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Dansby Family Cemetery Records
Barbour County, Alabama
The records were compiled and contributed by Richard B. Price 1999. []. Total records = 10.
Dansby Family Cemetery
The Old Dansby Cemetery is located in southwestern Barbour County about a half-mile down the Dansby Cemetery Rd., a dirt road off Co. Rd. 3, also known as River Road. Co. Rd. 3 runs south from Alabama Hwy 10 near Pea River. There are only ten recognizable gravesite in the cemetery. It has been said that there are numerous other unmarked graves in this small plot including the graves of John B. Dansby, (1808-1896), and his wife Sarah Dansby (1813-1895). It is rumored that the first burial at the cemetery was that of a small child and that the child was buried underneath the old oak tree in her playhouse. The cemetery has been neglected lately and is becoming overrun with weeds. This inventory was taken by Richard B. Price, Nov 14, 1999.
Carr, Lula, b. Jan 1, 1877, d. Jun 17, 1901, wife of Joseph
Dansby, Charlie D., b. Feb 7, 1892, d. Nov 6, 1905, son of I.B. & Ida
Dansby, Corp. Daniel M., b. 1838, d.1 914, (Confederate Grave Marker), Co. C, 39th ALA Inf., CSA
Dansby, Infant, b. Feb 6, 1910, d. Mar 25, 1910 son of G.W. & I.G.
Dansby, Infant, b. Jan 26, 1901, d. Jan 26, 1901, Dau. of G.W. & I.G. Dansby
Phillips, Edith B, d. Age 1 year & 2 months
Phillips, Euphred Clinton, b. Oct 2, 1902, d. Dec 14, 1902 - son of J.H. & L.B. Phillips
Phillips, Jessie H. b. Aug 22, 1873, d. Apr 27, 1915 (Woodmen of the World marker)
Phillips, Maude S., b. 26 Sep 1885, d. 22 Jul 1902, wife of John A.,
Unmarked concrete slab, to the left of Daniel M. Dansby
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