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Netherlands American Cemetery
Margraten, Netherlands
GPS: 50.81762, 5.80790
AM Begraafplaats 1
6269 NA
Margraten, Netherlands
Published: November 24, 2019
Total records: 10,022
Netherlands American Cemetery is managed by American Battle Monuments Commission, and lies in the village of Margraten, six miles east of Maastricht.
Surnames Q-R
Records below were acquired from American Battle Monuments Commission on November 24, 2019. These include dates of death ranging from 1942 to 1946. The 1,722 soliders who remains were never found have been tagged with, "Tablets of the Missing".
QUALLS, Archie, Technical Sergeant, 338th Transportation Corps Harbor Craft Company, U.S. Army, Service #38343577, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 29-September-1945, Plot D, Row 13, Grave 29, World War II
QUARANTA, Robert J., Staff Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #12141817, State of Entry: New York, Death: 29-July-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
QUARLES, Loyd C., Staff Sergeant, 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14043140, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 1-December-1943, Plot M, Row 18, Grave 3, Air Medal, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
QUEBMAN, Robert B. Sr., Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35086889, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot D, Row 9, Grave 25, Purple Heart, World War II
QUEENER, William A., Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34924355, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot H, Row 3, Grave 25, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
QUEER, Harry E., First Lieutenant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1303542, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 25-November-1944, Plot I, Row 1, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
QUERQUES, Leonard, Private First Class, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42007725, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot D, Row 20, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
QUICK, Chester G., Staff Sergeant, 194th Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #33757259, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot K, Row 6, Grave 13, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
QUICK, John H., Private First Class, 355th Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34207683, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 4-May-1945, Plot C, Row 5, Grave 11, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
QUICK, Richard H., Private First Class, 103rd Engineer Combat Battalion, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36583270, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 15-December-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart , World War II, Initially listed as missing in action or non-recoverable, PFC Quick's remains were recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial, Margraten, Holland.
QUIGLEY, Clyde S., Technician Fourth Grade, Military Police Platoon, 26th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31018522, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-April-1945, Plot D, Row 13, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
QUILLIAM, Kenneth B., Corporal, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35369725, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 4-December-1944, Plot H, Row 2, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINLAN, John M., Private First Class, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #13170827, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-September-1944, Plot K, Row 16, Grave 3, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINN, Donald F., Private, 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37599643, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 2-February-1945, Plot E, Row 16, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINN, Frank, Technician Fifth Grade, 83rd Reconnaissance Bn, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #42104797, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot P, Row 13, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINN, Joseph W., Private First Class, 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36254181, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 30-January-1945, Plot J, Row 4, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINN, Roland H., Corporal, 272nd Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34727555, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 31-May-1945, Plot D, Row 13, Grave 6, World War II
QUINN, William F., Corporal, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32279637, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot A, Row 5, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINONEZ, Florencio E., Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #20845287, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 31-March-1945, Plot N, Row 18, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINTANA, Julian, Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38169558, State of Entry: New Mexico, Death: 31-January-1945, Plot C, Row 7, Grave 30, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
QUINTO, John V., Sergeant, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31341049, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot H, Row 12, Grave 26, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
QUIRING, Otto A., Second Lieutenant, 55th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-753733, State of Entry: California, Death: 24-February-1944, Plot A, Row 8, Grave 7, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RABAGO, Fernando H., Corporal, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #18017299, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 23-April-1945, Plot L, Row 12, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RABEL, Wilbur D., Sergeant, 634th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #35922524, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot O, Row 11, Grave 15, Silver Star, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RABELL, Milton K., Sergeant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33407316, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 19-November-1944, Plot E, Row 14, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
RACHOFSKY, Robert C., Private First Class, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32867694, State of Entry: New York, Death: 22-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RACZNIAK, Louis E., Sergeant, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #33130671, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 31-March-1945, Plot C, Row 7, Grave 21, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RADANOVICH, John W., Sergeant, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36539481, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 2-December-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RADEBAUGH, Bernard J., Staff Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38200850, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 11-January-1944, Plot C, Row 16, Grave 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RADEL, Walter J., Corporal, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #15394065, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 6-November-1944, Plot G, Row 5, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RADICH, Bogan, Staff Sergeant, 785th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17051503, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 23-March-1944, Plot I, Row 20, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RADICH, Sr., Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42140374, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot L, Row 20, Grave 8, Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
RADMANN, James B., Corporal, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36242863, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot C, Row 7, Grave 32, Purple Heart, World War II
RADUL, Trian, Sergeant, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #16065887, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot O, Row 16, Grave 8, Soldier's Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RAETHER, Theodore H., Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36831233, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 22-November-1944, Plot L, Row 4, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
RAFFERTY, William J., Private, 562nd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33497493, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 25-March-1945, Plot O, Row 12, Grave 15, Soldier's Medal, World War II
RAFFETY, Louis E., First Lieutenant, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1320181, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 30-September-1944, Plot A, Row 4, Grave 15, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RAGAN, William H., First Lieutenant, 315th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-887523, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 25-March-1945, Plot J, Row 14, Grave 1, Silver Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RAGON, Bailey J., Private First Class, 289th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38664704, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 26-March-1945, Plot F, Row 13, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
RAHN, Herman W., Sergeant, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6943436, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-February-1944, Plot I, Row 16, Grave 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RAIDER, Raymond R., Private First Class, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39412194, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-February-1945, Plot O, Row 1, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
RAINES, Loyd J., Private First Class, 377th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34388559, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot K, Row 7, Grave 10, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RAKOFF, Leo, Private, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #42039333, State of Entry: New York, Death: 27-September-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RAKOWSKI, Steve V., Technician Fifth Grade, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35525121, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 5-April-1945, Plot J, Row 21, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
RALEIGH, Herman E. Jr., Private First Class, 345th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37750971, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot I, Row 10, Grave 9, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RALSTON, Bryce A., Second Lieutenant, 395th Fighter Squadron, 368th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O1168872, State of Entry: North Dakota, Death: 23-December-1944, Plot L, Row 2, Grave 17, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RAMER, John T., Staff Sergeant, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33377517, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-March-1945, Plot D, Row 8, Grave 20, Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
RAMIREZ, Charles, Staff Sergeant, 387th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39562543, State of Entry: California, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot H, Row 7, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RAMSDELL, Robert K., Private First Class, 303rd Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32830310, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot E, Row 19, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RAMSEY, Frank R., Staff Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17028527, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 26-July-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RAMSEY, Jackson T., Sergeant, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #14126358, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-September-1944, Plot F, Row 4, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RAMSEY, Ronald H., Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #42096573, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot K, Row 3, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
RAMSTETTER, Walter E., Private, 414th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37337328, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot B, Row 8, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDALL, Francis A., Sergeant, 981st Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #20918206, State of Entry: California, Death: 13-February-1945, Plot E, Row 19, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDALL, Jack H., Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33331557, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 2-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDALL, Rudy, Private, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #39204891, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 18-September-1944, Plot P, Row 8, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDEL, Charles R., Staff Sergeant, 413rd Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37315856, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 20-October-1943, Plot J, Row 1, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDEL, Lawrence W., Private, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39599531, State of Entry: California, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot E, Row 2, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
RANDEL, Leonard E., First Lieutenant, 401st Fighter Squadron, 370th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-760204, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 25-November-1944, Plot H, Row 10, Grave 24, Air Medal with 8 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RANDOLPH, Raymond N., Private First Class, 532nd Quartermaster Salvage & Repair Company, U.S. Army, Service #33640824, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 23-March-1945, Plot E, Row 19, Grave 9, World War II
RANGEL, Fernando B., Sergeant, 776th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38457458, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 11-December-1944, Plot P, Row 22, Grave 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RANGEL, Joe M., Private First Class, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38672908, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 6-January-1945, Plot D, Row 10, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
RANGER, Donald G., Private, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32392942, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 9-December-1944, Plot L, Row 11, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
RANKIN, Harold O., Private First Class, 41st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34926627, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 27-November-1944, Plot C, Row 16, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
RANKIN, Warren M., Staff Sergeant, 749th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33172792, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 8-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RANKO, Charles Willia, Private, 387th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39477773, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot H, Row 17, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RANO, Carl R., Second Lieutenant, 413rd Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-801963, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 16-December-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RANSOM, William V., Flight Officer, 574th Bomber Squadron, 391st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-128665, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 25-January-1945, Plot J, Row 1, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RAPKO, Michael, Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33591228, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 2-November-1944, Plot B, Row 11, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
RAPOSKY, Albert H., Corporal, 327th Engineer Combat Bn, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33399295, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 7-May-1945, Plot C, Row 9, Grave 30, Bronze Star, World War II
RAPP, Charles G., Sergeant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #13157138, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 6-December-1944, Plot A, Row 20, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
RAPP, Edward B., Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39477233, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot M, Row 7, Grave 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RAPPS, Oliver J., Staff Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37672153, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 4-April-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RASCH, Abraham J., Staff Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32440998, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RASKE, Harold, Private, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37599213, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 30-January-1945, Plot F, Row 10, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
RASMUSSEN, Howard W., Private First Class, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37490091, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 6-April-1945, Plot F, Row 18, Grave 20, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RATCHFORD, Robert H., Technical Sergeant, 564th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14180663, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 9-March-1945, Plot N, Row 2, Grave 10, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RATERMANN, Joseph A., Technician Fourth Grade, 485th Engineer Shop Company, U.S. Army, Service #35662687, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 25-June-1945, Plot C, Row 12, Grave 5, World War II
RATHGEBER, William A., Staff Sergeant, 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #12036382, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-May-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RATKELIS, Thomas S., Private, 557th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33590524, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot I, Row 16, Grave 4, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RATLIFF, George R., Private First Class, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38731123, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 8-March-1945, Plot C, Row 16, Grave 23, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RATTS, Dean M., Second Lieutenant, 334th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-775127, State of Entry: California, Death: 3-February-1945, Plot P, Row 13, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RAVASIO, Bernard A., Private, 8th Tank Battalion, 4th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35238358, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 5-April-1945, Plot H, Row 10, Grave 23, Purple Heart, World War II
RAVASIO, Michael A. Jr., Staff Sergeant, 368th Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32489559, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-November-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RAVENOR, Thomas J., Sergeant, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #20920648, State of Entry: California, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot I, Row 12, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
RAWLINGS, James W., Private, 58th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #14133986, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 4-April-1945, Plot D, Row 10, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RAWSON, James L., Staff Sergeant, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38035041, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 3-December-1944, Plot I, Row 3, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
RAY, Luther B., Technician Fifth Grade, 353rd Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #13000910, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 6-April-1945, Plot N, Row 9, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RAYBURN, Wayne H., Sergeant, 14th Tank Battalion, 9th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37060457, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 2-March-1946, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
REA, Thomas L., First Lieutenant, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #O-453737, State of Entry: California, Death: 9-February-1945, Plot L, Row 3, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
REAB, Lyle W., Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37448195, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 9-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
READ, Thomas, Second Lieutenant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-799070, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 12-August-1943, Plot D, Row 2, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
REAVES, Dudley W., Staff Sergeant, 701st Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16169115, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 24-February-1944, Plot C, Row 13, Grave 19, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REAVES, Vaughn, Technical Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14050289, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 26-November-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REBARSKY, Andrew Jr., Private First Class, Civil Affairs Division, U.S. Army, Service #35291740, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 4-June-1945, Plot E, Row 16, Grave 15, World War II
RECTOR, Bengie M., Corporal, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33005351, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 26-February-1945, Plot E, Row 5, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RECTOR, Edward C., Corporal, 547th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #37340812, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 17-February-1945, Plot A, Row 6, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
REDDING, Henry L., Private First Class, 4298th Gasoline Supply Company, U.S. Army, Service #32189359, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-April-1945, Plot L, Row 21, Grave 16, World War II
REDDINGTON, John V. Jr., Corporal, 60th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #36719743, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot B, Row 2, Grave 23, Purple Heart, World War II
REDFERN, Lloyd H., Private, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37692928, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 6-December-1944, Plot N, Row 18, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
REED, Charles B., Staff Sergeant, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33034776, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-December-1944, Plot A, Row 17, Grave 8, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REED, George R. Jr., Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33949578, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-April-1945, Plot I, Row 17, Grave 10, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REED, Gerald C., Private First Class, 507th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37482229, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot K, Row 13, Grave 14, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REED, James M., Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13128666, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 11-December-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REED, Lester L., Private, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35522382, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 28-November-1944, Plot K, Row 13, Grave 18, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REED, Merlin H., First Lieutenant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-670612, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 9-March-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REED, Norbert G., Private First Class, 139th Engineer Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37552037, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot F, Row 13, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
REED, Walter S., Staff Sergeant, 561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38296435, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 6-March-1944, Plot L, Row 14, Grave 11, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REEDER, Merrill E., Private First Class, 323th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33764367, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot I, Row 18, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
REEKS, Reginald T., Corporal, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #16152047, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-March-1945, Plot D, Row 8, Grave 29, World War II
REEL, Leander, Private, 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #35394808, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 25-September-1944, Plot J, Row 3, Grave 17, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REESE, Frank M., Private, 771st Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34361579, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 22-January-1945, Plot D, Row 17, Grave 1, World War II
REESE, Halmyth C., Second Lieutenant, 453rd Bomber Squadron, 323rd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-672201, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 26-March-1944, Plot A, Row 14, Grave 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REESE, Vincent J., Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33468736, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 22-April-1944, Plot M, Row 21, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
REESE, Whitney J., Sergeant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38460812, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 10-January-1945, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 2, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REESE, William R., Corporal, 385th Field Artillery Bn, 104th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33489584, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REEVE, Virgil E., Private First Class, 44th Railhead Company, U.S. Army, Service #39469898, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 18-January-1945, Plot C, Row 6, Grave 30, World War II
REEVES, Harry E., Private First Class, 644th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36694551, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot K, Row 19, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
REEVES, Joseph E., Private, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31449007, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 3-March-1945, Plot N, Row 1, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
REEVES, Noah C., Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34395778, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 6-December-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REEVES, Robert L., Private, 66th Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34038961, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 30-November-1944, Plot H, Row 1, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
REGAN, Robert C., Second Lieutenant, 86th Squadron, 437th Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-780005, State of Entry: California, Death: 24-March-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REGAN, Robert M., Sergeant, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #39336553, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 1, Grave 29, Purple Heart, World War II
REGEN, Chester A., Private, 747th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #42035502, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-November-1944, Plot G, Row 7, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
REIBER, Edwin T., Private First Class, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37750736, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 21-September-1945, Plot B, Row 20, Grave 8, World War II
REICH, Charles F., Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39477200, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 24-February-1945, Plot M, Row 7, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
REICHENBACH, Arno K., Technician Fourth Grade, 466th Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #32883205, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot F, Row 14, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
REICHENBACH, Theodore, Technical Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6860263, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 19-March-1945, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 3, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REICHERT, Paul F., Second Lieutenant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-807514, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-September-1944, Plot P, Row 19, Grave 5, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REICHOLD, Walter H., Second Lieutenant, 527th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-799071, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 20-December-1943, Plot B, Row 20, Grave 4, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REID, Alvah D., Second Lieutenant, 790th Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O1014777, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot J, Row 6, Grave 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REID, Howard D. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-671178, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 16-December-1943, Plot M, Row 2, Grave 1, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REID, James W., First Lieutenant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-796599, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 22-December-1943, Plot M, Row 16, Grave 12, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REID, Joseph S., Technician Fifth Grade, 342nd Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37502295, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot K, Row 19, Grave 14, Purple Heart, World War II
REIDY, Charles E., Technical Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35381792, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 17-August-1943, Plot M, Row 7, Grave 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
REILEY, Glenn V., Staff Sergeant, 753rd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13048158, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 6-March-1944, Plot H, Row 16, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
REILLER, Kenneth P., Private First Class, 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #32839722, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-September-1944, Plot K, Row 19, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REIN, John J., Staff Sergeant, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33469702, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 1-February-1945, Plot B, Row 11, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
REINEHR, Edward A., Private, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31332480, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 20-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REINERIO, Alexander J., Private First Class, 194th Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #35575401, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 10, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
REINHARDT, John A., Private, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42187349, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 9-March-1945, Plot F, Row 13, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
REINHART, Wendall D., Technician Fifth Grade, 66th Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37193011, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 17-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
REINWAND, Charles V., Private First Class, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36990816, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 5-April-1945, Plot C, Row 15, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
REISER, Alois P., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37748079, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 28-February-1945, Plot L, Row 3, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
REISHUS, Alton H., Corporal, 102nd Quartermaster Company, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37543071, State of Entry: North Dakota, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot K, Row 1, Grave 18, World War II
REITER, Clarence A., Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37266191, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 26-June-1945, Plot F, Row 16, Grave 7, World War II
REITZ, William, Captain, 496th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-429852, State of Entry: California, Death: 23-September-1944, Plot A, Row 12, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
REKAS, Joseph A., Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31112002, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 17-April-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
REMCUS, Jack T., Private, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #18032133, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot I, Row 13, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
REMISZEWSKI, Frank, Private First Class, 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42107878, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot H, Row 10, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
REMPEL, Calvin A., Private First Class, 49th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #39208075, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot C, Row 14, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
REMUS, Franklin G., Private, 803rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36630755, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 25-April-1945, Plot B, Row 15, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RENAUD, William G., First Lieutenant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-791145, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 13-June-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart , World War II, Initially listed as missing in action, 1LT Renaud's remains were recovered and interred at the Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.
RENCH, Duane F., Staff Sergeant, 350th Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #36860140, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 31-December-1944, Plot K, Row 5, Grave 9, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RENDA, George J., Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #33161965, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart. , World War II, PFC Renda's remains have been recovered and interred at a private cemetery in Huntingdon, PA. His name is permanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.
RENDER, Harold J., Staff Sergeant, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #32168295, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot B, Row 7, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
RENDINA, Joseph M., Private First Class, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #35563525, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 22-September-1944, Plot F, Row 19, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
RENDLER, Carl Jr., Staff Sergeant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39532169, State of Entry: California, Death: 21-May-1943, Plot B, Row 4, Grave 28, Purple Heart, World War II
RENDON, Luis M., Sergeant, 817th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #6951913, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot L, Row 10, Grave 19, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RENNER, Marvin, Private, 556th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36905523, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 21-April-1945, Plot D, Row 10, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RENO, Charley N., Private First Class, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37742538, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot J, Row 19, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
RENSINK, Henry A., Corporal, 980th Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #37115863, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 5-March-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
RENTFROW, Robert R., Private First Class, 387th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36467183, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot I, Row 9, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RENTZ, Bennett J., Staff Sergeant, 4th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37563573, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 28-September-1944, Plot P, Row 15, Grave 13, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RENYER, Lester J., Private First Class, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #39565086, State of Entry: California, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot A, Row 12, Grave 28, Purple Heart, World War II
REPA, Alois F., Corporal, 771st Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #32276170, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 21-December-1944, Plot B, Row 19, Grave 24, World War II
REPINE, Alex J., Private, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37531709, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 24-December-1944, Plot D, Row 2, Grave 31, Purple Heart, World War II
REPKO, George J., Sergeant, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #20269957, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-September-1944, Plot L, Row 11, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RESLER, John T., First Lieutenant, 83rd Reconnaissance Bn, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-432547, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot I, Row 14, Grave 6, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RESSANI, Mario L., Staff Sergeant, 466th Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #6947877, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 6, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
RESWEBER, Ellis J., First Lieutenant, 452nd Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-791727, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 17-May-1943, Plot H, Row 9, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
RETAN, George O., Second Lieutenant, 506th Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-887980, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-September-1944, Plot A, Row 4, Grave 8, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RETONE, Anthony Jr., Private, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #33434875, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-September-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
REUFF, Oscar L., Private, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35912776, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 26-November-1944, Plot H, Row 4, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
REUTER, Walter H. Jr., Private, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35298911, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REVILOCK, Steven, Staff Sergeant, 5th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35027283, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 4-April-1945, Plot I, Row 12, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
REW, Howard A., Private First Class, 385th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42118117, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot I, Row 16, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
REWERTS, Herman R., Sergeant, 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37032113, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot J, Row 20, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
REYERSON, James H., Private First Class, 49th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37561416, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot G, Row 7, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
REYES, Joseph, Private First Class, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36474041, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot E, Row 11, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
REYES, Miguel A., Sergeant, 856th Bomber Squadron, 492nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39857267, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 20-June-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
REYNERSON, Herbert L., Staff Sergeant, 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38152553, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 9-March-1945, Plot D, Row 16, Grave 6, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
REYNOLDS, Elvis, Private First Class, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #38563503, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot C, Row 11, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
REYNOLDS, Layman R., Private First Class, 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35839165, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot D, Row 5, Grave 21, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
REYNOLDS, Oris L., Private, 562nd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #35321267, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 2-February-1945, Plot B, Row 11, Grave 17, World War II
REYNOLDS, Roy M., Private First Class, 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #35745761, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 3-March-1945, Plot C, Row 9, Grave 6, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RHATIGAN, Robert H., Sergeant, 66th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32327875, State of Entry: New York, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot E, Row 18, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
RHOADARMER, Floyd W., Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37483229, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 3-December-1944, Plot M, Row 14, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RHODES, Carney C. Jr., Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19021176, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 2-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RHODES, Edward B., Sergeant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33541153, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 28-September-1944, Plot D, Row 20, Grave 31, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RHODES, Gene B., Private, 466th Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #15302016, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot F, Row 17, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
RHODES, Marshall D., Technician Fifth Grade, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #18165597, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 19-November-1944, Plot E, Row 14, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RHODES, William H., Private, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39344227, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 18-December-1944, Plot A, Row 20, Grave 13, World War II
RIBET, Joseph J., Private, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42051981, State of Entry: New York, Death: 22-November-1944, Plot L, Row 20, Grave 2, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICCIARDI, Ignatius J., Staff Sergeant, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33800828, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 22-December-1944, Plot A, Row 19, Grave 6, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICCIO, Samuel H., Staff Sergeant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32855461, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-May-1944, Plot N, Row 10, Grave 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RICE, Bernard S., Private First Class, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39209231, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 21-November-1944, Plot B, Row 1, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RICE, Bernard, First Lieutenant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-440520, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 2-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
RICE, Donald B., Private First Class, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39932936, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 23-April-1945, Plot K, Row 4, Grave 17, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICE, Donald S., Private, 36th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #31182961, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot H, Row 14, Grave 25, Purple Heart, World War II
RICE, Everett J., Private, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #33535567, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 7-February-1945, Plot O, Row 19, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
RICE, Stanley, First Sergeant, 987th Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #35001987, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot J, Row 16, Grave 19, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICE, William O., Private First Class, 539th Engineer Light Pontoon Company, U.S. Army, Service #31095718, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 24-May-1945, Plot C, Row 8, Grave 25, World War II
RICH, Floyd P., Staff Sergeant, 51st Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #32378594, State of Entry: New York, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot A, Row 5, Grave 19, World War II
RICH, Frank, First Lieutenant, 36th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1017026, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot L, Row 3, Grave 7, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICH, Mack, Private, 385th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34970793, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 5-April-1945, Plot H, Row 15, Grave 14, Purple Heart, World War II
RICH, Otto A., Staff Sergeant, 377th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #11080078, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot K, Row 14, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARD, Armand R., Staff Sergeant, 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #11096678, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 5-November-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICHARD, Wallace, Private, 4332nd Quartermaster Service Company, U.S. Army, Service #38651688, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 20-April-1945, Plot B, Row 5, Grave 7, World War II
RICHARDS, Alfred J., Sergeant, 3rd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #31398488, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 12-May-1945, Plot G, Row 11, Grave 20, World War II
RICHARDS, Herman V., Sergeant, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38372242, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot D, Row 8, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDS, Ira T. Jr., Sergeant, 44th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #13017994, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 25-January-1945, Plot E, Row 3, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDS, Louis L., Private, 440th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #36313695, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 28-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Allen E., Technician Fifth Grade, 466th Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #38385814, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 6, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Charles B., Private, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35808956, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot G, Row 13, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICHARDSON, David L. J., Private, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #15402857, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 16-December-1944, Plot E, Row 4, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Donald E., Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #36777600, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 30-March-1945, Plot O, Row 11, Grave 5, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICHARDSON, Earl H., Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42108909, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-November-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Harold M., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37635584, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot I, Row 8, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Jackson C., Private, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #44005185, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 22-March-1945, Plot A, Row 3, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, John A., Staff Sergeant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19098502, State of Entry: California, Death: 13-June-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, John P., Private, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #32929831, State of Entry: New York, Death: 20-September-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Merle L., Technician Fifth Grade, 326th Field Artillery Battalion, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38276512, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 26-February-1945, Plot M, Row 21, Grave 5, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RICHARDSON, Orley C., Technician Fifth Grade, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #36158024, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot F, Row 5, Grave 27, World War II
RICHARDSON, Ralph, Technician Fifth Grade, Combat Command "A", 13ht Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35615423, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot M, Row 15, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Richard E., Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33887696, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot L, Row 3, Grave 10, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Thomas L., Technical Sergeant, 360th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37383358, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 2-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHARDSON, Vernon L., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38684265, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-December-1944, Plot D, Row 1, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHEY, Charles V., Staff Sergeant, 545th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34352496, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 12-August-1943, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RICHMOND, Herman D. Sr., Sergeant, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39116268, State of Entry: California, Death: 6-March-1945, Plot G, Row 11, Grave 19, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICKARD, Patrick J., Private First Class, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #35067850, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 19-September-1944, Plot F, Row 18, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
RICKENBAKER, Tourie B., Staff Sergeant, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34843808, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot D, Row 7, Grave 5, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RICKETTS, John W., Technician Fifth Grade, 27th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35036525, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot A, Row 12, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RIDDEL, Jacques E., Second Lieutenant, 546th Bomber Squadron, 384th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-735454, State of Entry: California, Death: 28-July-1943, Plot M, Row 22, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
RIDDELL, John F., Second Lieutenant, 709th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-864157, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 29-June-1944, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RIDDLEHOOVER, Joyce C., Technical Sergeant, 710th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34338322, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 3-March-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIDENOUR, Donald W., Second Lieutenant, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O2005503, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot C, Row 3, Grave 24, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIDENOUR, Edward E., Private, 378th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33890001, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot C, Row 1, Grave 30, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIDEOUT, James A., Private First Class, 3130th Quartermaster Service Company, U.S. Army, Service #33736870, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot P, Row 15, Grave 16, World War II
RIDEOUT, Robert M., Captain, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1308546, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 19-November-1944, Plot G, Row 13, Grave 6, Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIDER, Dale G., Technician Fourth Grade, 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33871657, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-March-1945, Plot D, Row 12, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
RIDER, James J., Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33173175, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 9-October-1944, Plot E, Row 6, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
RIEGER, Elroy F., Private First Class, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39416244, State of Entry: California, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot F, Row 14, Grave 10, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIEGER, Warren C., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32813323, State of Entry: New York, Death: 20-November-1944, Plot G, Row 10, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RIELAG, Lester E., Private First Class, 386th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #15372087, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot A, Row 10, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
RIEVE, Fred K., Technician Fifth Grade, Headquarters Company, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32929081, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 25-April-1945, Plot L, Row 16, Grave 15, World War II
RIFE, John R., First Lieutenant, 681st Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-1177157, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot C, Row 11, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGAPOULOS, John, Private First Class, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #11105947, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 20-September-1944, Plot K, Row 1, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGG, Donald G., Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35666761, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-February-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGGALL, Frederick F., Private First Class, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32055748, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 29-March-1945, Plot L, Row 7, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIGGINS, Francis L., Private First Class, 345th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33222740, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot O, Row 17, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGGS, Edwin L., Corporal, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35090678, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot I, Row 7, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGGS, James W., Private, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #14019785, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot L, Row 20, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGGS, Richard V., First Lieutenant, 429th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-766696, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 13-March-1945, Plot K, Row 6, Grave 4, Air Medal with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGGS, Wenzel C., Staff Sergeant, 744th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #39230060, State of Entry: California, Death: 4-March-1945, Plot D, Row 11, Grave 4, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGHTMIRE, Roy E. Jr., Technical Sergeant, 335th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13030555, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 10-October-1943, Plot J, Row 17, Grave 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RIGSBY, Louis H., Private First Class, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #20443673, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 23-September-1944, Plot J, Row 10, Grave 18, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RILEY, Charles W., Private First Class, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35219430, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 5-December-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RILEY, George H. Jr., Staff Sergeant, 352nd Bomber Squadron, 301st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13180665, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot O, Row 4, Grave 17, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
RILEY, Harley H. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 336th Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-731420, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 13-June-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RILEY, James W., First Lieutenant, Headquarters, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-1322656, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot D, Row 14, Grave 32, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RILEY, Robert D., Private, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37747165, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot F, Row 15, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
RIMMER, James D., Private First Class, 509th Military Police Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34343333, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 30-July-1945, Plot B, Row 11, Grave 13, World War II
RIND, Robert R., Flight Officer, 94th Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-134131, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot C, Row 7, Grave 14, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RINFRETTE, Hugh F., Corporal, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33164845, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot D, Row 8, Grave 32, Purple Heart, World War II
RING, Leonard S., First Lieutenant, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-1321333, State of Entry: New York, Death: 8-February-1945, Plot B, Row 16, Grave 20, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RINGBLOOM, Guy A., First Lieutenant, 387th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-1293835, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot I, Row 21, Grave 7, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RINGHEIM, Earl N., Private, 36th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #39934173, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 5-March-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
RINKA, Clarence L., Private First Class, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36991193, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot D, Row 15, Grave 7, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RINKER, Carl J., Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35754035, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot L, Row 6, Grave 14, Purple Heart, World War II
RIPPEN, Donald D., Private First Class, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38675911, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot A, Row 9, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
RISER, William C., Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34847945, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 7-May-1945, Tablets of the Missing, World War II
RISH, Wendel E., Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35358579, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 7-April-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RISO, Peter J., Private, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36566612, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 26-November-1944, Plot C, Row 9, Grave 28, Purple Heart, World War II
RIST, Harold E., Private First Class, 414th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39335130, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 29-March-1945, Plot A, Row 3, Grave 18, Silver Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RITCHIE, Robert G., First Lieutenant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-777241, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 4-April-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RITCHIE, William H., First Lieutenant, 563rd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-729564, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 25-July-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RITCHIE, William H., Sergeant, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #31271954, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 22-September-1944, Plot J, Row 10, Grave 6, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RITTER, Edward W. L., Staff Sergeant, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35901658, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 21-April-1945, Plot J, Row 10, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RITTER, Marvin B., Sergeant, 412nd Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38302100, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 11-December-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RIVERA, Herbert, Private, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42180262, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-February-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RIVERS, Clifton W., Staff Sergeant, 507th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #18015045, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot K, Row 13, Grave 5, Silver Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RIVERS, James C., Staff Sergeant, 849th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39290400, State of Entry: California, Death: 17-March-1945, Plot H, Row 11, Grave 18, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
ROACH, Agnew, Private First Class, 15th Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34932223, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 27-June-1945, Plot F, Row 16, Grave 24, World War II
ROACH, Harry P., Private, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31366148, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot B, Row 10, Grave 24, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROACH, Henry V., Private First Class, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35449930, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 25-June-1945, Plot G, Row 21, Grave 24, World War II
ROAN, Francis S., Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #20118352, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot I, Row 14, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
ROAT, Earl L., Technical Sergeant, 342nd Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35119303, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot D, Row 20, Grave 32, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBACZYNSKI, John S., Sergeant, 302nd Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33373984, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 1-May-1945, Plot B, Row 3, Grave 22, World War II
ROBBINS, Edward J., Staff Sergeant, 710th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31274836, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 3-March-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERSON, Bernard L., Private First Class, 553rd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33536001, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot I, Row 19, Grave 16, World War II
ROBERTS, Albert R., Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #33713452, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot B, Row 20, Grave 14, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Alexander G., Corporal, 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #42034124, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 30-March-1945, Plot B, Row 4, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Basil, Technician Fifth Grade, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38035204, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot B, Row 2, Grave 10, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROBERTS, Benjamin G., Private First Class, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33411940, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 1-December-1944, Plot P, Row 12, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Charles B., Sergeant, 153rd Liaison Squadron, 67th Reconnaissance Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #20744026, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 30-July-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Earl T., Private First Class, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #38616392, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot E, Row 1, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, George E., First Lieutenant, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-519419, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 17-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Gerald W., Private First Class, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36890317, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 6-April-1945, Plot K, Row 11, Grave 20, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROBERTS, James E., Technician Fifth Grade, 505th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #17052810, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 7-October-1944, Plot K, Row 1, Grave 12, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, James V., Private First Class, 69th Quartermaster Company, 69th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39856060, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot L, Row 13, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, John J., Staff Sergeant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #11070516, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 4-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, John O., Technician Fourth Grade, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34003550, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 25-April-1945, Plot L, Row 16, Grave 13, World War II
ROBERTS, Merlin, Technical Sergeant, 63rd Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34910015, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 4-April-1945, Plot O, Row 20, Grave 4, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, Raymond C., Flight Officer, 555th Bomber Squadron, 386th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-120450, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-December-1943, Plot M, Row 12, Grave 9, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTS, William R., Sergeant, 745th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36374959, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 11-April-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROBERTSON, Curtis E., Private, 680th Field Artillery Battalion, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #38347493, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot J, Row 13, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTSON, Ezell M., Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34657221, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot J, Row 19, Grave 6, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROBERTSON, James C., Private, 638th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #35044811, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 8-December-1944, Plot A, Row 7, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTSON, John Jr., Second Lieutenant, 410th Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-745183, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 11-December-1943, Plot F, Row 21, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTSON, John M. II, Private, 559th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33464779, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot B, Row 18, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBERTSON, Melvin J., Major, Headquarters, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-659030, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot K, Row 10, Grave 19, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
ROBESON, Ralph G., Staff Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #11087650, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 4-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBILLARD, Frank C., Technician Fifth Grade, 41st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37552252, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot G, Row 16, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Frank M., Second Lieutenant, 23rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-886089, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 19-October-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Frederick A., Staff Sergeant, 66th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #12171724, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-November-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Frederick B., Second Lieutenant, 614th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-684556, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 11-December-1943, Plot F, Row 11, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, George F., First Lieutenant, 378th Fighter Squadron, 362nd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-695209, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot B, Row 8, Grave 20, Air Medal with 11 Gold Stars, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, George J., Technical Sergeant, 351st Bomber Squadron, 100th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31278309, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 31-December-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Harold T. Jr., Private First Class, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35236351, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot H, Row 8, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, James K., Private First Class, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33579108, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot D, Row 5, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, James W., Staff Sergeant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33158520, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 21-February-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Kenneth R., First Lieutenant, 36th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1017113, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-March-1945, Plot M, Row 10, Grave 5, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Mc Calvin J., Staff Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14105531, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 22-February-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Pervey S., Private First Class, 321st Field Artillery Bn, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #34273090, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot G, Row 4, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Richard E., First Lieutenant, 495th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-822813, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 31-May-1945, Plot D, Row 9, Grave 31, Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
ROBINSON, Robert, Private First Class, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33180806, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot B, Row 13, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBINSON, Russell K. J., Second Lieutenant, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1055442, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot I, Row 2, Grave 12, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROBINSON, Thomas D., Private First Class, 973rd Quartermaster Service Company, U.S. Army, Service #35767278, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 12-September-1945, Plot D, Row 13, Grave 13, World War II
ROBKEN, Harold F., Staff Sergeant, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39271288, State of Entry: California, Death: 23-November-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBLES, Julian C., Private First Class, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38553248, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-December-1944, Plot B, Row 19, Grave 26, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBLING, John A., Private First Class, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33616362, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot K, Row 6, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
ROBY, George T., Technical Sergeant, 602nd Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16011673, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 28-October-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCCHIO, Charles A., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #11112111, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 24-November-1944, Plot E, Row 6, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCCO, Philip J., Staff Sergeant, 68th Tank Battalion, 6th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #14027638, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot O, Row 12, Grave 2, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCHA, Miguel, Private First Class, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39696768, State of Entry: California, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot G, Row 19, Grave 24, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROCHEFORT, William H., Flight Officer, 574th Bomber Squadron, 391st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-131618, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-February-1945, Plot I, Row 10, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCHELLE, Kenneth, Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38662914, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot M, Row 10, Grave 12, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCK, Lawrence J., Staff Sergeant, 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15377582, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 29-April-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCKFORD, Sonnie J., Private, 505th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #17046044, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 25-September-1944, Plot F, Row 1, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCKWELL, Tom R., Private First Class, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34985667, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 27-February-1945, Plot F, Row 20, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
ROCQUE, Francis L., Sergeant, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #6121975, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot M, Row 5, Grave 10, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RODDY, Travis A., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38684050, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 17-November-1944, Plot E, Row 6, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RODE, Ray F. Jr., First Lieutenant, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-1322953, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 6-December-1944, Plot H, Row 2, Grave 15, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RODEK, Alex M., Flight Officer, 565th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-125225, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 20-June-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
RODENHIZER, Duke H., Private First Class, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34854914, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 25-November-1944, Plot A, Row 12, Grave 3, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RODGERS, Harry C., Private, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #42070579, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-December-1944, Plot I, Row 19, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
RODGERS, Laymon, Staff Sergeant, 736th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36337122, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot I, Row 21, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
RODGERS, Martin G., Private First Class, Headquarters Detachment, European Theater, U.S. Army, Service #12129740, State of Entry: New York, Death: 30-April-1945, Plot P, Row 13, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RODGERS, Walter W., Private, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37703004, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 9-March-1945, Plot E, Row 2, Grave 11, World War II
RODOLA, Joseph Jr., Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32845736, State of Entry: New York, Death: 22-December-1944, Plot C, Row 4, Grave 32, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUES, Edward P., Private, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31285750, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-March-1945, Plot K, Row 15, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUES, Rudolfo, Private First Class, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39831093, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 18-March-1945, Plot M, Row 17, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, Ebdon J. Jr., Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38656028, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 24-February-1945, Plot B, Row 12, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, Herminio J., Sergeant, 786th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13130690, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 12-October-1944, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, John B., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39578760, State of Entry: California, Death: 27-November-1944, Plot C, Row 4, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, Louis O., Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39854242, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 2-December-1944, Plot A, Row 18, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, Mariano T., Private, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39723431, State of Entry: California, Death: 27-February-1945, Plot J, Row 11, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RODRIGUEZ, Tony, Private, 5th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #38217262, State of Entry: New Mexico, Death: 23-April-1945, Plot H, Row 17, Grave 11, World War II
RODRUAN, Robert D., Private First Class, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33582523, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot E, Row 7, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
ROE, Edgar Allan, Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17086315, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 17-August-1943, Plot I, Row 15, Grave 19, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROEHRICH, Carl F., Sergeant, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #31332573, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot B, Row 13, Grave 30, Purple Heart, World War II
ROESER, Harry, Private First Class, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42084950, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 30-January-1945, Plot G, Row 12, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGAN, Charles J., Private First Class, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #36216316, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 20-September-1944, Plot F, Row 1, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGAN, Thomas A., Sergeant, 728th Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32782724, State of Entry: New York, Death: 20-January-1945, Plot H, Row 14, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGER, Weston, Private First Class, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38651107, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 26-November-1944, Plot F, Row 2, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Charles H., Technician Fifth Grade, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #15382512, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 1-October-1944, Plot F, Row 2, Grave 12, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Clare K., Private, 303rd Engineer Combat Battalion, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36856392, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 12-January-1945, Plot C, Row 6, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Donald E., Private First Class, 771st Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #37412557, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 24-February-1945, Plot N, Row 20, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Gerald O., Private First Class, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37750172, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 21-September-1945, Plot J, Row 20, Grave 17, World War II
ROGERS, Harry J., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39712910, State of Entry: California, Death: 12-March-1945, Plot D, Row 6, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Hilliard C., Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #44010555, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 23-April-1945, Plot A, Row 16, Grave 7, Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Howard H., Sergeant, 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #6941720, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 24-February-1945, Plot C, Row 9, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, John R., Private, 323th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #6263519, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 2-March-1945, Plot E, Row 11, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGERS, Julian H., Private First Class, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35093703, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 4-November-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart. His remains were recovered., World War II
ROGERS, Robert M., Staff Sergeant, 506th Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #12131939, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 23-September-1944, Plot J, Row 10, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGUES, Ernest, Private, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #31117062, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 30-March-1945, Plot B, Row 4, Grave 26, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROGUSKI, Leonard J., Sergeant, 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31019898, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 29-January-1945, Plot K, Row 8, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
ROHNER, Ronald R., Second Lieutenant, 613th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-803692, State of Entry: California, Death: 30-January-1944, Plot D, Row 6, Grave 6, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROHR, Norbert P., Technician Fifth Grade, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35525199, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot A, Row 6, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
ROHRBACH, Walter, Staff Sergeant, 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33619246, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 30-January-1945, Plot N, Row 10, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
ROHWEDDER, John C. Jr., Private First Class, 58th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #12226468, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-March-1945, Plot C, Row 13, Grave 14, Purple Heart, World War II
ROJOWSKI, Frank, Sergeant, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36174505, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 21-November-1944, Plot G, Row 12, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROKITA, John S., Private First Class, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33352060, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot A, Row 8, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLAND, John W., Private, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37696048, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 20-November-1944, Plot F, Row 15, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLFE, George W., Private, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36912437, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 26-March-1945, Plot F, Row 14, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLLAND, William E. Jr., Sergeant, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31259510, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 26-March-1945, Plot N, Row 14, Grave 17, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLLET, Lee H., Private, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36561031, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot E, Row 20, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLLINS, B. D., Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34477421, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 26-February-1945, Plot F, Row 15, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLLINS, Howell R., Staff Sergeant, 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #18072219, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot J, Row 15, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
ROLLINS, Kenneth G., Staff Sergeant, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37247913, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot O, Row 15, Grave 9, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
ROLPH, Robert C., Staff Sergeant, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #14115904, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot D, Row 9, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMA, Angelo, Technical Sergeant, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #20302468, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-November-1944, Plot G, Row 12, Grave 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
ROMAN, Eugene C., Private First Class, 506th Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #13100767, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 8-October-1944, Plot G, Row 2, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMAN, Joseph A., Corporal, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31064824, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot A, Row 10, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMAN, Leo J., Second Lieutenant, 668th Bomber Squadron, 416th Bomber Group, Light, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O2068051, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 21-March-1945, Plot H, Row 1, Grave 26, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMANIELLO, George M., Corporal, 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #33144118, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot F, Row 21, Grave 16, World War II
ROMERO, Wallace R. Sr., Staff Sergeant, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38548133, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 25-February-1944, Plot C, Row 3, Grave 15, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMIG, Charles E., Staff Sergeant, 378th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #13132979, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot D, Row 16, Grave 8, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROMKEMA, John R., Second Lieutenant, 571st Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-930115, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 14-March-1945, Plot C, Row 1, Grave 22, Purple Heart, World War II
ROMNESS, Vernon R., Private First Class, 271st Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37116602, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 28-March-1945, Plot I, Row 12, Grave 19, World War II
RONK, Herbert B., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39916834, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 20-November-1944, Plot G, Row 8, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RONKETTE, George S., Corporal, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32970322, State of Entry: New York, Death: 29-November-1944, Plot I, Row 3, Grave 4, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROONEY, Francis E., Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31372621, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 20-December-1944, Plot A, Row 6, Grave 2, World War II
ROONEY, George W., Technical Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32425139, State of Entry: New York, Death: 4-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROOR, Dirk, Sergeant, 825th Bomber Squadron, 484th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32949291, State of Entry: New York, Death: 21-February-1945, Plot M, Row 19, Grave 13, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROOS, Charles G., Private First Class, 88th Cavalry Reconn Squadron, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #12214769, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot D, Row 5, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROOT, William A. II, First Lieutenant, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1285310, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 4-April-1945, Plot C, Row 13, Grave 17, Silver Star, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROPER, Elbert P., Private First Class, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34931348, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot G, Row 21, Grave 23, Purple Heart, World War II
ROPIAK, George V., Private First Class, 309th Engineer Combat Battalion, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36604335, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-May-1946, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROPP, John D., Private First Class, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36447836, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 30-November-1944, Plot H, Row 2, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
ROPPLE, William T. Jr., Sergeant, 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #11049218, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot D, Row 18, Grave 18, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RORER, Frank H., Technical Sergeant, 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33248466, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 4-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSAK, Albert, Private, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33439308, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 4-November-1944, Plot H, Row 21, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSATI, Dominic A., Private First Class, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32001001, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-November-1944, Plot I, Row 9, Grave 22, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROSE, Charles D., Private, 449th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #39171883, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot B, Row 18, Grave 24, World War II
ROSE, Charley T., Private First Class, 44th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37748534, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot H, Row 15, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSE, Edward A., Private, 415th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36579401, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 1-April-1945, Plot K, Row 20, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSE, Jake, Sergeant, 159th Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #34145468, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 30-May-1945, Plot L, Row 8, Grave 15, World War II
ROSE, John L., Private First Class, 251st Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33732126, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot F, Row 15, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSE, Maurice, Major General, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-008439, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 30-March-1945, Plot C, Row 1, Grave 1, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Belgium Croix de Guerre with Palm, French Legion of Honor, French Croix de Guerre with Palm 90, 94, 170, 127, 62, 159, 44, 109, 104, World War II
ROSE, Olin W., Private, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #15341364, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 23-November-1944, Plot A, Row 12, Grave 1, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSE, Philip M., Second Lieutenant, 785th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-689170, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-March-1944, Plot O, Row 14, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSE, Shirley, Technician Fifth Grade, 3912th Quartermaster Truck Company, U.S. Army, Service #35727269, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot I, Row 9, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSEBERRY, Joseph E., First Lieutenant, 901st Field Artillery Battalion, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-557783, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot N, Row 10, Grave 16, Silver Star, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSEN, Arthur S., Private First Class, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31384391, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 13-March-1945, Plot E, Row 15, Grave 10, World War II
ROSENBERG, Donald N., Second Lieutenant, 3464th Ordnance Company, U.S. Army, Service #O1063014, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot D, Row 5, Grave 1, World War II
ROSENKRANTZ, David, Staff Sergeant, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #39018039, State of Entry: California, Death: 28-September-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II, Through the work of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, the remains of Staff Sgt. David Rosenkrantz were accounted for in 2018. His name is permanently inscribed on the “Walls of the Missing†at Netherlands American Cemetery.
ROSENTHAL, John B., Private, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32006689, State of Entry: New York, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot J, Row 8, Grave 19, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROSENTHAL, Paul C., Corporal, 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #36417474, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot J, Row 2, Grave 19, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSETTA, Charles A., Staff Sergeant, 49th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #33165806, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot D, Row 5, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSFELD, David V., Sergeant, 450th Bomber Squadron, 322nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38485284, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 14-March-1945, Plot L, Row 7, Grave 20, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSICK, William S., Private, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #39419468, State of Entry: California, Death: 29-September-1944, Plot O, Row 18, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSKOWICK, Thomas L., Staff Sergeant, 562nd Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39559923, State of Entry: California, Death: 28-May-1944, Plot P, Row 8, Grave 11, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Charles F., Staff Sergeant, 733rd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18171319, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 22-February-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Clark E., Sergeant, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #19119876, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 2-December-1944, Plot B, Row 1, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Denver G., Private, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37738120, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot E, Row 7, Grave 25, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Edward F., Private First Class, 41st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #12035583, State of Entry: New York, Death: 4-January-1945, Plot M, Row 19, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Eric G., Private First Class, 261st Ordnance Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #32805901, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-November-1945, Plot K, Row 18, Grave 2, World War II
ROSS, Eugene G., Private, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37537622, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 17-November-1944, Plot I, Row 5, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, George W. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 331st Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-731429, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 11-November-1943, Plot I, Row 16, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Joseph H., Private First Class, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38694564, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 17-December-1944, Plot G, Row 17, Grave 24, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Kenneth S., Private First Class, 413rd Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36977187, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 21-April-1945, Plot H, Row 1, Grave 18, Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Madison H., Staff Sergeant, 427th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37233687, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 4-January-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Novie N., Private, 187th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #39921827, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 22-February-1945, Plot O, Row 9, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSS, Robert F., Sergeant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #12172602, State of Entry: New York, Death: 30-November-1944, Plot A, Row 20, Grave 31, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSELET, John U., Second Lieutenant, 58th Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1826061, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 2-May-1945, Plot N, Row 17, Grave 3, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSETTI, Joseph F., Staff Sergeant, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33595080, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-December-1944, Plot A, Row 6, Grave 23, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSI, Alfred P., Sergeant, 995th Engineer Bridge Company, U.S. Army, Service #32533534, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot E, Row 3, Grave 26, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSI, Rocco J., Private First Class, 33rd Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #32949555, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 30-November-1944, Plot H, Row 4, Grave 7, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSITER, Joel H., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36770007, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot E, Row 14, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSSON, Melvin V., Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33229573, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 9-October-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROSTAD, Dale R., Private, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37587001, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 20-November-1944, Plot D, Row 19, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTARIUS, Joseph A., Private First Class, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36855291, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 19-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROTH, David M., Private First Class, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33935202, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot H, Row 7, Grave 25, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, Frank E. Jr., Captain, 44th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-407679, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot L, Row 10, Grave 18, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, John L., Staff Sergeant, 710th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16144797, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 11-January-1944, Plot O, Row 14, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, Joseph B., Corporal, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33076930, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 17-April-1945, Plot E, Row 9, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, Paul E., Private, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33815881, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot C, Row 14, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, Virgil H., Private First Class, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36473048, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot M, Row 21, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTH, Wesley F., Private First Class, 440th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37277908, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 8-April-1945, Plot H, Row 18, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTHE, Alex, Private, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37358755, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 25-February-1945, Plot G, Row 9, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTHFUSS, Lewis W., Private First Class, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #32257251, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 29-October-1944, Plot N, Row 11, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTHROCK, John B., Second Lieutenant, 14th Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-769560, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot P, Row 3, Grave 1, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROTHSTEIN, Sylvester, Technician Fifth Grade, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #37095425, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 16-April-1945, Plot H, Row 2, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROUNSEVILLE, Arthur G., Staff Sergeant, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32847765, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-September-1944, Plot C, Row 12, Grave 12, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
ROUPA, Eduardo F., Private First Class, 513th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #6147838, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-April-1945, Plot D, Row 3, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
ROUSE, John H., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #7005784, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 26-February-1945, Plot C, Row 3, Grave 5, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROUTHIER, Austin W., Staff Sergeant, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #36198509, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 26-February-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWE, Albert O., Technical Sergeant, 524th Bomber Squadron, 379th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6665265, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 7-July-1944, Plot H, Row 11, Grave 8, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWE, Harrison A., Staff Sergeant, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #20528679, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot K, Row 16, Grave 10, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWE, Robert B., Private, 735th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #33843926, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 28-May-1945, Plot F, Row 19, Grave 3, World War II
ROWELL, James M., Sergeant, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34825056, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 30-December-1944, Plot C, Row 1, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWLAND, Sims A., Private, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34987321, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 24-February-1945, Plot C, Row 9, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWLAND, Thomas H. Jr., First Lieutenant, 2nd Ranger Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #O1298764, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 7-December-1944, Plot F, Row 10, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
ROWLEY, Fitch H., Corporal, 456th Field Artillery Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #20954776, State of Entry: Nevada, Death: 21-September-1944, Plot J, Row 20, Grave 12, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
ROWLEY, Paul H., Private First Class, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #42120976, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot D, Row 21, Grave 21, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
ROWSE, Robert M., Private, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #31433250, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot N, Row 14, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
ROY, Anthony J., Staff Sergeant, 401st Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31074431, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 17-April-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROY, Sanford G., Technical Sergeant, 732nd Bomber Squadron, 453rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14134581, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 8-April-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ROYAL, Howard O., Private First Class, 278th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34817340, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 12-January-1945, Plot B, Row 11, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
ROYALL, Dayton C., Private First Class, 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34606510, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 15-April-1945, Plot D, Row 4, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
ROYALL, William M., First Lieutenant, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O-461043, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 19-November-1944, Plot D, Row 15, Grave 3, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
ROYSE, Everett G., Technician Fourth Grade, 311th Field Artillery Battalion, 79th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35356053, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 12-March-1945, Plot N, Row 14, Grave 16, World War II
ROZAK, Alex J., Private First Class, 377th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36649228, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot N, Row 15, Grave 5, Purple Heart, World War II
ROZNIATA, Chester E., Private, 303rd Engineer Combat Battalion, 78th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33714217, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 27-December-1944, Plot P, Row 12, Grave 17, Purple Heart, World War II
ROZWALKA, Leonard S., Private First Class, 387th Infantry Regiment, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36774585, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 2-April-1945, Plot O, Row 3, Grave 4, Purple Heart, World War II
RUANE, James F., Corporal, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33058455, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 28-February-1945, Plot H, Row 21, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
RUBENSTEIN, Isidore, Private, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #6981529, State of Entry: New York, Death: 15-January-1945, Plot L, Row 1, Grave 11, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RUBENSTEIN, Murry, Private First Class, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #12120561, State of Entry: New York, Death: 26-February-1945, Plot E, Row 1, Grave 21, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RUBLE, Charles G., Technical Sergeant, 99th Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35095971, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 17-September-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUBLEWSKY, Henry A., Technical Sergeant, 366th Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32607852, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 29-May-1944, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
RUCH, Kenneth R., Private, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37750546, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot O, Row 20, Grave 11, Purple Heart, World War II
RUCINSKI, Joseph, Merchant Seaman, U.S. Merchant Marine, Service #Z0365696, State of Entry: Delaware, Death: 12-October-1945, Plot P, Row 14, Grave 16, World War II
RUCKER, George, Private, 36th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #32868752, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-December-1944, Plot O, Row 19, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RUCKER, Richard W., Staff Sergeant, 337th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15329354, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 16-December-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
RUCKMAN, Jeff D., Private First Class, 8th Medical Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38213879, State of Entry: New Mexico, Death: 29-January-1945, Plot F, Row 15, Grave 8, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDD, Carl D., Staff Sergeant, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38296930, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 22-November-1944, Plot I, Row 5, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDES, Marx C., Private First Class, 41st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35331775, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 28-November-1944, Plot L, Row 20, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDIN, George C., Private, 307th Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #17048597, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 12-October-1944, Plot F, Row 1, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDISAIL, Charles A., Sergeant, 46th Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34128346, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 30-January-1945, Plot N, Row 8, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDNITSKY, Bud E., Staff Sergeant, 578th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #12139763, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-May-1944, Plot P, Row 20, Grave 10, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RUDYNSKI, Albert F., Private First Class, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #35243930, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot H, Row 10, Grave 27, Purple Heart, World War II
RUFENER, John, Technician Fourth Grade, 3576th Quartermaster Truck Company, U.S. Army, Service #39247123, State of Entry: California, Death: 22-January-1946, Plot I, Row 9, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
RUFKAHR, Omar H., Corporal, 315th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37187603, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 7, Grave 31, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RUGGLES, Richard C., Private, 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42098226, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-April-1945, Plot N, Row 21, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
RUHL, Raymond P., Technician Fifth Grade, 6th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army, Service #34014264, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 6-May-1945, Plot E, Row 8, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
RUIZ, Arthur F., Second Lieutenant, 358th Bomber Squadron, 303rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-776803, State of Entry: California, Death: 11-October-1944, Plot L, Row 19, Grave 9, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RUIZ, Ray S., Private First Class, 280th Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #39859898, State of Entry: Arizona, Death: 21-February-1945, Plot J, Row 20, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RULLO, Umberto J., Private First Class, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32518706, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-November-1944, Plot G, Row 9, Grave 3, Purple Heart, World War II
RUMBLE, Francis L., Staff Sergeant, 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32544636, State of Entry: New York, Death: 8-March-1944, Plot P, Row 21, Grave 8, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUMOLO, Carmen, Private First Class, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32683241, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-December-1944, Plot J, Row 16, Grave 16, Purple Heart, World War II
RUOTOLO, Frank, Private First Class, 453rd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #31279287, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot J, Row 6, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
RUPE, Robert J., Staff Sergeant, 560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37506804, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 20-June-1944, Plot B, Row 4, Grave 15, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSH, Foy A., Technical Sergeant, 511th Bomber Squadron, 351st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39610898, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 4-October-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSH, Frederick A., Private First Class, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37685491, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot H, Row 12, Grave 23, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSH, Orville A., Private, 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #37588362, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 24-November-1944, Plot A, Row 13, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSHMORE, George W., Private First Class, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32398507, State of Entry: New York, Death: 22-November-1944, Plot B, Row 9, Grave 6, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSHTON, Richard H., Private First Class, 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33584961, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot I, Row 4, Grave 20, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RUSSELL, Edward E., Private, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38663261, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 18-November-1944, Plot A, Row 18, Grave 30, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSELL, Eldo A., Technical Sergeant, 506th Bomber Squadron, 44th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18070094, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 22-March-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSELL, Gordon R. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 785th Bomber Squadron, 466th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-693531, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-March-1944, Plot J, Row 9, Grave 7, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSELL, Jack R., First Lieutenant, 339th Bomber Squadron, 96th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-746615, State of Entry: California, Death: 12-May-1944, Plot P, Row 22, Grave 10, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSELL, Raymond D., Staff Sergeant, 335th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #38336019, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 24-November-1944, Plot E, Row 10, Grave 12, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSELL, Wayne E., Corporal, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32233453, State of Entry: New York, Death: 8-November-1944, Plot G, Row 12, Grave 17, World War II
RUSSELL, William A., Private, 505th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #35686244, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 6-October-1944, Plot G, Row 4, Grave 13, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSO, Cosmo M., Private First Class, 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32235711, State of Entry: New York, Death: 1-March-1945, Plot G, Row 16, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSSO, Daniel H., Private, 506th Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #35922209, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 20-September-1944, Plot M, Row 2, Grave 12, Purple Heart, World War II
RUSTAD, Vernon R., Private, 273rd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #39599217, State of Entry: California, Death: 18-April-1945, Plot B, Row 5, Grave 2, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTH, Raymond J., Sergeant, 567th Bomber Squadron, 389th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33561175, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 7-May-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, World War II
RUTHERFORD, John N., Private, 4th Signal Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34345706, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 6-December-1944, Plot B, Row 21, Grave 3, World War II
RUTIGLIANO, Dominick, Private, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42130793, State of Entry: New York, Death: 21-April-1945, Plot O, Row 12, Grave 1, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTJES, Donald A., Corporal, 504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37327190, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 6-October-1944, Plot P, Row 1, Grave 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTKOWSKI, Victor S., First Lieutenant, 569th Bomber Squadron, 390th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-819619, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 16-October-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTLEDGE, James C., Technical Sergeant, 615th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39033655, State of Entry: California, Death: 11-September-1944, Plot C, Row 4, Grave 25, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTLEDGE, Robert L., Private, 48th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #34973267, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 29-October-1944, Plot D, Row 7, Grave 21, Purple Heart, World War II
RUTTER, John R., Staff Sergeant, 44th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35601235, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 14-April-1945, Plot A, Row 6, Grave 28, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RUYBAL, Cresencio, Private First Class, 507th Parachute Infantry Regt, 17th Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Service #37706360, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot D, Row 1, Grave 10, Purple Heart, World War II
RUZICKA, Victor H., Corporal, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #36458293, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-April-1945, Plot B, Row 9, Grave 19, Purple Heart, World War II
RUZZO, Walter L., First Lieutenant, 48th Squadron, 313rd Troop Carrier Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-744867, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-March-1945, Plot O, Row 7, Grave 7, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, Edward J., Corporal, 717th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #37567093, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 27-March-1945, Plot M, Row 18, Grave 9, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, Edward P., Private First Class, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #16143320, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 9-April-1945, Plot B, Row 8, Grave 26, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, George J., Private, 304th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #32901670, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot L, Row 14, Grave 4, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, James L. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 576th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #O-801091, State of Entry: California, Death: 13-November-1943, Plot O, Row 7, Grave 17, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, John F., First Lieutenant, 80th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1016853, State of Entry: New York, Death: 30-March-1945, Plot L, Row 21, Grave 8, Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, Joseph A., Captain, 744th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #O1010467, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 1-March-1945, Plot L, Row 19, Grave 17, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RYAN, Richard I., Private First Class, Division Artillery, 97th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #34605936, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-May-1945, Plot C, Row 5, Grave 18, Purple Heart, World War II
RYAN, Thomas, Private First Class, 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #11048960, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 12-April-1945, Plot D, Row 18, Grave 6, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RYBCINSKI, Joseph E., Private, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #33460156, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-February-1945, Plot E, Row 11, Grave 15, Purple Heart, World War II
RYBIN, Eldon, Staff Sergeant, 89th Cavalry Reconn Squadron, 9th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #39164736, State of Entry: California, Death: 31-March-1945, Plot C, Row 20, Grave 13, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
RYBOLT, Donald L., Staff Sergeant, 412nd Bomber Squadron, 95th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35575158, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 11-December-1943, Tablets of the Missing, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
RYCHTER, Andrew, Private, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #42140265, State of Entry: New York, Death: 11-April-1945, Plot A, Row 2, Grave 14, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
RYCKMAN, Robert E., First Lieutenant, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #O1319445, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 20-March-1945, Plot H, Row 2, Grave 27, Bronze Star, World War II
RYMER, Andrew M., Private First Class, 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #34778305, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 13-April-1945, Plot L, Row 17, Grave 2, Purple Heart, World War II
RYZINSKI, Theodore J., Private, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #13009346, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 21-October-1944, Plot G, Row 15, Grave 20, Purple Heart, World War II
RZASA, Joseph F., Staff Sergeant, 47th Field Artillery Battalion, 5th Armored Division, U.S. Army, Service #35586688, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 21-June-1945, Plot E, Row 11, Grave 1, World War II
RZEPPA, Robert L., Sergeant, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Service #36661475, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 22-November-1945, Tablets of the Missing, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, World War II
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