER, Harold C, birth: 22-Aug-1919, death: 24-Nov-1981, F1 US Navy WWIIMUNSON, Dorothy A, birth: 18-Nov-1912, death: 14-Feb-1977MURDOCH, Floyd A, birth: 30-Oct-1924, death: 1-Jul-1992, Lt Col US Air Force WWII KoreaMURDOCH, James F, birth: Oct 1898, death: 1-Jun-1969MURDOCH, Lillian N, birth: Nov 1897, death: 1-Jun-1978MURPHY, James, birth: 1883, death: 1963MURPHY, Lloyd, birth: 1890, death: 1961MURPHY, Sarah, birth: 1891, death: 1957MURPHY-HARRISON, James P, birth: 1908, death: 2000MURPHY-HARRISON, Laverne, birth: 1918, death: 2004MURRAY, Jane, birth: 16-Dec-1835, death: 7-Jan-1892MYERS, Aura Angeline, birth: 1808, death: 1909MYERS, Nevaeh, death: 23-Apr-2012NACHTMAN, Ethelyn L, birth: 27-Feb-1903, death: 7-Sep-1975NALE, Jennifer A, death: 1975NASH, Ammon, birth: 1905, death: 1976NEEDHAM, Babe, birth: 1929, death: 2005NEEDHAM, George D, birth: 1898, death: 1979NEEDHAM, Madge E, birth: 1899, death: 1994NEEDHAM, Terry, birth: 1926, death: 1999NEER, Carole Margaret, birth: 1943, death: 2017NEFF, Alvin L, birth: 28-Jul-1902, death: 23-Oct-1971, WA Pfc Co B 845 Engr Avn Bn WWIINELSON, Beryl Helen, birth: 1915, death: 1997NELSON, Bessie A, birth: 1882, death: 1951NELSON, Dale Roger, birth: 1951, death: 1994NELSON, Einar G, birth: 1896, death: 1949NELSON, Helen F, birth: 21-Feb-1911, death: 16-Sep-1993NELSON, Irvin P, birth: 14-Jul-1904, death: 17-Apr-1991, US Army WWIINELSON, Lani Marie, birth: 15-Dec-1942, death: 3-Feb-1994NELSON, Nancy L, birth: 1930, death: 2009NELSON, Sharon Kay, birth: 1956, death: 1995NESIS, Marcel Josue, birth: 19-Apr-1926, death: 13-Apr-2012NEUER, Franziska Rosa, death: 1989NEUKIRCHEN, Alice H, birth: 1875, death: 1958NEUKIRCHEN, Ann Cobourn, birth: 1892, death: 1972NEUKIRCHEN, Anna, birth: 1878, death: 1952NEUKIRCHEN, Carolyn E, birth: 22-Nov-1914, death: 7-Jan-1990NEUKIRCHEN, Edward P, birth: 1877, death: 1958NEUKIRCHEN, Euniece C, birth: 1921, death: 1988NEUKIRCHEN, John, death: 21-Nov-1938, age 77 yearsNEUKIRCHEN, John, birth: 1912, death: 1996NEUKIRCHEN, Joseph, death: 21-Sep-1915, age 87 yearesNEUKIRCHEN, Joseph, birth: 1874, death: 1955NEUKIRCHEN, Joseph Jr., birth: 1920, death: 1982, Capt US ArmyNEUKIRCHEN, Rose, birth: 26-Jun-1878, death: 8-Jan-1920NEURAUTER, A. Louise, birth: 1915, death: 1995NEURAUTER, John W, birth: 1920, death: 1998NEUWIRTH, Karl, birth: 1930, death: 2004NEWTON, W. L., birth: 1851, death: 1908NEYER, Anton, birth: 26-Oct-1894, death: 17-Jun-1907NEYER, Elsie, birth: 18-Jun-1890, death: 17-Jun-1907NEYER, Ida A, birth: 6-Dec-1882, death: 17-Jun-1907NEYER, Mary, birth: 14-Oct-1853, death: 17-Jun-1907NIBLE, Floyd H, birth: 1895, death: 1975NIBLE, Lucy D, birth: 1901, death: 1999NICKELL, Jeffrey K, birth: 1967, death: 2003NICKELL, Mitzi, birth: 1960, death: 1961NICKIE, Richard Chip, birth: 24-Oct-1960, death: 18-May-1980NIELSEN, John, birth: 1894, death: 1968NIEMI, David, birth: 1875, death: 1923NIEMI, Donald, birth: 1905, death: 1984NIEMI, Irma Bonomi, birth: 1904, death: 1964NIEMI, Mary, birth: 1874, death: 1966NIEMI, Olavi, birth: 1903, death: 1949NIERENBERG, Edward A, birth: 1921, death: 2003NIEVINSKI, Frank, birth: 1907, death: 1913NIKKO, Arvo J, birth: 1913, death: 1927NIKKO, Ed, birth: 1893, death: 1949NIKKO, Eliina Maria, birth: 1883, death: 1940NIKKO, Ellen, birth: 1913, death: 1998NIKKO, Elsie A, birth: 1912, death: 1966NIKKO, euhla M, birth: 11-Jun-1931, death: 16-Mar-2009NIKKO, Floyd E, birth: 1922, death: 1971NIKKO, Larry, birth: 1911, death: 1979NIKKO, Maria L, birth: 1891, death: 1956NIKKO, Matt, birth: 1882, death: 1954NIKKO, Saima, birth: 1904, death: 1953NIKKO, Toivo M, birth: 1911, death: 1986NISHIZAKI, Stacy Joy, birth: 13-Jun-1965, death: 4-Apr-2015NISSLEY, Harold H, birth: 26-Nov-1911, death: 30-May-1974NISSLEY, Robert D, birth: 11-Aug-1941, death: 2-Dec-2012NISSLEY, V. Frances, birth: 4-Feb-1916, death: 8-Dec-1999NITZINGER, Michael J Chaudoin, birth: 26-Nov-1963, death: 26-Aug-1971NJOS, Anna C, birth: 1910, death: 2010NJOS, Edward O, birth: 1908, death: 1993NJOS, Raymond A, birth: 1931, death: 2014NJOS, Roy O, birth: 7-Feb-1922, death: 17-Mar-1970, ND SM2 US Navy WWIINOLET, Joseph c, birth: 1876, death: 1951NOON, Edna N, birth: 1898, death: 1980NOON, Roy M, birth: 16-Nov-1891, death: 3-Sep-1969, WA Pvt Co D 318 Mg Bn WWINORDEN, August, birth: 1883, death: 1958NORMAN, Clarence Alfred, birth: 6-Aug-1911, death: 16-May-1978NORRIS, Kathryn W, birth: 4-Jan-1930, death: 16-Aug-2002NORRIS, Melvin L, birth: 16-Apr-1930, death: 20-Jun-2010NORSENG, Ole, birth: 1867, death: 1958NORTHORP, Grant W, birth: 1892, death: 1975NORTHRUP, Allan Robert, birth: 2-Jan-1941, death: 11-Nov-2011NORTON, Charles John, death: 2-Jul-1892, s/o Charles & AnnieNORTON, Francis O, birth: 1917, death: 1991NORTON, M Emaline, birth: 1910, death: 1998NOTARO, Nancy M, birth: 12-Apr-1943, death: 2-Aug-1989NOVARIA, Sabina, birth: 1881, death: 1966NURMI, Leo E, birth: 1921, death: 2008NURMI, Stella M, birth: 1922, death: 2012NYBERG, Ashley DeEtte, death: 19-Sep-1978NYBERG, Edward A, birth: 1921, death: 2003NYBERG, Erick J, birth: 18-Jun-1890, death: 29-Oct-1972, WA Pvt US Army WWINYBERG, Ernie, birth: 23-Jan-1923, death: 12-Apr-2004NYBERG, Gust H, birth: 25-Jan-1890, death: 11-Feb-1967, WA Pvt US Army WWINYBERG, Lorraine E, birth: 1930, death: 1976NYBERG, Mabel, birth: 7-Feb-1921, death: 18-Jan-2009NYBERG, Margaret H, birth: 8-Sep-1892, death: 29-Feb-1984NYBERG, Oscar W, birth: 7-Aug-1887, death: 12-Aug-1985, US Army WWINYDELL, Stephanie Joy, birth: 1948, death: 2016NYGREN, Harold O, birth: 18-Sep-1920, death: 25-Apr-1976, CQM US Coast Guard WWIINYGREN, June V, birth: 1922, death: 2013
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