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Ardennes American Cemetery
Neupré, Belgium
GPS: 50.541949, 5.469043
164, route du Condroz
Neupré, Belgium 4121
Date published: April 11, 2017
Total records: 4,998
Surnames A-C
Records published here were acquired from the American Battle Monuments Commission. They do not include burials for the 323 unidentified remains. Dates of death range from 1941 to 1946.
AAL, Olger I., Death: 1944-08-29, First Lieutenant, 350th Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-762186, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAARONIAN, Tzolag A., Death: 1945-02-19, Staff Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31365447, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIABBATIELLO, Gaetano C., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32110918, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIABBOTT, Wilton L., Death: 1944-10-13, Technical Sergeant, 778th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14062121, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIABRAMS, Clifford I., Death: 1945-01-01, Private, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 39045898, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIABRAMS, Jack L., Death: 1944-10-17, First Lieutenant, 777th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-691627, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIABRAMS, Marvin A., Death: 1944-02-20, Technical Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16133614, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIABRAMSKI, Walter J., Death: 1944-12-19, Sergeant, 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 32098367, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIACOSTA, Argent J. Jr., Death: 1944-08-27, Second Lieutenant, 383rd Fighter Squadron, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-763018, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMKOSKI, Frank Jr., Death: 1945-01-17, Private First Class, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 32857365, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 7, Grave: 10, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIADAMS, Alonzo P. III, Death: 1943-06-25, First Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-791271, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, Charles A., Death: 1943-10-14, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13113209, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, Donald R., Death: 1944-04-02, Staff Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33376690, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, George H., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36267771, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, Howard F., Death: 1943-02-26, Captain, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-023946, State of Entry: Vermont, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, John W. III, Death: 1944-03-03, Second Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-801587, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, Paul E., Death: 1944-11-03, Private First Class, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Service# 33571151, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 29, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIADAMS, Roscoe C., Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 378th Fighter Squadron, 362nd Fighter Group, Service# O-745256, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADAMS, William C., Death: 1943-06-13, First Lieutenant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-730321, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADE, Robert H., Death: 1943-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33105382, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADKISON, Carl D., Death: 1944-12-13, Private First Class, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 37630516, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 37, Grave: 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIADLER, Hyman , Death: 1943-07-29, Second Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-795165, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIADOLFAE, Herman J., Death: 1944-10-24, First Lieutenant, 313th Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, Service# O-887746, State of Entry: Missouri, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAGOSTINELLO, Joseph L., Death: 1945-02-19, Technician Fourth Grade, 3616th Quartermaster Truck Company, Service# 32335690, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAGUILA, Reginaldo , Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18232557, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAHERN, James H., Death: 1943-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16042765, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAHERN, John J., Death: 1944-11-20, Private, 377th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, Service# 36901507, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAHERN, John W., Death: 1944-05-12, Sergeant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37159083, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAHLSTROM, Walter C., Death: 1945-02-12, Private First Class, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 39713698, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 20, U.S. Army, World War IIAHR, Louis F. III, Death: 1944-07-22, Staff Sergeant, 346th Bomber Squadron, 99th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32831910, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAHRENS, Gene F., Death: 1945-04-07, Second Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2071501, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAIELLO, Vincent , Death: 1944-03-04, Staff Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12146225, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAKERS, Edwin , Death: 1945-04-07, Private, 106th Reconnaissance Troop, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 35296661, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAKINS, Francis E., Death: 1944-09-18, First Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-818998, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALAGNA, Thomas J., Death: 1944-12-17, Private First Class, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 37631972, State of Entry: Missouri, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private First Class Alagna's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.ALANDER, Eino V., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-680375, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALBANESE, Tony , Death: 1945-04-14, Private First Class, 759th Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 32142691, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALBERNAZ, Antonio Jr., Death: 1944-11-06, Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31455632, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALBERS, John L., Death: 1944-10-07, Staff Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32881059, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALDER, Herbert G., Death: 1944-08-07, Second Lieutenant, 391st Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703918, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALDRICH, Alfred N., Death: 1945-09-02, Technician Fifth Grade, 1st Engineer Combat Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 12008065, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALEXANDER, Charles H., Death: 1944-02-25, Staff Sergeant, 32nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34036654, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALEXANDER, Edward W., Death: 1945-03-24, Private, 194th Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 38590409, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALEXANDER, James Jr., Death: 1944-09-27, Private, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 36539568, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALFORD, Alex E., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 863rd Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38420299, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 36, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALFORD, Allan T., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39398025, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLAYAUD, Donald , Death: 1945-12-03, Second Lieutenant, 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-829608, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEE, Richard J., Death: 1943-07-26, Staff Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15103587, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, Charles W., Death: 1944-06-20, Technical Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39555395, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, George Pliny, Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11021584, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, Luther E. Jr., Death: 1944-04-19, Second Lieutenant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-805711, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, Robert , Death: 1944-08-18, Technical Sergeant, 860th Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39036804, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, Robert E., Death: 1945-03-24, Second Lieutenant, 43rd Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O2075778, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, William H. Jr., Death: 1944-06-12, Technical Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38367848, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALLEN, William W., Death: 1944-12-21, Staff Sergeant, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 13184989, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIALLISON, Robert P., Death: 1943-08-17, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2043752, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALTAMORE, Joseph R., Death: 1944-08-24, Sergeant, 4th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32992566, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALTENDORF, Elroy A., Death: 1944-04-24, Technical Sergeant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16006483, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIALVANEY, William E., Death: 1944-11-29, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 42112413, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAMARAL, Manuel , Death: 1944-12-11, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 31227365, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAMARELLO, Manuel C., Death: 1944-11-03, Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31455848, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 9, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAMBORSKI, Arthur E., Death: 1944-06-26, Sergeant, 742nd Bomber Squadron, 455th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 42022017, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAMBROSE, Oscar M., Death: 1945-03-04, Staff Sergeant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33843023, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAMES, Robert G., Death: 1943-01-27, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18037114, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAMIERO, Albert F., Death: 1944-03-06, First Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-794207, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAMPOLOS, William J., Death: 1945-02-21, Sergeant, 585th Bomber Squadron, 394th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 11119736, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERAU, Charles W., Death: 1944-02-10, Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32499103, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDEREGG, Richard K., Death: 1944-02-04, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37437834, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSEN, David J., Death: 1945-06-06, First Lieutenant, 261st Signal Construction Company, Service# O1633784, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIANDERSEN, Elmer J., Death: 1944-06-12, Staff Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39698527, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSEN, Gerald R., Death: 1944-05-29, First Lieutenant, 415th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-694292, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Byron D., Death: 1944-11-05, First Lieutenant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-823779, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Charles R., Death: 1944-05-29, Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-702880, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Charles W., Death: 1944-02-25, Staff Sergeant, 716th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16101350, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 38, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, John B., Death: 1944-04-12, First Lieutenant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747189, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, John B., Death: 1945-02-03, Second Lieutenant, 532nd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-774459, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Joseph B., Death: 1943-01-13, Staff Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15082620, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Leon E., Death: 1943-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747704, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Leonard F., Death: 1943-12-01, Second Lieutenant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-742649, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 22, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Levi F. Jr., Death: 1945-03-24, Flight Officer, 82nd Squadron, 436th Troop Carrier Group, Service# T-060699, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Randal , Death: 1943-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16050541, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Richard B., Death: 1944-06-20, Technical Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12017424, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Richard C., Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35599969, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, Rudolph A., Death: 1944-12-15, Private, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, Service# 37656070, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIANDERSON, Vermont O., Death: 1944-11-30, Second Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-771648, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDERSON, William W., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 509th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38529891, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREAS, Donald J., Death: 1944-10-06, First Lieutenant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-823222, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREWS, Donald J., Death: 1943-06-11, Second Lieutenant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-733510, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREWS, Gilbert F., Death: 1943-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13064904, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREWS, Harold L., Death: 1945-03-16, Private First Class, 180th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 37772342, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIANDREWS, Joe T., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 601st Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13083335, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREWS, Leonard E., Death: 1945-01-14, Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31299231, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDREWS, Richard C., Death: 1944-05-11, First Lieutenant, 495th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-731725, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 15, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANDRZEJEWSKI, Edward , Death: 1944-06-17, Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 33052095, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIANGELOFF, Carl A., Death: 1944-09-20, Private, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 33709715, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIANKENY, Raymond S., Death: 1945-03-21, Second Lieutenant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-832969, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANKLI, Edward V., Death: 1944-10-06, Technical Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15109105, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIANNUNCIATA, Louis J., Death: 1944-07-30, Soundman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 8021309, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIANTONAKOS, George C., Death: 1945-02-07, First Lieutenant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-668695, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAPICELLA, Edward , Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12022482, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAPKING, Marvin H., Death: 1944-05-24, Second Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-757606, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAPPELDORN, Thomas J., Death: 1943-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15087738, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAPPLE, George A., Death: 1945-04-17, Second Lieutenant, 343rd Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O-834930, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAPPLEBY, Samuel V., Death: 1944-04-11, First Lieutenant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-687663, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARCHER, Charles A., Death: 1945-04-07, Private First Class, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 34832644, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIARCHIBALD, Walter L., Death: 1945-02-24, Technician Fifth Grade, 4263rd Quartermaster Truck Company, Service# 37357619, State of Entry: Wyoming, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 5, U.S. Army, World War IIARD, Essa L., Death: 1945-01-12, Staff Sergeant, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 7080709, State of Entry: Louisiana, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIARGUELLO, Waldo S., Death: 1944-03-29, Technical Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39551809, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARK, Samuel J., Death: 1945-03-20, First Lieutenant, 773rd Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2061589, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARMANINI, Dinno J., Death: 1944-05-07, Staff Sergeant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39845994, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARMITAGE, Edward D., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 43rd Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 33324018, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARMSTRONG, Carter M. J., Death: 1944-07-22, Second Lieutenant, 764th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-722254, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARMSTRONG, William H., Death: 1944-09-17, Corporal, 49th Squadron, 313rd Troop Carrier Group, Service# 38435990, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARNOLD, Lowell L., Death: 1944-06-24, Technical Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35488682, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 36, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARNOLD, Millard B., Death: 1944-12-13, Staff Sergeant, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 14008417, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIARNOLD, Robert E., Death: 1944-02-25, Captain, Headquarters, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-659440, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARNOLD, William H., Death: 1944-10-28, First Lieutenant, 95th Reconnaissance Troop, 95th Infantry Division, Service# O-454467, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIARRANTS, Clyde A., Death: 1944-09-18, Second Lieutenant, 374th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group, Service# O-763456, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARRISON, Frank R. Jr., Death: 1943-05-21, Second Lieutenant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-729595, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARTH, Gene L., Death: 1944-04-22, Major, 514th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-432028, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARTHUR, Lloyd J., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37468416, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIARTINGER, Homer E., Death: 1944-12-22, Private, 89th Cavalry Reconn Squadron, 9th Armored Division, Service# 7060831, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIARTYKEWICZ, Henry J., Death: 1943-11-02, Second Lieutenant, 512th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683383, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASH, Albert J., Death: 1944-10-08, Private First Class, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 37245494, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIASHBURN, Joseph R., Death: 1944-04-18, Staff Sergeant, 454th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 39252676, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASHCRAFT, Wilton J., Death: 1945-03-15, Sergeant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35911860, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASHMEAD, John A. Jr., Death: 1944-04-11, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-702356, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASHMORE, Lyle N., Death: 1945-01-19, Private First Class, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 37585585, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 34, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIASKEW, Josh K., Death: 1944-01-05, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34503344, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASMUSSEN, Harold H., Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32765699, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIASTLEFORD, Charles E., Death: 1944-12-02, Second Lieutenant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2058389, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIATKINSON, James B., Death: 1943-08-15, First Lieutenant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797229, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIATTLETON, Edward L., Death: 1944-06-21, Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31287652, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 34, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAUDETTE, William I., Death: 1945-03-21, First Lieutenant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-832972, State of Entry: Vermont, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAUGENSTENE, Jacob A. J., Death: 1943-03-08, First Lieutenant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-789432, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAULTHOUSE, Le Roy E., Death: 1944-06-05, Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33529901, State of Entry: Virginia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAUSTIN, John G., Death: 1945-04-08, Captain, 33rd Photographic Squadron, 363rd Reconnaissance Group, Service# O-399942, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAUSTON, James L., Death: 1943-12-06, Private, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 14182270, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 15, U.S. Army, World War IIAVANTINI, Carmine , Death: 1944-04-09, Technical Sergeant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12173646, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIAXUM, Mage , Death: 1944-10-18, Private, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 38642460, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIAYDT, Robert V., Death: 1944-11-20, Sergeant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 36773442, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBABBITT, Robert E., Death: 1943-11-30, First Lieutenant, 486th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, Service# O-793884, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBACHOM, Thomas F., Death: 1942-12-20, Technical Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39019035, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBACKOWSKI, John J., Death: 1944-04-11, Staff Sergeant, 412nd Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15170344, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 15, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBACON, Ernest L., Death: 1945-01-31, Private First Class, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 11104611, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 36, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBAGGETT, Daniel W., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34337292, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAGLEY, Charles P., Death: 1944-11-30, First Lieutenant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-765218, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAGLEY, Robert V., Death: 1945-03-02, Private First Class, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 39125097, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 49, U.S. Army, World War IIBAILEY, Charles A., Death: 1945-01-16, Private, 69th Tank Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 35674235, State of Entry: Kentucky, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAILEY, Edwin C., Death: 1945-01-14, Sergeant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17149190, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAILEY, Herbert E., Death: 1944-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-712477, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAILEY, James T., Death: 1945-12-18, Private First Class, 333rd Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 33378939, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAILEY, Joe W., Death: 1945-12-25, Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 38671835, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, PFC Bailey's remains have been recovered and identified. PFC Bailey is interred at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, TX. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial.BAILLIE, Eugene F., Death: 1944-02-04, Sergeant, 813th Bomber Squadron, 482nd Bomber Group, Pathfinder, Service# 35258867, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAIR, Albert M., Death: 1944-10-04, Sergeant, 766th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17089059, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAIRD, George C., Death: 1944-07-16, Staff Sergeant, 777th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32164844, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAIRD, George W. Jr., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 49th Fighter Squadron, 14th Fighter Group, Service# O-823240, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAITSHOLTS, John C., Death: 1944-02-20, Flight Officer, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-122529, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Albert W. Jr., Death: 1944-08-27, Technical Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6561058, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, David L., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35665026, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Edgar W. III, Death: 1944-08-19, Staff Sergeant, 772nd Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34787319, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Ernest C., Death: 1944-08-24, Second Lieutenant, 4th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-821141, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Herbert R., Death: 1944-12-17, Sergeant, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, Service# 34890640, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAKER, James S., Death: 1944-05-24, Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18167235, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, John G., Death: 1945-01-17, Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39337528, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Lester G. Jr., Death: 1944-12-12, Second Lieutenant, 564th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-723929, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Richard Orion, Death: 1946-04-12, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-461113, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 54, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IIBAKER, Vernon C., Death: 1944-06-10, Second Lieutenant, 71st Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, Service# O-762204, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAKER, Wyman A., Death: 1944-12-02, Second Lieutenant, 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-821833, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALAZ, Methodius , Death: 1944-06-08, Shipfitter Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 6147414, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIBALDWIN, Frederick D., Death: 1944-08-16, Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11101530, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALDWIN, Norman A. Jr., Death: 1944-09-17, First Lieutenant, 49th Squadron, 313rd Troop Carrier Group, Service# O2056147, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALDWIN, Theodore , Death: 1944-06-08, Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 6232475, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIBALES, William T. Jr., Death: 1945-04-14, Major, Headquarters, 371st Fighter Group, Service# O-792789, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALKE, Richard M., Death: 1944-11-20, Sergeant, 783rd Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36816510, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALL, Philip M., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19122617, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALLARD, Herman L., Death: 1945-03-21, First Lieutenant, 850th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-928735, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 27, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALLARD, Howard E., Death: 1944-11-04, First Lieutenant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# O1307178, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBALLIN, Louis W., Death: 1944-10-07, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15132879, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBALLINGER, Richard C., Death: 1944-11-17, Private First Class, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 33330072, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBALLOU, William O., Death: 1945-04-06, Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39929579, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBANDONI, Robert A., Death: 1945-03-14, Technical Sergeant, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 32217275, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 51, U.S. Army, World War IIBANDY, James P., Death: 1945-01-20, Private First Class, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, Service# 36649326, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBANKS, John H. III, Death: 1945-04-17, Second Lieutenant, 397th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, Service# O2063779, State of Entry: Delaware, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARAB, Bernard R. J., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 357th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-796643, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 52, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARANIK, Leo , Death: 1943-11-26, Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32529866, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARBER, John W., Death: 1945-04-01, Private First Class, 322nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 97th Infantry Division, Service# 39204010, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARCLAY, John W., Death: 1944-08-16, Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38419547, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAREFOOT, Chester L., Death: 1944-10-30, First Lieutenant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1995910, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARGER, Dean L., Death: 1943-12-11, Second Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-675021, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARISH, Stephen M., Death: 1944-07-17, First Lieutenant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-748322, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARKER, Bobby J., Death: 1945-12-22, Private, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 39851618, State of Entry: Arizona, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARKER, David A., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 8th Combat Camera Unit, Eight Air Force, Service# 11094751, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARKER, Delford W., Death: 1944-10-03, Private, Service# 38556426, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, PVT Barker was initially listed as missing in action. His remains have been recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. PVT Barker's name is permanently inscribed at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial, Margraten, Holland.BARKER, Willie , Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34140814, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBARLOW, Clifford A., Death: 1945-02-06, Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 42114988, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARLOW, Frederic I. Jr., Death: 1944-10-12, Second Lieutenant, 485th Fighter Squadron, 370th Fighter Group, Service# O-763031, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 57, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARLOW, William R., Death: 1944-04-15, Second Lieutenant, 763rd Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-734298, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNES, Dwight E., Death: 1944-11-19, Technical Sergeant, 82nd Airdrome Squadron, Service# 37100545, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNES, Ira M., Death: 1944-10-06, Technical Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16041484, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 7, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNES, Joseph S., Death: 1943-01-07, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16046483, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNES, Lloyd C., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18053732, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNES, Samuel D., Death: 1944-06-16, Flight Officer, 94th Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, Service# T-061449, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 55, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNETT, Bert W. Jr., Death: 1945-03-24, Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12138585, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNETT, George G., Death: 1944-12-24, Private, 609th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 32269923, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARNETT, George R., Death: 1943-06-25, Flight Officer, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-000075, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNETT, James L., Death: 1944-07-08, Staff Sergeant, 774th Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31252059, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARNETT, John , Death: 1944-01-05, First Lieutenant, 343rd Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O-732125, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 51, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARR, Martin A., Death: 1944-05-19, Technical Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33238108, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 34, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARRETT, Roy E., Death: 1944-11-16, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 38696310, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARRETT, William J., Death: 1943-08-17, Technical Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33261416, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 6, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARRIE, George E., Death: 1945-02-25, Private, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 37600786, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBARRON, Robert E., Death: 1944-08-24, Staff Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39697428, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARRY, John J., Death: 1944-03-15, Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31128428, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 8, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBARTER, Leon R. Jr., Death: 1945-05-26, Technician Fifth Grade, 744th Railway Operating Battalion, Service# 36838169, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 24, U.S. Army, World War IIBARTOLOTTA, Charles G., Death: 1945-01-25, Private, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 42115923, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 15, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBASARA, Milan , Death: 1945-03-18, Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36735307, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBASARA, Walter J., Death: 1945-04-10, Staff Sergeant, 748th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13028833, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBASILE, Salvatore M., Death: 1944-10-03, Private First Class, 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 32922351, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBASS, James F., Death: 1944-11-20, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 38579390, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBASSETT, Herbert D., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35332655, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBASTIAN, Edward J., Death: 1944-06-26, Sergeant, 746th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32731911, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 15, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBATDORF, Hobart F., Death: 1945-01-16, Second Lieutenant, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# O1059363, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBATTICE, Hans J., Death: 1944-07-26, Sergeant, 760th Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36457700, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBATTY, Jack G. W., Death: 1944-10-06, Captain, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-504240, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAUER, Donald R., Death: 1944-12-23, Second Lieutenant, 489th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# O1996607, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAUER, Herman C., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-718214, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 37, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAUERLINE, Vernon E., Death: 1944-08-16, Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33502608, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAUGHAR, Clyde J., Death: 1944-01-21, First Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-742657, State of Entry: Colorado, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAUMANN, William F., Death: 1944-05-08, Technical Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16078488, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAUMILLER, Irwin A., Death: 1944-11-16, Technical Sergeant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 33280571, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAUR, Aloysius J., Death: 1944-12-16, Technician Fifth Grade, 592nd Field Artillery Bn, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 33284295, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAVARESCO, Herman A., Death: 1944-12-17, Private First Class, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 32753735, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAVEAS, James , Death: 1944-12-27, Private, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 31470457, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAVIN, William G., Death: 1944-09-18, First Lieutenant, 326th Ferry Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, Service# O-794611, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAXLEY, William E., Death: 1944-11-06, Staff Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 34119020, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAXTER, George V., Death: 1944-03-22, Second Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755625, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAXTER, Harry O., Death: 1944-12-24, Private First Class, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 13177312, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAXTER, James O., Death: 1945-12-25, First Lieutenant, 394th Fighter Squadron, 367th Fighter Group, Service# O-766395, State of Entry: Kansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAXTER, Robert L., Death: 1944-12-20, Private First Class, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 34920215, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 2, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAYLOR, Lewis A., Death: 1944-12-18, Technician Fourth Grade, 735th Tank Battalion, Service# 35694388, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBAYNE, James A., Death: 1943-08-12, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32401646, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBAZIOW, Andrew J., Death: 1944-12-22, Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 6836663, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEACH, Harold E., Death: 1945-03-16, Staff Sergeant, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 37427349, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 1, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBEADER, Joseph D., Death: 1944-11-14, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31431710, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEAHR, Warren M., Death: 1944-03-22, Sergeant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13034001, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEALE, Howard W., Death: 1944-12-14, Sergeant, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 39724296, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEAN, Norman R., Death: 1944-06-05, Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35090696, State of Entry: Indiana, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEARD, Sidney D., Death: 1944-11-14, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39471698, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEATOVICH, William J., Death: 1945-01-23, Captain, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-757416, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEATTY, Hubert F., Death: 1945-02-22, First Lieutenant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-826646, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 26, Grave: 14, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEATY, Cleo O., Death: 1945-02-06, Second Lieutenant, 428th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group, Service# O-773529, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 3, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEAUDRY, Theodore C., Death: 1943-08-01, Technical Sergeant, 343rd Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19080771, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEAUREGARD, Frank J., Death: 1943-11-03, Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36214436, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECHTEL, James M., Death: 1943-03-28, Staff Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37088931, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECK, Francis L., Death: 1944-04-04, Second Lieutenant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688298, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECK, Richard A., Death: 1945-02-03, Second Lieutenant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-774476, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECKER, Bruce W., Death: 1945-02-20, Second Lieutenant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-783322, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECKER, James R., Death: 1944-03-08, Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18127240, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, Initially, SGT Becker was listed as missing in action or non-recoverable. His remains have been recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. SGT Becker's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.BECKETT, Jack L., Death: 1945-02-12, Private First Class, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, Service# 35842620, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBECKMAN, Rodger H., Death: 1944-06-05, First Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755626, State of Entry: Washington, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBECKWITH, John H., Death: 1945-01-02, Corporal, 15th Tank Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 31234167, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEDARD, Valmore V., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19094404, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 16, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEDELL, John E., Death: 1944-05-08, First Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-676879, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEDENK, William F., Death: 1944-03-06, Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13096993, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEECHER, Harris M., Death: 1945-04-08, Technician Fourth Grade, Headquarters Battery, 54th Anti-Aircraft Arty Brigade, Service# 37330957, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 15, U.S. Army, World War IIBEEGLE, Robert R., Death: 1944-11-18, Staff Sergeant, 555th Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 33102012, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEENES, Albert , Death: 1944-10-06, Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36648589, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 45, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEERS, Edward W., Death: 1944-12-22, Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 37120043, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEESLEY, Delmar J., Death: 1945-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35581546, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 32, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEEVER, John L., Death: 1945-04-10, Private First Class, 27th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 37462852, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 8, U.S. Army, World War IIBEGGS, William A., Death: 1944-12-02, Staff Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38345296, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEHLER, Palmer C., Death: 1945-03-05, Private First Class, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 42186828, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEIGHLEY, Ralph G., Death: 1945-01-14, Technical Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33669821, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEISNER, Philip J., Death: 1944-09-27, Second Lieutenant, 492nd Fighter Squadron, 48th Fighter Group, Service# O-695144, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 50, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBELL, Charles R., Death: 1943-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35358168, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBELLITT, Irving , Death: 1944-04-29, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32208988, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBELMONT, Charles , Death: 1944-06-08, Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 5600355, State of Entry: West Virginia, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIBELT, Richard A., Death: 1944-11-05, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 35293275, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 29, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBENCH, Marion F. Jr., Death: 1944-05-25, First Lieutenant, 79th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# O-746024, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENDER, Robert E., Death: 1945-04-26, Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, Service# 32220698, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBENEDETTO, Joe D., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 36649165, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 50, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBENGFORD, Norbert B., Death: 1944-08-16, Staff Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37677323, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENINGA, Harm R., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 532nd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37285337, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, Charles E., Death: 1943-08-01, Technical Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17037959, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 54, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, Charles W., Death: 1945-03-04, Technical Sergeant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33680990, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, Chester B., Death: 1944-01-30, Second Lieutenant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-687530, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, David N. Jr., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-686214, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 56, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, Henry J., Death: 1945-03-21, Corporal, 850th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39215794, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 28, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, James W., Death: 1943-12-22, Staff Sergeant, 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 7009747, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENNETT, Robert R. Jr., Death: 1944-03-08, Staff Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33549283, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENOIT, Adley V., Death: 1944-08-26, Sergeant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38486715, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 57, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENOIT, Arthur L., Death: 1945-03-14, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 31097803, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 12, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBENSON, Howard D., Death: 1944-01-04, Sergeant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39122379, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENTLEY, George R., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39560146, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 20, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENTLEY, Lloyd E., Death: 1944-06-24, Technical Sergeant, 732nd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12044972, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBENTON, Mack , Death: 1944-11-18, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 6396975, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERENSON, Ely , Death: 1944-09-18, Flight Officer, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-125737, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 30, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGEN, Norman E., Death: 1944-05-24, Second Lieutenant, 601st Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-751630, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGER, Harvey A., Death: 1945-04-03, Colonel, Headquarters, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-280828, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 53, Bronze Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGER, Paul L., Death: 1945-03-24, Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33836714, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGERON, Arthur A., Death: 1944-10-16, Second Lieutenant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-822890, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 7, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGERON, Arthur C. Jr., Death: 1944-05-29, First Lieutenant, 350th Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-810462, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGMAN, August V., Death: 1944-04-08, First Lieutenant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-681312, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERGMANN, Harry J., Death: 1945-01-08, Second Lieutenant, 275th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division, Service# O-555936, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 34, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERKEN, Richard W., Death: 1944-12-05, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 36840065, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERLINER, William C., Death: 1944-12-21, Private, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 35073681, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERMAN, Bernard , Death: 1944-08-31, Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 32204802, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERNABIC, John F., Death: 1944-08-22, Corporal, 724th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36581953, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERNARD, Leo E., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 578th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11052803, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERNER, Horace W., Death: 1944-11-12, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35734053, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 22, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERNET, Stephen T., Death: 1945-11-15, Technician Fifth Grade, 101st General Hospital, Service# 32832677, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 12, U.S. Army, World War IIBERNSTEIN, George , Death: 1944-09-28, Private First Class, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 32217157, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERQUIST, Earl J., Death: 1944-08-06, Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36584370, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERRY, Charles E., Death: 1944-02-04, First Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-802826, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERRY, Edward H., Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 509th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13036564, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERRY, Lawrence J., Death: 1945-04-10, Staff Sergeant, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39840357, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 2, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERRY, Pat , Death: 1945-01-26, Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 37207251, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 9, U.S. Army, World War IIBERRYMAN, Richard C., Death: 1945-03-18, First Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1533493, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBERTA, Joseph S., Death: 1944-11-19, Private First Class, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 36874761, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 7, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBERTAUX, John F., Death: 1944-12-11, First Lieutenant, 776th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-562531, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBESENY, John M., Death: 1944-08-05, Staff Sergeant, 790th Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12152256, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEST, Ernest E., Death: 1945-03-26, Private First Class, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 33850511, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBETHEL, Bruce F., Death: 1944-09-29, Second Lieutenant, 513th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-522803, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBETHEL, Gabriel C., Death: 1944-12-06, Private, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 35807400, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEVERIDGE, Albert H., Death: 1945-03-05, Technician Fifth Grade, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 35374140, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBEVERIDGE, Thomas Jr., Death: 1944-05-24, Technical Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19061304, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEVERLY, Paul E., Death: 1942-12-06, Staff Sergeant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18045226, State of Entry: Arizona, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEYS, George J., Death: 1944-05-19, Second Lieutenant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703174, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBEZAK, Andrew , Death: 1944-11-25, Technical Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15069851, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBIALECKI, Adolph C., Death: 1944-04-11, Sergeant, 704th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31159853, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 14, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBIBEAU, Lucian J., Death: 1945-02-24, First Lieutenant, 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-812038, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBICKFORD, Ralph G., Death: 1945-02-07, Sergeant, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 32763803, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 51, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBIESAK, Arthur J., Death: 1943-11-26, Technical Sergeant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11101586, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBIGGINS, John A., Death: 1944-07-07, Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35168253, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBILIK, Paul F., Death: 1944-05-24, Private First Class, 722nd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35056148, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBILLERA, Charles W., Death: 1944-12-19, Technical Sergeant, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 33316703, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBILLHEIMER, La Moyne, Death: 1943-12-20, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39394069, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBILOHLAVEK, George A., Death: 1944-05-07, Staff Sergeant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32675181, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBING, Marvin L., Death: 1944-02-04, Private, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division, Service# 20701647, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 5, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Private Bing was initially listed as Missing in Action. His remains were recovered in 1957. PVT Bing's name is permanently engraved on the Walls of the Missing at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery at Nettuno, Italy.BINGESSER, Carl , Death: 1944-09-05, Private, 951st Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 32865823, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBINNICKER, Richard J., Death: 1945-03-16, Captain, 113th Field Artillery Battalion, 30th Infantry Division, Service# O-024272, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 31, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBINSWANGER, Peter O., Death: 1942-11-09, Corporal, 204th Military Police Company, Service# 34040636, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 43, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBIRCH, Abram E., Death: 1943-06-11, Second Lieutenant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-736083, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBIRCHELL, Harold R., Death: 1944-11-17, Private, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 39562801, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBIRD, Arthur , Death: 1943-04-05, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13067899, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBIRD, John J., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12011908, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBISHOP, Oliver W., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 14164280, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBISPING, Harold A., Death: 1944-07-08, Staff Sergeant, 601st Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17155107, State of Entry: Minnesota, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBITTINGER, Thomas D., Death: 1945-02-24, Staff Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13093094, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACK, Allan D., Death: 1944-09-18, Staff Sergeant, 3rd Air Cargo Squadron, Service# 32280684, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACK, Frederick L., Death: 1945-03-21, Second Lieutenant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-780498, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACK, John P., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, Headquarters Squadron, 49th Air Service Group, Service# 18042049, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACK, Robert W., Death: 1944-11-20, Second Lieutenant, 95th Fighter Squadron, 82nd Fighter Group, Service# O-763044, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACKBURN, Robert M., Death: 1945-03-25, Major, 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, Service# O-727390, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLACKINTON, Charles J., Death: 1944-11-25, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 33615464, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLAIDA, John M., Death: 1944-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16176158, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAIN, Roland A., Death: 1944-11-17, Private, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31327435, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 55, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLAINE, Robert W., Death: 1943-03-08, First Lieutenant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-423910, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAIR, Joe F., Death: 1945-01-17, First Lieutenant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-806391, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAIS, Edmond J., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 510th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32478396, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAKE, David G., Death: 1944-07-18, Second Lieutenant, 816th Bomber Squadron, 483rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-807668, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Soldier's Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAKE, Howard A., Death: 1944-11-23, Private First Class, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 33145019, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLAKELEY, Willis G., Death: 1945-03-02, Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-721022, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLAKELY, Robert P., Death: 1943-07-28, Second Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-677231, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: C, Row: 15, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLANCHARD, Henry N. Jr., Death: 1944-06-17, Captain, 9th Signal Company, 9th Infantry Division, Service# O-023777, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 45, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLANK, George W., Death: 1945-08-11, Technician Fourth Grade, 474th Infantry Regiment, Service# 34491987, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 23, U.S. Army, World War IIBLANKENSHIP, Warren H., Death: 1945-01-03, Private, 526th Armored Infantry Battalion, Service# 35656677, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLANKENSHIP, William , Death: 1945-01-14, Technical Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13065160, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLASINGAME, Willis A., Death: 1944-09-12, Staff Sergeant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38424347, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLICK, James E., Death: 1943-06-25, Technical Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36328838, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLIVEN, Andrew W., Death: 1944-09-13, Staff Sergeant, 342nd Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15120480, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 23, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Soldier's Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLOISE, Joseph L., Death: 1945-01-02, Sergeant, 87th Chemical Battalion, Service# 33698901, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLONDELL, Charles V., Death: 1944-01-05, Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16049064, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLONSTEIN, Charles , Death: 1943-08-12, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32509822, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBLOOMBERG, Marvin , Death: 1945-01-10, Private First Class, 398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division, Service# 37578186, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 55, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBLUNT, William A., Death: 1945-01-16, Sergeant, 128th Field Artillery Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 20340752, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOBO, Joseph W., Death: 1944-09-18, Staff Sergeant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 15330920, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOCHNIASZ, Edward A., Death: 1944-06-09, Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 16016671, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBODDEN, Fred M. Jr., Death: 1944-12-25, Second Lieutenant, 513th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-829624, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBODEWALDT, Joseph R., Death: 1945-04-09, Staff Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 20302578, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOECKER, Bernard P., Death: 1944-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17070453, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOEVE, Homer E., Death: 1945-01-01, Private First Class, 275th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division, Service# 36886002, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOGGS, Walter H., Death: 1943-10-14, Second Lieutenant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-681965, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOHACZYK, Walter , Death: 1943-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33147418, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOHRER, Earl L., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 37305432, State of Entry: Minnesota, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOIES, Earl J., Death: 1943-06-22, Technical Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19063468, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOLDT, William A., Death: 1944-11-23, Private First Class, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 17143354, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOLEFAHR, Wayne N., Death: 1944-06-10, Captain, 368th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group, Service# O-024907, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOLEN, James A. Jr., Death: 1945-03-19, Second Lieutenant, 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-832332, State of Entry: Delaware, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOLGER, Patrick J., Death: 1943-09-27, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32439400, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 15, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOLICK, Glenn D., Death: 1944-12-20, Corporal, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 34590904, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOLIN, Robert H., Death: 1944-05-08, Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35724627, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOLSTAD, Edmund I., Death: 1943-10-08, First Lieutenant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-730353, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBON, Robert R., Death: 1945-04-17, Technical Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16116511, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOND, Clarence J., Death: 1944-11-20, Private, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 36891858, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 55, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOND, Walter S., Death: 1944-07-19, Staff Sergeant, 342nd Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31220267, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBONE, John W. Jr., Death: 1945-01-14, Captain, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-732500, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBONE, Joseph L., Death: 1946-05-28, Technical Sergeant, 352nd Transportation Corps Harbor Craft Company, Service# 34832236, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 13, U.S. Army, World War IIBONFANTI, Salvatore J., Death: 1946-05-06, Private First Class, 3rd Replacement Depot, Service# 32487254, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBONNAR, Robert W., Death: 1945-02-03, First Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711119, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOOKER, Joseph H. Jr., Death: 1944-07-16, Sergeant, 726th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31310236, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOONE, William E., Death: 1945-03-23, Captain, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-556607, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOOTH, Richard T., Death: 1944-09-22, Second Lieutenant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-699921, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBORDEN, Leo L., Death: 1945-04-19, Second Lieutenant, 849th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-785466, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBORDEN, Raymond C., Death: 1944-04-11, Staff Sergeant, 412nd Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32292713, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBORKOWSKI, Leo S., Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32503638, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOROWSKI, Clayton A., Death: 1944-07-09, Staff Sergeant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11054832, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBORYZYSKA, Stanley J., Death: 1945-01-15, Private, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 31416044, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOSCH, Albert T., Death: 1944-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12157155, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOSCO, Rosario J., Death: 1944-07-24, Staff Sergeant, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 20607193, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOSHEARS, Jerome T., Death: 1944-07-09, First Lieutenant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-751982, State of Entry: Oregon, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOSWELL, James R., Death: 1944-02-10, Second Lieutenant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-801822, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOTTOMLEY, Reed M., Death: 1943-04-17, Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33199949, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOUCHER, James R., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 790th Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35544768, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOULTER, Roland C., Death: 1944-04-08, Second Lieutenant, 786th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-698649, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 57, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOURLAND, Dale E., Death: 1944-10-06, Corporal, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 38338652, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOWER, Harry G., Death: 1944-06-21, Staff Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13093373, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 8, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOWERS, Elmer O., Death: 1944-09-19, First Lieutenant, 384th Fighter Squadron, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-754584, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOWERS, Joe P., Death: 1944-11-21, Second Lieutenant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711120, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOWIE, Donald , Death: 1943-02-26, Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11013585, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOWLES, Charles V. Jr., Death: 1944-11-30, Technical Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16129428, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOWLING, Edward H., Death: 1945-02-07, Private, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 35816405, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOWMAN, Cecil L., Death: 1944-10-03, Private First Class, 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Service# 39200208, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBOWMAN, Charles H., Death: 1944-01-11, Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-021994, State of Entry: Wyoming, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 34, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYD, Hugh P., Death: 1945-02-03, Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12099503, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 22, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYD, Odes W., Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18052686, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYER, F. J., Death: 1944-07-28, Captain, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-753270, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYETTE, James A., Death: 1943-01-13, Sergeant, 422nd Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14058018, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYHAN, Albert F., Death: 1945-02-07, First Lieutenant, 725th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-819424, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYKIN, William L. Jr., Death: 1944-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-772784, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYLES, Frank R., Death: 1944-04-08, Captain, Headquarters, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-885130, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBOYSEN, George S., Death: 1945-03-30, Technician Fourth Grade, 14th Traffic Regulatory Group, Service# 32285598, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 20, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADBURY, Virgil E., Death: 1944-11-18, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 6144381, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADER, Gordon F., Death: 1944-11-08, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 12207614, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADFORD, Harvey N., Death: 1945-01-11, Sergeant, 629th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 34441449, State of Entry: Georgia, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADFORD, Joe W., Death: 1944-07-22, Staff Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18177453, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADFORD, Robert J., Death: 1944-11-20, Captain, 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-432037, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADFUTE, David W., Death: 1945-02-16, Second Lieutenant, 615th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2062636, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADIGAN, Donald L., Death: 1944-09-27, Private, 38th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 33505264, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADLEY, Frank J. Jr., Death: 1943-07-28, Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32406158, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADLEY, Joe F., Death: 1945-04-02, Technician Fifth Grade, 3907th Quartermaster Truck Company, Service# 38390522, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADLEY, Morris B., Death: 1944-10-07, Private, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 35073701, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRADNER, Vincent J., Death: 1943-08-12, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32426610, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADSHAW, John W. Jr., Death: 1943-05-15, First Lieutenant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-791556, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: D, Row: 16, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRADY, Richard D., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 43rd Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 34262791, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRAGG, Hansel , Death: 1945-02-23, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 35758400, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRAGUE, Roger J., Death: 1944-05-19, Second Lieutenant, 857th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-807813, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRAML, Joseph J., Death: 1944-10-06, Private First Class, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 39460376, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 47, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRANAGAN, James W., Death: 1944-03-04, Second Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688624, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRANCH, Hugh W., Death: 1944-11-30, First Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-398228, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRANDON, George G., Death: 1945-04-13, Technician Fifth Grade, 119th Engineer Battalion, 12th Armored Division, Service# 6574196, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRANSCOMBE, Frederick , Death: 1945-02-08, First Lieutenant, Headquarters, 14th Fighter Group, Service# O-760239, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRASICH, Richard C., Death: 1944-07-04, Private, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 36695761, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRATCHER, Francis E., Death: 1945-04-06, Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36585827, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRATMOE, Rueben , Death: 1944-10-15, Staff Sergeant, 835th Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37556314, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRAUD, Joseph O., Death: 1944-02-23, Second Lieutenant, 718th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755168, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 28, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRAY, Leonard J. Jr., Death: 1944-12-24, Private First Class, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 17077601, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBRAZIER, Charles B., Death: 1944-09-19, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 36070425, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRAZIL, Laymon B., Death: 1945-02-06, Private, 4403rd Quartermaster Service Company, Service# 6387718, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 19, U.S. Army, World War IIBRAZOWSKI, Joseph , Death: 1945-03-15, Private First Class, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Service# 31255517, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 9, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBREARTON, William S., Death: 1943-09-27, Technical Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39530623, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 17, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBREAZEALE, Vernon O., Death: 1944-05-29, Second Lieutenant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-756857, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRECHKO, John , Death: 1944-12-24, Sergeant, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 32476700, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRECKELS, Winston J., Death: 1944-06-20, Technical Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36501774, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBREEZE, Lavar W., Death: 1944-06-24, Staff Sergeant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19117217, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENDLE, Marle V., Death: 1945-02-20, First Lieutenant, 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-812044, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENNAN, Francis A., Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 370th Field Artillery Battalion, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 20315684, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRENNAN, James J., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19102117, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENNAN, John A. Jr., Death: 1944-03-14, First Lieutenant, 15th Squadron, 5th Photographic Group, Service# O-736967, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 26, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENNAN, Lee W., Death: 1944-01-04, Second Lieutenant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-809518, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENNAN, Richard E., Death: 1944-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39117715, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRENT, Donald E., Death: 1944-09-27, First Lieutenant, 702nd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747730, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRESCH, Henry F., Death: 1944-07-15, Staff Sergeant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39209871, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRESTLIN, Arthur J., Death: 1945-03-27, First Lieutenant, 18th Weather Squadron, Service# O-567449, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBREWER, Felix R., Death: 1944-12-06, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 34921425, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBREWER, Gilman P. Jr., Death: 1944-04-19, Staff Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20102011, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBREWER, Scott E., Death: 1943-02-26, Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39826187, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBREZINA, Fred , Death: 1943-02-17, Private, 168th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division, Service# 32385723, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 18, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRICE, William B., Death: 1944-12-16, First Lieutenant, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# O-025756, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRICK, Thomas B., Death: 1943-07-25, Second Lieutenant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-798070, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRICK, William M., Death: 1943-07-28, Second Lieutenant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-798735, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRIDGES, Raymond L., Death: 1944-03-06, Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38305984, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 44, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRIGGS, George W., Death: 1945-04-11, Staff Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39193615, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRIGGS, Leon E., Death: 1945-04-07, Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38588185, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRILLIANT, Fredrick H., Death: 1944-10-17, Second Lieutenant, 96h Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2058406, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRINE, Robert J., Death: 1945-01-20, First Lieutenant, 347th Bomber Squadron, 99th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-824090, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 28, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRINE, William C., Death: 1944-10-07, Second Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-722916, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRINKMAN, Donald C., Death: 1944-11-23, Private, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 36638554, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action or non-recoverable, PVT Brinkman's remains were recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.BRINKMAN, Howard W., Death: 1944-10-21, Private First Class, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 36765268, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRINSON, Philip L., Death: 1943-09-09, Staff Sergeant, 450th Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 34208695, State of Entry: Florida, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRISSON, Leo H., Death: 1944-05-10, Technical Sergeant, 775th Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36563193, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 38, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRITTER, Harry B., Death: 1944-08-27, Second Lieutenant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-765601, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRITTON, Arthur L., Death: 1944-10-20, Private, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 35925568, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 42, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRITZ, Robert T., Death: 1944-09-28, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16029539, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRODIN, Unite L., Death: 1944-05-24, Captain, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-740045, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROHM, William J. III, Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 722nd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688659, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROLEY, William H., Death: 1943-05-14, First Lieutenant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-791278, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROOKER, Charles F., Death: 1945-02-24, Staff Sergeant, 495th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 35516194, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROOKS, Cecil N., Death: 1945-03-13, Staff Sergeant, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 39463997, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 5, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKS, Dennis B., Death: 1945-02-25, Private, 73rd Field Artillery Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 37055757, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKS, Fred E., Death: 1944-10-18, Private, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 35249332, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKS, Hugh T., Death: 1945-01-02, Technician Fifth Grade, 87th Cavalry Reconn Squadron, 7th Armored Division, Service# 11064869, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 46, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKS, James P., Death: 1945-04-18, Private First Class, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 39844982, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 46, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKS, Robert F., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33596487, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROOKS, Roy A., Death: 1945-01-28, Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 39534229, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROOKSTRA, William A., Death: 1945-03-20, Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36874109, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROSTEDT, Everett F., Death: 1944-10-17, Private, 14th Infantry Battalion, 1st Armored Division, Service# 32938572, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROUILLETTE, Meddie P., Death: 1944-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15335428, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Allen D., Death: 1944-04-10, Technical Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38294097, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Bernard B., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31278946, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Charles , Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 569th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31159787, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Charles E., Death: 1944-04-19, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16076433, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Cletus R., Death: 1945-03-03, Second Lieutenant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2071529, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Dale S., Death: 1944-12-31, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17152717, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Earnest E., Death: 1946-01-16, Private, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33843369, State of Entry: Virginia, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, PVT Brown was listed as missing in action. His remains were recovered in 2005 and permanently interred at a private cemetery near Bristol, Virginia. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial.BROWN, Edgar H., Death: 1943-09-09, First Lieutenant, 556th Bomber Squadron, 387th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-662431, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Edwin C., Death: 1945-12-18, Master Sergeant, 324th Engineer Combat Battalion, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 39018810, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, Elvin , Death: 1944-10-06, Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38446057, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, George H., Death: 1944-11-08, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 37736806, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, Gerard F., Death: 1944-08-25, Technical Sergeant, 839th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32787731, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Glenn D., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34520635, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Herbert C., Death: 1945-02-25, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 39615211, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, James A., Death: 1945-01-04, Private First Class, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 42024933, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, James W. Jr., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-754409, State of Entry: New Mexico, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, James W., Death: 1945-03-24, First Lieutenant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-719549, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 18, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, John M., Death: 1944-10-07, Second Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-556119, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 6, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, John T., Death: 1945-01-28, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 34854314, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, Norman E., Death: 1945-03-24, Technical Sergeant, 43rd Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 13052103, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Norman H. H., Death: 1944-02-19, Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, Service# 10601604, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, Richard M., Death: 1945-03-10, Private First Class, 397th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, Service# 33042993, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 38, U.S. Army, World War IIBROWN, Virgil D., Death: 1944-09-11, Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36074292, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, William , Death: 1944-11-02, Sergeant, 711th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36557834, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWN, William F., Death: 1944-01-07, First Lieutenant, 359th Fighter Squadron, 356th Fighter Group, Service# O-796657, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 37, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWNE, Courtney T., Death: 1943-06-25, First Lieutenant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-663477, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 29, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWNE, Joseph F., Death: 1943-07-26, Technical Sergeant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32326903, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBROWNELL, Claremont D., Death: 1944-04-05, First Lieutenant, 727th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-523467, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 57, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUCE, Robert V., Death: 1943-10-09, Second Lieutenant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-676546, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUCKS, Robert L., Death: 1943-08-12, Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15073424, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUGNOLI, John J., Death: 1944-12-12, Private, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 42063385, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRUNDAGE, Lowell W., Death: 1944-05-29, First Lieutenant, 369th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group, Service# O-673986, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 10, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUNISHOLZ, Hans A., Death: 1944-09-19, Technical Sergeant, 75th Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 19171980, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUNNER, Frederick J., Death: 1945-03-19, Platoon Sergeant, Service# 371861, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Marine Corps, World War IIBRUNSON, William L., Death: 1943-11-03, First Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-795695, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRUSH, Robert J., Death: 1944-12-22, Private, 2nd Replacement Depot, Service# 12006603, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRYAN, Clifford Z., Death: 1944-07-13, Second Lieutenant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-551168, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRYAN, Harvey H., Death: 1945-12-23, Private, 33rd Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 38087134, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRYANT, George K., Death: 1945-03-09, Staff Sergeant, 850th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20832316, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRYANT, Harold A. Jr., Death: 1944-06-20, First Lieutenant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679604, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBRYER, Harry C., Death: 1945-03-15, Technical Sergeant, 107th Field Artillery Battalion, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 20313534, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 44, U.S. Army, World War IIBRYK, Milton M., Death: 1944-10-03, Sergeant, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 32213652, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRZEZICKI, Joseph J., Death: 1945-09-11, Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36777122, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBRZOZOWSKI, John S., Death: 1944-07-07, Staff Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32789437, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBSHARAH, Fred , Death: 1945-04-07, Second Lieutenant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2065328, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUBENDORF, Arthur A., Death: 1944-10-06, First Lieutenant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703186, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 50, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUCCINI, Anthony G., Death: 1944-07-24, Staff Sergeant, 758th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32807466, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 35, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUCHANAN, William B., Death: 1944-02-25, Private First Class, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38473713, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUCHANAN, William S., Death: 1943-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13052094, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUCKLEY, William E. Jr., Death: 1943-10-10, Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797965, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUCKOSKI, Albert A., Death: 1944-11-14, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33617473, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBUCKUS, Stephen D., Death: 1944-07-06, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 31068789, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBUDDEMEYER, Elton W., Death: 1943-10-14, Sergeant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37394101, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUEL, John J., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-808006, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUEL, Nelson J., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679358, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUETTNER, Edward C., Death: 1944-10-17, First Lieutenant, 96h Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-825772, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 27, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUFMACK, William , Death: 1945-03-17, Private, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, Service# 37345973, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBUKER, James E. E., Death: 1945-02-22, First Lieutenant, 411th Fighter Squadron, 373rd Fighter Group, Service# O-711940, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBULL, Webster M., Death: 1943-12-22, Second Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-745609, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBULLINGER, Albert O., Death: 1944-07-07, Staff Sergeant, 859th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20723918, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 15, Grave: 20, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUONOPANE, John A., Death: 1944-11-07, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 11054268, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURBACH, William J., Death: 1945-04-07, Flight Officer, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-131804, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURBLIS, Stanislaw , Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 10600659, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURDEN, William E., Death: 1944-12-23, Technician Fourth Grade, 8th Tank Battalion, 4th Armored Division, Service# 32131975, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURDETTE, Louis A., Death: 1945-02-07, Sergeant, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33720022, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURGER, George C., Death: 1945-03-01, Second Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-782153, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 34, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURGESS, Arthur J., Death: 1944-09-29, Staff Sergeant, 671th Bomber Squadron, 416th Bomber Group, Light, Service# 33416564, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 55, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURGESS, Harold D., Death: 1944-07-08, Staff Sergeant, 828th Bomber Squadron, 485th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37542976, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 10, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURGESS, Lewis W. Jr., Death: 1943-10-04, Staff Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15323465, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURGESS, Robert E., Death: 1944-02-20, Second Lieutenant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-752603, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURGHARDT, Joseph J., Death: 1944-10-06, Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16069588, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURICH, George E. Jr., Death: 1945-04-07, First Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-828375, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKE, Donald T., Death: 1944-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 854th Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2061423, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKE, John D. Jr., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35096550, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKE, Thomas E., Death: 1944-06-29, Staff Sergeant, 709th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36323292, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKETT, William R., Death: 1944-03-04, First Lieutenant, 351st Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-728570, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKHARDT, John J., Death: 1944-06-11, Staff Sergeant, 827th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32764843, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 57, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURKHART, Lawrence W., Death: 1944-09-17, Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 35403669, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURLESON, Clarence A., Death: 1944-05-09, Staff Sergeant, 787th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18109940, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNETT, Hugh F., Death: 1944-03-22, Second Lieutenant, 422nd Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-671878, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 41, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNETT, Marion E., Death: 1944-09-13, First Lieutenant, 363rd Fighter Squadron, 357th Fighter Group, Service# O-702763, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNETT, Murlyn F., Death: 1943-08-17, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-795195, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 45, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNETTE, James T., Death: 1944-04-08, First Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683960, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNOSKI, Joseph L., Death: 1944-11-06, Corporal, 20th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 32179691, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURNS, James R., Death: 1944-03-02, Second Lieutenant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682787, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNS, Lowell , Death: 1945-02-16, Private First Class, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, Service# 35883674, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 6, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBURNS, Samuel G., Death: 1943-08-15, Staff Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34354949, State of Entry: Georgia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURNS, William R., Death: 1944-06-08, Carpenter's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 6564410, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIBURRUSS, Robert T., Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 20363822, State of Entry: Virginia, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIBURSIO, Angelo J., Death: 1944-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19024949, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 8, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBURZYCKI, Thaddeus Z., Death: 1943-06-25, Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12031122, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 25, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUSCH, Frederick J., Death: 1944-04-12, First Lieutenant, 558th Bomber Squadron, 387th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-798742, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUSH, Ralph L. Jr., Death: 1945-03-19, Second Lieutenant, 83rd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-834947, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, George W., Death: 1944-04-02, Second Lieutenant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747574, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 53, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, John E., Death: 1944-09-12, Staff Sergeant, 860th Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31232707, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, Raymond , Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34680093, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 30, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, Stephen H., Death: 1944-01-11, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-799323, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, Thomas C. Jr., Death: 1944-01-11, Second Lieutenant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-751094, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, Varden I., Death: 1944-03-06, Technical Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39835712, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 22, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUTLER, William H., Death: 1945-04-16, Staff Sergeant, 53rd Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division, Service# 39683001, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 34, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIBUTLIN, Ernest J., Death: 1945-03-18, Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11104427, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 22, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBUZZI, Harold G., Death: 1944-04-29, Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682061, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYER, Edward J., Death: 1944-04-02, Technical Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17129474, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYERS, Ellis S., Death: 1945-02-14, First Lieutenant, 454th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-672029, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYERS, James F., Death: 1943-07-30, First Lieutenant, 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-885901, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYRD, Olen C., Death: 1944-09-27, Staff Sergeant, 702nd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38118508, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYRNE, Russell J. Jr., Death: 1944-06-06, Second Lieutenant, 36th Bomber Squadron, 801st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 2045266, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIBYRNES, Hartwell P., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 854th Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34872984, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICABANA, Alfred F., Death: 1944-12-19, Private First Class, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 31369586, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICADILEK, Robert G., Death: 1943-08-04, Second Lieutenant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-734646, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICADLE, Warren S., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39539003, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAGLE, Adelbert R., Death: 1944-11-10, First Lieutenant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# O1309647, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICALDER, Arthur R., Death: 1945-04-07, First Lieutenant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-812544, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 15, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALDWELL, Jack E., Death: 1944-04-12, Colonel, Headquarters, 387th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-020743, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Legion of Merit, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALDWELL, William H., Death: 1944-09-03, Corporal, 83rd Reconnaissance Bn, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 34167824, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 8, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICALHOUN, Stanley A., Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 832nd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17146408, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 30, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALHOUN, William P., Death: 1945-02-01, Technician Fifth Grade, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 33571200, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICALIGAN, William L. Jr., Death: 1943-05-21, Staff Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11045589, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALLIHAN, George A., Death: 1944-01-11, Technical Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18130833, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALO, Oswald P., Death: 1945-07-03, Corporal, 1391st Army Air Force Base Unit, Service# 12143387, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 12, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICALO, Richard A., Death: 1944-07-07, Private First Class, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 32762033, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 11, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICALVACCA, James V., Death: 1945-12-18, First Lieutenant, 402nd Fighter Squadron, 370th Fighter Group, Service# O-792802, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMERON, Edward H., Death: 1943-06-13, Technical Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38137217, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMERON, John J., Death: 1945-03-31, Technical Sergeant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36580749, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMPBELL, George F., Death: 1944-12-09, Second Lieutenant, 318th Fighter Squadron, 325th Fighter Group, Service# O-715470, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMPBELL, James , Death: 1944-11-09, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 6646412, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAMPBELL, Jesse T., Death: 1944-06-06, Private, 741st Tank Battalion, Service# 35252613, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAMPBELL, Lemuel R., Death: 1944-12-20, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 15076227, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAMPBELL, Wilfred H., Death: 1944-11-10, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35504652, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAMPBELL, Willard A., Death: 1944-07-24, Technical Sergeant, 758th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37508716, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMPBELL, William D., Death: 1944-07-26, First Lieutenant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 0-754885, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAMPBELL, William H., Death: 1944-11-18, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 42115595, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAMPBELL, William J., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-698418, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICANARD, James F., Death: 1944-01-24, Technical Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12164765, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICANFIELD, Marion L., Death: 1945-02-09, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38565592, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICANFIELD, Robert W., Death: 1943-08-12, Major, 1178th Flexible Gun Training Squadron, Service# O-900600, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 43, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICANGEMI, Michael A., Death: 1944-10-06, Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32890131, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICANTER, J. T., Death: 1945-02-21, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 33531836, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICANTOR, Milton , Death: 1944-04-12, Sergeant, 700th Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12192833, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAPDEROQUE, Serge L., Death: 1944-11-03, Private, 505th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 20259770, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IICAPORALE, Ernest F., Death: 1944-12-20, Technician Fourth Grade, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 32752963, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAPPIBIANCO, Clemie R., Death: 1946-06-21, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-510820, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 3, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IICARBAJAL, Bennie R., Death: 1944-01-05, Flight Officer, 77th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# T-001040, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAREY, Charles F. Jr., Death: 1945-01-09, Technical Sergeant, 397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division, Service# 6253699, State of Entry: Wyoming, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 12, Bronze Star, Medal of Honor (Army), Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARIFO, Thomas G., Death: 1944-09-17, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33920449, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 7, Grave: 6, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARIOLA, Frank A., Death: 1945-02-05, Private First Class, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 39144224, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLISLE, William L., Death: 1944-11-26, Technical Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17115091, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARLOTTO, Albert P., Death: 1944-12-18, Staff Sergeant, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 36408970, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLSON, Birger C., Death: 1944-03-22, First Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-800468, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARLSON, Carl , Death: 1943-12-01, Second Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# O-885979, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLSON, Charles E., Death: 1944-12-23, Second Lieutenant, 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-706483, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, His remains have been recovered and identified, but his name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at Ardennes American Cemetery.CARLSON, Edwin O., Death: 1943-11-07, First Lieutenant, 357th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-671499, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARLSON, Frederick G., Death: 1944-10-22, First Lieutenant, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# O1295506, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLSON, Kenneth R., Death: 1944-10-14, Private, 307th Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 36813846, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLSON, Melvin C., Death: 1945-04-17, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37583525, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARLSTEDT, Paul G., Death: 1944-10-14, Private, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 37567421, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARLTON, Clyde W., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14037452, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARMAN, Joseph F., Death: 1945-03-21, Technician Fifth Grade, 165th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 39467592, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 23, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARMICHAEL, John T., Death: 1944-10-06, Flight Officer, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-127420, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARNAVALE, Lawrence V., Death: 1945-05-18, Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 31428519, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 39, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IICARNES, George T., Death: 1945-01-20, Staff Sergeant, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 39329687, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARPENTER, Lee F., Death: 1944-12-31, Staff Sergeant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36890748, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARR, Earl A., Death: 1944-08-10, First Lieutenant, 763rd Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-694434, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARR, Kenneth R., Death: 1945-04-07, Second Lieutenant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-781218, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARR, Robert H., Death: 1943-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31113586, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARRADO, Peter D., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31168675, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARRAGHER, Robert Z., Death: 1944-04-18, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-690767, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARRILLO, Albert C., Death: 1945-03-22, Sergeant, 341st Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18047042, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARRINGTON, Edward W., Death: 1943-11-03, First Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-793731, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARROLL, Charles F., Death: 1944-10-17, Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 33734001, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: C, Row: 22, Grave: 17, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARSON, Stanley P., Death: 1944-12-31, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37683440, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARSON, Virgil C., Death: 1944-12-01, Private, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 33766981, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARTER, Donald E., Death: 1946-01-25, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-488079, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 7, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IICARTER, Thomas F., Death: 1945-12-18, Private First Class, 575th Ambulance Company, Service# 32039755, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICARTER, Wesley E., Death: 1944-09-12, Captain, 860th Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-397426, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARTER, William G., Death: 1945-04-16, Staff Sergeant, 47th Squadron, 313rd Troop Carrier Group, Service# 36512193, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARUCCI, Victor , Death: 1944-11-22, Private First Class, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 32206503, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 48, U.S. Army, World War IICARUSELLO, Louis S., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33617904, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARUTHERS, Thomas A. Jr., Death: 1944-04-18, Second Lieutenant, 572nd Bomber Squadron, 391st Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-684273, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARY, Dwayne H., Death: 1945-04-07, Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37534772, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICARY, John L., Death: 1944-07-07, Second Lieutenant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-697099, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASAD, Fred J., Death: 1944-12-31, Staff Sergeant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17099333, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASEY, Harry W., Death: 1944-04-29, First Lieutenant, 564th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735171, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASH, Donald L., Death: 1944-04-11, Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17072072, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASH, Joseph B. Jr., Death: 1944-07-07, Corporal, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36831437, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASILLAS, Arturo F., Death: 1945-03-27, Private First Class, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 38677682, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 25, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICASSADY, Jack E., Death: 1944-11-20, Sergeant, 783rd Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31444977, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASSEL, William L., Death: 1945-03-15, Second Lieutenant, 781st Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-776514, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASSELBERRY, Austin F., Death: 1944-05-12, Second Lieutenant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-707855, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASSIDY, Edward J., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36337197, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASSIDY, John H., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755517, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASSUTO, Leo D., Death: 1945-04-10, Second Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2068073, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASTEEL, Myron A., Death: 1944-09-19, Sergeant, 254th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 34614984, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICASTLE, Orville L., Death: 1943-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-800358, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASTLE, William J. Jr., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19161850, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICASTRICIANO, Peter C., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31190922, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICATES, Velgene V., Death: 1943-07-26, Flight Officer, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-000159, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICATTER, Loebert G., Death: 1944-05-30, Staff Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18127924, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAUDILL, Lon C., Death: 1945-01-21, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 35642928, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAULFIELD, John J., Death: 1944-04-29, Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-757769, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAVANAGH, Thornton J., Death: 1944-10-18, Second Lieutenant, 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# O-708655, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAVANAUGH, Charles D., Death: 1943-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 510th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36245355, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAVIN, Maurice G., Death: 1944-12-24, Private First Class, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 37617727, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 36, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICAWOOD, Henry B., Death: 1944-10-07, Technical Sergeant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13034167, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICAY, Raymond L. Jr., Death: 1944-04-08, Staff Sergeant, 735th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14083082, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICELENTANO, Louis S., Death: 1944-10-30, First Lieutenant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703026, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHADWICK, Stanley K., Death: 1945-01-14, Private First Class, 41st Tank Battalion, 11th Armored Division, Service# 31176812, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHAIET, Bertram L., Death: 1944-01-21, First Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Control Depot, Service# O-886099, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHAMBERLAIN, Roland H., Death: 1944-08-06, Second Lieutenant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-887028, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHAMBERS, Sidney N., Death: 1944-07-19, Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38496874, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHAMPION, John F. Jr., Death: 1944-11-06, Second Lieutenant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-768445, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHANCELLOR, Noel H., Death: 1945-01-21, Private, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Service# 34875138, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHANEY, Frank G., Death: 1945-01-01, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33632510, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHAPMAN, Clarence E., Death: 1944-11-17, Sergeant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35779066, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHARPIER, Eugene H., Death: 1944-10-11, Corporal, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36747605, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHASE, Benjamin B., Death: 1944-02-23, Second Lieutenant, 512th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797470, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHASE, Robert P., Death: 1945-02-03, Private First Class, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 42090444, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 36, U.S. Army, World War IICHAUNCEY, William R. J., Death: 1944-08-16, Second Lieutenant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-771897, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHAUVIN, Miller P., Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38309819, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHEATHAM, Robert R., Death: 1945-04-08, Corporal, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 39022603, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHEHOCK, Lester P., Death: 1945-02-21, Sergeant, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 17068364, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 20, U.S. Army, World War IICHERNICK, Michael , Death: 1944-02-10, Staff Sergeant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33350599, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHESMORE, Floyd H., Death: 1944-03-02, First Lieutenant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-741881, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHESSER, James W. Sr., Death: 1945-04-24, Private First Class, 44th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 44038832, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHILCOTE, Walter E., Death: 1944-12-17, Staff Sergeant, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 42008515, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 52, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHILTON, Andrew L., Death: 1944-05-21, Major, Headquarters, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-421044, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHIN, Richard W., Death: 1944-12-24, Staff Sergeant, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 39089169, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 30, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHORPENNING, Hans J., Death: 1944-06-12, Second Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-717183, State of Entry: Nebraska, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHOSA, Peter , Death: 1945-08-15, Private First Class, 1309th Army Air Force Base Unit, Service# 37094684, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 8, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHOUINARD, Lawrence R., Death: 1944-11-02, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31317532, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICHRISTENSEN, George E., Death: 1943-05-14, Staff Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37281658, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 57, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHRISTENSEN, Robert E., Death: 1944-03-22, Second Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-691956, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHRISTENSON, Harold C., Death: 1944-05-10, Technical Sergeant, 827th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37304468, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHRISTIAN, Thomas J. J., Death: 1944-08-12, Colonel, Headquarters, 361st Fighter Group, Service# O-021782, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHRISTMAN, Clarence R., Death: 1943-07-25, First Lieutenant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-450218, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHROMY, John H., Death: 1944-05-20, Technical Sergeant, 454th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 16048005, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICHUCTA, William H., Death: 1946-07-01, Technical Sergeant, 777th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32563790, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICINQ-MARS, Leon H., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31385960, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICIOLEK, Kenneth , Death: 1944-01-05, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36180354, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICIPRESSO, Berline , Death: 1943-11-29, Second Lieutenant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-680407, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICIRELLI, Patsy , Death: 1945-05-18, Private First Class, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 35286259, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICIRINCONE, Frank J., Death: 1945-03-31, Private, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 32001401, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICISAR, Joseph B., Death: 1943-07-26, Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-799336, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICISCOE, Milton H., Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 341st Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-804303, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLAFFY, Robert E., Death: 1945-04-06, Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 16175278, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 24, Grave: 13, U.S. Army, World War IICLANCEY, Thomas J., Death: 1944-06-23, Second Lieutenant, 341st Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-821150, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLANTON, Fred , Death: 1943-12-06, Staff Sergeant, 16th Squadron, 68th Reconnaissance Group, Service# 38223515, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARITY, Richard T., Death: 1944-02-21, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31228532, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, Bernard W., Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 20112601, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARK, Charles W., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755644, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, Earl B. Jr., Death: 1944-08-22, Sergeant, 726th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35601873, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, Gilbert W., Death: 1945-02-03, Second Lieutenant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-835735, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, Ivan Jr., Death: 1943-12-20, Staff Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33219803, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, James , Death: 1944-11-22, Staff Sergeant, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 12204080, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARK, John C., Death: 1945-03-08, Staff Sergeant, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33279680, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, John H., Death: 1944-06-29, Private, 102nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 12166192, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARK, Leland W., Death: 1944-12-18, Private, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 13135076, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARK, Louis J., Death: 1944-11-06, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 38642553, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARK, Richard B., Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 752nd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19019740, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLARK, William T., Death: 1945-01-09, Private First Class, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 19177041, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLARKE, Francis X., Death: 1944-12-16, Private First Class, 395th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 32812066, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IICLAY, Lloyd E., Death: 1944-10-11, Private, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 32787637, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLAYDON, Howard W., Death: 1944-11-02, Technical Sergeant, 861st Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16084338, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLEEK, Floyd A., Death: 1944-09-27, Private, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 7083481, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLEENPUT, Jacob J., Death: 1944-11-29, Corporal, 10th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division, Service# 32305249, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLELAND, Virgle , Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34440219, State of Entry: Georgia, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLEMENSEN, Richard L., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-763955, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLEMENT, Earl R., Death: 1943-12-06, Second Lieutenant, 16th Squadron, 68th Reconnaissance Group, Service# O-524977, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLEMENTE, Felix R., Death: 1944-10-03, Private, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 32948308, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLEMENTS, Frank B. Jr., Death: 1944-11-16, Second Lieutenant, 485th Fighter Squadron, 370th Fighter Group, Service# O-436962, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLEMONS, Wayne J., Death: 1944-12-23, Private, 8th Tank Battalion, 4th Armored Division, Service# 38032241, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICLICK, Melvin E., Death: 1944-05-12, Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13137006, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLIFTON, Eugene B., Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 6395355, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private Clifton's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.CLINE, James W., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695878, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLOUGH, Nelson Jr., Death: 1944-05-05, Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36415075, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLUMPNER, Alfred B., Death: 1944-05-24, Second Lieutenant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-767162, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICLYNE, Edward K., Death: 1943-05-14, Technical Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36129665, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOALE, Carl W., Death: 1944-12-27, Second Lieutenant, 428th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group, Service# O-692736, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOATES, James O., Death: 1944-07-07, Technical Sergeant, 859th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34381779, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOATS, Donald E., Death: 1945-04-07, Staff Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36742208, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOBB, Harold L., Death: 1945-05-18, Major, Headquarters, XXIX Tactical Air Command, Service# O-430787, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Bronze Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOCKBURN, Charles J., Death: 1944-12-20, Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 39864712, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOFFIN, Bruce P., Death: 1944-04-08, Technical Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31289065, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOFFIN, George W., Death: 1945-04-18, Staff Sergeant, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 32771364, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 16, U.S. Army, World War IICOHEN, Charles , Death: 1944-12-31, Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-825576, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOHEN, Irving , Death: 1944-11-25, Second Lieutenant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-771221, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOHEN, Irving S., Death: 1943-07-26, Second Lieutenant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-674154, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOHEN, Israel , Death: 1945-04-08, Private First Class, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 39578787, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 31, U.S. Army, World War IICOHEN, Stanley , Death: 1943-06-25, Second Lieutenant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-667392, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLAIZZI, Raymond , Death: 1944-12-05, Second Lieutenant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-752803, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLBRY, John L., Death: 1944-04-18, Staff Sergeant, 572nd Bomber Squadron, 391st Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 39022722, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLBY, Leslie W., Death: 1943-09-09, Flight Officer, 450th Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# T-187567, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Charles F., Death: 1944-02-10, First Lieutenant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-803777, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Edward H., Death: 1943-12-20, Second Lieutenant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797499, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 17, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Elwood H., Death: 1945-03-12, Private, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 36893085, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLE, James R., Death: 1944-08-20, Private First Class, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Service# 35791425, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLE, Jesse W., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34854210, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Lloyd R., Death: 1943-07-11, Captain, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-421603, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Wendell E., Death: 1944-11-05, Staff Sergeant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34651779, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLE, Willis W., Death: 1944-04-08, Staff Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39407665, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLEMAN, Charles G., Death: 1944-04-18, First Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679369, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLEMAN, James H., Death: 1944-02-11, Staff Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35366727, State of Entry: Indiana, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLEMAN, Vincent B., Death: 1944-01-04, Second Lieutenant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-672939, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: C, Row: 16, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLFLESH, Ralph M., Death: 1944-07-29, First Lieutenant, 413rd Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-760964, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLABOLLETTA, Peter , Death: 1945-01-03, Technician Fourth Grade, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, Service# 32024410, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLLETTE, William H., Death: 1944-09-18, Second Lieutenant, 14th Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-669424, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLETTI, Nicholas J., Death: 1944-08-22, First Lieutenant, 746th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-753173, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLIER, George A., Death: 1944-09-18, Technical Sergeant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 34168695, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLIER, Noah G., Death: 1944-12-21, Staff Sergeant, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 13014518, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IICOLLINS, Dennis , Death: 1944-09-27, Private, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 36651666, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 24, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLLINS, Farrell R., Death: 1944-09-22, Staff Sergeant, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 7082097, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 31, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLLINS, George W., Death: 1945-02-16, Captain, 77th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad, Service# O1557706, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLLINS, Laverne , Death: 1942-08-19, Second Lieutenant, 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, Service# O-433350, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLINS, Robert E., Death: 1944-03-06, First Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735858, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLLINS, Stephen F., Death: 1944-07-27, Sergeant, 742nd Bomber Squadron, 455th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35729473, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLON, Wilfred , Death: 1944-09-26, Staff Sergeant, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 12157645, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLVIN, Estle L., Death: 1944-11-24, Private First Class, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 42075808, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOLVIN, Jake S. Jr., Death: 1944-02-29, First Lieutenant, 730th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-460094, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOLWART, Louis J. Jr., Death: 1944-02-08, Sergeant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18151729, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOMAC, Peter , Death: 1943-08-17, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13028702, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 33, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOMER, Preston M., Death: 1944-12-17, Private First Class, 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 14076506, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOMER, Roger D., Death: 1944-05-19, Second Lieutenant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-700353, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOMER, Vinson F., Death: 1945-03-07, Private First Class, 276th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division, Service# 13016919, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 17, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IICOMPTON, David N., Death: 1945-02-25, Second Lieutenant, 727th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-720186, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONANT, Jack L., Death: 1944-12-18, Second Lieutenant, 397th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, Service# O-715476, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONDON, Pat T., Death: 1944-11-30, Second Lieutenant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-821670, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONDRIET, Norman S., Death: 1945-02-24, Sergeant, 386th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group, Service# 13037813, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 39, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONDRON, Julius E., Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17060877, State of Entry: Kansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONFER, Charles R., Death: 1944-12-29, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33933074, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICONJAR, Joseph G., Death: 1944-11-02, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33873789, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICONLEY, Donald W., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36766058, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONLIN, James A., Death: 1943-05-14, Staff Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36146275, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONNALLY, James P., Death: 1943-07-28, Staff Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18115873, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONNELL, William J., Death: 1943-07-28, Technical Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16036494, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONNER, Cevil S., Death: 1945-01-23, Private First Class, 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Service# 38664890, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICONNER, David E., Death: 1944-12-23, Private, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 33916750, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 56, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICONNETT, Xon C., Death: 1944-09-18, Staff Sergeant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 36741364, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONNOR, Albert G., Death: 1946-01-01, First Lieutenant, 15th Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# O-410406, State of Entry: Indiana, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army, World War IICONNOR, Edgar J., Death: 1944-11-11, Sergeant, 732nd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12206364, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONNOR, John J. Jr., Death: 1944-05-08, First Lieutenant, 55th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# O-754474, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONOVER, Chester E., Death: 1943-07-29, Staff Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35665828, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICONSIGLIO, Joseph A., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31249526, State of Entry: Connecticut, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICONTRA, Albert J., Death: 1945-04-07, First Lieutenant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2063160, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOGAN, John C., Death: 1944-05-18, Staff Sergeant, 772nd Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32608809, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOK, Leslie E., Death: 1945-04-03, Private First Class, 36th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 34609170, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOOK, Max W., Death: 1944-09-11, First Lieutenant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-765228, State of Entry: Wyoming, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOK, Mervin W., Death: 1943-10-20, Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17027083, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 22, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOK, Neil E., Death: 1945-01-20, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 35806020, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOOKE, Harold J., Death: 1943-06-22, Staff Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34430596, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOKSEY, Vernon E., Death: 1945-03-17, Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37702543, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOKSON, Wesley J., Death: 1945-01-04, Private First Class, 69th Tank Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 32290774, State of Entry: Connecticut, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IICOOLIDGE, Donald B., Death: 1944-05-29, Technical Sergeant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12201815, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOPER, Joe P., Death: 1944-09-12, Technical Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38185839, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 55, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOPER, Leslie J., Death: 1944-10-07, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-752741, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOPER, Priesley P. Jr., Death: 1945-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 5th Fighter Squadron, 52nd Fighter Group, Service# O-719266, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOOPER, William D., Death: 1945-01-03, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 17145336, State of Entry: Colorado, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOPPAGE, Everet A., Death: 1943-04-17, Second Lieutenant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-729719, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOPPESS, Jack E., Death: 1944-10-04, First Lieutenant, 394th Fighter Squadron, 367th Fighter Group, Service# O-675821, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORBIN, Blaine , Death: 1945-04-08, Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37446511, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORDELL, Robert G. H., Death: 1944-12-30, Flight Officer, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-131590, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORDTS, Edward J., Death: 1943-07-26, Staff Sergeant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32357540, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORLE, Gerald T., Death: 1945-02-16, Sergeant, 642nd Bomber Squadron, 409th Bomber Group, Light, Service# 33246927, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 36, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORN, Joel I., Death: 1943-08-01, First Lieutenant, 344th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-725855, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORNELL, Peter , Death: 1945-02-19, Private, 302nd Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 42179206, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICORNWALL, Charles E., Death: 1944-01-05, Staff Sergeant, 703rd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32609009, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORREIA, Domingos , Death: 1945-01-06, Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 42100756, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICORRIGAN, Edward , Death: 1943-03-04, Technical Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11030809, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORRIGAN, Joseph L. Jr., Death: 1944-10-07, Flight Officer, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-126753, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORTRIGHT, John M. Jr., Death: 1944-04-08, Second Lieutenant, 355th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, Service# O-812758, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORUM, Robert E., Death: 1944-12-31, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38440054, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICORVELLO, Fred A., Death: 1944-11-09, Sergeant, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39840157, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOSS, Wilbur J. Jr., Death: 1945-02-22, Captain, 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-767037, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOSTELLO, Frank R., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35928074, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOSTELLO, George D., Death: 1945-02-20, Private, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 36904756, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOTE, Clarence J., Death: 1944-10-24, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31216546, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 34, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOTE, Leo R., Death: 1944-12-24, Technician Fifth Grade, 610th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 31258018, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 35, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOTHRAN, James W., Death: 1944-07-07, Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34652746, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOTNER, Orville H., Death: 1945-02-03, Second Lieutenant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-777602, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 29, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOTTINGHAM, Robert H., Death: 1945-01-01, Private, 62nd Infantry Battalion, 14th Armored Division, Service# 35688528, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOTTMAN, Raymond E., Death: 1945-03-22, Technical Sergeant, 817th Bomber Squadron, 483rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12052225, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOULSON, James B., Death: 1944-11-26, Sergeant, 601st Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37484766, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOUNIHAN, Frank D., Death: 1943-11-02, Second Lieutenant, 429th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735058, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 27, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOURCY, Roland L., Death: 1944-05-22, Technical Sergeant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11105915, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOURSEY, John P., Death: 1945-01-19, Private, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 36989249, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 53, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOURTNEY, James E., Death: 1945-04-23, Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 35089683, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 7, Grave: 2, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOUTO, John O., Death: 1944-10-15, Private First Class, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 31310410, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 46, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOWARD, George E., Death: 1944-12-04, Private, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 34864579, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOWARD, Huey R., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 38th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O-711953, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 23, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOWDERY, Donald A., Death: 1944-02-10, Technical Sergeant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11072609, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOWEN, Noah N., Death: 1944-12-05, Second Lieutenant, 350th Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-829824, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 43, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOWGILL, Edwin , Death: 1945-04-20, Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35223185, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOX, Bruce D., Death: 1944-02-22, Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38445768, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOX, John V. Jr., Death: 1945-01-07, Private, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 38683488, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOX, Ralph W., Death: 1945-02-16, Staff Sergeant, 642nd Bomber Squadron, 409th Bomber Group, Light, Service# 36306966, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 33, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOX, Robert M., Death: 1944-06-08, Private, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 38497331, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 33, Grave: 21, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOX, Vernon E., Death: 1944-11-18, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 38694183, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICOX, Wade M., Death: 1944-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15071368, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOY, Leroy A., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-741481, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 16, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOYASO, Cruz , Death: 1945-02-13, Sergeant, 497th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 39276672, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 33, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICOYLE, Charles , Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 722nd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-689596, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRABBE, Charles W., Death: 1944-12-02, Technical Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12129506, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 10, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRABTREE, Albert B., Death: 1944-04-15, Sergeant, 758th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38274464, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRABTREE, James Jr., Death: 1944-01-11, Second Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-807994, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRACKNELL, Christian , Death: 1945-03-16, Second Lieutenant, 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# O1996074, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 41, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAFT, Maynard V., Death: 1944-04-19, Second Lieutenant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-810115, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAIG, Herschel , Death: 1945-04-20, Private First Class, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, Service# 36911296, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICRAIG, Otis D., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32956491, State of Entry: Delaware, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 8, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAIG, Richard C., Death: 1945-03-29, Flight Officer, 817th Bomber Squadron, 483rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-128244, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAIG, Ronald M., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37731515, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 38, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAIG, William H., Death: 1944-12-19, Lieutenant Colonel, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# O-022680, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IICRAIGHEAD, William H., Death: 1944-04-09, Second Lieutenant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682008, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRALLE, Hersal B., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33559075, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 11, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRANDELL, Victor P., Death: 1944-06-22, Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33719277, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRANE, Thomas R., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32757283, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRANK, Howell G., Death: 1945-03-02, Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-021665, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAWFORD, John A., Death: 1943-07-30, Second Lieutenant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735950, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRAWFORD, Robert A., Death: 1945-04-05, Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38479607, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICREAGH, Eugene M., Death: 1944-09-12, First Lieutenant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-816250, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 51, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRESPOLINI, Americo A., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33609563, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 18, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRESSMAN, William , Death: 1945-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 42131258, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRITZER, Clyde B., Death: 1944-12-09, Private First Class, 1276th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 33643632, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICROKER, Michael D., Death: 1944-02-10, Staff Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32626452, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROOK, Hubert L., Death: 1944-01-30, Staff Sergeant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14045782, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROSSAN, John R., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36178621, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 15, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROSSEN, Morris C., Death: 1944-10-20, Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters, 367th Fighter Group, Service# O-025228, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 25, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROSSLEY, Charles H., Death: 1944-06-23, Staff Sergeant, 836th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33462202, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 34, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROUGH, William J., Death: 1943-08-19, Sergeant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 10600066, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROWE, George R., Death: 1944-10-28, Second Lieutenant, 602nd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-719575, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 47, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROWLEY, James J., Death: 1944-09-27, Sergeant, 703rd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31241510, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICROWLEY, Joseph D., Death: 1944-08-24, Private, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, Service# 31387419, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, PVT Crowley's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial. PVY Crowley's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery.CROWLING, John F., Death: 1944-12-15, Private First Class, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 33043222, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 51, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICRUMLEY, Jim M., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 330th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14040230, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRUPI, Vincent N., Death: 1944-04-08, Second Lieutenant, 735th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688510, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICRYER, Alton H., Death: 1945-02-06, Staff Sergeant, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 38367110, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICULBERTSON, Harry E., Death: 1944-04-11, Second Lieutenant, 704th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-811175, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 28, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICULHANE, Edward F., Death: 1945-03-05, Private First Class, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 11064957, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICULTICE, Gale W., Death: 1944-12-12, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 35507011, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICUMMING, Herbert W., Death: 1943-11-07, Captain, 79th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# O-423814, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUMMINGS, Eldon J., Death: 1943-07-25, Second Lieutenant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-740758, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUMMINGS, Vernon F., Death: 1944-05-08, Technical Sergeant, 732nd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36280103, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 23, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUNNINGHAM, Glenn C., Death: 1945-02-14, Private First Class, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Service# 35608755, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICUNNINGHAM, Robert F., Death: 1944-10-17, Second Lieutenant, 778th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-717756, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUNNINGHAM, Victor J., Death: 1945-02-03, Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33904659, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUPINA, Joseph T., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 345th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32470251, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICURLAND, William H., Death: 1944-10-30, Second Lieutenant, 753rd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-760589, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICUTTING, William K., Death: 1943-06-25, Technical Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6862311, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICYRUS, Wayne C., Death: 1944-09-17, Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 32853789, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IICZARNECKI, Anthony W., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32466895, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICZERPAK, Henry , Death: 1944-05-28, Staff Sergeant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33279703, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICZESLAWSKI, Raymond C., Death: 1944-05-08, Technical Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16003633, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IICZYZ, Edward , Death: 1943-10-08, Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35311587, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II
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