Search Death Records (United States)
U.S. Newspapers, 50 State Full Search (1690-present)
U.S. Obituary Database Search, (1696-present)
U.S. Birth Announcements Database, (1700s-present)
Buderim Cemetery
Maroochy Shire, Queensland, Australia
Contributed by Joy Byrne (deceased)
Inglis, Iris, d. 27-7-1978, Age/Birth:49
Ingram, John S, d. 5/11/1992, Age/Birth:28-11-1923
Iredale, Nardi Georgina, d. 22-3-1984, Age/Birth:58
Ireland, Royston, d. 6/11/1977, Age/Birth:69
Ireland, Winifred Mabel, d. 25-6-1986, Age/Birth:83
Irwin, C, d. 24-4-1993, Age/Birth:79
Irwin, Donald Joseph, d. 15-12-1992, Age/Birth:13-3-1930
Irwin, Ellen, d. 27-2-1990, Age/Birth:17-8-1919
Irwin, Jack Ramsay, d. 30-12-1986, Age/Birth:26-1-1923
Irwin, John Francis, d. 25-5-1998, Age/Birth:18-7-1936
Irwin, Joseph James, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1912
Isambert, Joseph Custachy, d. 29-1-1991, Age/Birth:29-3-1902
Iscak, Gladys Dorothy, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1914
Iscak, Henry Abraham, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1908
Ivers, Nellie Muriel, d. 22-4-1991, Age/Birth:96
Ivers, Winifred, d. 12/3/1980
Ives, Ida, d. 4/10/1969
Ives, Joseph, d. 21-6-1970
Jackman, D.W.G., d. 8/11/1991, Age/Birth:'68
Jackman, Eve, d. 1/4/1994, Age/Birth:67
Jackson, Agnes, d. 13-3-1985, Age/Birth:14-10-1901
Jackson, Alexander Henry, d. 22-9-1991, Age/Birth:19-6-1907
Jackson, Alice Helen Margaret, d. 11/7/94, Age/Birth:21-4-1920
Jackson, Beryl Gladys, d. 16-9-1986, Age/Birth:63
Jackson, J. W., d. 6/8/1984, Age/Birth:64
Jackson, Leonard George, d. 17-2-1995, Age/Birth:70
Jackson, Robert Reid, d. 12/4/1984, Age/Birth:3/6/02
Jacobs, Roy Campbell, d. 13-4-1990, Age/Birth:67
Jacquin, Gerhard Richard, d. 18-9-1998, Age/Birth:69
Jakeman, A, d. 11/9/1964, Age/Birth:85
Jakeman, A. J, d. 2/9/95, Age/Birth:72
Jakeman, Joseph Digby, d. 30-12-1993, Age/Birth:31-10-1928
Jakeman, Lexie, d. 13-4-1954, Age/Birth:68
Jakeman, Percy, d. 3/2/1951, Age/Birth:59
Jakeman, Winifred Marian, d. 25-4-1971, Age/Birth:72
James, Hilda, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1916
James, I.C. (RAAF), d. 27-1-1990, Age/Birth:63
James, Lt Col Vincent F, d. 11/6/1982
James, Matilda, d. 28-12-1982, Age/Birth:86
James, Sidney Charles, d. 26-3-1998
Jarmain, Myrtle May, d. 20-4-1987
Jastremiski, John, d. 17-4-1988, Age/Birth:67
Jeckells, Leslie James, d. 22-11-1995, Age/Birth:4/11/1926
Jefferis, June Rita, d. 30-4-1995, Age/Birth:13-4-1928
Jeffrey, Beatrice Ellen, d. 22-11-1981, Age/Birth:71
Jeffreys, Rick, d. 18-11-1987, Age/Birth:23
Jeffries, Vicki Alice, d. 29-6-1991, Age/Birth:15-8-1947
Jeffs, Florence, d. 23-8-1986, Age/Birth:20-12-1898
Jeffs, Sam, d. 24-7-1988, Age/Birth:57
Jeffs, Shirley Evelyn, d. 8/5/1985, Age/Birth:50
Jeffs, Wilfred Lewis, d. 25-10-1979, Age/Birth:29-3-1897
Jeisman, Kate Louise, d. 25-12-1989, Age/Birth:29-9-1982
Jenkins, Alice Louise, d. 8/9/1980, Age/Birth:67
Jenkins, Colin, d. 28-3-1986, Age/Birth:80
Jenkins, David Glyndwir, d. 10/11/87, Age/Birth:73
Jenkins, Ernest May, d. 1996, Age/Birth:89
Jenkins, Ronald Robert, d. 5/2/1989, Age/Birth:16-5-1921
Jenkinson, Rose Ethel, d. 25-12-1984, Age/Birth:89
Jennings, Dorothy Irene, d. 19-3-1991, Age/Birth:67
Jennings, Roger Rogan, d. 27-5-1985, Age/Birth:31-12-1954
Jensen, Carl Mervyn, d. 4/6/1975, Age/Birth:3-3-1894
Jensen, Elene Margaret, no dates
Jensen, Jessie, d. 19-1-1975, Age/Birth:73
Jensen, Lars Axel, d. 31-3-1964, Age/Birth:73
Jensen, Percy, d. 9/7/1975
Jensen, Ruby Elizabeth, d. 26-6-1994, Age/Birth:12-11-1896
Jensen, William Norman, d. 12/6/1989, Age/Birth:23-7-1913
Jeremy, Dorothy R, d. 23-4-1983
Jeuken, Bert, d. 17-2-1998
Joala, Joan Patricia, d. 23-5-1989, Age/Birth:68
Jobson, Ralph Lee, d. 11/10/1974, Age/Birth:54
Jobson-Scott, Colin, no dates
Jobson-Scott, Janet, no dates
Johanson, Beryl Nina (Lewis), d. 7/7/1983
Johanson, Eric, d. 23-4-1998, Age/Birth:82
Johns, Graham, d. 1986, Age/Birth:1924
Johnson, Albert Theodore, d. 8/7/1976, Age/Birth:72
Johnson, Allan Leslie, d. 18-11-1993, Age/Birth:11/4/1934
Johnson, Bill, d. 8/3/82
Johnson, Celia T, d. 31-5-1986, Age/Birth:9/1/55
Johnson, Doreen Elsie, d. 20-9-1995, Age/Birth:24-8-1928
Johnson, Effie Winifred, d. 11/6/1990, Age/Birth:12/2/12
Johnson, Ethel C E, d. 13-8-1986, Age/Birth:81
Johnson, Ethel Elvina, d. 25-11-1989, Age/Birth:8/8/18
Johnson, Frederick Herbert, d. 29-1-1981, Age/Birth:63
Johnson, Harry Maclean, d. 6/3/1982, Age/Birth:65
Johnson, Irene May, d. 10/11/1997
Johnson, James, d. 10/10/1987, Age/Birth:81
Johnson, Joyce Isabell, d. 4/4/1990, Age/Birth:5/1/1938
Johnson, Lily Clarke, d. 20-6-1993, Age/Birth:31-10-1903
Johnson, Philip B, d. 15-8-1994, Age/Birth:70
Johnson, Philip Harold, d. 3/7/1989, Age/Birth:73
Johnson, Robert Henry, d. 1996, Age/Birth:1934
Johnson, Walter George, d. 3/1/1988, Age/Birth:2/12/1914
Johnston, Arthur Joseph, d. 21-2-1984, Age/Birth:74
Johnston, Clara Veronica, d. 1983, Age/Birth:1906
Johnston, E. Ralph, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1907
Johnston, H. May, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1906
Johnston, Stanley Thomas, d. 1980, Age/Birth:1897
Johnstone, Daisy Lillian, d. 18-1-1999
Jolly, Joan, d. 1989, Age/Birth:1924
Jones, Agnes Jane, d. 16-3-1978, Age/Birth:1-10-1886
Jones, Edith Elizabeth, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1914
Jones, Edna May, d. 6/4/86, Age/Birth:78
Jones, Elizabeth Greta, d. 6/11/1984, Age/Birth:48
Jones, Elizabeth, d. 16-8-1979, Age/Birth:93
Jones, Elma Joyce, Age/Birth:69
Jones, Fred, d. 13-11-1954, Age/Birth:23-2-1880
Jones, George Martin, d. 1/7/1985, Age/Birth:74
Jones, George William, d. 16-10-1987, Age/Birth:54
Jones, Harold Aubrey, d. 5/6/1979, Age/Birth:18-10-1906
Jones, Robert Anthony, d. 10/10/80, Age/Birth:11/9/61
Jones, Rose Alice, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1904
Jones, Sean Trevor, d. 24-10-1986, Age/Birth:21-8-1986
Jones, Victor Lionel, d. 9/6/1957, Age/Birth:33
Jones, William, d. 1978, Age/Birth:1901
Jordan, Alice Emily, d. 10/3/1993, Age/Birth:22-3-1906
Jordan, Frank, d. 21-6-1987
Jordan, Vera Annie, d. 4/8/1996, Age/Birth:16-1-1988
Jutson, Elsie Jane, d. 23-5-1993
Kachler, Ernest, d. 5/4/1988, Age/Birth:70
Kain, Violet, d. 8/8/1981, Age/Birth:66
Kalogerakis, Chase, d. 9/5/1992, Age/Birth:7/5/92
Kampes, G. A., d. 19-3-1982, Age/Birth:15-3-1909
Kampf, Beris Juna, d. 24-6-1992, Age/Birth:1/7/34
Kane, Emily, d. 29-4-1983, Age/Birth:81
Kanowski, Clive, d. 17-7-1983, Age/Birth:63
Kantor, Joseph Andrews, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1911
Kapper, Leslie James, d. 12/12/1994, Age/Birth:71
Kassebaum, Jeffrey Herbert, d. 1/10/1982, Age/Birth:6/12/1924
Kavanagh, Francis Noel, d. 19-7-1984, Age/Birth:71
Kay, K. K., d. 27-8-1993, Age/Birth:77
Kay, Michelle Renee, d. 28-4-1998, Age/Birth:31-8-1989
Keam, Bruce Samuel, d. 4/2/1998, Age/Birth:72
Keane, Laurine, d. 7/3/1992, Age/Birth:76
Keays, Allan Kestel, d. 29-3-1997, Age/Birth:6/3/1951
Keays, Kestel William, d. 22-7-1994, Age/Birth:28-2-1918
Kebblewhite, Allen, d. 5/4/91, Age/Birth:23-7-1936
Keding, John, d. 5/12/80, Age/Birth:2/6/1936
Keech, Allan James, d. 30-7-1998
Keech, Evelyn Victoria, Age/Birth:72
Keegan, Helen Marea, d. 15-9-1990, Age/Birth:61
Keegan, Kenneth Pacer, d. 8/10/1988, Age/Birth:73
Keevil, Kenneth William, d. 1986, Age/Birth:1909
Kehne, Andy, d. 15-1-1998
Kelly, Clifford Arthur, d. 14-6-1995, Age/Birth:10/6/1928
Kelly, Dorothy Rosalind, d. 13-2-1985, Age/Birth:26-9-1917
Kelly, Edna May, d. 5/9/1996, Age/Birth:31-10-1915
Kelly, Herbert Edward John, d. 18-9-1987, Age/Birth:29-5-1917
Kelly, Jo-Anne Dorothy, d. 15-12-1980, Age/Birth:12
Kelly, John W, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1930
Kelly, Maurice, d. 1983, Age/Birth:1903
Kelly, Olveene Leith, d. 27-5-1992, Age/Birth:22-8-1960
Kelman, Colin Dalrymple, d. 17-1-1964, Age/Birth:53
Kelman, Percy Alan Irvine, d. 27-10-1986, Age/Birth:28-1-1912
Kemball, Frederick James, d. 18-7-1990, Age/Birth:72
Kemp, Donald Edward, d. 24-7-1987, Age/Birth:30-3-1931
Kemp, Jack Eric, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1904
Kendell, William George, d. 5/12/1989, Age/Birth:69
Kennedy, Cameron K, d. 28-8-1984
Kennedy, Clara, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1908
Kennedy, Jessie B, d. 11/11/1982, Age/Birth:77
Kennedy, Louis Victor, d. 12/11/1984, Age/Birth:5-5-1894
Kennedy, Mervyn Henry, d. 11/6/1978, Age/Birth:67
Kennedy, Patricia, d. 13-2-1997, Age/Birth:4/11/1931
Kenny, Clare Phoebe, d. 1995, Age/Birth:1963
Kenny, Vera, Age/Birth:77
Kent, Robert William, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1909
Kerr, Harold Edgar, d. 16-11-1990
Kerr, Kim Alexander, d. 29-12-1997, Age/Birth:26
Kerr, Marjorie J. K., d. 10/8/67
Kerr, Richard Reginald, d. 23-10-1992, Age/Birth:63
Kessels, Jennette Claire, d. 11/9/1980
Kessler, Anton, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1903
Kessler, Lorna May, d. 16-12-1981, Age/Birth:20-5-1925
Keys, Linda Isabel, d. 4/11/1994, Age/Birth:8/3/1913
Kibble, Elsie Mary, d. 2/9/1992, Age/Birth:11/1/1916
Kidby, Joyce, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1922
Kidd, Annie Elizabeth, d. 7/8/1978, Age/Birth:80
Kidd, Arthur James, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1913
Kidd, Edward Brian, d. 9/8/1975, Age/Birth:40
Kidd, Hannah, d. 14-4-1945, Age/Birth:87
Kidd, Margaret Elizabeth, d. 29-1-1983, Age/Birth:67
Kidd, Raymond Keith, Age/Birth:60
Kidd, Thomas Edward, d. 6/5/83, Age/Birth:86
Kiene, Urs, d. 1986, Age/Birth:1945
Kikos, Lemonia, d. 5/12/1991, Age/Birth:3/11/1904
Kilgour, Gladys Vera, d. 9/4/1987, Age/Birth:82
Kilpatrick, Roy Allan, d. 10/4/1987, Age/Birth:83
Kilpatrick, Winifred Margaret, d. 26-9-1991, Age/Birth:83
Kimmorley, S. R., d. 8/7/92, Age/Birth:71
Kimpton, Harold, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1919
King, Amy Eleanor, d. 30-8-1993, Age/Birth:83
King, Bessie Catherine, d. 11/5/1970, Age/Birth:74
King, Bradford John, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1963
King, Christina, d. 17-3-1994, Age/Birth:stillborn
King, David, d. 18-8-1976, Age/Birth:75
King, Denis, d. 19-5-1987, Age/Birth:6/10/1928
King, Edward, d. 28-6-1984, Age/Birth:62
King, Harold Sydney George, d. 5/11/1990
King, Hazel Margaret Annie, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1924
King, Henry, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1906
King, Jason William, d. 15-8-1988, Age/Birth:25-12-1971
King, Jessie Eliza, d. 30-7-1989, Age/Birth:19-12-1913
King, John Anthony, d. 6/9/1989, Age/Birth:15-6-1938
King, John Stewart, d. 8/8/1972, Age/Birth:72
King, Leslie J, d. 10/3/1982, Age/Birth:67
King, Lillian May, d. 16-4-1987
King, Norman Raymond, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1911
King, Toni, d. 16-2-1999, Age/Birth:76
King-Nixon, Tanya-Joy, d. 27-4-1996, Age/Birth:6/3/1984
King-Orpin, Jean Olga, d. 7/2/1995, Age/Birth:14-4-1921
Kingsley, Carlyl, d. 18-2-1973, Age/Birth:71
Kingston, Shirley, d. 1988, Age/Birth:1926
Kinloch, Zara, d. 26-10-1988, Age/Birth:12/7/71
Kinnear, Enid Rae, d. 1/6/1986, Age/Birth:84
Kinnear, Henry, d. 26-8-1992, Age/Birth:89
Kinvig, Lance W L M, d. 8/6/1992, Age/Birth:2/6/07
Kippen, Keir David, d. 9/4/1992, Age/Birth:26-7-1923
Kirby, Roger Kingsley, d. 31-10-1982, Age/Birth:69
Kirby, Sidney, d. 21-7-1980, Age/Birth:58
Kirchner, Albert H, d. 18-6-1985, Age/Birth:27-4-1906
Kirkpatrick, Donald, d. 21-7-1982, Age/Birth:58
Kirkwood, Matthew David, d. 25-4-1988, Age/Birth:3/2/1988
Kirwood, Lilian Ella, d. 29-11-1984, Age/Birth:24-9-1907
Kirwood, Robert L.G., d. 14-5-1990, Age/Birth:8/12/1903
Kitchin, Ada Lillian, no dates
Kleidon, Errol, d. 21-3-1990, Age/Birth:50
Kliendienst, Catherine Denholm, d. 7/3/1993, Age/Birth:22-3-1923
Kliendienst, Kenneth Alexander, d. 8/12/1999, Age/Birth:77
Knapp, James Cecil, d. 19-11-1971
Knapp, Marion Elvira, d. 29-12-1984, Age/Birth:82
Knight, Daniel, d. 11/4/83, Age/Birth:76
Knight, Robert, d. 15-6-1987, Age/Birth:23-2-1925
Knight, Thelma Rose, d. 16-3-1988, Age/Birth:77
Knight-Brown, Rosalie, d. 8/8/1974, Age/Birth:47
Koch, Clarence Albert, d. 21-8-1991, Age/Birth:8/10/1921
Koller, R.K., d. 6/7/1991, Age/Birth:68
Koper, Wladyslaw, d. 20-7-1992, Age/Birth:66
Kortlang, Jenny, d. 30-12-1983
Kozlovic, Robert, d. 1979, Age/Birth:1965
Kreisman, Olga, d. 1/11/1985, Age/Birth:83
Kriedemann, Sylvia Etta, d. 26-4-1961, Age/Birth:22-4-1901
Kronk, Lee Nicole, d. 9/6/1981, Age/Birth:9
Kroon, G.M., d. 5/6/1991, Age/Birth:55
Kropman, Margaret, d. 25-8-1990, Age/Birth:8/3/1917
Kropp, Ernst, d. 28-7-1982, Age/Birth:75
Kropp, Mary, d. 9/7/1983, Age/Birth:88
Kropp, Neil Robert, d. 1984, Age/Birth:1934
Kropp, Robert, d. 26-4-1983, Age/Birth:80
Kruger, Audrey Dawn, d. 2/9/1991
Kruger, Noel Reginald, Age/Birth:60
Krupa, L.R.M. (Bob), no dates
Kuchner, William, d. 24-5-1993, Age/Birth:9/4/1935
Kurth, Elizabeth Agnes, no dates
Kuskoff, Florence Louisa, d. 26-7-1989, Age/Birth:82
Kuskoff, Henry Charles, d. 22-8-1967, Age/Birth:68
Kuskopf, Edward J, d. 22-11-1971, Age/Birth:70
Kuskopf, Hubert, d. 1/6/1979, Age/Birth:68
Kustee, Anton, d. 27-12-1978, Age/Birth:5
Lacco, Betty McMaster, d. 5/7/1994, Age/Birth:19-5-1916
Lack, Albert Wilhelm, d. 4/7/1987, Age/Birth:29-4-1911
Lack, Gilbert Charles, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1919
Lagos, Michael, d. 2/10/1954, Age/Birth:10-7-1882
Lagos, Stella Alice, d. 16-9-1982, Age/Birth:30-9-1895
Laird, Amanda Louise, d. 23-1-1981, Age/Birth:21-1-1981
Laird, Sydney Edward, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1914
Lamb, Ada, d. 5/2/54, Age/Birth:87
Lamb, Robert Alfred, d. 15-5-1954, Age/Birth:79
Lambert, Eric William, d. 6/9/1985, Age/Birth:21-9-1906
Lambert, James, no dates
Lambert, Lexie Doswell, d. 4/5/90, Age/Birth:21-1-1918
Lancashire, Henry Charles, d. 7/1/1988, Age/Birth:18-11-1905
Land, Victoria F, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1920
Lane, Arthur W, d. 28-6-1983, Age/Birth:74
Lane, Bruce Edward, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1928
Lane, Ena Deborah, d. 11/9/1998
Lane, Lavina V, d. 28-7-1984, Age/Birth:71
Lane, Norah Maude, d. 13-5-1999, Age/Birth:90
Lang, Mervyn Clarence, d. 5/8/1987, Age/Birth:25-11-1917
Lang, Thomas William, d. 9/12/1979, Age/Birth:55
Langdon, Jeremy S, d. 20-6-1992, Age/Birth:9/12/56
Langendoen, Love, d. 25-12-1992, Age/Birth:17-3-1913
Langford, Reginald Henry, d. 11/8/1986, Age/Birth:31-1-1917
Langford, Thomas Clifford, d. 10/7/1983, Age/Birth:77
Langham, Nicole Elizabeth, d. 6/3/1994, Age/Birth:19-1-1975
Langley, Judith Isabella, d. 23-8-1999, Age/Birth:66
Langshaw, Roland Henry Roy, d. 30-5-1994, Age/Birth:21-11-1937
Langton, Douglas Frank, d. 9/1/1981, Age/Birth:62
Langton, George S, d. 11/7/1981, Age/Birth:71
Langton, Herbert Arthur, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1910
Langton, John Douglas, d. 24-2-1964, Age/Birth:7
Lanham, F.C., d. 12/8/94, Age/Birth:69
Lapthorne, Jessie Vera, d. 20-4-1989, Age/Birth:13-4-1896
Lapthorne, Rigbye, d. 13-10-1979, Age/Birth:79
Larkin, James, d. 9/2/1989, Age/Birth:19-1-1909
Latcham, son, d. 15-3-1984, Age/Birth:stillborn
Lauder, Robert Edward, d. 8/7/86, Age/Birth:19-6-1927
Laughton, Kenneth Morgan, d. 22-8-1989, Age/Birth:30-6-1917
Laverty, Sydney Morris, d. 17-5-1984, Age/Birth:61
Law, Alexander Walter, d. 9/4/1994, Age/Birth:18-9-1907
Law, Ernest Louis, d. 4/5/1964, Age/Birth:51
Law, Ross Anthony, d. 9/6/1982, Age/Birth:73
Lawford, Maxwell Andrew, Age/Birth:66
Lawford, Naomi Miriel, d. 6/11/1993, Age/Birth:62
Lawless, Anastasia Birdie, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1902
Lawless, Ivan Desmond, d. 1980, Age/Birth:1895
Lawless, Mabel Noel, d. 12/10/1989, Age/Birth:86
Lawlor, Arthur, d. 19-12-1980, Age/Birth:70
Lawlor, Ellen, d. 6/3/1993
Lawrence, Charles Frederick, d. 31-7-1982, Age/Birth:48
Lawrie, Alexander Thomas, d. 11/8/1986, Age/Birth:5/3/1918
Lawrie, Rose Ellen, d. 21-8-1985, Age/Birth:87
Lawson, Anastasia, d. 19-10-1987, Age/Birth:19-10-1987
Lawson, Natasha, d. 19-10-1987, Age/Birth:19-10-1987
Layfield, Margaret M, d. 8/11/1988, Age/Birth:31-8-1930
Le Compte, Beryl Evalyn, d. 15-3-1990, Age/Birth:22-3-1916
Leach, William C, d. 18-2-1986, Age/Birth:15-5-1914
Lean, Thomas John, d. 12/1/1978, Age/Birth:30
Learmont, Alfred Bradley, d. 12/11/1990, Age/Birth:84
Learmont, Violet Jean, d. 14-8-1991, Age/Birth:80
Learmonth, James Lawlor, d. 10/1/1995, Age/Birth:1/11/1912
Ledger, Mabel Amelia, d. 14-10-1995
Ledger, Reegan Sidney, d. 21-9-1997, Age/Birth:11/7/1996
Ledger, Ronald, d. 7/6/1996
Lee, Iris Mary Elizabeth, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1914
Lee, Jeanne, d. 14-6-1980, Age/Birth:79
Lee, John A McCullock, d. 29-8-1993, Age/Birth:`69
Lee, Richard William, d. 1987, Age/Birth:1913
Lee, Vic, d. 22-9-1993, Age/Birth:19-3-1922
Lee-Archer, John R. A., d. 18-12-1983, Age/Birth:78
Leech, Isabel Hilda, d. 9/3/1987, Age/Birth:9/5/1904
Leer, Joseph Braun, d. 2/5/1981, Age/Birth:3/1/1919
Lehmann, Brett Hilton, d. 3/5/1985, Age/Birth:28-2-1966
Leigh, Eileen W, d. 5/11/1982, Age/Birth:26-3-1933
Leith, Ivy Boronia, d. 13-9-1983, Age/Birth:29-11-1894
Lenaghan, Margaret M, d. 18-12-1981, Age/Birth:63
Lennon, Conway Charles, Age/Birth:83
Lennon, Donald J, d. 8/5/1991, Age/Birth:78
Lennon, Dora Mavis, d. 1993, Age/Birth:1917
Lennon, Glen Russell, d. 18-9-1971, Age/Birth:21
Lennon, Stephen Roy, d. 31-1-1996, Age/Birth:27-3-1955
Lennon, Vincent James, d. 20-10-1989, Age/Birth:68
Lensen, Antonius Johannes, d. 3/7/1986, Age/Birth:25-5-1920
Lepper, John Oswald, d. 1985, Age/Birth:1900
Less, Fritz, d. 5/12/1981
Letcher, Percival John, d. 28-5-1993, Age/Birth:25-4-1919
Leuenberger, Joshua Alfred, d. 27-5-1990, Age/Birth:7/3/1985
Levy, Bernard Leo, d. 3/2/1999, Age/Birth:30-7-1920
Lewis, Athol William, d. 7/12/98, Age/Birth:15-1-1926
Lewis, Capt Eric A, d. 20-6-1980
Lewis, Frank David, d. 9/11/91, Age/Birth:29-8-1919
Lewis, G. M. (Peg), d. 25-5-1995
Lewis, Irene, d. 5/8/1985, Age/Birth:60
Lewis, Muriel, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1919
Lewis, Myrtle Florence, d. 24-11-1990, Age/Birth:65
Lewis, Pearl, d. 26-3-1981, Age/Birth:79
Lewis, Phyllis Dorothy, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1923
Lidstone, Florence Anne, d. 26-12-1991, Age/Birth:9/11/1910
Lidstone, Kenneth John, d. 21-9-1971, Age/Birth:21-12-1907
Lieden, Gunnar Alfred, d. 8/7/1990, Age/Birth:88
Lietzow, Carl F, d. 10/8/1982, Age/Birth:95
Lietzow, Kathleen Mary, d. 17-8-1996
Lietzow, Robert M, d. 1994, Age/Birth:1916
Lilley, Hilda Ellen, d. 3/8/1989, Age/Birth:76
Lilley, Leslie George, d. 5/9/1985, Age/Birth:79
Lillie, Francis William, d. 13-9-1999
Lindley, Edward Neville, d. 30-6-1995, Age/Birth:21-2-1923
Lindley, Elder Jean, d. 1991, Age/Birth:1906
Lindley, Geoffrey Bray, d. 1979, Age/Birth:1905
Lindsay, Margaret F (Peg), d. 6/9/1991, Age/Birth:17-12-1925
Lingard, Catherine L J, d. 21-7-1985, Age/Birth:83
Lipp, George Dudley, d. 7/12/1987, Age/Birth:78
Lithgow, David Lansell, d. 10/7/1987, Age/Birth:27-7-1894
Lithgow, David Roy, d. 26-10-1994, Age/Birth:20-11-1928
Lithgow, Dora Alice, d. 7/12/1979, Age/Birth:10-3-1896
Little, Harold R, d. 12/5/1988, Age/Birth:79
Little, John Robert, d. 1/3/1993, Age/Birth:4/3/1915
Little, Sgt E.H., d. 1/8/1986, Age/Birth:74
Littlemore, Mavis Isabel, d. 21-1-1995, Age/Birth:78
Littlemore, Shane, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1971
Littlewood, Thomas P, d. 27-4-1988, Age/Birth:66
Llewellyn, Lillian, d. 13-8-1996, Age/Birth:22-11-1915
Lloyd, Donald Franklin, d. 22-7-1992, Age/Birth:19-2-1940
Lloyd, Ernest Bedford, d. 9/11/1994, Age/Birth:16-11-1909
Loane, Trevor Marcus, d. 18-8-1990, Age/Birth:24-10-1899
Loats, Stella Joyce, d. 28-4-1985, Age/Birth:11/11/1918
Lobegeiger, Leslie Peter, d. 21-11-1997, Age/Birth:54
Locking, Arthur William, d. 1992, Age/Birth:1914
Lofthouse, Denis, d. 6/12/1990, Age/Birth:9/8/22
Loimaranta, Lydia Maria, d. 3/6/1982, Age/Birth:90
Lomas, John William, d. 7/6/86, Age/Birth:24-11-1917
Long, Barry Allan, d. 22-6-1993, Age/Birth:31-5-1951
Long, James Francis, d. 7/3/1992, Age/Birth:85
Long, Margaret, d. 14-3-1983, Age/Birth:62
Lord, Arthur Brougham, d. 17-6-1982, Age/Birth:25-12-1893
Lough, Kevin Harvey, d. 27-10-1999, Age/Birth:72
Loughlin, Beatrice Jean, d. 31-10-1981, Age/Birth:78
Love, Gregory Alan, d. 22-7-1987, Age/Birth:10/8/1956
Loveday, Alexander Brian, d. 31-7-1982, Age/Birth:30-5-1934
Loveday, Mark, d. 11/10/85, Age/Birth:82
Lovegrove, Ian Thomas, d. 17-2-1994, Age/Birth:9/2/22
Lovell, Harold Joseph, d. 1/1/96, Age/Birth:20-1-1913
Lovelock, Allen Lindberg, d. 27-5-1991, Age/Birth:23-11-1927
Low, Mervyn P, d. 14-10-1994, Age/Birth:15-5-1923
Lowe, Lorette Eileen, d. 12/11/92, Age/Birth:54
Lowe, Mary Elizabeth, d. 17-4-1987, Age/Birth:30-11-1903
Lowe, Ralph Kelsall, d. 27-5-1994, Age/Birth:86
Lowe, Rhoda Muriel, d. 18-10-1990, Age/Birth:84
Lower, Irene Lorraine, d. 4/12/1994, Age/Birth:27-12-1943
Lowmow, Alice Maud, d. 24-6-1955, Age/Birth:30-10-1896
Lubke, A.M., d. 22-2-1993, Age/Birth:75
Luckock, Elsie Maud, d. 1963, Age/Birth:1886
Luetchford, Amy Cecilia, d. 2/2/1984, Age/Birth:68
Luetchford, Neville, d. 7/10/1995, Age/Birth:79
Luland, Michael George, d. 9/7/1982, Age/Birth:29-4-1939
Luland, Russell James Stanley, d. 10/7/1982, Age/Birth:6/1/1970
Lunn, Peter Arthur, d. 20-2-1984, Age/Birth:12/4/1959
Luschwitz, Mervyn Bennett, no dates
Lusk, Graham Edward, d. 21-10-1991, Age/Birth:58
Luttrell, Jennifer Mary, d. 2/10/1994, Age/Birth:14-12-1961
Lutze, Theodore Martin, d. 6/11/1992, Age/Birth:18-3-1919
Lyell, Thomas Archibald, d. 24-12-1986, Age/Birth:63
Lymbery, Raymond Leslie David, d. 1990, Age/Birth:1969
Lysaght, Patrick Thomas, d. 3/10/1984, Age/Birth:10/3/1940

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