Search Arkansas Death Records
Arkansas Newspapers, Full Search (1819-2002), 236 titles
Arkansas Obituary Search, (1824-current)
Arkansas Birth Records Database, (1819-1999)
Glenwood Cemetery
Glenwood, Pike County, Arkansas
Contributed by Richard Rodgers [].
Palmer, Mary, b. 1879, d. 1943, wife of Sam Palmer
Palmer, Sam, b. 1878, d. 1968
Parker, Clark R., b. 12/26/1908, d. 8/9/1979, CPL USA WWII
Parker, Lois Fitzgerald, b. 4/30/1913, d. 11/28/1948, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Fitzgerald
Parker, Virgie Mary, b. 5/25/1912, d. 9/24/2004
Parks, Grace Darling, b. 6/23/1918, d. 6/23/1918
Parson, Mike, b. 3/10/1964, d. 3/11/1982
Parsons, Brady, b. 1910, d. 1995
Parsons, Mildred F., b. 1909, d. 1978, wife of Brady Parsons
Pate, Houston, b. 12/20/1888, d. 5/10/1966
Pate, Jasper N. (MD), b. 6/26/1886, d. 2/2/1956
Pate, Juella, b. 11/14/1892, d. 6/21/1973, wife of Houston Pate
Pate, Pearl Logan, b. 1/4/1890, d. 2/27/1957, wife of Jasper N. Pate
Pate, William L. Z., b. 2/8/1925, d. 6/22/1980, PFC U.S. Army WWII
Pennington, Agnes Wehring, b. 8/12/1938, d. 4/3/1992, m. 8/25/1956, wife of John Aaron Pennington
Pennington, John Aaron, b. 7/1/1937, d. 5 Nov 2007, m. 8/25/1956
Penrod, W. H., b. 1865, d. 1939
Pevey, J. William (Bill), b. 4/10/1914, d. 12/24/1941
Pinkerton, Bobby, b. 4/14/1961, d. 1/21/2004, s/o Robert C. & Janet Pinkerton.
Pinkerton, Janet J., b. 6/7/1941, wife of Robert C. Pinkerton
Pinkerton, Robert C., b. 2/27/1938, d. 1/28/1989
Pintado, Geneva Pauline, b. 10/8/1916, d. 3/30/1979, wife of \Simeon A. Pintado
Pintado, Simeon Anthony, b. 4/1/1914, d. 5/8/1988
Platte, Matilda, b. 1/6/1870, d. 10/7/1968, wife of W. E. Platte
Platte, W. E., b. 1/10/1870, d. 3/28/1950
Plemmons, Effie F., b. 11/29/1886, d. 8/17/1976
Plyler, John J. Sr., b. 7/20/1923, d. 6/6/2004, s/o Clark & Nettie Caroline Elder Plyler, m. 8/14/1943
Plyler, Lisa L., b. 6/19/1959, d. 8/23/2000, m. 3/20/1979, wife of John J. Plyler, Jr.
Plyler, Ruth Cook, b. 3/30/1927, m. 8/14/1943, wife of John J. Plyler, Sr.
Ponder, Clark G., b. 6/5/1900, d. 1/19/1975, m. 7/28/1921
Ponder, Leah E., b. 7/28/1903, d. 11/3/1985, m. 7/28/1921, wife of Clark G. Ponder
Pool, Clara Ethel, b. 4/10/1909, d. 6/7/1990
Pool, Earley M., b. 5/11/1907, d. 1/20/1968, ARK PFC 4135 Base Unit AAF WWII
Porhamer, Amanda L., b. 5/30/1878, d. 1/20/1965, wife of John Porhamer
Porhamer, Infant, b. 10/31/1938, d. 10/31/1938, son of John F. Porhamer
Porhamer, John F., b. 8/3/1864, d. 9/29/1943
Porhamer, John Fredrick, b. 4/22/1912, d. 2/15/2004.
Porter, John D., b. 6/1/1933, d. 11/1/2000, m. 5/19/1967
Potts, Jodie Dawn, b. 2/27/1974, d. 2/28/1974
Pound, Johnnie Fay, b. 4/23/1937, d. 7/20/1937
Pounds, Lillian E. Moran, b. 4/21/1919, d. 1/1/2005, m. 7/9/1942, wife of Willis W. Pounds
Pounds, Susan Anne, b. 4/20/1945, d. 3/26/1965
Pounds, Willis W. (Blackie), b. 3/3/1917, d. 12/17/1994, m. 7/9/1942
Powell, Ozzie Abernathy, b. 1891, d. 1957
Power, Ann, b. 7/8/1912, d. 7/19/1990, wife of Monroe W. Power
Power, Monroe W., b. 2/22/1899, d. 8/7/1961
Preston, Vetra Starns, b. 3/18/1917, d. 2/19/1990
Prichard, Matthew, b. 10/2/1980, d. 10/4/1980
Procter, Orie Frederick, age: 78 years, d. 6/27/1975
Pry, Earl S., b. 6/20/1908, d. 8/8/1991
Pry, Mary Lou, b. 4/1/ 1912, d. 1/2/1987, wife of Earl S. Pry
Purtle, Christopher C. (MD), b. 6/4/1879, d. 6/26/1955
Purtle, Maude Foshee, b. 8/3/1895, d. 9/10/1974, wife of Christopher C. Purtle
Raines, Gracie Alice, b. 11/4/1895, d. 5/8/1943, on same tombstone with H. Robert Raines and Vera Marie Raines.
Raines, H. Robert, b. 10/2/1892, d. 6/8/1957, on same tombstone with Gracie Alice Raines and Vera Marie Raines
Raines, Rosa E., b. 8/15/1897, d. 9/30/1971
Raines, Vera Marie, b. 8/19/1914, d. 9/4/1947, on same tombstone with H. Robert Raines and Gracie Alice Raines.
Ramby, Ethel Mae, b. 6/23/1906, wife of Hayes Ramby
Ramby, Hayes, b. 10/7/1897, d. 7/1/1979
Ray, Grace L., b. 1/1/1897, d. 4/15/1951, wife of John R. Ray
Ray, John R., b. 7/1/1897, d. 9/3/1924
Reagan, Eva Mae, b. 5/1/1883, d. 9/10/1957
Reagan, W. F. (Judge), b. 3/5/1879, d. 4/18/1948
Reels, Rosa L. Hall, b. 1882, d. 1975, Texas WWI vet AEF A.R.C. 6049
Reese, Charlie Harless, b. 8/13/1905, d. 6/26/1985, m. 6/18/1927
Reese, Eunice Dunlap, b. 1/15/1905, d. 11/28/1986, m. 6/18/1927, wife of Charlie Harless Reese
Reid, Michael Wayne, b. 9/16/1983, d. 12/17/1997
Reifsnyder, Patricia Crittenden, b. 9/3/1932, d. 8/20/1986
Reynolds, Aaron L., b. 5/10/1957, d. 8/17/1996
Reynolds, Everett, b. 1917, d. 1969
Reynolds, Myrtle, b. 1917, d. 2001, wife of Everett Reynolds
Richards, Dewitt C., b. 10/2/1917, d. 3/27/199, m. 4/14/1954, Sgt USA WWII
Richards, Florine Lindsey, b. 3/1/1922, d. 9/26/1999, m. 4/14/1954, wife of Dewitt C. Richards
Ring, Mattie Cory, b. 5/25/1872, d. 7/17/1966
Ripley, Charles Baxter, b. 8/28/1928, d. 8/28/1928
Robbins, Adell Burchfield, b. 6/22/1921, m. 12/24/1940, wife of Harvey W. Robbins
Robbins, Harvey W., b. 9/22/1921, d. 3/13/1995, m. 12/24/1940, USA WWII
Roberts, Emmer, b. 1876, wife of William D. Roberts
Roberts, Mollie, b. 1865, d. 1954, wife of Samuel Roberts
Roberts, R. L., b. 12/19/1845, d. 4/27/1925
Roberts, Samuel, b. 1863, d. 1935
Roberts, William D., b. 1874, d. 1941
Robertson, Burnie, b. 12/17/1923
Robertson, Richard, b. 4/24/1952, d. 2/28/2003
Roebuck, Thommy Wade, b. 23 Feb 1969, d. 14 Jun 2008, m. 30 Jul 1994, s/o Tommy Gibbs & Mona Jean McAdams Roebuck, h/o Michelle Seals.
Roller, William (Ed), b. 1/25/1933, d. 8/17/1998
Rose, Burton W., b. 1909, d. 1997, m. 6/12/1938
Rose, Leora M., b. 1908, m. 6/12/1938, wife of Burton W. Rose
Ross, Maggie C., b. 7/25/1865, d. 10/18/1946
Roy, Carroll D., b. 1874, d. 1951
Roy, Louise Flora Synder, b. 12/22/1916, d. 4/9/2003, wife of Ed L. Roy, Daughter of Frank & Nettie E. Borrow Snyder
Runnels, Vincent Charles, b. 6/14/1967, d. 6/14/1967
Russell, Jossie M., b. 8/15/1907, d. 8/4/1976
Sackel, Alvin Theodore, b. 1/24/1908, d. 9/13/1967
Sackel, Mary Jane Sorrells, b. 7/14/1920, d. 8/12/1997, wife of Alvin T. Sackel
Sage, Dorothy M., b. 1915, wife of Wallace B. Sage
Sage, Millie Lee, b. 1885, d. 1967, wife of Wallace Perry Sage
Sage, Wallace B., b. 1913, d. 1968
Sage, Wallace Perry, b. 1876, d. 1945
Sample, Jim Edgar, b. 3/21/1918, d. 3/21/1972
Sample, Jolly, b. 11/27/1922, d. 6/28/1994
Sample, Mable Edgar, b. 10/1/1888, d. 10/15/1973, wife of Richard Langford Sample
Sample, Richard Langford, b. 9/21/1888, d. 6/20/1968
Sanders, Infant, b. 1939, d. 1939
Sanders, Kenneth C., b. 9/7/1923, d. 1/26/2002
Sanders, Leatrice Newcomb, b. 5/4/1924, d. 9/17/1997, wife of Kenneth C. Sanders
Scott, Della M., b. 7/24/1895, d. 3/19/1981, wife of John E. Scott
Scott, Elpha Marie, b. 10/24/1912, d. 10/1/1986, wife of J. Dow Scott, Sr.
Scott, Harold T., b. 22 Sep 1923, d. 11/13/2007, s/o John E. & Della M. White Scott, USN �WWII
Scott, J. Dow, b. Sr., d. 5/25/1904, m. 3/27/1973
Scott, John E., b. 5/9/1893, d. 5/11/1968
Seaman, Clifford R., b. 1892, d. 1962
Seaman, Elizabeth Ann, b. 1902, d. 1981, wife of Clifford R. Seaman
Self, Abbie, b. 1869, d. 1961, wife of Robert Self
Self, Belle, b. 11/15/1883, d. 4/5/1961, wife of Bud Self
Self, Bud, b. 3/8/1877, d. 11/1/1948
Self, Glenna Jean, b. 2 Nov 1938, d. 19 Aug 2006, d/o Dewey & Lois Theobalt Self
Self, Jewell C., b. 2/21/1900, d. 4/30/1973
Self, Nannie Bankston, b. 7/31/1903, d. 1/24/1993, wife of Jewell C. Self
Self, Robert, b. 1864, d. 1948
Self, Velma Lois, b. 8/12/1912, m. 3/31/1934, wife of William Dewey Self
Self, William D., b. 1870, d. 1955
Self, William Dewey, b. 4/6/1902, d. 1/28/1986, m. 3/31/1934
Sellars, Emily A., b. 9/15/1890, d. 8/13/1974, wife of Joe F. Sellars
Sellars, Joe F., b. 2/17/1891, d. 9/1/1951
Sellars, Nannie A., b. 10/16/1886, d. 6/3/1963, wife of William W. Sellars
Sellars, William W., b. 7/30/1880, d. 3/13/1942
Sevier, Betty Wilhite, b. 1930, d. 2002, wife of William F. Sevier
Sevier, Delia, b. 3/24/1894, d. 6/17/1969, wife of Frank Sevier
Sevier, Frank, b. 8/17/1884, d. 12/21/1951
Sevier, Harry E., b. 12/19/1925, d. 6/8/1939
Sevier, William F. (Waterboy), b. 1927, d. 1992
Sheffield, Kay, b. 1902, d. 1995
Shelton, Allan B., b. 5/22/1943, d. 5/22/1943
Shelton, Clyde, b. 11/12/1900, d. 2/1/1952
Shelton, Hobert, b. 12/11/1902, m. 1/9/1925
Shelton, Josie, b. 8/22/1904, d. 3/28/1976, m. 1/9/1925, wife of Hobert Shelton
Shields, Aaron B., b. 1935, d. 1976
Shields, Charles Robert, b. 10/17/1938, m. 8/14/1956
Shields, Lela B., b. 10/14/1906, d. 1/29/2000, m. 7/19/1925, wife of Millard A. Shields
Shields, Millard A., b. 12/24/1903, d. 2/26/1976, m. 7/19/1925
Shields, Peggy Pinkerton, b. 3/18/1940, d. 6/30/1995, m. 8/14/1956, wife of Charles Robert Shields
Shields, Ruby L., b. 1947, wife of Aaron B. Shields
Shields, Russell L., b. 7/17/1914, d. 1/12/1988, m. 4/17/1937
Shields, Vada C., b. 8/17/1922, m. 4/17/1937, wife of Russell L. Shields
Shirley, Jackson Paul, b. 23 Jul 1930, d. 17 Jul 2008, m. 23 Apr 1966, s/o David Mancel & Isabel Wanzer Shirley
Short, Charlene Wilder, b. 2/25/1919, d. 10/27/1983, wife of Pervia Lee Short
Short, Pervia Lee, b. 3/23/1911, d. 3/11/1973
Shuffield, Berthenia, b. 9/29/1921, d. 10 Sep 2007, wife of Luther F. Shuffield
Shuffield, Luther F., b. 8/13/1915, d. 3/21/1987
Sickles, Wendell J., b. 7/10/1912, d. 4/7/2005,s/o Arthur & Susan Keizer Sickles.
Sielert, Fred A., b. 4/18/1893, d. 7/19/1975, Pvt USA WWI
Sigman, Doyle, b. 8/5/1922
Sigman, Irene, b. 6/19/1921, d. 6/14/2005, d/o James T. & Mary Hunter Jones, wife of Doyle Sigman
Simmons, Carl D., b. 3/26/1922, d. 1/27/1932
Simmons, William D., b. 1866, d. 1939
Slaughter, Francis A., b. 11/19/1850, d. 7/10/1923, wife of Dr. W. G. Slaughter
Slaughter, Hettie, b. 1881, d. 1910, wife of W. J. Slaughter
Slaughter, Nona Sullivan, b. 2/25/1888, d. 4/13/1964, sister to Loderick W. Sullivan
Slaughter, W. J., b. 9/7/1867, d. 4/10/1913
Smalling, S. Beatrice, b. 6/28/1892, d. 2/26/1968, wife of William W. Smalling
Smalling, William W., b. 9/27/1887, d. 8/10/1971
Smallwood, Helen Ruth Lemon, b. 15 Nov 1946, d. 23 Oct 2008, m. 15 Jun 1970, w/o Phil Henry Smallwood, d/o Joseph Clay & Martha Beaufort Logan Lemon
Smart, John T., b. 5/13/1871, d. 7/4/1915
Smedley, Goldie O., b. 2/20/1913, d. 2/27/1988, m. 12/10/1932, wife of Numan J. Smedley
Smedley, Numan J., b. 9/3/1911, d. 12/23/1984, m. 12/10/1932
Smith, Billy G., age: 63-01-21, d. 12/6/1999
Smith, Eula D., b. 7/16/1886, d. 6/18/1968, wife of W. B. Smith
Smith, Jeff D., b. 3/14/1881, d. 8/25/1930
Smith, Mabel, b. 9/13/1899, d. 4/24/1978
Smith, Mary Ella, b. 10/24/1884, d. 4/7/1980, wife of Jeff D. Smith
Smith, W. B., b. 6/24/1881, d. 8/17/1961
Smithers, Marie Tweedle Crittenden, b. 5/6/1908, d. 6/16/1997
Snegosky, Gladys Mabel, b. 10/10/1920, d. 4/15/1998, m. 10/17/1945, wife of Harold A. Snegosky
Snegosky, Harold A., b. 6/23/1922, d. 17 Jan 2009, h/o Gladys Mabel, m. 10/17/1945
Sorrells, Gladys Marie, b. 10/22/1924, m. 4/26/1946, wife of James Alford Sorrells
Sorrells, Inez, b. 1887, d. 12/24/1941, wife of Jack G. Sorrells
Sorrells, Jack G., b. 1869, d. 1/19/1947
Sorrells, James Alford, b. 3/3/1923, d. 6/24/1992, m. 4/26/1946, U.S. Army Corp WWII
Sorrells, Lillian B., b. 1894, d. 1988, wife of Warren E. Simmons
Sorrells, Rachel C., b. 1912, d. 1990, wife of V. G. Sorrells
Sorrells, V. G. (Jack), b. 1909, d. 1980
Sorrells, Warren E., b. 1880, d. 1945
Sorrells, Warren Edward, Jr., d. 12/23/2003, Age 85yr
Spalding, Dorothy A., b. 1909, d. 1991, wife of William H. Spalding
Spalding, William H., b. 12/11/1892, d. 1/18/1974, CPL USA
Spradlin, Hardy James, b. 10/11/1905, d. 8/2/1988, PFC USA
Spradlin, Opal G., b. 5/9/1910, d. 11/6/2002, m. 8/5/1928
Stafford, Anna M., b. 7/12/1890, d. 4/12/1961, wife of Lewis I. Stafford
Stafford, George Edward, b. 28 May 1927, d. 14 Dec 2008
Stafford, Lewis I., b. 6/20/1892, d. 8/20/1979
Stafford, Odessal, b. 26 Jul 1929, d. 19 Nov 2007, w/o of George Edward
Stanley, Minnie Kindrick Baldwin, b. 3/13/1931, d. 7/20/1964
Stewart, Cleveland C., b. 1/21/1891, d. 9/25/1967
Stewart, Eula L., b. 1/29/1893, d. 4/12/1946, wife of Cleveland C. Stewart
Stewart, George H., b. 1914, d. 1957
Stone, Barbara Andor, b. 1876, d. 1969
Stone, Curtis J., b. 6/10/1922, d. 4/21/1997, USN WWII
Stone, Gerald Oneal, b. 9/8/1920, d. 12/9/1966, USN EMFN Korea
Stone, Hilda M., b. 15 Jun 1944, d. 21 Aug 2007, m. 23 Aug 1964, w/o Thomas Stone, d/o George Calvin & Ada Mary Desper Chandler
Stone, Infant, b. 9/8/1920, d. 9/8/1920
Stone, Leona J., b. 4/16/1902, d. 4/29/1985, wife of Lester O. Stone
Stone, Lester O., b. 2/6/1900, d. 3/16/1990
Stone, Minnie Wisener, b. 1883, d. 1928
Stough, Bettie R., b. 9/25/1874, d. 2/16/1948, wife of David C. Stough
Stough, David C., b. 1/20/1860, d. 7/6/1941
Strickland, George W., age: 82-04-19, d. 6/3/1997
Strickland, Ruby Sunshine, b. 5/15/1918, d. 7/11/2003, m. 15/1948, wife of George W. Strickland
Sullinger, Dustin William, age: 16-01-12, d. 12/4/1998
Sullivan, Jones Leon, b. 4/5/1902, d. 8/29/1967, brother to Loderick W. Sullivan
Sullivan, Loderick Robertson, b. 5/23/1849, d. 1/8/1912
Sullivan, Loderick Wendell, b. 12/21/1899, d. 1/10/1971
Sullivan, Sarah Frances, b. 1/3/1861, d. 1/20/1940, wife of Loderick R. Sullivan
Sullivant, Elizabeth M., b. 12/11/1870, d. 8/17/1951, wife of John D. Sullivant
Sullivant, John D., b. 1/31/1862, d. 1/27/1936
Sullivant, Leonard, b. 4/21/1890, d. 8/19/1977
Sullivant, Marie (Wilkinson), b. 8/30/1901, d. 12/13/1985, wife of Leonard Sullivant
Sutfin, Merritt, b. 2/18/1897, d. 11/20/1967
Swan, Gilbert E., b. 2/4/1901, d. 5/30/1986
Swan, Irene, b. 11/14/1905, d. 9/22/1981, wife of Gilbert E. Swan
Tackett, Claudia V., b. 1909, d. 1998, wife of Winburn H. Tackett
Tackett, Dillard M., b. 10/23/1919, d. 1/31/1993, m. 2/15/1947
Tackett, Jewell J., b. 1903, d. 1960
Tackett, Olene, b. 10/9/1924, d. 12/12/1990, m. 2/15/1947, wife of Dillard M. Tackett
Tackett, Vida O., b. 1905, d. 1995, wife of Jewell J. Tackett
Tackett, Winburn H., b. 1907, d. 1984
Tallant, Flairence, b. 1896, d. 12/23/1914
Taylor, Anna May, b. 1877, d. 1977, wife of William Emerson
Taylor, Annie L., b. 1896, d. 1981, wife of James A. Taylor
Taylor, Earl, b. 11/8/1904, d. 12/31/1913, son of W. E. & A. M. Taylor
Taylor, Evelyn, b. 12/31/1905, d. 10/2/1910
Taylor, Infant, b. 3/22/1911, d. 3/22/1911
Taylor, James A., b. 1892, d. 1976
Taylor, William Emerson, b. 1872, d. 1929
Tedder, Iva Joyce, b. 1/8/1932, d. 2/27/1983
Tennis, Dollie Pearl, b. 3/20/1885, d. 10/18/1918, wife of J. P. Tennis
Terrell, Hazel Gill, b. 1920, d. 1990, wife of William K. Terrell
Terrell, William K., b. 1905, d. 1984
Terrell, William Larry, b. 6 Jun 1939, d. 14 Oct 2006, m. 14 Feb 1988, s/o William Kenneth & Hazel Marie Gill Terrell. h/o Maria Isabel Castellon
Thompson, John Dee, b. 1867, d. 1955
Thompson, Lola, b. 1875, d. 1950, wife of John Dee Thompson
Thompson, Paschel W., b. 11/5/1903, d. 5/30/1963, ARK Pvt Army Air Forces WWII
Thornton, Clint, b. 7/9/1906, d. 5/14/1985, m. 1944
Thornton, E. J., b. 7/27/1926, d. 12/26/1972, ARK RM3 USN WWII
Thornton, Effie L., b. 10/10/1899, d. 9/5/1979
Thornton, Gertrude I, b. 4/16/1907, d. 6/3/1976, wife of Otis E. Thornton
Thornton, Grace, b. 11/12/1906, d. 4/8/1965, m. 1944, wife of Clint Thornton
Thornton, Hattie Brown, b. 5/23/1888, d. 11/12/1972
Thornton, Joyce D., b. 3/16/1941, d. 1/25/2004
Thornton, Kenneth R., b. 29 Dec 1930, d. 19 Aug 2007, m. 9 Feb 1968, s/o Steve & Bertha Horn Thornton
Thornton, Otis E., b. 7/4/1901, d. 2/10/1976
Thornton, Regina, b. 9/3/1934, d. 8/11/1940
Thornton, Robert B., b. 12/25/1925, d. 11/18/1950, PFC U.S. Army CO B 475th Inf. WWII BSM
Thrash, Allan, b. 1882, d. 1960
Thrash, Edward J., b. 1916, d. 1971
Thrash, Elsie, b. 1901, d. 1976, wife of John Gordon Thrash
Thrash, G. C., b. 1884, d. 1964, wife of Allan Thrash
Thrash, John Gordon, b. 8/7/1894, d. 10/11/1965, OKLA Pvt BIRY C 110 FIELD ARTY WWI
Thrash, Levi, b. 1/11/1851, d. 11/11/1926, born in Georgia
Thrash, Lowell Troy, b. 4/15/1912, d. 8/3/1990
Thrash, Susan F., b. 4/9/1849, d. 11/11/1933, wife of Levi Thrash born in Georgia
Thrash, William E., b. 1/6/1925, d. 1/10/1945, CPL- 330 USAAF S Flight A went down with his plane near Shady Dale, GA
Thrash, Winnie A., b. 12/20/1912, d. 6/16/1987, wife of Lowell Troy Thrash
Timmons, Charles I., b. 1904, d. 1986
Timmons, Viola M., b. 1908, d. 1984, wife of Charles I. Timmons
Timms, John J., b. 4/5/1904, d. 8/20/1959
Timms, Robert Barton, b. 4/25/1938, d. 6/30/1999
Timms, Vivian Y., b. 2/28/1910, d. 8/28/1995, wife of John J. Timms
Tolleson, Charles E., b. 9/13/1913, d. 11/20/1997
Tolleson, Mary Agnes, b. 10/7/1922, d. 10/27/1995, m. 6/23/1951, wife of Odell Tolleson
Tolleson, Odell, b. 9/7/1923, m. 6/23/1951
Trant, Elias, b. 1889, d. 1949
Trant, Merdie, b. 1859, d. 1952
Travis, Harvey, b. 8/14/1896, d. 1/15/1924
Treece, Matholine Slaughter, b. 7/15/1910, d. 1/21/1948
Trotter, R. B., b. 8/25/1923, d. 1/29/1960, ARK CPL 331 Flying Trng Group AAF WWII
Tucker, Edith Mae, b. 2/12/1902, d. 9/23/1983
Tucker, Edward L., b. 10/28/1917, d. 1/15/1974, m. 11/11/1942
Tucker, John Curtis, b. 9/7/1897, d. 12/8/1985
Tucker, Winifred M., b. 8/22/1891, d. 2/16/1975
Turner, Ella I., b. 1902, d. 1990
Tweedle, Lillie Stone, b. 7/30/1879, d. 1/18/1949, wife of Samuel A. Tweedle
Tweedle, Samuel Andrew, b. 2/14/1879, d. 11/13/1949
Van Vleet, Herbert, b. 7 Jun 1908, d. 16 Feb 2008
Vaughn, Ima N., b. 7/24/1910, d. 1/1/1993, m. 12/23/1931, wife of Rufus D. Vaughn
Vaughn, Rufus D., b. 4/21/1908, d. 11/20/1969, m. 12/23/1931
Vaught, Daisy Garrett, b. 1/19/1899, d. 4/12/1966, wife of J. Hurley Vaught
Vaught, J. Hurley, b. 7/25/1891, d. 7/23/1939
Vaught, Kimberley Sue, b. 2/28/1965, d. 2/28/1965, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Willard Vaught
Vaught, Martha Jean, b. 4/20/1935, d. 9/10/1978
Vaught, Willard, b. 7/31/1921, d. 11/17/1986
Veteto, T. M., b. 1872, d. 1945
Von Unwerth, Allen, b. 14 Nov 1941, d. 19 May 2006
Waldrep, Nettie, b. 11/24/1899, d. 10/27/1990, wife of Robert Lee Waldrep
Waldrep, Robert Lee, b. 3/27/1886, d. 4/2/1961, ARK Pvt Co C. 19th Inf. WWI
Walker, Bryan, b. 5/28/1917, d. 6/9/2003, m. 7/1/1961, son of E. R. & Fannie Stephens Walker, Husband of Joyce Fox Walker
Walker, Evelyn L., b. 5/17/1923, m. 4/9/1954, wife of Orville L. Walker
Walker, Orville L., b. 10/22/1913, d. 9/17/1998, m. 4/9/1954
Walling, Oscar Lavell, b. 10 Mar 1920, d. 26 Apr 2009
Walters, James Guy, b. 4/16/1926, d. 5/16/1987
Walters, Margaret, d. 9/18/2003, Age 93yr
Ward, Imogene, b. 10/13/1927, d. 9/25/1994
Ward, John M. Jr., b. 6/14/1915
Ward, Ruth L., b. 6/14/1914, d. 9/9/1967, wife of John M. Ward, Jr.
Watkins, Betty Irene, b. 7/30/1929, d. 9/6/1929
Watkins, G. E., b. 8/23/1875, d. 11/15/1955
Watkins, H. L., b. 3/13/1871, d. 3/4/1926
Watkins, Moss, b. 1901, d. 1993, wife of Roy Watkins
Watkins, Roy, b. 1898, d. 1961
Watson, Ethel Kelley, b. 6/21/1896, d. 8/13/1985, m. 3/23/1919, wife of William H. Watson
Watson, Hursel S., b. 6/5/1917, d. 2/19/1983
Watson, Leta Mae, b. 14 Mar 1919, d. 18 Apr 2008, m. 7/12/1938, w/o Hursel S. Watson, d/o George P & Mary Elizabeth Floyd Crawford
Watson, Willene, b. 6/8/1922, d. 2/28/1988
Watson, William H. (Rev.), b. 5/3/1897, d. 10/4/1969, m. 3/23/1919
Watt, E. V. (Barney), b. 3/1/1899, d. 6/8/1967
Weaver, Amy M., b. 11/13/1900, d. 11/25/1993, m. 8/17/1924, wife of Ansel F. Weaver
Weaver, Ansel F., b. 8/16/1902, d. 2/20/1967, m. 8/17/1924
Weaver, Louis, b. 7/3/1869, d. 6/1/1927
Webb, Don, b. 9/9/1939, d. 4/22/1969, m. 6/13/1958
Webb, Essie, b. 10/2/1911, d. 10/24/2001, wife of Fletcher Webb
Webb, Fletcher, b. 12/10/1910, d. 1/12/1977
Webb, Isaac, b. 10/27/1874, d. 1/22/1953
Webb, Jordan Tyler, b. 10/19/1988, d. 5/26/2001
Webb, Josephine, b. 5/22/1883, d. 12/18/1968, wife of Isaac Webb
Webb, Sandra, b. 9/27/1940, m. 6/13/1958, wife of Don Webb
Weeks, Addie V., b. 1889, d. 1969, wife of Thomas E. Weeks
Weeks, Thomas E., b. 1884, d. 1956
Welch, David Anthony, b. 11/15/1980, d. 2/20/2004, s/o Doyle Welch & Carol Kitchens
Welch, Elizabeth, b. 2/12/1810, d. 7/20/1888, wife of Thomas E. Welch
Welch, Henry F., b. 10/29/1918, d. 3/20/1995, USA WWII
Welch, Phyllis M., b. 3/8/1923, d. 7/3/2003, wife of Henry F. Welch, m. 6/9/1944
Welch, Thomas F. (Rev), b. 4/27/1812, d. 8/22/1871
Welch, William H., b. 3/30/1945
Westcott, Harry E. Jewett, b. 6/16/1897, d. 3/26/1964
Westcott, Joe W., b. 4/10/1870, d. 11/24/1949
Westcott, Josephine, b. 3/18/1867, d. 6/28/1959, wife of Joe W. Westcott
Westcott, Lorain, b. 3/9/1917, d. 3 Apr 2008, wife of Rowland W. Westcoff, m. 3/2/1933
Westcott, Rowland W., b. 4/27/1911, d. 6/6/1997, m. 3/2/1933, USN WWII
Westfall, Denver C., b. 1895, d. 1952
Westfall, Nellie Coara, b. 1893, d. 1943, wife of Denver C. Westfall
Whaley, Emma Jane, b. 2/23/1869, d. 8/30/1931, wife of William T. Whaley
Whaley, Warren E., d. 11/5/1940, ARK Chief Mech 142nd Field Art. 39th Div.
Whaley, William T. (MD), b. 8/22/1865, d. 11/26/1943
White, Austin Gene, b. 1/29/1921, d. 3/6/1991, 2nd Lt. USMC
White, Betty J., b. 7/14/1940, d. no date, m. 10/10/1959, wife of Dewey H. White
White, Carolyn, b. 1/6/1946, d. 1/7/1954
White, Dewey H., b. 11/4/1937, d. 5/25/2000, m. 10/10/1959
White, Infant, b. 1927, d. 1927
White, John Travis, b. 1/9/1894, d. 5/1/1981
White, Mary H., b. 1887, d. 1990, wife of William R. White
White, Sadie Mae, b. 10/23/1900, d. 6/15/1978
White, T. A., b. 1871, d. 1947
White, Theodore Maurice, b. 6/8/1921, d. 1/19/1977, CPL USMC WWII
White, William R., b. 1885, d. 1936
Whitney, Steven Ray, b. 5/22/1959, d. 6/4/1996, USMC
Whitted, Alph, b. 3/27/1885, d. 11/12/1960
Whitted, Buella Young, b. 9/15/1885, d. 12/15/1969, wife of Thomas H. Whitted
Whitted, Dannie Aileen, b. 6/4/1920, d. 7/14/1931, daughter of Alph Whitted
Whitted, Omilee, b. 6/2/1893, d. 8/26/1973, wife of Alph Whitted
Whitted, Thomas Hardy, b. 12/20/1881, d. 4/18/1937
Wilcox, Mattie Craig, b. 1904, d. 1936
Wilhite, Audy Ray, b. 8/23/1908, d. 4/3/1985
Wilhite, Fred G. (MD), b. 1/24/1932, d. 7/25/1965
Wilhite, Frederick Paul, b. 4/19/1957, d. 8/20/1975, son of Fred G. Wilhite
Wilhite, Lessie, b. 8/11/1911, d. 8/16/1998, wife of Ross W. Wilhite
Wilhite, M. Dolena Fryar, b. 3/23/1911, d. 12/18/1991, wife of Audy Ray Wilhite
Wilhite, Ross W., b. 9/18/1910, d. 8/25/1990
Wilkins, Mary Lillian, b. 1/22/1891, d. 7/5/1962
Willford, C. C., b. 6/12/1836, d. 7/5/1913
Willford, Rebeka K., b. 2/17/1836, d. 4/3/1916, wife of C. C. Willford
Williams, Arthur, b. 3/7/1900, d. 3/17/1976
Williams, Fay, b. 6/2/1902, d. 8/7/1962, wife of Arthur Williams
Williams, Hilarie A., b. 1896, d. 1976, Pvt USA WWI
Williams, Jessie C., b. 2/16/1914, d. 6/10/1988, m. 8/23/1934, wife of William E. Williams
Williams, William E., b. 12/17/1911, d. 11/10/1994, m. 8/23/1934
Wilson, Donny Joe, b. 14 Jul 1956, d. 26 Mar 2009, s/o Joe Don & Ernestine Lindsey Wilson
Wilson, Mildred E., b. 1914, d. 8/8/2003, wife of Roy W. Wilson, m. 5/31/1940
Wilson, Ora Franks, b. 12/7/1893, d. 12/8/1978, m. 11/26/1911, wife of Reece Wilson
Wilson, Reece, b. 2/24/1889, d. 11/2/1981, m. 11/26/1911
Wilson, Roy W., b. 1913, d. 21 May 1977
Wisener, Alvin, b. 12/25/1893, d. 2/22/1979
Wisener, Dona Tweadle, b. 2/25/1918, d. 5/9/2002, wife of Alvin Wisener
Wisener, G. A., b. 1860, d. 1929
Wisener, Louisa, b. 1860, d. 1928, wife of G. A. Wisener
Wisener, Roy A., b. 6/4/1918, d. 2/10/2004
Wisener, Ruby Elwood, b. 17 Sep 1920, d. 27 Nov 2008, m. 22 Feb 1940, w/o Roy A. Wisener, d/o Joseph Andrew & Ruby Odessa Wheeler Hayhurst
Wisner, Roy Alvin, b. 12/25/1941, d. 3/17/1986
Wood, James M., b. 4/18/1841, d. 7/2/1925
Woodard, Amy, b. 1889, d. 1965, wife of Steve Woodard
Woodard, Steve, b. 1880, d. 1952
Woods, Christopher R., b. 18 Jun 1967, d. 4 Aug 2008
Word, Roxie Stewart, b. 11/24/1879, d. 7/5/1970, m. 3/10/1910, wife of Walter T. Word
Word, Walter T., b. 5/27/1875, d. 2/9/1962, m. 3/10/1910
Wornock, Mildred Sellars, b. 12/23/1912, d. 9/9/1988
Wright, Elizabeth Jayne "Betty", b. 3/7/1945, d. 4/29/2003, m. 3/16/1962, wife of Patrick Michael Wright
Wright, Robert Joseph, b. 1/7/1972, d. 2/11/1972, son of Patrick & Elizabeth Wright
Yeargan, Tacy Pearl, b. 8/31/1913, d. 3/29/1993
York, Megan Rochelle, b. 12/8/1994, d. 8/19/1996
Young, Threesa Diana, b. 10/6/1948, d. 3/6/1996
Youngblood, Jessie E., b. 11/18/1901, d. 5/19/1985
Youngblood, Juanita, b. 7/10/1923, d. 2/23/1980, wife of Jessie E. Youngblood
Yow, Claude F., b. 10/13/1880, d. 5/11/1961
Yow, David D., age: 84-00-17, d. 8/4/1998
Yow, Lucy Ann, b. 12/29/1893, d. 4/1/1952, wife of Claude F. Yow
Ziese, Adele F., b. 3/2/1897, d. 3/16/1978, wife of Curt L. Ziese
Ziese, Curt L. (MD), b. 2/14/1898, d. 6/3/1980
Zuleger, S. Laverne Scott, b. 3/18/1930, d. 4/20/1984
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