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Island Lake Lutheran (Silverdale) Cemetery
Silverdale, Kitsap County, Washington

N Madison Rd
Silverdale WA
T25N R1E Sec 2

Lat: 47°40'81"N, Lon: 122°38'37"W

Contributed by Steve Morrison, Jan 30, 2001 [smorrison71@comcast.net].
Total records = 274.

St. Hwy 303 to Central Valley. North on Central Valley to Walker Road. Right (east) on Walker to stop sign. Old Military Road is coming up from your right, becoming Madison on your left. Turn left on Madison. The cemetery will be on your left.

Contact: Committee Secretary of Island Lake Cemetary (Silverdale Lutheran Church), Silverdale, WA. [slc@silverlink.net]

This transcription was made from the secretary's original notes, with permission from the committee. This project was completed in the fall of 2000.

- Steve Morrison

Adkinson, Howard G., b. 10/19/1919, d. 1/18/1982, b. Missouri
Aerne, Walter Ronald, b. 11/12/1943, d. 12/26/1983
Albright, Annie B., b. 1852, d. 1944
Albright, George, b. 1858, d. 1935
Ali, Daynon Joel, b. 10/25/1983, d. 2/12/1984
Andersen, Ole, b. 10/2/1821, d. 3/2/1916, "First Norwegian settler in Kitsap CO., WA (Gravestone picture available) b. SunniFjord, Norway"
Anderson, Charley, b. 1889, d. 1928
Anderson, Thelma, b. 1913, d. 1932, d. Charley
Atkins, W.E., b. 1917, d. 1999, "Buster"
Baxter, Morrie Lynn, b. 1 day old, d. 8/22/1970
Behrens, Arthur, b. 1910, d. 1991, (son-Ginattilstad Beharens)
Behrens, Gina Amanda, b. 1886, d. 1976
Berryhill, Ferris H., b. 1915, d. 1954
Berryhill, Ralph D., b. 5/15/1900, d. 1/26/1969
Bilben, Guri (Julia), b. 1860, d. 1940
Bilben, Peter, b. 1858, d. 1932, w. Guri
Bjorlee, Chester, b. 1910, d. 1918, (S.Olaf)
Bjorlee, Jorgen, b. 1858, d. 1937, Bachelor
Bjorlee, Magnus, b. 10/1/1872, d. 5/22/1959
Bjorlee, Olaf H., b. 1870, d. 1927, f. -- Gus w. -- Tora
Bledsoe, Frank L., b. 9/9/1949, d. 7/25/1994, Buried 7/29/1994
Bledsoe, Harvey E., b. 5/26/1916, d. 1/26/1987
Boblet, Jay, b. 1914, d. 1986
Boblet, Wilma, d., w. of Jay (82 years old) buried 1/24/1998
Bomstad, Ingeborg, b. 1842, d. 1923
Bonitz, , d. 1/19/1994, Stillborn
Borgen, Wm. T., b. 1927, d. 1927
Bradbury, Margaret M., b. 1/12/1909, d. 9/8/1989, Niece-Aeness
Brostuen, Syver, b. 5/24/1897, d. 9/30/1980
Brott, Margaret Olivia Hanson, b. 12/1/1916, d. 4/28/1996, "Born: Bremerton, WA."
Burhoop, Fern Leone, b. 3/14/1919, d. 7/16/1997, w. of Lester Buroop buried 7/19/1997, Obituary on file
Burhoop, Lester, b. 6/9/1916, d. 7/20/1999, Veteran buried 7/25/1999, Obituary on file
Carpenter, Dorothy, d. 9/22/1999
Corbin, Sr., Clyde O., b. 4/15/1941, d. 3/21/1999
Dahl, Anne, b. 1857, d. 1945
Dahl, Lena, b. 1882, d. 1954
Dahl, Marie, b. 6/14/1987, d. 7/26/1955
Dahl, Olaf, b. 8/8/1879, d. 5/2/1958, h.--Marie
Dahl, Ole J., b. 1863, d. 1910
Dahl, Ole O., b. 1895, d. 7/14/1971, f. Olaf & Harold
Dahl, Pauline K., b. 11/25/1971, d. 5/8/1954
Dahl, Petra, b. 2/25/1882, d. 5/30/1955
Dahl, Sr., Joe, b. 1884, d. 1951
Dahl, Thea K., b. 1895, d. 1978, m. Harold & Olaf
Daniels, Eva J., b. 1958, d. 1995, Buried 12/1/1995
Daugherty, James, b. 1898, d. 1935
Davis, Elvin R., b. 5/28/1922, d. 10/19/1989
De Broeck, Sr., Charles L., b. 8/24/1896, d. 8/13/1969
Edington, Frank, b. 1954, d. 1977
Ekstedt, Amelia C., b. 1892, d. 1940
Ekstedt, Charles O., b. 1872, d. 1942
Ekstedt, Emil E., b. 1884, d. 1949
Ekstedt, Frank O., b. 1845, d. 1918
Ekstedt, Hannah, b. 1845, d. 1927
Ekstedt, Rondena C., b. 7/16/1890, d. 10/6/1988
Ekstedt, Sr., Joseph A., b. 1882, d. 1964
Ekstedt, William M., b. 1914, d. 1925
Emmons, Steven L., b. 11/15/1945, d. 8/30/1983, Fact on file
Engh, Jennie, b. 1911, d. 1999
Engh, Olaf A., b. 1/19/1907, d. 2/1/1989, h -- Jennie
Erickson, Frederick T., b. 12/16/1868, d. 12/24/1959
Faugstad, Stener, b. 1838, d. 1931, f. Guri Bilben
Fedt, Emborg, b. 1881, d. 1944
Fedt, Gastar F., b. 1917, d. 1951
Fedt, Ihgwal, b. 1907, d. 1933, s. Peter Sr. & Emborg
Fedt, Nadine, b. 11/4/1916, d. 5/9/1985, (cremation) w -- Ted Fedt
Fedt, Peter A., b. 7/16/1911, d. 9/26/1991, h -- Gertrude
Fedt, Sr., Peter, b. 1880, d. 1953, w. Emborg
Fedt, Theodore, b. 1908, d. 1966, Bro. Pete
Flud, Faith Rose, b. 6/7/1921, d. 11/18/1994, w -- Clarence
Ford, Anna Mary, b. 10/30/1907, d. 7/4/1988
Ford, Herman Edward, b. 1904, d. 3/7/1976
Ford, Leslie H., b. 6/17/1928, d. 9/18/1990
Forken, Sarah A., b. 1858, d. 1939
Forkey, Louis, b. 1869, d. 1936
Forkey, Lucy M., b. 1897, d. 1950
Fosberg, Chester T., b. 6/10/1886, d. 4/2/1954
Fosberg, Chester, b. 1848, d. 1927, w. -- Thora
Fosberg, Louise, b. 1877, d. 1946, w. -- Ole
Fosberg, Ole, b. 6/21/1878, d. 4/12/1962, f. Olga Lundborg.
Fosberg, Thora, b. 1852, d. 1923, w. -- Chester
Fox, Muriel serena, b. 2/23/1929, d. 2/14/1999, "Born S. Keyport, Wa. D. of Joseph & Randena Ekstedt Obituary on file"
Freberg, Gustav, b. 1862, d. 1959
Freberg, Ragnhild, b. 1866, d. 1930
Frederickson, Simon, b. 1/9/1877, d. 7/9/1962
Fredrickson, Thora, b. 1884, d. 1969, (1st. w of Olaf Bjorlee)
Glick, Herbert Edison, d. 1/3/1998, h. of Kathryn buried 1/10/1998, Obituary on file
Glud, Clarence W., b. 1/1/1920, d. 11/9/1989
Gordon, Emma N., b. 1885, d. 1967
Gordon, Robert F., b. 1888, d. 5/30/1964
Gordon, Robert W., b. 1913, d. 1975
Grahn, Carrie Hilstad, b. 9/25/1896, d. Nov-1954
Grahn, Earl F., b. 1890, d. 1964, w. Carrie
Green, Mabel E., b. 1903, d. 5/17/1979, b. Satsop, Grays Harbor, WA., Obituary on file
Gulla, Olaf, b. 10/26/1893, d. 4/12/1962, w. Olga
Gulla, Olga, b. 1891, d. 1965, Stone
Hall, Chester F., b. 1893, d. 1979
Hall, Edna F., b. 11/10/1902, d. 1/4/1980, (Mrs. Willard)
Hall, Williard H., b. 3/4/1901, d. 2/19/1983, "(son Willard, Renton)"
Halseth, Brit, b. 1857, d. 1919
Halseth, Ludwig J., b. 1854, d. 1934
Hansen, Anna, b. 1856, d. 1936, w. Guguson
Hansen, August, b. 1857, d. 1930
Hanson, Alfred, b. 1889, d. 1972
Hanson, Mildred, b. 3/17/1866, d. 1957
Hanson, Ole P., b. 5/6/1869, d. 1950, w. Ragnhild
Hanson, Ragnhild, b. 1879, d. 12/19/65, w. O.P.H.
Hanson, Sigurd I., b. 10/28/1912, d. 1/10/1995, Son of-Ole P. & Regnhild Hanson
Hanson, Thora, b. 1894, d. 1972
Harrison, William J., b. 1/2/1932, d. 2/23/1976
Harvel, Crystal G., d. 1/29/1979, Stillborn Obituary on file
Haugen, Caroline, b. 1/1/1878, d. 1958, w. Joe
Haugen, Joe, b. 12/23/1883, d. 11/3/1969, (f. Clifford & Ernest)
Haugon, Edland O, b. 1861, d. 1903
Haukom, Cora M., b. 8/17/1910, d. 1/6/1996, Facts on file born-N. Dak.
Haukom, Larry M., b. 1939, d. 1966, Son of Cara H. Stantona
Haukom, Stanton, b. 1908, d. 1972
Heimsness, Esther, b. 8/18/1919, d. 1/26/1988
Hillesland, Karl Emil, b. 10/26/1907, d. 3/25/1985, (cremation) h -- Ellen
Hilstad, Anne, b. 1861, d. 1944, w. Gulbrand
Hilstad, Christian Stener, b. 1884, d. 1950
Hilstad, Evelyn Sharp, b. 1919, d. 1934
Hilstad, Gladys, b. 1896, d. 1973
Hilstad, Gulbrand O., b. 1854, d. 1919
Hilstad, Isabel Violet, b. 8/16/1900, d. 12/8/1984, w --Ted
Hilstad, Richard Oscar, b. 10/6/1935, d. 4/8/1993, (cremation)
Hilstad, Robert H., b. 1918, d. 1974
Hilstad, Robert O., b. 1881, d. 1955, b. Ted T.
Hilstad, Roger, b. 1/13/1902, d. 1955
Hilstad, Stephen P., b. 1924, d. 11/10/1999, (cremation) h. of Ann Obituary on file
Hilstad, Theodore B., b. 12/9/1988, d. 2/8/1970
Hindle, Lillian B., b. 1880, d. 1975
Hlebechuk, Gregory, b. 8/20/1951, d. 3/10/1980, (in Las Vegas)
Hlebechuk, Steven, b. 5/23/23, d. 10/22/1981, b. N. Dakota
Hodge, Kenneth, b. 1936, d. 1970
Holm, Magnes, b. 1889, d. 1937
Holm, Mary, b. 1892, d. 1955
Howen, Eleanor, b. 1920, d. 1921
Howen, Gerhard I., b. 3/30/1915, d. 5/19/1979, "Obituary on file b. Keyport, WA."
Howen, Ole, b. 9/3/1880, d. 9/13/1952
Howen, Ragnhild, b. 1881, d. 1967, Mrs. Ole
Husby, Clara L., b. 1886, d. 1971
Husby, Henry E., b. 1885, d. 1969
Irvine, Earl A., b. 1912, d. 1966, Cremation
Irvine, Sylvan, b. 9/9/1908, d. 1/9/1969
Irvine, William E., b. 2/28/1882, d. 1958
Iverson, Arnold Lloyd, b. 10/9/1932, d. 4/7/1984
Iverson, Gust, b. 1887, d. 1975
Iverson, Jacob, b. 9/16/1884, d. 3/16/1969, (WW I vet)
Iverson, Michael, b. 1956, d. 1977, s. of Arnold
Jensen, Anna, b. 1864, d. 1952
Jensen, Corin C., b. 1905, d. 1924
Jensen, Irving V., b. 10/2/1934, d. 8/15/1994, "b. Keyport, Wa. Buried 8/20/1994"
Jensen, Kathryn F., b. 9/11/1903, d. 1/5/1990, (Longnecker)
Jensen, Lowell, b. 1926, d. 12/5/1975
Jones, Benjamin F., b. 7/17/1920, d. 3/20/1982, b. James
Joseph R., 1901, d. 1943
Kippo, John A., b. 4/27/1878, d. 4/6/1962
Kippo, Leander, b. 1849, d. 1917
Kippo, Louisa, b. 1854, d. 1936
Kippo, Susan, b. 1885, d. 3/10/1970
Kronnagel, Julius, b. 1/14/1926, d. 7/22/1999, h. of Joyce Veteran buried 7/29/1999, Obituary on file
Lackey, Alfred J., b. 4/16/1950, d. 4/10/1982, b. Arkansas (further)
Lange, Florence, b. 1892, d. 1972
Lange, Gunwald Alfed, b. 1889, d. 1963
Larsen, Peter K., b. 12/6/1879, d. 6/23/1954
Larson, Erling Leif, b. 10/13/1921, d. 7/17/1994, (cremation) buried 7/21/1994
Larson, Helga M., b. 12/8/1880, d. 1/29/1966, s. Erling
Lawsrad, Nels M., b. 8/23/1880, d. 1943, w. Thelma Nenstiel
Liaset, George Peder, b. 11/5/1904, d. 10/28/1996, "Born: Norway, brother to Lillian Arper, Obituary on file
Liaset, Lena, b. 1879, d. 1953
Liaset, Nels, b. 1877, d. 1943, Borgen
Liaset, Norval L., b. 1909, d. 1958
Lunde, Fredrikka, b. 1881, d. 1964, h. Jacob
Lunde, John, b. 1886, d. 1929
Lunde, Ole, b. 1880, d. 1964, Well digger -- bachelor
Mahoney, John J., b. 1922, d. 1976
Manville, Anna Longnecker, b. 2/21/1908, d. 2/3/1992, (cremation)
Maser, Ruth M., b. 12/30/1920, d. 2/8/1988, (former Mrs. McWhirt)
Mathson, Erik, b. 1852, d. 1926
Mathson, Euertin M., b. 1847, d. 1922
Mathson, Ida Pauline, b. 10/31/a886, d. 2/26/1970
Mathson, John, b. 11/17/1890, d. 3/24/1961, h. Minnie s. Ida P.
Mathson, Minnie Hegland, b. 1/15/1898, d. 2/11/1988
McWhirt, Jalynn Albert, b. 1-/29/1976, d. 12/27/1976, Obituary on file
McWhirt, Nodgie J., b. 12/18/1942, d. 7/3/1976, Obituary on file
McWhirt, Rex, b. 1921, d. 1978
Melton, Edith R., b. 5/19/1919, d. 9/17/1990, (Ekstedt)
Melton, Sr., James H., b. 1916, d. 1985
Meyer, Ethel W., b. 11/18/1908, d. 2/15/1993, Fact on file
Morgan, John, b. 1930, d. 1987
Nelson, Art, b. 1913, d. 1981, (interred 4/21/1982) (cremation)
North, Evelyn Cora, b. 5/14/1920, d. 5/7/1990
Olsen, Adolph M., b. 1890, d. 9/4/1965
Olsen, Eva Nelson, b. 1909, d. 1974
Olsen, Fred W., b. 2/9/1900, d. 1959, w. Pearl
Olsen, Pearl M., b. 1896, d. 1991
Olson, Anna Marie, b. 11/28/1986, d. 7/14/1992, "(Taug) b. Keyport, WA."
Olson, Ed, b. 1867, d. 1929, w. -- Ellen
Olson, Edgar Melvin, b. 1/19/1916, d. 6/4/1978, s. Ed & Ellen Olson
Olson, Ellen E., b. 8/2/1879, d. 1964, h. Ed. O.
Olson, John, b. 1907, d. 1973
Olson, Olga Josephine, b. 1/19/1909, d. 11/27/1942, d. Eda Ellen
Olson, Vivien F., b. 8/2/1915, d. 11/8/1998, w. of Edgar M. Olson born in Seattle, Obituary on file
Parker, Cynthia Louise, b. 8/30/1956, d. 2/23/00, d. of Barbara Parker-Waaga, Obituary on file
Parker, Tracy, b. 1916, d. 1986, Fact on file
Paulsen, Marie, b. 1870, d. 1945
Paulson, Arthur, d. 1968, (cremated) s.John P.
Paulssen, John, b. 1860, d. 1931
Pedersen, Kristina J., b. 1880, d. 1967
Pedersen, Peder A., b. 1865, d. 1954
Pederson, John O., b. 12/7/1903, d. 7/15/1979, "b. Richmond Beach, WA. (Seattle) Obituary on file
Peterson, Anna, b. 5/1/1873, d. 1955, Re-interned at Miller-Woodlawn Cem.
Peterson, Anne, d. 1971, "Remains moved to Miller Woodlawn at direction of husband, Hans"
Phillips, Roger, b. 1/18/1952, d. 12/22/1998
Porterfield, John Y., b. 1917, d. 1967, h. of Ragna Hanson
Porterfield, John, d. 6/12/1970, (remains moved to new site)
Potterfield, Edith, d. 1972
Price, Maxine W., b. 7/17/1918, d. 6/11/1952, (Holm)
Pykkola, Rachel, b. 8/9/1913, d. 12/26/1988, w -- John
Pyykola, John, b. 8/17/1898, d. 6/27/1979, "(cremation) b. Ironwood, Michigan, mother-Maria Hyrkas P. father-John P., d. Mesa, AZ"
Rasmussen,, d. 1975, Stillborn baby boy
Ringness, Anne, b. 1879, d. 1921, w. -- Jacob
Ringness, Jacob, b. 9/8/1874, d. 5/29/1951
Ringness, Metta C., b. 1910, d. 1983
Ringness, Oscar O., b. 1905, d. 1991
Rosenlund, Frithiof, b. 1877, d. 1963 (1965), (re-burial)
Ruth, John Byram, b. 12/6/1965, d. 6/28/1988
Rutledge, Alonzo Lee, b. 3/17/1918, d. 3/6/1993
Rutledge, Mary Jane, b. 3/14/1918, d. 5/21/1995, "sons-Avery, Henry, Forest, Merwin, Further facts on file
Sargent, Esther Sophia, b. 3/11/1902, d. 9/21/1982, (Stone)
Sargent, George, b. 1/10/1897, d. 1/11/1979, h. Esther Obituary on file
Scott, Sr., Edward W., b. 10/27/1915, d. 9/8/1984, (cremation) h --Anna; obituary on file
Scribner, Gladys Mae, b. 10/3/1925, d. 1/3/1982, b. Arkansas
Selbo, Anne O., b. 1856, d. 1933
Selbo, John, b. 1862, d. 1946
Shellum, Hans, b. 1879, d. 1954
Shellum, Jacob, b. 1886, d. 1958
Signal, Margrethe, b. 1831, d. 1910
Signal, Thomas T., b. 1837, d. 1919
Signal, Thomas W., b. 9/25/1895, d. 7/8/1961
Smith, Donald O., d. 12/29/1993, Facts on file buried 1/2/1994
Somers, Elena (Olson), b. 4/6/1906, d. 4/25/1957
Somers, Theodore, b. 4/27/1917, d. 10/12/1983, (cremation)
Somers, Wellington Arthur, b. 12/17/1868, d. 3/1951
Stone, Aalbin C., b. 1896, d. 1967
Stone, Thelma, b. 1892, d. 1792
Storvik, Anne, b. 5/24/1880, d. 6/26/1959, h. Ole
Storvik, Ole S., b. 6/11/1885, d. 5/29/1956
Stubb, Henry, b. 11/11/1872, d. 1944
Swanson, Anna Fosberg, b. 3/3/1889, d. 4/17/1970
Taug, Frieda, b. 1896, d. 1912, Daughter of --Paul
Taug, Ida, b. 3/8/1866, d. Mar-51
Taug, Paul, b. 1861, d. 1925
Taylor, Lillian E., b. 1868, d. 1926
Thorsen, Gertrude, b. 1/17/1891, d. 3/11/1945
Thorsen, Torger, b. 1886, d. 1965
Tower, Lyman, b. 11/10/1917, d. 10/28/1993, (cremation) Obituary on file
Trudeau, Lillian, b. 1906, d. 1979, (sister Cora Haukom-cremation)
Tucker, James, d. 1974, Circa 55 years of age
Turner, David Lee, d. 2/5/1971, Died at birth
Tyler, Carol Lee, b. 8/13/1936, d. 12/6/1991, (cremation) d -- Lena Olson Somers
Vaughn, Chauncey G., b. 4/30/1926, d. 6/28/1992
Watland, Douglas Leroy, b. 11/2/1929, d. 4/19/1996
Watland, Julia, b. 1904, d. 1974
Watland, Leslie Albin, b. 3/25/1897, d. 12/8/1990, w -- Lorraine
Welle, Junie, b. 2/2/1909, d. 12/22/1995
Welle, Peter Thomas, b. 1906, d. 7/12/1971
Wetland, Jeffrey L., b. 5/19/1958, d. 9/8/1980, (Keyport)
Whitmire, Dessie D., b. 1901, d. 9/28/1970
Wikoff, Charlotte Louise, b. 3/16/1935, d. 6/9/1998, "w. of Joseph Wikoff, Sr., formerly DeBroeek Obituary on file
Wilken, Berthold H.A., b. 5/23/1894, d. 1957
Wilkin, Aimee, b. 1/18/1899, d. 11/25/1994, w -- Barr
Winfrey, Hilma W., b. 1907, d. 1967, (Kippo)

Unidentified remains, d. 3/1981 later identified as Kenneth Locust, USN - disinterred and sent to W. VA. for parents"

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