Search Death Records (United States)
U.S. Newspapers, 50 State Full Search (1690-present)
U.S. Obituary Database Search, (1696-present)
U.S. Birth Announcements Database, (1700s-present)
St George Cemetery
St George, Queensland, Australia
Compiled and contributed by Joy Byrne (deceased)
Easton, Elizabeth, d. 26-7-1955, age: 92
Easton, Frances Olive, d. 18-3-1983, age: 86
Easton, Isaac, age: 89
Easton, James Thomas, d. 17-2-1989, age: 94
Easton, Merle, d. 30-6-1920, age: 2m
Easton, William Henry, d. 30-5-1919, age: 38y7m, Isaac & Elizabeth, eldest son
Eather, Gwen Adell, d. 18-10-1978, age: 42
Edwards, Arthur, d. 4/5/34, age: 75
Edwards, Edward, d. 17-5-1959, age: 75
Edwards, Joseph, d. 17-2-1959, age: 59
Edwards, Percival Wallace, d. 5/7/03, age: 1y10m
Egan, Albert, d. 6/8/37, age: 47
Egan, Charles, no dates
Egan, Frank, d. 16-10-1974, age: 60
Elliot, Joseph, d. 7/7/1925, age: 19m
Elstob, Robert, d. 2/1/1939
Emblem, Jack, no dates
English, Catherine, d. 1962, age: 1891
English, John Bede, d. 1943, age: 1893
English, John Joseph, d. 5/3/66, age: 38
Ennis, Dulcie, d. Mar 1970, wife of Rupert.
Ennis, Joan, 4-10-1933, aged 6yrs, daughter of Rupert & Dulcie
Ennis, John Rupert, d. 18-9-1933, age: 3
Essam, Pamela, no dates
Evans, Caroline F, d. 17-1-1956, age: 70
Evans, Ethel Maud, d. 13-3-1932
Evans, William Augustus Stuart, b. 17-9-1909, d. 9/3/76, Warwick, St George
Farmer, William Alan, d. 18-4-1986, age: 3/7/18
Farnsworth, Alfred Embrey, d. 28-12-1898, age: 2y 7m, youngest son of Ernest & Emily
Farris, Keith James, d. 27-5-1977, age: 1963, Safford, Arizona
Faulkner, Phillip Gordon, d. 2/9/1977
Fea, Dave, d. 9/12/1971, age: 63
Fea, Millicent Mary, d. 10/7/1957, age: 43
Feeney, John, d. 21-9-1976, age: 74
Fellows, Alexander, d. 7/9/1989, age: 72
Fernendo, Joseph, d. 12/4/1937, age: 77
Feuerheerdt, Hilda Olive, d. 2/8/1965, age: 56
Fielder, John, d. 27-12-1976
Fing, Dawn, d. 21-4-1973, age: 3
Fing, Mavis, d. 22-10-1985, age: 60
Fing, Norman, no dates
Fing, Robert, d. 20-9-1968, age: 69
Fing, Ronnie, d. 14-8-1964, age: 64
Fing, Thomas, d. 3/9/82, age: 42
Finley, Ethel Henrietta, d. 18-9-1947, Spouse:Joshua F Finley
Finley, Joshua, d. 10/6/36, Spouse:Ethel
Finn, Clarence Francis, d. 20-1-1976, age: 70
Finn, Francis Edward, d. 29-6-1986, age: 27-3-1926
Finn, Reginald J, d. 23-3-1965
Fish, Phyllis, d. 25-12-1919, age: 10m
Fitzgerald, Bridgey Gladys, d. 20-2-1910, age: 8m
Fitzgerald, Ellen, age: 6dys
Fitzgerald, James, d. 30-6-1893, age: 42
Fitzgerald, James, d. 5/2/1927, age: 67
Fitzgerald, Joyce, d. 19-12-1929, age: 1
Flanaghan, Margaret, d. 31-7-1932, age: 68
Fletcher, George, d. 13-2-1969, age: 54, Parents:
Fletcher, Lillian Kathleen, d. 12/3/1987, age: 2-1-1895
Fletcher, Ralph Allan, d. 6/11/1976, age: 2/6/02
Fletcher, Stanley Alfred, d. 4/4/1967, age: 51
Flint, Oriel May, d. 30-11-1921, age: 9m
Flood, John (Mick), d. 6/6/1939, age: 73
Foley, Michael, d. 8/1/20, age: 76
Foster, George, no dates
Foster, Leslie, no dates
Frahm, Albert, d. 16-2-1963, age: 58
Francis, Garry, d. 27-2-1963, age: 3hrs
Francis, Muriel Grace (Queenie), d. 10/3/57, age: 52, nee:Nixon, sister to Nell, Charles, Marston
Francis, Pansy, d. 19-10-1983, age: 68
Francisco, Albert Ernest, d. 5/8/1974, age: 64
Francisco, Joseph Henry, d. 11/9/1965, age: 80
Francisco, Peter W, b. 26-2-1931, d. 4/11/1982
Francisco, Violet Ann, d. 22-7-1974, age: 75
Franks, Emile Ann, d. 22-10-1963, age: 62
Frelek, Eielonora, d. 8/8/1968, age: 70
Freney, Joan, d. 25-3-1973, age: 49
Frost, William, d. 27-2-1946, age: 89
Funnell, Charles, d. 20-10-1943, age: 75
Gadsby, Elizabeth M, d. 13-6-1976, age: 93
Gadsby, Mary Doreen, d. 26-3-1988, age: 71
Gadsby, Maud Mary, d. 3/10/1932, age: 39
Gaffney, Eileen Moora, d. 10/9/1970, age: 61
Gaffney, Francis Keith, d. 11/1/1954, age: 42
Gaines, Clair, d. 12/11/1971, age: 11m
Gallagher, John, d. 28-5-1930, age: 83
Gallagher, Mary Josephine, d. 1/6/1938, age: 81, Spouse:John Gallagher
Gallegos, Catherine Johanna, d. 11/3/1906, age: 38
Galton, Reuben, d. 27-6-1896, age: 46
Galton, Stanley, d. 17-4-1906, age: 22, Parents:Mary Ann Galton
Gannon, Brett William, d. 12/8/1965, age: 1y
Gannon, Colin Walter, d. 2/10/1921, age: 8/7/1921, Parents:only son of Walter & Kathleen
Gannon, Kathleen Lothian, d. 7/11/1965, age: 74
Gannon, Walter, d. 19-9-1934, age: 58
Garden, Peter, no dates
Gardiner, John, d. 30-12-1925, age: 70
Gargon, Martin, no dates
Garnsey, Walter, d. 29-11-1917, age: 47
Garvie, Douglas, d. 16-8-1986, age: 72
Gaston, Arthur Leonard, d. 6/12/1969, age: 62, Spouse:Clare Agatha, Children:Leonard, Joseph, William, Marie, Catherine
Gatehouse, Thomas, d. 4/12/1964, age: 67
Gates, Charles, d. 27-2-1929, age: 46
Gee, Willie, no dates
Gemmell, Suzanne Margaret, b. 3/4/79, d. 2/7/87
George, Gladys Mary, d. 7/8/90, age: 77
Gerhardt, Paul, d. 21-5-1966, age: 80
Gibbs, Ricky Albert, d. 5/8/87, age: 12
Gibson, Amy Amelia, d. 21-8-1969, age: 92, Spouse:Francis Robert Gibson
Gibson, Francis Robert, d. 15-2-1932, age: 58
Gibson, Leonard John, no dates
Gibson, Lyle Francis, d. 18-5-1966, age: 62
Gilbert, baby, d. 17-4-1972
Gill, Angelina Ada, d. 26-3-1902, age: 24
Gillespie, Clermont, d. 24-5-1974, age: 70
Gillespie, Juanita, d. 21-10-1960, age: 35
Gillespie, Thomas Oliver, d. 15-11-1973, age: 52
Gillespie, Timothy Allan, d. 30-11-1984
Gluzde, Olgerts, d. 5/1/1964, age: 42
Goddard, John, d. 11-6-1896, age: 51
Goldstone, Morice, d. 3-4-1881, age: 40
Goman, John Donald, d. 11/11/1961, age: 22m, "always loved by Mum, Dad, Richard & Maryanne"
Goman, Richard Sidney, d. 8/8/1989
Goman, Roy John, d. 17-1-1961
Goman, Roy John, d. 27-9-1955, age: 82
Goman, Thomas H, d. 27-4-1984
Goodrich, Frederick, d. 5/12/72, age: 73
Goodrich, William, d. 28-9-1968, age: 78
Goodwin, B.J., no dates
Goodwin, Charles, d. 16-9-1929, age: 83
Goodwin, Charlotte, d. 8/6/1941, age: 48
Goodwin, Colin Augustus, b. 8-10-1892, d. 12/8/1964, Narine, St George
Gore, Garry, d. 6/5/1973, age: 19
Gore, Lyn, d. 14-9-1981, age: 74
Gradsby, Arthur, no dates
Graham, Francis, no dates
Graham, Thomas Richard, d. 3/10/1988, age: 40, Dubbo
Grahame, Alan A, d. 9/7/1967, age: 41
Gray, Edward, d. 15-1-1937, age: 59
Green, Caroline, d. 26-3-1985
Green, Edward, d. 1/5/1988, age: 69
Green, Edward, d. 8/2/1972, age: 81
Green, Ellen Rose, d. 16-2-1977
Green, John Henry Herbert, d. 31-7-1959, age: 43
Green, Maggie, d. 22-7-1952, age: 82
Green, Mary, d. 26-7-1927, age: 47
Green, Robert, age: 25
Greenbank, Olive, d. 17-1-1963, age: 47
Gregg, Grace, d. 6/7/71, age: 48
Gregg, Lionel, d. 21-12-1985, age: 72
Grummet, Gustav, d. 2/4/42, age: 65
Gun, Ah Tie, no dates
Gunn, Donald Deughar, b. 1881, d. 1943
Gunn, Donald, d. 15-12-1957, age: 48
Guyer, William H, d. 15-11-1975, age: 73
Hall, Frank, d. 3/5/1962, age: 49
Hall, Jack, d. 19-9-1962, age: 82
Hall, Mary, d. 15-10-1962, age: 70
Hamilton, Alexander, d. 25-6-1974, age: 56
Hamilton, David, no dates
Hamilton, Hector, d. 23-4-1983, age: 78
Hamilton, Sharon Lisa "Lu-Lu", d. 27-2-1982, age: 2y 7m
Hansen, Henri, d. 29-1-1921, age: 69
Hardgrwaves, William, d. 20-8-1945, age: 75
Harper, Frank, d. 24-2-1977, age: 75
Harper, Kerry Leanne, age: 4/9/1960
Harrisson, George Peter, d. 27-5-1914, age: 55
Hart, Robert, d. 14-4-1963, age: 60
Hart, William, d. 26-3-1964, age: 53
Hartley, Albert, d. 17-12-1923, age: 39
Hartnett, Arma, d. 23-4-1984, age: 61
Hartnett, Ellise May, d. 20-11-1952, age: 65
Hartnett, William, d. 8/1/51, age: 72
Harvey-Walker, Maud Matilda, d. 29-10-1985, age: 89
Hatherell, Gordon Morris, d. 28-5-1990, age: 66
Hatherell, Jeanette May, d. 29-1-1961, age: 40
Hattley, Alexander, no dates
Hatton, Ernest, d. 23-7-1957, age: 75
Haywood, Geoffrey, d. 2/3/1933, age: 77
Hazard, George, d. 1882, age: 62
Healy, William, d. 1887
Hegarty, Daniel, d. 18-9-1974, age: 72, Children:Maureen, Rainee
Henry, Herbert John, d. 28-10-1938, age: 61
Hetherington, James Roderick, d. 16-9-1953, age: 59
Hetherington, John, d. 20-3-1936, age: 72
Hetherington, Julia, d. 30-11-1946, age: 84
Hetherington, Vera Margaret, d. 4/3/58, age: 55
Hickey, Daniel Kevin, d. 12/1/1971, age: 14
Hicks, Alice Annie, d. 7/3/1972, age: 55
Hicks, Catherine, d. 15-7-1973, age: 79
Hicks, David Charles, d. 18-3-1977, age: 7hrs
Hicks, Kylie Lee, d. 10/3/1976, age: 9hrs
Hicks, Oliver, d. 26-8-1977, age: 82
Higginson, Arthur Bingham, d. 19-7-1948
Higginson, Ethel May, d. 25-7-1948
Higginson, Joan, no dates
Hiles, baby, d. 3/10/69
Hiles, Domingos John, d. 30-12-1966, age: 53
Hiles, Lucy Ilma, d. 5/12/85, age: 70
Hill, Elsie Tudor, d. 11/5/63, age: 75
Hill, James Winnall, d. 5/2/59, age: 78
Hill, Judith Bronwyn, d. 27-9-1971, age: 19
Hill, Percy John Winnall, d. 5/9/1964, age: 81
Hill, Stephen Noel, d. 19-6-1958, age: 18m
Hobbs, Michael Charles, d. 24-8-1974, age: 18
Hodges, Betty, d. 13-3-1930, age: 1
Hoey, Edward, d. 9/4/38, age: 67
Hogan, Matthew Joseph, d. 22-8-1911, age: 38
Hogan, Patrick Stewart, d. 12/5/1986, age: 65
Hollist, Annie Bromley, d. 8/11/1913, age: 11, "erected by the children of St George"
Hollist, Benjamin Bromley, d. 8/11/1930, age: 35y8m
Hollist, Harriet Edith, d. 28-7-1926, age: 68
Hollist, John Bromley, d. 3/3/1924, age: 69
Holsting, Nicholas, d. 10/4/62, age: 75
Hooper, Walter Ralph, d. 21-7-1962, age: 22
Hopewell, Louisa Jane, b. 1880, d. 1937
Horder, Pamela Max, d. 4/6/1951, age: 2y 8m
Horneman, Henry, d. 28-12-1983, age: 72
Horton, Mabel Florence, d. 25-7-1957, age: 69
Horvat, Alex, d. 14-3-1968, age: 41, Spouse:Joyce, Children:Maria & step-son Doug
Hosie, Harry, d. 1/4/1953, age: 66
Hourn, Edna, d. 10/6/1966, age: 58
Hourn, John, d. 27-7-1988, age: 89
Howard, Florence, d. 22-11-1969, age: 72
Howard, M.H., Pte 13th Batt, d. 3/10/1967, age: 75
Howe, May, d. 12/8/1943
Hudson, Bede, d. 11/5/1932, age: 6wks
Hudson, David Charles, d. 28-8-1988
Hudson, Jack, d. 21-6-1939, age: 63
Hudson, Pearlie, d. 1/12/1927, age: 20
Hudson, Rita, d. Mar-1988
Hudson, Robert, d. 21-6-1939, age: 63
Hudson, William, d. 23-5-1981, age: 79
Hughes, Francis George, d. 12/9/72, age: 36
Hume, George, d. 28-2-1926, age: 54
Hunter, Percy, d. 16-8-1916
Ingham, Patrick, d. 9/7/1927, age: 1dy
Isles, Clarence James, d. 7/9/1979, age: 87
Isles, Ethel May, d. 26-3-1978, age: 85
Isles, George Hunter, d. 24-4-1962, age: 63
Isles, George, d. 9/10/1924, age: 3dys
Isles, Jessie, d. 15-5-1947, age: 60
Isles, Sarah, d. 11/7/1986, age: 75
Isles, Valentine George, d. 12/3/1913, age: 2
James, Charles Eric Ernest, d. 24-7-1956, age: 53
James, Clyde Alexander James, d. 28-2-1987, age: 66
James, Leslie W, d. 9/12/1971, age: 61
Jamieson, Dougal Alexander, d. 23-7-1975, age: 25
Jamieson, Linda, b. 7-4-1894, d. 18-5-1983, Spouse:Bill Jamieson, Children:George, Neil, Doris, Evelyn, Stewart, Malcolm
Jamieson, William, b. 5-4-1893, d. 25-9-1987
Jibson, Brian Stuart, b. 13-7-1970, d. 8/2/73
Jibson, Edith, d. 20-1-1973, age: 68
Jibson, Frederick, Trooper 5th A.L.H. d.11/8/1966, age: 69
Jibson, Leonard John, d. 5/9/84
Jibson, Margaret, d. 24-11-1976, age: 71
Jibson, Stanley, d. 4/10/1988, age: 85
Johnson, John, d. 27-4-1957, age: 69
Johnson, Sydney, no dates
Johnston, Albert Edward, d. 13-1-1897, age: 28
Johnston, Albertina, d. 6/10/1939
Johnston, Ellen McLeod "Dot", d. 14-8-1955, age: 73
Johnston, Ellen, d. 13-9-1919, age: 68
Johnston, Emma, d. 2/9/1958, age: 85
Johnston, John Albert, d. 12/9/1926, age: 85
Johnston, Ronald St George, d. 7/7/1955, age: 79
Johnstone, baby, d. 22-2-1980
Johnstone, Claud Hector "Bluey", b. 1/2/1905, d. 5/9/1978, P.A.
Johnstone, Edna May Agnes, b. 23-7-1908, d. 25-8-1988
Jonacas, Jack, d. 26-6-1970, age: 69, "Vounihora, Parnassidos, Greece"
Jonacas, Nick, d. 19-6-1966, age: 60, "Vounihora, Parnassidos, Greece"
Jones, Clarence Walter, d. 24-4-1963, age: 56
Jones, Ernest E, d. 26-12-1965, age: 87
Jones, John J, d. 18-2-1923, age: 65
Jones, Julie-Ann Mary, d. 7/2/1984, age: 17
Jones, Leonard rex, d. 3/2/1958, age: 42
Jones, Walter H.R., d. 8/2/1954, age: 77
Jones, Walter Osbourne Raymond, d. 1-6-1893, d. 4/3/59
Jones, Walter Raymond, d. 9/3/1959, age: 64, "Duty Nobly Done"
Jones, Wayne A, d. 3/7/1973, age: 2dys
Kadel, W.R., d. 15-4-1988, age: 62
Kain, William Charles, d. 3/10/38, age: 45, "His Duty Nobly Done"
Keen, Patrick, d. 27-12-1938, age: 74
Kellock, Violet C, d. 4/2/1980, age: 78
Kellock, William, d. 17-10-1971, age: 77
Kelly, Donald, d. 6/9/1942, age: 79
Kelly, Ellen Elizabeth, d. 16-12-1946, age: 56
Kelly, Grace, d. 11/11/77, Spouse:Ernest Kelly
Kelly, James Thomas, d. 13-8-1965, age: 75, "A Digger of the 1st World War"
Kelly, Lilian Ethel, d. 12/4/1917, age: 6y 9m
Kelly, Patrick, no dates
Kelly, Ray, d. 3/5/1970, age: 44
Kelly, Sarah, d. 10/9/1935, age: 78
Kelly, Walter E, d. 22-11-1964, age: 77
Kelly, William Donald, d. 26-5-1939, age: 57
Kemp, Edgar Albert George, d. 9/4/1940, age: 56
Kemp, Edith Mary Irene, b. 3-5-1898, d. 5/10/88
Kemp, Edith Mary, d. 12/3/1966, age: 82
Kemp, Henry Cosgrove, d. 12/7/1966, age: 75
Kemp, Mary, d. 23-1-1938, age: 1dy
Kennedy, Arthur W, d. 10/3/1925, age: 43
Kennedy, Elva Pheme, d. 4/1/1984, age: 65
Kennedy, Henry Alfred "Tim", d. 14-7-1987, age: 63
Kennedy, John Joseph, d. 8/4/1984, age: 65
Kennedy, Una B, d. 23-2-1935, age: 2
Kenny, Lilla, d. 30-8-1963, age: 78
Kenny, Maurice William, d. 3/4/1972, age: 54
Kenny, Percy, d. 5/5/1918, age: 5dys
Kent, Ray, d. 17-6-1958, age: 8mths
Kent, Robert, d. 6/2/1918, age: 57
Keogh, James John Snr, d. 3/5/1979, age: 83
Keogh, James, d. 14-7-1965, age: 34
Keogh, Maud, d. 6/1/1972, age: 71
Kermond, Harold Keith, d. 9/4/1973, age: 61
Kerr, Henry, d. 20-6-1936, age: 68
Kilpatrick, John James, d. 3/12/1988, age: 76
Kilroy, Edmond, d. 26-12-1979, age: 78
Kilroy, Grace Mary, d. 27-11-1984, age: 72
Kilroy, Henry Lawrence, d. 14-12-1943, age: 73, d. West Maitland
Kilroy, Henry Selwyn, d. 5/8/68, age: 58
Kilroy, Iris ita, d. 15-2-1952, age: 47
Kilroy, Marjory M, d. 16-3-1956, age: 44
Kilroy, Sophie Marie, d. 21-7-1973, age: 95
King, Harriet, b. 9-5-1869, d. 8/3/1931
King, John, d. 9/1/1940, age: 63
King, Leslie Hilton, d. 13-9-1968, age: 64, Spouse:Mary, Children:Doug, Bill
King, Mary, d. 31-8-1985, age: 71
King, Michael Joseph, d. 10-12-1899, age: 3, Parents:John King & Bridget Hanlon
King, Samuel Alexander, b. 16-12-1882, d. 23-7-1944
King, Thomas, d. 6/9/29, age: 70, Parents:Thomas King
Kingdom, Judith, d. 13-4-1985
Kingdom, William, d. 2/7/1969, age: 58
Kings, Dawn Louise, d. 9/7/1982, age: 25
Kings, Frederick Robert, d. 14-10-1951, age: 63
Kings, Jack, d. 18-3-1972, age: 51, Spouse:Joan
Kings, Robert Frederick, d. 28-3-1979, age: 60
Kirby, Bridget Margaret, d. 19-6-1967, age: 91
Kirby, James S, d. 1/5/34, age: 62
Kirby, James, d. 12/8/43, age: 1m
Kirby, John Edward, d. 17-9-1974, age: 29
Kirby, Lilian Elizabeth, d. 22-1-1928, age: 54
Kirby, Mary, d. 13-6-1976
Kirby, Patrick Lawrence, d. 25-4-1935, age: 68
Kirby, Peggy, d. 22-4-1989, age: 69
Kirby, Raymond Joseph, d. 26-9-1976
Kirby, Sheila Veronica, d. 12/9/33, age: 21
Kirwan, Catherine, d. 1940, age: 1872
Kirwan, Hiram John, d. 13-9-1911, age: 69
Kirwan, James Clinton, d. 26-6-1985
Kirwan, John David, d. 24-1-1900, age: 26
Kirwan, Matilda Jane, d. 2/8/1971, age: 87
Kirwan, W.W., d. 19-11-1949, age: 76
Kitchin, Robert, d. 25-6-1941, age: 1wk
Klinge, Alfred John, d. 18-5-1937, age: 67
Klinge, Catherine Patricia, d. 22-1-1948, age: 56, County Limerick, Ireland
Klinge, Charles, d. 9/4/60, age: 37
Klinge, Charlotte, d. 9/1/69, age: 89
Klinge, Edmond Mannix, d. 30-9-1984, age: Spouse:Mary
Klinge, Emily, d. 31-3-1890, age: 2y 9m
Klinge, Ernest Anthony, d. 27-4-1955, age: 65
Klinge, Ernest, d. 7/8/19, age: 74y 11m
Klinge, Florence, d. 8/8/25, age: 75, Spouse:Ernest Klinge
Klinge, Henry Charles, d. 30th April, age: 69
Klinge, John Ernest Burrell, d. 7/8/1978, age: 58
Klinge, John, no dates
Kneller, Belinda Marjorie, d. 21-10-1984, age: 13
Kneller, Sharon Wilma, d. 21-10-1984, age: 30
Knights, Bertrand, d. 9/7/49, age: 67
Knights, Gwendoline Ruby, d. 13-6-1977, age: 91
Knox, Edward Charles, d. 13-3-1961, age: 54
Knox, Emily, d. 9/11/1949, age: 87
Knox, Lulu May, d. 7/1/1965, age: 49
Lake, William, d. 5/4/38, age: 83, "erected by his sister Lydia Murphy"
Lamb, baby, d. 2/5/1967, age: 4hrs
Lamb, Bruce, d. 29-4-1974, age: 48, Spouse:Myrtle, Children:Graeme, Sharyn, Darryl, Katrine, Cathy, g-son John
Lamb, Cecelie, d. 20-10-1966, age: 21
Lamb, Elizabeth, d. 3-7-1895, Spouse:Thomas Lamb
Lamb, Lila Elizabeth, d. 29-5-1976, age: 55
Lamb, Maryanne, d. 23-4-1961, age: 1hr
Lamb, Thomas George, d. 1/8/1988
Lambert, Alma, d. 18-12-1979, age: 61
Lambert, Stanley Gordon, d. 13-6-1968, age: 58
Lane, James Barrett, d. 22-3-1977, age: 72, Spouse:Margaret Isabel
Lane, Margaret Isabel, d. 18-4-1983, age: 78, Spouse:James Barrett Lane
Lang, Lillian Elizabeth, d. 23-12-1959, age: 58
Lang, Patrick, d. 7/8/1959, age: 57
Larry, Norah, no dates
Law, Mew, d. 14-6-1919
Lawler, Eliza, d. 2/6/1932, age: 62
Lawler, William, d. 22-8-1934, age: 77
Lawless-Pine, Blanche, d. 26-3-1958, age: 76
Lawrence, Patricia, d. 19-9-1967, age: 2
Lawson, Claude Trevor, d. 23-10-1988, age: 58, Spouse:Sue
Lawson, John, d. 14-8-1971, age: 62
Layton, Mary Ann, d. 1941, age: 1869
Leahy, Clifford Michael, d. 9/9/1960, age: 6
Lee, Herbert Lindsay, d. 2/9/1927, d. 30-9-1927
Lee, Judith, d. Feb-1941
Lee, Juliann, d. 28-3-1969
Lee, Patrick Francis, d. 29-1-1965, age: 84
Lee, Robert, d. 1/2/1986
Leeson, Albert, d. 10/10/51, age: 68
Leonard, Charles, no dates
Leonard, Colin Cameron, d. 21-8-1953, age: 10m
Lidden, Norman James, d. 28-10-1973, age: 59
Lindenberg, Rachael Louise, d. 10/6/1985, age: 7/5/1985, Parents:Gary Lindenberg & Claire
Lindores, Bob, d. 8/10/99, d. St George Hospital, Spouse:Doris, "f & f-in-l of Robert & Vickie, Elizabeth & Linda, grandfather of Aaron & Camilla, St Patrick's, St George 12-10-1999, CM 12-10-1999"
Lindores, Catherine Jean, d. 4/6/82, age: 59
Lindores, James, d. 8/7/1918, age: 61y 11m
Lindores, Jesse, d. 15-12-1930, age: 67
Lindores, Mary, d. 21-8-1959, age: 94
Lindores, Reginald, d. 5/9/1981, age: 59
Lindsay, George, no dates
Livingstone, John David, d. 2/12/1962, age: 57, "Duty Nobly Done"
Locke, Frank James, d. 2/6/1986, age: 69
Locke, George Edward, d. 18-9-1950, age: 79
Locke, Kenneth Clifford, d. 17-9-1958, age: 44
Locke, Mary Judith, d. 28-10-1984, age: 60
Locke, William Thomas, d. 27-7-1946, age: 46
Loder, J.M., d. 14-6-1971, age: 74, "Duty Nobly Done"
Lonergan, John Patrick, d. 28-3-1955, age: 76
Lonergan, Lilian Evelyn, d. 30-6-1959, age: 71
Long, Aubrey, d. 27-6-1982, age: 14
Long, David, no dates
Long, Elizabeth, no dates
Long, Jang Sam, no dates
Long, William, d. 12/2/1980, age: 78, Dau. June, Uncle of Doug
Long, William, no dates
Longford, Byron Arthur, d. 28-8-1973, Age 68
Longford, Eliza Francis, b. 1/10/1912, d. 23-9-1976
Loveday, Francis James, d. 11/6/1968, age: 57
Loveday, Myrtle Mavis, d. 9/1/1986, age: 71
Lowe, Ernest, d. 11/5/1961, age: 65
Lowe, Florence, d. 4/12/1936, age: 72
Lyons, Robert, d. 17-10-1936, age: 47

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