Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 20 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Funeral Notices
Hanna Cemetery
Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.857638, -106.584886
N. Tipperary Street
Hanna, WY
About 2.5 miles outside of Hanna, Wy. on the prairie, out of sight of the town, the highway, everyone.
by Gay Houchen Racina []
Published: Aug 27, 2001, last editedZ: Apr 7, 2016
Total records = 956
These burial records represent about 85% of the graves in the old Hanna, Wyo. cemetery. I have made two trips from Texas to Hanna to obtain the names contained herein and plan to continue to update the information. I hope that the information now available will be of some help to those searching for family members.
The records come from tombstones with the exception of the names of many of those killed in the mine explosion of 1903 at Hanna, Wy. The earliest graves there seem to be those dated 1903 and so this terrible disaster probably accounts for the founding of the cemetery. The Hanna coal mines are within sight of the cemetery. The names of those killed in the explosion came from a letter to Wyo. Gov. Fenimore Chatterton from the State Inspector of Coal Mines, A.E. Bradbury, Jun 01, 1904. It took one year to locate, recover and document those killed in the mine explosion. There are many graves so old that have wood markers and the information is faded beyond reading. There are many, many graves marked "unknown miner" and these may account for many of those killed in 1903.
There is a memorial to the miners killed in the Hanna and Carbon County mines. The cemetery should be registered as an histoic landmark. It is out of sight of the public and deep into the prairie. It is surrounded by a fence and many deer and antelope are around there. The road is a dirt road. The last 2 coal mines in Hanna closed this past year. The population is down to perhaps 800-1000 people there.
There are over 20 Japanese stones with only Japanese markings on them.
Transcribed from stones with the exception of about 180 names listed from the 1903 Hanna Wy mine explosion. These are the earliest graves here so it would seem that the gravesite was established at that time. The names of those killed in the Hanna mine explosion Jun 30, 1903 were obtained from a letter to Wyo. Giv. Fenimore Chatterton from A.E. Bradbury, or Gov. Fenimore Chatterton, from the State Inspector of Coal Mines, June 1st 1904. It took fully one year to identify, locate and recover those killed with the exception of two who were not found and presumed still in the mines. There are about 150 grave markers indicating 'Unidentified Miner' and it is perhaps these men who are buried in these graves. If the dates was obtained from this letter, it is indicated that the stone was not read. Compiled and Transcribed by Gay (Houchen) Racina assisted by Ramona Weekly and Lorraine Campbell. 2001
- Gay Houchen Racia
Cemetery Records
Aalt, Anna, b. 1879, d. 1980
Aalt, Fred, b. 1880, d. 1961
Abernathy, Elizabeth, no dates
Ainsworth, Albert W., b. 1856, d. 1940
Ainsworth, Elizabeth C., b. 1860, d. 1928
Alija, Ida W., no dates
Allija, Arthur S., no dates
Anderson, Baby Son, no dates
Anderson, Charles, no dates
Anderson, Donna Jean, no dates
Anderson, Doro O., no dates
Anderson, Emil, no dates
Anderson, James 'Pan', b. 1912, d. 1992
Anderson, John W., no dates
Anderson, Maximillian, b. no dates on stone
Angain, David W., no dates
Angain, Helen, no dates
Angain, Joe, no dates
Angain, Johanna, no dates (baby)
Angain, Joseph, no dates
Angain, Susannah, no dates
Angain, Unknown, no dates
Angain, William, (baby), no dates
Annala, B. M., no dates
Annala, J. Oscar, b. 1870, d. 1949
Annala, Jack, no dates
Annala, John Oscar, no dates
Annala, Susie, b. 1881, d. 1938
Arthurs, Mike, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Ashblund, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Austin, Desha, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Austin, William, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Aysto, Samuel, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Backer, Barbara Anise, no dates
Bain, Richard, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Baker, Michelle D., b. Apr 28, 1993, d. Jun 23, 1993
Baker, Shyla B., b. Mar 10, 1995, d. Jun 17, 1995
Baker, W. O., no dates
Bapbantakh, Aikatepinh, b. rennhoie iouniou 15, 1923 Attooanwn e8pouapiou 18,
Bart, Vega Mahi, no dates
Bateman, E. J., no dates
Bateman, Florence, no dates
Bateman, Mary Lucas, no dates
Battle, John, Foreman, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Beam, Arthur, no dates
Beam, Audrey, no dates
Beam, Caleb, no dates
Beam, Elizabeth, no dates
Beam, Gertrude, no dates
Beam, Harry, no dates
Beam, Jack, no dates
Beam, Jake, no dates
Beam, John, no dates
Beam, Margaret, no dates
Beam, Ruth, no dates
Beam, Walker, no dates
Beam, Woodrow, no dates
Becker, Allen Wayne, no dates, (exhumed)
Bedford, Agnes E., b. 1885, d. 1968, Married 3/5/1902
Bedford, Anala Tate, no dates
Bedford, Ang, no dates
Bedford, Daniel E., no dates (Baby)
Bedford, Ernest E., no dates
Bedford, Ethel L., no dates
Bedford, John O., no dates
Bedford, Roy L., no dates
Bedford, Roy, b. 1879, d. 1974
Benard, Veva, no dates
Bettue, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Birchall, Andrew, no dates
Bisig, John, no dates
Bisigasne, Catherine O, no dates
Blumstrom, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Boam, Barbara, b. Jan 09, 1944, d. (no dates)
Boam, Elizabeth E., b. 1897, d. 1982
Boam, Estell, b. 1900, d. 1932
Boam, Margaret, b. 1905, d. 1992
Boam, Ronald, b. Jul 20, 1927, d. Jul 03, 1999
Boam, Walter, b. Feb 13, 1898, d. Jul 04, 1961
Boney, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Bowers, Mary (?B.), no dates (daughter)
Bowers, Mary Balada, no dates (Mother)
Bowers, Sarah M, no dates
Briggs, Alan R., no dates (Father)
Briggs, Alma, b. 1895, d. 1975
Briggs, Ann Roberts, no dates (Mother)
Briggs, Christopher D., no dates (son)
Briggs, Elizabeth Ann, b. 1922, d. 1933
Briggs, Joseph McKay, no dates
Briggs, Robert, no dates
Briggs, William A., no dates (Father)
Brown, Ed, b. Apr 2, 1885, d. Jun 30, 1903, Killed in mine explosion
Buckendorf, Frieda J., b. Oct 10, 1916, d. Jan 23, 1996
Buckendorf, George F., b. Feb 9, 1896, d. Oct 02, 1979
Buckingham?, Richard Carl, no dates
Buckman, Lester, no dates
Burnley, Roscoe, b. May 01, 1914, d. Feb 20, 1946, Pvt 901 AAF Air Base Security BN, Military Stone
Burns, Donald B., no dates
Burns, Leo, no dates
Butler, Margaret J., no dates
Campbell, Alice, b. 1911, d. no date
Campbell, E, no dates
Campbell, Emily Brunton, b. Nov 06, 1906, d. May 26, 1928
Campbell, Ferrol, b. Mar 22, 1918, d. Oct 02, 1918, (baby) My darling baby
Campbell, James, b. 1910, d. 1982
Campbell, John Alexander, b. 1877, d. 1945
Carden, Bertha M, no dates
Carnahan, William, no dates
Case, George H., no dates
Case, James W., no dates
Case, Sarah, no dates
Cheesbrough, Alfred, no dates
Christian, William, b. Aug 29, 1871, d. Dec. 21, 1936, Rest in peace
Ciarallo, C., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Cittila, Axel, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Clark, George, no dates
Clark, John, no dates
Clark, Leslie Wayne, b. Jan 05, 1928, d. Jan 12, 1933
Clark, Lucille May, no dates
Clark, Mary A., no dates
Clark, Mary Ellen, no dates
Clarkson, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Clarkson, Robert, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Clavel, Arsen, no dates
Cook, Thomas, no dates
Cooper, A.E., no dates
Cos, John R., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Cox, Ann, no dates
Cox, John H. Cox, b. 1845, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in Hanna explosion
Cox, John Jr., b. 1870, d. 1903, killed in Hanna explosion
Cox, John, Fire Boss, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, Not found. Still in mine.
Cranford, Josiah, no dates (baby)
Crank, (baby), no dates
Crawshaw, Sam, d. Feb 14, 1974 (?)
Crombie, George, b. 1896, d. 1911, At Rest
Cummings, Alice M. (dau), no dates
Cummings, Baby, no dates
Cummings, Dennla, no dates
Cummings, James Roy, no dates
Cummings, John Lawrence, no dates
Cummings, John, no dates
Cummings, Lawrence B., no dates
Cummings, Margaret, no dates (dau)
Cummings, Margaret, no dates (mother)
Cummings, Margaret Louise, no dates
Cummings, Margaret, no dates
Cummings, Michael, no dates
Cummings, Wilber, no dates (baby)
Cundy, William, no dates
D'Andrea, Guiseppi, no dates
D'Andrea, Sam, no dates
Dandry, C., d. Jun 30, 1903, Killed in mine explosion,stone not read
Davis, Frank, no dates
Davis, Thomas, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Davis, Uriah, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Delakis, Steve, b. 1892, d. 1955, born in Crete Greece
Delmonico, Jim, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Denny, James, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Dexter, John Robert, no dates
Dexter, John, no dates (Father)
Dexter, Leonard A., no dates
Dexter, Margaret, no dates (Mother)
Dexter, Oliver William, no dates
DiCesare, P., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Dragoo, Edith Joy, no dates
Ekman, Irving Bernnard, b. Dec 22, 1910, d. Apr 29, 1927
Ekman, Jenne Amanda, b. Dec 22, 1889, d. Nov 21, 1918
Ekman, Nels John, b. Sep 11, 1861, d. Dec 24, 1944
Ekman, Yngve, b. Jun 13, 1912, d. Jul 05, 1935
Ekola, Anna, b. 1858, d. 1924
Ekola, Arthur, b. ?, d. May 03, 1957, Wyo Pvt Co D 742 Police BN WWII, Military stone
Ekola, Gust., b. 1909, d. 1912
Ekola, Matt A., b. 1870, d. 1930, Father
Ekola, Matt, b. 1901, d. 1972
Elearto, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Erickson, Lempi O., b. Mar 17, 1899, d. May 22, 1986, Aunt
Erickson, Oscar W., b. Mar 4, 1884, d. Oct. 26, 1960, Uncle
Erickson, Sarah Clark, b. Jun 27, 1876, d. Feb 24, 1906, wife of Carl A. Erickson
Erikson, Sarah Clark, no dates
Esko, Wm. G., no dates
Evans, Clara O., no dates
Evans, Evan Richard, no dates
Evans, Evan, no dates
Evans, Jodie, b. Sep 19, 1943, d. Dec 19, 2000
Evans, John B., no dates
Evans, John, no dates
Evans, Joseph, no dates
Evans, Katherine W., no dates
Evans, Mary Ann, no dates
Evans, Sarah, no dates
Evans, Talysein E., b. Mar 2, 1894, d. Dec 19, 1912
Fagerholm, Gust. E., no dates
Fagerholm, Marh, no dates
Filpula, Bonne, no dates
Filpula, J. Wiljam, b. Tasa Lepaa Rakas Lapsemme K.W. 1908
Filpula, Jacob J., b. 1859, d. 1930?
Filpula, Leonard, b. 1905, d. 1930
Filpula, Sanna Liisa, b. 1868, d. 1941
Finch, James H., no dates
Finch, James H., no dates
Finch, Robert (baby), no dates
Fink, Charles, no dates
Fink, Genevieve Caroline, b. Oct 02, 1914, d. Oct 18, 1914
Fisher, Matilda R., no dates
Fisher, Richard R., no dates
Fitch, Valene, b. 1893, d. 1917, Wife of S.U. Fitch, Asleep in Jesus
Flynn, Walker B., no dates
Ford, F. E., no dates
Ford, Mary, no dates
Foures, O, no dates
Fouros, Gust, b. Wyoming, d. May 16, 1943, Pvt, 163 Inf. 41 Div.
Fulbright, Debbra E., b. Dec 25, 1957, d. May 13, 1992, Beloved mother of Christopher & Dustin
Gaskell, Frances, no dates
Gaskell, Mary, no dates
Gaskell, Nell, no dates
Gaskell, Richard, no dates
Gaston, Duane L, no dates
Gaston, Marvin R., b. 1963, d. 1995, picture of trees & a fisherman on stone
Gaston, Shirley M., b. 1937, d. 1997, Mom
Giatrakis, Gust, b. 1877, d. Jun 3, 1930, born in Crete
Gillispie, J. Nathan, no dates
Gillispie, Lucille, no dates
Glad, Jack N., no dates
Glad, Jacob, no dates
Glad, Lisa, no dates
Glad, Martha, no dates
Glad, Neil L., b. 1912, d. 1941
Glatt, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Golder, John, no dates
Graves, Mary Viola, no dates
Gsga, B??, no dates
Guenter, Charles, no dates
Hakala, Anselm, no dates (father)
Hakala, Arne William, no dates
Hakala, Esther (Wersley), no dates
Hakala, Eva Maria, no dates (Mother)
Hakala, Uno Theodore, no dates
Hako, Mat, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hall, David, no dates
Hall, Jerry, no dates
Hall, John, no dates
Hall, William, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hansen, Clara Belle, b. Jan 05, 1908, d. May 30, 1946
Hapgood, Alfred, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hapgood, Walker, b. 1900, d. 1965 (son)
Harkass, Jennie, no dates
Harnden, Clyde A., no dates
Harrison, Catherine, b. 1907, d. 1975, In God's Care
Harrison, Mary A., b. 1869, d. 1950, Mother
Harrison, William, b. 1870, d. no date, Father
Hayes, Jacqueline, no dates
Hayes, James, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Heiskamen, A, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Heiskamen, G. H., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Heiskanen, Erik, d. 1903, *14/12,1871+30/G, #s on stone
Heiskanen, Karl Henrik, b. Tassa Lepaavat), d. 1903, *13,9,18-6+30/G
Heitala, Alu, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Helkkila, Alida M., b. 1902, d. 1930
Helkkila, Arvid, b. 1898, d. 1930
Higgins, Charles H., no dates
Higgins, E.L., no dates (baby)
Higgins, Lillian, no dates
Hill, Elmer J., no dates
Hill, John H., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Hill, Minnie, no dates
Hill, Richard W., no dates (baby)
Hill, William E., no dates
Hokka, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Holm, Alf., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Holma, (baby), no dates
Holma, John, no dates
Honks, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hooper, George, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hopnack, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hoy, John, no dates
Hudson, Emilie Campbell, no dates
Hudson, John, no dates
Hudson, Pamela, no dates
Hudson, Roland Jackson, no dates (baby
Hudson, Sarah, no dates
Hudspetts, Sam L., b. Jun 1863, d. Jun 30, 1903, ***
Hughes, Catherine, no dates
Hughes, Charles, no dates
Hughes, Daisy, no dates
Hughes, George William, no dates
Hughes, Ruth, no dates
Hughes, William W., no dates
Huhta, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Huhtala, Chas. Matt, no dates
Huhtala, Donald Dean, no dates
Huhtala, Ida O., no dates
Huhtala, Ida W., b. 1897, d. 1974, wife
Huhtala, Jacob Yalmar, b. 1893, d. 1951
Huhtala, John A., b. 1890, d. no date, husband
Huhtala, M. Sylvester, no dates
Huhtala, Matte, no dates
Huhtala, Robert Gordon, no dates
Huhtala, Uncel Eli, b. 1897, d. 1957
Hukanluoman, Matt, no dates
Hullanda, Otto, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Hulsa, Dale Lee, no dates
Hutchins, William H. 'Billy', b. Dec. 19, 1977, d. Nov. 4, 1994, ltrs, roses, small blue gazing ball at grave
Hynynon, Andrew, b. 1891, d. 1950
Hynynon, Jennie, no dates
Irene, Charles, no dates
Irene, Sharon K., no dates
Isolim, Jenni Maria, no dates
Jackson, Donna Mae (baby), no dates
Jackson, Donna Mae, b. no date, d. Jan 08, 1957, Daughter
Jackson, Harriet J., no dates
Jackson, Joseph J., no dates
Jackson, Joseph, no dates
Jackson, Linda Lucille (baby), b. no date, d. Mar 20, 1958
Jackson, Lucille, no dates
Jackson, Mark, no dates
Jackson, Mary Ann, b. 1890, d. 1906, At rest
Jackson, Sue Ann, no dates
Jackson, Thomas, b. 1860, d. 1906
Jackson, William Doyle (baby), b. no date, d. Dec 18, 1956, son
Jacobsen, Ole, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion
Jacobsen, Oscar, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Jacobsen, Sak, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Japanese Section, 24 headstones, no dates
Jarvals, Mat, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Jennings, Myrtle (Irene), no dates
Jennings, Orlan, no dates
Jocobsen, (baby), no dates
Johnson, Alberta (Rodda), b. Dec 16, 1890, d. May 03, 1972
Johnson, Alfred Y., no dates
Johnson, Andrew, b. no dates, wooden marker
Johnson, Carrie, no dates
Johnson, Darold, no dates
Johnson, Eric, no dates
Johnson, Howard William, no dates
Johnson, Ida H. (Annala), no dates
Johnson, Idonna E., b. 1921, d. 1999
Johnson, Iva, no dates
Johnson, Jenny, b. no dates wooden marker
Johnson, Jorgen, no dates
Johnson, Matt, no dates
Johnson, Norman, no dates
Johnson, Peggy Sue, no dates
Johnson, Verla E., b. 1915, d. 1980
Johnson, Verna Mae, no dates
Johnson, William A., no dates
Jones, Anna Maria, no dates
Jones, Dave D. Sr., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Jones, David B., no dates
Jones, David, no dates
Jones, Doris, no dates
Jones, Eldred E., no dates
Jones, Evan, no dates
Jones, Evelyn May (Baby), no dates
Jones, Ever, no dates
Jones, James W., no dates
Jones, Jewell, no dates
Jones, John A., b. 1863, d. 1947
Jones, John D., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Jones, John P., b. Sept. 17, 1838, d. Jan 29, 1912, At Rest
Jones, John, b. Jun 1, 1895, d. Sept. 13, 1972
Jones, Joseph E. (baby), no dates
Jones, Joseph, b. Oct 4, 1897, d. Jun 06, 1981, born in Carbon, Wyo, **buried nxt to ea oth
Jones, Margaret (baby), no dates
Jones, Margaret (Campbell), b. Aug 29, 1905, d. Mar 13, 1987, Born in Scotland, **buried nxt to ea oth
Jones, Margaret, b. Sept 16, 1833, d. Aug 08, 1914, Our Beloved Mother
Jones, Mary Ann, b. Sept 8, 1884, d. Jun 30, 1938
Jones, Mary E., no dates
Jones, Owen, no dates
Jones, William David, b. Private Sept 14, 1892, d. Oct 13, 1918, Co E 30th Inf.
Judspeth, Sam, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Julio, Joe, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Jussita, Hanna, no dates
Jussita, Hilda, no dates
Jussita, John A., no dates
Jussita, Taune J. 'Dog', no dates
Kaeria, Samuel, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kandolin, Oscar, no dates
Kangas, Edward, no dates
Karnkimo, Y., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kauffo, Karlo, no dates
Kelvisio, Bonia K., no dates
Kelvisio, Matt, no dates
Kenison, Annie Lyon (baby), no dates
Kenison, Annie, no dates
Kenison, Berke Elsie (baby), no dates
Kenkamper, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kerr, Baby Son, no dates
Kerr, John O., no dates
Kerr, Lena, no dates
Kerr, Twin son-1, no dates
Kerr, Twin son-2, no dates
Kertfula, Aarne Waldemar, no dates
Kertilla, Chas., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kiemo, Alex., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kitching, James, no dates
Kivi, Ida, no dates
Kivisio, Axel, no dates
Kivisio, Ida, no dates
Klassen, (baby), no dates
Klassen, Anna, no dates
Klassen, Audry, no dates
Klassen, Edna, no dates
Klassen, Jenny F., no dates
Klassen, Knul A., no dates
Klassen, Matilda, b. Jun 30, 1862, d. Feb 23, 1942, Brn in Sweden/He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life
Klassen, Sven John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Klassen, Theodore Alex, b. 1892, d. 1944, Cpl 362 Inf. 91st 'Div WW I, Military Stone
Klemola, Ida, no dates
Klemola, Olva, no dates
Klobas, Frank, no dates
Klobas, Sue A Scarbelli, b. 1906, d. 1998
Knudsen, Marvin, no dates
Konishi, Frank T., b. 1884, d. 1936
Kortes, John, b. no date given, d. Jun 29, 1906, age 55
Koski, Andrew I., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Koso, Matt, b. Feb 3, 1881, d. Oct 31, 1909, Tassa Lepaa
Kotila, Charles O., b. Mar 24, 1875, d. Feb 22, 1929
Kroger, Aro John, no dates
Kroger, Sonja V., no dates
Kukkola, Ida W., no dates
Kukkola, Jacob L., no dates
Kukkola, John K., no dates
Kukkola, Kusian Lasiensela, no dates
Kukkola, Oscar, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Kulvanalml, Victor, no dates
Kuoppala, Reino, no dates
Kustaa, Ida W., b. 1900, d. 1904, s/w John & Jacob
Kustaa, Jacob I., b. 1908, d. 1909, s/w Ida & John
Kustaa, John, b. 1894, d. 1910, s/w Ida & Jacob I
Laamanen, Nic, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Laine, Lillie Lindi, b. 1896, d. 1916, Aunt
Lakko, Sac, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Lane, Terry, no dates
Lanty, Thos., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Larson, (baby), no dates
Larson, Carolina, b. 1888, d. 1926, At Rest
Larson, Esther M., no dates
Larson, John, b. 1860, d. 1924
Lassali, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Laurunan, Carl, no dates
Laurunan, Harry, no dates
Laurunan, Ike, no dates
Leakela, Harry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Leathers, Dorothy, no dates
Lee, Dora E., no dates
Lee, Elizabeth, no dates
Lee, Esther Holvison, b. Dec 05, 1907, d. Sept. 29, 1917
Lee, Esther, no dates
Lee, Harry, no dates
Lee, Joseph, no dates
Lee, Richard, no dates
Lefforge, Mary Ann, b. Sep 22, 1936, d. Sep 25, 1936, Dau of Ray & Lorraine Lefforge
Lehti, Elizabeth, b. 1880, d. 1972
Lehti, John, b. 1883, d. 1965
Lehti, John, no dates
Lehti, Lennis, no dates
Lehti, Mike E., no dates
Lehti, Nels, b. Jan 5, 1881, d. Mar 09, 1925
Lehti, Uno Albert, b. Dec 06, 1908, d. Nov 13, 1948
Lehti, Uno Albert, no dates
Lehtl, Elizabeth, no dates
Lehto, Aurora M., b. Aug 4, 1881, d. Dec 27, 1924, Mother
Lelvo, Anna, no dates
Lelvo, Eugene, no dates
Lelvo, Leander, no dates
Lemoine, daughters of, b. Feb 26, 1916, d. Feb 27, 1916, twin dau. of Joe & Goldie LeMoine
Lemoine, Henry, no dates
Leonard, Bessie, no dates
Linberg, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Linden, Gus, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Linden, Olof, no dates
Linden, Oscar, no dates
Lindi, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Lindi, J. Henry, b. Aug 7, 1891, d. Jan 21, 1954, Father
Lindi, Johanna, b. Apr 13, 1857, d. Apr 23, 1945, Grandmother
Lindi, Matt, b. 1899, d. 1916, Uncle
Lindl, Aini K., b. Dec. 27, 1901, d. Dec. 11, 1977, Mother
Lindl, Theodore, no dates
Lindstrom, Knut Jakob, no dates
Lockhart, Wen, no dates
Longi, Andrew, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Longi, August, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Longi, Mat, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Longu, Eric, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Louna, M.M., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Lourna, Matt A.W., no dates
Love, Edward, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Love, Michael Vickers, no dates
Love, Myra Irene, no dates (Mother)
Love, Thomas Lionel, no dates (Father)
Lowe, Kathleen, no dates
Lowe, Rita Eileen, no dates
Lucas, Bernard, no dates
Lucas, George, no dates
Lucas, Joseph Jr., no dates
Lucas, Joseph, no dates
Lucas, Leonard, no dates
Lucas, Lillian, no dates
Lucas, Margaret, no dates
Lucas, Richard, no dates
Lucas, Richard, no dates
Lucas, William C., no dates
Lufkin, Elmer E., no dates
Lufkin, Katherine L., no dates
Lugerakis, Basil G., b. 1908, d. May 16, 1921, Born in Crete, died in Hanna Wy
Lundberg, John, no dates
Lundberg, Matt Jr., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Lundberg, Matt Sr., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Luoio, Ida J., no dates
Luoio, Leonard, no dates
Luoma, (baby) Lempl, no dates
Luoma, Andrew, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Luoma, Arve A., no dates
Luoma, Dan, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Luoma, Eric, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Luoma, Hilda Boggs, b. 1902, d. 1995, Niece
Luoma, John K., b. 1872, d. 1947??
Luoma, John K., no dates
Luoma, Uncle Jack, b. 1865, d. 1914
Luoto, Ida J., b. Apr. 28, 1882, d. Jun 04, 1971
Luoto, Leonard, b. Sept. 10, 1889, d. Oct. 7, 1933, Father
Lynn, Britta L., no dates
Lynn, Britta Liisa, b. Nov 16, 1853, d. Dec. 15, 1908
MacCourt, Margaret, b. Oct 8, 1877, d. Feb 14, 1914, In Memory of Our Mother
Mackin, Eva Jo, no dates
Madden, Frances, b. no dates given, d. Mar 02, 1906, wife of Aaron Madden, Aged 48 years
Mahoney, Michael, b. 1881, d. 1918
Maki, Alf, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Maki, August, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Maki, Gabe, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Maki, Isaac S., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Maki, Sofia H. Koso, b. 1882, d. 1964
Maki, Wilho I., b. May 31, 1911, d. Dec 22, 1928
Makinen, Ina L., no dates
Makinen, Matt T., no dates
Makl, Bannl (Haapamaki), no dates
Makl, Frank, b. 1885, d. 1955
Makl, Hako, no dates
Makl, Herman Wm. (Haaparn?), no dates
Makl, Isaace H., no dates
Malberg, Gust, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Malberg, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Malberg, Kustl, no dates
Malberg, Matt, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Malberg, Mattew, no dates
Malberg, Shirley Caryle, no dates
Malm, Manfred, no dates
Manounakis, D., b. 1885, d. 1925
Manounakis, Mike, b. May 12, 1883, d. ??
Marzon, Phillip, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Massaro, D., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Massaro, Nic, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Masse, H., Fire Boss, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Massey, James, b. Mar 11, 1868, d. Jun 30, 1903, Brn in Scotland-killed in mine explosion
Massey, James, no dates
Massey, Jeane H., b. Jun 11, 1870, d. Oct. 17, 1964, Memory of Mother
Matson, Andrew V., b. Nov 7, 1888, d. Jul 11, 1921
Matson, Andrew, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Matson, Arvey N., no dates
Matson, August K., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Matson, Axel, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Matson, Carl, b. Sep 14, 1892, d. Aug 27, 1948
Matson, Elmer, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Matson, Ernest W., b. May 07, 1902, d. Jun 08, 1973
Matson, John B., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Matson, Suoma T., b. Oct. 6, 1910`, d. Jun 08, 1989
Mattila, Alvi K., b. Feb 2, 1878, d. May 04, 1925
Mattila, Erick, b. 1817, d. 1918, Father
Mattila, John R., b. 1900, d. 1918, son
Mattila, Lilja M., b. 1906, d. 1906
Mattila, Martta E., b. 1904, d. 1904
Mattila, Milja J., b. 1902, d. 1904
McAlee, Edward Frederick, no dates
McAlee, William J., no dates
McArdie, James, no dates
McDonald, Archie, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
McDonald, Jessie, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
McGoon, Shirley, no dates
McHeely, Elsie, no dates
McKenna, Felix, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
McKenna, Geo., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
McNeese, Charles R., no dates
McNeese, Isabelle M., no dates
McNeese, James, no dates
McNeese, John A., no dates
McNeese, John L., no dates
McNeese, Mary, no dates
McRoberts, Mary, no dates
Meekin, Annie L., no dates
Meekin, James J., no dates
Meekin, James Sr., no dates
Meekin, Thomas J., no dates
Meekin, Vincent, no dates
Mellor, Angwin J.H., no dates
Mellor, Charles, no dates
Mellor, Jack, no dates
Mellor, Mae, no dates
Mellor, Mildren, no dates
Mellor, Rosevia, no dates
Mellor, Thomas, no dates
Melor, William Lincoln, no dates
Mertala, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Mertala, Olive (OIena), no dates
Mickelson, Martin, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, mine expl. age 19 Y 4 mos
Mickelson, Samuel, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, mine expl. age age 47 yrs
Mikkila, Jac, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Mikollo, O., no dates
Miller, Benj>, b. Apr 1, 1880, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mine explosion
Miller, Mark, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Milliken, Hannah (Mother), no dates
Milliken, John (Father), no dates
Milliken, John Jr., no dates
Milliken, Merna L., no dates
Milliken, Rachel J. (Mother), no dates
Milliken, Robert Henry, no dates
Milliken, Robert, no dates
Milliken, Stanley Robert, no dates
Milliken, William Sutton (Father), no dates
Mills, Merritt R., no dates
Milne, Florence Benedict, b. 1911, d. 1998, married 1933 Hanna, Wyoming
Milne, Jack MacDonald, b. 1908, d. 1993
Mithel, Bart, no dates
Miyamoto, May Mitsue, b. 1927, d. 1936, Japanese writings on stone
Moffitt, Julia, no dates
Moffitt, Wilbur H. Sr., no dates
Molyneaux, Margaret, no dates
Molyneaux, Nelllie W., no dates
Molyneaux, Robert R., no dates
Monson, Pete, no dates
Morris, Haber M. (Briggs), no dates
Morris, Haber, no dates
Morris, Margaret (Briggs), no dates
Morrison, Isaac, no dates
Munley, Tobert, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nakazono, Harry R., b. 1886, d. 1940, Japanese markings on stone
Nakazono, Reed, b. 1926, d. 1943, Son, Rest in Peace
Nanti, Jac, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Neimo, Abe, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nelm, Isaac, no dates
Nelson, Alexander, no dates
Nelson, Andrew O., no dates
Nelson, Anna, no dates
Nelson, August, no dates
Nelson, Baby Boy, no dates
Nelson, Fretty Emil, no dates
Nelson, Leonard E., no dates
Nelson, Lyle Winthrop, no dates
Nelson, Mathilda, no dates
Nelson, Matt L., no dates
Nelson, Matt Leander, no dates
Nerol, Antone (Husband), no dates
Nieststc, Jas, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nikkola, Alec, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nioma, Alf., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nissila, Mat, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nixon, Olendale, no dates
Norconen, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nordvall, Errvna, no dates
Nordvall, William, no dates
Norris, Joan H., no dates
Norris, Joseph (Son), no dates
Norris, Joseph, no dates
Norris, Maria E., no dates
Norris, Mary Alice, no dates
Norris, Robert, no dates
Norris, Robert, no dates
Nowley, Pete, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nukkola, Mike, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Nurml, Ella Mary, b. Dec. l7, 1909, d. Aug 25, 1936
O'Malley, Austin Br., b. 1883, d. 1943, Father
O'Malley, John Thomas, b. 1871, d. 1936
O'Malley, Rachel, b. 1884, d. 1918, Mother
O'Malley, Sara Bailey, b. 1876, d. 1987
Ojala, George John, no dates
Ojala, Simon, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Ojua, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Olefson, Arthur O, no dates
Oliver, Ella Maye, no dates (Mother)
Oliver, Harry Joe, no dates
Ollikkala, Ida Marie, b. Nov 9, 1899, d. Apr 02, 1955
Ollikkala, John A., no dates
Ollikkala, Matt, b. 1864, d. 1944, Father
Ollikkala, Serafia, b. 1862, d. 1943, Mother
Olofson, Clarence E., b. 1899, d. 1925
Olofson, Ethel Mae, no dates
Olofson, Ida Marie, b. 1880, d. 1939
Olofson, Olef P., b. 1872, d. 1955
Olofson, Olof, b. 1914, d. 1916, son of O&I. Olofson
Olson, Ruth Alice, b. (8 mos old), d. Sep 04, 1905, dau of Chas J & Hannah Alice Olson
Owens, Jesse Leon, b. Apr 22, 1943, d. Oct 13, 1943, My Baby'
Paavola, Helml Ellen, b. 1912, d. 1916
Palasen, (baby), no dates
Palasen, Anna, no dates
Palesen, Wilbur 'Patty', no dates
Pallaluk, Evelyn E., no dates
Pallesen, Anna, no dates
Panula, No first name, b. no dates-, d. flat metal marker
Pasanen, Andrew, b. 1884, d. 1938
Pasanen, Anna, b. 1884, d. 1968
Pascoe, Anabelle, no dates
Pascoe, Christina, b. 1875, d. 1913
Pascoe, Cora Estella, b. Nov 08, 1902, d. Dec 01, 1907, dau. of Wm. & Christina Pascoe
Pascoe, Mary Pearl, d. Aug 19, 1905, ages 9 yrs 1 mo. 26 ds. dau of WH & Christina Pascoe
Passi, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Pauletich, Milena, no dates
Pelto, Chas., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Pelto, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Pendlalon, Douglas, no dates
Pepper, Audrey, b. 1893, d. 1997, Mac'
Peterson, Hedvig, no dates
Peterson, Mina, b. 1848, d. 1938, Mother
Peterson, Paul, no dates
Petnatoy, Harley, no dates
Petracco, E., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Pickup, Billy, no dates
Pickup, Bud, no dates
Pickup, Elizabeth, no dates
Pickup, John J., no dates
Pickup, Ted, no dates
Pollari, Lisa, no dates
Poulos, George John, no dates
Poulos, John, no dates
Poulos, Mary, no dates
Poulos, Rane, no dates
Pouti, S., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Pratt, Virfginia Lee, no dates
Pulkamen, Wm., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Rae, J.C., no dates
Raite, Anges Purdie, b. Mar 12, 1861, d. Mar 04, 1936
Raite, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, killed in Hanna Mine explosion, age 27 yrs 10 mos
Ralfe, James, no dates
Ralmay, Ouss, no dates
Ralmay, Thos. J., no dates
Ralmey, Amanda, no dates
Range, Herman, no dates
Rankinen, H., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Rantala, Amanda, b. 1866, d. 1924
Rantala, Edward B., no dates
Rantala, Gustaf, b. 1869, d. 1947
Rassia, Wm., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Reese, Jenry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Reever, Fannie, no dates
Reino, Kuoppala, b. 1910, d. 1939
Relvo, Sonia a., no dates
Relvo, Tanho Wm., no dates
Renko, Herman, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Riley, Albert, no dates
Rodda, Alberta, no dates
Rodda, Edna Bernice, b. Jul 15, 1915, d. May 05, 1922
Rodda, S. Irvin, b. 1882, d. 1943, At Rest
Rodda, Thomas H., b. 1909, d. 1968
Rodriquez, John, no dates
Rogers, Junior, no dates
Rollison, Harold J. (Peck), no dates
Rookala, Hilma Maria, b. Jul 17, 1902, d. Jan 12, 1988, Mother
Rookala, Walker E., b. Dec 1, 1885, d. Nov 04, 1953, Father
Ross, Jessie P., no dates
Ross, Walker A., no dates
Runnola, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Ruskanen, Andrew, b. Jun 4, 1890, d. Apr 04, 1925, Loving Husband & Father
Ruskanen, Irene B., no dates
Ruskanen, Lydia R., b. Apr 28, 1885, d. Dec 13, 1954, In loving memory, Mother
Ruski, Carl, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Ruuska, Kalie, no dates
Rysberg, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
S??, Edward, no dates
Saari, John A., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Saari, Lauri A., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Saari, Margaret Lindi, b. Nov 27, 1894, d. Sep 28, 1981, Aunt
Saarl, Fannie (Hannie?), b. Apr 11, 1888, d. Aug 13, 1985
Saarl, John W., b. Feb 20, 1913, d. Jun 27, 1944, Killed in Action in Normandy, B.Cherough,France
Saarl, Lempl Marie, no dates
Sakrison, William, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Salin, Salo, no dates
Salml, Otto, b. 1883, d. 1965
Salo, Emil A., no dates
Salo, Eugene, no dates
Salo, Fannie L., no dates
Salo, Frank A., no dates
Salo, Hilma M., no dates
Salo, Lauri, no dates
Salo, Oliver E., no dates
Salo, Oskar, no dates
Salo, Rudolph, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Salo, Walne, no dates
Sanson, J. H., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Sarberg, Henry, no dates
Sarberg, Hilma L., no dates
Sarberg, Hilma, no dates
Saunders, Christopher, no dates
Saunders, Ella Jane, no dates
Saunders, Henry, b. Jun 1889, d. Jun 30, 1903***, killed in mine explosion, sp.'Sanders'govrepo
Scarpelli, Bertha M., no dates
Scarpelli, Carmella, b. Jan 1, 1881, d. Oct 26, 1974, Mother
Scarpelli, Frank, b. Dec 1, 1881, d. Jan 06, 1971, Father
Scarpelli, Ralph Ronald, b. Jun 26, 1937, d. May 19, 1938, Our Loss was Heaven's Gain
Scarpelli, Sam, no dates
Scheef, Robert W., b. Dec 22, 1920, d. Feb 22, 2003, Husband
Scheef, Steven M., b. Jul 21, 1955, d. Mar 20, 1972
Scheef, Violet H., b. Nov 21, 1923, d. Feb 09, 1988, Wife
Schenaman, no dates
Schill, Theodore, b. Jun 30, 1903, d. killed in mine explosion, stone not read
Schraber, Fred C., no dates
Schraber, Fred W., no dates
Seal, George W., no dates
Sevenlkar, Mike A., no dates
Shaw, HiltonB., no dates
Shaw, Jack, no dates
Sheffield, Jos., killed in mine explosion, d. stone not read
Shell, Stell Cross, no dates
Sherman, Woodrow, no dates
Shurter, Michael A., no dates
Siebner, F. M., no dates
Siebner, Leroy, no dates
Siebner, Martin, no dates
Siecher, Crystal Maria, no dates
Smeaton, James, d. Mar 28, 1903, age 50 yrs 3 mos 26 ds, Gone but not forgotn
Smith, Harvey Q., no dates
Smith, Infant, no dates
Smith, J. Lynwood, no dates
Smith, James, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Smith, Mildred, no dates
Smith, Norma Karen, no dates
Smith, rosana B., no dates
Smith, Shirley M., no dates
Smith, W. L., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Solaas, Charles, no dates
Solaas, Dale L., b. PFC US Marine Corps, d. WW II 1922-1975, Military plaque
Solaas, Dale Lewis, b. Apr 14, 1922, d. Jun 26, 1975
Solaas, Gladys R., b. May 28, 1914, d. Dec 08, 1994
Solaas, Sue Ann, b. Apr 26, 1919, d. Aug 14, 1992
Solaas, Wallace (Wally), b. 1939, d. 1984
Solaas, Willard M., b. Aug 10, 1916, d. Jan 21, 1978
Somerill, Chas., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Sorvista, Nic, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Spencer, Adolph E., no dates
Spencer, Amelia, no dates
Spencer, John, no dates
Sporro, Mike, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Stephenson, James, no dates
Stephenson, Thomas, b. Mar 27, 1849, d. May 27, 1915
Stkaley, Donald C., no dates
Sujtton, Edward Alex, no dates
Sundquist, Elizabeth, no dates
Sundquist, Martin Jr., no dates
Sundquist, Martin Sr., no dates
Swan, Jacob William, b. 1908, d. 1964, Regular Stone
Swan, Jacob William, b. Mar 02, 1908, d. Dec 14, 1964, PFC U.S. Ary WW II Wyoming, Military Stone
Swan, Manda, b. 1888, d. 1940, Mother
Taccolone, Angeline, no dates
Taccolone, Frank, no dates
Taccolone, Joe, no dates
Taccolone, Michael, no dates
Taccolone, Tony, no dates
Takala, Lempi E., b. 1905, d. 1966
Takala, Mikael, b. 1899, d. 1966
Takia, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Talkanan, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Talkanan, Herman, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Tanttari, Hugo A., b. 1909, d. 1914, At Rest, stone w/heart on it
Tempet, John, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Tennanl, Mary E., b. 1851, d. 1947
Tennanl, Mary J., b. 1888, d. 1916
Tennanl, Robert, b. 1880, d. 1934
Tennanl, Robert, d. Apr 10, 1903, (baby) son of Robert & Marh, age 2ms 13ds
Tennant Jr., Alexander, d. Mar 28, 1908, Killed in mine explosion, age 34 Y7M12Ds
Thidz, Nick, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Thomas, James, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Thomas, John H., no dates
Thomas, Mary V., no dates
Thomas, Vera, no dates (baby)
Tikka, Andrew, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, (believe this name shd be Tikkanen report to gov gave spg, report to gov. gave spelling
Tikkanen, Andrew W., b. Apr 12, 1910, d. Feb. __, 1977, son of Peter & Tiina Tikkanen
Tikkanen, Lena, b. Jul 05, 1907, d. Apr 22, 1935, Dau of M/M Peter Tikkanen
Tikkanen, Norma, b. Aug 23, 1926, d. Feb 16, 1943
Tikkanen, Peter, b. Mar 23, 1882`, d. Nov 15, 1958, Father
Tikkanen, Tiina, b. Oct 9, 1881, d. Jan 27, 1952, Mother
Tikkanen, Wilho, b. Dec 05, 1912, d. Jun 22, 1979, Son of Peter&Tiina Tikkanen
Tinnley, Clay, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Tinsley, Robert, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Tukola, Mat, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Tukola, S., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Valkonen, Walter, b. 1912, d. 1913
Vanne, Isak Viktor, b. SyntonSyyskuun 27,1891 KucliSyyskuun 18 1927
Veltch, baby of H&M, no dates
Veltch, baby of O&F, no dates
Veltch, Herbert, no dates
Veltch, Margaret, no dates
Vengeokalos, Polompea, no dates
Waits, Anthony, b. Sep 04, 1937, d. Sep 04, 1937, son of D.&S Waits
Waits, Claude D. Sr., b. Apr 07, 1916, d. Dec 18, 1980, Father
Waits, Judith, b. Apr 18, 1968, d. Apr 18, 1968, Daughter of Claude & Pat Waits
Waits, Suzanne, b. Oct 03, 1920, d. Feb 15, 2000, Mother
Waits, Tommy, b. Jul 15, 1943, d. Jul 15, 1943, son of C.D.&S Waits
Wakkurl, Lempl, no dates
Wakkurl, Louise, no dates
Wakkurl, Matt, no dates
Waktala, Jels, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Walgreen, Elvera M., no dates
Walgreen, Fanny, no dates
Walgren, Knut E., b. 1895, d. 1937
Walgren, Olive J., b. 1902, d. 1932
Walgren, Olofson, no dates
Walgren, Oscar C., b. 1891, d. 1979, Father
Walkone, Walter, no dates
Walsh, Eliabeth, b. Aug 8, 1870, d. Dec. 18, 1949, Beloved Wife
Walsh, James, b. Jul 27, 1871, d. Apr 04, 1936, beloved husband
Walsh, John, b. Oct 31, 1907, d. Nov 02, 1928, Belov son of James & Eliz Walsh
Walsh, Mary Elizabeth (baby), b. 5 mos 8 days, d. Sep 17, 1910, Dau of James & Eliz. Walsh
Warburton, Abe, no dates
Warburton, Mary Meekin, b. 1903, d. 1928, wife of Geo. Warburton
Warburton, William, no dates
Watson, James, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Weathers, Thomas, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Wesi, Lisa Lynette, no dates
Westerland, Gus, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
While, Gernald, no dates
While, H L, no dates
While, James Jr., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
While, James R., killed in mine explosion (Father), d. Jun 30, 1903, stone not read
While, Janet (Jessie), no dates
While, Joe (Job) (While), d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
While, John, no dates
While, John, no dates
While, Louise, no dates
While, Mary A., no dates (Mother)
While, William, no dates
Widstron, (baby), no dates
Wiemero, Harold (baby), b. Mar 18, 1920, d. Aug 28, 1920, Gone but not forgotton
Wilkins, Fred, b. Apr 22, 1869, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mine explosion
Williams, Alma, no dates
Williams, Andrew, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Williams, David, no dates
Williams, W.O., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Williams, Walne, no dates
Williams, Wm., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Wilmunen, Henry, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Wilmunen, Sakru, d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
Wilson, Trudy, no dates
Wilson, William 'Scotty', no dates
Wisi, Charles, no dates
Wisi, Lillie E., no dates
Woody, Lawrence Lee, no dates
Woolsey, Dilbert W., no dates
Woolsey, Don C., no dates
Woolsey, Fern, no dates
Woolsey, Martha L., no dates
Wright, William, no dates
Yangich, John 'Johnny', no dates
Yockay, Mamie, no dates
Yockey, Herbert F., no dates
Zakla, George H., no dates
Zakla, Johnny, no dates
Zakla, Mary, no dates (baby)
Zakla, Sammy, no dates (baby)
Zalla, A.U., d. Jun 30, 1903, killed in mining explosion, stone not read
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