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Ardennes American Cemetery
Neupré, Belgium
GPS: 50.541949, 5.469043
164, route du Condroz
Neupré, Belgium 4121
Date published: April 11, 2017
Total records: 4,998
Surnames D-H
Records published here were acquired from the American Battle Monuments Commission. They do not include burials for the 323 unidentified remains. Dates of death range from 1941 to 1946.
DABBS, William D., Death: 1944-06-24, Second Lieutenant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-819673, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDABNEY, William A. M., Death: 1942-08-19, Second Lieutenant, 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, Service# O-437013, State of Entry: Virginia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAGGETT, Charles C., Death: 1945-02-08, Second Lieutenant, 392nd Fighter Squadron, 367th Fighter Group, Service# O-711962, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAHL, Raymond A., Death: 1945-03-18, Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17143916, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAHLIN, Norman B., Death: 1945-03-18, Sergeant, 569th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19215828, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAILY, Wendell L., Death: 1944-01-07, First Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-740760, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDALE, Clyde F., Death: 1944-03-06, First Lieutenant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-807998, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDALEUS, Robert , Death: 1943-07-28, Staff Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13116593, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDALLAS, Bob C., Death: 1945-04-07, First Lieutenant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-721653, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDALRYMPLE, Vincent F., Death: 1944-11-26, Technical Sergeant, 71st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division, Service# 20229579, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 29, American Campaign Medal, American Defense Service Medal, Bronze Star, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal (Army), Purple Heart, World War II Victory Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, U.S. Army, World War IIDALTON, Edward F., Death: 1945-03-30, Lieutenant Colonel, Civil Affairs Division, Service# O-171095, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 3, U.S. Army, World War IIDALTON, William A. Jr., Death: 1944-09-18, Second Lieutenant, 845th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-716376, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDALY, Arthur J., Death: 1945-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37562173, State of Entry: Minnesota, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Staff Sergeant Daly's remains were later recovered and identified. His remains were returned to the U.S. for permanent interment at a private cemetery in Minnesota. SSGT Daly's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial in Belgium.DALY, Francis A., Death: 1944-10-28, Sergeant, 602nd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 42027163, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAMIANI, Joseph L., Death: 1945-01-10, Staff Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32142143, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 28, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDANIEL, Don A. Jr., Death: 1944-12-29, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 34986611, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDANIELS, Joseph D., Death: 1944-05-12, Second Lieutenant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-753984, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDANIELS, O. K., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34408851, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDANIELS, William D., Death: 1944-03-29, First Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679610, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDANNA, Anthony , Death: 1944-11-09, Sergeant, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36607773, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIDANSEREAU, Armand J., Death: 1944-08-26, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31439980, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDANSEREAU, Frank B., Death: 1944-12-17, Staff Sergeant, 779th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14128287, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDARGACZ, John O., Death: 1944-11-02, Second Lieutenant, 711th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-772147, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDARNALL, Jesse D., Death: 1944-12-22, Private First Class, 44th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 34501355, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDARRINGTON, Lorenzo M., Death: 1943-10-08, Technical Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39256438, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDARTEZ, Noah , Death: 1945-02-25, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 6239584, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAUBERT, Rudolph A., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 355th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, Service# O-812765, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAUFNEY, Glynn A., Death: 1945-04-10, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37582987, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVENPORT, Roy H., Death: 1945-01-20, Staff Sergeant, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 37173215, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVES, Howard L., Death: 1944-10-03, Private First Class, 735th Tank Battalion, Service# 34354110, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVES, Robert O., Death: 1945-02-02, Private First Class, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 35363881, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVID, Aaron A., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18019560, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIDSON, Harold A., Death: 1943-03-28, Second Lieutenant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-730234, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIDSON, Jerome , Death: 1943-11-26, Captain, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-791287, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIDSON, Robert P., Death: 1943-06-22, Second Lieutenant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-731275, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIES, Albert H., Death: 1943-05-14, Second Lieutenant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-729819, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIES, George W., Death: 1944-10-07, First Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755291, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, A. Q., Death: 1945-04-30, Private First Class, 4091st Quartermaster Service Company, Service# 34488083, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 23, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVIS, Calvin C., Death: 1944-11-30, Technical Sergeant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16014331, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Charles C. Jr., Death: 1944-06-25, Second Lieutenant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-761803, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Claude M., Death: 1943-08-17, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12165967, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Donald E., Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 752nd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16075299, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Edward G., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33331387, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, George L., Death: 1944-01-04, First Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-677454, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Jesse W., Death: 1944-09-19, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 34242074, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 26, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVIS, John Baillie, Death: 1944-05-19, Technical Sergeant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17026858, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Milton H., Death: 1944-04-08, Second Lieutenant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-691878, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Richard W., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-806233, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Robert E., Death: 1944-12-31, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 35542518, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVIS, Robert L., Death: 1944-06-05, Technical Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15394225, State of Entry: West Virginia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Robert L., Death: 1944-08-31, Second Lieutenant, 2nd Fighter Squadron, 52nd Fighter Group, Service# O-821461, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Robert R., Death: 1944-12-02, Sergeant, 776th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19175754, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Robert W., Death: 1945-03-01, Second Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-680190, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Roy W., Death: 1944-04-19, Second Lieutenant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-681347, State of Entry: Oregon, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, Stewart J., Death: 1944-12-20, Sergeant, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33058673, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVIS, William H., Death: 1944-12-01, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 38598064, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAVIS, William L., Death: 1944-10-06, Second Lieutenant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-826891, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAVIS, William R., Death: 1944-12-02, Second Lieutenant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-822649, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAY, Bluford O., Death: 1944-11-17, First Lieutenant, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# O1309225, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 10, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAY, Glendon L., Death: 1945-04-05, Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11104055, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAY, Richard A. W., Death: 1944-11-14, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31391885, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 9, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDAY, Voorhis H., Death: 1943-08-17, First Lieutenant, 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-659273, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAY, Walter N., Death: 1944-01-04, Staff Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32447507, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDAYTON, Charles R., Death: 1944-05-24, Second Lieutenant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755292, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE BARDELEBEN, Willia , Death: 1944-01-02, Flight Officer, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# T-190832, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 30, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE DOMENICO, Ralph J., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32356318, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE GRYSE, Abel M., Death: 1945-09-03, Private, 3516th Ordnance Automotive Maintenance Company, Service# 36636127, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 37, U.S. Army, World War IIDE LA GARZA, Alfonso , Death: 1945-03-04, Private, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 38675767, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 34, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE LA RIVIERE, Guy G., Death: 1944-04-09, Staff Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32610489, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE LAY, Joseph R., Death: 1944-11-02, Sergeant, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39406818, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE LONG, Harold B., Death: 1944-01-29, Second Lieutenant, 709th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-739408, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE MARCO, Frank T., Death: 1945-04-16, Private First Class, 304th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, Service# 39050069, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE ROSA, John A., Death: 1944-07-21, Sergeant, 705th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39207368, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE ROSIER, Donald P., Death: 1944-12-04, Private First Class, 378th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, Service# 39183132, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE RYCKE, Omar E., Death: 1942-12-23, Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 12022618, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 9, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE SHAZER, Leo V., Death: 1945-04-05, Staff Sergeant, 113th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 19017540, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIDE SIMONE, Edward , Death: 1944-12-05, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 32795844, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE VAULT, Donald C., Death: 1945-02-23, Private First Class, 413rd Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, Service# 33890099, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDE VILBISS, Warren E., Death: 1944-06-02, Flight Officer, 414th Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-001910, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 37, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDE WITT, Roy B., Death: 1944-11-02, Private First Class, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 32440236, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 18, U.S. Army, World War IIDE YAEGER, Raymond A., Death: 1944-04-11, Staff Sergeant, 412nd Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12207912, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEAN, Charles R., Death: 1943-10-10, Staff Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15107698, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEAN, Clark T., Death: 1944-05-20, Captain, 453rd Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-663242, State of Entry: Georgia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEAN, Holgate J., Death: 1943-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11055383, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEAN, William C. Jr., Death: 1944-04-19, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39555534, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEATHRIDGE, James L., Death: 1944-06-08, Yeoman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 6400363, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIDEBOWSKI, Joseph M., Death: 1944-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 858th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13057528, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDECHON, Harold E., Death: 1946-01-24, Private, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 39152404, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, PVT Dechon's remains have been recovered and identified. He is interred at Arlington National Cemetery. PVT Dechon's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery.DECKARD, Oliver E., Death: 1943-07-26, Staff Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15332856, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDECKER, Jerome H., Death: 1944-11-21, First Lieutenant, 314th Fighter Squadron, 324th Fighter Group, Service# O-763520, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEFENBAUGH, Ross N., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20619512, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEIGNAN, Robert R., Death: 1945-03-03, Staff Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16107054, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDELANEY, John A. Jr., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31139615, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDELANY, George W., Death: 1944-12-19, Sergeant, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 37611705, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDELAVORE, John , Death: 1944-03-18, First Lieutenant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-806955, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDELISE, Joseph L., Death: 1944-09-17, Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 34230760, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDELLWARDT, Harvey S., Death: 1944-07-31, Second Lieutenant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-712521, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDELNERO, Carmeno J., Death: 1944-11-21, Second Lieutenant, 334th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-767148, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDELP, Edgar G., Death: 1943-12-12, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13130919, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEMASTUS, Walter Leon, Death: 1945-02-21, Private, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 34916098, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDEMMLER, Charles A. Jr., Death: 1944-11-29, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35071241, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDENBO, Paul , Death: 1944-08-12, First Lieutenant, 79th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# O-760265, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDENK, Walter H., Death: 1944-12-22, Sergeant, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 36212567, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDENNIS, James G., Death: 1944-05-24, Second Lieutenant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-816707, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDENT, James E. Jr., Death: 1944-04-13, Second Lieutenant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-813868, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDENTON, Max W., Death: 1945-03-21, Staff Sergeant, 816th Bomber Squadron, 483rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34886179, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDERENCE, Leonard A., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33697311, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDES, Voignes Clair W., Death: 1944-07-13, Captain, 38th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O-743425, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDESHAZO, John D., Death: 1944-12-19, Technician Third Grade, 2nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 6951270, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDEVINEY, Harold A., Death: 1943-08-31, First Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# O-886052, State of Entry: Canada, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDEVITO, Joseph A., Death: 1945-01-15, Private, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 32250062, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDEVLIN, George V., Death: 1945-03-17, Sergeant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33784012, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEVLIN, James J., Death: 1944-10-13, Sergeant, 725th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33173634, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEVORE, Herbert G., Death: 1944-03-15, Captain, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-800333, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEWEY, William B., Death: 1944-10-13, First Lieutenant, 53rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# O-815286, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDEZIEL, Leon G., Death: 1945-03-02, Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31374592, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDI CAMILLO, Angelo M., Death: 1944-11-06, Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32950669, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDI MARTINO, Dante , Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 7070762, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDI MARTINO, Louis , Death: 1944-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 765th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13153198, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDI NICOLA, Louis P., Death: 1944-10-06, Technical Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33298993, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIAL, Carlie , Death: 1944-08-07, Staff Sergeant, 831st Bomber Squadron, 485th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34671609, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIAMON, Richard C., Death: 1944-12-23, First Lieutenant, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# O-440309, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDICK, Charles S., Death: 1942-12-06, Sergeant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31033519, State of Entry: Kentucky, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICK, James B. Jr., Death: 1944-04-08, Technical Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19181027, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICK, Samuel D., Death: 1944-08-31, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 13084832, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 19, U.S. Army, World War IIDICKENSON, Darrell R., Death: 1944-03-15, Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37438621, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 23, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICKINSON, Elmer E., Death: 1944-06-18, Private, 168th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division, Service# 20701653, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 49, U.S. Army, World War IIDICKINSON, John L., Death: 1944-01-21, Technical Sergeant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32453614, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICKMAN, Charles W., Death: 1944-02-24, First Lieutenant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-750184, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICKSON, Roy E., Death: 1944-12-30, Staff Sergeant, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 36044910, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDICKSON, William G., Death: 1943-06-22, Technical Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37068898, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Soldier's Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDICKY, Michael , Death: 1944-08-13, Sergeant, 71st Field Artillery Battalion, 5th Armored Division, Service# 32034793, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 7, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDIERSCH, Charles M., Death: 1944-06-08, Water Tender First Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 6071692, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIDIGMAN, Thomas Jr., Death: 1944-04-29, Second Lieutenant, 578th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-690553, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 52, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDILTS, Kenneth L., Death: 1945-01-01, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16083112, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDILTS, Thomas B., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15322732, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDINZL, Frederick W., Death: 1944-11-05, Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39299296, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDISCHINGER, Prosper F., Death: 1945-01-17, Private, 289th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 38677913, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDIVIL, Kenneth D., Death: 1944-09-27, Sergeant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35765539, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIXON, Billy H., Death: 1944-06-08, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 9399479, State of Entry: Mississippi, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIDIXON, James E., Death: 1944-05-30, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35448138, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIXON, James W., Death: 1945-07-20, First Lieutenant, 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# O-789009, State of Entry: Louisiana, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIXON, Leonard , Death: 1943-11-29, Technical Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39829734, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDIXON, Robert , Death: 1945-12-18, Private, 333rd Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 34481844, State of Entry: Mississippi, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOANE, William F., Death: 1944-10-01, Private First Class, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 36421073, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDODD, Alton V., Death: 1945-04-10, Technical Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38404948, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDODD, Harrison James, Death: 1944-06-21, Technical Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12203113, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 33, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOEPPKE, Otto J., Death: 1944-04-05, Sergeant, 723rd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37654332, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOERR, Harold A., Death: 1944-11-02, Second Lieutenant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-782841, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 55, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOHERTY, Floyd C. Jr., Death: 1945-02-09, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38629817, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOHERTY, Robert L., Death: 1944-10-07, Staff Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13039292, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOLD, William F., Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 832nd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15325004, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOLLARHIDE, Erskine S., Death: 1943-06-22, Captain, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-374700, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOLSON, Donn W., Death: 1945-07-20, Flight Officer, 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# T-061515, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOMIN, Edward S., Death: 1945-02-10, Technician Fifth Grade, 740th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, Service# 32833442, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 35, U.S. Army, World War IIDOMIN, William S., Death: 1945-04-20, Private First Class, 125th Engineer Battalion, 14th Armored Division, Service# 32671975, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOMLADOVAC, Steve Jr., Death: 1943-12-01, Second Lieutenant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-750242, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDONALDSON, James B., Death: 1945-03-05, Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 35220891, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 24, Grave: 8, U.S. Army, World War IIDONALDSON, Paul L., Death: 1945-02-06, Private First Class, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 36841152, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 14, U.S. Army, World War IIDONAVON, Gerald T., Death: 1944-04-02, Staff Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32218454, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 55, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDONELSON, Alfred M., Death: 1944-08-22, Second Lieutenant, 724th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-819394, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDONNELL, Carl J., Death: 1945-04-07, Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38516351, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDONNELLY, Edward G., Death: 1944-04-11, Sergeant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32765853, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDONOVAN, Jerome J., Death: 1943-08-27, Private, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 6910374, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 15, U.S. Army, World War IIDOTSON, John F., Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34326548, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOTTAVANIO, Joseph , Death: 1944-09-17, Private, 101st Signal Company, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 33439205, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOUCETTE, Oliver R., Death: 1944-12-21, Technician Fifth Grade, 420th Field Artillery Battalion, 10th Armored Division, Service# 31212911, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOUGHERTY, Fred L. Jr., Death: 1943-10-14, First Lieutenant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-801063, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOUGHERTY, James B., Death: 1944-02-08, Second Lieutenant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-681986, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOUGLAS, Nathan C., Death: 1945-04-10, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14174338, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOVER, Clifton M., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-757706, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOWIS, David D., Death: 1944-08-24, Staff Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39164394, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOWNARD, Jesse R., Death: 1943-04-17, Technical Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17015695, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOWNEY, John J. III, Death: 1944-10-30, Staff Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12193464, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOWNEY, Lawrence Jr., Death: 1944-12-04, Second Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 1997842, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDOYLE, William J. Jr., Death: 1944-12-18, Private, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 33593807, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDOZKUSE, Walter S., Death: 1943-10-04, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12047738, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 52, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRABNIS, Alfred , Death: 1943-09-27, Flight Officer, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-000072, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRAHOS, Victor C., Death: 1944-10-30, Sergeant, 753rd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35913669, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRENNON, William M., Death: 1945-05-13, Corporal, 74th Squadron, 42nd Air Service Group, Service# 34714956, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 50, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRESSLER, Nolan E., Death: 1944-04-12, Second Lieutenant, 745th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-692956, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDREYER, Clem J., Death: 1944-05-29, Sergeant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35094551, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRIPPAN, Paul D., Death: 1945-05-30, Private, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 36396582, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDRISCOLL, Robert C., Death: 1944-11-07, Captain, 229th Field Artillery Battalion, 28th Infantry Division, Service# O-401790, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 32, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDRIVER, Robert R., Death: 1943-10-01, Staff Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16009315, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDRUGAN, Donald T., Death: 1944-10-18, Second Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-768485, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDU BARD, James D. Jr., Death: 1942-12-06, First Lieutenant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-410225, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUFF, Edward B., Death: 1945-04-16, Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 31467322, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUFFY, Gerald J., Death: 1944-11-08, Second Lieutenant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711617, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUFFY, Raymond V., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12137738, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUGGAN, William J., Death: 1944-11-28, Private, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 38019601, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUKE, James P. Jr., Death: 1944-09-26, Second Lieutenant, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# O-537854, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUKE, Namon C., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34339881, State of Entry: Alabama, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUKE, Sylvester , Death: 1944-12-31, Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33768047, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUMAS, John G., Death: 1945-03-06, Private First Class, 302nd Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 38525959, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUMONT, Edward C., Death: 1944-11-08, Private First Class, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31456753, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 18, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUMSER, Francois A., Death: 1944-08-12, Sergeant, 12th Squadron, 67th Reconnaissance Group, Service# 34003042, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 42, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNCAN, Albert C., Death: 1944-04-08, First Lieutenant, 375th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group, Service# O-678845, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNCAN, Dennis H., Death: 1944-12-27, First Lieutenant, 492nd Fighter Squadron, 48th Fighter Group, Service# O-810637, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNCAN, James L., Death: 1943-07-26, Technical Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16065345, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 45, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNKEL, Mark R., Death: 1944-06-20, Second Lieutenant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-809936, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 33, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNMIRE, David P., Death: 1945-02-22, First Lieutenant, 368th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group, Service# O-817904, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNN, John B. Jr., Death: 1944-05-19, First Lieutenant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-690067, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNN, William D., Death: 1944-08-16, Staff Sergeant, 422nd Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39333988, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNNAVANT, William W., Death: 1943-03-04, Technical Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6845868, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUNWOODY, Paul D., Death: 1944-09-17, Technical Sergeant, 73rd Squadron, 434th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 34163152, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDURANT, Harvey A., Death: 1944-04-11, Second Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-702913, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDURHAM, Ballard P., Death: 1944-09-09, Captain, 391st Field Artillery Battalion, 3rd Armored Division, Service# O-409647, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIDURRANCE, Edward E., Death: 1944-01-04, Second Lieutenant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-748603, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDURRENBERGER, John J., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32767798, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 15, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDURRETT, Stanley E., Death: 1944-09-22, Flight Officer, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-061615, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 14, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUTCHER, Homer E., Death: 1944-11-03, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 32587947, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDUWEL, Bernard A., Death: 1944-06-29, Staff Sergeant, 709th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15394074, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDUZAN, Fred C. Jr., Death: 1944-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 765th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15062921, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 16, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDWORETZKY, Edward , Death: 1945-03-14, Staff Sergeant, 781st Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16141665, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 56, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDYKE, Andrew A., Death: 1943-10-09, Technical Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32427528, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIDYNICE, Stephen T., Death: 1945-03-11, Corporal, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, Service# 31082626, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIDZIA, Dzia Ray P., Death: 1944-04-12, Staff Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11101178, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEAKINS, Archie , Death: 1944-05-06, Staff Sergeant, 725th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32010147, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEARLE, Hazen V., Death: 1944-12-30, Staff Sergeant, 602nd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31204391, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEARLEY, Stanton A., Death: 1943-10-01, Technical Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34268046, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEARMAN, John M., Death: 1944-04-27, First Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# O-886185, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEARNHARDT, Fred G., Death: 1944-06-20, Sergeant, 847th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34598162, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEASTBURN, Harley R., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39320610, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEASTERLING, William T., Death: 1944-04-08, Second Lieutenant, 735th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-805792, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 26, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEASTERLY, William S., Death: 1944-04-11, Captain, 357th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-795921, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 37, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEASTON, Alexander , Death: 1944-11-08, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36902941, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 46, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEATON, James A., Death: 1944-11-12, Staff Sergeant, 377th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, Service# 32855293, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Staff SGT Eaton's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial at St. Avold (Moselle), France.EATON, Joseph J. Jr., Death: 1944-08-07, Lieutenant Colonel, Headquarters Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-023265, State of Entry: Alabama, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEATON, Thomas E., Death: 1944-01-05, First Lieutenant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-741892, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 46, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEBARB, Arthur C., Death: 1945-02-03, First Lieutenant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-719033, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEBERLY, Walter E., Death: 1944-12-25, Technical Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33240653, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 28, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIECK, Donald C., Death: 1944-04-04, Staff Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35599307, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIECKERSON, Gilbert H., Death: 1945-04-17, Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39201896, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 35, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIECKERT, Melvin , Death: 1943-06-25, Staff Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38113790, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 22, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIECKROSH, Floyd D., Death: 1944-08-24, Staff Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17097350, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 26, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDELEN, Earl T., Death: 1943-08-01, Sergeant, 344th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32187178, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 9, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDEN, Lawrence V., Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12211631, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 15, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDGAR, George M., Death: 1944-06-21, Technical Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16003372, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 31, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDGETT, Albert H., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37228561, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDINGER, James E., Death: 1943-06-25, Technical Sergeant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33168703, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDLMANN, Walter C., Death: 1943-07-28, Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16100488, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDMONDS, Floyd R., Death: 1945-01-21, Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 34593869, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEDMONDSON, John A., Death: 1945-03-26, Private First Class, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 42102154, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 32, U.S. Army, World War IIEDWARDS, Charles W., Death: 1944-08-24, First Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-854337, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDWARDS, Claude A., Death: 1945-04-08, Technical Sergeant, 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 35626955, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 29, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEDWARDS, Farris E., Death: 1944-07-15, Private First Class, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 34475339, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEDWARDS, James I., Death: 1945-05-17, Private, 1511th Engineer Water Supply Company, Service# 32776965, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 3, U.S. Army, World War IIEDWARDS, Robert H., Death: 1943-09-09, Second Lieutenant, 8th Combat Camera Unit, Eight Air Force, Service# O-856187, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEDWARDS, Robert P., Death: 1944-11-27, First Lieutenant, 385th Fighter Squadron, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-736162, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 41, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEFIRD, Lonnie M., Death: 1944-01-30, Staff Sergeant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34312175, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEGAN, John F. Jr., Death: 1944-09-20, Staff Sergeant, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 12021398, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 6, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIEGGERS, William T., Death: 1944-09-13, Technical Sergeant, 831st Bomber Squadron, 485th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37393134, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 33, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEGNATENKO, Harry , Death: 1944-10-13, Staff Sergeant, 725th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33591276, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 54, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEHLERT, Warren W., Death: 1944-09-19, Second Lieutenant, 53rd Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-887919, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEHMANN, Paul J., Death: 1944-03-08, Second Lieutenant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-468419, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 14, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEHR, Willard , Death: 1945-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16117719, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 15, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEHRNMAN, Bowen T. Jr., Death: 1944-05-19, Second Lieutenant, 858th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-699364, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEINIK, Theodore , Death: 1945-07-03, Master Sergeant, 1391st Army Air Force Base Unit, Service# 11040940, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 17, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEISENHART, Willard W., Death: 1943-06-22, Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6548966, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEISENHAUER, Elwood P., Death: 1945-04-07, Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33516190, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEISENHAUER, John Charles, Death: 1944-09-27, Second Lieutenant, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# O-887325, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 21, American Defense Service Medal, Bronze Star, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal (Army), Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman Badge, U.S. Army, World War IIEISLER, Eugene R., Death: 1945-12-27, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 42137235, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEKLIND, Robert W., Death: 1944-08-24, First Lieutenant, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, Service# O-371892, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, 1LT Edlind's name is permanently inscribed at the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial. His remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery.ELAMAN, Woodrow , Death: 1944-05-03, Seaman Apprentice, Service# 7019112, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 56, U.S. Coast Guard, World War IIELANDER, John H., Death: 1945-03-31, Sergeant, 415th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36951512, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 56, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELFERT, Leroy T., Death: 1945-04-10, Technical Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20307592, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 25, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELIE, Joseph T., Death: 1945-03-21, Staff Sergeant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11029943, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELKO, Joseph S., Death: 1944-11-09, Corporal, 1340th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 33014143, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELLIOTT, John J. Jr., Death: 1944-09-19, Private, 907th Field Artillery Bn, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 32951182, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELLIOTT, Robert S., Death: 1944-12-23, Sergeant, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 32772929, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELLIOTT, Samuel J., Death: 1944-12-08, Sergeant, 378th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, Service# 37213116, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 55, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELLIS, Calvin J. Jr., Death: 1945-04-04, First Lieutenant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-689455, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLIS, Earl E., Death: 1944-02-04, Captain, 813th Bomber Squadron, 482nd Bomber Group, Pursuit, Service# O-789239, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 32, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLIS, James C., Death: 1943-07-28, Technical Sergeant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17032360, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 41, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLIS, John R., Death: 1944-04-12, Sergeant, 700th Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32931619, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 43, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLIS, Richard F., Death: 1945-03-14, Second Lieutenant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-926771, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 48, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLIS, Robert L., Death: 1945-01-15, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 19152320, State of Entry: Montana, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELLISON, James D., Death: 1944-10-15, Second Lieutenant, 835th Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-776888, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELLISON, William J., Death: 1944-11-13, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 36690609, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIELMORE, Elmer W., Death: 1944-01-30, Staff Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16127802, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELMORE, Lawrence W., Death: 1945-01-07, Sergeant, 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 20315803, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIELOWITZ, David , Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12155480, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 37, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIELWOOD, Charlie Jr., Death: 1945-02-02, Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 34498898, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 22, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEMERICK, Ore A., Death: 1944-12-19, Private First Class, 409th Infantry Regiment, 103th Infantry Division, Service# 35075095, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIEMERY, Albert W., Death: 1943-02-15, Technical Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6245362, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEMERY, David T. Jr., Death: 1943-10-09, Second Lieutenant, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797289, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEMPIE, Elmer W., Death: 1945-03-31, Second Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2074682, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 6, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIENGELKING, Otto B., Death: 1944-04-18, First Lieutenant, 572nd Bomber Squadron, 391st Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-670516, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIENGLAND, Walter R., Death: 1944-11-11, Sergeant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34776142, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIENGLISH, Albert W., Death: 1944-04-08, Sergeant, 786th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16122131, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 55, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIENGLISH, Carlton C., Death: 1944-11-16, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 33637271, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIENOS, Edward J., Death: 1944-11-13, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 31135177, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 48, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIERHARDT, Robert J., Death: 1944-06-28, Private First Class, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 42007459, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIERICHSEN, Charles W. J., Death: 1944-09-09, Second Lieutenant, 422nd Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1111048, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 53, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIERICKSEN, Christian V., Death: 1944-12-19, Private First Class, 411th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry Division, Service# 19095617, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 15, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIERICKSON, Delbert , Death: 1945-02-26, Private First Class, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 39382844, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIERICKSON, John G., Death: 1944-05-10, Staff Sergeant, 497th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 31190967, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESCHINGER, Edward G., Death: 1945-04-17, Staff Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33799319, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 23, Grave: 10, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESKLUND, Theodore H., Death: 1945-03-15, Second Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-930035, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESPIG, Paul H., Death: 1944-12-23, Private First Class, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 33830727, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIESPINOZA, Benjamin F., Death: 1945-03-31, Technical Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38165504, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 8, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESTEL, Forest F., Death: 1944-05-25, Technical Sergeant, 455th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 33105396, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESTER, Elbert E., Death: 1944-06-20, Staff Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39553701, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESTES, Jack W., Death: 1945-01-08, Private First Class, 60th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 39128581, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 15, U.S. Army, World War IIESTES, Jesse E., Death: 1945-02-07, Technician Fourth Grade, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 7080651, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIESTESS, Cecil C., Death: 1944-04-10, Staff Sergeant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34425600, State of Entry: Mississippi, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIESTOPINAL, Walter , Death: 1945-01-11, Private First Class, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 38312997, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIESTRADA, Amos F., Death: 1944-06-21, Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39708128, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEUWER, Charles T. Jr., Death: 1944-07-07, Second Lieutenant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711367, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVANS, Edward , Death: 1945-03-15, Staff Sergeant, 711th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13187455, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 20, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVANS, John S., Death: 1944-11-19, Major, Headquarters Squadron, Ninth Air Force, Service# O-439708, State of Entry: Connecticut, Missing in Action, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVANS, Philip C., Death: 1944-02-10, Second Lieutenant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-800857, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 51, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVANS, Rowland H., Death: 1944-02-22, First Lieutenant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-681361, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVANS, Wayne Jr., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 852nd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-666018, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 27, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIEVERETT, John D., Death: 1945-02-06, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, Service# 9308717, State of Entry: Georgia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Navy, World War IIEVERY, Allen B., Death: 1944-12-27, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 42144941, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFABER, Kenneth , Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 832nd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32551563, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFABIAN, Paul K., Death: 1944-01-21, Second Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679486, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFABISIAK, Theodore F., Death: 1944-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 857th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32586872, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAGNER, Howard E., Death: 1944-11-18, Private First Class, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 42026804, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFAIR, Nathan E. Jr., Death: 1943-07-26, Second Lieutenant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-523334, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAIRBANKS, Thomas F., Death: 1945-03-24, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37227150, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 44, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAIRCLOTH, William T., Death: 1945-01-28, First Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-769110, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAIRLEY, David R., Death: 1944-02-23, Staff Sergeant, 512th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18217536, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAITH, Edgar C., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18070690, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 20, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFALLACARO, Dominic , Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688518, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 6, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFALLAW, Charles L., Death: 1944-10-28, , Service# , State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 21, World War IIFALOTICO, James J., Death: 1944-10-22, Sergeant, 339th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry Division, Service# 32615863, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 22, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFANER, Leonard N., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32605317, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFANNON, Tommie R., Death: 1944-11-12, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 13015834, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFARKAS, Joseph M., Death: 1945-03-21, Second Lieutenant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1320027, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 8, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARLEY, Joseph R., Death: 1944-05-28, Second Lieutenant, 351st Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-806645, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARLEY, Keith G., Death: 1945-02-25, First Lieutenant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-831312, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARMER, Burnice C., Death: 1943-01-27, Technical Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14053183, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARNUM, James S., Death: 1943-08-12, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33325122, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARREN, Joseph A., Death: 1945-01-05, First Lieutenant, 551st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# O1548404, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFARRINGTON, Clarence , Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683670, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARRIS, Gerald H., Death: 1944-11-30, First Lieutenant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-766246, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 39, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFARRIS, Wilburn E., Death: 1944-11-06, Staff Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36375428, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 1, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFAULL, Thomas R., Death: 1944-11-06, Staff Sergeant, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 20312725, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 46, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFAUROT, Doyt W., Death: 1944-08-04, Technical Sergeant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15019464, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAWCETT, Frank E., Death: 1945-04-05, Second Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2061914, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFAZEKAS, Frank , Death: 1944-05-27, First Lieutenant, 22nd Squadron, 36th Fighter Bomber Group, Service# O-798271, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEATHERS, George A., Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33757494, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFECHO, Joseph , Death: 1943-12-20, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32334948, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFECTEAU, Roland W., Death: 1944-09-20, Sergeant, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# 11090817, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, Soldier's Medal, U.S. Army, World War IIFEDERONICK, Charles J., Death: 1944-03-17, Staff Sergeant, 756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35587743, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEELEY, Joseph E. Jr., Death: 1944-02-24, Second Lieutenant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-687826, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEESE, Robert B., Death: 1943-11-05, Staff Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17060169, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEHRENBACH, Robert L., Death: 1945-04-15, Private First Class, 528th Ordnance Maintenance Company, Service# 39291755, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 15, U.S. Army, World War IIFEIN, Howard , Death: 1944-05-13, Second Lieutenant, 787th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-685822, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEINBERG, Irving , Death: 1944-11-24, Private First Class, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, Service# 12188532, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFEINGOLD, Leonard H., Death: 1944-01-05, Second Lieutenant, 713th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688744, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFELBINGER, Andrew E. J., Death: 1944-07-11, Second Lieutenant, 564th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-700721, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFELD, Sylvan , Death: 1944-08-21, Major, Headquarters Squadron, 373rd Fighter Group, Service# O-437064, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, Major Feld's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. Major Feld's remains have been recovered and are interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery.FELDMAN, Norbert B., Death: 1943-03-18, First Lieutenant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-789382, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 10, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFELKER, Osteen , Death: 1944-11-06, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 34193235, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFELSINGER, John D., Death: 1945-03-09, Second Lieutenant, 94th Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, Service# O-805016, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFELTON, Carl H. Jr., Death: 1944-06-22, Second Lieutenant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-801447, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFENNER, Marvin F., Death: 1944-06-12, Technical Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16060081, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERGUSON, Albert , Death: 1944-07-12, Private, 691st Ordnance Ammunition Company, Service# 34420254, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: A, Row: 17, Grave: 1, U.S. Army, World War IIFERGUSON, Allen J., Death: 1944-11-18, Captain, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# O-271682, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFERGUSON, Donald H., Death: 1944-12-31, Second Lieutenant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-800860, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERGUSON, James A., Death: 1944-11-16, Sergeant, 783rd Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35228999, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERGUSON, John C., Death: 1943-07-30, Technical Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38115307, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERGUSON, Larry N., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 384th Fighter Squadron, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-743436, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERGUSON, Robert S., Death: 1945-04-06, Second Lieutenant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O2066649, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 26, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERNANDES, Irwin W., Death: 1944-08-05, First Lieutenant, 77th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, Service# O-750561, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 12, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERNANDEZ, Angelo E., Death: 1944-02-25, Technical Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32437791, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERRELL, Ray , Death: 1944-01-05, Staff Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18098665, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERRI, Frank L., Death: 1944-10-10, Technical Sergeant, 553rd Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 32452004, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 32, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERRILL, William B., Death: 1943-12-11, Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11085279, State of Entry: Vermont, Plot: B, Row: 12, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFERRIS, Melvin H., Death: 1944-07-27, Private, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31375784, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 52, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFERSCH, Russell F., Death: 1945-02-25, Staff Sergeant, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 36277717, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 17, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFETHERSTON, Frank E., Death: 1943-10-10, Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32417739, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFEUERSTEIN, Louis E., Death: 1944-04-23, Staff Sergeant, 746th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32762402, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 37, Grave: 16, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFIAMINGHI, Santi J., Death: 1945-02-08, Private First Class, 409th Infantry Regiment, 103th Infantry Division, Service# 32632509, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 27, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFIDLER, Ewing E., Death: 1944-12-16, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 38563531, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFIELD, Philip C., Death: 1945-03-31, Flight Officer, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-065963, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFIELD, Richard H., Death: 1944-02-20, Second Lieutenant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747656, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFIERROS, Albert R., Death: 1945-05-08, Private First Class, 539th Engineer Light Pontoon Company, Service# 39134673, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 18, U.S. Army, World War IIFIERY, Charles D., Death: 1944-01-11, Second Lieutenant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-746948, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFILLER, Donald , Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-672586, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFINGERHUT, Paul A., Death: 1944-11-06, Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 6980932, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFINK, Ernest , Death: 1945-03-22, Sergeant, 783rd Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33789947, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 33, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFINK, Walter H., Death: 1944-08-01, Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 38158756, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 47, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFINKLESTEIN, Herman , Death: 1944-12-31, Sergeant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32882519, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFINNEGAN, Paul F., Death: 1944-12-24, Staff Sergeant, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 31248313, State of Entry: Connecticut, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFIORENTINO, Joseph T., Death: 1944-06-25, Staff Sergeant, 564th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13153046, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 38, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFIROF, Dale E., Death: 1945-01-14, Staff Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17198773, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISCHAHS, Albert P., Death: 1944-12-24, Technician Fifth Grade, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 38110913, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 29, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISCHER, Clemence J., Death: 1944-12-23, Technician Fifth Grade, 27th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 37237214, State of Entry: Kansas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISCHER, Richard P., Death: 1945-03-03, Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35234101, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISCHER, Robert G., Death: 1944-08-08, Second Lieutenant, 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-705570, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISCHER, Thomas N., Death: 1944-10-01, Private, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 33774865, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 45, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISHER, Alfred E., Death: 1945-12-22, Private First Class, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 31373210, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISHER, David D., Death: 1944-01-31, Second Lieutenant, 38th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O2044928, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISHER, Eastman G., Death: 1943-06-17, Technical Sergeant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# 10601018, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISHER, Gordon R., Death: 1944-09-30, Sergeant, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 39463673, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFISHER, Ira M. Jr., Death: 1944-12-17, First Lieutenant, 508th Fighter Squadron, 404th Fighter Group, Service# O-823053, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 24, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISHER, Ralph E., Death: 1945-01-21, First Lieutenant, 653rd Weather Squadron, Service# O-814044, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISHER, Robert E., Death: 1945-03-20, Staff Sergeant, 773rd Bomber Squadron, 463rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37704602, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFISHER, William C., Death: 1943-12-16, Flight Officer, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# T-190910, State of Entry: Canada, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFITCH, Ralph H., Death: 1944-05-10, Technical Sergeant, 497th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 11122096, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFITZER, Homer D., Death: 1943-10-14, Second Lieutenant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-736500, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFITZSIMMONDS, John B., Death: 1944-11-28, First Lieutenant, 386th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group, Service# O-816085, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFITZSIMMONS, Bernard , Death: 1944-11-26, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 31467822, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFJOSNE, Elmer , Death: 1943-10-10, Staff Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16095813, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLADD, Howard B., Death: 1944-11-06, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33494914, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFLAHARTY, Jack L., Death: 1944-10-19, Staff Sergeant, 391st Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32830737, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLAHERTY, Patrick J., Death: 1944-11-21, Technical Sergeant, 706th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12090834, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLANAGAN, David C., Death: 1945-03-02, Captain, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-685574, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLANNERY, Robert M., Death: 1945-04-07, Technical Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33626105, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLATTER, Samuel W., Death: 1944-01-07, Technical Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35406134, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLAUGHER, Harold J., Death: 1944-06-18, Staff Sergeant, 754th Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35791387, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLEEGE, John F., Death: 1944-04-12, Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17070692, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLEENER, Lyle R., Death: 1944-06-23, Second Lieutenant, 341st Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-816280, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLEMING, Kenneth V., Death: 1945-01-28, Second Lieutenant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2069183, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLESHMAN, Lewis J., Death: 1943-03-08, Staff Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12035273, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 33, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLETCHER, Harold , Death: 1945-02-15, Sergeant, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 38491718, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFLOOD, William C. Jr., Death: 1944-12-03, Seaman First Class, Service# 2457860, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 7, U.S. Navy, World War IIFLOOD, William W., Death: 1944-11-15, Second Lieutenant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1540361, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLORES, Joseph , Death: 1944-08-24, Second Lieutenant, 4th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-707254, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLORI, Louis R. Jr., Death: 1945-01-30, Private, 46th Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, Service# 37642186, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFLUEGEL, Theodore M., Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17106004, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLUSCHE, Julius O., Death: 1944-01-04, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682316, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFLYNN, James , Death: 1945-03-15, Sergeant, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Service# 36900625, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFOGARTY, John G., Death: 1943-07-29, First Lieutenant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-733424, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOLEY, Robert W., Death: 1944-12-03, Private, 47th Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, Service# 12130830, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 3, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFOLGER, John M., Death: 1944-08-06, First Lieutenant, 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-758787, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFONTAINE, Omer , Death: 1944-03-29, Staff Sergeant, 749th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20133878, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOODY, James G., Death: 1945-04-10, Sergeant, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, Service# 36591212, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFOOTE, Tom B., Death: 1944-02-22, Staff Sergeant, 341st Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12145183, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORBES, John D., Death: 1945-03-20, Staff Sergeant, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 36117290, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 31, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIFORD, Charles H., Death: 1944-03-06, Technical Sergeant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39166298, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORD, Ray D., Death: 1943-11-29, Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6888102, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORDHAM, James W., Death: 1945-01-03, Sergeant, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 6927326, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFOREST, Robert F., Death: 1943-06-13, Technical Sergeant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11050950, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORESTER, John S. Jr., Death: 1944-12-23, Technical Sergeant, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 33845003, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIFORMAN, Charles D. Jr., Death: 1944-12-24, Second Lieutenant, 347th Bomber Squadron, 99th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-774992, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORSYTHE, William K., Death: 1944-05-30, Staff Sergeant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13126702, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFORTWENGLER, William , Death: 1943-11-03, Technical Sergeant, 456th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 35112464, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOSS, John R., Death: 1944-05-19, Sergeant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34707354, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOSTER, Chester B., Death: 1944-10-06, Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37244981, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOSTER, John F., Death: 1944-05-19, Sergeant, 859th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20756379, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOUNTAIN, Raymond W. J., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11108174, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOUST, Charles R., Death: 1945-12-23, Technician Fifth Grade, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 14062904, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFOWLER, Lloyd T., Death: 1943-08-01, Technical Sergeant, 345th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# R-845712, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOWLER, William E., Death: 1945-02-06, Technical Sergeant, 786th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37558091, State of Entry: South Dakota, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOWLKES, William K., Death: 1945-03-31, Second Lieutenant, 415th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-834783, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOX, Daniel C., Death: 1943-08-12, Technical Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18130587, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOX, Edward A., Death: 1943-12-30, Second Lieutenant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-808980, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOX, Frederick W., Death: 1943-11-13, Technical Sergeant, 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6707603, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFOX, Richard R., Death: 1945-02-16, Sergeant, 640th Bomber Squadron, 409th Bomber Group, Light, Service# 35141238, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANCIS, Edward R., Death: 1944-12-17, Technician Fifth Grade, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33606668, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRANCIS, Russell A., Death: 1945-04-22, Captain, 506th Fighter Squadron, 404th Fighter Group, Service# O-790647, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 11, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANK, Marshall V., Death: 1946-01-24, Private, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 36983776, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRANKENBERG, Manley G., Death: 1943-09-06, Second Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735302, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANKLIN, James D., Death: 1943-06-25, Staff Sergeant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17091572, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANKLIN, Melvin C., Death: 1944-07-28, First Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-664387, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANKLIN, Perry L., Death: 1945-01-06, Private, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 19056286, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 3, U.S. Army, World War IIFRANKS, Jesse D. Jr., Death: 1943-08-01, First Lieutenant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-734444, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRANZ, Harold W., Death: 1944-12-10, Staff Sergeant, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 36167492, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 54, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRANZEN, George W., Death: 1944-04-29, Flight Officer, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-123210, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRASER, James E., Death: 1944-05-29, First Lieutenant, 415th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-693030, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRAUENHOLTZ, Robert J., Death: 1945-04-07, Staff Sergeant, 835th Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37558996, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRAZER, Charles L., Death: 1945-04-06, Second Lieutenant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-785790, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 19, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFREAS, Russell A. Jr., Death: 1944-12-23, Captain, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# O-412670, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIFREEBORN, Duane E., Death: 1943-11-13, First Lieutenant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-668922, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 22, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFREEBORN, Glenn N., Death: 1944-03-22, Second Lieutenant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-561040, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFREEMAN, Francis E., Death: 1944-04-19, Staff Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37236298, State of Entry: Kansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFREEMAN, Thomas H., Death: 1944-11-02, Second Lieutenant, 711th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-766862, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFREEMON, Julius J., Death: 1944-12-05, Sergeant, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 14119106, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRENCH, Jack , Death: 1944-08-09, Sergeant, 1390th Army Air Force Base Unit, Service# 38228507, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 5, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRENCH, Lloyd D., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711063, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRENCH, Virgil L., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 750th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35566315, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRENCH, Warren M., Death: 1944-09-28, Second Lieutenant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-712282, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRIEDENTHAL, Isidore , Death: 1944-06-20, Second Lieutenant, 847th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695418, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRIEDMAN, Ely N., Death: 1944-08-25, Second Lieutenant, 839th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-723047, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRIEDMAN, Fredrick , Death: 1945-03-28, Private, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, Service# 12225748, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 36, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRIESORGER, Edward , Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 812th Bomber Squadron, 482nd Bomber Group, Pursuit, Service# 36171942, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 7, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRITZ, George H., Death: 1944-07-15, First Lieutenant, 723rd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-814289, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFROEHLICH, Michael G., Death: 1943-06-11, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32458436, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFROST, Earl L., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32144768, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFROST, Elson E., Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17075214, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFROST, Russell D., Death: 1945-03-23, Sergeant, 18th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36752634, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRY, Alfred D., Death: 1944-05-30, First Lieutenant, 397th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, Service# O-797816, State of Entry: Virginia, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRY, Emory A., Death: 1944-09-19, Flight Officer, 81st Squadron, 436th Troop Carrier Group, Service# T-122687, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRYDRYCH, Arthur J., Death: 1944-11-12, Private, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35896258, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFRYE, Benjamin A. Jr., Death: 1945-04-07, Staff Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14190259, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 9, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFRYE, Carroll F., Death: 1945-04-18, Private First Class, 839th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Company, Service# 35901086, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 11, U.S. Army, World War IIFRYER, Austin E., Death: 1944-12-31, Second Lieutenant, 391st Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-777519, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFUCCILLO, George A., Death: 1945-03-02, Second Lieutenant, 829th Bomber Squadron, 485th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1998952, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 35, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFUGETT, Elmo D., Death: 1945-01-19, Private First Class, 289th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 35125250, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFULKERSON, William H., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 854th Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17045556, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, David E., Death: 1943-08-27, Technical Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36502519, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, Donald M., Death: 1944-06-20, Second Lieutenant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-817656, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, Fred C., Death: 1944-04-20, Staff Sergeant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32730850, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, George E., Death: 1945-03-18, Technical Sergeant, 791st Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34782039, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, Robert D., Death: 1944-05-27, First Lieutenant, 494th Fighter Squadron, 48th Fighter Group, Service# O-672597, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, Roger W., Death: 1944-04-11, Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36478009, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFULLER, Thomas E., Death: 1943-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39526237, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFUNDERBURK, Fred M., Death: 1945-01-06, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 34779655, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 15, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIFUNK, Ferdinand D., Death: 1944-05-06, Private, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 12022158, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 14, U.S. Army, World War IIFUNK, James J., Death: 1943-11-02, Staff Sergeant, 32nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36044560, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFURTTA, Walter , Death: 1944-05-28, Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36733240, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIFUSE, Nathaniel , Death: 1945-05-02, Private, 672nd Ordnance Ammunition Company, Service# 33811186, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 36, U.S. Army, World War IIGAFFNEY, Franklin D. J., Death: 1944-12-22, Staff Sergeant, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 33916714, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 41, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGAFFNEY, James F., Death: 1945-06-04, Private, 1782nd Ordnance Company, Aviation, Service# 31197374, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 7, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGAILES, Ruben , Death: 1945-02-23, Private First Class, 3103rd Quartermaster Service Company, Service# 34327891, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 10, U.S. Army, World War IIGAINES, Edmund Wilfre, Death: 1944-10-16, Second Lieutenant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-819079, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGAINEY, John V., Death: 1944-12-25, Staff Sergeant, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34008132, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGAITHER, Raymond A., Death: 1943-08-12, Second Lieutenant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-672790, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALAYDA, Charles Jr., Death: 1944-12-23, Private First Class, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 33174559, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGALETTO, Clement Jr., Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 603rd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36828823, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALLAGHER, Bernard F., Death: 1944-12-18, Private, 825th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 31156360, State of Entry: Vermont, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGALLAS, Henry A., Death: 1943-08-01, Staff Sergeant, 345th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32459525, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALLE, Americo S., Death: 1944-11-21, Second Lieutenant, 861st Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-886490, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 34, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALLEGOS, Jasper , Death: 1943-06-11, Staff Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17091568, State of Entry: Colorado, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALLELLI, Joseph A., Death: 1945-03-14, Staff Sergeant, 781st Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33785686, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGALLIART, Lyle E., Death: 1945-03-09, Staff Sergeant, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, Service# 37691648, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGALLUCCI, Stephen V., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35173809, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGAMBOA, Cruz , Death: 1945-01-18, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 38579375, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGANNON, William J., Death: 1944-10-05, Private First Class, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 36341478, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 40, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGANSBERG, Raymond H., Death: 1944-12-05, Captain, 361st Fighter Squadron, 356th Fighter Group, Service# O2044887, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGANTUS, John M., Death: 1945-03-23, Master Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19080438, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARANSUAY, Alfredo , Death: 1944-11-06, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 38559167, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 34, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARANT, Clarence G., Death: 1944-12-17, Private First Class, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 36958365, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private First Class Garant's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.GARBARINO, Louis V. Jr., Death: 1945-04-06, Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12225877, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARBE, Arlin B., Death: 1944-11-03, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36371658, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARCIA, Bill P., Death: 1944-05-05, Staff Sergeant, 746th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18220948, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARCIA, Jose G., Death: 1944-05-28, Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39275719, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARDNER, Cleo H., Death: 1943-08-12, Staff Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15105615, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARDNER, Edward T., Death: 1944-02-20, First Lieutenant, 615th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-745881, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARDNER, Lewis S., Death: 1943-10-10, Second Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-735190, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARDNER, Lloyd L., Death: 1943-10-05, Private First Class, 168th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division, Service# 36154224, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 13, U.S. Army, World War IIGARLAND, John J., Death: 1943-10-08, Second Lieutenant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-669267, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARMAN, Wayne C., Death: 1944-09-22, Staff Sergeant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36657196, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARNETT, Henry W., Death: 1944-07-07, Staff Sergeant, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18089166, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARRETT, Dwight , Death: 1945-01-10, Private, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 34926332, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARRETT, George H., Death: 1944-08-04, Sergeant, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 32039320, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 56, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARRETT, Kenneth O., Death: 1943-10-01, Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35431909, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARRETT, Paull C., Death: 1944-11-26, Major, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-388758, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARRETT, Warren H., Death: 1944-09-19, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 36622329, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARRISON, Claud M., Death: 1944-11-08, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 35475221, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARRITY, Frank A., Death: 1944-12-17, Technician Fifth Grade, 9th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 32249402, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 15, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGARTMAN, Woodrow W., Death: 1944-04-19, Staff Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14040410, State of Entry: Mississippi, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARY, Dana E., Death: 1944-11-30, Captain, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-817196, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGARZA, Raul , Death: 1944-10-30, Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38541707, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGASKELL, Daniel C., Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 39209140, State of Entry: Washington, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private Gaskell's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.GASKIN, Carthel O., Death: 1944-06-22, Second Lieutenant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-706840, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGASS, Reece , Death: 1945-01-14, Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 34882721, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGASSER, Gordon W., Death: 1944-10-02, Sergeant, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 36161235, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGASTELUM, Richard G., Death: 1944-12-13, Private First Class, 395th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 39578698, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private First Class Gastelum's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.GASTON, James W., Death: 1944-07-21, Second Lieutenant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-873776, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGASTON, Richard L., Death: 1943-07-28, Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37206023, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 19, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGATHERS, Ronald M., Death: 1945-01-03, Technician Fifth Grade, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 33407161, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 9, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGATTO, Stephen L., Death: 1945-04-06, Sergeant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12024483, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGAUDETTE, Edward W., Death: 1944-12-18, Private First Class, 68th Infantry Battalion, 14th Armored Division, Service# 20156031, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: C, Row: 37, Grave: 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGAUDETTE, George E., Death: 1944-12-22, Private, 589th Field Artillery Bn, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 6153005, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGAUGH, Donald E., Death: 1944-08-16, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35226782, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGAUTNEY, David L., Death: 1944-09-28, Private First Class, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 37236276, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 30, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGAWORSKI, Adolph , Death: 1945-04-02, Technician Fifth Grade, 133rd Ordnance Battalion, 11th Armored Division, Service# 32574271, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGECK, Robert E., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 375th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group, Service# O-710093, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGEERDES, Marvin L., Death: 1945-02-02, Sergeant, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 37692549, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGEHRING, Johnny , Death: 1944-12-16, Private First Class, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 37579625, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGEHRKE, Walter , Death: 1944-08-06, Second Lieutenant, 328th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, Service# O-821689, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGEHRKEN, Willard W., Death: 1944-10-05, Private, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 36772736, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGELBACH, Lawrence H., Death: 1944-12-23, First Lieutenant, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# O1313088, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGELLIS, Leon , Death: 1944-04-12, Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31104882, State of Entry: Connecticut, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGEMPEL, Charles L., Death: 1944-10-30, First Lieutenant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-704835, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGENDA, John E., Death: 1945-01-08, Technician Fifth Grade, 293rd Quartermaster Laundry Company, Service# 32602358, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGENTILE, Frank J., Death: 1944-09-27, Private, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 33707157, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGENTRY, Gillos E., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17031973, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGEPPERT, Carl L., Death: 1944-11-26, Second Lieutenant, 854th Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2058157, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGERALDS, Lynn , Death: 1944-08-20, Private, 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, Service# 35167997, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGERBER, Cecil M., Death: 1944-05-22, First Lieutenant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-799378, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGERE, Ernest J., Death: 1944-09-19, Private, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 33320749, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 25, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGERSTEIN, Albert , Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 32518045, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIGERSTNER, Jacob A., Death: 1945-03-07, Technician Fifth Grade, 590th Field Artillery Bn, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 6982037, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 45, U.S. Army, World War IIGERWIG, Gustave O., Death: 1944-09-17, Private, 101st Signal Company, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 42043400, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGETZ, Fred K., Death: 1945-01-14, Second Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2068024, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGEYER, Joe E., Death: 1944-12-23, Private, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 38591498, Missing in Action, U.S. Army, World War II, PVT Geyer's name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His remains have been recovered and identified.GHEANT, Carl , Death: 1944-11-05, Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 34848073, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 30, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGIBBS, Charles D., Death: 1944-05-10, Staff Sergeant, 827th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35202527, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIBBS, Robert J., Death: 1944-04-13, Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11122497, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIBLIN, George P., Death: 1943-08-01, Second Lieutenant, 343rd Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-734888, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 57, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIBNEY, Hugh F. Jr., Death: 1943-10-02, Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31143859, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIBSON, Charles C., Death: 1944-06-16, Staff Sergeant, 515th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35508784, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 17, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIBSON, Horace , Death: 1944-12-19, Technician Fifth Grade, 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 34214018, State of Entry: South Carolina, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGIBSON, James W., Death: 1945-04-05, Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38569609, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIDDENS, Daniel R., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38370451, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIFFORD, Elmer W., Death: 1945-02-19, Technical Sergeant, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, Service# 36286725, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 44, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGIFFORD, John A., Death: 1944-08-10, Second Lieutenant, 340th Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-705017, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 45, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIGUERE, Henry P., Death: 1944-07-16, First Lieutenant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-762768, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 36, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIKAS, Miltiades C., Death: 1944-03-20, Staff Sergeant, 712th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31258989, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILBERT, Charles H., Death: 1943-07-29, Technical Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11069901, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILBERT, Floyd A., Death: 1944-05-13, Technical Sergeant, 787th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35467761, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 38, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILDEA, Edward J., Death: 1945-03-02, Flight Officer, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-131767, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILDERSLEEVE, John R., Death: 1945-02-20, Captain, 514th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-353421, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 16, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILDOW, George J., Death: 1944-12-17, Second Lieutenant, 428th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group, Service# O-762996, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 28, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILE, Ray J., Death: 1944-02-24, Technical Sergeant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# 10601564, State of Entry: Canada, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGILES, Alexander M., Death: 1944-12-24, Corporal, 2nd Tank Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 37236964, State of Entry: Kansas, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGILFOIL, Joseph H., Death: 1944-09-27, Staff Sergeant, 702nd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31270331, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 29, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILL, Hiram A., Death: 1944-05-08, Sergeant, 734th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34531052, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILL, Ray L., Death: 1944-10-03, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 35881983, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGILL, Thomas H., Death: 1944-09-26, Second Lieutenant, 707th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-665001, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILLAN, Dennis L., Death: 1945-03-31, Private First Class, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, Service# 33580116, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGILLESPIE, Dana D., Death: 1944-12-18, Private First Class, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 35847839, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 28, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGILLESPIE, Gorace J., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 748th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18052560, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 23, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILLESPIE, Marcus R., Death: 1944-11-20, First Lieutenant, 410th Fighter Squadron, 373rd Fighter Group, Service# O-689230, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILLIS, John J., Death: 1943-07-25, Technical Sergeant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11053557, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILMORE, George J. Jr., Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 614th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682107, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 11, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILMOUR, Kyle J., Death: 1944-07-28, Second Lieutenant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-680881, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 44, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGILSON, Theodore T., Death: 1944-12-26, Sergeant, 346th Bomber Squadron, 99th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32928404, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGITLITZ, Seymour M., Death: 1944-08-06, Second Lieutenant, 789th Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-716648, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 43, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGIUDICE, Biagio , Death: 1945-05-03, Private, 12th Engineer Combat Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 32161786, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 14, U.S. Army, World War IIGJOKIC, Nenad , Death: 1945-02-24, , Service# , State of Entry: France, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 55, World War IIGLADD, Herbert V., Death: 1945-03-04, Private First Class, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, Service# 32259785, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGLADEK, Francis I., Death: 1945-03-31, Private, 299th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 33509759, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 1, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIGLADSON, Clyde W., Death: 1944-12-25, Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 34129942, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIGLANBOCK, Daniel Dona, Death: 1945-01-18, Private, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 12065323, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGLASCO, Homer E., Death: 1944-02-25, First Lieutenant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-674753, State of Entry: Missouri, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLASHOFF, Howard I. Jr., Death: 1944-11-21, Second Lieutenant, 833rd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-926306, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 17, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLASS, Tommy , Death: 1944-04-09, Technical Sergeant, 755th Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38202709, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLASSMAN, Kenneth E., Death: 1944-12-06, Technical Sergeant, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 35092585, State of Entry: Indiana, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action or non recoverable, TSGT Glassman's remains were recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.GLAXNER, James A. Jr., Death: 1943-08-15, Staff Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13110129, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLEASON, John J., Death: 1944-12-19, Private, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, Service# 33581749, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGLEASON, Thomas E., Death: 1944-11-26, Private First Class, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 37579862, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGLENN, Jack H., Death: 1944-07-07, Second Lieutenant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-711388, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 32, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLENN, James R., Death: 1944-06-23, Sergeant, 36th Bomber Squadron, 482nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34031257, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 7, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLENN, Jim A., Death: 1944-02-24, Staff Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19138150, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 33, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLIDEWELL, Paul C., Death: 1944-06-21, Staff Sergeant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34603439, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLOVER, Woodrow W., Death: 1944-09-17, First Lieutenant, 376th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group, Service# O-568313, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGLUNT, John R., Death: 1944-05-29, Second Lieutenant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-702414, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGNAT, John J., Death: 1945-03-02, Technician Fourth Grade, 948th Ordnance Motor Vehicle Distribution Company, Service# 32293061, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 32, U.S. Army, World War IIGOBLE, Albert , Death: 1944-12-16, Private First Class, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 36579578, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOCHENOUR, George E., Death: 1945-01-08, Staff Sergeant, 309th Engineer Combat Battalion, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 38353133, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGODFREY, Herbert M., Death: 1944-01-04, First Lieutenant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O2043687, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 26, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGODSEY, John T., Death: 1944-03-08, Second Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-754421, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOEKE, Sylvester B., Death: 1945-03-22, First Lieutenant, 442nd Bomber Squadron, 320th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-669702, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 52, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOERNER, Crockette B., Death: 1945-03-24, First Lieutenant, 49th Squadron, 313rd Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-755323, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOETZ, Everett B., Death: 1944-09-30, Sergeant, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Service# 32002183, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOEWERT, Earl E., Death: 1944-01-29, Staff Sergeant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37132881, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 28, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLAN, Theodore F., Death: 1944-10-07, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36656501, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDBERG, Alvin M., Death: 1944-04-04, Second Lieutenant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755221, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 51, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDEN, Dale W., Death: 1944-11-05, Staff Sergeant, 849th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15104995, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 38, Grave: 21, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDSON, Burnie B. Jr., Death: 1944-10-06, Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34842369, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDSTEIN, Murray , Death: 1944-04-18, Sergeant, 456th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 32420724, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDSWORTHY, Richard , Death: 1944-11-20, Sergeant, 783rd Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11140768, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOLDVARG, Jerome R., Death: 1944-07-15, Captain, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-795232, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 20, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOMMELS, Glenn E., Death: 1944-09-18, Sergeant, 845th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37677284, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGONSOWSKI, Aloysius , Death: 1944-10-05, Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 32253289, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Originally listed as missing in action or non recoverable, PFC Gonsowski's remains were recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial at Margraten, Holland.GOOD, Harry L., Death: 1943-12-20, Sergeant, 532nd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36724855, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOOD, John B., Death: 1944-07-31, Second Lieutenant, 704th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695053, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOODHART, Kenneth A., Death: 1944-11-17, Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36641773, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOODMAN, Bennie , Death: 1944-12-23, Private, 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 34899108, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 15, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOODMAN, Carl S., Death: 1944-08-29, Second Lieutenant, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-768069, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOODMAN, Edward A., Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 343rd Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-674755, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOODMAN, Harold G., Death: 1944-09-21, Private, 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Service# 32801801, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private Goodman's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial at St. Avold (Moselle), France.GOODNOW, Edward W., Death: 1944-01-21, First Lieutenant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-794123, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOODRICH, John S., Death: 1945-03-20, Private First Class, 38th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 39197588, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOODWIN, Glenn S., Death: 1945-12-21, Private First Class, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 31423494, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGOODWIN, Harry L., Death: 1944-11-30, Staff Sergeant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36809399, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOODWIN, James W., Death: 1944-04-22, Captain, 395th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, Service# O-437614, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 38, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOONAN, James T., Death: 1944-10-15, Staff Sergeant, 835th Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32979255, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 29, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGORDON, Donald R., Death: 1944-05-08, Sergeant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11069121, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 15, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGORDONI, Charles K., Death: 1944-01-04, Staff Sergeant, 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13124793, State of Entry: Delaware, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGORGON, Frank , Death: 1944-04-29, Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16113758, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGORINAC, Edward , Death: 1945-03-22, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36968132, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 11, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIGORSKI, Bill , Death: 1944-07-30, Private First Class, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 32663085, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGORSUCH, Kenneth W., Death: 1943-10-09, Staff Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18120625, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOTH, Robert A., Death: 1945-04-04, First Lieutenant, 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-719305, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 7, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOTHA, Herbert J., Death: 1944-03-08, Second Lieutenant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-808037, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 18, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGOWEN, Clifford L., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755012, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRACE, George H., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-707264, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRACIE, Emanuel H. Jr., Death: 1944-09-18, First Lieutenant, 319th Field Artillery Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# O1172030, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: D, Row: 21, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRADY, James R., Death: 1945-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 6297725, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 1, U.S. Army, World War IIGRAFF, Andrew C., Death: 1944-04-11, Technical Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37428100, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 54, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAHAM, Fred E., Death: 1944-05-19, First Lieutenant, 612nd Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-676214, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 5, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAHAM, Howard S., Death: 1944-08-04, Second Lieutenant, 832nd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-772043, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 24, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAHAM, John F., Death: 1943-12-11, Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-676377, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAHAM, Richard V., Death: 1944-06-21, Staff Sergeant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33679393, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 6, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAHAM, Robert S., Death: 1945-06-06, First Lieutenant, 261st Signal Construction Company, Service# O1639091, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRANDY, Leonard N. M., Death: 1944-05-10, Staff Sergeant, 727th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6826565, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRANGER, John F., Death: 1944-10-17, First Lieutenant, 512th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-701536, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 37, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRANT, Nathan T., Death: 1944-02-24, Master Sergeant, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6570622, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 36, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRANTHAM, Edgar H., Death: 1944-09-11, Second Lieutenant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-824132, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 48, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRASSER, Charles H., Death: 1944-10-01, Private First Class, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 34739136, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 30, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRATIOT, Charles C., Death: 1944-07-28, Flight Officer, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-002068, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 21, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRATZFELD, Henry A., Death: 1943-10-10, Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18117268, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAVES, Richard D., Death: 1945-02-23, Major, 513th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-427497, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAY, Henry R., Death: 1944-11-06, Second Lieutenant, 20th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# O1311246, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRAY, Jack J., Death: 1944-11-06, Flight Officer, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# TO130074, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRAY, John R., Death: 1944-01-04, First Lieutenant, 413rd Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-736594, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 46, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREBE, George H., Death: 1944-04-09, Staff Sergeant, 749th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16109975, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREELEY, Dale N., Death: 1945-03-01, Second Lieutenant, 401st Fighter Squadron, 370th Fighter Group, Service# O-766496, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 33, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREEN, Benjamin , Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 96th Bomber Group, Service# 36328634, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREEN, Berryman Jr., Death: 1944-08-05, Staff Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33533373, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREEN, James R., Death: 1944-02-23, First Lieutenant, 723rd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-804650, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREEN, John R., Death: 1944-10-25, Second Lieutenant, 569th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-772214, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREEN, Leonard F., Death: 1944-10-09, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 34235454, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGREEN, Robert G., Death: 1944-04-11, Second Lieutenant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683128, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREENBERG, Albert A., Death: 1945-03-24, Technical Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32608218, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 36, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREENE, Harry D., Death: 1944-12-24, Technician Fifth Grade, 609th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 35381588, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGREENE, James A., Death: 1944-09-13, Staff Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36457149, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 25, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREENE, Robert N., Death: 1944-09-17, Second Lieutenant, 351st Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-821483, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 22, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREENFIELD, Darwin , Death: 1944-12-03, Sergeant, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 35547218, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 22, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGREENSPAN, Herman , Death: 1944-12-25, Second Lieutenant, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-780257, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGREER, Kenneth S., Death: 1943-05-14, Staff Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18115465, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRESS, John C., Death: 1944-10-05, Private First Class, 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 32833906, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 33, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRESSETT, Norman E., Death: 1945-01-28, Private First Class, 71st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division, Service# 38342511, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGREUTER, Jennings C., Death: 1944-05-12, Staff Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35545269, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 22, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIBBROCK, Thomas H., Death: 1944-10-19, First Lieutenant, 391st Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703733, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIER, John M., Death: 1945-02-13, Private, 562nd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, Service# 37560147, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 7, U.S. Army, World War IIGRIFFIN, Edward F., Death: 1944-01-04, Staff Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12159893, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 13, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIFFITH, Robert J., Death: 1945-04-26, Staff Sergeant, 432nd Bomber Squadron, 17th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 32269947, State of Entry: Delaware, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIFFITH, William A., Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35584844, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: D, Row: 15, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIGGS, Philip H., Death: 1945-04-12, Staff Sergeant, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 37625232, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRIMM, Herman J., Death: 1944-05-24, Technical Sergeant, 711th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20610365, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 21, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRIPNE, Roy W., Death: 1945-04-19, Sergeant, 848th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16047511, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRISH, Walter J., Death: 1945-01-17, Private First Class, 289th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, Service# 36675478, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGRISHAM, William E., Death: 1944-01-11, Second Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-682752, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRISSOM, Thomas J. Jr., Death: 1944-10-05, Technical Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34467488, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRISWOLD, Sherwood T., Death: 1944-12-26, Sergeant, 346th Bomber Squadron, 99th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19207119, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRITSONIS, Nickolas C., Death: 1943-03-22, Staff Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16034619, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROGAN, Frank E. Jr., Death: 1945-03-25, Technical Sergeant, 712th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14124065, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROOM, Vernon R., Death: 1944-06-24, First Lieutenant, 513rd Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-697114, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 44, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROSS, Edward H., Death: 1944-09-21, First Lieutenant, 389th Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group, Service# O-813147, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROTENHUIS, John , Death: 1945-04-19, Private First Class, 451st Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 16084821, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 32, Grave: 9, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROVER, George F., Death: 1945-04-18, Staff Sergeant, 785th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16066436, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGROW, Richard L., Death: 1943-12-22, First Lieutenant, 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, Service# O-667067, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRUBB, Frank , Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19115457, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGRUBER, Kurt , Death: 1945-03-20, , Service# , State of Entry: Germany, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 37, World War IIGRUBISA, George J., Death: 1944-06-21, Sergeant, 712th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32916135, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 24, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUDERIAN, Lester L., Death: 1944-01-04, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683989, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUE, Stanley D., Death: 1944-10-06, Technical Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19151139, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUFF, Seymour , Death: 1944-02-24, Second Lieutenant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-811633, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUIDA, Ralph J., Death: 1944-08-10, First Lieutenant, 763rd Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-690312, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 42, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUIDROZ, David C. Jr., Death: 1944-07-27, Sergeant, 742nd Bomber Squadron, 455th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38488199, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUINZBURG, Ralph V., Death: 1943-11-29, First Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-797311, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Soldier's Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGULBISH, Ernest M., Death: 1944-10-07, Technical Sergeant, 727th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13100658, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGURMAN, David A., Death: 1944-09-11, Technical Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12074462, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUSTAFSON, Gordon , Death: 1944-10-14, Second Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-767531, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUSTAVSON, George H., Death: 1944-04-23, Sergeant, 414th Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16037474, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUTERDING, William H., Death: 1944-12-14, Private First Class, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 32802287, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 27, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGUTH, Gene R., Death: 1945-03-21, Second Lieutenant, 759th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-776657, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUTHRIE, Clyde M., Death: 1945-04-04, Private First Class, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 36867980, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGUTHRIE, William L., Death: 1944-10-04, Sergeant, 766th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34814620, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUTOWSKY, Joe A., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36262079, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUYETTE, Harry O. Jr., Death: 1944-07-31, Staff Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11070143, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUYOT, Hubert E., Death: 1944-05-01, Sergeant, 414th Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13088278, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGUYTON, Isaac R., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18083577, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGVEROVICH, John J., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32764696, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIGWIT, Stanley W., Death: 1944-12-12, Private, 22nd Engineer Battalion, 5th Armored Division, Service# 36150054, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIGWIZDAK, Theodore E., Death: 1944-11-04, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36958132, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 47, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAAKE, Frank G., Death: 1944-09-19, Private First Class, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 37557272, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 31, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAAS, Frederick J., Death: 1944-06-26, Staff Sergeant, 760th Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32474071, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAAS, Herbert J., Death: 1945-02-11, Private, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 32516194, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 2, U.S. Army, World War IIHADE, Samuel , Death: 1944-10-13, Sergeant, 451st Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 19061970, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHADFIELD, George G., Death: 1944-06-16, Technical Sergeant, 515th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17154453, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 50, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAERLE, John E., Death: 1945-05-18, Sergeant, 833rd Bomber Squadron, 486th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19185804, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 40, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAFFNER, Alvin E., Death: 1945-01-04, Private First Class, 68th Tank Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Service# 37550629, State of Entry: Minnesota, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAGA, Warren K., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 533rd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18194331, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAGER, Frank J., Death: 1944-10-04, Second Lieutenant, 766th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-826949, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 34, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAGGARD, Gordon H., Death: 1944-10-07, Major, Headquarters, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-321772, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAGGERTY, Timothy J., Death: 1944-07-26, Second Lieutenant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-718296, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 20, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAGMANN, Paul A., Death: 1943-12-11, Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39393257, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAHN, Clifford B., Death: 1944-01-24, First Lieutenant, 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-666933, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAILEY, Stanley W., Death: 1944-11-19, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 38524524, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAINES, Rolland M., Death: 1943-06-11, First Lieutenant, 359th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-728860, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 18, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAINLINE, Harold D., Death: 1945-01-21, Staff Sergeant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35299701, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAINLINE, Henry L., Death: 1944-01-05, Second Lieutenant, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-748178, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAKE, Edwin C., Death: 1944-01-30, Second Lieutenant, 526th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-683685, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 39, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAKES, Charles J., Death: 1945-04-08, First Lieutenant, 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, Service# O-830453, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALBERT, Truair E., Death: 1943-07-30, Staff Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32449276, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALDIMAN, Ralph L., Death: 1944-04-20, Staff Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17128348, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 30, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALE, George M. Jr., Death: 1943-06-13, First Lieutenant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-393381, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALE, Hubert H., Death: 1944-04-13, Sergeant, 719th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38444111, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 4, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALE, Robert A., Death: 1945-02-21, Captain, 585th Bomber Squadron, 394th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-423805, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 46, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALEY, Daniel M., Death: 1944-08-17, Second Lieutenant, 49th Fighter Squadron, 14th Fighter Group, Service# O-824483, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALL, Francis R., Death: 1945-01-31, Corporal, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 38021715, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 6, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALL, Franklin P., Death: 1944-01-21, Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14044753, State of Entry: Florida, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALL, Joshua , Death: 1944-11-20, Private, 439th Medical Collecting Company, Service# 34766267, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 51, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALL, Robert Jr., Death: 1944-05-09, Second Lieutenant, 735th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-814300, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALL, Walter A., Death: 1944-10-04, Sergeant, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 36236025, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALL, Warren W., Death: 1945-02-08, Technician Fourth Grade, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, Service# 38465781, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALL, William E., Death: 1943-10-04, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33240416, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 56, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALLER, Joseph C., Death: 1945-04-07, Staff Sergeant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33324324, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 11, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHALLIDAY, James P., Death: 1945-05-02, Staff Sergeant, 440th Engineer Depot Company, Service# 32831357, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 40, U.S. Army, World War IIHALLMAN, Edward J., Death: 1945-01-15, Sergeant, 42nd Tank Battalion, 11th Armored Division, Service# 36042657, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALM, Russell I., Death: 1945-01-17, Corporal, 43rd Tank Battalion, 12th Armored Division, Service# 35665186, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHALTER, Ralph L., Death: 1944-06-18, First Lieutenant, 601st Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-689312, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 15, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMBLEN, Doyce L., Death: 1944-11-08, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 38344250, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 24, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAMILTON, Clifford B., Death: 1943-08-12, Captain, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1699500, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMILTON, John S., Death: 1944-02-04, Second Lieutenant, 418th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-679503, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMILTON, Thomas C., Death: 1943-06-13, Technical Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36395733, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 25, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMILTON, William L., Death: 1943-08-12, Technical Sergeant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38149747, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMMEL, Gerard B., Death: 1944-07-31, Sergeant, 754th Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12121125, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 7, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMMOND, Charles P., Death: 1943-03-22, Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 7000408, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 16, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMMOND, Curtis O., Death: 1945-02-24, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 36441839, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAMMOND, Harold F., Death: 1943-06-22, Technical Sergeant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16052869, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAMMOND, Ralph M., Death: 1945-01-10, Private First Class, 774th Tank Battalion, Service# 34889389, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAMPTON, Fred Ray, Death: 1943-04-05, Technical Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14071743, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANCEY, Donald R., Death: 1944-10-07, Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19173008, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANDLER, Max , Death: 1944-03-23, Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11103619, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANDZLIK, Edwin F., Death: 1944-11-21, Sergeant, 715th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36585389, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANEY, Henry M., Death: 1944-10-04, Technical Sergeant, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 20846940, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: A, Row: 15, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANEY, William I., Death: 1944-05-12, Technical Sergeant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35277674, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 8, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANKEY, John B., Death: 1945-01-14, First Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-717718, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANKIN, Armond L., Death: 1944-06-20, Second Lieutenant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695814, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANLON, Clyde D., Death: 1944-11-08, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 39201027, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 54, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANLON, Ernest E., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-760836, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANLON, Francis P., Death: 1944-06-16, Second Lieutenant, 95th Fighter Squadron, 82nd Fighter Group, Service# O-799979, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 22, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANNA, Thomas L., Death: 1945-02-07, Corporal, 725th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18163736, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANNAN, William J., Death: 1943-02-26, Second Lieutenant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-727337, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANNIFY, Myles F., Death: 1944-01-05, Sergeant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31090692, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANNON, John J., Death: 1944-09-30, Private First Class, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 12139651, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 35, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANSEL, Ralph V., Death: 1943-12-11, Major, Headquarters, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1699499, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: D, Row: 16, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSEN, John H., Death: 1944-06-29, Second Lieutenant, 862nd Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-693976, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSEN, Orville A., Death: 1945-04-05, Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37580184, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSEN, Samuel P., Death: 1945-01-28, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-415130, State of Entry: Denmark, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 31, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IIHANSON, Carl G. A., Death: 1944-12-12, Private, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 42063656, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 42, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANSON, Edward E., Death: 1944-12-24, First Lieutenant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-820006, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSON, George L., Death: 1945-04-17, Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 36967915, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 38, Grave: 20, U.S. Army, World War IIHANSON, Ralph L., Death: 1943-03-18, Second Lieutenant, 330th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-728862, State of Entry: Utah, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSON, Stanley C., Death: 1944-06-20, Second Lieutenant, 847th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-706094, State of Entry: Maryland, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHANSON, Tommie M., Death: 1944-09-03, Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 39086262, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANSON, William F., Death: 1945-02-23, Private First Class, 415th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, Service# 32483621, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHANVEY, George L., Death: 1944-11-10, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 7082489, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAPE, Francis N., Death: 1945-03-21, Private First Class, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Service# 20342480, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHARABURDA, Edward F., Death: 1944-11-20, First Lieutenant, 358th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-767212, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARBAUGH, Lloyd E., Death: 1944-12-16, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33493989, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARBAUGH, Valentine E., Death: 1945-01-15, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33494008, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 36, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARDEN, Roswell R., Death: 1945-01-06, Private, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 7007089, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 15, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARDESTY, Clyde R., Death: 1945-04-09, Technician Fourth Grade, 36th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Service# 35632709, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARDIN, William R., Death: 1944-09-08, Second Lieutenant, 508th Fighter Squadron, 404th Fighter Group, Service# O-770260, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 23, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARDING, Fred W., Death: 1944-12-28, Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Service# 36118541, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 30, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHARDY, Gordon B., Death: 1944-06-29, Private, 23rd Engineer Battalion, 3th Armored Division, Service# 14019083, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: C, Row: 30, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHARDY, James T., Death: 1944-02-24, Second Lieutenant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-806441, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARDY, Kenneth W., Death: 1944-08-24, Staff Sergeant, 779th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16055618, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 31, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARE, John E., Death: 1944-10-27, First Lieutenant, 283rd Field Artillery Battalion, Service# O1181286, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARGIS, William G., Death: 1945-02-23, Captain, 355th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, Service# O-792022, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARKE, Edward H. Jr., Death: 1944-02-22, Private, 525th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16010133, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARLAND, Kenneth W. Jr., Death: 1943-07-25, Technical Sergeant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13033323, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 17, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARLANDER, Edward A., Death: 1944-05-05, Sergeant, 716th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12038066, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: B, Row: 23, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARMES, Frank M., Death: 1944-04-18, First Lieutenant, 456th Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-663517, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARMON, Curtis E., Death: 1944-09-30, Staff Sergeant, 750th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36815593, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARMON, Franklin A., Death: 1944-03-22, Technical Sergeant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31116960, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: C, Row: 17, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRELL, Jesse L., Death: 1945-03-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 38383929, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 35, U.S. Army, World War IIHARRELL, William M., Death: 1944-02-23, Sergeant, 718th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34689984, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: C, Row: 29, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIGAN, Joseph J., Death: 1944-11-22, Sergeant, 743rd Bomber Squadron, 455th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31362398, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 57, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Anton L., Death: 1944-03-08, Second Lieutenant, 731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-746885, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: D, Row: 16, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Dalton W., Death: 1943-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12170499, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Eugene P., Death: 1943-12-03, Captain, 509th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-795050, State of Entry: Mississippi, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Jack D., Death: 1944-03-06, First Lieutenant, 330th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-532892, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 7, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, James E., Death: 1944-07-25, First Lieutenant, 764th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-747402, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 37, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Maceo A. Jr., Death: 1944-11-20, First Lieutenant, 100th Fighter Squadron, 332nd Fighter Group, Service# O-814193, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRIS, Samuel E., Death: 1945-03-29, Private, 333rd Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 34311005, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 53, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARRISON, John D., Death: 1944-11-13, Private First Class, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 34464172, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARRISON, John M., Death: 1944-01-11, Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35419705, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRISON, Robert B., Death: 1944-10-14, First Lieutenant, 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, Service# O-801693, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARRISON, William S., Death: 1943-10-14, Staff Sergeant, 327th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39158898, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 10, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARROLD, Ira O. Jr., Death: 1944-09-19, Private, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 35136075, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARROLD, Milfred L., Death: 1944-09-18, Technical Sergeant, 62nd Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 13013180, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARSHMAN, Francis A., Death: 1943-11-03, Staff Sergeant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6874370, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 18, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHART, Addison E., Death: 1944-08-06, Technical Sergeant, 755th Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12082020, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHART, Frank H., Death: 1944-04-29, Sergeant, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12026064, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARTMAN, Charles P., Death: 1944-09-09, Private First Class, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Service# 37429952, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 57, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHARTMANN, Robert , Death: 1945-04-11, First Lieutenant, 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, Service# O-823066, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 3, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHARVARD, George W., Death: 1945-01-04, , Service# , State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 7, World War IIHARVEY, Thaddeus C., Death: 1944-09-18, Second Lieutenant, 62nd Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-777666, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASERLAT, Robert C., Death: 1944-10-04, Staff Sergeant, 764th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31373317, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASKELL, Roger C., Death: 1944-07-28, Staff Sergeant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31218303, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASLUP, Lloyd H., Death: 1944-05-07, First Lieutenant, 34th Photographic Squadron, 10th Reconnaissance Group, Service# O-731979, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASSEBROCK, Oscar H., Death: 1943-10-08, Staff Sergeant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37303273, State of Entry: North Dakota, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 45, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASTINGS, David Shove, Death: 1945-04-06, Second Lieutenant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-836778, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHASTINGS, Harry R., Death: 1944-10-07, Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-799397, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHATCHER, Billy S., Death: 1944-11-14, Staff Sergeant, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 6996592, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 45, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAUF, Emanuel , Death: 1944-05-28, First Lieutenant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-803813, State of Entry: Wyoming, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAULOTTE, Gene W., Death: 1945-01-14, Sergeant, 838th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19164165, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAUSER, Alfred C., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703991, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAUSHALTER, Edward E., Death: 1944-03-06, First Lieutenant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-746337, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAUSS, Leslie H., Death: 1944-08-24, Second Lieutenant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-768543, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAUZENBERGER, Alfred , Death: 1944-07-28, Second Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Depot, Service# O-886146, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: A, Row: 29, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAVILAND, Louis P., Death: 1943-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12036918, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 18, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAWK, Daniel F., Death: 1944-12-18, Private, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 42141831, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAWKINS, George , Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fourth Grade, 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 32249518, State of Entry: New Jersey, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAWKINS, Lyle M., Death: 1944-11-21, Technical Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36258456, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAWKINS, Paul M., Death: 1945-10-16, Sergeant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36854524, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 26, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAWKINS, Richard G., Death: 1944-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 406th Bomber Squadron, 801st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35418379, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 47, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAWLEY, William R., Death: 1944-05-28, Second Lieutenant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695905, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAY, John C. Jr., Death: 1944-05-24, Staff Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20800116, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 45, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAYES, Charles W., Death: 1944-08-06, Second Lieutenant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-820744, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAYES, John W., Death: 1945-01-04, Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 38691665, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAYES, William O., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-818868, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 29, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAYNES, Wiley W. Jr., Death: 1944-02-24, Sergeant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34572318, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: B, Row: 21, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAYWOOD, Gerald R. Jr., Death: 1944-03-29, First Lieutenant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-446525, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAYWOOD, Jack F., Death: 1944-01-03, Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, Service# 10601403, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Walls of the Missing, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Technical Sergeant Haywood's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Walls of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.HAYWOOD, Jesse , Death: 1945-03-13, Private First Class, 570th Ordnance Ammunition Company, Service# 14111147, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHAZELETT, Philip H., Death: 1944-05-28, First Lieutenant, 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Service# O-811904, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 30, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHAZLETT, David W., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-692399, State of Entry: California, Plot: D, Row: 17, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEADLAND, Elvin R., Death: 1945-04-08, Technician Fifth Grade, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, Service# 13188814, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 48, U.S. Army, World War IIHEALEY, John J., Death: 1943-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32320596, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEALEY, John J., Death: 1944-07-19, Staff Sergeant, 722nd Bomber Squadron, 450th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20301182, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEALEY, Thomas F., Death: 1943-06-13, Technical Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31071385, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEALY, George E., Death: 1944-08-25, Second Lieutenant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-718306, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEALY, James F., Death: 1944-06-12, Sergeant, 349th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32783181, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEALY, John F., Death: 1943-12-01, Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32335119, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 5, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEARING, Richard , Death: 1945-02-14, Staff Sergeant, 429th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33611026, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 16, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEATH, William J., Death: 1943-10-08, Second Lieutenant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-676220, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEBERT, Arthur J., Death: 1943-06-13, Captain, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-435778, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEBERT, Ira W., Death: 1944-07-25, Staff Sergeant, 764th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18062110, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHECKENDORN, George F., Death: 1943-11-13, Staff Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13028352, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 2, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEDRICK, Hilary H., Death: 1944-10-05, First Lieutenant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703993, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 15, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEFFNER, Charles , Death: 1945-03-13, Private First Class, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33948603, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 8, Grave: 56, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHEFFRON, Francis C., Death: 1944-12-17, Private First Class, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33617948, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHEGE, William C., Death: 1944-05-08, Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33435939, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 39, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEGENDEFFER, John F., Death: 1944-08-09, Second Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-817209, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 38, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEHR, Robert G., Death: 1945-01-14, Technical Sergeant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12216078, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEIB, John N., Death: 1944-11-26, Technical Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39203497, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEIL, Thomas J., Death: 1945-04-20, Corporal, 27th Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Photographic Group, Service# 35013643, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 7, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEIMS, Leo D., Death: 1944-11-21, Private, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 37525387, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHEIST, Walter H., Death: 1944-04-27, Sergeant, 496th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 32380856, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 25, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEJDUK, Frank , Death: 1945-04-09, Corporal, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 20830841, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 49, U.S. Army, World War IIHELBIG, Herbert A., Death: 1944-11-30, Technical Sergeant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32868322, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 17, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELM, Marvin H., Death: 1944-12-03, Private, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, Service# 36842313, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, Private Helm's remains were recovered, identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial at St. Avold (Moselle), France.HELMKE, Elton F., Death: 1944-04-24, Staff Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37461064, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: C, Row: 19, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELMS, James L., Death: 1945-04-07, Technical Sergeant, 566th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14153911, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 10, Grave: 18, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELPES, Robert R., Death: 1944-06-21, Staff Sergeant, 700th Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39567121, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELSOM, Maurice E., Death: 1944-01-04, Staff Sergeant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36508129, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELSTROM, Herb E., Death: 1944-07-07, Staff Sergeant, 20th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19097043, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: C, Row: 2, Grave: 24, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHELTON, Ed Jr., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15065402, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEMPSEY, Charles E. Jr., Death: 1945-04-24, Private, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 12066205, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 10, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHENDERSON, Everett A., Death: 1944-09-09, Second Lieutenant, 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, Service# O-766522, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: C, Row: 36, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENDERSON, T. B. Grant, Death: 1944-09-18, Staff Sergeant, Headquarters Squadron, IX Air Service Command, Service# 36029889, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 35, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENDON, James W. Jr., Death: 1945-03-01, Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34834337, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENDRICKSEN, Jacob , Death: 1944-12-20, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-215668, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 33, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IIHENDRIX, Kary L. Jr., Death: 1945-05-31, First Lieutenant, 27th Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, Service# O-763188, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 16, Grave: 11, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENDRIX, Paul , Death: 1945-04-25, Staff Sergeant, 727th Bomber Squadron, 451st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35707654, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 53, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENDRY, John E., Death: 1944-02-25, First Lieutenant, 12th Replacement Control Depot, Service# O-886082, State of Entry: Illinois, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army, World War IIHENEISEN, Robert V., Death: 1944-10-06, Second Lieutenant, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, Service# 1823298, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHENIG, Edward , Death: 1944-02-28, Second Lieutenant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-755687, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 49, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENLEY, Fred , Death: 1945-04-26, Private First Class, 413th Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion, Service# 38333448, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 13, U.S. Army, World War IIHENLEY, Wayne R., Death: 1944-08-25, Staff Sergeant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14167037, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: A, Row: 23, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENRIKSON, Henry J., Death: 1944-09-27, Flight Officer, 700th Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-124757, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENRY, Harold G., Death: 1944-04-20, Technical Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37184118, State of Entry: Missouri, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENRY, Lee A., Death: 1944-05-29, Technical Sergeant, 553rd Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 13091170, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENRY, Paul F., Death: 1943-07-25, Technical Sergeant, 544th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39531768, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 18, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHENRY, Walter G., Death: 1945-12-24, Sergeant, 440th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 34230967, State of Entry: Louisiana, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHENTZ, Jerome J., Death: 1944-05-27, Staff Sergeant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33557093, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 56, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERDLICKA, Donald E., Death: 1944-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-686244, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 53, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERIFORD, Kenneth B., Death: 1945-03-22, Staff Sergeant, 2nd Tank Battalion, 9th Armored Division, Service# 37234921, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 50, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERL, Orville R., Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 35346964, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERMANSON, Arvid J., Death: 1944-12-22, Private First Class, 44th Engineer Combat Battalion, Service# 38232757, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERNANDEZ, Jesus G., Death: 1944-09-19, Private, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 39548588, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERR, Jay R., Death: 1944-12-19, Technician Fifth Grade, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 33235819, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERREN, James M. Jr., Death: 1944-10-30, Lieutenant Colonel, 434th Fighter Squadron, 479th Fighter Group, Service# O-379262, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERRING, Herbert J., Death: 1944-07-26, Sergeant, 419th Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38069821, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 14, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERRMANN, George H. Jr., Death: 1945-04-11, Sergeant, 743rd Railway Operating Battalion, Service# 36744207, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 1, U.S. Army, World War IIHERRON, Edwin R., Death: 1944-10-06, Captain, 551st Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-804332, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 41, Grave: 43, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERRON, Robert L., Death: 1945-03-31, Private, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, Service# 38692862, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHERSHEY, Lester , Death: 1945-03-14, First Lieutenant, 781st Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-723083, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 38, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERT, Carl J., Death: 1944-11-26, First Lieutenant, 703rd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-887066, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 13, Grave: 29, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHERTZ, Robert H., Death: 1944-12-21, Technician Fourth Grade, 12th Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 33334652, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 22, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHESKETH, John W., Death: 1944-09-19, First Lieutenant, 76th Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-677495, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army, World War IIHESLIN, John R., Death: 1943-07-25, Technical Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31080006, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 21, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHESS, Alfred B., Death: 1945-03-13, Private First Class, 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, Service# 33604838, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHESS, Andrew C., Death: 1944-09-12, Second Lieutenant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-713438, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 42, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHESS, Robert W., Death: 1944-06-05, Sergeant, 853rd Bomber Squadron, 491st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12099180, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHESSE, Edward A., Death: 1944-10-06, Second Lieutenant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-823075, State of Entry: Nebraska, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHESSE, Norbert F., Death: 1943-09-09, Staff Sergeant, 556th Bomber Squadron, 387th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 37423489, State of Entry: Iowa, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHESTER, Walter L., Death: 1944-05-27, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-818870, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 10, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEWES, Charles D., Death: 1945-02-13, Captain, 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-727460, State of Entry: Mississippi, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEWITT, Howard E., Death: 1944-10-07, First Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-761432, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: D, Row: 7, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEWITT, John R., Death: 1944-02-21, Technical Sergeant, 407th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33296308, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 31, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHEWITT, Richard W., Death: 1945-04-04, Second Lieutenant, 702nd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1824315, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHIBBARD, Paul R., Death: 1944-09-18, First Lieutenant, 568th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-758565, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: D, Row: 39, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHICKEY, James R., Death: 1945-04-05, Staff Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12177551, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 14, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHICKS, Floyd M., Death: 1943-07-28, Second Lieutenant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-736520, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 24, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHICKS, James G. Jr., Death: 1945-04-06, Captain, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O2056160, State of Entry: Tennessee, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 20, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHICKS, Miles R., Death: 1945-04-01, Private First Class, 717th Railway Operating Battalion, Service# 35233462, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 30, Grave: 19, U.S. Army, World War IIHIDEN, Philip W. Jr., Death: 1944-03-08, Second Lieutenant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-804333, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: B, Row: 19, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHIGGINS, Bernard A., Death: 1943-08-01, Technical Sergeant, 330th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 19080947, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 26, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHIGGINS, Eugene E., Death: 1944-01-05, Sergeant, 713th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36273563, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 31, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHIGGINS, Robert G., Death: 1944-10-07, Second Lieutenant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-722850, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILBINGER, Conrad J., Death: 1943-01-13, First Lieutenant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-438032, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILDEBRAND, Robert A., Death: 1944-05-22, Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35668491, State of Entry: Kentucky, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 25, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILDEBRANDT, Robert H., Death: 1944-12-30, Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32756601, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 8, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, Charles E., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 706th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14163634, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 36, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, Charles E., Death: 1945-01-05, Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 35642265, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: C, Row: 7, Grave: 38, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHILL, Golden B., Death: 1944-08-24, Staff Sergeant, 614th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35235167, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, John A., Death: 1944-04-29, Sergeant, 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36576975, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 13, Grave: 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, Leroy M., Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 790th Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18168713, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 24, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, Orvis F., Death: 1945-01-14, Technical Sergeant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, Service# 39404763, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 16, Grave: 5, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHILL, Robert H., Death: 1944-10-07, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15125602, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILL, Warren M., Death: 1943-11-02, Staff Sergeant, 32nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37228190, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 23, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILLEY, James A., Death: 1943-02-15, Sergeant, 67th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34117846, State of Entry: North Carolina, Plot: C, Row: 31, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILLIARD, John R., Death: 1943-05-14, Staff Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13083169, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 20, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILTON, Gerald O., Death: 1944-04-19, Second Lieutenant, 534th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-689109, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHILTON, Thomas B., Death: 1944-04-11, Second Lieutenant, 338th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-814901, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINDMAN, Melbourne D., Death: 1944-02-25, Staff Sergeant, 558th Bomber Squadron, 387th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 19073965, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINDS, Chester E., Death: 1944-05-08, Staff Sergeant, 369th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38394581, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 4, Grave: 41, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINE, Thomas L., Death: 1944-06-29, First Lieutenant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-692312, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 52, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINER, Daniel V., Death: 1944-11-26, Staff Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15354958, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINES, Casey , Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 333rd Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 32641807, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 26, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHINES, John D., Death: 1944-09-19, Staff Sergeant, 89th Squadron, 438th Troop Carrier Group, Service# 34249603, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 13, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINES, Raymond E., Death: 1944-03-23, Flight Officer, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# T-001626, State of Entry: Oregon, Plot: A, Row: 37, Grave: 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHINGSTON, Robert T., Death: 1944-12-25, Technician Fifth Grade, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, Service# 31063136, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHINTON, William M., Death: 1943-08-17, Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15324472, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 40, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHITT, Olten V., Death: 1944-09-16, Staff Sergeant, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 38155586, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOBBIE, Melvin D., Death: 1944-09-09, First Lieutenant, 570th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-754345, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: A, Row: 33, Grave: 47, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOCH, Eugene A., Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 35828285, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHODGE, Elmer E., Death: 1945-02-01, Private First Class, 142nd Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, Service# 33706099, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 10, Grave: 52, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOELSCHER, Alvin J., Death: 1944-10-05, Sergeant, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 38458490, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 17, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOFF, Henry , Death: 1944-04-29, Staff Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31039807, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFER, Richard G., Death: 1944-04-20, Staff Sergeant, 729th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16082204, State of Entry: Michigan, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFHINES, Philip E., Death: 1945-01-11, Technician Fourth Grade, 275th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division, Service# 17090799, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 41, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOFFMAN, Allen C., Death: 1943-12-11, Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36416718, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFMAN, David H., Death: 1943-11-29, Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 12079615, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 9, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFMAN, Gustave E., Death: 1944-05-29, Captain, 553rd Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# O-731584, State of Entry: California, Missing in Action, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFMAN, William D., Death: 1944-02-04, First Lieutenant, 709th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-750248, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFFMANN, Martin N., Death: 1945-01-14, Private, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 37118935, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: D, Row: 33, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOFFSTOT, Harvey L., Death: 1944-03-06, Staff Sergeant, 753rd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33420062, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 17, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOFMANN, Vernon F., Death: 1945-04-07, Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37574387, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 34, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOKANSON, David O., Death: 1944-05-08, Second Lieutenant, 735th Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-801467, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 27, Grave: 9, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLDEN, Willard M., Death: 1944-08-16, Sergeant, 324th Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37559251, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLDER, Joe A., Death: 1944-07-09, Technical Sergeant, 7th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38450093, State of Entry: Arkansas, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLAND, George H., Death: 1945-02-22, First Lieutenant, 514th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, Service# O-762509, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 22, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLAND, Joseph M., Death: 1945-04-10, First Lieutenant, 338th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, Service# O-830223, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 14, Grave: 9, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLAND, William D., Death: 1945-01-30, First Lieutenant, 22nd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, Service# O-886028, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 44, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLEDERER, George E., Death: 1944-04-02, Technical Sergeant, 717th Bomber Squadron, 449th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32673185, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLENKAMP, Bernard F., Death: 1943-12-20, First Lieutenant, 532nd Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-374311, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 25, Grave: 1, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLINGSWORTH, Claren , Death: 1945-05-16, Lieutenant Colonel, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# O-414351, State of Entry: South Carolina, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 42, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHOLLIS, Norman J., Death: 1944-06-05, Staff Sergeant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 15320641, State of Entry: Ohio, Missing in Action, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLISH, John Jr., Death: 1944-05-08, Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33439055, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLLOWAY, Lonnie O. Jr., Death: 1944-12-17, Second Lieutenant, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# O1317633, State of Entry: Texas, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, 2LT Holloway's remains have been recovered and identified. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial.HOLLOWAY, Stewart M., Death: 1944-09-10, Staff Sergeant, 32nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39207014, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLM, Carl V., Death: 1941-01-04, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-144757, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: A, Row: 36, Grave: 4, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IIHOLMES, Clifford R., Death: 1944-04-15, Captain, 763rd Bomber Squadron, 460th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-789471, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: A, Row: 22, Grave: 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLMES, John G., Death: 1944-09-12, Sergeant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32570095, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOLMQUIST, Kurtiss P., Death: 1945-04-26, Private, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, Service# 37773698, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 25, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOMUTH, Robert H., Death: 1944-05-31, First Lieutenant, 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-756584, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: D, Row: 20, Grave: 12, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHONAKER, James R. Jr., Death: 1945-02-22, Second Lieutenant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-777678, State of Entry: West Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 3, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHONEYCUTT, John D., Death: 1944-11-18, Sergeant, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, Service# 38626072, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHONEYSETT, Henry G., Death: 1944-09-18, Second Lieutenant, 50th Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Service# O-816482, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 33, Grave: 41, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOOPER, William J., Death: 1944-07-26, First Lieutenant, 780th Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-809001, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: B, Row: 32, Grave: 48, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOOPES, Richard L., Death: 1944-07-29, Sergeant, 66th Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, Service# 7060845, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 19, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOOPS, Fred E., Death: 1943-11-02, Staff Sergeant, 32nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34103933, State of Entry: Alabama, Plot: A, Row: 12, Grave: 4, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOOVER, J. T., Death: 1943-10-08, Technical Sergeant, 578th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 14064441, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: C, Row: 15, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOOVER, Robert E., Death: 1944-05-28, Second Lieutenant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-688702, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: C, Row: 25, Grave: 1, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOPKINS, David S., Death: 1945-03-14, Sergeant, 329th Engineer Combat Bn, 104th Infantry Division, Service# 39268659, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 24, Grave: 20, U.S. Army, World War IIHOPKINS, James H., Death: 1945-03-24, Second Lieutenant, 350th Fighter Squadron, 353rd Fighter Group, Service# O-811907, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOPP, Nickalos M., Death: 1944-12-22, Private First Class, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 37300826, State of Entry: Minnesota, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOPP, Raymond C., Death: 1944-07-07, Second Lieutenant, 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-819812, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 44, Grave: 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOPPE, Henry , Death: 1944-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 553rd Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, Service# 32288960, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 17, Grave: 13, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOPWOOD, Lawrence R., Death: 1943-07-26, Staff Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 37369953, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 2, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHORAN, William J., Death: 1945-04-10, Sergeant, 365th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 31094883, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHORAN, William P., Death: 1944-12-27, First Lieutenant, 547th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O1305581, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 18, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHORECNY, Joseph G., Death: 1944-08-16, First Lieutenant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-741344, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 14, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHORN, William F., Death: 1944-12-17, Private, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 33511289, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 13, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHORTON, N. A., Death: 1944-10-02, Private First Class, 401st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 38296395, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHORWATH, Thomas , Death: 1944-10-01, Staff Sergeant, 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Service# 33148912, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 35, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOTHEM, David A., Death: 1945-02-01, Second Lieutenant, 419th Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-777680, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 16, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOUGH, Vernon , Death: 1944-06-26, First Lieutenant, 343rd Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-695816, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: B, Row: 36, Grave: 11, Air Medal, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOUGHTON, Robert C., Death: 1944-12-24, Sergeant, 20th Infantry Battalion, 10th Armored Division, Service# 32553423, State of Entry: New York, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOULE, William D., Death: 1944-04-18, Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11096623, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Plot: C, Row: 21, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOUSHOLDER, William T., Death: 1944-11-02, First Lieutenant, 385th Fighter Squadron, 364th Fighter Group, Service# O-757995, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOUSTON, Samuel L., Death: 1945-01-03, Corporal, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, Service# 34886323, State of Entry: Tennessee, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOVENCAMP, Edward D., Death: 1944-11-24, Private, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 31367409, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: C, Row: 32, Grave: 12, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOWARD, Gerald V. Jr., Death: 1944-06-06, First Lieutenant, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Service# O1011179, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: B, Row: 42, Grave: 53, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOWARD, Raymond E., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 510th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 6549990, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOWARD, Sydney J., Death: 1945-06-08, Private First Class, 1306th Engineer General Service Regiment, Service# 39132179, State of Entry: California, Plot: C, Row: 11, Grave: 46, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOWARD, Victor E., Death: 1944-09-30, Private, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, Service# 36775079, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: C, Row: 10, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHOWELL, Ernest F. Jr., Death: 1944-07-26, First Lieutenant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-805467, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: C, Row: 18, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOWELL, Malcolm C., Death: 1943-05-14, First Lieutenant, 68th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-727992, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 28, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOWELL, Sylvester V. S., Death: 1945-03-24, First Lieutenant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-835204, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOWES, James T., Death: 1944-03-06, Second Lieutenant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-748655, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 41, Grave: 27, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHOY, Jim F., Death: 1944-01-11, Staff Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 13035324, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHRAPSKY, William W., Death: 1943-12-20, Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32533785, State of Entry: New York, Plot: B, Row: 37, Grave: 21, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHRITZ, John J., Death: 1945-04-18, Technician Fifth Grade, Headquarters Company, 4th Armored Division, Service# 33108208, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 35, Grave: 50, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUBBARD, Clyde E., Death: 1944-09-13, Sergeant, 340th Bomber Squadron, 97th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38532914, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 34, Grave: 49, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUBBERT, Norman V., Death: 1944-07-29, Staff Sergeant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32738262, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: A, Row: 19, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUBER, Harry L., Death: 1945-01-26, Private First Class, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 39558218, State of Entry: California, Plot: A, Row: 8, Grave: 4, U.S. Army, World War IIHUDGINS, Lloyd T., Death: 1945-12-10, Merchant Seaman, Service# Z-113718, State of Entry: Missouri, Plot: B, Row: 27, Grave: 11, U.S. Merchant Marine, World War IIHUDIBURG, Dale B., Death: 1944-07-07, Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39133839, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUDSON, Everett E., Death: 1944-07-20, Private, 335th Transportation Corps Harbor Craft Company, Service# 32757581, State of Entry: New Jersey, Plot: C, Row: 13, Grave: 28, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUDSON, Robert P. Jr., Death: 1944-01-05, Technical Sergeant, 713th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32176645, State of Entry: New York, Plot: D, Row: 9, Grave: 4, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUDSON, William L., Death: 1945-02-20, Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 34764971, State of Entry: Georgia, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 52, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUFF, Fred S., Death: 1944-12-18, Private First Class, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 18002941, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 6, Grave: 40, Purple Heart, Silver Star, U.S. Army, World War IIHUFF, James W., Death: 1944-08-24, Sergeant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35917122, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: D, Row: 29, Grave: 6, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUFFMAN, Alvin B., Death: 1944-12-19, Private First Class, 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Service# 34213949, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUFFMAN, John D. III, Death: 1944-01-29, Staff Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 35579706, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: C, Row: 26, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUGGETT, Erwin G., Death: 1944-01-12, Sergeant, 508th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16086862, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 43, Grave: 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUGHES, David L., Death: 1944-11-23, Private, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, Service# 33834297, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War II, Initially listed as missing in action or non-recoverable, PVT Hughes' remains have been recovered and identified and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial.HUGHES, Dwight D., Death: 1945-03-13, Private First Class, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Service# 35901443, State of Entry: Indiana, Plot: B, Row: 34, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUGHES, Hal K., Death: 1943-10-11, First Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-674198, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 12, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUGHES, Noah T., Death: 1943-06-13, First Lieutenant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-664890, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 55, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUGHES, Richard E., Death: 1944-02-24, Technical Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 39184971, State of Entry: Washington, Plot: B, Row: 20, Grave: 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUGHEY, Ray J., Death: 1945-10-05, Private, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 6393163, State of Entry: North Carolina, Missing in Action, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUISH, Heber M., Death: 1944-07-07, Second Lieutenant, 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group, Service# O-816820, State of Entry: Arizona, Plot: D, Row: 4, Grave: 51, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHULBERT, Leonard D., Death: 1945-01-28, Sergeant, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 16116074, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Plot: A, Row: 28, Grave: 11, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHULBURT, Carl T., Death: 1944-11-16, Private, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Service# 42115635, State of Entry: New York, Plot: A, Row: 11, Grave: 16, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUMKE, David A., Death: 1943-07-28, First Lieutenant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-663377, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 38, Grave: 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUMPHREY, Howard C., Death: 1944-03-23, Second Lieutenant, 333rd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-814322, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 40, Grave: 23, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUMPHREY, William L., Death: 1944-06-11, Staff Sergeant, 826th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 38255625, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 27, Grave: 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNT, Donald A., Death: 1944-06-20, Staff Sergeant, 759th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11122613, State of Entry: Maine, Plot: A, Row: 26, Grave: 1, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNT, Paul G., Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 18131137, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: D, Row: 14, Grave: 40, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNT, William W., Death: 1944-05-21, First Lieutenant, 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Service# O-756593, State of Entry: New Mexico, Plot: A, Row: 39, Grave: 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNTER, Charles M., Death: 1944-08-16, First Lieutenant, 504th Fighter Squadron, 339th Fighter Group, Service# O-737115, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 1, Grave: 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNTER, Frank P. Jr., Death: 1945-01-23, Colonel, Headquarters, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-019083, State of Entry: Virginia, Plot: D, Row: 11, Grave: 35, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNTER, Stephen S., Death: 1945-01-14, Second Lieutenant, 838th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-778817, State of Entry: Louisiana, Plot: D, Row: 17, Grave: 14, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUNTON, Charles A. Jr., Death: 1945-02-02, Captain, 642nd Bomber Squadron, 409th Bomber Group, Light, Service# O-806071, State of Entry: Arkansas, Plot: D, Row: 2, Grave: 43, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUPP, Howard T., Death: 1944-12-21, Private First Class, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 36765094, State of Entry: Illinois, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 22, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHURD, R. B., Death: 1945-01-10, Private First Class, 827th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Service# 38137525, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: A, Row: 32, Grave: 37, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHURLEY, John J., Death: 1945-01-01, Sergeant, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, Service# 11091534, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: B, Row: 43, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHURLEY, Robert J., Death: 1944-10-19, Second Lieutenant, 844th Bomber Squadron, 489th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-704342, State of Entry: Connecticut, Plot: C, Row: 39, Grave: 12, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUSS, Ralph W., Death: 1944-05-10, Second Lieutenant, 827th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# O-703259, State of Entry: Iowa, Plot: B, Row: 9, Grave: 11, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUSTED, Merrill , Death: 1944-11-06, Private First Class, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, Service# 33768044, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: A, Row: 20, Grave: 8, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUTCHENS, Hugh , Death: 1945-02-19, Sergeant, 3rd Tank Battalion, 10th Armored Division, Service# 38322986, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Plot: C, Row: 12, Grave: 33, U.S. Army, World War IIHUTCHERSON, James E., Death: 1945-01-16, Second Lieutenant, 397th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, Service# O-829997, State of Entry: Ohio, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 36, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUTCHINS, Arthur A., Death: 1944-09-19, Private, 321st Field Artillery Bn, 101st Airborne Division, Service# 34789077, State of Entry: Florida, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUTCHINSON, Frank C., Death: 1944-05-29, Staff Sergeant, 415th Bomber Squadron, 98th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 36423864, State of Entry: Michigan, Plot: A, Row: 31, Grave: 23, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUTCHINSON, Leo C., Death: 1945-03-12, Staff Sergeant, 550th Airborne Infantry Battalion, Service# 19015566, State of Entry: Idaho, Plot: B, Row: 35, Grave: 10, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUTH, Ludwig H., Death: 1944-05-19, Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 17127311, State of Entry: Kansas, Plot: D, Row: 8, Grave: 32, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUTSON, Jonah Jr., Death: 1945-04-08, Private, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, Service# 38364512, State of Entry: Texas, Plot: D, Row: 22, Grave: 16, Purple Heart, U.S. Army, World War IIHUTTON, Charles T., Death: 1944-07-29, Staff Sergeant, 413rd Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33735373, State of Entry: Maryland, Plot: A, Row: 38, Grave: 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUWE, Carl F., Death: 1944-01-29, Staff Sergeant, 549th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 33418859, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Plot: C, Row: 3, Grave: 54, Air Medal, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHUZINEC, John , Death: 1943-06-13, Staff Sergeant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 32421432, State of Entry: New York, Plot: C, Row: 1, Grave: 3, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHYMAN, Arnold E., Death: 1943-04-05, Technical Sergeant, 367th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 20919871, State of Entry: California, Plot: B, Row: 39, Grave: 48, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War IIHYNES, Edwin J., Death: 1944-04-12, Sergeant, 700th Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, Service# 11115893, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Plot: D, Row: 5, Grave: 38, Purple Heart, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II
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