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Saint Denys Church Burials
Sleaford, Lincolnshire County, England
Submitted by Shelley Clack, Sep 02, 2006 []. Total records = 213.
Saint Denys Church is located at Market Place, Sleaford, Lincolnshire.
The church dates from the 1180s. The churchyard was closed in 1856, with the opening of the Eastgate cemetery.
A section of the churchyard has been allowed to go wild and is covered with nettles and ivy. All gravestones are laid horizontally. Moss and grass have encroached over many of them, making them unreadable. A lot of the stones have worn away.
The church has internal burial vaults, which have been labeled as 'sec. in church' on the list below. Those names listed which have no location at the end of the entry, are all burials within the churchyard.
I have transcribed this transcription from all visible tombstone inscriptions, completing it on Aug 30, 2006.
- Shelley Clack
Allen, ??, d. 2 Feb 1670, Eldest s/o Henry Allen, sec. In church
Allen, Henry, d. 30 Oct 1682, age 66 yrs, Vicar of Sleaford, f/o ?? Allen, sec. In church
Almond, Catherine, d. 15 Dec 1851, age 32 yrs, d/o and s/w John Almond
Almond, John,, d, 2 Oct 1827, age 52 yrs, f/o and s/w Catherine Almond
Alvev, William, d. 10 Aug 1729, age 69 yrs, sec. In church
Bacon, George, d. 30 Nov 1818, age 50 yrs, h/o and s/w Jane Bacon
Bacon, Jane, d. 4 Mar 1832, age 70 yrs, w/o and s/w George Bacon
Bacon, Lavinia, d. 14 Oct 1801, age 65 yrs, w/o Solomon m/o Lavinia Bacon. s/w both
Bacon, Lavinia, d. 6 May 1848, age 85 yrs, d/o ad s/w Lavinia and Solomon Bacon
Bacon, Maria, d. 1839(?), age 26 yrs, w/o Thomas Bacon, d/o John of Stamford
Bacon, Mary, d. 18 Apr 1846, age 34 yrs, "And five of their children who died in infancy", w/o and s/w William Bacon
Bacon, Mary, d. 27 ??? 1835, age 57 yrs, w/o Thomas Bacon
Bacon, Solomon, d. 24 Oct 1782, age 44 yrs, h/o Lavinia, f/o Lavinia Bacon, s/w both
Bacon, Thomas, d. 5 J?? 1838, age 61 yrs
Bacon, William, d. 8 Mar 1810, "And five of their children who died in infancy", h/o and s/w Mary Bacon
Baker, ??, d. 19 Feb 1857, age ?4 yrs, s/w John and Mary Baker
Baker, John, d 5 Jan 1863, age 69 yrs, h/o Susannah and f/o Mary Baker, s/w both
Baker, John, d. 1806, age 47 yrs, s/w ?? and Mary Baker
Baker, Mary, d. 17 Nov 1826, age 22 mths, d/o John and Susannah Baker. s/w John Baker.
Baker, Susannah, d. 27 Feb 1855, age 58 yrs, w/o and s/w John Baker
Bankes, Ann (nee Truman), d. 11 Feb 1834, High Row in Knightsbridge, age 73 yrs, "Interred on 28 Feb 1834", w/o Robert George Banks. Sister of Thomas Truman
Bankes, Mary, d. 1780, sec. In church
Bankes, Mercy, d. 1826, s/w Robert Langton Bankes, sec. In church
Bankes, Robert Langton, d. 1823, s/w Mercy Bankes, sec. In church
Bankes, Robert, d. 17 Oct 1780 (1750?), age 67 yrs, sec. In church
Banks, Hannah, d. 12 Jul 1848, age 76 yrs, w/o and s/w William Banks
Banks, William, d. 23 Apr 1841, age 50 yrs, h/o and s/w Hannah Banks
Barston, Sarah, d. 12 Jan 1848, age 6? yrs, w/o James Barston
Bass, Joseph, d. 28 Jan 1833, age 29 yrs
Bedford, John Rayner, d. 3 Jun 1849, age 75 yrs, "And 8 children who died in infancy", s/w Mary and William Bedford
Bedford, Mary, d. 20 Apr 1855, age 79 yrs, "And 8 children who died in infancy", s/w John and William Bedford
Bedford, William Rufus, b. 1814, d. 22 Jul 1834, age 20 yrs, s/o and s/w John and Mary Bedford.
Bellamy, John, d. 12 Nov 18?0, h/o and s/w Mary Bellamy
Bellamy, Mary, d. ??, age 81 yrs, w/o and s/w John Bellamy
Bissill, Elizabeth, d. 22 Jan 1870, age 78 yrs, w/o John Bissill, Sec. Memorial in church
Bissill, John, d. 24 Apr 1843, age 54 yrs, "Surgeon of this parish", h/o Elizabeth Bissill, sec. Memorial in church
Brittain, Ann, d. 5 Mar 1829, age 75 yrs, w/o John Brittain
Brittain, John, d. 2 May 1819, age 66 yrs, h/o Ann Brittain
Brittaine, Theophili, d. 12 Sep 1696, age 63 yrs, Sec. Memorial in church for Puritan minister
Brooke, Francis (nee Moore), d. 23 Jan 1789, age 65 yrs, "Expired two days after her husband who is buried at Colney Chancel", w/o John Brooke, sec. In church
Brooke, J. M., d. ?? Sep ????, s/o Rev Brooke and Francis of Colney, Norfolk.
Brown, John, d. 15 Mar 1829, age 65 yrs
Caparn, ??, d. 2 Aug 1781, Infant, (male)
Capstir (Caistor?), Sarah, d. 20 Oct 1849, w/o John Caistor (Capstir?)
Carr, Robert, d. 14 Nov 1682, age 45 yrs, ,s/o Sir Robert Carr and Dame Mary, h/o Elizabeth Bennet, sec. In church
Carre, Edward, d. 1 Oct 1618, "Knight and baronet", sec. In church
Carre, Edward, d. 28 Dec 1683, age 18 yrs, "Baronet", sec. In church
Carre, Edward, d. 28 Dec 1683, s/o Robert Carre, Last of the male line, sec. In church
Carre, Robert, d. 11 Sep 1590, sec. In church
Cheales, Benjamin, d. 15 Feb 1824, age 66 yrs, "In a vault in the south aisle", sec. In church
Cheales, Mary, d. 18 Mar 1838, age 70 yrs, d/o Mary Spurr of Hale, Lincs, sec. Remembrance tablet in church
Clayton, William, d. 18 Sep 1853, age 60 yrs
Clifton, Prudence, d. ?? Jan ????, w/o and s/w Thomas Clifton, sec. In church
Clifton, Thomas, d. ?? Nov 1742, age 76 yrs, h/o and s/w Prudence Clifton, sec. In church
Cockering, Eileen(?), d. 1849, age 35 yrs, w/o Joseph Cockering, s/w Eliza Cockering
Cockering, Eliza, age 7 mths, s/w Eileen Cockering
Cockering, Joseph, d. 7 Nov 1831, age 27 yrs
Cockering, Joseph, d. 8 Jan 1842, age 38 yrs, "Buried at Toqnay Debo?h?"
Cole, Philia, d. 27 Aug 1769, age 77 yrs, "Also in memory of their 8 children who are all interred between this and the opposite pillar", w/o and s/w Robert Cole, sec. In church
Cole, Robert, d. 23 Sep 1758, age 63 yrs, "Also in memory of their 8 children who are all interred between this and the opposite pillar", h/o and s/w Philia Cole, sec. In church
Cooper, Edward, age Infant, Only child of Elizabeth Cooper
Cooper, Elizabeth Mary, d. 10 Jul 1793, Hot Wells in Bristol, age 22 yrs, "A victim to the ravages of lingering disease", m/o and s/w Edward Cooper, sec. Interred in church.
Copeland, Jeremiah, d. 9 May 1835, age 35 yrs, f/o an s/w Maria Copeland
Copeland, Maria, age Infant, d/o and s/w Jeremiah Copeland
Crosskell, George, d. 19 Sep 1855, age 85 yrs, h/o and s/w Jane Crosskell
Crosskell, Jane, d. 20 Aug 1843, age 77 yrs, w/o and s/w George Crosskell
Curtis, Thomas Henry, d. 17 Mar 1888, sec. Memorial in church
De Rauceby, Yvette, Tombstone is from 14th century
Drake, ??, d. 184?, s/o Christopher and Elizabeth Newton Drake, s/w Ann and ?? Drake and Mary Hu?ley
Drake, ??, d. 9 Apr 1812, age 10 yrs, Child of Christopher and Elizabeth Newton Drake, s/w Ann and ?? Drake and Mary Hu?ley
Drake, Ann, d. 21 May 1837, d/o Christopher and Elizabeth Newton Drake, s/w ??, ?? Drake and Mary Hu?ley
Draycot, Henry, d. 27 Aug 1818, age 42 yrs
Draycot, Susanna, d. 30 Jun ????, age 68 yrs
Evan, Edward, d. 20 Jan 1817, age 58 yrs
Follingham, Mary, d. 9 Nov 1844, age 29 yrs
Forbes, William, d. 6 Jan 1842, "Clerk of the peace, goal sessions and general meetings of Lieutenancy", sec. Memorial in church
Foster, Edward, d. 18 Feb 1792, age 41 yrs, h/o and s/w Sarah Foster, s/w ? Hackettcent
Foster, John, d. 2 Mar 1835, age 85 yrs, h/o and s/w Mary Foster
Foster, John, d. 7 Feb 1802, age 23 yrs, s/o and s/w Sarah and Richard Foster
Foster, Mary, d. 28 ??? 1828, age 81 yrs, w/o and s/w John Foster
Foster, Richard, d. 30 Dec 1815, age 62 yrs, h/o Sarah and f/o John Foster, s/w both
Foster, Sarah, d. 28 Aug 1828, age 75 yrs, w/o Richard and m/o John Foster, s/w both.
Foster, Sarah, d. Feb ????, age 65 yrs, w/o and s/w Edward Foster, Also s/w ? Hackettcent
Foster, William, . 27 Feb 1858, age 65 yrs, "Solicitor, died of a lingering illness. Interred in Quarrington churchyard", sec. Memorial in church
Gibson, Mary, d. 4 Mar 1835, age 39 yrs, "Also of three children who died in infancy", w/o and s/w Rev Ralph Gibson.
Gibson, Ralph, d. 20 Jan 1848, Coningsby, age 56 yrs, "Reverend. Wesleyan minister", h/o and s/w Mary Gibson
Gill, Ann, b. 6 Jan 1838 d, 23 Mar 1841, d/o Baxter and Elizabeth Gill
Girton, Eliz (nee Secker), d. 31 Jan 1748, age 70 yrs, w/o William Girton, late of Farndon, Notts d/o Edward Secker of Grantham. Sister of Jane Moore
Hackettcent, ???n, no dates, s/w Edward and Sarah Foster
Handley, Ann, age Infant, d/o Francis and Benjamin Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Benjam?, d. 25 Apr 1828, age 73 yrs, s/w Francis Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Benjamin, age Infant, s/o Francis and Benjamin Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Benjamin, d. 22 May 1813, Tagus, age 22 yrs, "Lieut. in his Majesty's 9th Regt Lt Dragoons, Died conveying the regiment standard from the Admirals ship to the commanding officers transport on the return from the Peninsular war, Remains interred in British burial ground at Lisbon", sec In church
Handley, Francis, d. 22 Dec 1807, age 51 yrs, s/w Benjam? Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Francis, d. 27 Dec 1807, age 51 yrs, w/o Benjamin. m/o Benjamin, Ann and Ann Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Henry, d. 28 Jun 1846, Surrendon, Kent, age 60 yrs, "Remains are at Pluckley, Kent, Represented the south division of this country in 3 successive parliaments", s/o Benj. And Francis Handley, sec. In church
Handley, Jane, age Infant, d/o Francis and Benjamin Handley, sec. In church
Harebeter, Elizabeth, no dates
Harebeter, William, no dates
Harmston, Edward, d. 18 Jun 1838, age 64 yrs, "Late of this place, Also of their three children who died in infancy"
Harrison, Mary Ann, d. 14 Oct 1825, age 29 yrs, w/o William Harrison Jun
Harryman, James, d. 18 Apr 1789, age 78 yrs, sec. In church
Harryman, James, d. 4 Mar 1749, age 6 mths, s/o James and Jane Harryman, sec. In church
Harryman, Jane, d. 5 Jul 1752, age 54 yrs, w/o James Harryman, sec. In church
Harryman, John, d. 16 Jan 1755, age 1 yr 11 mths, s/o James and Jane Harryman, sec. In church
Harryman, Susanna, d. 5 Apr 1754, age ?0 yrs, w/o Theophilus Harryman, sec. In church
Harryman, Theo, d. 8 Mar 1732, age 55 yrs, sec. In church
Harryman, William, d. 5 Jun 1747, age 6 mths, s/o James and Jane Harryman, sec. In church
Hill, Elizabeth, d. 6 Jul 1732, age 7 yrs, d/o William and Jane Hill, sec. In church
Hill, John, d. 27 Jul 1729, age 2 yrs, s/o William and Jane Hill, sec. In church
Hill, John, no dates
Hill, William, d. 29 Oct 1729, age 55 yrs, h/o Jane (see Wigley), f/o John and Elizabeth Hill
Hu?ley, Mary, d. 185?, age 55 yrs, s/w ??, ?? and Ann Drake
Hunt, Ann, d. 24 Aug 182?, age 51 yrs
Hunt, James, d. Dec 1842, age 59 yrs
King, Benjamin, d. 19 Dec 1702, h/o and s/w Rebekah King, sec. In church
King, Rebekah, d. 24 Dec 1710, w/o and s/w Benjamin King, sec. In church
Kippis, ??, "11 children of Andrew and Bridget Kippis", sec. Memorial in church
Kirk, Sarah, 22 Dec 1882, sec. Memorial stone in church
Kirton, Martha, d. 20 Mar 1851, Leicester, age 88 yrs, Second w/o William Kirton, sec. In church
Kirton, Mary, d. 1791, First wife of William Kirton, sec. In church
Kirton, William, d. 1827, age 80 yrs, sec. In church
Lamb, William, d. 20 May 1742, age 53 yrs, "Also 6 of his children, by his wife Ann, who died in infancy"
Langdon, Elizabeth, d. 27 Jun 1808, sec. In church
Lansdale, Susanna, d. 14 Feb 1844, age 81 yrs, w/o John of Holdingham
Late, John Ratcliff, d. ??
Law, C. P., b. 12 May 1853, d. 25 Nov 1853
Lomax, Ann (nee Cawdron), d. 7 Jun 1736, age 33 yrs, w/o William Lomax, m/o and s/w Jane and Eleanor Lomax, sec. In church
Lomax, Eleanor, age Infant, d/o and s/w Ann Lomax
Lomax, Elizabeth (nee Moore), d. 18 Oct 1793, age 84 yr, w/o William Lomax.
Lomax, Jane, age Infant, d/o and s/w Ann Lomax, sec. In church
Lowe, ??, d. ?? Dec 18??, age 35 yrs, s/w Thomas Lowe
Lowe, George, d. 5 Aug 1841, age 4 mths, s/o Ralph and Sarah Lowe
Lowe, Thomas, d. 1854, s/w ?? Lowe
Marfleet, Frederic, d. 16 Jun 1836, age 16 mths, s/w Mary Marfleet
Marfleet, Mary, d. 22 Apr 1839 (1859?), age 68 yrs, w/o Joseph Marfleet. s/w Fredric Marfleet.
Martin, Alice, d. 23 Sep 1854, age 56 yrs, w/o George Martin
Martin, Fanny, d. 2 Apr ??5?, age 27 yrs, d/o George and Alice Martin
Martin, John, d. 27 Feb 1822, age 19 yrs, "Nephew of ??"
Mastin, Susannah, d. 16 Jun 1852, age 30 yrs, w/o Walters Walker Mastin
McLaughlin, Ann, d. 28 Nov 1827, "In marriage union 12 yrs. Member of the Church of Christ 18 yrs, Her almost last words were 'O love thou bottomless abyss, My sins are swallowed up in thee', Exclaiming with her final breath 'Glory, glory. Glory'", w/o Rev. Archibald McLaughlin. m/o and s/w William McLaughlin.
McLaughlin, William, d. 11 Oct 1826, age 9 Mths, s/o and s/w Ann McLaughin
Moore, Ann, d. 20 Oct 1779, age 70 yrs, W/ Richard Moore, sec. In church
Moore, Anne Gardiner (nee Peacock), d. 4 Jun 1839, age 25 yrs, "Died in childbirth", w/o Maurice Peter Moore, d/o Anthony Taylor Peacock of South Kyme, s/w and m/o Florence Moore, sec, In church
Moore, Caroline Emily, d. 25 Jul 1848, age 12 yrs, sec. In church
Moore, Edward, no dates
Moore, Florence, d. 5 ??? 1838, age Infant, "Died in her Mothers arms", s/w and d/o Anne Gardiner Moore, sec. In church
Moore, Jane, d. 10 Oct 1752, age 77 yrs, "W/o Rev Williamson Moore. Had 1 son and 2 daughters. Survived him 28 years", sec. In church
Moore, Maurice Peter, d. 25 Nov 1866, age 58 yrs, sec. In church
Moore, Richard, d. 14 May 1771, age 56 yrs, "of Castor in Northampton", sec. In church
Mowbray, Alice Judith, d. 16 Jul 1852, age 30 yrs, w/o Joseph Mowbray, s/w Ann Mowbray
Mowbray, Ann Faulding, age Infancy, s/w Alice Mowbray
Nickols, George Henry, d. 18 Dec 1849, age 21 yrs
Parry, Thomas, d. 23 Dec 1879, Algiers, age 61 yrs,. "M.P for Boston, J.P. for Kesteven, Buried at Quarrington", sec. Memorial in church
Payne, ??, d. Mar 1851, age 7 yrs, s/w Ann, ?, Liz and Joan Payne.
Payne, ??, no dates, s/w Joan, Ann and Liz Payne
Payne, Ann, d/o John and Harriet Pane, s/w ?, Ann and Liz Payne
Payne, Joan, d. 5 Oct 185, s/w Ann Liz and ? Payne
Payne, Liz, d/o and s/w ? and Joan Payne
Peart, Eleanor (Cawdron), d. 29 Jun 1725, age 34 yrs, w/o John Peart, d/o Robert Cawdron, sec. In church
Pykeworth, Richard, d. 23 Jul 1557, sec. In church
Roberts Jnr, Richard, b. 12 Aug 1785, d. 10 Mar 1836, h/o and s/w Francis Roberts, f/o and s/w Richard Jnr and Marian
Roberts Snr, Richard, b. 1742, d. 26Feb 1826, f/o and s/w Mary Roberts, s/o and s/w Francis and Richard Snr, B/o and s/w Marian Roberts.
Roberts, Francis, b. 1747, d. 28 Oct 1832, w/o and s/w Richard Snr, m/o and s/w Richard Jnr and Marian, Also s/w Mary
Roberts, John, d. ? Oct 18
Roberts, John, d. ??
Roberts, Marian, b. 15 Aug 1820, d. 17 Aug 1821, d/o and s/w Richard Snr and Francis Roberts
Roberts, Mary, b. 19 Mar 1822, d. 11 May 1847, d/o and s/w Richard Jnr Roberts
Rodgers, Maria (nee Ainsworth), d. 25 Dec 1847, w/o William Rodgers of Belfast Ireland. d/o Mr Ainsworth of Sleaford
Sackett, Edward, d, 6 Nov 180?, age 39 yrs, "Wesleyan minister", h/o Elizabeth Sackett
Sackett, Elizabeth, d. 8 May 1836, age 49 yrs, w/o Edward Sackett
Seller, Anna, d. 24 Nov 1746, age 68 yrs, s/w Thomas and Catherina Seller w/o Thomas Seller, sec. In church
Seller, Catherina, d. 28 May 1749, age Infant, s/w Thomas and Anna Seller. d/o William Seller, sec. In church
Seller, Thomas, d. 29 (22?) Apr 1737, age 72 yrs, Vicar of Sleaford, f/o William Seller. s/w Anna and Catherina Seller, h/o Anna Seller, sec. In church
Seller, William, b. 1705, Sleaford, d. 10 Feb 1769, Sleaford, Vicar of Sleaford, s/o Thomas Seller, f/o Catherine Seller, sec. In church
Sha?cklock, Elizabeth, d. 6 Feb 1853, age 59 yrs, w/o Joseph
Sharpe, John, d. Jun 1815, age 7 Wks, Third s/o and s/w Joseph, Judith, Susannah and Joseph Sharpe
Sharpe, Joseph, d. 26 May 1846, Newark, Notts, age. 34 yrs, Second s/o and s/w Joseph and Judith, Also s/w John and Susannah.
Sharpe, Joseph, d. 30 Oct 18??, age 69 yrs, h/o and s/w Judith, f/o and s/w John, Joseph and Susannah Sharpe
Sharpe, Judith, d. 4 Mar 18?0, w/o and s/w Joseph, m/o and s/w John, Joseph and Susannah Sharpe
Sharpe, Susannah, d. Jul 1836, age 24 yrs, Fourth d/o and s/w Joseph and Judith, Also s/w John and Joseph Sharpe
Simpson, John, d. ??
Simpson, Mildred, d. Mar ????, w/o and s/w William Simpson
Simpson, William, d. Oct ????, age 76 yrs, h/o and s/w Mildred Simpson
Skepper, Anthony, d. 1 Aug 1773, age 74 yrs, s/w Frances and Mary Skepper, sec. In church
Skepper, Frances, d. 7 Jul 1740, age 79 yrs, m/o and s/w Anthony and Mary Skepper, sec. In church
Skepper, Mary, d. 9 Dec 1747, age 38 yrs, s/w Anthony and Mary Skepper, sec. In church
Smedley, Abraham, d. 5 Aug 1821, Caistor, age 3 yrs, s/w Helen, Henry, Jane and Jane Winner
Smedley, Annette, d. 18 Apr 1846, age 37 yrs, "Died and was buried in Ireland", Listed with Abraham, Helen, Henry, Jane and Jane Winner
Smedley, Helen, d. 29 May 1846, ,age 39 yrs, d/o Joseph and Melinda Smedley, s/w Abraham, Henry, Jane and Jane Winner
Smedley, Henry, d. 1 Dec 1823, Malton, age 2 yrs, s/w Abraham, Helen, Jane and Jane Winner
Smedley, Jane, d. 22 Jul 1821, Market Rasen, age 7 yrs, s/w Abraham, Helen, Henry and Jane Winner
Smith, ??, d. 28 Jul 1839, age 71 yrs, h/o Elizabeth, f/o Ann and Charles Smith, s/w all.
Smith, Ann, age Infant, d/o and s/w ?? and Elizabeth Smith
Smith, Charles, age Infant, s/o and s/w ?? and Elizabeth Smith
Smith, Charles, no dates, s/w Mary Smith
Smith, Elizabeth, d. 1 Jan 1850, age 73 yrs, w/o ??, m/o Ann and Charles Smith, s/w all.
Smith, Josiah, d. 13 Dec 1836,age 60 yrs, "Captn. R.S.L.M"
Smith, Mary, no dates, s/w Charles Smith
Spurr, Penelope, d.13 May 1835, age 6 yrs, Second daughter of William and Mary Spurr of Little Hale Lincs, sec. Memorial in church
Steel, Sarah, d. 25 Oct 1818, age 8 mths, d/o John and ??beth
Trevitt, Susanna, d. 25 May 1832, age 35 yrs, w/o John Lascells Trevitt
Walpoole, John, d. 1591, sec. In church
Welby, William, d. 8 May 1809, age 84 yrs, "Formerly of South Rauceby, Buried in St Mary, Islington", sec. Memorial in church
Weston, John, d. ?? Oct ????
Wigley, Jane, d. Dec 1752, age 44 yrs, w/o William Hill and after of Edward Wigley of Leicester, sec. In church on Northside
Willson , Catherine, d. 7 Sep 1848, age 37 yrs, d/o and s/w John and Sarah Willson.
Willson, John, d. 16 Mar 1845, age 55 yrs, h/o Sarah Willson, f/o Catherine Willson, s/w both.
Willson, Sarah, d. 14 Aug 1854, age 64 yrs, w/o John Willson, M/ Catherine Willson. s/w both
Wilson, Elizabeth, d. 10 Jan 1855, age 80 yrs, w/o and s/w Joseph Wilson
Wilson, Joseph, d. 18 ??? 18??, h/o ad s/w Elizabeth Wilson
Winner, Jane, d. 6 Mar 1808, Grimsby, age 2 yrs, s/w Abraham, Annette, Helen, Henry and Jane Smedley
Yerburgh, Isabel-Arnall, d. 28 May 1824, age. Infant, sec. In church
??, ?. R. ?., gravestone details worn away.
??, ??, d. 1819
??, ??, d. Sep 15th century tombstone, sec. In church
??, Edward, age 18 yrs
??, Joh(n?), 14th century tombstone, Sec. In church
??, Joseph, d. 10 Aug ????, age 52 yrs
??, Margaret Maria, d. Oct 1850, age 27 yrs, d/o and s/w William ??,
??, Mary Helen, d. Jun 1851, age 29 yrs, "Interred at Ventor, Isle of Wight", d/o William ??
??, Mary,
??, Rob???,
??, William, d. ?? Apr 1848, age 54 yrs, f/o and s/w Margaret, f/o Mary ??
????son, W????,
??o???h, ??, d. 18??, age ?5 yrs, "Of Cr??e??m"
??rritt, Ann, d. 18 Jan 1844, age 79 yrs
Bankes, ??, age. Infant, Sec. In church
B., W. R., d. 1834
Ba??s, Edward, d. 1815, age ?5 yrs
F., E. H., d. 1850, s/w E. F. and J. H. F
F., E., d. 1852, s/w E. H. F and J. H. F
F., J. H., d. 1850, s/w E. H. F. and E. F.
Fieldi??, Margaret, w/o ??jain Fieldi??, sec. In church
Hill, ??,
W????, ?, d. Feb ????, age 57 yrs, s/w John W????
W????, John, d. Jun ????, age 71 yrs, s/w ? W???
13th century tombstone, sec. In church
14th century tombstone, sec. In church
15th century tombstone, sec. In church
One gravestone is buried under path, only one corner is visible
Seventeen gravestones are covered in moss/grass/weeds
Three gravestones are damaged and unreadable
fifty-two gravestone are unreadable due to wear
two gravestones are blank
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